ridgedale PERMACULTURE Looking for Graphics Expert

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Seeking Graphic Communications Expert 18th Apr-17th Oct 2015 Each Season we have roles for dynamic, committed, team orientated & self motivated people dedicated to regenerative design for the benefit of all. Positions are 6 month volunteer positions. In exchange for your hard work and dedication you also will learn a huge amount! You will be working in a small and dynamic team in a bustling learning environment with your role being to manage high quality graphic recording, making short films, publishing and generally keeping an overview on awesome documentation of this pioneering project. You will have some opportunity to participate in 2 weeks of trainings and gain practical design & holistic decision making experience throughout your stay. Fluency in English language is essential as participants from our trainings come from every corner of the globe.

Åsen 20 Västra Ämtervik Sunne Sweden 686 95

www.ridgedalepermaculture.com Farming, innovating & educating for the benefit of all...

Copyright ridgedale PERMACULTURE 2014/5

November brings frost and incredible low light to this amazing farm...

Overview of the Farm Site Specifics

This is a brief overview of the design concept at ridgedale PERMACULTURE to orientate the reader to key considerations. The farm is situated 3 hrs drive from Oslo, 4 hrs from Stockholm & 3.5 hrs from Gothenburg.

of 16.1 ° C (60.98 °F). •February is the coldest month (slightly cold) having an average temperature of -4.7 ° C (23.54 °F). •Average 120 days frost free (1- 30 day variance) •Southerly Aspect •Swedish Climate Zone ¾ •Latitude: 59°50’15” N, Longitude: •Wind, predominantly S but quite 13°08’34” E, sheltered by surrounding forest •Land area of 10.6 ha (26.1 ac) •Soil: Moderate Clay loam. Depth •Perimeter 1892m between 10- 30 cm with both sand •Elevation between 120 – 167m (upper ridge) and clay subsoils 20above sea level 300cm+ •Cold Temperate/Humid Continental •1.5 ha 90yr+Spruce plantation Climate •0.2 ha 25 yr Spruce/ Larch/ Birch •Approx. 634 mm of rainfall per year, or 52.8 mm per month. •Average 147 days per year with more than 0.1 mm of rainfall or 12.3 days with a quantity of rain, sleet, snow etc. per month. •The driest weather is in February when an average of 31 mm of rainfall occurs. •The wettest weather is in August when an average of 73 mm of rainfall occurs. Contextual location of ridgedale PERMACULTURE •The mean temperature is cool at 5.4 Local wind data °C (41.7 °F) •Mean monthly temperatures have a variation of 20.8 °C (37.4°F) The average daily temperature range/ variation is 7.9 °C (14.3 °F). •The warmest month (July) is very mild having a mean temperature

Climate Zone map of Varmland

The result of 6 months work implementing our design in our first season in 2014

Context... Managing our farm holistically

At ridgedale we believe that financially sustainable and socially beneficial livelihoods are founded on regenerating the world’s biospheres. We believe these three aspects that make up our triple bottom line are totally inseparable and so our decision-making consistently reflects this. To ensure our success we use testing questions to ensure our decision making at the farm is consistently aligned with our Holistic Goal. Below are 12 of the key outcomes we are managing towards related to our triple bottom line; 1. Build topsoil via intelligently integrated planting/Keyline layout & animal disturbances 2. Maximize photosynthetic energy captured on site 3. Restore water, carbon and nutrient cycling on site by mimicking natures processes 4. Create habitats that fully support organisms physiological needs 5. Increase diversity of wildlife species and natural “feedback” loops 6. Demonstrate socially just and sustainable profit with an open farm gate policy 7. Support world-class education in all aspects of regenerative systems design and holistic decision making 8. Develop local food resilience & facilitate access to beyond organic food by connecting people to local farmers 9. Prevent wasting of fiscal, human and ecosystem capital 10. Utilize regenerative technologies to minimize oil dependence 11. Create & demonstrate robust decentralized energy production 12. Continually reassess our holistic objectives and management process with decision makers

Read more about the design here http://www.ridgedalepermaculture.com/design-at-ridgedale. html

Birds eye view of ridgedale PERMACULTURE

ridgedale PERMACULTURE is a ridgedale PERMACULTURE’S primary

family owned pasture and perennial crop based beyond organic local food producer and educational hub in Värmland, Sweden. A flagship multi- income diverse small farm, ridgedale is Scandinavia’s first Keyline designed farm and a leading European education provider in the field of Permaculture and Regenerative Agriculture.

responsibility is regenerating landscapes, ecosystem processes and soils through replicable, scalable and profitable symbiotic farm enterprises. Our secondary responsibility is to educate, facilitate, inform and empower people into action through regenerative design, enterprise and holistic decision-making that fosters and stimulates local community, economy and resilience.

The role The role we are seeking to fill begins full time on site mid April 2014, where you will either be resident in a small & simple room in the old magazine. You will be sharing this space with the other long term core- crew. There is a chance we may be renting a small cottage next door instead, but we will not know this until the spring. Over the coming season a lot of time and energy will be needed in several areas, including film/ editing for Youtube documentation, developing digital resources and promotion. The main material will be presented in English as we work with people from all over the world. Full confidence in English is essential.

Opportunity Optimally you will already be familiar & pasionate about Permaculture and related fields. We are looking for someone who sees the benefits they will receive by becoming a core member of this pioneering project. 2015 will see the continuation of the implementation of many aspects of the site development and so facilities will be basic but comfortable. It is an exciting year ahead, with an incredible start in 2014 and plans to scale up some productions for local sale.

