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Spring 2016 Larry Ratliff
Advertising Adviser
ADVERTISE@DCCCD.EDU Office: 972-238-6068 Fax: 972-238-6037 Mobile: 214-364-7364 12800 Abrams Road Dallas, TX 75243 Richland Chronicle El Paso Hall, Room E-020A
Stock #: 1
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About the Chronicle The Chronicle is the official student-produced newspaper of Richland College. The Chronicle is distributed free at over 20 campus locations. We normally publish weekly during the fall and spring semesters.In all, there are approximately 30 issues per year. See the enclosed current publishing schedule for exact dates. As a community college, Richland’s student population changes every semester with a new crop of freshman offering a new market to advertisers. When our readers open the Chronicle, they open a world full of news - campus and national - plus feature stories, sports, advertising, and much more. Opinions are those of individual students and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of other students, editors, advisers or the college faculty, staff or administration. The Chronicle is a three-time ACP Pacemaker winner and five-time finalist. The Pacemaker is the college equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize. As one of the nation’s most recognized college newspapers, the award-winning Chronicle has been serving Richland College since the college opened in 1972. As Richland’s only student newspaper, readers depend on the Chronicle for information about job openings, concerts and theater events, places to shop and dine, and more. Advertisers from Fortune 500 companies, local retailers and restaurants consistently have found the Chronicle to be a reliable and costeffective way of reaching the thousands of members of the Richland community, who come from over 100 countries and speak more than 70 languages.
Richland College is the largest junior college in Dallas County 31,321 Total Potential Readers 1,655 Faculty & Staff 5.28%
3,938 eStudents 12.57%
6,508 Non-Credit Students 20.79%
19,220 Credit Students 61.36%
Richland Credit Students by Age Age 51+: 5.3% Age 46-50: 2.3% Age 41-45: 3.3% Age 36-40: 5.3% Age 31-35: 8.6%
Age 16-20: 24.8%
Age 26-30: 14.7% Age 21-25: 35.7%
Richland Credit Students by Ethnicity White 35.8% 20.8% African American Hispanic 20.5% Asian/Pacific Islander 16.1% Other 6.8%
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Mission Statement The essential purpose of the Richland Chronicle is to inform, engage, inspire and entertain a diverse readership -- including alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents and other friends of Richland College -by presenting an intimate, timely and honest portrait of the College -- its people, its programs, its history, its challenges, its resources and its mission. In the originality of its conception, in the excellence of its writing and visual presentation and in its commitment to accuracy, healthy discourse and editorial balance, the newspaper endeavors to reflect the values and the quality of the institution itself. By maintaining the respect and interest of its readers, the newspaper aspires ultimately to inform the students of the College and strengthen their commitment to its welfare. Editorial Policies The staff of the Richland Chronicle is committed to maintaining the high standard of integrity that has always been characteristic of Richland College and of the newspaper that represents it. While the ultimate purpose of the newspaper is to engage and strengthen its readers’ association with the College, the institution recognizes that it can do so effectively only by earning and retaining the respect and faith of its readers. In this context, these editorial standards are set forth to give readers and contributors a clear idea of what they can and should expect from the paper. Editorial Content The student editors of the Richland Chronicle are ultimately responsible for all decisions concerning the content of the newspaper. In selecting content, the editors work in consultation with the staff and with other members of the College community with several factors in mind, including: * a commitment to offer readers a mix of newsworthy, engaging and thought-provoking articles about the College and its people; a respect and concern for the institution’s history, mission and values; * a commitment to providing balanced and timely coverage of issues; * a concern for maintaining the institution’s commitment to open discourse; * a commitment to diversity of interest, opinion and representation; and * a concern for readability and attractiveness of presentation. The editors welcome suggestions concerning content but can make no assurances regarding the use of suggested or provided material. Although no single issue of the newspaper can fully reflect the diversity of the College and its community, the editors will make every effort to represent, over the course of time, the great diversity of interest, opinion and background inherent in the magazine’s readership. Statements and opinions expressed in the magazine are those of the bylined contributors or of the editorial staff, and do not necessarily represent the official position of the College. In covering controversial topics, the newspaper will make every effort to provide balanced coverage and a representative mix of opinions, although its starting point will be a respect for the institution and its values. All articles are subject to editing by the Richland Chronicle
