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Directions: from Platteville take Hwy XX to W Mound Rd 5 miles North, turn right on Sunny Lane. From Rewey head South on Cty G to Sunnydale Rd, then to Sunny Ln.

THURSDAY, MARCH 2 – 8:30am

Lunch by Amish Ladies Chicken BBQ, Subs, Ham & Cheese Sandwiches, Soups, Pies, Homemade

Petersburg Appliance Electric Reduction Retirement Auction

Saturday, February 25th @ 10:00 AM

Harter Hall - 1653 300th Ave., Dyersville, IA

Doors open at 8:30 AM

Previewing Friday, Feb. 24th 2:00-6:00 PM www.auctionzip.com #5425




12011 HWY 61, Fennimore WI 53809

Shop (608) 822-6491 | Jeff (608) 988-6182 | Don (608) 988-6189

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 | 9:00 AM

LOCATION: 3 miles South of Fennimore WI. or 7 miles North of Lancaster, WI. on US Hwy 61.

LUNCH: on grounds

NOTE: This will be both a live on site and online auction. Online bidding will be offered on most items through Equipment Facts. Visit website to register! Sale bill was made 3 weeks prior to sale day We are expecting many more items before sale day If coming from a long distance for a particular item, PLEASE CALL

FIRST! Low commission rates! Expecting lots of machinery! To view complete sale bill and photos see our webpage at jeffstractorsllc.com or jeffstractorsandmachiner y.com. Out of state buyers, don’t forget Joel’s Tractors sale in on Thursday, March 3 at 9:00AM. Check out Joel’s website at www.everitttractors.com for more information. Two great sales in two days!

TRACTORS: 1997 C-IH 8930, MFD, 7400 hours, Local 2 owner tractor, Farmer retirement (nice!); 1990 C-IH 7120, 2 wheel, CAH, w/Duals; Ford 6610, CAH; JD 2440 w/146 LDR, 2227 hours (nice); NH TC 35, MFD w/LDR, Hydro, 2491 hours; Ford 1720, MFD w/LDR, 2200 hours; JD 2025 R, Hydro w/LDR, MFD, 210 hours; 2014 NH Workmaster 35 w/LDR & Deck, Hydro, 187 hours; Kubota L-4200, MFD; Ford 3000 Gas w/Blade, Scoop, Plow & Mower; Kubota L2500, MFD w/LDR, 900 hours; NH T 1030, Hydro, LDR, Mower Snowblower Soft Cab, 256 hours; NH T 2220 w/NH LDR, MFD, 161 hours; JD 4110 MFD, Hydro w/60” deck, 983 hours; Kubota B2650, MFD, Hydro w/LA 534 LDR & 60” deck, 216 hours; JD 4640, CAH, Duals, PS, 7455 hours; Ford 6700, CAH, 6422 hours; JD 4240, HFA, CAH w/158

LDR; Ford 2000; Kubota BX 2660 w/LDR & Deck, 426 hours; Ford 4600 w/Dunham LDR; 2—Ford 8N’s; AC 7000; Farmall 350 D Utility

SKID STEER– DOZER—LAWN MOWER—MINI EXCAVATOR: 2021 Gehl R-150 SS w/Cab, 2408 hours; Case 650 H, 2200 hours (nice); Dixie Chopper X Caliber Z Turn Mower; 2022 Agro Teck L-12 Mini Excavator (unused)

LOCAL FARM ESTATE LINE 1: 1969 JD 4020 DNF; C-IH 8570 Big Square Baler, 17,130 Bales; C-IH 5100 20 x 6 Grain Drill, Grass; NH 488 Haybine (good rolls); Bobcat 642 B Skid Steer; 2018 Road Warrior 22’ Tilt Trailer (like new); Forrest King 30 ton Log Splitter (like new); Bobcat SS Snowplow; Bobcat Pallet Forks

LOCAL FARM LINE 1: 2019 NH 450 Round Baler, Silage net, 1900 Bales (nice); Westfield 100-61 Auger w/Swing Hopper; E-Z Trail 510 Grain Cart (low use); C-IH 5300 21x7 Drill, Grass, Press (late model, low use); Knowles Tandem Running Gear w/Bale Hauler

