Make Marketing Easy With Act On Marketing Automation Software Act-On Software is a marketing automation software developed by Act-On company. It was designed to manage , landing pages, social media prospecting, CRM integration,email marketing, lead management, webinar management, b2b marketing automation and more. The Act-On marketing automation platform is best suited for small and medium-sized businesses. Benefits Of Act-On- : 1) Increase Sales
The key benefit of Act-On Software is maximization of sales. It increases leads by automatically updating contacts in NetSuite CRM+. 2) Monitor Campaign Performance with Reporting and Analytics
It measures real time results and keep eye on campaign performance. 3) Activity History
Act-on provide full a history of the activities performed and analyse the interest of of buyers. 4) Saves Time
It saves time the time of sales team as it helps send emails quickly. And also these emails are traceable to see see exactly who is opening them and clicking on them. 5) Increase The ROI of Your Pay Per Click Campaigns
Marketing Automation also helps you to increase ROI of Your Pay Per Click Campaigns. You can use marketing automation nurture your pay per click leads through the buyer’s life cycle. There are many marketing automation companies which provide Act On Marketing Automation Services. You can hire them to increase sales of your organization. Source: