December 2012 Desember No 178 Owners - Eienaars S.A. & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Bk / Ck 8857441/23 131 Kelner Street, Mimosa Mall, Bloemfontein 9301 Postal Address - Posadres Email address PO. Box 12190, Brandhof e-pos adres 9324 South Africa Tel / Fax - 051-522 6885
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Contents - Inhoud 3 Onttrekking van duiwe te koop (Advertensie) 4 Kersboodskap – Christmas Message Sanpo President 5 Turf Pet Hyper (Advertisement) 6 History of the Mullion Dollar Pigeon Race 7 Mdpr Foto Page 8 17th South African Million Dollar Pigeon Race - 2 Feb. 2013 9 Wade Brothers – a top United Kingdom loft 10 Duiweverliese oorsake en oplossings 11 Allfligh Winter race details for 2013 (Advertisement) 12 Willie Young - Durban Federation Champion 14 Queenstown Racing Pigeon Club se jaarlikse prysuitdeling 15 Vasbyt 800ZA 10 24672 Blouband wyfie Pigeons for sale (Advertisement) 16 Kitchenbrands Loft TRPF Champion 2012 (Advertorial) 18 Record number of pigeons for the Bourges race 19 Belgian National Race Season is as good as over 20 By The Way 22 Selecting Pigeons for breeding (Part 5) 24 Chris Smith (Advertorial) Chris Smith (Advertensie) Gillroy Benzing (Advertisement) Secrets of Champions V1 (Advertisement)
Die menings van die skrywers in die uitgawe verteenwoordig nie noodwendig die SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus se standpunt nie. The opinions expressed by authors and contributors do not necessarily reflect the official viewpoint or policy of the SA & World Pigeon News
25 Western Flyers Homing Union News Totpak wedvlug (Advertensie) 26 The effects of the environment on our breeding strategy 27 Kleiner advertensie 28 Sentrale Provinsiale Hok - Nuusbrief finale wedvlug 29 Sentrale Provinsiale Hok - Turbo challenge race Sentrale Provinsiale Hok inname 2013 seisoen (Advertensie)
If you have any enquiries concerning the South African National Racing Pigeon Organisation, please contact the following persons.
30 SANPO Nasionale Hok Suid - Finale wedvluguitslae
Indien u enige navrae oor die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Posduif Organisasie het, kan u die volgende persone kontak.
31 Kersboodskap - Christmas Message 2012
President - Faunty Gillmer Tel.: 049 843 1505 Cell. 083 455 2052 Fax: 086 726 7319 Email: Sekretaris / Secretary - Willie Venter Tel. (012) 377-2055 · Fax. (012) 377-1651 Email: Tesourier / Treasurer - Yvonne Coertzen Tel. (051) 436-2170 · Fax. (051) 436-3892 Email:
SANPO Klapmuts Hok verslag en finale wedvluguitslae 32 Exclusive Pigeons – Website of Champions (Advertisement)
Volgende maand Die geskiedenis van die Frans Putterie se duiwe en die Slimmes in Suid
National Fancy Pigeon Association of South Africa (NFPA)
President: Fadiel Hendricks Cell: 082 827 8099 Email:
Secretary: Yassiem Khan
Cell: 083 270 600
Ring Distributor: Petal Renda
Phone 021-572 5555
Die fenomenale fondasie paar van die Slimme familie. The phenomenal foundation pair of the Slimme family
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Redaksioneel Editorial
ns wens u en dié wat na aan u is ’n Geseënde Kersfees, en ’n gesonde, gelukkige en vreedsame 2013 toe.
Redaksie SA Duiwe Nuus
e wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, a healthy, happy and peaceful 2013.
Editorial SA Pigeon News
ONTTREKKING VAN DUIWE TE KOOP Ek het tien teelduiwe te koop aangebied in die SA en W. Duiwenuus van Oktober 2012. Dit was waarskynlik die beste duiwe wat ek nog ooit te koop aangebied het, met die gevolg dat my broer my oortuig het om die duiwe nie te verkoop nie.
CELL:- 082 929 3040 FREE STATE
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SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
TEL:- 053-831 2619 TEL:- 054-331 3122 CELL:- 076 409 4224
Afleweringskoste is nie by die prys ingesluit nie.
TEL:- 041-992 1447 TEL:- 049-843 1505 TEL:- 041 933 1987
Ek is egter bereid om maksimum 20 kuikens teen R500.00 per kuiken te verkoop, dog net een paar kuikens per broeipaar.
Bank Deposito
TEL:- 041-364 3971
Jammer dat ek die duiwe nie meer gaan verkoop nie.
TEL:- 021-534 3165
Die duiwe se kuikens vlieg vir hom en sy vrou in Parys uitstekend. Ek vlieg nie so goed soos hulle nie, maar dit is die kuikens wat vir my ook die beste doen.
TEL:- 021-930 2609 TEL:- 021-981 6072 TEL:- 021-945 3121 TEL:- 021-851 2379 TEL:- 021-864 2364 TEL:- 021-854 8729 TEL:- 021-696 1242
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Kersboodskap Christmas Message Dit is my en my vrou se voorreg om alle lede van Sanpo ’n Geseënde Kersfees toe te wens, mag die Here julle seën in die Feestyd en geniet hierdie spesiale tyd saam met u families. Aan alle Raadslede, baie dankie vir u ondersteuning deur die jaar en u positiewe bydra wat u gelewer het tot die duiwesport. My first 2-year term in office as President of Sanpo has flown – it did have its challenges but it was a very enjoyable time and problems that arose were professionally handled by the Sanpo Committee. I attended several prize givings and functions and met many new fanciers and reunited with old friends. Thank you for this privilege.
Janene en Faunty Gillmer President SAMPO
y eerste 2-jaar termyn as President het verbygevlieg en dit was baie aangenaam om hierdie posisie te beklee – daar was wel uitdagings wat die Sanpo komitee, ek glo, goed hanteer het.
A word of appreciation to those organizations, that accommodated young and upcoming fanciers and also for improvising to retain retired fanciers and enabling them to continue racing.
Ek was uitgenooi na verskillende funksies en prysuitdelings, het baie nuwe lede ontmoet en ook herenig met ou vriende. Baie dankie vir hierdie voorreg.
Lost pigeons are still causing many problems and telephone numbers on the rings have worked very well. I am appealing to all organizations to not allow any pigeons to be basketed that do not have an identity telephone number of a contact person on a ring.
Dankie aan alle organisasies dat hulle ’n daadwerklike poging aangewend het om jongmense in die sport te akkommodeer en ook bekostigbaar te probeer hou vir ons senior lede, om steeds te kon deelneem.
Very disappointing though were articles published in the Sunday paper of allegations of dishonesty by pigeon fanciers – the accused have a right to appeal – which they did – such cases have to be concluded. We have nothing to hide and if guilty, such persons will be dealt with in an orderly, civilized manner according to etiquette. There is no need to insult any person in public. I think it is totally unacceptable.
Verlore duiwe bly nog steeds ’n geweldige probleem en die telefoon nommer op ’n ring het baie goed gewerk. Ek doen nog steeds ’n beroep op alle organisasies om nie duiwe in hulle mandjies toe te laat as daar nie ’n kontak persoon se telefoon nommer op so ’n duif verskyn nie.
As mentioned, next year is an election year and every member of Sanpo has the right to vote in his region – the Councillor in your region is voted in by yourself as well as the President and Vice President at the Annual General Meeting. So please make use of your right to vote.
Teleurstellend was nuusberigte van oneerlikheid wat in ons hoof koerant gepubliseer was. Die beskuldiges is almal geregtig op appèl, wat hulle ook dan aangeteken het, en voor publieke verklarings gemaak word, moet so ’n appèl eers afgehandel word – ons het niks om weg te steek nie en elke skuldige sal sy straf kry, maar die oordra daarvan sal ordentlik geskied en volgens etikette. Dit is nie nodig om enige persoon in die publiek te verneder nie. Ek dink dit is totaal onvanpas.
To fanciers who participated in different National Lofts congratulations, and to those who won and did well, a special word of congratulations. Also to the National Show winners – congratulations on your achievements.
Soos reeds genoem is volgende jaar ’n verkiesingsjaar en let asseblief daarop dat elke lid van Sanpo in sy streek ’n reg het tot ’n stem – die Raadslid in u streek word deur uself gekies en niemand anders nie, sowel as die President en Vise President op die Algemene Jaarvergadering. Dit is u reg, gebruik dit asseblief.
To all members who set high standards for themselves and reached their goals, well done. It is a privilege for my wife and I to wish every member of Sanpo, Complements of the Season and may the Lord bless you in this special time and enjoy the festive season with your families.
Baie geluk ook aan diegene wat in ons Nasionale Hokke deelgeneem het en ’n spesiale geluk aan die wenners. ʼn spesiale geluk ook aan ons Nasionale Skou wenners.
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
To all Council members, thank you for support and positive contributions made to the pigeon sport. n
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
History of the Million Dollar Pigeon Race Source
hy pay R20 000.00 at an auction to breed babies to win certificates and prize money in most cases less than R500.00? With this question in mind the following question was natural. If golfers can play for a Million Dollars why not the pigeon fancier? This would bring in line the prices paid for top breeding pigeons to the prize money their offspring could win.
How does one keep track of the birds and compile a training and race result?
Tobin Prior, the then Marketing Director for Sun International, was approached by Brent Chalmers, Commissioner of the PGA, with this idea. How interesting, in fact, what a fun idea and right in line with Sun City’s extravaganza philosophy. Do it! Tobin’s reaction.
Michael Holt was appointed Systems Manager and together with the promotions team set up a system that would meet the requirements – give every entrant an equal opportunity to compete on the same basis as every other competitor.
Brent put together a consortium of Swiss backers for the venture who committed their support for an initial five year period. The first two aspects, venue and finance, were in place.
No easy task as things like cell phones and electronic transfer of data were still in their infancy. Pioneering work indeed which has now grown to a communication system visited by 35000 individuals on an average monthly basis and some 3.4 million hits.
What about quarantining the birds? The state facilities would not be able to do this. Young minds embrace change and the use of electronic rings was introduced for the first time into South Africa.
The next step was to get the backing of the fanciers in close proximity to the venue.
Quarantining, pioneering once again as no private facility had been accredited in South Africa.
At a meeting chaired by Silas Willis attended by Organizations affiliated with the Witwatersrand Combine (now the Gauteng Racing Pigeon Combine) held in conjunction with the opening of the new complex for the Pretoria Wedvlug Duiwe Federasie, the concept for the race was tabled. Those attending this meeting in 1995, some expressing skepticism, nevertheless gave the race its blessing.
Doctor Robert Conradie headed this crucial aspect and, with State Veterinarian DR. Peter Jay supporting, established the first such facility in South Africa; now covering 550 square meters – this is the biggest and best in the world. Best without doubt experiencing only 0.01% fatality on average with a figure of 10% being an acceptable figure as the norm for such facilities.
Louis de Jager, the then president of the South African Homing Union, believing that this race would enhance and promote pigeon racing, received approval for the SAHU to sanction the race.
Sadly Ronnie Croxford’s health deteriorated to the extent that he was unable to take up his position as trainer. Who better to step into this position than father and son combination Steve and Corrie Naude.
The rest would now be simple, go to the local newsagent or the library and get the book “How to run a Million Dollar Pigeon Race” One small problem - the book was not in print as it had not been written! So who cares, get in experts doing sports promotion.
Together with Zandy Meyer they formed the team to train the pigeons. All three being champions in their own right and specialist young bird fanciers, flying young birds at 500km, saw to it that proven systems were applied to the training.
Alan Pascoe International, the London based sports promotion company, were appointed – thank goodness for Swiss Franks!
Fierce adversaries normally, their combined systems provided results which astounded the international community. These methods, together with dedication from the various trainers at the lofts, over the years and continued guidance from Zandy, Corrie and Rob have ensured that the results produced a standard that has been applauded world wide.
Thankfully they realized that as far as pigeon keeping was concerned, without a handbook, better leave the infrastructure to the pigeon fanciers. A working group consisting of Silas Willis, Ronnie Croxford, Zandy Meyer and Promotion companies Anton and Chris Kruger visited Sun City to find a suitable site to house the pigeons.
