What future for the Foundation "La Maison Du Gouverneur"? Richard Sagala, BEM Wine MBA 2010-2011
"La Maison Du Gouverneur" is housed in a serene Montreal (Quebec, Canada) Victorian mansion that once was scarred by memories of pains and sad political events. Twenty years ago, the property got extensively renovated and became a haven of gastronomic pleasures and fine wine discoveries. How disruptive will the future be for the "Maison du Gouverneur” when SAQ headquarters, its main financial supporter, will move away in approximately two years? The aim of this Observational Behaviour (OB) essay is to understand the actual organisation structure and probe the future for this corporate entity. Abstract The old prison complex where "La Maison Du Gouverneur" (MDG) is located in Montreal, (Quebec, Canada) and has been the headquarters of the Quebec SAQ1 "La Société des Alcools du Québec” for almost a century now (est. 1921). Twenty years ago the house originally built for the last prison governor, hence the name, was meticulously restored and slated for a new life and purpose: to offer receptions rooms where SAQ would hold meetings and wine related events and, when unneeded, would be made available for rent to the general public. To that end, a Foundation got established in the 1990's with a mission to develop awareness for gastronomy and fine wine appreciation. The Foundation "La Maison du Gouverneur" (MDG) has been successfully pursuing its mandate ever since and became a respected actor in promoting the Quebec gastronomy and wine scene. It's future though appears uncertain and is being challenged by the fact that in the next two years time SAQ will vacate the premises and relocate to new headquarters and MDG will be left fending for itself. SAQ support will not be automatically granted and this, undoubtedly will generate turmoil in the organisation and may precipitate an identity crisis where MDG and its staff may have to answer pressing questions like: 'who are we, as an organization?' to find a new and robust value proposition for committing sponsors and attracting clients. MDG will have to rethink its actual business plan, perhaps find new sponsors if SAQ decide to part ways, perhaps completely rethink its business model, and, maybe invent a new one. For this, MDG leadership will have to create a compelling new vision, mobilising its value added employees that may become actors in the new organization's identity. Once we will have observed its structure and forces at play, this OB management research will think strategically and assess how a new MDG mission creating social value (CSV) might be a relevant solution to overcome and resist the turbulent times ahead. 1 SAQ: With its 414 stores, 7,000 employees and CAD$2.5 billion turnover, SAQ is the Quebec Liquor Board
monopoly, which have the exclusivity for the distribution and sales of Alcoholic beverages in the Quebec Province. SAQ is a profitable state owned business that returned last year an annual profit of more than $ 800 million to the Quebec minister of finance, its fourth record profit year in a row. It contributed in the last exercise CAD $7.8 million (almost one per cent of net profit) to charities and various causes.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology is articulated around a few axis: It uses a constructivist epistemology using an inductive and iterative approach. The study is purely qualitative in its data production as well as in its analysis. Data production has been triangulated with: 1-‐ As a principal mode of data gathering, six visits were paid at MDG and SAQ headquarters in 2010 for the purpose of conducting twelve semi-‐directive interviews over a period of six months; 2-‐ A three years performance observation period and participation in the activities of the Foundation; 3-‐Search for documentation from MDG and web based literature. Redefining a new corporate identity. Although the headquarter moving and potential disinterest of SAQ is challenging enough to be accompanied by disturbing effects, for the Foundation to search for its corporate soul is not regressive in itself because it will mobilise energy to come with a new reconfiguration and recrystallisation of its organisational identity. The Zeitgeist of our time is very much disruptive. After the advent of the global financial crisis in 2008-‐09 people everywhere know for a fact that the only thing that will be predictable in the near future is that the world will be even less predictable, unstable and will only benefit those businesses with the ability, agility and buoyancy to become chaos pilots. They may all be different in style and purpose, but businesses who will have a strong sense of self, knowing well their forces and weaknesses while standing for strong core values, integrating turbulence in their navigation plans and seeing it as the normal economic weather condition will be the one to prevail, survive and thrive. To this day MDG enjoyed a natural monopoly in the bosom of the SAQ and this protection is about to end leaving it with the freedom and financial responsibility of standing on its own merits alone.
Presentation of historical facts, context and structure of the "Maison du Gouverneur" as it perceive and described itself (Source Maison du Gouverneur Website2). Background The Maison du Gouverneur was built in 1895 and named after Charles-Amédée-Vallée3, the last governor of the Montreal prison. The prison governor's residence was occupied by the Vallée family until 1912, when the prison in the main building — called Pied-du-Courant4 — was decommissioned after the construction of the new Bordeaux Jail. The prison, which is only steps away from the Maison du Gouverneur, has housed the head office of the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) since 1921. After being classified an historic monument, the SAQ began major renovations in 1989 to restore the Maison du Gouverneur to its former splendour. Upon completion of the work in the summer of 1992, the SAQ opened the Maison du Gouverneur to the public. The hauntingly beautiful heritage building basks in an uncommon light that filters through the towering structure of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge or shimmers across the surface of the slow-flowing river nearby. The Foundation Values Professionalism-Dynamism-Competence- Innovation It is essential to adapt to constantly evolving changes. To innovate is to stand ready to create, to embrace newness. This is the course La Maison adopts to confirm its unique image. Distinction La Maison staff comes to the fore with style, refinement, manners and exemplary behaviour towards each of its customers. To excel is to assert the distinctiveness of La Maison du Gouverneur. The Mission Provide a unique and privileged meeting place for people looking to develop their taste and learn more about wine and gastronomy and promote the discovery of fine wines and harmonious combinations that result from their pairing with food products. 2 Available at: http://www.maisongouverneur.com/ 3 See Charles Amédée Vallée Bio: Annex 1 4 Available at: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison_du_Pied-‐du-‐Courant,
The Vision La Maison du Gouverneur yearns to become the reference amidst the gastronomic and wine circles in Québec. It will be the focal meeting place for grape growers, wine producers and aficionados as well as gastronomic experts. Its reputation will be built on solid standards of excellence and based solely on the quality of its products and the high level of services provided. La Maison shall promote at all times the perfect blending of the art of living and gastronomic pleasure. Each year, the Fondation de la Maison du Gouverneur will grant a valuable wine stewardship betterment scholarship in the amount of $10,000. This scholarship is intended for professional sommeliers that presently work in a restaurant in the Province of Québec. The selected candidate will spend at least 5 weeks in a wine producing country to improve the level of expertise in all aspects of sommellerie, according to Foundation guidelines. In particular, candidates must be graduates of a hotel school recognized in the Province of Québec. Also, they must hold a Certificate of Vocational Specialization (CVS) in sommellerie issued by the Québec ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. They must have a minimum of three years’ experience in the restaurant industry, two of which must have been allotted to wine service. To date, eight wine stewardship betterment scholarships have been awarded for a total amount of $58,000. (See, Annex 2: details of the grant and the winners). From 2003 la "Maison du Gouverneur" host an historical interpretation centre Within the walls of Montréal’s old prison, known as the Pied-du-Courant, the Centre d’exposition La Prison-des-Patriotes recalls the rebellions of 1837 and 1838, the Patriotes and their enemies as well as the imprisonment of 1,300 people, 12 of whom were hanged. Guided visits describe the prisoners' living conditions, the building's architecture and the political motivations of the "Patriots". For the Quebec population, those are rather sad memories. The political events behind the rebellion where aiming at establishing representation by a responsible local government instead of being submitted to colonial rule (i.e. without representation). It did not succeeded. The prison is a standing witness of the hardships these poor souls had to endure and one may be let to ponder upon the fact that it is now hosting a Foundation professing its commitment towards gastronomy, the enjoyment of fine wines and professing the quest for an elegant "art of living" lifestyle.
