Zero2five brochure

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$146*+#06 )9;&&10+#'6* % #01. # $750'5

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The food sector is an important contributor to the GDP of Wales, offering employment throughout the country and producing high quality raw materials, particularly in the red meat and dairy sectors. However, the food industry has become an increasingly complex arena in which to operate. Food procurement is now undertaken on a global scale and there are many other forces, including political and environmental concerns, which make developing or growing a business in this extremely competitive industry a challenge. It’s hardly surprising, then, that many companies fail due to lack of expertise or resource in specific areas.

Improving skills and maximising profits The expertise of the UWIC Business School is also available to provide additional advice and support for companies requiring help in areas such as marketing and finance. We can also assist companies in obtaining funding to minimise the financial burden usually associated with innovation change management in the private sector, a factor that for many companies is the major stumbling block in their efforts to develop their businesses. Finally, due to our links with the Welsh Assembly Government, we can more easily access influential groups and individuals who can also be a source of invaluable help. Combining our team of experts with an already enviable track record of success and Government backing, the Zero2Five Food Research and Business Centre is here to help Welsh food businesses achieve world-wide recognition for excellence and, as a result, economic success.

David Lloyd principle

Hello and welcome to the Zero2Five Food “Research and Business Centre. It gives me great Introduction

satisfaction to be able to introduce you to our facilities and give you an overview of what the Centre is about and what we can offer to your business.

Supporting food businesses The ‘Zero to Five’ Food Research and Business Centre has been created to support Welsh-based food businesses in both a technical and operational capacity, enabling them to compete more effectively in the global market place by providing the knowledge, facilities and resources to help companies push their boundaries, achieve their goals and drive their businesses forward.

For a number of years, I’ve felt that the food industry in Wales deserved this kind of facility within its own borders rather than having to go further afield to access the kinds of services we are offering. I’d like to think that, in the not too distant future, the Centre will be viewed as an indispensable partner for Welsh food companies needing help in developing or testing new products or processes.

internationally recognised expertise

Thanks are owed to the Welsh Assembly Government for its belief in this ambitious project and its financial support which ultimately demonstrates its belief and support for the Welsh food industry.

The Centre is able to draw on expertise within UWIC, which includes Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics as well as Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Biomedical Sciences. Our team of internationally recognised food industry experts is available to assist our clients across a variety of food disciplines including baking, dairy and meat technologies, hygiene management, packaging design, technical management systems and new product development.


David Lloyd Principle, Food Business Centre


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Usually, our first experience of something we’re about to eat is its appearance. This can have an overriding influence on how the product is perceived.

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The special lighting in our sensory testing suite removes the impact of appearance from the equation meaning testers are better able to focus on other sensory qualities of the product such as smell, mouth feel and taste giving companies a more objective opinion of how well their product performs.

Facilities In such a competitive industry, standing still is not an option. Access to state-of-the-art facilities that assist companies with their research and development programmes or, in some cases, make it possible for them to implement R&D for the first time, is essential if companies are to expand and grow. The Centre provides just such facilities enabling companies to undertake sophisticated testing and product development right here in Wales. This will make it much easier and cost-effective for companies from both a practical and financial perspective to proceed with R&D projects.

KITCHEN There are several kitchens kitted out with all the latest equipment which companies can use for a variety of purposes. Our observation kitchen is fitted with video recording equipment enabling companies to observe the behaviour of an ordinary member of the public in a domestic kitchen setting, for example opening new packaging or following preparation instructions. This gives valuable insight into consumer behaviour and can help identify changes or refinements that need to be made. Our baking kitchen simulates the environment of a commercial kitchen, replicating nearly all of the equipment one would expect to find in a manufacturing facility. This allows companies to test the quality of their product when it is produced in commercial quantities. Finally, our new product development kitchen features several separate, domestic-scale kitchens in one large kitchen area enabling companies to utilise one or more at a time.

