16 minute read

DIRECTOR Y Community Worship

Beginning Point Church

148 3rd Ave, Benton, WI 53803; (608) 759-2001


Pastor Richard Gault, www.beginningpointchurch.com office.beginningpoint@gmail.com

Children's Church 10:45 a.m., Sunday Morning Service 10:30 a.m., Wednesday Adult Bible Study/Youth Events 6:30 p.m. On Summer Break Until September.

Belmont United Methodist Church 101 E State St., Belmont, WI 53510

Pastor Clark Grosvenor

Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., Tues; Men's Prayer Breakfast, 6:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

Benton United Methodist Church 172 West Main St., Benton, WI; (608) 759-5551

Pastor Ed Santiago; pastoredsantiago@gmail.com Sun. Worship 10 a.m.; Sun. School during Worship; Wed. Youth Group 6 p.m. September-May.

Calvary Baptist Church Corner of Hwy. 80 N. & Golfview Dr. Platteville, WI; (608) 348-9970; www.cbcplatteville.com; Sun. 9:45 a.m.; Sun. School all ages, 10:45 a.m. including Children’s Church & Nursery; Wed. 6:30 p.m. King’s Kids Program; Wed. 7 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study.

Calvary Community Church 9175 Old Potosi Road, Lancaster, WI 53813 (608)723-4383 ccclancaster@yahoo.com

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Services 10:30a.m. Bible Study Sundays at 6 pm. Follow us on Facebook

Castle Rock Lutheran Church 14677 Church Rd., Fennimore Rev. Wm. "Bud" Budzinski • 9:30 a.m. All are welcome! Follow us on Facebook

Centenary United Methodist Church 226 W. Church St., Shullsburg, WI (608) 965-3455

Pastor Maria Kim; centenaryumcoffice@yahoo.com

Sunday 10:30 am in-person and online service

Church of Christ 340 E. Mineral St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-6062; plattevillechurch@yahoo.com

Sun. Bible Study 10 a.m.; Sun. Worship 10:45 a.m.

Community Evangelical Free Church

300 Pioneer Rd. East, Platteville, WI; (608) 348-7330

Pastor Larry Lloyd cefcplatteville.org; office@cefcplatteville.org

Adult Sun. School 9:00 a.m.; Sun. Worship 10:00 a.m.

Congregational United Church of Christ 300 Maiden St., Mineral Point, WI. (608) 987-2025; mpucchrist@gmail.com

Pastor Susan Carr

Sunday worship 10:00 am

Cowboy Country Church 1200 Betty Ln, Mineral Point, WI; (608) 987-2777

Interim Pastor Roger Johnson; www.graceisagift.com

Non-Denominational Worship: Sun. 10 a.m. & Tues. 7 p.m.; Sun. School 8:45 a.m., Adults & Children

Cuba City United Methodist Church

401 S. Main St., Cuba City, WI; (608) 744-2538

Pastor JoAnn Meyer; pjccumc@outlook.com

Sun. Worship: Sept.-May 10 a.m., Wednesday night Live Sept. 15-May

Dinner at 5:30pm 6pm PreK-5th 6:30pm youth 6th-12th

Darlington & Fayette

United Methodist Church 550 Main St., Darlington, WI; (608) 776-4114

Pastor InSun Lee darlingtonumc@gmail.com

Summer Worship: Fayette - 8 a.m. • Darlington - 9:30 a.m.

Davies Memorial UCC 134 N. Main St., Potosi, WI; (608) 763-2165

Pastor Ty Hines Sunday 10:00 a.m.

Dodgeville United Methodist Church 327 N. Iowa St., Dodgeville, WI, (608) 935-5451

Rev. Jim Droste; www.dodgevilleumc.org

Sun. Worship 9 a.m.; Wed. Feeding Friends Community Meal 5 p.m.

Faith Fellowship Church 412 W. Spring St., Dodgeville, WI, (608) 935-2655

Pastor Alex Ruggieri; www.dodgevilleffc.com

Sunday School 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.