Located in a part of Montreal busy with car traffic, the building has been often challenged by urban development and came close to demolition to make place for a highway project who would have infringed on the SAQ property and may have sealed forever the fate of the MDG. To prevent it, Quebec Culture minister classified the house as a national monument. Legal structure: "La Maison du gouverneur" is a Foundation governed by a Board of administrators. The current members of the Board of administrator are: M Philippe Duval President SAQ President M Paul Caccia Administrator Public Relations and International Development -‐ ITHQ Ms Sigrid Chatel Administrator Consultant in Special Events Ms Sylvia Proulx Secretary -‐ Administrator and secretary Lawyer -‐ Legal department -‐ SAQ Dr Guy Bonenfant Administrator M Jacques Orhon Vice-‐President Teacher at École d'hôtellerie des Laurentides Professional Sommelier Office and key staff members are: Ms Francine Galataud Administrator - General Director MDG Benoit Lajeunesse (Maitre D and sommelier), Ivan Soskic (Maitre D), Louise Picard (Administrative assistant), Lucie A. Roy (Event coordinator), Francine Galataud (General director), Alexandra Hamel (Event coordinator), Diane Piché (Maitre D), Yves Lapointe (Maitre D), Onil Clavet (Administrative technician), Kathleen McNeil (Maitre D and sommelier)
The halls available for rent: All in all, there are six banquet halls divided into two opposite but equally charming settings. A team of wine, gourmet food and entertaining experts oversees the banquet halls. The premises include a high-tech kitchen that can accommodate the caterer of your choice. 1-‐Salon du Gouverneur 2-‐ Charles-‐Amédée-‐Vallée 3-‐ Le Musée 4-‐ La Romanée 5-‐ Le Barolo 6-‐ Galerie du Gouverneur Built in 2003, Galerie du Gouverneur at the foot of the Maison du Gouverneur is an underground mirror image of the Maison, featuring a contrasting world of light and shadows, old stone and muffled sounds. The corridor of vintage wines spanning 200 years of wine history invariably dazzles visitors. They are equally charmed by our large reception hall with its vast skylight and access through an air lock to the magnificent storage cellar. This marvellous mechanism maintains ideal conditions for vintage wines to lie dormant, lined up like gold ingots, awaiting the day when someone (maybe you!) has the indescribable pleasure of tasting them. The new premises are now open to the public. Come and discover a whole new world in a totally unique atmosphere. Wine cellar The SAQ's wine storage cellar, located next to the Galerie du Gouverneur, will soon house an unprecedented collection of 75,000 bottles. The storage cellar is truly fascinating. You can almost sense the mysterious alchemy of vintage wines as they slowly mature to their heady fullness. When hosting an event at the Maison du Gouverneur, you can choose from a selection of wines to suit your menu and budget. Wine is sold at SAQ store prices. La Fondation de la Maison du Gouverneur offers a vast array of thematic dinners. Enjoy a culinary feast, hosted by wine and epicurean aficionados. You may reserve for one or more people, up to a maximum of 10. The average value of wines served with the meals is $55 a bottle. (see annex 3 for past themes).
The House: My observations The house is of a Victorian eclectic style with a symmetrical stone façade. The three other sides originally were enclosed behind the prison walls and were not decorated nor using stone. The feeling inside is pleasant due to the blanced proportions and high ceilings and the space is not contrived. The restoration, although everything not being authentic, is of good quality and gives one the feeling that he is a guest in a private home and not in an institution nor a museum. The equipment is modern and was well planned by the architects to allow the caterers to deploy. We do not feel the least that we are in a prison or in a prison related ambiance. Boasting a separate public entrance behind it, the Galerie du Gouverneur is spectacular and impressive. To manage such a space in an underground basement is worthy of praise. This observer is always surprised (and pleased) every time he goes there to feel how this wine cellar is comfortable and full of character. (Please see pictures, annex 4). Guests who go to functions are usually treated to a visit of the underground prison, which, although macabre, is a crowd pleaser. Finally there is a room, which depicts in sober and precise historical facts the causes that led to the rebellion. Twelve people lost their life on the scaffold outside the house as the result of the rebellion, a statue commemorating the execution spot got erected and is a stone throw from the house. Every years in May there is a ceremony commemorating the event where a group of people gather and walk5
5 Patriots Commemoration video on You Tube :
Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc2firgyD3Q&p=82FF25C0E005C15D
OB: Teams Fall of 2010 and winter 0f 201, six interviews were conducted at MDG, four on site and two over the phone. General Manager, Ms Francine Galataud (center in picture) After having worked in Quebec and abroad (France), Ms Francine Galataud joined the newly renovated "Maison du Gouverneur fall of 1993 at its very beginning to manage and develop the activities of the "Fondation", an ad hoc legal entity created to frame and structure this new SAQ led initiative. In 1999 Ms Galataud became general manager with the powers to tack a course to the foundation and build it from the ground up as she sees fit. As proof of her professional competence, her management and leadership has been validated and supported through the years under a succession of four CEO's: Mrs. Frigon, Roquet, Toutant and Duval, the actual Chief operating officer of the Liquor Board. Due to retire summer of 2011, Ms Galataud mandate has been prolonged two years, Ms. Galataud having been requested to find a new orientation to the MDG in light of the SAQ relocation to its new headquarters. Vacating this historical building, seat of the organisation since its beginning in 1921 will be the very first time SAQ headquarters will be moving. From the beginning Ms Galataud gave the impetus to the MDG and built it to its present state. In the year 2000, she created a grant to be handed every year to promising young sommelier in Quebec.