That the South African pigeon fanciers have benefited by the influx of winning blood is a matter of record, winner after winner has been bred from the pigeons that have completed the Million Dollar.
Existing infrastructure at the then no longer used security facility at Sun City was altered and adapted into pigeon lofts, unique and suitable for the very hot climate of the area.
The image of the sport likewise has changed. The previous response to finding out that ones hobby was keeping pigeons, “Oh as a kid I also kept pigeons” to “have you also got a pigeon in the Sun City Million Dollar?” The race has brought a new found respect to the sport of pigeon racing.
It quickly became apparent that the promotion company’s yardstick for normal sporting events did not apply to pigeon racing. They did not have any expertise on the nuts and bolts aspect of a pigeon race. A local sports promotion company, Statfocus, was appointed and Hennie Crowther now headed the project. Although he did not know from which side a pigeon ate from, at least he knew local conditions!
The Belgium fancy press has described it as the “Tour de France” of pigeon racing small wonder that internationally the South African race is hailed as the greatest pigeon race in the world and the race with the proven track record.
Clearly the local market needed to be the starting point and the collective knowledge of local pigeon fanciers would have to be used.
The magnificence of Sun City, the excitement of the race and the presentation of the whole event has resulted in the race weekend being the highlight for many in the pigeon sport.
To this end ex South African’s John Galbraith in Belgium and Morris Adler in the USA were asked to assist. An acquaintance made at another one loft race, Paul Smith from the UK, was appointed to spearhead the overseas marketing.
None of this would be possible without the entrants. Many have competed since its inception. Rewards have been great and many have become household names.
The task of luring international fanciers to support a one loft race in darkest Africa and to part with their best pigeons at a US$1000 entry fee in the face of the many disasters and failures of other similar races was not an easy task.
Clearly the race evolves because of the interest of a great many people and will continue for as long as it provides what it has, an equal and fair opportunity to test your pigeons against the world’s best! n
Quickly came the realization that there was more to an event of this nature than meets the eye.
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Wade Brothers
a Top United Kingdom loft By Pieter Oberholster
winning for us today when paired with the latest introductions. Our race team consists of a maximum of 35 old birds and 40 young birds flown to wooden lofts without heat/light or running water on an allotment. Everything has to be carried to and from the allotment site whatever the weather 365 days a year. West Auckland WMCHS has 25 competing lofts and has a 20 bird limit; excess pigeons compete at federation level & WDA level only. Cockfield federation is situated in the south west corner of County Durham and houses some extremely talented fanciers with several previous multiple WDA winners & other NEHU classic winners competing weekly. The West Durham amalgamation has 625 competing lofts in its ten member Federations and is one of the NEHU’s 4 affiliated racing organisations and its members have an impressive record of wins of the NEHU classic races. Richard & Martin are only in the radius of a single club & federation and like their fellow competitors in West Auckland H.S. compete in their local club, in the NEHU there is no running from a strong club to a smaller club to massage your ego or sending to 3 or 4 clubs to accumulate large numbers of wins every season. Competition is white hot as anyone who wants to succeed in this part of the country has to put their pigeons in the baskets against the top fanciers in their area every week. The members of the WDA compete in 9 amalgamation races a season when the entry can reach up to 10,000 pigeons and against the full NEHU Membership in 3 old bird classic races a year (Folkestone, Clermont Queens Cup and Bourges) with birdage as high as 46,000 birds. Another important fact to consider is that unlike in the rest of Great Britain the three NEHU Classic races are part of every club affiliated to the NEHU’s 4 racing organisations weekly race programme allowing all members to compete without the need for travel and subscriptions to additional organisations. Within the NEHU and its racing organisations we are fortunate to have inclusive (not exclusive) racing for the full membership. The WDA consists of 10 Federations which are liberated together weekly with the exception of the first 4 young bird races when Cockfield, Crook and Consett Feds are liberated as a single group. Other than these 4 races a top ten velocities is collated from federation results by former WDA Chairman Bob Pinkerton (hence Bob’s Top Ten). Such is the demand for their pigeons, Richard & Martin have been unfortunate to have been twice visited by thieves and during both thefts they lost some irreplaceable pigeons. This is one of the deciding factors with regards to the auction taking place due to their concern over a third visit. Personally racing against them at WDA and NEHU classic level I know just how consistent they are and how dedicated they are to achieving success (as are many of their fellow competitors.) n
ADE BROTHERS – WEST AUCKLAND - AT WEST DURHAM AMALGAMATION LEVEL IN THE PAST FEW SEASONS Up to 8,000 birds in the WDA, we have won 1st, 1st, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 21st, 23rd, 25th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 33rd, 35th, 41st, 48th, 54th, 57th, 60th – 225-260 miles. Winners of four times 1st open West Durham Amalgamation and 1st Open North of England Homing Union Folkestone Classic against 28,134 birds into a north east wind winning the BHW Trophy for the best UK Performance up to 300 miles. Cockfield Federation - 2011 highest prize winners with a record number of points, 2010 runners up to highest prize winners, 2009 highest prize winners, 2008 highest prize winners and 2007 runners up to highest prize winners. Holders of record number of points in club and federation. Winners of the WDA Sprint Champion in 2011 with Turbo Joe – 625 members. The Sprint Champion is calculated on a 4 race co-efficient from old bird top 10 federation performances. Bob’s top ten old birds (collated weekly by BHW scribe Bob Pinkerton – from a single liberation). These birds have won in the last 2 and a half seasons: 1st 12,612 b Thoresby Hall 1st 11,213 b Billericay 1st 11,273 b Leicester 1st and 3rd 11,200 b Leicester 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 6,008 b Huntingdon 1st and 2nd 5,000 b Huntingdon 2nd 9,000 b Wakefield 4th 10,546 b Billericay 4th and 5th 9,015 b Leicester 9th 11,024 b Huntingdon This is purely a racing loft where the only pedigree we want is in the basket, winning pigeons write their own pedigree. Our policy has always been to race them hard, keep the best for stock and introduce what we are consider are better pigeons to improve our performances. Of those introduced, the best are incorporated into our own team of pigeons and those not good enough to keep up or beat them fall by the wayside. We are proud that the blood of all our previous WDA winners is still
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
ÉÉÜát~x xÇ ÉÑÄÉáá|Çzá Henri Stiglingh (Jeffreysbaai)
it is Sondagmiddag sesuur. Ek sit en kyk na ’n onstuimige see. Die kleur is onheilspellend grysblou en dis swaar bewolk oor die Tsitsikamma. In die verte skyn die liggies van die tjokkabote met die branders wat al groter toring en wit perde hardloop oor hulle koppe heen. Ek voel net so onrustig oor die duiwesport soos die branders hier voor my. Nog ’n vliegjaar is verby met baie vrae in min antwoorde en dan nog ontstellende nuus in die koerant.
vir so ’n duiweboer presteer het. Baie duiweboere mag bang wees dat jy hulle “gemors” sal gee en dit sal net tot jou eie nadeel strek, want dan is jou naam betrokke en nie een van ons wil hoor dat ons iemand swak duiwe gegee het nie! Daar is baie duiweboere wat regtig sukkel om duur duiwe aan te skaf. Ek praat uit ondervinding, omdat ek self daar was op ’n stadium in my lewe en het ek duiwe wat seergekry het van ’n vriend gekry om mee te teel en dan het hulle vir my wenners geteel. Alles gaan nie net om geld nie, of is jy bang jou mededuiweboer wen jou met jou eie duiwe? Dit gebeur ook en dis goed, want dis beter om te gee as om te ontvang. Soos ek meeste duiweboere ken, sal hulle maklik vir my een of twee duiwe skenk om aan duiweboere wat sukkel te gee. Daar is baie opregte duiweboere in die land – ons het net vervreem van mekaar. Die wengedagte is een van die grootste oorsake daarvan en is besig om ons te verpletter.
Hier by die kus was die jaar vol probleme met slegte weersomstandighede feitlik elke naweek en die duiweverliese was groot. Volgens navrae was die verliese in die binneland net so hoog. Ons praat natuurlik nie van die enkele persone wat nooit duiwe verloor nie! Hulle is ook daar, maar nouja, ons kan hulle op ons hand tel. Party van die mense se uitslae wys ook nie juis die gewenste resultaat nie, want soms haal hulle nie eers die eerste 10 in die Klub nie.
Ons moet ophou vasklem aan ou idees en ou duiwerasse wat nog net in naam in Suid Afrika bestaan. Dit was eens op ’n tyd uitstekende duiwe, maar soos die jare aangaan het alles verander – ook die duiwe. Hulle het vinniger geraak oor die jare en die ou rasse het agtergebly in die proses. As ek vandag nog hoor dat mense se hulle het skoon Putteries, Oscar de Vriendts of Catrysse – weet ek dit moes nog uit die oorspronklikes gekom het en dis hoogs onwaarskynlik dat daar nog sulke skoon bloedlyne van al die ou rasse teen vandag nog kan bestaan.
Wat is die oorsaak van die verliese? Ek dink dis eerstens ons eie skuld. Ons praat nie genoeg met mekaar en deel eerlike opinies met mekaar nie. Ons probeer nie mekaar help nie, want ons is tog te bang dat die ander persoon ons dan gaan wen op die einde van die dag! As ons tog maar net kan wegkom van die wengedagte, maar nee, ons moet net eenvoudig wen – kom wat wil. Ons kan mekaar help op verskeie maniere. Ons het die Tydskrif, maar gebruik die nie. Ons kommunikeer nie met mekaar nie. Ek het dit my werk gemaak om oral waar ek kom te probeer uitvind wat die geval is by ander duiweboere. Almal het probleme ondervind en almal soek antwoorde.
Met die tegnologie van vandag is dit natuurlik maklik om van die bestes in die wêreld te bekom en dit gebeur ook daagliks dat mense nuwe duiwe inbring. Dit is ’n goeie ding as jy jou eie familie duiwe wil probeer verbeter. As jy hulle met jou duiwe kruisteel – moet hulle beter wees as jou ou familie – dan het jy die wenresep. My gedagtes het nou ’n wye draai gemaak. Ek het by duiweverliese begin en êrens anders beland. Ek het nou al vir die afgelope paar jaar ’n studie probeer maak van duiweverliese oor die land. Ek het so ’n jaar of twee gelede met Monty van der Burgh hieroor gepraat en sy siening was nogal insiggewend. Hyself het daardie stadium nie meer duiwe verloor as ander jare nie, maar sy mening was dat ons die afgelope paar jaar soveel duiwe van ander halfrondtes inbring, dat ons besig is om die oriëntasie van die duiwe te versteur.
Ons Nasionale Organisasie is ook so besig met die opstel van wedvlugreëls en wetgewings dat hulle skoon vergeet van die arme duiweboere wat swaar kry en sukkel om kop bo water te hou – veral op die platteland. Dis skrikwekkend hoeveel duiweboere die sport verlaat en daar word niks aan gedoen nie. Wie kyk na die plattelandse duiweboere? Weet hulle nie daar is so iets soos motiverende en opbouende praatjies nie? Ook kan ons duiweboere wat sukkel help deur vir hulle ’n paar ordentlike broeiduiwe te laat kry. Die beloning is altyd groot as jy op ’n dag ’n telefoonoproep kry waarin jy meegedeel word dat jou duiwe se kleintjies
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
Dit is tog logies dat as jy duiwe van ’n ander land af inbring jy vir ten minste 2 tot 3 jaar geduldig moet wees sodat die duiwe kan akklimatiseer. Soms kry jy wel duiweboere wat Vervolg op bl 11
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
ALLFLIGHT CC CARNIVAL CITY LOFT Cell 082 928 1742 Fax 086 520 2645
WINTER RACE DETAILS FOR 2013 The bread-and-butter race; an affordable yet value for money competition. (Pigeons to be rung with officially recognized 2012 and 2013 rings. Please note no pigeons previously entered in any other competition at Allflight will be accepted) Intake November 2012 to March 2013. Entry fee is R1 000 (One thousand Rand) per bird with one reserve for every two paid entries, payable on the day the birds are delivered at the loft. Perch fee of R500ea payable for reserve pigeons only. Example: You pay R2 500 and bring 3 pigeons of which 2 are entered and 1 is a reserve. All reserve pigeons still in the loft and not used as replacements on 15 May 2013 must be activated by paying R500 ea before the 1st Hot Spot mentioned below. Proof of payment/cash or cheque and a completed and signed entry form must accompany all entries. No entry fees will be refunded. Birds will partake in at least five Hot Spot races: Ventersburg 240km Winburg 280km Winburg 280km Bloemfontein 390km Trompsburg 490km. Final Race Colesberg/Noupoort Area (August 2013) 600km – 650km Release points may be different at management judgment and dates would depend upon favourable weather conditions. The Ace Pigeon for 2013 winter competition will be determined on flying time in the 5 Hot Spot races as well as the Final Race! After the final race we auction the birds; breeder gets 40% of selling price. If a pigeon is sold for less than R300 all will be offset against costs with no kickback to the breeder. Expected total prize money = R250 000 of which the winner will get R60 000 (based on 600 paid entries).