TOM PARRISH FARM LINE: Tom has decided to retire & will sell his field ready farm equipment at auction. Call Tom at 608-822-6462 with questions. Tractors have all been serviced and are in excellent condition. C-IH MXM 130, 2 wheel, CAH, New Tires, 4387 hours (nice); IH 1086 4 post, 7313 hours; new clutch & TA & rear main; AC 7010, CAH, 8760 hours, new turbo, overhauled, updated air, new shift cables; NH 499 Hydro swing Haybine, late model (nice); NH 790 Chopper w/890 W Hay Head; NH 824 Corn Head; Brillion 10’ Cultimulcher M124 (nice); NH 716 Chopper Box on Pequea 1206 Tandem Gear; NH #8 Chopper Box on Pequea 1206 Tandem Gear; C-IH 600 Blower; IH 470 13’ Disc; JD 7000 4 row Liquid Planter; JD 1350 5-16 Plow; JD 8300 13’ Drill, Grass; JD 825 4 row Cultivator; JD 336 Baler w/Kicker; JD 400 Rotary Hoe; IH 55 9 Shank Chisel Plow; NI 324 Picker w/12 roll bed; NH 256 Rake; NH 258 Rake; IH 13’ Vibra Shank Field Cult; 2—Killbros 200 Gravity Boxes on Gears; Bradford Gravity Box; Killbros 350 Gravity Box on JD 1065A Gear; 3—Bale Racks & Gears PLANTER & DRILLS: JD 1590 10’ No Till Drill, Grass; Frontier BD 1307 7’ no till Drill, 3 boxes; JD 450 Grain Drill 21 x 7 Grass, Press, Late Model; C-IH 5300 24 x 6 Drill, Grass, Press; White 5100 85 row Planter,

C-IH 5100 20 x 6 Grass; IH 5100 12’ Drill, Grass, Press (nice); JD 8100 8’ Grain Drill, Grass, Single Disc 14 x 7; JD 7000 4 row Planter Dry Fert, no tills; IH 56 2 row Planter; JD 7000 6 row Planter; JD 290 2 row Planter; JD 7000 4 row Liquid, no tills (nice); JD 7000 6 row Planter, Dry Fert, Combo units (nice)

HAY EQUIPMENT: 2019 Farm King BW 200 Single Bale Wrapper (unused); 2016 C-IH DC102 Discbine, 300 acres (like new); 2—NI 5209 Discbines (late model); NH BR 7090 Net Round Baler, 5000 bales; JD 327 Baler w/Kicker; 2—JD 338 Baler w/Kicker; 2015 NH 7230 Discbine (nice); JD 100 Big Square Baler; M&W 4500 Round Baler; JD 660 Rake; NH 7090 Round Baler w/Net; NH 311 Baler w/Kicker; NH 258 Rake; NH 560 Round Baler; Hesston 1120 Haybine; 3—NH 273 Baler w/Thrower; NH BR 7050 Round Bale (low use); 2014 NH H6750 Disc Mower (nice); NH 311 Baler w/Thrower (nice); JD 7000 4 row Liquid, no tills (nice); NH 310 Baler; C-IH 8575 Big Square Baler; NH 55 Rake; NH 316 Baler w/Thrower (nice); JD 336 Baler; Kuhn SR 112 Rake; NI Sickle Mower; Frontier DM 5060 Disc Mower; Miller Pro 1100 Rake; H&S Bale Rack; Pequea Bale Rack; E-Z Trail Bale Rack; JD Hay Eleva-tor; Anderson AB-9000 Inline Bale Wrapper; 54’ Hay Elevator; Anderson Hybrid X Inline Bale Wrapper w/remote; Gehl 2345 Discbine; JD 1219 Haybine (nice)

TILLAGE & HARVEST: JD 115 12’ Disc, 21” notched blade (nice); IH 350 12’ Disc; Krause 6161 18’ Soil Finisher; 2—Glenco 9 Shank Soil Savers; Wilrich 2500 20’ Field Cult; White 252 11’ Disc; Glenco 15’ Soil Finisher; Glenco 4 row Cult; M&W 1815 Rotary Hoe; Kent 18’ Discovator; IH 2 Btm Rollover Plow; JD 710 7 Shank Soil Saver; Landpride DH 1572 3 pt Disc; JD KBA 8’ Disc; Case 10 Shank Chisel Plow; Kewanee 13’ Mulcher; Kewannee 18’ 1010 Flat F Blade, Disc; IH 475 20’ Wing Disc; Glenco 7 Shank Soil Saver; Ford 5 Btm Auto Reset Plow; Kewannee 14’ Mulcher; 8’ McCormick Disc; Howard 4’ Rotovator; Howard HR 40

