First Baptist Albany brochure

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WELCOME WELCOMETO TOFIRST FIRSTBAPTIST BAPTISTALBANY ALBANY Thank you for letting me introduce First Baptist Church of Albany to you and your family. We exist to help people experience new beginnings in life through Jesus Christ. We believe wholeheartedly that Jesus Christ is the hope for our world. Therefore, we strive to let others know that Jesus makes the difference in our lives. Carrying out this mission involves building Christ-centered relationships with one another, living out our faith in our community with compassion and service, and letting our relationship with Jesus enrich our lives and glorify God. I look forward to getting to know you and your family better. I would love to meet with you and learn more about you as well as share more about First Baptist Church of Albany with you. Until then, I hope that this brochure enables you to get a better perspective of us and our ministries. I encourage you to visit us online at For more information, send a message to or contact us at 229-883-8000.

Thanks for your time. Have a blessed day!!! Pastor Butch Knight

THE SEVEN ESSENTIALS We have identified seven essentials of ministry that serve as our core values. Regardless of the area of ministry or demographic engaged we find that these components are essential for that group or ministry. They must be central to all that we do. They include:


VIBRANT WORSHIP Worshipping God resonates from a personal relationship with Christ

RELATIONAL EVANGELISM Telling others about Jesus grows out of our relationships


Growing as a believer leads us to be more like Christ

COMPASSIONATE SERVICE Serving of others develops from a compassionate heart


INCLUSIVE FELLOWSHIP Sharing life together includes all because everyone counts


PARTNERSHIP MISSIONS Sending of missionaries lets us partner with other believers


EFFECTUAL PRAYER Praying fervently leads to changed lives and God’s glory



First Baptist Church of Albany is a friendly, caring family of believers. Our services are based on Biblical teachings and powerful music. It doesn’t matter what you wear, where you’re from, what you’re going through or have been through. What matters is that you are here.

Our Sunday School Bible Studies are small groups where you will experience sound Biblical teachings and connect with people in your same stage of life. These groups provide oppotunities to minister to the community, such as feeding the hungry and participating in local service projects. On Wednesday nights we share a meal and participate in Bible and Discipleship studies.

WORSHIP THROUGH MUSIC At First Baptist Church of Albany, we strive to provide a worshipful experience with our music that will minister to our multi-generational congregation. We put Jesus at the center of our worship and tell the Gospel every Sunday through our song selections. We provide many music ministry opportunities for different generations. Choirs for Pre-K through 5th grade Children’s choirs are divided into groups by age and offer a fun and worshipful environment to teach our pre-schoolers and children new songs and build them up in God’s Word. S. W. A. T. (Student Worship Arts & Technologies) S.W.A.T. is comprised of students in grades 6-12. We combine music and worship with technologies such as recording software, video editing, YouTube and social media to equip them to minister to their generation. First Family Choir Just As You Are...really! Anyone in the congregation third grade and up is invited to sing. No previous experience or practice is required. We are a choir that worships first and sings second. Our desire is that God would use our voices to radically change this community and build His Kingdom here. We want everyone who has a desire to sing to come join us! Worship Choir In choir we love to sing, have fun and worship Jesus together, but we work hard! We sing songs that challenge us, as well as some all-time favorites. We devote ourselves to growing in our abilities and in God’s Word. Worship Choir meets weekly to rehearse songs for worship services as well as prepare for special presentations. Worship Band Our Worship Band brings provides opportunity for many to serve the Lord with their gifts. We are blessed to have a talented group of musicians that God has brought together.Our band plays it all from hymns and choir selections to the worship songs of today. We desire to glorify Jesus in our music, church and community. Our musicians come from very different backgrounds and styles. We come together every week to use our talents for Jesus!


PRE-SCHOOL & CHILDRENS’ MINISTRY From the youngest infant to the preteen headed off to middle school, the Children’s Ministry at First Baptist Church of Albany desires to partner with parents to assist them in laying a solid biblical foundation of Christian faith in the lives of their children. Matthew 19:14 states, “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” First Baptist Church of Albany believes in making disciples of those willing to follow Christ. We seek to engage, equip, and encourage our children to grow their spiritual roots deep in God’s Word. This foundation will allow them to make important decisions with a Biblical foundation as they grow and prosper throughout their lives. We intentionally strive for this goal through loving adults who faithfully serve each week and help our children hear and understand God’s word. Bringing the Bible to life in a real, lively, and exciting way allows the children to learn through hands-on approaches and experiences. Each week through our Sunday morning Sunday School and our Wednesday evening ministries there are many areas for the children to be connected and their spiritual growth to be nurtured in God’s Word. Also, throughout the year, we incorporate camps, Vacation Bible School, and multiple service opportunities for the children to grow and live out their faith. What child do you know needing to plug into a church? Please bring them and help foster their crucial spiritual growth. For more information about our children’s ministries, check our website or contact the Children’s Ministry office.