Duiweverliese oorsake en oplossings - Vervolg vanaf vorige bladsy beweer dat hulle duiwe ingebring het en dadelik resultate behaal het, maar hulle is yl gesaai.
oriëntasie die afgelope paar jaar? Almal was op die wa met selfone en lugtorings, maar dit blyk nie so ’n groot invloed te hê nie. Ek was die eerste wat gesê het dat die natuur wonderlik is en duiwe kan aanpas en dit oorkom. Die laaste hiervan was toe ’n professor van Stellenbosch my gebel het oor die probleem. Ek het met hom in my duiwehok gesels en hom laat luister na die duiwe se gepronk. Ek het nie weer van hom gehoor nie.
Het jy geweet dat jou pak duiwe altyd ’n leier het en dat die res net saamvlieg? Dit is gewoonlik die leiers in ’n pak wat die wedvlugte wen en daarom sal jy uit ’n hok hoogstens ’n paar wenners per jaar kry. Ek dink dit is ook een van die groot redes dat daar so baie duiweverliese is – veral op die platteland, want as hulle klein pakkie een van die groot bonde se duiwe kruis, is dit so goed soos hulle beland in ’n totaal ander landstreek. Die duiweboere op die platteland het ongelooflik minder geword en die duiwe in die stede meer. Dit is dus logies dat die groter bonde, wat ook deesdae meer saam vlieg, die kleiner manne se duiwe sal opslurp. ’n Verdere rede is natuurlik ook die magnetiese velde wat kan verander a.g.v. plate in die aardkors wat gedurig skuif. Tot my verbasing hoor ek net vanoggend uit ’n kenner se mond oor die radio dat dieselfde dinge kan gebeur met trekvoeltjies. Hy beweer dat as jy trekvoeltjies van een kontinent met dieselfde voëltjie van ’n ander kontinent kruis – hulle hulle oriëntasie so verloor dat hulle nie hulle pad terug kan vind nie. Daar is dalk iets in die stelling wat ’n moontlike lig kan werp op ons duiwe se
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
Daar is nog baie ander verklarings van duiweverliese, maar ek sal ook graag van ander duiweboere oor die land wil hoor wat julle menings is hieromtrent. Op hierdie manier kan ons dalk agter die kap van die byl kom en probeer om oplossings te vind. Stuur julle mening en waarnemings na en as dit waardevolle inligting is stuur ons dit vir die Tydskrif om te publiseer Kom al my duiwevriende – laat hoor van julle!! Vliegroete Henri en Petra Stiglingh n
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Durban Federation Champion By Danny Terblanche Gabriel and Katelyn (a boy and a girl, knee-high to a grasshopper) are involved in their oupa’s sport just as much as he. They rushed on ahead to the loft where Willie and I were headed and opened the door for us. Within seconds they had all the babies from the various nestboxes out and scrambling around on the fly-in platform. Apparently, I was to inspect them in the pigeon fancier kind of way. Surprise, surprise they knew exactly which nest to return each baby when we had done with them. Judging by the Diplomas on his wall, for being Club Champion and Fed Champion on many occasions, it was easy to suggest that Willie knew what he was doing in this mysterious sport of ours. I can understand when a fancier does well with pigeons when he is wealthy and has bought in a lot of very good blood – as well as those who have the means to fly a large number of birds. BUT straight away I could see this was not the case with Willie. He had developed his birds into what they were. He had a loft full of Willie Young pigeons – with only the odd additions to his breeding program that he had brought in from reputed fanciers from time to time. BUT mostly they were Willie Young pigeons.
Willie lets us know what he looks for when handling a pigeon as he brandishes No. 4120 - a numerous winner from all distances - off a Tom Lock Silver Medal winner and a Terry O’Connely Putterie hen - bred for him by Russell van der Merwe of Benoni.
illie Young (53) has been the Durban Federation Champion five times in a row – from 2007 through 2011. Going through the Federation’s list of past Federation winners I came across Willie’s figures and felt we needed to know more about this illusive fancier. The fact is, in the old days (and the list runs as a Hall-of-Fame from 1947) Fed champions were honoured in a big way. It seems we are too busy today, and hurry over the accolades and move onto the next project in our busy lives. BUT a man who wins more races than the best of them, on that list, surely deserves a mention. So I was thankful that Willie agreed to see me, on such short notice, and soon found myself having a cuppa with him, Bev his wife, Shane his son and the two grandchildren – the latter two being very much part of the interview.
I was eager to handle some of these champion pigeons – especially recent Fed Champion Cock ZATHU 4120, a Blue Bar Pied, bred for him by Russell van der Merwe. As he handed me bird after bird I was aware of how similar each bird was to the previous one. He smiled when I mentioned this and said that many of the birds were unrelated. He explained that one of his main fancies was to always include pigeons in his loft that looked like his; for this is how Willie had started with pigeons. He had chosen six blue bar cocks and six blue chequer hens – and their mark was that they all looked alike.
We Durbanites knew Bill Young, Willie’s father, very well. He was a good Durban fancier of many years. We were in stitches to hear about Willie’s youth as a “fancier”. He decided to play in his father’s stock loft one day. To his father’s consternation he later found some pigeons in this cage with their tail feathers missing and others covered in paint. Only Willie knows what he was doing in there – but he soon found out that he needed to get serious about the birds – or stay far away. History came to re-visit Willie in his grandson Christian. Christian having been given a pair of squeakers, when they were still covered in yellow fluff, showed himself to be a budding “fancier” too. While working in the loft next day Willie heard a thud behind him – and then another one. He turned to find the babies lying dazed on the floor….and Christian smiling at him through the slats. He was training his babies to use the traps. Let me further note that Willie has more grandchildren aspiring to pigeon fancier-hood. Young
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
Young Gabriel and Katelyn’s job on race-day is to release the famous fantails as the race bird arrives so that they can show the racers where the traps are. A great joy and delight to the beholder!
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
they took their job very seriously – with grand-mother Bev looking on ready to give them the exact time to release them. But what about pigeon losses? Has Willie experienced much? What, in his opinion, is causing so many losses? “People are breeding common pigeons”, says Willie. WHAT? “Yes”, says Willie, “they are breeding off stuff that is not proving to be good – as racers or as stock birds. People breed off these inferior birds hoping for the best. It is time we culled out of our stock lofts too – not only our racing lofts”. He only breeds off proven matings.
Grandchildren Gabriel and Katelyn help Willie to get to the nests in the tight corners, which he can’t reach so easily anymore. They proudly display the babies bred off one of their champion pigeons.
Then what about medicines? Which program do you use? Here Willie was quick to introduce his three-3’s to me: “I use the ‘right’ medicine at the ‘right’ time for the ‘right’ reason.” Further than that he is not a medicine man. Our Champion is not slow to mention the help he has received from reputable pigeon fanciers. He talks of Ds Painter Putteries which make up a large part of his original stock; as well as Toppie Jansen that he acquired from the Transvaal. He also mentions a Wallie Odendaal from Durban who he favoured greatly. There were also names like Reinhardt Brictha and Tom Locks mentioned – all of which had good blood, now infused into his.
Something else I noticed about his excellent birds was that in the hand they seemed like a handful of wings with a smallish body attached. Again he smiled at my observation and when he opened the birds’ wings to confirm my comments I saw a very different way of looking at the pigeon’s wing. He opens the wing at full length down the pigeon’s back and beyond its tail. He said that this was the pigeon’s actual wing positions when it flies. I could see the logic –having seen this strange way of extending the pigeons’ wings in pictures I had had from Belgium and Holland. The wing is a first priority for Willie. Then he says that the tails of a pigeon are also important. For KZN conditions, they must be tight – that is, tightly closed and not fanned out, not even slightly – for moving in and out of the mountains and valleys, with the winds that the mountains produce, the pigeon mustn’t have “drag” from a fanned tail.
Willie flew in the KZN Combine this year as well as the Durban Federation. Both organizations span a great distance which is made possible with the GPS system of race-calculations. In this instance Zululand on the upper north-coast would be competing with Port Shepstone on the lower south coast; with Ladysmith up in the north. So far Willie is doing well in this program – from the North route and from the West. In this instance it is all about which way the wind blows. There are times when Zululand scores and there are times when Port Shepstone scores. BUT mainly the days are calm with the majority of the results going to the stronger Durban and Districts contingent.
He also likes a tight belly and a strong back. The back is broad and runs down to the tail in a symmetrical line. Last of all, he likes a strong, noble head. Asked if he looks at pigeon’s eyes he says, “Yes, but for reasons other than eye-sign”. He likes a good, rich coloured eye – “But that is just personal for me”, he says. His birds have got magnificent eyes. He has all the colours you get among pigeons – with a number of very white ones. When I asked him if these weren’t perhaps “hawk-bait”, he caught a Spritzy cross that had won a few races down the years and said, “Well, he’s still alive”. In fact, one of these white birds beat the Fed time recently but couldn’t qualify as a Fed winner because it was being raced by Christian who was still in the junior section of the club.
Well, the 2013 Year Book is not out yet but it will be interesting to see if our Champ has made any more meaningful contributions to his already full list of honours. We’ll keep you informed, as we hope to give you much more on the affairs of the KZN boys. n
Christian is no doubt on his way to being a very fine fancier. So will little Gabriel and Katelyn, no doubt. The two last mentioned have a very important job to do on race days. They have to sit with the white fantails and wait to release them when a pigeon arrives for Oupa or Christian. I was invited to a demonstration. One the count of three Gabriel and Katelyn threw their fantails into the air and the bundles of white fluff flapped off into the air and headed straight into the fly-in – much to my amazement. To see these kids carrying these large, fluffy birds was very amusing indeed. If you didn’t know better you would think they had large, white fluffy cushions in their grasp. BUT
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
Willie Young of Bellair, Durban has been winning big awards in the Durban Federation for many years; lately has been the Fed Champ from 2007 through 2011 - an achievement attained by no other fancier in the Fed’s Hall of Fame, which dates back to 1947.
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Queenstown Racing Pigeon Club se jaarlikse prysuitdeling Deur Irene Roodt (Sekretaresse – QRPC) 083 431 5472
Die onder voorsitter en voorsitter van die klub Mossie Roodt en Dale Manthe wie toegesien het dat sake glad verloop het met die bou van die nuwe klub. Mossie Roodt het ook die Beste Duif in die Border Homing Union gehad.
ie klub het sommer twee vlieë met een klap getref deurdat hulle in die bevoorregte posisie was om vir hulle ’n splinternuwe klubhuis te bou. Die klubhuis is op een van die lede se plot gebou en kon ons dus die klub inwy en prysuitdeling hou. Sommige van die klublede het hulle hande diep in hulle sakke gedruk sodat die klub gebou kan word.
MJ Crous L van der Mescht
- 329 - 210
Kampioen Volpunte R Human L Muller JM Roodt HH Adams J van der Mescht
- 3545 - 2623 - 1962 - 1831 - 1815
Kampioen Kortafstand L Muller R Human J M Roodt HH Adams D Manthe -
Kampioen Middelafstand R Human - 434 L Muller - 409 J van der Mescht - 402 HH Adams - 338 D Manthe - 338
Kampioen Langafstand HH Adams JM Roodt R Human L Muller A le Grange Daar was heerlik gesmul aan bees filet, aartappel skyfies en sampioenroomsous, mengelslaai en heerlike malva- Suidpad Kampioen R Human poeding en vla. L Muller Die puntewenners vir die jaar: HH Adams Any Age kampioen J van der Mescht R Human - 849 D Manthe L Muller - 831 J Van der Mescht - 736 Age Age Best Bird HH Adams - 733 JM Roodt JM Roodt - 717 J M Roodt D Manthe - 665 R Human A le Grange - 560 R Human F Mostert & Son - 508 R Human Liezl Manthe, tesourier, Dale Manthe, Voorsitter, Mossie Roodt, onder voorsitter en Reinette Roodt sekretaresse.