Her motto: "To listen and cater to all demands of the clientele, delivering impeccable service and always try to exceed expectations". Ms. Galataud sees her leadership as a bit maternal where she want to surround her staff but not to control them, listening to their needs while trying to understand and help. In her view, her leadership is open, and feedback giving while being results oriented. She wish to build a harmonious workplace and tries to give MDG staff mostly what they want while inviting them to (self) develop their talents and thrive. Her team is rejuvenating itself and they mostly are there for 2,3 or 4 years now while two of them are being part of the MDG for more than ten years already. With a light structure of less than 30 staff total: 15 servers, 4 maître D's, 4 staff in the office (including a visiting accountant) and 4 factotums for wardrobe and room and dishes cleaning, she feels that MDG is small enough to feel like living in a family. Leadership, my observation It appears that Ms Galataud leadership style is transformational and non coercitive. Office/ Events planning Alexandra Hamel (center right in picture) Equipped with a Master in Museology Alexandra who studied at U de Montréal (Québec) and École du Louvre (France) joined MDG March of 2009 where she got immediately into the thick of things, learning everything at once while booking events. She soon made improvement into the logistics, streamlining software etc. She took charge of the info letter and on her initiative joined the Montréal Young Chamber of Commerce to network and help develop on behalf of MDG. When she joined it was in the context of the GFC and business was falling. She witnessed Ms Galataud being stressed but positive at the same time. For Alexandra, Ms. Galataud has an open leadership where she shows the way allowing one to express... adding "up to a point though, because she has to validate and approve your ideas". Alexandra believes in MDG social media presence to develop business. Her motto: "We can deliver five stars service here". Lucie A. Roy (second row, centre left in picture) On the surface, Lucie has a driven, more Yang personality. She has a background in Art History and a Master in Management of Cultural Entreprises. Equally, Lucie is actually studying management at HEC the reputed business and commerce school in Montreal. Previously, she had a background in banquet service and that is how she got first acquainted with MDG.
She liked the ethical and high-‐class ways of MDG. She is a perfectionist and wears it on her sleeves. She has created tools to be more efficient in the office and have put together a book that includes everything the maître D' needs to know prior to the events, not leaving anything to chance and to make sure that everything is written hence clear, and "contrary to the spoken word, not easily forgotten". She likes the spontaneity of Ms. Galataud and, although the business is there to make money, she believes that people who work for MDG are there to bloom both personally and professionally. Her motto: "People come to MDG to share and live an experience. This is what we deliver and, with a touch class it's even better". Maître D's Yves Lapointe (fourth on the right in picture) With a solid background in the restoration business, Yves got hired for the first time at MDG in 2004. Six months later he was offered a job as a maitre D and soon became first maitre D, becoming the only one who has a full time job there. Spending more than forty hours a week at MDG, Yves just not feel that he is going to work in the morning but that he is going to his "second home". The guests at MDG for him are like guests he would receive in his own home and is the one who will greet the guests upon arrival. Nota: The whole interview Yves could not stop smiling and one could easily feel that he is happy in his work Of his own admittance, he is not a man to sit in front of a computer screen all day long. Yves told how the quality of the service was building up and raising for the first four years at MDG than fell for two years to restart building up again. To him this was a good thing because the turnover of the staff allowed for the less motivated ones to go. For him the workers there are hired as independent professionals but do possess a team spirit towards each other's. He sees Ms Galataud as detail oriented and a very good manager. He likes her leadership, especially her ability to know how to ask things from the staff. She has a vision (although a bit conservative in his opinion) and Yves feels that one of the big challenge will be that if SAQ is moving and be taking with them the 40% of business they bring to MDG, and, even if they stay committed to the MDG, how will the Maison survive? and how will it eventually rejuvenate its clientele?. Hence the plea for modernising, redecorating and actualise MDG to get a new crowd in the picture. Yves would easily stay another ten years until he would retire (at 57) and would try to contribute to increasing the quality of the service. He is proud of having introduced a synchronised ballet of service where the waiters bring and put down plates at the same time. His motto is: "The closer to perfection as it is possible." Limitation: note on the methodology employed: The four first interviews were of people I specifically asked to be interviewed, the last two persons were chosen by Ms. Galataud.
Diane Piché Diane has been working for MDG for seven years now, both in service and in the capacity of Maitre D'. Between shifts at MDG or when it is a bit slow, she works as well for a caterer (Denise Cornelier traiteur). She started in the business with a caterer (Roger Colas) who specialised in private residences where she liked the elegance and intimate setting of those events. She has been witnessing a resurgence of passion from the staff in the last two years. Diane values the passion from her teammates and the professionalism and good spirit among the members of the staff. She finds Madame Galataud leadership very committed and enlightening. Her motto: "To make sure that the clients will take back home unforgettable memories of their time spent at MDG". Service Diane Piché (see above) Jean Marc Morasse Jean Marc is experienced in service, working for caterers for a few years now and specifically recently started working at MDG in Feb. 2010. He is (very) enthusiastic about the way things are done at MDG and feel positive "learning everyday" the fine points of etiquette and service. Jean Marc wishes to grow there and continue to work at MDG for another ten years because he feels the team is enthusiast and makes him feel like a "winner". Although he does not have direct contact with Ms. Galataud, and do not know how to comment on her leadership, Jean Marc likes the written note she writes that he finds in his pay check envelopes. He specially likes the positive and rewarding comments he receives from both the clients and the management. His motto: "It is our team spirit that makes the difference". Table no 1 COMMON PERCEPTIONS FROM MDG TEAM 1.1 We are in a unique setting 1.2 We have a unique way of doing teams over here 1.3 We have to rejuvenate the clientele 1.4 We should actualise the decoration and make it trendier. "Visually it is very 1990" 1.5 We deliver high class service but we are not snobs 1.6 Madame Galataud is the "queen" of our chess game.
