Suggested toasts for sato meeting, jan 3

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rt is

a cr€ar pleasure to retcome you back to

behau of the American pcople, and

it is


this country


pariicular pleasure io

Mr. Prime Minisier, inio hy

home on this occasion.

I know Mrs. Nixon regiets nor being able to be*lthusthis, but she is now wisiring west Alrrca as my personar repres€ntaiive. You ar€ the


head ol siate io

visit u3 at san clemente,


r thinl< ii is appropriate rlar you should be the first. so many ol your countr)den havc come io this Staie and this ?arr]icurar area, and rheir des.endants are a vttal part of rhe econony, rhe soci€ry and the pori-

tical scene -- in mary parts of Aherica, or course - bur especiauy here in


The size, the importancei and the lolceful pa.-

iicipation in our national life of the Japanese-American commtrniiy is a

shall leflection of *hat leo

peopr€s and tao

plish vhen joined iogeih€r These virtues hav€ harked

.ur lwo countries Ior


resp€ci and lriendship.

th. cours€ of relations beieeen

many years and we

husi ttley *ilt continue to


one of the songs ihat vas nurb€r one on the hit palade in Japan

last year was enlitled ,child!en rcho Hawe Newer

,z popular. Bui in


ce ier"rron oI c5.rd.en ..ho v

rlr n" i".

. leadâ‚Źrship we are making every possibte




rlo narionsi ii is a !oa] elr.ft i. achievei and, it i3 a goal ihar or our

E Ee are to have a Eeneralion of peace,

rtdy nali.ns of the vorld

ard th.eaten peace, and *e nrust be crea

tive and couraEeous enonsh io bridge, Japan is natioD capable ol lunciioninE in ihis

b ner --


even its se.sraphical

locatio. places it i. a position to span ihe di3ra.ce betlleen the asian

inportan.e ol his naii.n in ihis respect, and conrirmed ftdy titues his inte ion io make or.rapan a bridge over rroubted tscen diverse peoples, diverse societies,


JaPan has thc sircng{h

ol chara.ter a.d seu-assurance ro select and absorb ideas and a. o-pri.r


!tandins f

-1, rr sor1.l dround





it is thrs undersrandin!, and Lhis

re-r.h Ior " BFn.-d' on o


The past yea. Bas ewe.tful for both ou! nations-

rmy sFirit oI rhe ycar

boar. Nor qe begin


ihe year .1rhe {i1d

ne* cycle viih the year of the rar, TLe rat is

lamous {or being last, aleri and able to turn !hrgD! advaniaee

5tuatuns i ,ie

dd, equally imporiant, it symbolizes prosperity.

lve hope

all ihese eir mark rhe .ouse o! cooFerarion bchfc

whrle $e mdy tdve m thc .oming yea., as Ye haye had


the pasi, let no one suppose thai those things Fhich uniie us are

noi sreater ihan

ou differences. rn datters of i,ade, iihin


lree-trade frametrork, The sheer

yolnme of fuade beiveen us ihar has resnlted

reir and co.stiides the larses iradinS part,ers - must iead us to expeci dilfere.ces_ $r1 biUion a

Bur in an ma*er3 of large consequence,

rellecl the same spiiit oI common recard dd common purposes -- prosperity dd Feace vhi.h has characterized rhe past yea.s, n vas in this spirit thai Japan lent it3 supporr dd c.operaiio. in rhe eftori to

a.h'e\e " reat,gnmert of

support in ihe

represeltation there, we app.e.



doo, , )

ri *as in rhis spirit


un 'dtc

€d Nations u

armry rhose or our co. -

prosperity dd peace.

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