Lede wat heerlik buite die klub onder die bome kan sit en gesels en “koukus” watter “muties” die beste vir die duiwe is.
& World Pigeon News - November December 2012 SASA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
229 216 201 188 187
207 201 199 193 172 413 389 368 352 330 217 184 161 153 152
Best Cock Any Age HH Adams J van der Mescht MJ Crous L Muller A le Grange
- 2632 - 2354 - 2256 - 2165 - 2037
Jaaroud Kampioen Suidpad L Muller - 309 R Human - 274 J van der Mescht - 274 F Mostert & Son - 260 JM Roodt - 244 Kampioen Noord J van der Mescht JM Roodt L Muller R Human HH Adams
218 206 204 195 182
Beste Jaaroud Algeheel JM Roodt J M Roodt L Muller A le Grange HH Adams -
217 184 143 136 130
Noord Kampioen L Muller JM Roodt R Human J van der Mescht HH Adams
442 441 436 384 365
Tafel met die trofeë en medaljes
Die dames wat verantwoordelik was vir die heerlike eetgoed vir die prysuitdeling en inwyding van die klub
Lede van die Queenstown Racing pigeon club
& Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - November Desember 2012 SASA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
VASBYT 800 ZA10 24672
Blouband Wyfie Deur Ferdie Lubbe
Ek het haar herdoop na “Vasbyt 800” want gedurende die 800km vlug terug huis toe kon niks haar wil om die huis te haal beïnvloed nie sy het wind, reën, hael en selfs ’n olie bad oorleef en toe sy nie meer verder kon vlieg nie het sy te voet verby honde en mense die laaste gedeelte van haar 800km wedvlug voltooi. Mag elke duiweboer ook eendag gelukkig wees om net een duif soos Vasbyt 800 te besit.
k deel graag met julle die verhaal van die dapper duif wat nooit moed opgee nie. Vasbyt is gebore in Oktober 2010, beide haar ouers was Kampioene haar ma was die Beste Middelafstand Duif in Pretoria haar pa was ’n dubbele wenner. Ek het haar gering met een van ons Combine duur ringe omdat ek groot verwagtinge van haar gehad het. Haar eerste terugslag het gekom toe beide haar ouers saam met ander duiwe uit my hok gesteel was.
Sy verdien dubbel goud vir haar poging om weer die huis te haal.
Toe ek agterkom dat die duiwe weg is was dit reeds te laat want Vasbyt se nesmaatjie was reeds dood, Vasbyt het hongerig langs haar dooie maatjie gesit. Ek het haar geneem en by ander duiwe geplaas waar sy groot geword en ontwikkel het tot ’n pragtige Blou Band wyfie. Sy het aan verskeie wedvlugte deelgeneem maar nooit regtig top prestasies gelewer nie. Verlede Donderdag 13 September 2012 word Vasbyt weer gemandjie vir ons 2 Jaaroud Kampioenskap wedvlug vanaf Victoria-Wes 800km. Die duiwe is Saterdag oggend 15 September 2012 om 06h40 los gelaat. Soos dit maar elke week gaan terwyl die wedvlug aan die gang is bel jy maar rond om uit te vind hoe lyk die weersomstandighede van punt tot punt. Saterdag het hulle die wind van voor gehad met reën en hael op verskeie plekke langs die roete is gerapporteer. Saterdagaand was die hokke in Pretoria leeg slegs een duif op die voorste punt van die organisasie het die huis gehaal.
“Vasbyt 800” se foto wat ek gisteraand 18 September 2012 geneem het en haar oë het al dof geword.
Vasbyt se sitplek was ook leeg soos al die ander ± 2500 duiwe wat ook nie hulle huise kon haal nie, Sondag 14 September word daar al van vroeg by die hok geskarrel want die duiwe word enige oomblik verwag 06h16 word my eerste duif van die Kampioenskap geklok en 06h36 word my tweede duif van die ope wedvlug geklok. So kom hulle terug die een na die ander. Ek was gelukkig en wen albei wedvlugte in my klub. Sondagaand was daar nog ’n paar leë sitplekke in die hok en onder andere die van Vasbyt. Maandag kom daar weer ’n paar duiwe terug maar Vasbyt se plekkie is steeds leeg. Dinsdag oggend vroeg is ek alweer oppad Port Elizabeth toe en moes vroeg beweeg om die vliegtuig te haal. So teen 11h00 bel vroulief en sê dat sy so pas oppad terug huis toe ’n duif teen die styl bergpaadjie gevang het, maar die duif is vol olie en haar nommer is ZA10 24672. Ek het dadelik geweet dit is Vasbyt, sy was so besmeer met die olie en toe sy nie meer kon vlieg nie het sy dit pad te voet aangedurf haar wil om die huis te haal het haar gedryf om nie moed te verloor nie. Wat ’n wonderlike voorbeeld is dit nie vir ons as duiweboere nie ons gee so gou moed op as dinge nie reg loop nie of wanneer ’n duif nie sy huis haal nie. Min weet ons van al die beproewinge waardeur hulle moet gaan om die huis te haal.
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Record numbers of pigeons for the Bourges National race By – August Daelemans (Belgium) – email: very pigeon fancier in Belgium looks forward to July 27 2012. Why, this is the day of the organisation of Bourges National for old birds, yearlings and youngsters. If you are a pigeon fancier who normal raced sprint or long distance racers. The day of Bourges National is the holy day in the Belgian pigeon sport.
Jos Thoné, Luc, Bart and Jurgen Geerinckx, VeulemansPerrileux and Rik Hermans were doing well.
Here is the National winner Vos-Jennes from Webbekom, totally in the East side of Brabant. André Roodhooft, Jos and Jules Engels, Jos Thoné, Verreckt-Arien, Broeckx-Van Hees and Dirk Van Dijck at the top
This year, even when a lot of fanciers complained about the losses due to the very bad weather circumstances during the training period, are coming for Bourges record of pigeons. Just to give an idea; in the old bird race are 10 037 pigeons, by the yearlings are 14 571 pigeons and in the young bird race are 33 461 pigeons. In total for the Bourges race 2012 are 58 069 pigeons.
Remarkable, no fancier out of Ouest Flanders and no one of East Flanders at the West side of the country were find in the top hundred. And another thing, it’s amazing to see that the old birds are so slow against the youngsters and the yearlings when they are all liberated in one group, at the same time and the old birds have much more experience as the yearlings and the youngsters. On the other side, it’s amazing to see that the winner by the yearlings took the victory with more than 124 metres per minute higher speed as all the other pigeons.
Sunday July 28. If we look at the pigeon information we see, weather in Bourges, beautiful weather, west wind and the pigeons liberated at 7.00 am. It means that we can expect the pigeons (our distance 466 km.) If the speed should be between 1200- and 1250 metres per minute, the first pigeons can come between 13 pm and 13.30 pm. Anyway, the sky looked very beautiful, the same will be all the way home. The Belgische Verstandhouding did a good job, to wait with the liberation till today. Hopefully before evening we can bring the result of the race and the winners by old birds, yearlings and youngsters.
Every Belgian pigeon fancier can be happy about Bourges National. Much more pigeons as the years before and this are not only for the National race of Bourges. But we can give a more positive number of pigeons on the 2012 National races. At the race of Perpignan 16.921 pigeons; Tulle National 17 075 pigeons; Souillac 7 760 pigeons; St Vincent 5 374 pigeons; Brive 11 130 pigeons; Limoges 13 781 pigeons and Montauban 6 822 pigeons. Of course, some of the National races have less pigeons as the year before. We give you the reasons - bad weather during the training periods - and thus less numbers of pigeons are practically all on the first National races. Later in the racing season, as the weather became more solid, the number of pigeons increased.
Finally, the strong West wind gives a big profit to the fanciers of the East side of Belgium. By the old birds the winner is Lucien Zecchinon of Lyxe in the Wallonie part of the country. Other well known lofts who dit well by the old birds are Jo and Raf Herbots, Gommaire Verbruggen, Luc, Bart and Jurgen Geerinckx and André Roodhooft. Pascal Molle from Mettet, another fancier of the Wallonie part is the winner by the yearlings, with a speed of more than 1613.99 metres per minute. It means that this pigeon had a bonus of more than 57 metres per minute against the yearlings, more speedy than the old birds second (124 metres per minute) and more than 105 metres per minute speedy as the youngsters. Here also Jo and Raf Herbots,
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
Conclusion: The pigeon sport is not dead. Let the financial situation recover to better, let next year the weather be better at the training time and you shall see, instead of negative news it shall turn again to very positive. n
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Belgian National Race Season is as good as over CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS OF A NATIONAL RACE Written by: August Daelemans (Belgium) - email
n one of the previous editions of the South African “Duiwe Nuus”, I have given a view at the first part of the Belgian National races. Today we will start with the second part of the National racing season in Belgium.
Argenton the second race for the National championship of youngsters was also a fantastic success. In total there were 37 948 pigeons and 26 138 of them were youngsters. It was a fantastic success, because there were 9 938 more pigeons as the year before. By old birds the winners were Raf and Kurt Platteauw from Ruiselede, Gevaert Van Schorisse from Ronse was the winner by yearlings and Maurice and Gregory Casaert from Nechin won their second National race 2012 by the youngsters.
Before we start to give the names of the National winners, we will have a short word of some critics and rumours written and spoken of the National races. Point one of this critics was the down spiral of the numbers of pigeons at the National races at the first races this year.
Just two National races are coming up. La Souterraine and Gueret. Both races are still in the run for the title of National champion youngsters in Belgium, because every fancier can make the choice out of Bourges, Argenton, La Souterraine or Gueret to send his classification to the KBDB. The winner shall be celebrated at the National day in Oostende.
In our opinion, the only reason was, because the bad weather during the training period, not only for the youngsters breed around New Year but most of all for the old birds, from which the racing season started in May. Raining every day, temperature very cold all the time, it has his influence certainly at the condition of the old birds. Final, many fanciers decide to wait to start the training and of course the racing season it means some of the National races note less pigeons.
La Souterraine was blowing in the wind, just like all other National races this year. As I told you already, with the West-South-West wind, the winners were in the East part of the country. By the youngsters was Jos Thoné the winner. By the old birds was the victory for Davy Tourelle, a young fancier who won in 2007 at the National Bourges as well as the old birds as by the yearlings the first prize National.
But as you know, a pigeon fancier need only one day of beautiful sunshine and everything change. On the second half of the National racing season we note every time more and more pigeons. Perpignan National and international 16 921 pigeons international and Camiel Verdonck from Nazareth in East Flanders was the winner.
The National program ended at Gueret. By the old birds is the National race won by André Roodhooft. We believe there is no any fancier in the world who doesn’t know Andre Roodhooft. During years André dominated the championships of the Antwerp Union, from which everybody said that this is the University of the Middle Distance. André won six times the title of Emperor of the Antwerp Union. You can only be Emperor after several times the title of King of the Union. So it means that André won 13 times the title of King of the Union. To win this title you must be the best by old, yearlings, youngsters, cocks and hens, middle distance and long distance.
From Tulle National Walter Lepever from Eppegem beat 17 075 pigeons for the National victory by old birds and Georges and Jozef Comyn from Kanegem are the winners by yearlings. From Souillac National are the winners Rudy and Antoine Desaer from Ruiselede by 7 760 pigeons. And from Limoges National they won again the National by 13 781 pigeons. Gilbert Coolsaet from Vlissegem won St Vincent National by 5 374 pigeons
By the young birds the title of National winner was for Soetewey and son and with this National race of Gueret closed the National program in Belgium 2012.
Narbonne was an international race. Mon Antonissen from the Antwerp province was not only winner international but also National in Belgium.