Of note: While conducting the interviews, I was pleased to observe how everybody acted natural and were not the least cagey when they got questioned. I did not get (from anybody) the feeling that they where nervous about the possible outcome or consequences of what they could say and all spoke their mind freely, not avoiding any questions, saying what they liked as well as expressing the concerns they might have on their mind when asked for. Fall of 2010 and Winter of 2011, six interviews with outsiders were conducted, three of them being SAQ employees and three of them clients of MDG, who were asked to volunteer their perception of the (MDG) organisation as well as how they would feel if SAQ moves and disengage from it financially and stop supporting its operations. All who have been clients to MDG praised the good quality of the service and the uniqueness of the setting. In table no 2, one can read the shared common perceptions all had about the "Maison Du Gouverneur". Table no 2 COMMON PERCEPTIONS BY OUTSIDERS OBSERVERS 1.1 MDG is "nice" to have 1.2 It belongs to SAQ (they do not know it is an independent Foundation). 1.3 It is like a "private club". 1.4 A bit old fashioned, the place is good for a prestige wine tasting but not for a Vodka, trendy or Hip presentation 1.5 Not essential to keep MDG but if it goes, the house should be turned into a library or a museum and certainly not be demolished. OB: Diversity In the office, but for the exception of the technician who is a man, the staff is all women. Personalities of the two events coordinators appears to be complementary (Yin-‐Yang). Both were hired in 2009, those two coordinators are the first university graduated persons among the staff. There is a contrast in education with the technician, which possesses the minimum required high school diploma. The job of the technician is the only unionized job amongst the organisation. Maitre D's are predominantly male (3 men, 2 women). One Maitre D is permanent the others are on call. The 15 Servers are on call. The offices are not located intra-‐muros of the Maison du Gouverneur facilities but are located in the SAQ headquarter building and are linked via an underground passage. Hence the office staff and the first maitre D are the one to be seen in the office and the service personnel is mainly based in the reception rooms.
OB: Culture Ms. Galataud is the conductor that sets the tone in regards to values, beliefs and attitudes. Ms Galataud had a Protocol based experience in her life (having been part of the Protocol organisation of the pope visit to Montreal in 1984) and she likes a formal tone. Her events assistants embody her values as well as the maitre D 's that are the conveyor belt of the corporate culture towards the service personnel making sure that everybody conforms. Service staff receives a performance evaluation after every contract and conformity or lack thereof is recorded. Ms Galataud sees to thank and give accolades and recognition both in public and in print to the staff that performs well. Apparently the culture is cohesive although one can subsume that the commitment is stronger with the permanent staff than the episodic ones that have to work with more caterers and employers (than MDG) to survive. (As a client) I always witnessed a sense of pride and good will from everybody I came in contact with. OB: Triangulation After having assessed MDG structure and conducted interviews with key people, experiencing its services for three years now as a client where I came to events as well as having participated in them (giving two conferences) and having read clients comments and what could be found in print or on the internet, I can reasonably say that overall, MDG is delivering a quality package of services, and is on a good tack benefitting from the work and inputs of quality collaborators as well as from the benevolent and competent management of Ms. Galataud and ...that everybody is aware of the various problems like the change of generation, the seasonality of the business with some busy months followed by slow ones etc. That was the past but, and in face of the "perfect storm" gathering on the horizon we will study next how MDG may try to redefine itself completely and find its core business with the purpose of seeing if it may differentiate enough to redeploy. Limitations I could not have access to financial statements nor see annual reports, the Foundation being a private entity (contrary to SAQ), it has the right not to disclose them. Ms Galataud told me that the business turnover is around CAD$ 1 million a year, that the Foundation is financially sound, that it possesses its own credit margin and has no debts. The extent of my knowledge of MDG has been exposed in the previous lines and when I asked her if I was omitting anything else, Ms Galataud admitted candidly that there were a few things that I do not know about that she didn't want to share. Fair enough.
OB: Change The Future of MDG " To manage degrowth than close, or, to redeploy?" 6 As Ms Galataud reported to me, the SAQ CEO Philippe Duval (who incidentally sits at the MDG board) wishes for a separation, a redeployment and/or a situation where MDG re-‐ invent itself in such a manner where the Liquor Board will see in it sufficient added value to offer a new form of partnership. To achieve this should require a good dose of "Thinking inside the Box"7 and /or creativity. We will apply both concepts in the following lines after having exposed the available scenarios. A piece of real estate About the actual physical facilities In term of context for the MDG, the building it occupies has a very strong personality and it is reasonable to assess its contribution to the differentiation in the service package MDG offers to market. Namely, this restored Heritage Victorian building sits on top of an important rare vintages and first growth cellar (75,000 bottles capacity), which looks like a treasure trove and is enshrined in a beautifully architectured underground modern gallery. This constitutes, in economic terms, "a natural monopoly" and would be very hard to duplicate anywhere else. The mysterious setting of the cellar in an old transformed prison adds an aura of mystery and dark poetry. This aspect being amplified by the tours the Maître D usually offers to visitors when they rent the premises that add entertainment value. Plus, there is available free parking nearby and being adjacent to the headquarters 40% of events held at MDG are SAQ. The fact that it boasts as well an historical interpretation center of the events that led to the 1837-‐38 Patriots revolt in Canada generate visibility in guidebooks and bring in traffic and tourists, making people discover at the same the existence of the MDG foundation and its service offer.