Faith Lutheran Church 120 S. Jefferson, Cuba City, WI; (608) 744-8420; www.faithlutherancc.org; Sun. Worship 9:30 a.m.;

Faith Lutheran Church AFLC 400 Ridge St., Mineral Point, WI; (608) 987-4543

Rev. Cal Schaver; Sun. Worship 10 a.m.; Sun. School 9:15 a.m.

Faith Lutheran Church (WELS) 132 S. Tyler St., Lancaster, WI; (608) 349-6776

Sun. Worship 7:45 a.m.

Family In Faith Church 1096 Lincoln Ave., Fennimore, WI 53809; (608) 553-7825

Pastor Renee Thomas; familyinfaith18@gmail.com

Sun. Worship 9am, Faith Finders 10am http://familyinfaithchurch.org/

Fennimore/Stitzer United Methodist Church

Pastor Wm. "Bud" Budzinski www.fennimoreumc.com (608) 822-6797 1450 Second Street, Fennimore WI

11542 Kluckhohn Street, Stitzer WI

Fennimore Sunday Worship: 8 AM, 11 AM and 6:30 PM Stitzer Sunday Worship: 10:45 AM

First Baptist Church 15691 Cty. Rd. K, Darlington, WI; (608) 776-3566;

Pastor Nick McElrath; www.fbcdarlington.com; Sun. School all ages 9 a.m.; Fellowship 10 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.

First Congregational United Church of Christ 80 Market St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-6578

Pastor Peter Morris; uccplatt.org • Sun. 10:30 a.m.

First English Lutheran Church 215 W. Pine St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-3022; felcoffice@centurytel. net; Face-to-Face Service: Sun., 10 a.m., Wed., 6:30 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church 133 W. Oak St. Lancaster, WI; (608)723-4441; Pastor Mark Hoehne Sunday Worship 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. NurseryThird Grade. Wed. Night Christian Ed. 6:30 p.m. Fourth Grade-High School.

Grace Lutheran Church 1302 Clay St., Darlington, WI.; 608-776-4462

DarlingLutherans@gmail.com Pastor Kate Kieckhafer Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracelutheran.darlington Worship Service at Sun. 10:30a.m. Jan-June Sun. 10:30a.m. July-Dec.

Hazel Green United Methodist Church 1920 Percival St., Hazel Green, WI (253) 886-6015

Maria Kim, pastormariakim@gmail.com

Everyone is welcome, Sunday Worship & Children's Sunday School 8:45 a.m.

Hope Lutheran Church 555 Commerce Street, PO Box 27, Mineral Point WI 53565 (608) 987-3500 Pastor Kate Kiekhafer Sunday morning worships 8:30 a.m. Services are recorded and can be viewed at the website hopelutheranmp.webs.com

Lighthouse Church

Office location: Mt. Horeb, WI. Pastor Derek Mason, 608-425-8620 Website: LHChurch.net

Sat. Worship Posts at 5 p.m. Live Streaming ONLY on Facebook@LHChurchWI

Livingston Free Methodist Church 425 W. Barber Ave., Livingston, WI; (608) 943-6244; Rev. Gregory Marsh; gamarsh61@gmail.com; Sun. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. School 9:45 a.m. (Adults & Children); Wed. Children & Youth 6:30 p.m.

Lutheran Church of Peace 1345 N. Water St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-3166 admin@lutheranchurchofpeace.org; Sat. Worship Service 6 p.m.; Sun. Service 9 a.m.

Livingston, Montfort and Cobb

United Methodist Churches

Offering ONE 9:30 am Worship each Sunday

January in Montfort - 300 E. Main Street

February in Cobb March in Livingston

Everyone is welcome! See website for more info: lmcumc.org or call office Tue-Fri morning 608-943-6606

Pastor Kristen Lowe, revkristenlowe@gmail.com

New Life Church 210 S. Iowa St., Dodgeville, WI; (608) 935-1470

Pastor Simon Chappell; pastorchappell@newlife-upc.org

Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m.