One thing is for sure. Who said that the pigeon sport in Belgium is going down year after year, must change his mind. The numbers of pigeons for the National races were bigger than all previous years. Of course, like all other countries, Belgium has economic and financial problems, which does not make it easier for the pigeon fanciers to spend too much money for the pigeons. Let’s hope that time change and that it go better and better again with all this problems. n
Bourges as the top of the bill with 58 069 pigeons. Luchien Zecchinon from Lixe won by 10 037 old birds, Pascal Molle from Mettet won by 14 571 yearlings and Vos-Jennes from Webbekom are the winners by 33 461 young birds. 16/07/2012 we raced a second National Limoges, special for yearlings. 17 735 pigeons at the start and the winners are Van Dijck-Van Dijck from Begijnendijk by 17 735 pigeons.
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
By the Way By Jan Polder (Netherlands) – Email: km.) it was a rarity a few years ago to get a bird home on the day of liberation from a ZLU race, with the exception of the Bordeaux race. An arrival just before darkness is a great moment At the time fanciers who had the shortest race distance could clock one or two birds before it got dark but this was very exceptional for us. Nowadays it must be a very tough race for us not get birds’ home just before it gets dark or shortly after dusk and there are some special pigeons that still keep going that little longer. In my opinion we can safely state that the long distance is evolving and still improving through testing and selection.
n many countries there is a lack of clarity about the term ’national’ concerning the long distance races in The Netherlands. In articles, auction lists and pedigrees, the term ’national’ gives one the impression that the prize won was achieved in a race that every section of the country participated in. Nothing is further from the truth. These races are more often than not sectional races, (The Netherlands is split up into 4 sections for the National races organised by the NPO) or it is what’s called an NPO-race which is the equivalent of a Federation race.
The Super One-Day Long Distance I dare to predict that this category, organised in The Netherlands by the ZLU, will be the only one to grow in both the number of pigeons sent and also the amount of fanciers entering birds and might even have a massive growth.
Below I will try to explain what the real Marathon races are, what the Nationals are, and also the latest trends and the superstars of 2012. Overnight long distance, super long distance or super one-day long distance. Most of you do understand what is meant by the first two categories.
This is due to the fact that the historical classic afternoon liberations have been split up into small sections that have been relegated to the level of a federation race, in a downward trend by the ever smaller amount of fanciers participating.
The overnight is the afternoon liberations organised by the NPO, that is raced in four separate sections with the only exception in 2012 was that St. Vincent was raced by all four sections.
I expect a spectacular increase in the number of fanciers sending birds to the ZLU races in the coming years. This is mainly due to the sporting challenge of engaging in battle with the top fanciers from the entire country.
The super long distance is the races organised by the ZLU, liberation early in the morning. Historically these are the two categories that most long distance fanciers would participate in.
There are numerous examples of champion fanciers that have won almost everything in the NPO races having the same success against top rivals in the ZLU races. A splendid example this year is Arjan Beens, the proud owner of the title ‘King of the afternoon liberations’, the sensation of the season from the ZLU races.
But what do I mean by super one-day long distance? In my opinion this category is what was previously called the super long distance. These races are organised in The Netherlands by the ZLU. It consists of the following races: Pau, Barcelona, Bordeaux, St. Vincent, Marseille, Narbonne and Perpignan.
Arjan took part in three ZLU races. He scored from Barcelona, 1280 km, against 6392 birds the following prizes: 15, 190, 370, 404, and 574 etc. (7/15).
These races have an early morning liberation, in contrast to the NPO overnight races that have an afternoon liberation. The race distances vary from Bordeaux between 800 and 1000 kilometre, Barcelona between 1100 and 1300 kilometre and the other races between about 900 and 1150 kilometre.
From the very tough Marseille race he did what nobody thought possible by clocking 5 early birds against 3680 pigeons at a distance of 1059 km. winning: 85, 92, 98, 126, 132, 419 (6/15)
The National races with a morning liberation organised by the ZLU has one result for the entire country, this is a genuine National races with one National winner. These races have undergone a gigantic evolution in the last decade. At my racing distance (St. Vincent is 990 km and Perpignan is 1000
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His ‘Snelle Jelle’ put the icing on the cake by winning 2nd National Perpignan against 5608 pigeons at a race distance of 1117 km after racing non-stop for nineteen hours before arriving home shortly after two o’clock at night.
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
professional accommodation and managed by a team of carers. It is truly unbelievable what this miracle man achieves racing just 29 widowhood cocks, including his yearlings, year after year. National wins often came to him in the past but this season beats all previous ones. With the exception of one title he has won all other titles published by the ZLU so far this year. Ko van Dommelen is not a bookkeeper and does not have a secretary but I honestly hope that he takes the time to sit down and send off his results to the various competitions like “the Europacup”, “the Europa Marathon”, “the West European Super Marathon”, “the Top Pigeons Supercup” and other international competitions.
A Youngster of this Supercrack will be for sale on Toppigeons auctions, starting at 7 October. Results like this can have a contagious effect on other fanciers, time will tell. The same thing happened in the period 1980 – 1990 when fanciers like Nico Volkens and Sam de Jong displayed that it was possible in North-Holland to play a meaningful role in the ZLU races. Their achievements also worked contagiously and at the moment North-Holland is an area that has to be taken into account especially when the going is tough. Roughly a third of the pigeons sent to the ZLU races are from fanciers living in the provinces of North and South Holland where they also have the opportunity to enter their birds in a combine race of the two provinces (SNZH).
Ko van Dommelen after a successful pigeon season In the National long distance club in Steenbergen he had the possibility of clocking 21 nominated pigeons, which was his first three nominated birds from seven races and believe it or not he clocked those 21 pigeons in the prizes. A feat of supremacy never previously displayed and obtained with such a small colony of pigeons, all of them closely related.
The achievements of Beens, Jellema and others will certainly have the same effect on other fanciers in their regions. In my opinion there is another development that will increase the growth of the ZLU that I am convinced of. Top fanciers that have already won everything on the normal race program and the one day long distance races are also looking towards the new challenges that the ZLU races bring.
If we study his results there are few International fanciers, if any that can beat or even equal his achievements. His yearlings are of the same level of quality as his old birds are. From Narbonne, a race distance of 940 kilometres, his first two birds clocked were yearlings, winning the 7th and 20th prize against 4303 pigeons.
G. & S. Verkerk made their strong debut this season from Bordeaux and Narbonne and Piet van de Merwe is making room in his lofts at the expense of the short distance birds to be able to excel in these super one-day long distance ZLU races. I have no doubts that these fanciers will be successful in this category and other fanciers will soon follow suit. Another interesting item is that Willem de Bruijn was spotted at the young bird auction of Ko van Dommelen and as we all know nobody did better than Ko in Europe this season in the same super one-day long distance races.
His first pigeon was his ‘Bulldozer’ and this bird won a few weeks prior to that the 5th prize against 4226 pigeons from Bordeaux. This class pigeon will almost certainly win the title of 1st Champion WHZB ZLU-races this season. Ko van Dommelen’s youngster raced from Orleans twice this season, in previous years they raced from this race point on three occasions. What about that??
Yet it will be very difficult for them to roll up a race in the ZLU because of the amount of birds in a convoy that are all liberated at the same time and are racing home to a much larger area than their birds are used to. The well known ‘stayer’ effect will have less influence and the amount of birds dropping out of the leading group will increase when the birds have raced distances a little further than they are used too.
I realise that I highlighted the results of the absolute top Marathon fanciers in the modern sport as my examples. You will probably point out that this is not a benchmark for the average fancier. That is probably true, but if we are all honest we must have the ambition to try to keep up with the top fanciers that are idols for many of us. It is not a requirement to own a massive colony of pigeons in luxurious lofts, but one thing is certainly required. Good Pigeons!.
Specialisation is the main way to do well in these races and Ko van Dommelen has proved for years now that it can be done without a colossal amount of pigeons housed in
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Selecting Pigeons for Breeding – the Finer Details Part 5 – Be Careful By Dr Wim Peters -
can be noticed that certain pigeons clap their wings at a faster rate than others, in spite of both flying at the same speed. To me it makes sense to believe that the birds covering a certain distance with fewer wing strokes will eventually be able to continue flying for longer.
n this series we have attempted to highlight the more important physical features which a fancier has to look out for when selecting his birds for breeding. We briefly discussed the pedigree and previous racing results before moving on to the actual physical requirements. But this road we have travelled is filled with potholes, (!) some large enough to permanently derail us and put a final stop to our journey as we search for good breeders.
Assuming for the moment that the energy required for two birds to complete their wing stroke, is about the same, would it not be logical to think that the slower ‘clapper’ uses less energy over a certain time period and that, if both were equally fit, the slower clapper would be able to carry on for longer? To recognize slow clappers is, however, not so easy and requires special films shot when the birds are flying at racing speed. It needs a helicopter for the aerial action and good photography. Perhaps modern GPS fittings and other flight recorder units with counters will be able to provide this type of information in future. As far as this goes, I believe that the pigeon world is heading for an exciting few years.
Continuing where we left off last month, with the wing, we arrive at the conclusion that the best wing is the one that, whilst the bird races at high speed, produces the least amount of stress. In tandem with the differing conditions the wing, best suited for the conditions, also differs. And we saw that when a pigeon wins with a wing that is not ideal for the conditions during the race that it won, stress is increased, so much so that it cannot compete and be victorious again for a period, the duration depending on the stress endured, whereas the physically better-adapted winner that did not experience as much stress, can compete again a week or two, later.
There are numerous other fads in the racing pigeon world. One of them is that the two outer tail feathers must have a white strip running down the lateral web, and that the whiter the strip is, the better the health and form. Old wives tail? Probably. All blue pigeons (barred and chequered) have this white strip on the tail except the ‘skalie’ coloured blues (‘smokey’ in the US). It’s purely genetic. Whether the white is brighter when the bird is in form is debatable.
Red Herrings and Old Wives’ tales There are many anatomical variations of the wing recognized by fanciers that we have not touched upon. I think that some of these are based on unfounded beliefs whereas others are possibly true but of relatively insignificant value.
We hear of white toenails, flesh-coloured beaks, four flights back cover and so on; there are many more such fanciful beliefs, but the one aptitude that rises above the others, is the belief in resilience of the main flights, and does have merit. Normally the state of the flights is determined by both genetics and health. Dry flights are never desirable and assuming that the management is good, one wants flexible flights with a soft, soapy feel of the body feathers. Hard, brittle and straw like plumage is abhorred. Excessive stress, caused by malnutrition, internal parasites, insufficient oxygen (overcrowding and/or poor ventilation) and the like will ruin the desired feel of the flights and feathers. It is difficult to imagine how a bird could race successfully or possibly breed healthy strong babies when suffering from the above.
One aspect frequently referred to is the ‘short upper arm’ and when fanciers speak about this they are referring to the area of the wing closest to the body. A popular measure of this space is by inserting a finger under the wing between the body and the humerus (upper arm bone). Most fanciers are adamant that this space should not be wider than one finger (i.o.w. a one-finger-wing); however it seems to me that this does not measure the length of the humerus but rather the angle that is formed between the humerus and the body. As such I find that this measurement coincides with the anatomical state where the trailing edge of the back wing rests on the back when the wing is opened. Should the angle with the body be wide and divergent, in other words, should the humerus not form a very acute angle with the body but point away from it, the wing will slide off the back. A narrow angle, or in fancier language a ‘one-finger-wing’ will see the wing resting on the back.
Be Careful “Caveat emptor”, the wise men say. This Latin phrase means, ‘buyer beware’ and where pigeons are concerned, is strongly applicable. It’s not that the sellers purposefully falsify the information regarding their birds, or not always anyway, as we recently learned to our dismay when the truth concerning DE LOCCO became public. (Sold for a huge amount to a Chinese fancier, he was, subsequent to the sale, found to be unfertile, and had been so for a number of years!).
Do the four little under wing feathers have any special significance when we search for good pigeons? I think not. Many fanciers want to see them as large as possible and with square ends. Their presence probably helps to prevent turbulence under the wing but whether a slight difference in their design makes any difference to the flight efficiency of the wing, is debatable.
Pretty pictures are especially misleading, particularly in this age where photographs can be electronically manipulated to make the images seem more appealing. Most fanciers are so easily persuaded (hoodwinked?) by appealing pictures.