Rotovater 9’; White 273 18’ Disk; Landoll 3 Shank Deep Ripper; Kuhn 2021 4220 Rotary Hoe; Lan-doll 7 Shank Soil Saver; IH 475 Disk; NH 900 Chopper; NH 27P

Hay Head; NH 824 Corn Head; Brent 450 Gravity Box; M&W 300 B Little Red Wagon; Parker 4500 Grain Cart; Parker 450 Grain Cart; Bush Hog Barge Box; Parker 2500 Gravity Box & Gear; Brent 472 Grain Cart; JD 27 Stalk Chopper; NI 324 Picker; Kory Gravity Box & Gear; E-Z Flow Gravity Box & Gear; NI 323 1 row Pkcer; M&W Little Red Wagon; J&M 525 Grain Cart; NH 29P Hay Head; NH 824 Cornhead; C-IH 600 Blower; 2—JD 1 Row Corn Head; Sukup 15’ Stalk Chopper; NH 38

Flail Chopper; Badger 54B Blower; Killbros 1200 Grain Cart; UFT Grain Cart; Killbros 385 Gravity Box; JD 15A Flail Chopper; JD 16A Flail Chopper; NI 323 Picker

1 row; Sioux Grain Cleaner ; Parker 500 Grain Cart w/Tarp; Brent 420 Grain Cart; Killbros 475 Grain cart; 2—Badger Chopper Boxes Tandem Gear

MISC & UNUSED ITEMS: 1990 25” Hillsboro Gooseneck Trailer (low use); NI 3732 Tandem Spreader (nice); Long 1199 3pt Backhoe; NI 3739 Spreader; NH 354

Mill; Knight 8118 Spreader; Great Plains TS-1000 Sprayer; Red Ball 680 Sprayer, 1000 Gal, Monitor, Hyd Booms; Tar River 7’ 3pt Tiller; 3pt 200 Gal Hardy Sprayer; Balzer 4800 Liquid Manure Tank; NH 185 Spreader; Schuller 175 Feed Wagon (nice); Meyers 160 Spreader; JD 1517 Batwing; Vicon LS 1410 T Sprayer; Kuhn

Knight 8118 Spreader; JD 1508 Batwing Mower; Head Mover; Pull Type Seed Tender; JD SS Rotary Mower; Agro Power 45K Alternator; NH 351 Mill; Post Hole

Digger; Harley 4’ SS Rake; Woods 84 Rotary Cutter; Century 1000 Gal Spray-er; IA 60” SS Bucket; IA 72” Bucket; IA 84” Bucket; IA 96” Bucket; IA 120 R Grader

Blade; Lowe 750 PHD 12” Auger; Stout SG 13 Stumper Grinder; Stout SS Bale Spear; IA BF 5 SS Box Scraper; IA 222 4x 3pt Disc; IA M06 3pt Mower; IA m07 3pt Mower; IA H Post Tree & Post Puller; IA 1820 3pt Disc; IA 8’ 2422 Offset Disc; IA 7’ 2420 Offset Disc; IA 430 Head Mover; Great Bear SS Vibrating Roller; KC 76” Rock Bucket; 4—E-Z Clean Power Washers; Lowe Hyd Auger 750 w/ 12” Auger; Stout 66-9 Brush Grapple; Stout HD72-8 Grapple; Stout HD72-4 Grapple; Stout XHD 84-6 Grapple; Stout 72-3 Grapple w/Bolt on Sides; 40’ 4 door Side Storage Container; Storage Shelters; Iron Gates; Work Benches; Corral Panels; Ratchet Bind-ers & Chains; Anvil; Electric Winch; Extensions Forks; Grapples; Cattle Squeeze Chute; Mobil Toilets

TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK. Everything to be settled for day of sale unless other arrangements have been made PRIOR to sale day with Auction Co. No warranties or guarantees are given or implied on any items sold. All announcements made sale day take precedence over printed material. All items sold as is w/no warranty or guarantees implied.