MEETING ROOMS The Centre has a number of meeting rooms which are available for businesses to use on those occasions when, for practical or logistical reasons, it’s just not possible to hold them at your own premises. We have larger meeting rooms too, featuring the latest in hi-tech audio visual equipment, for presentations, tasting sessions and meetings involving large numbers of people. Our support staff are available to help you identify which room would be the most appropriate and to organise everything you will need to help make your meeting or presentation run smoothly. We are happy to organise the provision of refreshments and lunch when this is required.


Parking is available at the facility on a ‘Pay and Display’ basis.

Services The services that we are able to provide to meat manufacturers and processors are many and varied and draw on the knowledge of our experts. They include:

• Micro-biological advice vision

I want to see Welsh meat businesses recognised as market leaders in terms of the quality and safety of their products and making a significant contribution to the Welsh Assembly Government’s strategic vision for the Welsh food industry. Ian Ashton principle, meat centre

The Welsh Meat Industry turns over £361 “million pounds annually; £108 million of that is accounted for by red meat exports which are continuing to grow. This industry has a great future and I believe that there are huge opportunities for continued growth into new markets.

Ian Ashton

• Frozen meat products – storage and shelf life • Safety and hygiene

lorem farm, ipsumville

• Cost reduction • Quality issues – texture, flavour, appearance

Case study

• Altered atmosphere packaging e.g vacuum packaging

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• Curing – processing problems and legality of additives

Aliquam aliquam, libero a mattis placerat, enim quam facilisis felis, vel placerat velit diam nec augue. In diam est, feugiat sed, lobortis ut, egestas quis, massa.

Sector Challenges

Nulla blandit odio ut ante. Maecenas sagittis, ante pellentesque congue consectetuer, nisl mauris placerat pede, id tincidunt est justo ut diam. Vestibulum nisi. Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, imperdiet ac, tellus.

Although buoyant, the meat sector is not without its challenges: changing market conditions, environmental requirements, production impact on climate change for example are all issues which the sector will need to address in the 21st century. In

Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, “imperdiet ac, tellus. Mauris ornare pharetra erat.

addition, the image of cheaply produced meat, pork and poultry especially, is a cause for concern.

Principle, Meat Centre

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc neque justo, dictum at, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis vitae, augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam posuere elit ac augue. Etiam eleifend sodales tellus.

Market Drivers These vary depending on economic status of the end consumer. There is still the need for good quality meat at a value price but, at the other end of the scale, premium brands and organically produced products are also in demand and this applies to both raw meat and processed products.

John Jones


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Services The range of products offered within this sector are huge, from : $"/0-" #",&3:

fresh to par-baked and vacuum packaged. We have the expertise

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to assist companies across the whole range of product types. For example, we undertake:

• Shelf-life studies vision : $"/0-" #853*

My vision for my department is to see many new products being successfully developed and launched and know that we’ve helped companies achieve their goals.

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Ray Newberry

• Sensory evaluation studies • Enzyme reaction testing • Waste reduction assessments • Project consultancy

industry is facing tough challenges “butTheis baking still a dynamic market in which to be 5)& ):(*&/& $&/53&

involved. As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going and that’s the state-of-play for the industry right now. It’s exciting. 5)& $0/'&$5*0/"3: : $"/0-" $0/'&$5*0/"3: $&/53& Ray Newberry

Principle, Bakery Centre

Case study Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris consectetuer. Fusce dolor. Ut arcu. Ut auctor sapien et erat. Class

principle, bakery centre

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lorem bakery, ipsumville

Aliquam aliquam, libero a mattis placerat, enim quam facilisis felis, vel placerat velit diam nec augue. In diam est, feugiat sed, lobortis ut, egestas quis, massa.

Sector Challenges

Nulla blandit odio ut ante. Maecenas sagittis, ante pellentesque congue consectetuer, nisl mauris placerat pede, id tincidunt est justo ut diam. Vestibulum nisi. Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, imperdiet ac, tellus.