Sixth through twelth grades

E7 is a representation of the seven primary elements of the church. Those elements are Worshipping, Growing, Sharing, Telling, Serving, Praying and Sending. These elements are depicted in Acts chapter two and are believed to be, when properly balanced, the necessary principles of being a healthy, God-honoring church. Students are involved in many activities throughout the year including special services, retreats, camps and mission trips. These events provide students with a fun way to grow in Christ. FUSION Students in the 6-12th grades gather every Wednesday night for Bible study and fellowship. Check our website for event and program information at




WOMEN’S MINISTRY Looking for a way to connect with other women and grow in your faith? Welcome to Women’s Ministries at First Baptist Church of Albany—a place where you can be “at home!” Our purpose is a mirror of the church’s purposes: sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ; demonstrating that Christ makes a difference in our lives; and “experiencing new beginnings in life through Jesus Christ.” As women move through the different stages of life, it is filled with endings—endings which call for new beginnings. As changes occur, we want women to grow in their relationships with God as they: . Worship with others . Spend time in prayer . Connect with other women in fellowship . Grow spiritually by being in the Word (Bible and discipleship studies) . Serve others through ministry . Share with others the difference Christ has made in their lives and personal stories . Be on mission for Him at the local, state, national or international levels Ladies, check out the opportunities we offer to grow closer to God and deepen relationships with other women through women’s Bible studies, missions, ministries, fellowships, and retreats. Come “experience a new beginning” at First Baptist Church of Albany.

“That is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” –Romans 1:12

MEN’S MINISTRY Anchorage Men’s Rehabilitation We have opportunities to share the gospel at Anchorage chapel services. There are also opportunities to share the Gospel with Anchorage clients who are currently in rehab and help us at our facility. Prison Ministry We have opportunities to share Jesus with men in a nearby prison. We facilitate regular chapel services and discipleship classes in which inmates may participate. Smokin’ for Missions This cooking ministry raises money for our congregation to go on mission trips. This ministry has provided a way for some to travel when they normally would not be able to do so. Handyman Ministry Our men are involved in local projects throughout the area. Some of the projects include repairing homes of the needy and installing handicap ramps. Our men also help with the ongoing repairs of the church facility. Men’s Discipleship Classes We have seasonal discipleship classes specifically for men. We also have small men’s study groups that branch off of these classes for further Bible study and accountability. Jericho Team We depend on this group of men to break down and set up our multi-purpose facility each week. They also help with special events throughout the year.


The Men’s Ministry at First Baptist Church of Albany provides many needed services, not only for the church family but for the community at large. Many times those who are serving go unnoticed, but our men are faithful to assist those in need. A few of the areas of the Men’s Ministry are:


SENIOR ADULTS Hebrews 12:1-3 challenges us to run the race of the Christian life with patient endurance. Running that race includes moving forward in our Christian lives, going somewhere—pressing on—knowing that others are following our lead and watching to see if Christ really makes the difference in our lives. The senior adults (“55+ Bunch”) are forerunners in the ministries of First Baptist Church of Albany. They have gone and are still going before the younger generations, showing the way and preparing for their work and achievements. Our senior adults are standing strong (Proverbs 11:30). First Baptist Church of Albany’s senior adults are living proof that God uses folks at every stage of life! They serve and fellowship with all ages and minister to all generations—from the church nursery to the nursing homes. Come check out the opportunities for: GROWING (discipleship) Being in the Word PRAYING Being in relationship with God SERVING (ministry) Working to meet needs of others GOING (missions) Being a witness through local, state, national and international mission opportunities SHARING (fellowship) Building relationships with others at monthly luncheons; on day and overnight trips; gatherings for older adults TELLING (evangelism) Sharing your faith with others WORSHIPPING Praising God in all you do If you’re not aging, you’re not living. But don’t just be “aging”—be living! Come “experience new beginnings in life through Christ” at First Baptist Church of Albany as we grow in the Lord, use our talents and abilities to serve Him, and enjoy Christian fellowship with others.


