Adele P. Glenn Academy for Early Childhood Education brochure

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Aristotle, the great philosopher, said that man’s brain is like

an empty box upon birth that needs to be filled with information. Early childhood education plays a vital role in the development of our children. What children learn and experience during their early years can shape their views of themselves and the world. These experiences can also affect their later successes or failures in school, work, and their personal lives.

Studies have shown that between the ages of 0 – 6

children’s minds have the capacity to be filled with an inordinate amount of information. During this time they acquire sensorial, language, math, social, and cognitive skills.

The Adele P. Glenn Academy for Early Childhood Education

at Richland Community College provides a unique setting in which to introduce learning to children ages 3 - 5 through the use of games, music, artwork, films, books, and computers. We are proud that the Academy provides the opportunity for many positive learning experiences to ensure your children are educationally prepared to enter kindergarten.

Allow your child to reach his or her potential by

imagining, learning, and creating with an educator who is prepared to support individual development for a lifetime of accomplishments. Dr. Gayle Saunders, President Richland Community College

We at Richland Community College are excited to begin

this new adventure in Early Childhood Education with you and your family.

As a team, we will collaborate to ensure that your child

grows and develops naturally in all areas while exploring the classroom. Your child will be exposed to many great activities and will have the opportunity to be creative with diverse materials. We will enjoy dancing, singing and playing in our classroom as well as learning early literacy skills, math skills and socialization. We will support the students in developing self-control and self-guidance through modeling. The children will be encouraged to use their words to resolve conflicts and to make decisions that are appropriate for the classroom. Physical development is also important at this age. A nutritious snack and gross motor activities will be offered daily, and we will discuss what our bodies need to grow strong and healthy.

Parents are the first teachers of young children.

Throughout the year we will conduct parent-teacher conferences and workshops and provide opportunities for parents to be involved in the classroom.

We look forward to a strong collaboration.

Mrs. Kimberly Brummett, Director and Teacher The Adele P. Glenn Academy for Early Childhood Education at Richland Community College


a place where your child’s knowledge and creativity are nurtured. In this place, your child will use computers, explore music and dance, and obtain early literacy and math skills. Imagine the peace of mind you have knowing that your child is in an environment where individuality is cherished. We’ve created a place like this, and we call it

The Adele P. Glenn Academy for Early Childhood Education at Richland Community College.

At the Academy, your child will explore both the beautiful, dynamic classroom and personal interests during each class session.

IMAGINE the smile on your child’s face as he or she gains confidence through our high quality early learning program.

IMAGINE knowing that your child is preparing for future learning as we provide Kindergarten Readiness skills.

IMAGINE the smile on your face as your child proudly hands you another painting, another drawing, or another project and explains what he or she learned that day.


with our curriculum, developed using the Illinois Early Learning Standards with inspiration from the Reggio Emilia approach, which is based on the following principles:

• Children must have some control over the direction

of their learning;

• Children must be able to learn through experiences of

touching, moving, listening, seeing, and hearing;

• Children must have a relationship with other children and

with material items in the world that children must be

allowed to explore;

• Children must have endless ways and opportunities to

express themselves.

We use the Brigance Kindergarten Screening tool to assess each child’s readiness for kindergarten.

We also include aspects of the Project Approach and the Creative Curriculum. Your child will learn from walking field trips on the College campus. Your child will also benefit from the wealth of knowledge available at Richland. We will have guests visit from horticulture, music, dance, culinary arts, and other areas that interest the children.


a comfortable, expressive environment for your child’s first years of classroom learning. You are your child’s first teacher, and we look forward to working with you to make sure your child has a wonderful experience.

Parents are partners in all of these experiences. They know they are welcome in the classroom and are comfortable communicating their ideas and concerns. Our partnerships extend into the community, as we look for training opportunities and professional development for our teachers and those who aspire to be teachers.

Help your children reach their potential.


Kimberly Brummett, Director of Early Childhood Education 217.875.7211, ext. 387 | |

The Adele P. Glenn Academy for Early Childhood Education | One College Park | Decatur, Illinois 62521

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