Parish Of The Hills

United Methodist Churches Parish Office (608) 987-2700, 400 Doty St., Mineral Point, WI pohumc@gmail.com. parishofthehills.org

Pastor:Christina Droste, darling8180@gmail.com

Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m. Bethel UMC, 1158 County Road W, & 39 Mineral Point, WI 9:15 a.m. First UMC, 400 Doty St., Mineral Point, WI 10:45 a.m. Linden UMC, 535 Main St.on Hwy. 39, Linden, WI All are welcome!

Peace-Bethlehem Lutheran Church PO BOX 176 101 North Wilson St., Cobb, WI. 53526-2421

Phone: 608-623-2421

Pastor Steven C. Schneider, Cell: 608-604-0575

Platteville Free Methodist Church 350 E. Furnace St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-4800;

Pastor Jeff Suits; www.plattevillefmc.org

Wed. 6:30 p.m. AWANA for Children Youth Group for Teens; Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m.

Platteville United Methodist Church 1065 Lancaster St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-9508;

Pastor Tammy Clausen; www.plattevilleumc.org Traditional Service 8:30 a.m.; Sun. School all ages 9:45 a.m.

Alive Rock & Roll service every first & third Wednesday of every month, 7PM.

Pleasant View Primitive Methodist Church 12987 Pleasant View Rd., Belmont, WI. Reverend Bruce Bennett 608-762-5585, Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m.

Coffee Fellowship time following Service.

Plymouth Congregational UCC 115 W. Merrimac St., Dodgeville, WI; (608) 935-5727 Rev. Joylynn Graham; plymouthuccdodgeville.org Like us on FB for Sunday Live Online Worship at 10:00 a.m.

Point Baptist Church 949 Fountain St., Mineral Point, WI; (608) 987-3727 www.PointBaptistChurch.com, Services: Adult & Children Sun. School 9:30 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Wed. Bible Study & Prayer 7 p.m.

Rolling Hills Church

1585 West Main Street, Platteville, WI. 608-331-0079; rollinghillschurch.com; Pastor Matt Wunderlin; Sun. 10 a.m. Text prayer requests or questions to 833-232-5924

St. Mary's 130 W. Cedar St., Platteville, WI; (608)496-1058; toll free 888-711-4960 info@saintmaryplatteville.com; Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.Sat. Latin 8 a.m. & English 4 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m. & noon Hispanic.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (WELS) 200 Broadway St., Platteville, WI; www.stpaulsplatteville.org; (608) 349-6776, Pastor Joel Kluender, Sun. Worship 9:15 a.m.; Sun. School Bible Class 10:30 a.m.

Straight is the Way Fellowship

130 W. Dewey Street, Platteville WI 53818; 608-732-4377

Coordinator: Brian Chapman www.straightistheway.org Saturday / Sabbath Meeting 10am; Call for Location

Trinity Episcopal Church

250 Market St., Platteville, WI; (608) 642-1623; Reverend Christian Maxfield; Sun. Worship 10:00 a.m.; “All Inclusive, All Welcome.”

Westview Methodist Church

770 W. Madison St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-3310;

Pastor Bob Korntved; www.westviewmethodist.com Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study & prayer 6:30 p.m.

Whig/Arthur United Methodist Church

Pastor MaryAnn Floerke; 7158 Whig Road, Platteville 10:30 Sunday; 473 Center Street in Arthur 9:00 Sunday; Facebook 10:30 Sunday from Whig: Arthur & Whig United Methodist Churches

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Cuba City United Methodist Church

First English Lutheran Church 215 W. Pine St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-3022; felcoffice@centurytel. ace-to-Face Service: Sun., 10 a.m., Wed., 6:30 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church 133 W. Oak St. Lancaster, WI; (608)723-4441; Pastor Mark Hoehne Sunday Worship 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. NurseryThird Grade. Wed. Night Christian Ed. 6:30 p.m. Fourth Grade-High School.

Hazel Green United Methodist Church 1920 Percival St., Hazel Green, WI (253) 886-6015

Maria Kim, pastormariakim@gmail.com

Everyone is welcome, Sunday Worship & Children's Sunday School 8:45 a.m.

Platteville Free Methodist Church 350 E. Furnace St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-4800;

Pastor Jeff Suits; www.plattevillefreemethodist.org Wed. 6:30 p.m. Family Night for Children Youth & Adults; Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.