6 " Gèrer la décroissance et fermer ou redéployer" interview with Ms. Galataud fall 2010 7 Micael Dahlen Creativity Unlimited: Thinking Inside the Box for Business Innovation
Available at: http://www.ideaconnection.com/open-‐innovation-‐articles/00151-‐Think-‐Inside-‐the-‐Box.html
Location, Location, re-Location? In this section, we will assess different scenarios based on the status quo where MDG keeps its operations base and modus operandi and we will contrast it with scenarios where MDG will be strip down to a bare bone operation. Scenario number one: SAQ moves its headquarter, but leaves behind its rare vintages cellar and offers the management of the private clients cellars (that lay behind its own cellar) to MDG, allowing it to rake in some profits from its management operation while continuing to sell to MDG those wines at cost which the Foundation will offer to its clientele without any mark-‐up, a very unique and enticing proposition to fill its six receptions halls. As a measure of goodwill, SAQ will continues to spend half a million dollars per year as it has committed up to now for the maintenance of the MDG facilities without charging any rent to MDG foundation. In that scenario, MDG would lose some of the events that SAQ organise for its own needs but not all, importers and wine shows could continue to be held there. This scenario under the circumstances would be the lightest and business could continue (almost) as usual along the same vectors and mission the MDG is used to. Second scenario SAQ is moving its headquarter and pack the cellar as well, giving the administration of the private cellars to a third source party. In that scenario MDG would lose access to the SAQ cellar and the gallery without the bottles, would not look the same. In this scenario, we assume SAQ stills offer the rare vintages at cost to MDG and have them shipped from its new premises to the Foundation when necessary. This would not be as optimal as the first one and would strip the service offer of MDG. As a form of compensation for the lost revenues SAQ still pays for the maintenance of the building Third Scenario SAQ disengage totally from MDG and leaves it to the Foundation to deal with the new public administration that will occupy the (government owned) premises. In this scenario, the new landlord allows MDG to keep its offices and give access to the historical building for renting its rooms like before. The new landlord pays the half million to keep the Governor house in good shape and do not charge rent to MDG for its office. It will hold some reunion there and will become a renter to MDG like SAQ used to. Fourth Scenario New landlord needs all the real estate for its own use and do not see it fit to house (nor subsidize) the MDG on its premises. MDG has to move. This is the acid test and this is the one scenario we will now contemplate. The three first ones are kind of a compromise for MDG the fourth one is more probing.
Losing its actual physical facilities, would that be the end for the Foundation? This is where "Thinking inside the box” comes into play. "Thinking inside the box" has to be opposed to the concept of "Thinking outside the box" For Micael Dahlen it is not useful to take a blank sheet and try to invent something ex-‐nihilo. Instead he suggests: "Thinking inside the box means not sitting down with a blank sheet of paper. It means having a paper that is filled with information that you rearrange and find new ways of using". Looking back say at the year 2000 to current, MDG could write a pile of information on what it did up to now What is MDG good at and for which it has an excellent track record? To organise wine oriented, functions, booking rooms and sell themed events with a first class service in a historical building. All this track record being logged in a thick file where happy customers consign their appreciation. Is that its core business? Up to now, Yes. Is it sufficient to distinguish itself? No. Would that be a good reason to attract SAQ in a new partnership? No, there are fine Hotels in Montreal as well as private clubs where venues could be organised. Renting reception rooms with character can easily be done. Organising thematic evenings, the museums, universities and others could do that. As for committing to sommellerie, SAQ could commit instead to ITHQ8 the state run tourism and hospitality school or give grants on its own. Besides, if MDG loses it’s building, Could the Foundation live (survive) extra-‐muros, outside its physical context? “[A] Company is one of humanity’s most amazing inventions,” says Steven Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios. “It’s totally abstract. Sure, you have to build something with bricks and mortar to put the people in, but basically a company is this abstract construct we’ve invented, and it’s incredibly powerful".9 To Steve Jobs, a company has to be distinguished from the premises it occupies. For him The power resides in the abstract construct that is called Apple, Pixar etc. With that in mind, what is this "abstract construct"that got invented in the nineties called la Maison du Gouverneur ? 8 Institut de Tourisme et d'Hôtellerie du Québec 9 Reference available at: http://organizationalbehavior-‐khailiza82.blogspot.com/
Let's restate (verbatim) both it's vision and it's mission as expressed on the company website: "Its Vision: La Maison shall promote at all times the perfect blending of the art of living and gastronomic pleasure. The Mission: Provide a unique and privileged meeting place for people looking to develop their taste and learn more about wine and gastronomy and promote the discovery of fine wines and harmonious combinations that result from their pairing with food products". Hence, its vision is to promote and blend the art of living with gastronomy and the mission is to cater to people "looking to develop their taste and learn more ... about wine and gastronomy while paying a special attention to the pairing of food with fine wine. It could be condensed into a word: Education, a hedonic one (blending the art of living and gastronomy ) a pleasure oriented one, but Education all the same "people looking to develop...and learn..." In context, in its actual location this was a natural evolution of its activities: MDG, the house, got renovated; rooms were available to SAQ who were not using them all the time. A (light) structure was needed to take care and find the highest and best use of the premises while avoiding the constraints and high costs limitations of having it all staffed by unionized personnel. Therefore a legal structure, a Foundation, emerged as a manager and organiser which started to see how it could take advantage of renting rooms and proposing the wines which lies in its underground cellar, exclusives wines that command a high sticker price, marketing them in an attractive way i.e. selling them at cost, meaning that once SAQ would put its ad valorem margin as it does to all its products nothing more was added by MDG. Ms. Galataud was put at the helm and since the year 2000 created an annual grant to be given to talented sommeliers to help them travel and acquire new professional knowledge. MDG themed evenings got eventually organised and a calendar of blending art and wine with gastronomic activities emerged. Up to now, MDG organisation is deeply intertwined with the historically loaded real estate facilities, so much so that even the name of the Foundation refers not to SAQ not to the structure of its organisation nor does it infer any core beliefs, values and competencies but to the anecdotic, the title of its last renter (Charles Amédée Vallée, a pontifical Zouave) who vacated the premises almost a century ago (1913). Under the wind of change that will blow and will radically modify the landscape for the Foundation perhaps it is time to jettison this anecdotic carceral heritage and look deep to see the raison d'être, to get to the pith and substance of the abstract construct of MDG and, maybe, find it. a more appropriate new name