What I do think is significant, is the wing beat frequency. When film scenes of racing pigeons in full flight are slowed down so that the individual flight strokes can be counted, it
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
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Health and Immunity And lastly but equally very important, your search must be for naturally-healthy pigeons with as strong an immunity as possible. This can only be known by determining whether or not your chosen seller was a regular user of medicines. Medicines – and here I broadly refer to all antimicrobials and particularly antibiotics - cannot make a pigeon race faster or better but medicines can be used to keep the birds healthy. And good health, together with the right genetics, good management, training, and feeding, are the mainstays of good racing.
Which leads on to some basic truths; one being that beauty is only skin deep, the other being that no-one can judge the potential breeding ability of a pigeon from a photograph. (A third truth would be the age-old knowledge that in many cases the object of advertising is to create the need to have whatever is being advertised. This is not true where pigeon fanciers are concerned.) As a result; * For a beautiful pigeon, many dollars are paid…on sight only. * For an impressive pedigree … wallets are easily emptied. * For a pigeon from a certain strain…huge sums are paid. * For a pigeon from a certain fancier…money is ‘stolen’ from the housekeeping account. * Imported pigeons often fetch top dollar …for example when sold on a post-race auction like the MDPR, regardless of how it performed. * Medicines, additives and the like promise the world’s best results, anything to relieve the buyer of his hard-earned money. * It needs only a glance at the pigeon magazines to see other, equally doubtful, reasons. (But I digress, sorry)
As far as the giving of medicines is concerned there are two main scenarios. On the one hand there are those families who just do not have the immune resistance to deal with the stress of training and racing? To remain healthy, these pigeons need constant medicating, in the process losing more and more of their natural resistance to disease. Keep away from them. Purchase only from the second group; which are the pigeons bred by fanciers that medicate their birds only on occasion, i.e. only when necessary. These birds were given the opportunity to develop strong disease resistance and the stock would also have been selected accordingly. Their offspring will have inherited these very same capabilities.
Buying at One Race Lofts In practically all cases when birds are bought at auction, there is the chance that something good could be bred from the purchase. Just as one could build a breeding team from bunch of stray pigeons gathered together and housed in a breeding loft. (I couldn’t think of a worse way to start!) But not all strays are worthless and given an opportunity these strays could, on occasion, breed something worthwhile. But who wants to sit around and wait for lightning to strike? Better to purposefully kick-start your search for breeding pigeons by doing conscientious homework and with the fruits of your investigations, build your stock team. Which homework would include an investigation into conditions at which your potential stock birds performed best, the distance at which they did so and especially and very important, an attempt to ascertain the programme that the seller followed when he produced his many wonderful victories. (Because you shouldn’t even contemplate filling your loft with birds from someone who does not have many victories to show!)
School is over, but….. In short, do your homework! Never purchase on the spur of the moment. We all know that the breeding of racing pigeons is fraught with disappointments. That being so, we must always, but always, attempt to turn the odds in our favour; by examining race results (conditions and distance), by scrutinizing the pedigree, by handling prospective purchases, looking for positives (as well as noting negatives), and by befriending the fancier from whom the birds originate. If at all possible get to know the person, learn his methods and then give your purchases a fair trial (more than one mate and at least 6 babies from each pair). Do all the things you should be doing as a good handler, all the time keeping in mind that even champion pigeons will fail if not handled correctly. And should the birds fail in spite of everything, above all be very careful to blame the originator. Before anything, ask yourself these questions, “Why would a good fancier keep below-standard birds. If he sold them to you, where would he have got them? Would he keep them only to sell to beginners”?
But, to be honest, there is some rationale behind buying at One-Race-Loft (ORL) auctions. This is so because most ORLs demand fairly hefty entry fees and no-one is going to pay a lot of money to send mediocre birds. Everything that is sent to an ORL, is sent with the goal of winning the grand prize. That all entries cannot be good is understood by all true fanciers, but a bird that has survived the tough schedule of races could be a better option than a youngster from the same breeder, untested and straight out of the nest. In addition the non-performing bird on auction is usually available at a lower price than if had it been bought directly from the breeder. A further bonus is that at an auction, you can get to see and handle what you purchase, in contrast to ordering a baby unseen.
The truth is that good pigeons - champion breeders usually produce winners in spite of where they go, but sometimes they don’t. Success is very much dependent on the combination of; pigeon X management X fancier. If this trio is successful then the purchaser and the seller will cover themselves with glory. Should the combination fail, the shock waves begin at the racers, then domino right down to the fancier, his stock pigeons and eventually, the seller. Would that be fair to the seller when it really is the combination that is at fault? The scenario above illustrates how important the help that the seller can provide is. So seek it. Most sellers will gladly help as far as possible. That’s to say if he values his reputation at all. And who doesn’t? n
Of course the baby bought directly from the breeder could have been an unproven winner – had it had the opportunity of participating in races. Furthermore you can determine exactly the parents from whom you wish to obtain youngsters. So in the end the choice is very much six of one and half-adozen of the other.
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
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Chris Smith Teelstasie Breeding Station
A distinguished performance in International competition! ‘Blue Train’ another Champion produced from the ‘Blue Silk’ Click Pair of Chris Smith Lofts
4 Chris Smith str. Boksburg West Tuiste van die groot kampioene
Text submitted by Thomas Smit ‘Blue Train’, entered by Chris Smith of Chris Smith Lofts, is the 2012 Dinokeng Grand Champion Pigeon. ‘Blue Train’ scored the highest combined velocity and consistency on all training flights, Turbo races and the Dinokeng Final race. ! ’Blou Bom’ is the nest mate of ‘Blue Train’ - both scored within the top 50 of the ! !
! ! !
! ! ! ! !
Bied met trots aan Spesiale geselekteerde stoetduiwe vanaf R500 per duif R300 vir Jongduiwe op bestelling ook met u eie ringe
Ons versend op u koste wêreldwyd.
2012 Dinokeng final. Two pigeons bred the same way scored within the top 100 of the 2011, Dinokeng final race. The parents are a World Class ‘Click’ Pair known as: The ‘Blue Silk Pair’ - matched as a mating for Chris Smith by Thomas Smit, Racing Pigeon Journalists and pigeon Selector. ‘Blue Train’ is the 4th One-Day Loft Grand Champion Pigeon bred from Thomas Smit’s selections. Former children of the ‘Blue Silk Pair’ achieved top scores in the SANPO National Loft North final. ‘Blue Silk’ – the first youngster of the ‘Blue Silk Pair’ scored 2nd in a SCMDPR Hot Spot and was a top achiever in the SCMDPR Prize nominations, winning back more than five times the equivalent of its entry fee. Besides One-Day Lofts Competition, children from the ‘‘Blue Silk Pair’ score at the top on Union and Federation Level e.g. ‘Blue Boy’ won 1st Club, 1st Federation, 1st Pontoon & 1st R200 ring money race from Bloemfontein in the TRPF. ‘Blue Union’ won 1st Club / 2nd Union from Colesberg in the THU. Crossed with the World renowned Chris Smith Blue Family, the first grandchild of the ‘Blue Silk Pair’ scored 1st Yearling National Union. The ‘Blue Silk Pair’ are great hereditary transmitters that posses ‘erfdwang’ on a similar level of the Chris Smith Blues that produced four Motor Car Winners, 2 seconds and 2 thirds points League Winners and Medallists achievers.
Chris Smith bloues, Pepsi Pieterse Janssens en van Arendonck, Eierkamp ens., Croxford Blues, Cattrysse (Die ou goed), Huysken van Riels (ook wittes), Chris Scott Putteries, 475 en van Engelas, Lou Wouters, Houbens ens. Ons teel net met bewese duiwe met erfdwang. Ons maak die goeies dood en behou net die beste. Ons voorsien stambome “Pedigrees” Ons verskaf ’n gesondheid- en oefenprogram. Check my Track Record Ons wen 4 bakkies tot datum Ons het 2 SANPO silwer medalje wenners al opgelewer Ons duiwe wen oral vir almal ook oorsee op alle vlakke.
Kontak Chris Smith Tel: 011 826 1692 (huis) Sel: 082 456 8984 Tel/Faks 011 826 4009 (werk) Posbus 10149, Fonteinriet. 1464. Email /e-pos: Web address:
A distinguished performance indeed in National and International competition! Well done Chris & Anna Smith.
GILLROY Check our Website: or email us at:
Free State PETRO KRUGER Tel: 051-522 2757
Tel: 049-843 1505 Fax: 086 726 7319
Eastern Province BERTRAM MEYER Cell: 083 483 6647
Limpopo Province RICHIE PIETERSE
Cell: 083 655 1829
Tel: 053-831 2619
Tel: 045-838 3348
Cell: 072 408 1666
Cell: 084 405 3031
Tel: 082 256 8225 Cell: 017-631 3278
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Western Flyers Homing Union Pigeon racing in Atlantis, Mamre, Pella and Chatsworth Submitted by Duifie the funds generated from the auction: We us as a Union to use it for the reason could subsidized 7 members receiving we asked for. n government grants, making it possible for these old timers to still enjoy the sport and teaching us younger guys just how to race a pigeon.