The ideal skillset we are looking for is varied, and the following are pointers only. We will look at applications on their unique merit and are looking for the right person to join the team rather than just someone who can tick all the boxes. If you have other skills & experience you feel is valuable, be sure to add that to the application; • High quality DSLR Film/ Editing Documentation, promotion & creating resources • Graphic design Developing professional information packs, resources, etc, using Illustrator/ InDesign, etc • Hand illustration Developing resources, promotion • Graphic Recording Course & online resources • Web development, for managing/ developing web presence • Networking Promoting events, generating interest, etc You also need to be able to; • Work in a consistent manner • Work from your initiative • Self manage • Work to deadlines • Support the wider vision • Communicate clearly

Work Ethic Generally we are looking for someone who is seeking an inroad to the field of professional systems design and who has the right level of professional skills for the position we are offering. Whilst this will be a dedicated and sometimes challenging role we are excited by the mutual benefit this position offers. As such applicants will need to deliver a portfolio of work as a first response. The position requires professional presentation in both output as well as personal conduct. You will be working as part of a dedicated team who have committed their lives to educating & demonstrating regenerative and integrated design to the highest standards. As a core member of a public venue and functioning business you are expected to reflect this at all times, for you become part of the “face” of this farm during your stay...

What can you expect to gain from this experience? A 6 month stay at ridgedale PERMACULTURE will lead you through all kinds of experiences. Living and working in close confines with a diverse range of people will inevitably bring up a whole range of situations for you. Some prior experience living in a community setting is definately a bonus, as it simply isn’t for some people. It does, however, represent an incredible learning opportunity and we will be fostering a supportive learning and working atmosphere at the farm. If you’re committed to your development personally and professionally then the experience will no doubt enrich you greatly. You can expect us to be up early and working on the farm long hourse during the week. Weekends are down time at the farm, and people will be exploring the forests and surrounding ares, continuing projects they are working on or working on personal projects.

You are encourgaed to keep a Learning Journal throughout your stay, as the Intern’s will be doing. This helps synthsize the intensive learning that will be happening as well as begin documenting your experience to build a portfolio. By documenting your work and the trainings you participate you can build up recorded experience that can serve you in future assignments, profession or study, such as the Permaculture Diploma. Intern’s will also be spending time each week working on their own design, a longer term more detailed assignment to allow regular mentoring and peer reviewing. We welcome you to take this on yourself, you can benefit from the feedback of a professional designer and build up a clear portfolio.

Most of all you will be a core member of the pioneering team engaged with a flagship project. You will be exposed to all aspects of Permaculture design and gain tangible field based experience. This is invaluable if you are looking to develop a career int his field. Permaculture is really learnt by the actual implementation and monitoring of systems we can design and put together. We need many more people with experience and clear design & decision making skills if we are going to restore the planets biospheres. We feel like your work at ridgedale is crucial to the effective spread of this amazing design science, in this age of visual saturation it is very important to use that the documentation and graphic communication of the farm is top notch.

Other information you need to know for your stay at ridgedale PERMACULTURE Dedicated to the benefit of all... Site Policy

Accommodation & Facilities

ridgedale PERMACULTURE is a family home as well as a professional learning center. We cater to people from many cultures and nationalities so to help maintain a comfortable stay for all, visitors are asked to follow our simple code of conduct during their visit.

Accomodation will be camping, and you need to bring a good quality tent. We have a shared communal loft space for reading & relaxing as well as large yurts and other spaces. We can supply a simple mattress & duvet, but you will need to bring a sleeping bag to ensure you are warm enough during your stay.


Participation in Trainings

Our courses are fully catered from We really value what you can bring to our practical farmhouse kitch- the farm, and as part of our exchange en with our full-time farm chef. we would like to invite you to participate with as much as possible thats We provide as much basic fresh food from going on at the farm. We would like the farm as possible, vegetables, fruit, to meticulously document all aspects dairy, eggs, meat, etc. At some times of of the site development, and our open For the benefit, comfort and wellbeing of all year we may also have wild meats, berries farm gate policy means we will share staying at the farm there is a strict no drugs We have simple dry composting toilet and mushrooms available too. All bulk the ups and downs and ins and outs policy. Transgression will result in you being as a means to close our nutrient cycles. products we buy in are organic and the of all aspects of the farm with our asked to leave immediately, forfeiting your meals we serve are of a wholesome farm course participants and interns to stay/ training, etc. Please don’t involve us. Washing facilities are a large communal sau- menu type, which include preserved, fer- help support the regeneration of soils, na/ washroom with a couple of private stalls mented and dried surplus products from communities and local economies evConsumption of alcohol is also only for bucket showers. We ask people to bring the farm. We offer an option of our meals erywhere. Whilst this is a challangpermitted on Friday/ Saturday eve- purely ecological soaps as they drain into our without meat products for vegetarians, ing role for you to take on, it is our nings. This is a working farm and plant systems. Please also bring a swimming any variations to basic meat or vegetarian wish that you get to participate in 2 we work hard everyday of the week. costume for the sauna/ washroom. Whilst diet we are not able to cater for, so students weeks of trainings during your stay. this is not exactly traditional by Swedish stan- with specialized diets need to supplement We do not tolerate any form of anti-social dards we must point out that we have people their meals with their own food purchases. In order to maintain efficient runbehavior/conduct and our commitment to from all over the world attending our trainnign of all aspects of the farm we deep ethics and the benefit of all form the ings from very different cultural backgrounds. Please let us know if you have medical will discuss the details of this when basis of our working and social relationships. allergies well in advance of your visit. the Core Team have all assembled. It is likely we shall run 2x 8 Week InConditions are simple here, we are esternships in 2015 so there will be tablishing a farm from scratch! Internet Access ample opporunity to participate in We have invested into a community 1GB/Sec Fibre Optic instal so everyone can have awesome connection speed for research and the training you are interested in. staying in touch with your loved ones. You need to bring a computer or tablet to make the most of trainings & resources available.


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