There is a place for you in missions. Locally, we have teams build handicap ramps, feed the hungry, teach children, clean up parks, monitor bounce houses for children, and make cakes to name just a few. Nationally and internationally, we travel to staff a week camp for special-needs children, serve other churches and church plants to reach their communities, and provide medical missions trips as a way to share the Gospel of Christ. We engage in any activity that can be done in the name of the Lord and for His purposes.


Every Christian has the same mandate from the Great Commission: make disciples. That process begins by others coming to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. And that faith oftentimes comes as a result of a believer responding to the physical needs of one who has not heard the Gospel. At First Baptist Church of Albany we are committed to missions so that others will come to know Jesus. Whether it be local, national, or international, yearly we send out many teams to make known the Gospel.


MEDIA MINISTRY The Media Ministry of First Baptist Church of Albany was one of the pioneers of broadcast ministry. Our first broadcast of the regular Sunday morning worship service was on May 1, 1960 and has been continuously airing since that time. This makes our program one of the longest continuing television programs in the country. Our television program “A Time for New Beginnings” airs each Sunday on WALB at 11:00 am and ministers to nearly 5,000 households weekly. Our focus in the broadcast ministry is to reach those outside our church walls in order to promote the kingdom of heaven. Many residents within Southwest Georgia can no longer attend church services due to their heath, and we feel very strongly about creating an opportunity for those to worship in their homes. As well, our goal for those who simply will not come to a church service is to send out the message of Jesus’ redeeming love that they may hear it. Along with the broadcast portion of our Media Ministry, another key component is our technical services. Our sound, lighting and graphics technicians strive each week to enhance the worship service and promote an attitude of worship. We strive to ensure that all are engaged on a multi-sensory level so that each person may more clearly understand God’s message. In the Media Ministry at First Baptist Church of Albany, we seek to employ any means of technology to widen the effectiveness of the entire church.

RECREATION Our recreation ministries take many forms. Below are just a few of the many opportunities that our church takes to fellowship together and reach others with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Fishing Trips Our men go on seasonal fishing trips to a couple of different locations each year like Helen, Georgia and Cherokee, North Carolina. It is a time where they enjoy God’s creation and do special Bible studies with our pastor. Basketball Nights Our multi-purpose facility allows us to have sports events inside like basketball. We schedule regular times during basketball season when people can play several times during the season. Church-Wide Picnics Our church family loves to get together a few times a year and enjoy the outdoors. We have outdoor games like volleyball, kickball, horseshoes, dodge ball and bean bag toss for all ages to enjoy.


Boy Scouts We currently have three different Scout units meeting at our facility that cover every area that the Boy Scouts offer.



First Baptist Church of Albany has been committed to providing quality weekday preschool education in a loving, Christian environment for over 40 years. We have small classes to insure individual attention. Our teachers are dedicated to helping preschoolers see themselves as a special creation of God. We provide a wide variety of activities to enrich children’s lives, helping to strengthen them physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. The Mother’s Morning Out Ministry is for children six-weeks old to two-years old. These small classes have low teacher-child ratio. These classes meet from 9:00am-1:00pm. There are options for one or two days a week. The Lil’ Academy is for three and four-year-old children and offers a high quality preschool. The classes meet from 9:00am-1:00pm. There are options for three or four days per week. To receive more information about FBC Lil’ Academy or to inquire about enrollment, please contact the school at 229-883-7575 or 229-883-8000.

EXPERIENCE NEW BEGINNINGS Acknowledge your need for God’s help. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 Believe that God has provided new beginnings in Jesus Christ. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 Now God has demonstrated His own love for us, that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Commit yourself to experiencing new beginnings every day. I therefore urge you, brothers, by the mercies of God to present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, this is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1

JOIN US The First Baptist Church of Albany receives members in several ways including: By Profession of Faith and Baptism: A person professes his or her faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and follows Him in believer’s baptism according to the New Testament teaching and the practice of our church. By Promise of Letter of Membership from another Baptist Church: A person who is a member of another Southern Baptist church my request that his or her membership be transferred to First Baptist Church of Albany. We will gladly take care of the details regarding the transfer. By Statement of Prior Conversion: A person requests membership based on his or her statement of faith and baptism by immersion when a church-letter is unavailable.


If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. Romans 10:9

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