Suggested remarks for sato departure

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Suggested Remarks -

D€parlure or Prime Minister sato

I am en.ourrsed nor only by the concrete lesults that ve obtainca, bui also by

ofmutual respcct


l}r! me.L-nc

nndersiddirg inat have .onsiantly

l.r. h- .ov. ce 'n.o p-. - w




e"4 0. .i r-

ts .ur siuhts ! in

ring simultancousty wiih i

t{o rvays. rt liris our siglts in space

beyond onr

trad ional natioral

.on.erns so thar we both see more clearly our internalioral responsi secondly, the3e

talks - like

the slace




beyod rhe immediale iBsues ol ihe present so that we see ihe ,uture more

.learly. ihat

Japan would noi be


tlc postPar p€riod i,

Olins!a question sds srti.Id.


torily sesled. For tlis was the last of ftom tle war era. lt,it! this question nov hehind us, forward into a nev era of equatity and cooperarior, provide a

fira basis for Japanese-Ae€ rerations

whllh ls almost upon Ls

A..he fl"." !h hh", now, ,'h.svs.l

hat tni s descriDtn,r is

corrinue to be ac.uraie during rhe ne*r

d-."dr, a

tr i.d -:.,'s "rn xe 3,Fo,,h.


-- d1.'Ld --r.

better, brishter liIe for rhe people ol Japan and ol all Asia. s ihai the

relati.nsrin between our

produ.i ol ihe lountless ways rn whrll o,r hl. anoiher on an individuar lewel. onr

reolle, lo. â‚Źxampl., .ame

10 know

your c.unt.y much better at tbe time ol ihe otymp!!s rn 1oL.r. ar even.

whicl Mr. sato helped plan. And many d

The ihem.



" _."c. EYPo ,0 w\ h r

ol that elposrLior:


3oo opd


Pr.gress and Harhony for Man-

kind,, remaiN otrr .ommon Tlul goar is one tra! will require carelul wolk and gleat patierce, But wc can 5ure1 rhat

wli.h vas cipressâ‚Źd ihis vay builds

also placc a sma11 qolden nail.



by a Japanese

many a thousand years,


Each of us must always see our

ol a larse!, historic ellori.

lu'der. dnd.n"r.h.. s'.'d4l

\o\"mb". rrrd

ob.Frl-d 's Our nati.aal Tralkssivine Day aLso

BolL oI our rations

groq.ihg the


rawe mu.h io be tnant<ful

l9r,0s. And I beliewe trar



vâ‚Ź .ome t. ure end ot

born onr naiiors have e

thalklul Ior, as a resu]! o! tni' neeiinc. we wish you a plearant trip ard we you


olten. Perhaps

nexr rime you

seasonl And

since botl ol us are avid baseball fans

even work

in a ban gane

come ba.k

.ar .ome durils tte cherry


-- ve migrt

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