From la Maison du Gouverneur to la Maison des Gouverneurs? Let's find the Foundation core and see if we could build from it an organisation, a viable and profitable self supporting structure an endeavour compelling enough to inspire and attracts sponsorships and endowments. "Creativity appears as soon as we ask the RIGHT questions" says David Sandström10 First we will assume that the Foundation has lost its sponsorships from SAQ and wish to regain its commitment and corporate funding and, attract as well, the attention (and endowments) of other Foundations. It appears important to ask now the question: "What could make this Foundation compelling to the eyes of various stakeholders?" The answer: To become an entity that could help corporations deliver more than Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), to become an entity that could Create Shared Value (CSV). Creating Share value When Harvard Professor Michael E. Porter, received a Doctor of Laws, honoris causa at Desautels Faculty of Management of Mc Gill University in May 2009, 11 he gave an interview entitled "Why business has lost its reputation", Dr. Porter declared, the following about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): " If you measure success by image in doling out money to NGO's it is rather ineffective, Many companies are cynically viewing CSR activities as marketing and are not focused on the social impact that that can actually achieved. CSR has been a good effort and a transition phase but we have to move more deeply on this issue".12 A few weeks later, (on June 2, 2010) Michael Porter spoke to an audience of senior corporate giving professionals at CECP's Corporate Philanthropy Summit about the role of business in social and economic development. He introduced the concept of "Creating Shared Value" (CSV) a concept distinct from "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) and explained how CSV can help advance both the corporate and social goals of a company.13 He asked the question of "What should be the role of corporations in economics and social development? To Porter, this question has reached the level of "urgency for business”. 10 David Sandström strategic planning director for DDB Stockholm
ref.: Premium magazine, May-‐June 2010 p.95, Publisher, Médias Transcontinental, Montreal, Canada
11 Montreal, Wednesday, May 27, 2009. Available at:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lH45rY867w&feature=related 12 Idem 13 Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2oS3zk8VA4
Porter actually sees the "legitimacy" of businesses at the lowest point since the beginning of his career and adds: "what we are doing is not working" commenting that there are very few programs and CSR initiatives that actually has been effective. (Reminder: in its last fiscal year, SAQ did commit to 500 CSR initiatives and spent CAD$7.8 millions on them) The fundamental problem, Porter feels, is that "the activities in this area are seen as separate from the business". He firmly believes that "we have to raise the bar". "We have to be reconcieving how we do business to actually create a positive benefit for society at the same time that we are creating economic value." Porter defines the notion of creating share value (CSV) as: "Corporate policy and practices that enhance the competitiveness of a company while simultaneously advancing economic and social conditions in the communities in which the company operates". He then proceeded to compare and contrast CSR and CSV. "CSR is an area where agendas are often heavily externally determined. There are a variety of pressure points on the business, on the firm" and the company has to respond to them. "CSV is something that has to be company specific. If you want to create shared value there has to be a shared part, a connection to you and therefore this is an area that requires intense and deep understanding of the business of the value chain, of the products, of the customers that you can or do serve. CSR is kind of separate from profit maximisation. CSV is integral to profit maximisation. In CSR the impact that you can have is limited to your CSR budget. CSV is about mobilising the entire budget of the corporation to impact social issues. This is not an "either/or" between the two Porter adds, corporations will have to do a combination of both, what I am a saying is, we must start to increase energy and focus and dedication in our companies on the CSV side". " That I believe is the only way to restore the legitimacy of the corporation". Shared values can be created at four different levels within the firm: "The first is in redefining activities and operating practices within the value chain itself. Second level is actually reconcieving our products and value proposition that we are actually offering, and we are getting a growing understanding that a lot of products are meeting social needs as well as economic needs. The third level is building clusters in the communities in which we are operating. A cluster is a set of supporting institutions and supporting organisations in the same field. The fourth is that there are "some broader economic and social issues a company can create social values in those areas as well but there it will require to do it collaboratively". To create shared value you've got to focus on those area where your particular business most intersects with the most important social challenges. Porter adds" "I believe that businesses acting as businesses not as charitable givers are
arguably the most powerful force for addressing many of the pressing issues of society". "We've got to do things in running our core businesses that maximize the positive benefits for the community and for society and, guess what? Many of those things are going to advance the core agenda of the firm". 14 How could we use this knowledge to fin a new mission to MDG? "A Pressure Point"-or- SAQ Cirque du Soleil style. SAQ is performing a high wire act. It deals with alcohol (which is not an ordinary product) and is a state Monopoly To keep its legitimacy it has to put its social responsibility first and foremost as was argued in the Paradis an Sacy thesis15. ("Do we still need retail alcohol monopolies in the21st century? The answer may lie in fulfilling social responsibility by promoting public health", October 2005) At 21 litres wine consumption per person, in Quebec SAQ feels that the market has reached its maturity in term of volume of sales while noticing that its regular clientele is getting older fast16. In light of the demographic argument, there is only one-‐way to keep its profitability: it is up trading. Breaking record profits in the last 4-‐5 years and this, despite the GFC (Global Financing Crisis), the dividend paid to the government is now more than welcomed and needed to balance the fragile Quebec budget. As stated By Malcolm G. Bird: "Collecting taxes via alcoholic beverages sales is an easy way of increasing fiscal revenues and is more politically acceptable than raising taxes. First the people are already used to pay prices that reflects profitable margins and have always the option from walking away from these kinds of products if they so desire".17 14 Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2oS3zk8VA4 15
See Bibliography
16 «La population du Québec vieillit et la consommation d'alcool d'un pan complet de la clientèle de la
société d'État sera appelée à diminuer progressivement. Selon l'Institut de la statistique du Québec, les personnes de 65 ans et plus représenteront 24,4% de la population en 2026. Ces consommateurs qui les ont suivis ne seront pas tous remplacés puisque les générations les ayant suivies ont été moins populeuses. Ces statistiques laissent poindre un possible ralentissement de la croissance des ventes de boissons alcooliques au Québec, du moins dans la prochaine décennie." ref. Le plan stratégique 2010-‐2012 de la SAQ ;see Bibliography. 17 (The rise of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario and the Demise of the Alberta Liquor Control Board; Why
such divergent outcomes? Malcolm G.Bird, 2008)