staff and the final decision on changes to the article belongs to the editors. Words that are generally agreed to be obscene should not be included gratuitously in Richland Chronicle articles, letters or notes, and will be edited out if their omission does not damage the integrity of the text. Such words will be published only when they are an integral part of a quotation, title or other cited passage that adds essential meaning or context to an article. It is not the policy of the Richland Chronicle to replace characters with asterisks or to otherwise disguise objectionable words. Photographs that purport to depict an actual event should not be manipulated in any way other than cropping and correction for color, sharpness, brightness and contrast. Photographs used as illustrations of features are subject to greater manipulation, but should be labeled “Photo illustration” if they involve substantial alterations to the image that may not be obvious to the reader. Letters The purpose of the letters column is to provide a forum for members of the extended College community -- primarily alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff, donors and friends with a strong connection to the College -- who wish to engage in free and civil discourse on issues relating to the newspaper and the College. It is not a forum for lobbying on unrelated issues, self-promotion or personal attacks. The Richland Chronicle endeavors to print all letters to the editor from correspondents with a clear tie to the institution involving meaningful responses to previous issues of the newspaper or thoughts about issues of importance to the College. When space does not permit the publication of all letters, the editors will choose which letters to publish based upon inherent interest to the readership and representation of diverse opinions. The newspaper will not publish anonymous letters or letters that, in the opinion of the editor, are defamatory, level serious allegations against identifiable individuals or groups, or purport to speak for others who are not a party to the correspondence. The newspaper also will not publish letters dealing with the particulars of a disciplinary action or hearing or the circumstances leading up to it. When a letter raises significant questions about a previously published article or about some aspect of the institution, an appropriate respondent may be invited to reply in the same issue. When a topic inspires an exchange of opinions, the editors may cut off debate after a reasonable period of time, usually no more than three issues after the publication of the article or letter from which the debate originated. With rare exceptions, letters should be no more than 400 words in length. All letters received by the newspaper are subject to being edited for brevity and clarity. Corrections Through fact-checking and proofing, the editorial staff of the Richland Chronicle endeavors to avoid publishing erroneous information. However, when an error in the Richland Chronicle is discovered, the editor will decide whether it is of sufficient importance as to require a published correction. Courtesy of Pomona College
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Campus Opens 1/4 MLK Day 1/18 Classes Begins 1/20
January 13
January 15
January 19
January 19
January 21
January 26
January 26
January 28
February 2
February 2
February 4
February 9
Valentines Day 2/14
February 9
February 11
February 16
Mardi Gras (RLC) 2/16
February 16
February 18
February 23
February 23
February 24
March 1
March 1
March 3
March 8
TCCTA (no classes) 2/26
Spring Break 3/14 -18
March 22
March 23
March 29
Good Friday (NC) 3/25 Easter 3/27/16 TIPA 3/31- 4/2
April 5
April 7
April 12
April 12
April 14
April 19
April 19
April 21
April 26
April 26
April 28
May 3
Graduation 5/12
May 3
May 5
May 10
Semester End 5/12
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Light gray space represents a full page.
Full Page
1/2 Page Horizontal
1/2 Page Vertical
1/4 Page
1/8 Page Horizontal
1/8 Page Vertical
2-Page Spread
Advertising Space
972-238-6068 Width & Depth in inches
Full Page
10.375 x 11.5
1/2 Page Vertical
5.125 x 11.5
1/2 Page Horizontal
10.375 x 5.50
1/4 Page
5.125 x 5.50
1/8 Page Vertical
2.5 x 5.50
1/8 Page Horizontal
5.125 x 2.75
2-Page Spread 20.75 x 11.5
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Rate Card #14, Effective July 30, 2011
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Eighth Page
Ad Size (Horizontal or Vertical)
(Horizontal or Vertical) Payment: Payment must be received by 12 noon on the specified Order Deadline day. Credit card payments are preferred. VISA, Master Card, AMEX or Discover are acceptable. However, payment by personal check or cash are also acceptable. Checks must be made out to the Richland Chronicle and include signer’s name, physical address, driver’s license number of the signer, date of birth of signer, home or business telephone number, and a student or employee ID#, if applicable. We cannot accept temporary checks or checks that are not imprinted. Cash payments must be for the exact amount. Credit card payments require direct contact by phone with Jobickson Modi, Richland College accounts receivable, at 972-238-6272 prior to material deadlline. Email:
Number of black and white insertions ordered in a contract year*
If you order a 1x black and white ad and then decide to run 6x, we will apply the earned discount from the first insertion to your next 5x insertions. * A contract year runs for one year, from the time the first ad runs. Example: Your first ad runs Dec. 4, 2011. Your contract year will expire Dec. 3, 2012. Preprinted inserts accepted and quoted on a case-by-case basis
Color charges
apply to any size display ad that uses more than black discounts do not apply to color charges
1 color (spot color plus black) = $150 2 color (2 spot colors plus black) = $250 Full color (CMYK process color) = $500
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The Richland Chronicle Richland College 12800 Abrams Rd. Dallas, TX 75243-2199
Making Payment for Advertising The Chronicle accepts Cash, Checks and Credit Cards for advertising payment, subject to the rules listed below. Ads must be paid for prior to running.