Trailer purchased
We also have a junior section with 7 youngsters, who each can basket 4 birds per race free of charge and all they have to do in return is cleaning out the race panniers each week. WFHU say thank you for trusting us with your birds and money and trusting
Trailer after some modifications
very big thank you to all the fanciers out there, who responded to a letter sent by Ithriam Leukes asking you to sponsor a pigeon or two for the Western Flyers Homing Union, to be auctioned online through sapigeonauctions; in order to generate funds enabling us to build a trailer to make training of birds less expensive and more accessible to our members. The response and birds we got simply just took our breath away. Thank you and to those who purchased the birds, without you the effort would have been a major disaster. So, in all humbleness we thank you all for purchasing the birds and we hope that they and their offspring will bring you much joy and success in the years to come. WFHU was formed during the latter part of 2009 and our goal was to make pigeon racing as cheap as possible for the fanciers as unfortunately a lot of guys gave up the sport due to the high costs involved in pigeon racing. Starting with 16 members, we have this year 30 active racing members, the highest number of fanciers ever racing in this region, paying only R1600 to race 16 birds per race and using some of
Trailer build serving as transporter for racebirds as well as training
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
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The effects of the environment on our breeding strategy Written by Jaap Nel Email address Fax number 012 653 2119. garage on the northern side. Unfortunately the neighbour’s garage casts a shadow over my lemon tree most of the day, with the result that the few lemons that develop are small and sickly things. The lemon tree “knows” this and it is heartbreaking to see how the branches furthers from the shade grow about twice the size of the branches on the other side in an effort to reach some sunlight. Pigeons are much the same and if the youngsters do not receive enough sunlight and fresh air they will also not develop to their full genetic potential. Different pigeons perform better under different weather conditions and terrain, and the sooner you can find out which pigeons perform best under what conditions (sunny weather, inclement weather, etc.) and over what kind of terrain (mountainous, flat, etc.), including distances (short, middle or long distance), the better racers will you be able to breed for the prevailing conditions in your area. And no, it is not true that all pigeons prefer good weather and flat terrain. For example, it has been shown that pigeons from the Middle East perform better in hot, dry weather and pigeons from Switzerland perform better in mountainous terrain. It is only natural to treat pigeons that are perceived best better than the others, e.g. by feeding them better, caring better for their health, keeping them in better lofts than the others, racing them in easier races, etc. The reason for this perception can be wrong, e.g. a pigeon may be regarded as better than others because of the phenotypic value of the parents (they look and feel better than other pigeons). This is often a bad mistake, because our perceptions of what a good quality pigeon should look like is often clouded by one or two exceptional pigeons that we had in the past or that we handled in a champion fancier’s loft, so we always look for pigeons that resemble that one. Fact is champions come in many different sizes and shapes. What’s more, different sizes and shapes do not perform well under the same environmental conditions so that the champion of this weekend (or even racing season) might be the loser of the next weekend (or season) when the weather conditions are different. It would be a mistake to judge based on one specific trait, such as eye sign, only. Even the racing basket can be fooled by the environment, so it is always wise to base your judgement and decisions on as much information and as many variables as you can obtain. By putting too much emphasis on one or just a few factors, you might well come to the wrong conclusions about the quality of your pigeons, so that good quality pigeons
ome of us try our best to take the principles of genetics into consideration in our efforts to breed top quality racers. Apart from the fact that genetics is a very unpredictable lady (yes, I am sure she must be of the feminine gender), our efforts are further complicated by the effect that the environment has on our breeding efforts. Make no mistake; the performances of our pigeons are influenced as much by weather conditions and the terrain as by the genetic makeup of our pigeons. Furthermore, environmental factors have a multitude of effects on the breeding process as well as on the racing performances of our pigeons. For example, how often do eggs fail to hatch because of a sudden spell of extremely cold weather; and the 2012 racing season is a perfect example of how the weather can influence racing performance with strong headwinds on one weekend followed by a blow-home the next. The same pigeons simply cannot perform consistently under such turbulent environmental conditions. Even though there is not much that we can do about sudden changes in weather conditions it is still important to pay careful attention to the environment in which we breed and race our pigeons. Regardless of whether we follow an in-breeding, linebreeding, cross-breeding or a combination of the three we can increase the effectiveness of our efforts by integrating the effects of the environment with our breeding strategy. The obvious way in which to reduce the negative effect that poor weather conditions can have on our breeding and racing efforts is to erect your loft in the “right” place. Even the best breeders will not breed healthy chicks if the environment is not suitable for breeding, and the best racers will not perform well if the environment does not allow them to reach peak form. In this respect sunlight and ventilation are probably the most important factors to consider. On a semi-macro scale it is also important to choose the location relative to the other lofts against which you will compete wisely, bearing in mind the expected prevailing wind direction during the racing season. The effect of the environment is not limited to just the conditions in the loft and the terrain over which our pigeons race home. Research has shown that there is a definite correlation between genotypic value and environmental deviations, i.e. environmental factors actually has an impact on the racing abilities that our pigeons display, and this is part and parcel of the qualities of our pigeons. I have been trying to grow lemons for my pigeons for more than a decade. The only place in my garden that I had for a lemon tree was next to the neighbour’s
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
might not be given a fair opportunity to prove themselves. Another shaky assumption that is often made is that a specific difference of environment has the same effect on different pigeons (genotypes); or, in other words, that we associate a certain environmental deviation with a specific type of environment, irrespective of the genotype on which it acts. For example, pigeons that perform well in Gauteng might not perform equally well in the Western Cape and the other way around. This is probably why pigeons imported from Europe often initially do not breed good quality racers – they need to adapt to the environment first and this appears to take three to four years. Coincidently this is also why pigeons that perform well in the loft of one fancier do not always repeat the performances in a different loft – not only are the lofts different; the pigeon fancier (who is part of the environment) also treats and manages the pigeons differently. Pigeons with certain genetic makeup’s may be more sensitive to environmental differences than others. So, to some extent, the environmental variance is an element of the genotype. But the source of the variation is environmental and not genetic. It is therefore logical to take any variance due to genotypeenvironment interaction into consideration when planning a breeding strategy. Genotype-environment interaction becomes very important if individuals of a particular population are to be reared under different conditions. For example, one would probably take different traits into consideration when breeding pigeons to enter in to the Million Dollar Pigeon Race (one-loft race, flown in February) than pigeons bred for the normal racing season (multiple-loft/club races, flown from June to October). The fact that a given environment has a stronger effect on some genotypes than it has on others is important to the pigeon fancier in two ways. Firstly, it is important to determine what kind of environment is best for the pigeons you keep, and secondly, it is advisable to maintain the same environment in your loft as the one in which the parents of your pigeons performed well. Alternatively, it is advisable to obtain pigeons from a fancier whose pigeons perform well in an environment that is similar to your own. German pigeon fanciers mostly fly according to the widower system, which most South African pigeon fanciers do not like or simply do not have sufficient time for. Clearly pigeons that perform well in a widower system will not necessarily perform equally well on a natural system, such as flying from the nest or perch. Nature places a lot of emphasis on survival. One of the chief mechanisms Nature uses to insure survival of a population is diversity. The more diverse and variable a population is, the more able it will be to respond to changes in the environment. That is why inbreeding can be rather risky and often backfires if continued for too long. It is also important to keep this in mind if you believe in a “love-mating” system, i.e. allowing your pigeons to choose their own mates. A hen invariably looks for the cock that she “believes” will promote the survivability of her offspring, so she will choose the strongest and biggest cock and not necessarily the one whose genes in combination with hers will produce champion racers. Even so, healthy and strong pigeons mostly race well which is why “love mating” often succeeds. In summary, the following steps can help you utilize the environment in breeding champion racers: The obvious first step is to carefully choose your loft position and the direction in which the loft faces. It is important to find out which environmental factors your pigeons prefer or at least cope with best. This might require careful record keeping of the performances of your pigeons over an extended period of time. Guard against treating pigeons that you perceive to be the best different from your other pigeons. Rather get rid of pigeons that you regard as inferior because you will not give them a fair chance to show what they can do. Don’t judge your pigeons based on one factor only. The more variables you take into consideration the more accurate and objective will your judgement be. Try to breed “horses for courses.” The pigeons that you breed for one-loft races need different qualities than the pigeons that you breed for club races. Find out what the environmental conditions are at the loft where the parents of your pigeons performed well and see if you can replicate that environment. n
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
BABAS TE KOOP DE ZUTTER, VAN LOON, VOS JENES en PETERSEN R250 ELK OF R2000 VIR 10 (grizzels, wittes, wit grizzels)
Kontak : JP Botha Sel: 084 494 8557 epos:
Nuwe duiweklub vra hulp Op soek na 6 ou wedvlugmandjies te koop of te skenk Sal mandjies herstel indien nodig. Ons bou tans ’n sleepwa vir gebruik vir wedvlugte in 2013. Indien enige klubs, federasies of unies mandjies beskikbaar het: Kontak: Jaco Buys Sel: 079 605 9702
ALLES OOR WEN 10 weeklikse 7dae programme ivm alles oor behandeling
Kontak : JA Bouwer Sel: 082 2568 325 TE KOOP STOET- EN JONGDUIWE Bloedlyne beskikbaar: Eijerkamp Janssens, Majestic Blue Janssens, Silvere Toye, Van Hee, Van Engela, De Zutters, Putteries, De Wet Putterie - Hytembo nageslag, Huyskens van Riel, Stassarts en De Norres Vir meer besonderhede skakel:
Torrie van Tonder Sel: 083 453 0392 Lid van SANPO
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Sentrale Provinsiale Hok Nuusbrief – Finale Wedvlug Deur Koot Strydom
at ’n wedvlug! Met ’n baie sterk kopwind het ons die duiwe eers ’n bietjie later verwag, maar hier teen 15h10 kom hier ’n verdwaalde duifie aan en een en elkeen is oortuig dat dit ’n trapper moet wees, want daar is geen manier dat die duiwe nou al hier kan wees nie. Na omtrent 6 minute buite die hok, stap meneer toe eers in en sowaar daar wys niks op die skerm nie! Weereens is almal hier teenwoordig oortuig dit is ’n trapper, maar soos met die Sun City wedvlug aan die begin van die jaar, het die ouens op internet al die uitslag gehad voordat ons klomp in die Super bowl geweet het wie die wenner is! Van oral oor kom die oproepe, waar is die ander duiwe, daar het nog net een getrap!
Die ope duiwe het ons hierdie jaar baie plesier gegee. Van die 111 wat die seisoen begin het is 104 op die finale wedvlug gemandjie met 3 beseerdes in die siekeboeg. En weereens het ’n duif wat alreeds halfpad in die seisoen nog te koop was die groot prys gewen. Baie geluk aan Jacques Poggenpoel en sy pa wat duidelik ’n goeie oog vir die regte duif het.
Gelukkig is die probleempie vinnig uitsorteer en toe kon ons ook in die vreugde van menere Pieters Broers en Basie deel. Hulle duifie Super Bird het behoorlik die stof in die ander se oë geskop en het ’n hele 6 minute voor die tweede duif, Gold Mine van Poena en Riaan geklok, nadat hy sekerlik vir omtrent nog 6 minute buite gesit het. Soos met so ’n harde wedvlug verwag kan word, het die duiwe daarna so een-een en twee-twee ingekom met slegs 194 duiwe wat op die dag terug was. Ongelukkig vir ’n paar voorlopers op die gemiddeldes het hulle eers die volgende dag ingekom en sodoende behoorlik uit die bus geval.
Die wenner van die Everlast Charcoal Challenge in die ope duiwe met die beste gemiddelde spoed vanaf Drie Susters was hierdie week Mistake van Jeremiah Lucas. Baie geluk aan hom en dankie aan Johannes Strydom wat hierdie prys van 10 sakke Everlast Charcoal geborg het.
Ope Duiwe Prince Albert Road Finale Wedvlug/Open Loft: Poggenpoel en Seun Johan Visser Tommie Rossouw
DeRauw Sablon Lady Blouklip
R10,000 R 5,000 R 2,500
Baie geluk aan al die pryswenners en ook aan almal wie se duiwe in hierdie harde wedvlug op die dag huis toe gekom het. Dit op sigself is al ’n baie goeie prestasie. Geluk ook aan elkeen wat nog ’n duif in die hok oorgehad het teen die finale wedvlug. Dit is ’n prestasie as jou duif na so ’n harde week-na-week program nog steeds hier is. Jong Duiwe Prince Albert Road Finale Wedvlug/ Yearlings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Pieters Broers en Basie Poena & Riaan Kruger & Sons Jan van den Berg Nieuwoudt Hokke Hennie van Rooyen Hokke Jannie Kruger Familie Pieter de Jager Gaddin Bros & Charl Stander Frik Koegelenberg Pro Fitment Centre Kimberley GBC Labuschagne Joffie du Plessis Poena & Riaan
Superbird Gold Mine Precious Beauty Speed Queen Blue Sky Mystic Moon Julius Top Striker Dram Glider – Leigh Ann All Alone Miss Bluebell Goldwing
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
R50,000 R10,000 R 5,000 R 1,000 R 1,000 R 1,000 R 1,000 R 1,000 R 1,000 R 1,000 R 1,000 R 1,000 R 1,000 R 1,000
Super Bird, BPF D 3590 2011, van Pieters Broers en Basie. Wenner van die Finale Wedvlug, Prince Albert Road, R50,000
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Sentrale Provinsiale Hok Turbo Challenge Race 14 September 2012 Deur Koot Strydom
et nog ’n suksesvolle seisoen agter die blad wil ons net een en elkeen van u bedank vir ’n heerlike jaar. Dankie vir u ondersteuning en samewerking. Ons sien uit daarna om weer volgende jaar met u saam te werk. Met al die reëlings vir die veiling het die terugvoer van die CPL Turbo Challenge ’n bietjie agterweë gebly. Ons het 197 duiwe gemandjie vir hierdie uitdaag wedvlug vanaf Prince Albert. Ongelukkig het ’n paar dit nagelaat om hulle inskrywingsfooie te betaal, maar kon ons steeds die adverteerde pryse betaal. Baie geluk aan die volgende pryswenners: Dawie Smit met Stefan – R15,000 Jan & Jon van den Bos met Sky Queen – R7,500 Andre & Judith met Dave’s Choice – R3,500 Pieters Broers en Basie met Super Trap - R2,000 YFRA met Bubblekiss, – R1,000 (Die eerste Ope duif wat ingekom het) Piet van Solms met Piet 3 – R1,000 Hartmanshoop Hokke met Hartman – R1,000 Fouche & Annandale met Ferro – R1,000 GJT Lofts met Mietie – R1,000 Webster Loft Beric & Lydia met Sunshine – R1,000 Wolla Terblanche met Dorper – R750 Billy & Marinda met Golden Star – R750 Wocoko Sindikaat met Wocoko Stof – R750 (Ope duif) AC Roberts met Sun Tonic – R750 Henk & Charlotte met Kara-Lee – R750 Stefan van Huyssteen met Dandy – R500 Jeremiah Lucas met Mistake – R500 (Ope duif) Jeremiah Lucas met Rockthem – R500 JB Cornelius met Red Diamond – R500 (Ope duif) GJT Lofts met Bertie – R500 Dit was vir almal baie interessant om vir die eerste keer te sien hoe die Ope duiwe teen die jongetjies kompeteer. Die veiling was ’n groot sukses en met die blootstelling wat die pre-bidding op SA Pigeon Auctions gebring het, het die duiwe baie goeie pryse behaal. Vanoor die hele land was daar belangstelling en die telefoonbemanning moes behoorlik bontstaan. Baie geluk weereens aan die wenners van die Beste duiwe en ook alle ander pryswenners.
