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2002 SUNNY Brook Lite 28ft. bumper hitch travel trailer. Asking $4,500 OBO. 608-585-2088.
FOR SALE: 26 ft. Jayco bumper pull camper. Excellent shape. No title. 608-489-2971, 608-6062959. $2,950 rm.
FOR SALE: 2017 Tracker 12 foot, 2 camo swivel seats, 2 oars, Minn-Kota 50# thrust trolling motor, Interstate marine deep cycle battery, battery box, 2 life jackets, and 1 throw anchor with rope. Big net. All aluminum. $1700 invested. Will sell for $850. 608-475-3555.
WEDDING INVITATIONS, napkins, reception cards, thank you notes, etc. All available at the Shopping News, 272 N. Main, Richland Center.
2009 FORD Explorer 129K. New brakes and tires. $7,200. Also
2009 Toyota Camry, 199K. New struts, great gas mileage. Runs great. $6,200. Have service records for both vehicles. 608475-3328.
2014 CHRYSLER Town N Country. 88K miles, new tires. Driven by 87 year old. Winters in Arizona. 608-632-9624.
46TH ANNUAL AUTO PARTS SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW! April 28-30, Jefferson Co. Fair Park, Jefferson, WI. 3 Day Swap Meet & Car Corral! SHOW CARS Sat/ Sun Only. Adm $15 Fri/Sat; $10 Sun; No Pets. Fri 10-6pm, Sat 6-4pm, Sun 6-3pm *DEMO
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DONATE YOUR CAR or TRUCK to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-Day Vacation. Tax Deductible. Free Towing. All paperwork taken care of! CALL 844-374-3067 (WCAN).
DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (mcn).
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COLOR COPIES: X-Press Printing, 272 N. Main, Richland Center. 647-2911.