One has to note as well that it is against the law for the liquor board to pitch its products and try to raise alcohol consumption via marketing and advertisement and there are watchdogs18 that do monitor, report and probe the actions of the industry. How then, can SAQ keep its profitability, if there is a foreseeable attrition in the number of consumers? "To drink better not more19" was coined by Philippe Duval, pleading for up trading, an idea that implies increasing the level of sophistication of the wine drinker and put the issue of wine education front and center. "To drink better not more" reminds us that (if drunk in moderation) wine is the only alcoholic drink reported for its virtue and health benefits. But, drunk in moderation means that one has to stick to the accepted norms of healthy drinking as stated in the publications of "Éducalcool" the Quebec and internationally respected ad hoc institution. This is education as well and it has to go hand in hand in with the gastronomic quest of drinking better wines. Could we change the value proposition of the MDG for an innovative socially responsible "education" mission geared towards this "Art de vivre" as described by Philippe Duval? Up to now MDG has professed its mission towards that goal but, socially, this is not enough. Education should be embraced globally, not only as a high end gastronomic quest and promotion of a "lifestyle", and should be linked and be associated with grass root gastronomic promotion, to charity like the promotion of serving warm meals in schools20 perhaps sending MDG staff to serve the young economically challenged students and make them see how nice a properly laid down warm meal (with good service) could enhance their life experience and make them feel important, and respected 18 Available at: http://www.conseilethique.qc.ca/en 19 "Du reste, rappelle M. Duval, l'augmentation du volume de vente n'est qu'un objectif parmi d'autres pour la
société d'État. L'ambition de la SAQ est moins de pousser les Québécois à boire plus que de les faire boire mieux. Une seule bouteille vendue 75 ou 100 $ est bien plus payante que cinq ou six bouteilles supplémentaires vendues 8 $ ou 10 $...Les Québécois, note aussi M. Duval, ont aussi des habitudes de consommation plus saines que les autres Canadiens. Ils boivent plus de vin et moins de spiritueux, et boivent de l'alcool plus souvent, mais en quantité moindre à chaque fois, ce qui correspond précisément au modèle de consommation axé sur l'art de vivre dont la SAQ fait la promotion à l'heure actuelle." JeanFrançois Cloutier Journal Les Affaires 15-‐12-‐2009, Montréal, Quebec. 20 Available at: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/actualites/quebec-‐canada/education/201102/22/01-‐4373008-‐
A quest for excellence MDG should become a learning organisation where staff would be taught and required to continuingly attend classes to improve and master truly the art and ballet of service to the highest international standard and become known locally and internationally for such an endeavour. It would then set the standards in the industry and no hospitality business could match MDG in that regard. Only those with the right attitude and commitment would stay employed at MDG. MDG would link with the state run ITHQ21 hospitality business training school to give training grants to the best students to come to train at MDG as a postgraduate school program. After, those same students could be sent abroad to work in five stars hotel around the world. Positive discrimination and special attention to economically challenged students with high potential should be paid. MDG would become en empowering school for students that would otherwise never be able to learn and afford the confidence offered by etiquette and first class customer service. For them it would be a life changing experience that could benefit them in many ways, even if later they switch paths and go to another sector or line of business. The Transformation economy22 is in full bloom and MDG should be seen as the authentic institution delivering the authentic goods not mass market, but bespoke.23 MDG should be at the epitome of excellence in delivering the classic standards of service in innovative ways, always bearing in mind that in a disruptive environment like ours ‘...innovation is both a vaccine against market slowdowns and an elixir that rejuvenates growth.24 MDG would train with excellence in mind and therefore will be seen as an elite group providing the best service but, the service will only be the effect, the cause, the
heart, the core will be the Humanism philosophy that triggers and set into motion all of these techniques and know-‐how that result in these high level of aesthetics and standards. MDG would be a "humanist", value driven organisation and should register as a charitable nonprofit's institution, able to issue tax receipts and should be able to pitch to private Foundations and institutions alike to endow and support it financially for its social commitment in being rooted and active in the community. This would in turn require an endowment officer to relentlessly sell the goodwill and the mission to the benefactors and stakeholders. 21 Institut de Tourisme et d'Hôtellerie du Québec 22 Available at: http://en.jyskebank.tv/012699565731418/joe_pine_part_2_the_transformation_economy 23 As with a work of art, the authenticity and value of a product has an inverse correlation with mass production and commoditisation (Benjamin, 1935). Products and services must now be tailored to the customer.
24 Darrell K. Rigby, Kara Gruver and James Allen, ‘Innovation in Turbulent Times’, Harvard Business Review,
June 2009
The main asset of the MDG should be its human capital25. “Access to talented and creative people is to modern business what access to coal and iron ore was to steelmaking.”26
La "Maison du Gouverneur" could change its name to " La Maison des Gouverneurs".
Or find a new one, but its original name is already known and connote a positive association so, perhaps it could be flexed a bit... In its plural form it would tell the world that it is governed by its Humanistic quest and would host other foundations "in residence". For example, one could be a state of the art Foundation promoting research in sommellerie (classic and moléculaire), another one would be having a Foundation organised like a Butler School to deliver and instil all these know-‐how about the standards in presentation and excellence in service, another would be centered about "Les arts de la table", special table settings and linens and wares that could be granted by one (or more) reputed local designer, another could be a fashion designer contribution in the design of the uniforms etc. Those "Gouverneurs" would showcase the local excellence in the fine art of living and would actively promote it. They would become goodwill ambassadors like all people employed by the Foundation, the office and the front of the house, everybody would become ambassadors as well. This would create CSV, this would create social value. From the sharing of a warm good meal, a simple but well laid down table to a more elegant one, to a more formal, to a Protocol shared banquet, or back to a simple meal where wines compliment and harmonise well with food, where a natural flow of service frame and rhythm the occasion, where guests rub shoulders and enliven the experience with good manners, enjoying witty and appropriate conversations that would make the meal a unique, authentic warm and invaluable moment, a moment to be cherished forever. 25 the greater value of a company no longer resides in its physical or tangible assets, but rather in the human
capital and intellectual property of the business, both formally and informally constituted. Professor Baruch Lev of the Stern Business School has convincingly shown that up to eighty per cent of the value of most listed companies in the United States is made up of these intangible assets and that traditional book assets, the type measured by traditional financial accounting techniques, only account for twenty per cent of the value of most businesses Intangibles – Management, Measurement, and Reporting (2001), Baruch Lev, Brookings Institution Press. 26 The Rise of the Creative Class, Richard Florida, Basic Books, 2003
Conclusion It will be the professionalism and Humanism at heart of its human capital that will set into motion the redeployment of this abstract construct called "La Maison du Gouverneur". To create CSV should be its core offer, the X factor allowing it to differentiate itself from the rest. MDG then could be housed anywhere, moves from time to time, even not possess a place that it calls its own; it could organise events at the clients place, the excellence and the value of its service offer being recognised as something distinct, portable, resilient and unique. -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Bibliography Paradis C. & Sacy H., 2005, Do we still need alcohol monopolies in the 21st century? [Online], Available at: http://www.calj.org/cms/anmviewer.asp?a=19&z=4 -‐and-‐ http://www.calj.org/pdf/montreal_presentation_Hubert_Sacy.pdf [Accessed 28th February.2011] -‐-‐SAQ B2B, 2010, Annual Report [Online], Available at: http://marketing.globalwinespirits.com/SAQ_B2B/2010_Annual_Report.pdf [Accessed 28th February 2011]. SAQ Plan Stratégique 2010-2012 [Online], Available at: http://marketing.globalwinespirits.com/SAQ_B2B/Plan_strategique_2010_2012.pdf [Accessed 28th February 2011].