Platteville United Methodist Church 1065 Lancaster St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-9508;

Pastor Tammy Clausen; www.plattevilleumc.org

Traditional Service 8:30 a.m.; Sun. School all ages 9:45 a.m.

Alive Rock & Roll service every first & third Wednesday of every month, 7PM.

Sun. School during Worship; Wed. Youth Group 6 p.m. September-May.

Calvary Baptist Church Corner of Hwy. 80 N. & Golfview Dr. Platteville, WI; (608) 348-9970; www.cbcplatteville.com; Sun. 9:45 a.m.; Sun. School all ages, 10:45 a.m. including Children’s Church & Nursery; Wed. 6:30 p.m. King’s Kids Program; Wed. 7 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study.

Summer Worship: Fayette - 8 a.m. • Darlington - 9:30 a.m.

Davies Memorial UCC 134 N. Main St., Potosi, WI; (608) 763-2165

Pastor Ty Hines

Sunday 10:00 a.m.

Dodgeville United ethodist Church 327 N. Iowa St., Dodgeville, WI, (608) 935-5451

Rev. Jim Droste; www.dodgevilleumc.org Sun. Worship 9 a.m.; Wed. Feeding riends Community Meal 5 p.m.

Faith Fellowship Church 412 W. Spring St., Dodgeville, WI, (608) 935-2655

Pastor Alex Ruggieri; www.dodgevilleffc.com

Sunday School 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.

Faith Lutheran Church 120 S. Jefferson, Cuba City, WI; (608) 744-8420; www.faithlutherancc.org; Sun. Worship 9:30 a.m.;

Faith Lutheran Church AFLC 400 Ridge St., Mineral Point, WI; (608) 987-4543

Rev. Cal Schaver; Sun. Worship 10 a.m.; Sun. School 9:15 a.m.

Faith Lutheran Church (WELS) 132 S. Tyler St., Lancaster, WI; (608) 349-6776 Sun. Worship 7:45 a.m.

Family In Faith Church 1096 Lincoln Ave., Fennimore, WI 53809; (608) 553-7825

Pastor Renee Thomas; familyinfaith18@gmail.com Sun. Worship 9am, Faith Finders 10am http://familyinfaithchurch.org/ Fennimore/Stitzer United Methodist Church Budzinski www.fennimoreumc.com (608) 822-6797 1450 Second Street, Fennimore WI 11542 Kluckhohn Street, Stitzer WI Fennimore Sunday Worship: 8 AM, 11 AM and 6:30 PM Stitzer Sunday Worship: 10:45 AM

First Baptist Church 15691 Cty. Rd. K, Darlington, WI; (608) 776-3566; cElrath; www.fbcdarlington.com; Sun. School all ages 9 a.m.; Fellowship 10 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.

Hope Lutheran Church 555 Commerce Street, PO Box 27, Mineral Point WI 53565

(608) 987-3500 Pastor Kate Kiekhafer Sunday morning worships 8:30 a.m.

Services are recorded and can be viewed at the website hopelutheranmp.webs.com

Lighthouse Church Office location: Mt. Horeb, WI.

Pastor Derek Mason, 608-425-8620 Website: LHChurch.net Sat. Worship Posts at 5 p.m.

Live Streaming ONLY on Facebook@LHChurchWI

Livingston Free Methodist Church 425 W. Barber ve., Livingston, WI; (608) 943-6244; Rev. Gregory Marsh; gamarsh61@gmail.com; Sun. 9:30 a.m.; Sun. School 9:45 a.m. (Adults & Children); Wed. Children & Youth 6:30 p.m.

Lutheran Church of Peace I; (608) 348-3166 admin@lutheranchurchofpeace.org; Sat. Worship Service 6 p.m.; Sun. Service 9 a.m. Livingston, Montfort and Cobb United Methodist Churches Offering ONE 9:30 am Worship each Sunday January in Montfort - 300 E. Main Street

See website for more info: lmcumc.org or call office Tue-Fri morning 608-943-6606

Pastor Kristen Lowe, revkristenlowe@gmail.com

210 S. Iowa St., Dodgeville, WI; (608) 935-1470 happell; pastorchappell@newlife-upc.org Sun. School 9:30 a.m.; Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m.