The bakery market has been static for a number of years now but there are still opportunities for success for existing businesses who are willing to innovate and for new entrants who can tap into a growth niche.

Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, “imperdiet ac, tellus. Mauris ornare pharetra erat.

Market Drivers

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc neque justo, dictum at, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis vitae, augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam posuere elit ac augue. Etiam eleifend sodales tellus.

While the main driver remains indulgence, there are other factors driving growth which companies are exploiting with new product launches in order to grow sales, for example, health and wellbeing and nutrition.

John Jones


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Services Sustis eu facil dolortionse endreet, quatum vulpute feugueros am quam, vullutpat luptat. In hendigniat. Ut acinci tio od et iril 5)& %"*3: $&/53&

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• Dionum velisim vision

Adding value to people’s health as a by product of their consumption of dairy products is one of the main innovations preoccupying the industry currently.

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Are Kanekanian principle, DAIRY CENTRE

The dairy industry has seen a dramatic “turnaround in fortunes over the past couple of

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Are Kanekanian Principle, Dairy Centre

lorem farm, ipsumville

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years ago driven by a world shortage in milk products. There’s lots going on and it’s a good time to be involved.

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Vel ute do odo dolorerosto consenisl illa facil ilisim in ver susto

Sector Challenges

odignisit loreetum ad dit.

Case study Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris consectetuer. Fusce dolor. Ut arcu. Ut auctor sapien et erat. Class Aliquam aliquam, libero a mattis placerat, enim quam facilisis felis, vel placerat velit diam nec augue. In diam est, feugiat sed, lobortis ut, egestas quis, massa. Nulla blandit odio ut ante. Maecenas sagittis, ante pellentesque congue consectetuer, nisl mauris placerat pede, id tincidunt est justo ut diam. Vestibulum nisi. Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, imperdiet ac, tellus.

Despite better prices, significant challenges still exist. Feed costs, inefficient production practices, investment in infrastructure for some.

Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, “imperdiet ac, tellus. Mauris ornare pharetra erat.

Market Drivers Unt utem irit eummy nit vel ipsum zzril ut augait nullam doloreet venis et luptat luptat. Ore dolessi smodipit aliquis autatem vel ero eui tionsequatum nim non henismodipit nulput am, vel etum zzrilis atisi.Ommy nulla at ad tatem vel dolore tis dolestio consenis amcommy nummy nim veliqui psummy nos alis ea feumsandre dolorpe rcipisis ex essim velenibh enim ver alit lorper sequisim veliquissim nisl

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc neque justo, dictum at, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis vitae, augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam posuere elit ac augue. Etiam eleifend sodales tellus.

John Jones


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• Dionum velisim vision : $"/0-" $0/'&$5*0/"3:

My vision or this department is to helpWelsh businesses design, implement and maintain food safety and hygiene procedures that would see us leading the world in this field.

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Adrian Peters principle, HYGIENE CENTRE

Good hygiene is essential for the safety of “consumers as poor hygiene can lead to death as we still occasionally see. It is imperative that everyone working within the industry recognises just how important it is to maintain exemplary hygiene standards.

Adrian Peters

• Il utpat nibh ent lobor

lorem farm, ipsumville

• Iurercing exer sustio eniat. • Ut acilla feum dipsusto odolenim • Ver alit ing euguercilit irit iril ut niat. • Ut lummy nisit loreet ad mod tat, Vel ute do odo dolorerosto consenisl illa facil ilisim in ver susto

Sector Challenges

odignisit loreetum ad dit.

Case study Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris consectetuer. Fusce dolor. Ut arcu. Ut auctor sapien et erat. Class Aliquam aliquam, libero a mattis placerat, enim quam facilisis felis, vel placerat velit diam nec augue. In diam est, feugiat sed, lobortis ut, egestas quis, massa. Nulla blandit odio ut ante. Maecenas sagittis, ante pellentesque congue consectetuer, nisl mauris placerat pede, id tincidunt est justo ut diam. Vestibulum nisi. Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, imperdiet ac, tellus.