Annex 1: Governor Bio VALLÉE, CHARLES-AMÉDÉE, Papal Zouave, bank manager, and office holder; b. 17 Oct. 1850 in Saint-‐Roch parish at Quebec, son of Prudent Vallée, a master joiner, and Henriette Cazeau (Casault); brother of Arthur* and Louis-‐Prudent*; m. there 26 May 1874 Marie-‐Zoé Marcotte, and they had six children; d. 19 March 1924 in Saint-‐Gabriel-‐de-‐Brandon, Que. Charles-‐Amédée Vallée studied at the Collège de Lévis from 1861 to 1864 and then at the Académie Commerciale de Québec. On 16 May 1868, as a youth of 17, he embarked for Italy with the second detachment of Papal Zouaves, who were setting off to defend the Papal States in the face of the threat posed by Giuseppe Garibaldi's troops [see Édouard-‐André Barnard*]. He was promoted corporal, second class, on 26 March 1870 and quartermaster sergeant, second class, on 1 September. After Rome capitulated, he returned to Quebec in November. Pope Leo XIII would make him a knight of the Order of St Gregory the Great in recognition of his services. Vallée started on a career in the financial sector about 1872. After serving as a clerk in the Banque Nationale at Quebec, of which his father was a director, he became an accountant there. Around 1882 a promotion made him manager of the Montreal branch, a position he held until 1888. During the next two years he worked as a broker and was a member of the Montreal Stock Exchange. In October 1890 the government of Honoré Mercier*, who was Vallée's close friend, appointed him deputy warden of the common jail in Montreal, known as the Pied-‐du-‐Courant. On 18 May 1891 he succeeded to the governorship, his predecessor, Louis Payette, having died on 29 April. The members of the Board of Inspectors of Prisons and Asylums of the Province of Quebec commented enthusiastically on his nomination: "He is, without any doubt, an organizer of great ability, and his appointment is one of the best which have ever been made." Vallée would indeed demonstrate not only ability as an administrator, but also professionalism and open-‐ mindedness towards new correctional theories, most of which came from Europe. In August 1891 the Montreal jail held 225 inmates and Vallée had a staff of 30 under his orders. He instituted practices that were very different from those of his predecessor. Upon his appointment he began a complete reorganization of the prison staff by dismissing nearly half of the employees in order to remedy problems of all kinds (guards who were often drunk, traffic between guards and prisoners in cigarettes, alcohol, and other items). In their 1891 report the inspectors stated that "the new Governor has transformed the whole building, for the better without doubt, and has introduced a new order of things, which gives to the establishment an entirely new character, and makes of an old tumbledown building, an appropriate local fort, and one which is very ingeniously laid out." For Vallée, prison was a place for punishing and reforming offenders. The prison governor was therefore no longer a head jailer who made sure that individuals were kept locked up, but rather the penal system's administrator and "practical" thinker. Over the years Vallée produced numerous reports in which he put forward his views on such matters as the importance of solitary confinement in reforming a prisoner, the impossibility of applying this method in a common jail, the question of having prisoners work together at shoemaking, tailoring, carpentry, or sheet-‐metal work, and the distinction between accused and convicted detainees. As governor of the Pied-‐du-‐Courant prison until 1913, and as a member of the commission charged with preparing and approving plans for the construction of a new common prison (since the Pied-‐du-‐Courant was overcrowded), Vallée left a real mark on the history of the Montreal penal system. He was chiefly responsible for the construction of Bordeaux Jail, considered at the time a model prison and ultra modern. To this end, he travelled to Europe and the United States a number of times to visit prisons and penitentiaries and to bring back plans and up-‐to-‐date technical, practical, and theoretical information. Designed by architect Jean-‐Omer Marchand* and built between 1907 and 1912, the building could hold nearly 1,000 inmates. Charles-‐Amédée Vallée was governor of Bordeaux Jail from 1913 until he resigned in 1916. Shortly after the war, the provincial government appointed him to the Board of Censors of Moving Pictures. He retired in 1919 and went to live in Saint-‐Gabriel-‐de-‐Brandon, where he died five years later of influenza. Marie J. Tremblay Ref: Dictionnaire Biogtaphique du Canada en ligne available at: http://www.biographi.ca/009004-‐119.01-‐f.php?&id_nbr=8398&&PHPSESSID=ychzfqkvzape
Annex 2: Details and honor role of the MDG grants (text from MDG website) 2000 Betterment scholarship of $5, 000 – internship in France – Jacques Bélec, sommelier – representing a wine agency Scholarship -‐ $3,000 to Maude Lambert 2002 Betterment scholarship of $10, 000 – internship in France – Stéphanie Monnin Scholarship -‐ $3,000 to Andrée Allard 2004 Betterment scholarship of $10,000 - internship in Chili – Kathleen McNeil – sommellerie teacher at the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie à Montréal Scholarship - $5,000 to Annie Couturier 2006/07 Betterment scholarship of $10,000 - internship in South Africa - Martin Dubé – sommelier at Le Saint-Amour restaurant in Québec 2007/08 Betterment scholarship of $10,000 - internship in Australia and New Zealand Stéphane Leroux – sommelier at LEMÉAC restaurant in Montréal 2008/09 Betterment scholarship of 10,000$ - internship in Italy Elyse Lambert - Sommelière at Le Local restaurant in Montreal Liette Tremblay - Sommelière at bistro Le Cloché Penché in Quebec City (Two internship reports are available on the website) The internship report of one of the two grant holder in 2009 - Elyse Lambert One of the two winners of the 2009 sommellerie grant The internship report of one of the two grant holder in 2009 - Liette Tremblay One of the two winners of the 2009 sommellerie grant
Annex 4: Pictures of MDG The underground Gallery, picture no 1
A reception room in the cellar
Underground Gallery, picture no 2
Underground gallery, picture no 3
In the Governor House