Blue Ann van Ogies Wessels, Bloemfontein Golden Star, Billy en Marinda, Edenburg Sunshine van Beric en Lydia Webster, Fauresmith Beste Ope duif: Star Diamond, Coreezema, Bloemfontein Didi, Tommie Rossouw, Bloemfontein Mistake, Jeremiah Lucas, Bloemfontein Green Diamond, JB Cornelius, Kimberley Captain, Brian Mally, Kimberley Majestic Queen, Kobus Botha, Bloemfontein Thanda, YFRA, Bloemfontein Diamant, Poena & Riaan, Welkom Miss Tears, Tolly, Africa & Matthyse, Bloemfontein Blouklip, Tommie Rossouw, Bloemfontein Die Sentrale Provinsiale Hok is alreeds weer oop vir die inname van jong duiwe vir 2013. Stuur gerus u duiwe so gou moontlik
Beste Jongduif: Rockthem van Jeremiah Lucas, Bloemfontein GJ van GJT Lofts, Johannesburg Mirage van Cilius van der Merwe, Hartswater 1 & 2 van Vrystaat Clan, Kosie Botha, Bloemfontein Cheetah’s Star van Cheetah Lofts, Belville Sun Tonic van AC Roberts, Barkly Wes Dandy van Stefan van Huyssteen, Riebeeckstad, Welkom
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
NASIONALE HOK SUID NATIONAL LOFT SOUTH Finale wedvlug uitslae Deur Faunty en Janene Gillme
ie finale wedvlug is iets van die verlede en almal wat hier was sal saamstem dat die spanning opgelaai het hoe langer die wedvlug geraak het – toe die eerste duif man-alleen uit die lug verskyn en nie tyd mors om die hok binne te gaan nie, en iemand skree “hy is in” – nou ja, om daardie naam te sien verskyn op die rekenaar skerm kan nie beskryf word nie.
Best pigeons all Races / Beste duiwe alle wedvlugte: 1 A Carelsen ILLUSION R 9,000-00 2 G Alberts LIZE-MARI R 7,000-00 3 Gaddin Bros & C Stander EZMERELDA R 5,000-00 4 Willie & Danie NONCHALANT R 4,000-00 5 F Marais SPECIALITY R 3,000-00
Baie geluk aan Johan Schenck en seun vir hierdie wonderlike prestasie (al het hy gedink dat dit ’n gekskeerdery was toe iemand hom bel) – die daaropvolgende duiwe wat minute later gearriveer het, het met gereelde tussenposes geval en baie geluk aan hul eienaars ook – Elke duif wat van hierdie wedvlug af teruggekeer het, en die lang wedvlug aangedurf het, is ’n prestasie op sy eie, ongeag die posisie wat hy beklee het.
Kompetisies Inter Country /Tussen lande: Suid Afrika SF Hattingh JUAN Hamper/Kitchenbrand Lofts Zimbabwe M Walsh BULAWAYO Namibie Poortershaven
Finale Wedvlug Uitbetalings J Schenck & Seun CC Poggenpoel & Seuns Poen vd Walt P Viljoen P Birk Penkin & Gaddin H Sauer C Anderson P Joubert V Krog Penkin & Gaddin R Verster SF Hattingh B Lord W Munnik Willie & Danie H Hayman P Viljoen Barnard & Rousseau Hokke D Hotz A Carelsen G Alberts F van der Ryst V Krog M Behrens Billy & Miranda Gaddin Bros & C Stander HJ Jacobs & Seun P Joubert CC Poggenpoel & seuns
R100,000-00 R 30,000-00 R 20,000-00 R 3,000-00 R 3,000-00 R 3,000-00 R 3,000-00 R 3,000-00 R 3,000-00 R 3,000-00 Free entry Free entry Free entry Free entry Free entry Free entry Free entry Free entry Free entry Free entry R 1,000-00 R 1,000-00 R 1,000-00 R 1,000-00 R 1,000-00 R 1,000-00 R 1,000-00 R 1,000-00 R 1,000-00 R 1,000-00
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
Hamper/ Kitchenbrand Lofts Hamper/Hayward Seeds
80th position on races/80ste posisie op wedvlugte: Pedri v d Merwe LELO Hamper/Hayward Seeds Clock 2 birds/Klok 2 duiwe op wedvlugte: Paul Birk MARY Hamper/Gillroy Pigeon Products Ons eerste nuwe duifies vir die 2013 seisoen is al tuis in die hok en sal eersdaags die buitelug verken. Ons wil graag elke deelnemer en elke duiweboer net die beste toewens vir die komende Fees seisoen – mag julle Vrede en Vreugde ervaar in hierdie Feestyd. We would also like to thank our sponsors: Medpet our main sponsor, Dr MJ Smit, Gillroy Duiwe Produkte, Willie Coetzee, Billy Kitchenbrand of Kitchenbrand Lofts, Hayward Seeds , Benzing Electronics, Diamond Pigeon Stud(Derick Streak), Couriers who did their bit to ensure safe delivery at the loft,( Coenie Hattingh, Chris Helm) and Yaartie who kindly transported pigeons from Cape Town. All other persons who assisted in one way or another, thank you. Mrs Yvonne Coertzen for handling the financial affairs in a very professional way and ensuring all the payouts to the winning contestants. We would like to thank Robert Swanepoel for assisting in the placing of the auction list on his website for pre-bidding – this is something new to us but it is working well. n
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012
Kersboodskap / Christmas Message 2012 Deur Ian Johnstone
ne of these days it will be Christmas. A believer would prefer to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ to this world as Saviour of the human race from eternal damnation. He made a promise that whoever believes in Him will be saved and will enjoy eternal life with Him. (John 3-16).
it is een van die dae Kersfees! Kersfees is vir die gelowige eerder ’n Christusfes. God het sy eie Seun Jesus Christus gestuur om ’n verlore gaande wêreld te red, daarom vier ons Jesus se koms uit dankbaarheid. Hy beloof dat as ons in Hom glo ons nie verlore sal gaan nie, maar die Ewige Lewe saam met Hom sal hê. (Joh 3-16). Jesus Christus se Kruisiging en Opstanding uit die dood was net so ’n aangrypende gebeurtenis as Sy geboorte, daarom kan die twee gebeurtenisse nie van mekaar geskei word nie. Hy was ons Redder van Baba wiegie tot die graf. Ons kan nou Kersfees met vrymoedigheid vier en ook met blydskap uitsien na ’n heerlike toekoms saam met Hom want Hy het ons geloof gegee, wat verder strek as die dood. Geloof is om nie te weet wat die toekoms inhou nie, maar om te weet wie hou die toekoms. (Skrywer?) Sonder geloof kan daar tog nie hoop wees nie. In Opb 1-18 verklaar Hy. “Ek is die Eerste, die Laaste en die Lewende. Ek leef in alle ewigheid. Ek het die sleutels van die dood en die doderyk.” Waar daar wanhoop was, is daar nou hoop! Ons het nou ’n toekoms. Die onsekerheid van ons voortbestaan is uitgewis. In Joh 11-25 verklaar Hy: “Ek is die Opstanding en die Lewe. Wie in My glo sal lewe al sterwe hy ook.” Ons het ook ’n definitiewe bestemming en dit word bevestig deur die volgende: “Glo in God, glo ook in My. In die huis van My Vader is daar baie woonplek, as dit nie so was nie, sou Ek dit vir julle gesê het. Ek gaan om vir julle ’n plek gereed te maak en dan kom Ek terug en sal julle na My toe neem, sodat julle kan wees waar Ek is.” Nou wat maak ek in die tussentyd? Dis ’n billike vraag! God is liefde. Wie in die liefde bly, bly in God en God bly in hom. Hierin het die liefde sy doel volkome met ons bereik, en het ons niks te vrees vir die oordeelsdag, want in die wêreld lewe ons reeds deur die liefde net soos Jesus. (1 Joh 4: 16-17). Geseënde Kersfees.
Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection from the dead as well as His birth into this world were both significant occurrences which took place. A person could state that He was our Saviour from cradle to grave that is why these occurrences are inseparable. We may now take the liberty to celebrate Christmas and look forward to a future with Him, because Ha has given us faith that goes beyond death. Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future. (Writer?). Without faith there can be no hope. In Rev 1-18 He declares: “I am the First and Last, the Living One, who is now alive forevermore, who has the keys of hell and death”. Where once there was despair, we now have hope! We now have a future. The insecurity of our future existence has been obliterated. In John 11-25 Jesus told Martha: “I am the One who raises the dead and gives them life again. Anyone who believes in Me, even though he dies like anyone else, shall live again”. We also now have a definite destination, we read in John 14-1-3: “Trust in God also trust in Me. There are many homes where my Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming. When everything is ready, I will come and get you so that you can always be with Me”. What do I do in the meantime? Which is a fair question. God is Love. As we live with Christ our love grows more perfect and complete, so we will not fear the day of judgement and can face Him with confidence and joy”. (1 John 4. 16-17) Merry Christmas n
he loft management would like to congratulate Mr J K Gaddin & Partners, the winners of the 2012 main race. They have maintained an exceptional record at all the one loft races in SA. Just add the Million $ to your record for 2013 and we will all be cheering for you.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
To Mr Saville Penkin I want to say, it is a great achievement to have three birds in the first four pigeons on the averages and a fantastic performance by Mr E Slabber’s bird to win the averages against them.
1099.167 1099.155 1099.128 1099.069 1099.007 1098.952 1098.616 1098.546
Ek wil graag van die geleentheid gebruik maak om u in te lig dat hier al reeds 18 jonges vir volgende jaar se wedvlug is, en hulle kry net voorkeur behandeling, liefde en geduld. Stuur dus u duiwe vroeg in, hulle sal net 5 ster behandeling ontvang.
Release Time 2012/10/14 06:30:00 AM Team Speed GADDIN BROS + C STANDER 1144.915 1143.58 W & F SYNDICATE 1107.126 BERGHOKKE 1106.999 RUAN + G J HOKKE 1106.876 O.K.L. LOFTS 1106.864 GIGI + SAVILLE 1106.813 TONY & JAN 1106.741 F B GILLMER FAMILIE 1099.993 SALTIRE - LOFTS 1099.993 K.K.W.K. HOKKE 1099.961 1099.202
SA & World Pigeon News - December 2012
Die wedvlug was nie maklik, aangesien die spoed maar net 1 144mpm was. Daar was egter een wedvlug wat die spoed van 1 200mpm oorskry het gedurende die hele seisoen. Dit maak dit dus duidelik dat al die duiwe wat die wedvlug program oorleef het van besonder gehalte getuig, en net so goed of dalk beter in ander hokke kan presteer.
The attendance to watch the main race was exceptional. I hope to make better amenities available for next year’s race such as better seating and a means of shade subject to approval by Dr De Beer and finance. Just remember we are all pigeon fanciers and a more social atmosphere on these occasions will be appreciated. Final Race results Steinkopf 515km Pos Fancier 1 Gaddin J K 2 Penkin Saville 3 Volschenk F 4 Mills A P 5 Louw Ruan 6 Olivier H 7 Penkin Saville 8 Viljoen Jan 9 Gillmer 10 Thompson Don 11 Knoetze D 12 Vallay Fabian
Louw Ruan Mills A P Koch Diekie Hatting Danie Slabber Emile Bruce J C Dr Louw Ruan Penkin Saville
Alle duifies gaan elektroniese ringe kry soos wat hulle inkom en op die stelsel gelaai word. Daar sal op ’n gereelde basis toets wedvlugte gelaai word op die Benzing webwerf sodat almal kan nagaan of hulle duiwe nog in die hok is. Almal wat toegang tot ’n webwerf het SMS jou Naam en werf kode na my selfoon no. 074 651 2969. Al die ander SMS my jul telefoon no. en volledige adres. Dit sal koste spaar en my help om in aanraking te bly met die nuutste nuus. Sal u laat weet waar en wanneer die veiling is, ’n geskikte lokaal is tans die grootste probleem. Groete / Greetings Fanie n
SA & Wêreld Duiwe Nuus - Desember 2012