2 minute read
A Letter from
dear friends,
Near the end of our Senior Awards Assembly each June, Associate Head of School David Brown gives our newest Lion alumni a sage piece of career advice: Consider becoming a teacher. Like his predecessor John Holden did for decades before, David asks each senior class to think about the impact that St. Andrew’s teachers and staff members have had on their growth as people and learners, noting that educators never have to question the purpose of their work, or wonder whether they are making the world better each day. Like David, I am now in my 33rd year of teaching and leading schools, and I can vouch for the wisdom of his advice.
St. Andrew’s has grown dramatically in many areas over the past two decades: new buildings and fields, the size and diversity of our faculty and student body, the range and ambition of our athletic and artistic offerings, the innovation and expansion of our academic programs and student leadership opportunities. While we take pride in those accomplishments, the articles in this magazine demonstrate that our school’s greatest impact has been on teaching and learning, both within and far beyond St. Andrew’s.
Through its in-person and virtual programs, our Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning has trained thousands of teachers and administrators from hundreds of schools worldwide, and the scale of The CTTL’s impact on public and private education continues to grow. Growth-minded educators are increasingly drawn to St. Andrew’s culture of growth, collaboration, and research. Against a backdrop of growing teacher and leadership shortages nationwide, this ability to attract, develop, and retain committed educators is more crucial than ever.
Due to the inspiration and examples they have received from their St. Andrew’s teachers and staff, education is a leading career pathway for our Lion alumni after college. I hope you enjoy their stories in this magazine, particularly the growing number of younger alumni who have returned to St. Andrew’s as teachers and administrators in recent years. I feel tremendous pride and joy to welcome my former students back, and to see them grow, thrive, and serve St. Andrew’s as colleagues.
Thank you all for making St. Andrew’s a place of singular growth and myriad possibilities, and for keeping each of our Lions – young and old(er) alike – in your hearts.
Robert Kosasky Head of School