While people should know all about the potential risks of poor hygiene practices, there are still occasions when the worst happens. Good training is essential to overcome this as is instilling in people a sense of personal responsibility to comply

Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, “imperdiet ac, tellus. Mauris ornare pharetra erat.

with hygiene regulations and procedures.

Principle, Hygiene Centre

Market Drivers

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc neque justo, dictum at, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis vitae, augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam posuere elit ac augue. Etiam eleifend sodales tellus.

Unt utem irit eummy nit vel ipsum zzril ut augait nullam doloreet venis et luptat luptat. Ore dolessi smodipit aliquis autatem vel ero eui tionsequatum nim non henismodipit nulput am, vel etum zzrilis atisi.Ommy nulla at ad tatem vel dolore tis dolestio consenis amcommy nummy nim veliqui psummy nos alis ea feumsandre dolorpe rcipisis ex essim velenibh enim ver alit lorper sequisim veliquissim nisl

John Jones


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Services Sustis eu facil dolortionse endreet, quatum vulpute feugueros : $"/0-" $0/'&$5*0/"3:

am quam, vullutpat luptat. In hendigniat. Ut acinci tio od et iril

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ute ming erostio dolessed dio dolum zzriliscil er sumsan er adip eugue dolesto odipis nulputat:

• Dionum velisim vision

Sustis eu facil dolortionse endreet, quatum vulpute feugueros am quam, vullutpat luptat. In hendigniat. Ut acinci tio od et iril ute ming erostio dolessed dio dolum. Ray Newberry principle, CONFECTIONARY CENTRE

Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, “imperdiet ac, tellus. Mauris ornare pharetra erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc neque justo, dictum at, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis vitae, augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam posuere elit ac augue. Etiam eleifend sodales tellus.

Ray Newberry

• Il utpat nibh ent lobor

lorem farm, ipsumville

• Iurercing exer sustio eniat. • Ut acilla feum dipsusto odolenim • Ver alit ing euguercilit irit iril ut niat. • Ut lummy nisit loreet ad mod tat, Vel ute do odo dolorerosto consenisl illa facil ilisim in ver susto

Sector Challenges

odignisit loreetum ad dit.

Case study Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris consectetuer. Fusce dolor. Ut arcu. Ut auctor sapien et erat. Class Aliquam aliquam, libero a mattis placerat, enim quam facilisis felis, vel placerat velit diam nec augue. In diam est, feugiat sed, lobortis ut, egestas quis, massa. Nulla blandit odio ut ante. Maecenas sagittis, ante pellentesque congue consectetuer, nisl mauris placerat pede, id tincidunt est justo ut diam. Vestibulum nisi. Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, imperdiet ac, tellus.

The sector is a saturated one making it virtually impossible for new brands to get off the ground. For the larger companies, brand extension is the innovation of choice when it comes to launching new products which makes market entry for new manufacturers

Aenean lacus risus, sodales auctor, sagittis eu, “imperdiet ac, tellus. Mauris ornare pharetra erat.

very difficult.

Market Drivers

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc neque justo, dictum at, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis vitae, augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam posuere elit ac augue. Etiam eleifend sodales tellus.

Principle, Confectionary Centre

Indulgence is the main driver for the confectionery industry although other potential drivers are tapped into, such as sugar free gum for mouth hygiene and as an aid to weight control.

Unt utem irit eummy nit vel ipsum zzril ut augait nullam doloreet venis et luptat luptat. Ore dolessi smodipit aliquis autatem vel ero eui tionsequatum nim non henismodipit nulput am, vel etum zzrilis atisi.

John Jones


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$146*+#06 )9;&&10+#'6* % #01. # $750'5

Food Business Institute, Llandaff, Cardiff

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0800 123 4567 |

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