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Grant County Teams Top 4-H Meat Judging Contest
TheState 4-H Meats Judging Contest earlier this month at the Meat Science and Animal Biologics Discovery Building saw participation increase 100 percent from last year.
The team from Grant County took top honors in the senior division (pictured). Team members included Libby Vogt, Cameron Patterson, Iris Adams and Michael Edgington. The team was coached by Dennis Patterson. The second-place senior team was from Jefferson County. Team members included Hanna Brattlie, Rylee Brattlie, Elliot Small and Emma Wiendenfeld. The team was coached by Lindsay Baneck, Libby Knoeble, and Joy Brattlie.
The State 4-H Meats Judging Contest consists of evaluating and ranking classes of hams, beef ribs, pork carcasses, lamb, beef, and pork retail cut classes. Contestants also identified 30 retail cuts of beef, pork or lamb and 10 cuts of processed meats products, quality and yield graded 2 beef carcasses. Seniors had to give two set of oral reasons on ranking classes.
“Meats Judging is a first step in becoming an informed and knowledgeable food consumer,” says Bernie O’Rourke, Extension Youth Livestock Specialist. “Reading labels and making decisions on food purchases is a key outcome for these participating youth.”
Awards were again given this year for the top individual in retail identification, carcass evaluation and reasons: Top senior individual in retail identification and oral reasons went to Libby Vogt of Grant County. Hanna Brattlie from Jefferson County was the top senior individual in evaluation.
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The top ten senior individual’s judges, in order, were: Hanna Brattlie (Jefferson), Libby Vogt (Grant), Cameron Patterson (Grant), Rylee Brattlie (Jefferson), Iris Adams (Grant), Elliot Small (Jefferson), Jorjanna Mejchar (Ozaukee), Summer Rake (Columbia), Emmet Michaels (Ozaukee), Emma Wiendenfeld (Columbia).
The top junior team was from Grant County A Team, members included Kayla Buttles, Aiden Patterson, Anna Drinkwater, Kegan Patterson. The team is coached by Dennis Patterson. Grant County B Team earned second place honors at this year’s contest. Team members included Cassidy Crooks, Gwen Riedl, Reid Stalsberg, Klay Conley. The team was coached by Dennis Patterson.
Special awards were given this year for the top individual in Retail Identification and Evaluation. Top junior individual in Retail
Identification was Aiden Patterson, Grant County. Kayla Buttles, Grant County placed first in Evaluation.
The top ten junior individual judges, in order, were: Kayla Buttles (Grant), Aiden Patterson (Grant), Maycee Wells (Columbia), Gavin Bettcher (Jefferson), Anna Drinkwater (Grant), Kegan Patterson (Grant), Cassidy Crooks (Grant), Keilah Reu (Jefferson) and Brenna Thorson (Jackson).
Winning senior teams have the option of attending the National 4-H Meats Judging Contest to be held this fall in Kansas City or the National Western held in January 2024 in Denver.
Contest information and results are available at: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/ statewide-events-and-opportunities/meatsjudging-contest/