Parish Of The Hills United Methodist Churches Parish Office (608) 987-2700, 400 Doty St., Mineral Point, WI pohumc@gmail.com. parishofthehills.org

Pleasant View Primitive Methodist Church 12987 Pleasant View Rd., Belmont, WI. Reverend Bruce Bennett 608-762-5585, Sunday Worship 8:00 a.m.

Coffee Fellowship time following Service.

Plymouth Congregational UCC 115 W. Merrimac St., Dodgeville, WI; (608) 935-5727

Rev. Joylynn Graham; plymouthuccdodgeville.org

Like us on FB for Sunday Live Online Worship at 10:00 a.m.

Point Baptist Church 949 Fountain St., Mineral Point, WI; (608) 987-3727 www.PointBaptistChurch.com, Services: Adult & Children Sun. School 9:30 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Wed. Bible Study & Prayer 7 p.m.

Rolling Hills Church 1585 West Main Street, Platteville, WI. 608-331-0079; rollinghillschurch.com; Pastor Matt Wunderlin; Sun. 10 a.m. Text prayer requests or questions to 833-232-5924

St. Mary's 130 W. Cedar St., Platteville, WI; (608)496-1058; toll free 888-711-4960 info@saintmaryplatteville.com; Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.Sat. Latin 8 a.m. & English 4 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m. & noon Hispanic.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (WELS) 200 Broadway St., Platteville, WI; www.stpaulsplatteville.org; (608) 349-6776, Pastor Joel Kluender, Sun. Worship 9:15 a.m.; Sun. School Bible Class 10:30 a.m.

Straight is the Way Fellowship 130 W. Dewey Street, Platteville WI 53818; 608-732-4377

Coordinator: Brian Chapman www.straightistheway.org Saturday / Sabbath Meeting 10am; Call for Location

Trinity Episcopal Church 250 Market St., Platteville, WI; (608) 642-1623; Reverend Christian Maxfield; Sun. Worship 10:00 a.m.; “All Inclusive, All Welcome.”

Cowboy Country Church 1200 Betty Ln, Mineral Point, WI; (608) 987-2777

Interim Pastor Roger Johnson; www.graceisagift.com

Non-Denominational Worship: Sun. 10 a.m. & Tues. 7 p.m.; Sun. School 8:45 a.m., Adults & Children

First Congregational United Church of Christ 80 Market St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-6578

Pastor Peter Morris; uccplatt.org • Sun. 10:30 a.m.

Pastor:Christina Droste, darling8180@gmail.com Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m. Bethel UMC, 1158 County Road W, & 39 Mineral Point, WI 9:15 a.m. First UMC, 400 Doty St., Mineral Point, WI 10:45 a.m. Linden UMC, 535 Main St.on Hwy. 39, Linden, WI All are welcome!

Westview Methodist Church 770 W. Madison St., Platteville, WI; (608) 348-3310; Pastor Bob Korntved; www.westviewmethodist.com Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study & prayer 6:30 p.m.


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Larry Teasdale, Broker/Owner (608) 482-0437 • 6660 Hwy. E, Shullsburg, WI (608) 965-3558 Pam Teasdale, Associate Broker (608) 482-0438 Rachel Redfearn, Salesperson, 608-482-2586

A special thanks to the Doctor’s and staff at Medical Associates, MercyOne, and Home Care who looked after Dallas. Thanks to the first responders and Platteville EMT’s for their quick response. Thanks to Mary Ann Floerke for her warm service, and Ma’s Bakery for the wonderful meal. Thanks to all who brought food, cards, and flowers. A special thanks to Matt Melby and his friendly staff for serving the family



FOR SALE 1 male and 1 female black Goldendoodles, 3 female and 5 male red Goldendoodles. Up to date on shots, vet checked. $100 each OBO. 9309 Dobbs West Rd. Darlington, WI. 53530. No Sunday sales.

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