Years and hours are believed to be correct but are not guaranteed

SALE ARRANGED BY JEFF’S TRACTORS LLC. FENNIMORE, WI. (608) 822-6491 | jeffstractorsandmachinery.com for pictures

REGISTERED WI. AUCTIONEERS: Perry Wilkinson #31, Shane Wilkinson #2938 Muscoda, WI. Clyde Franzen #2151-52, Joel Everitt #3071

Livestock Exchange: Hay/Bedding, 14034 US 61, Fennimore, WI

8:30am: Bloomington Livestock Exchange: Cattle/Calves, Reynolds Auction Service, 9663 Cty A, Bloomington, WI Wed, 9:30am: Fennimore Livestock Exchange: Cows, Sheep, Goats, Pigs, , 14034 US 61, Fennimore, WI

Wed, 12pm: Hay, Bedding & Firewood (online & live), Tim Slack

Auction & Realty, 10126 Circle Rd, Lancaster WI

Thur, 8am: Belmont Sale Barn: Cattle, Calves, Feeders, Reynolds

Auction Service, 26770 sales Barn Ln, Belmont, WI

Fri, 9am: Bloomington Livestock Exchange: Feeder Sale, Reynolds

Auction Service, 9663 Cty A, Bloomington, WI

Sat, 12pm: Reynolds Feed & Supply: Hay & Bedding, Reynolds

Auction Service, 111 Eastman St, Cobb, WI

Mon-Fri, 8:30am-3:30pm: Jerry Everitt Tractors: Tractor Parts, Jerry Everitt Tractors, 15084 Canoe Rd, Strawberry Point, IA

Mon-Fri, 8:30am-3:30pm: State of WI Property: Vehicles, Equip & More. Items at 2600 Hwy 78 S, Mt. Horeb, WI. www. wisconsinsurplus.com, 608-437-2001


Feb 21, Bidding Ends 10am: Coin Collector Auction. www. gavinbros.com, 608-524-6416

Mar 5, Bidding Ends 6pm: Estates, Collectors, Downsizing and Moving Sale. www.Proxibid.com/shippingassociation, 815-5413408

Mar 1, Bidding Ends 6pm: Toy Tractors, Guns, Shop & Construction Tools. www.timslackauctionrealty.com, 608-723-4020

Mar 14, Bidding Ends 9am: Gun Consignment Auction. www. gavinbros.com, 608-524-6416

Mar 18: 4th Annual Intermountain Classic Cars. www. classiccarauctions.us

Jul 22: 3rd Annual Sioux Falls Classic Car Auction. www. classiccarauctions.us adno=323989





SATURDAY, FEB. 25, 2023 * 9:30 AM 110 RAILROAD ST., ARGYLE, WI.

AUCTIONEERS NOTE: this is the first of several auctions as items have been packed a way for several years and over 20,000 sq Ft of space to be gone through yet. Watch for future ads. May be selling in 2 rings, so bring a bidding partner. Auction will be held indoors and outdoors. Lunch and porta-potty on grounds Pictures at COLZEKE.COM

THIS IS A VERY PARTIAL LIST: antique wall clocks, chairs, radios, tools, shovels, rakes, forks, horse equip. Items (hames, collars, etc), rockers, bowbacks, early lamps, hanging lamps, kerosene lamps, hand tools, elec And cordless tools, large assortment of old golf clubs, skis, old toys, transits, english saddle, tap & die sets, hand drills, snowblowers, old trunks, wooden pulleys, old movie posters, craftsman 121/i” 2hp planer, old cameras, record players, lps, 45s, dvds, 8 track cassette players, campaign buttons, military buttons, wood and block planes, sewing items, old books, archery items (x-bow, compound,vintage bows) knife collection, cast iron items, heaters, fans, paint sprayers, hand saws, levels, clamps, hatchets, sledges, plumbing items, generators, shelving, axes, vises, pipewrenches, new small wood stove, old comic books, wiring tools, wind-up music boxes, bats, rackets, nail kegs, gunpowder kegs, African art (masks, statues), canes, spittoons, cabinets, showcases, flat irons, large assortment of wrenches, screwdrivers and small hand tools, old advertising, old fire extinguishers, metal art Many more items too numerous to mention

TERMS: cash or good check. Positive ID required for a number.

WISC ONSIN REGISTERED AUCTIONEERS: #222 P.L. “Zeke” Garthwaite, Blanchardville, WI, 608-558-6867 #48 Dick White, Darlington, WI, 608-776-4185


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