3 minute read
Plant Maintenance
Prior experience required. Applicant must have experience with processing equipment, electric motors and drives, welding and other aspects of industrial maintenance. Starting pay depends on experience level and is competitive.
Hustler Ridge Drive, Richland Ctr, WI 53581 own and Country and liance is under new ownershi and is see in a eli ery ana er to oin our team. re arin a liances or deli ery or the u comin schedule. eli erin a liances to home and usiness settin s. ana in incomin warehouse shi ments and or ani ation.
Not sure healthcare is for you?
Give us a call and we are happy to answer any questions that you might have!
647-2138 his is a hysically demandin osition. ust e a le to li t cart and mo e a liances in the warehouse and deli er to ti ht s ots in residential settin s. ood communication and listenin s ills to ensure customer satis action. Con ict resolution when thin s don t o as lanned. ility to use mo ile technolo y to mana e deli ery and shi ment schedules. rior a liance deli ery s ills are a lus ut not re uired. ill train the ideal candidate to succeed ene ts include com etiti e ay sic and acation time o and onus o ortunities. e are a amily owned usiness who ta es care o their customers and em loyees. lease see our we site or more in ormation and to a ly.
If you are thinking about a new career, now is the time.
Our Mazomanie Distribution Center is hiring.
If you would like a job where you are physically active throughout your shif t, we have multiple positions open on 1st and 3rd shifts.
Are you looking to work where Fun,
Apple Processing
SUNSET ORCHARD has year around positions open. We are looking for quality employees for our sliced apple processing. Duties include sorting, packaging and boxing of our sliced apple products. Starting rate is $16.00/hr. New hires eligible for paid vacation after 90 days. Excellent health insurance and 401k plans available. Prior applicants need not apply.
he thaca chool istrict see s an ener etic indi idual or the osition o u erintendent to e in uly 1 202 . he oard o Education would li e this a licant to ha e ecial Education certi cation and stron em hasis in usiness dministration re erred. thaca chool istrict has one school uildin with 4 students in rades 4 12.
he success ul candidate should ha e a stron com rehension o the isconsin school nance model ud et de elo ment and curriculum de elo ment. he candidate should ha e a thorou h understandin o the Educator E ecti eness model tate tandards and Res onse to nter ention systems.
Res onsi ilities include the mana ement and su er ision o all ro rams usiness and nancial acti ities su er ision o non instructional sta and administerin the olicy and re ulations set orth y the thaca oard o Education and the tate o isconsin.
ly on the EC we site htt s wecan.education.wisc.edu
Killing A Business In Ten Easy Steps
Don’t Advertise! Just pretend everyone knows what you have to offer.
Don’t Advertise! Tell yourself you just don’t have time to spend thinking about promoting your business.
Don’t Advertise! Just assume everyone knows what you sell.
Don’t Advertise! Convince yourself that you’ve been in business so long customers will automatically come to you.
Don’t Advertise! Forget that there are new potential customers who would do business with you if they were reminded and urged to do so.
Don’t Advertise! Forget that you have competition trying to attract your customers away from you.
Don’t Advertise! Tell yourself that it costs too much to advertise and that you don’t get enough out of it.
Don’t Advertise! Overlook the fact that advertising is an investment in selling — not an expense.
Don’t Advertise! Be sure not to provide an adequate advertising budget for your business.
Don’t Advertise! Forget that you have to keep reminding your established customers that you appreciate their business. Advertising