Credit Cards
Richland College accepts the following credit cards: Visa, Discover, MasterCard and American Express. Jobi Modi, Coordinator of Business Services Accounts Receivable is the only person from Richland College’s Business Office currently authorized to accept credit card payments. If you or your client would like to pay by credit card: 1. We will send a copy of your e-order/reservation which should include size, color, issue and cost, to Jobi Modi. It should also indicate that you wish to pay by credit card. 2. You must contact Jobi directly by phone to give him your credit card information Jobi Modi Richland College Voice: 972-238-6272 3. If you have trouble reaching Jobi by telephone, send him an email indicating why you are calling. Jobi will call back.
Richland College accepts checks from anyone except students and parents of Richland Collegiate High School. Checks must be payable to The Richland College Chronicle. Richland College will not accept temporary checks or checks that are not imprinted. All checks must include the following information: Name Address Home or Business telephone number Driver’s license number of the person signing the check Date of birth of the person signing the check Student or employee ID if applicable
Cash must be for the exact amount and taken directly to Jobi Modi. Jobi’s office is located in the Business Office in Thunderduck Hall.
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Free KIOSK ads, with tear-off phone numbers, posted in the student lounge and dining area.
To be eligible you must buy at least six display ads within one contract year using 1/4 page or larger. Run 6X 1/4 page ads in the Chronicle and we will attach tear-off phone numbers and post your ad for four weeks on our KIOSKS.
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Ads to be created and/or requiring typesetting and art layout time must Orders: A signed insertion order and full payment is due before 12 be received 10 working days prior to the published material deadline. noon on the specified Order Deadline day. Late insertion orders will not be accepted! The Chronicle reserves the right to accept, reject, or edit any copy or any advertisement not in keeping with the standards of its publication Payment: Payment must be received by 12 noon on the specified Order Deadline day. Credit card payments are preferred. VISA, for any reason. Master Card, AMEX or Discover are acceptable. However, payment Advertiser and/or agency agree that advertisements simulating the by personal check or cash are also acceptable. Checks must be made Chronicle’s editorial matter in appearance or style and which are out to Richland College Chronicle and include name, physical adnot immediately identifiable as advertisements are not acceptable dress, driver’s license number of the signee, date of birth of signee to the Chronicle and further agree that the Chronicle has the unre- and home or business telephone number, and the student or emstricted right to require that any such advertising matter be labeled ployee ID#, if applicable. We cannot accept temporary checks or checks that are not imprinted. Cash payments must be for the exact “advertisement(s).” amount. Credit card payments require direct contact by phone with Advertisers and/or advertising agencies agree to indemnify, defend and Jobi Mobi. Richland College accounts receivable, at 972-238-6272. hold harmless the Chronicle from any actions or claims based on or arising out of anything contained in such advertising or any unauthorized Materials: Camera-ready artwork is due before 12 noon on the use of any person’s name or photograph, or any sketch, map, words, specified Material Deadline day. We must receive all art prior to this labels, trademarks, or copyrighted material or libelous statements, in deadline to ensure quality reproduction. If you do not supply mateconnection with advertising purchased according to the terms of the rial, we can design your ad if you provide logos, artwork or photos, Chronicle’s rate card. In case of agency disclaimer, advertiser must sign and the necessary lead time to produce the ads. the original contract. File formats: Ads may be received electronically as a PDF in GraySigned contracts in effect at the time of a rate increase are not subject to scale (black and white) or CMYK (color) format, with at least 200 that rate change until such time as the contract expires; at which time dpi. COLOR NOTE: We cannot guarantee that colors will reproduce in print exactly as they appear on a proof or on a computer contract renewal will be made at the Chronicle’s prevailing rate card. screen. A 10% surcharge will be assessed ads that we have to reThe Chronicle will not be bound by conditions of any nature appearing format. We cannot guarantee that any two-color or four-colr ad will on order blanks or copy instructions submitted by or on behalf of the turn out exactly as ordered; color is “pressman’s choice.” This does advertiser when such conditions confluct with any provision contained not relieve the advertiser or agency from payment. Non-adherence to the preferred format (200 dpi, CMYK or Grayscale JPEG or within its rate card or with the newspaper policies. TIFF) may also necessitate production fees. RLC is not responsible In consideration of the Chronicle’s acceptance of such advertisments for making corrections to supplied files. Customer-supplied digital for publication, the agency and the advertiser will indemnify and save data, supplied media and ad proofs will be retained for up to three harmless the Richland Chronicle against all loss, liability, damage, and months following publication date and then destroyed unless otherexpense of any nature arising out of the copying, printing, or publish- wise requested in writing. ing of its advertisement, including without limitation attorney’s fees resulting from claims or suits for libel, violation of rights of privacy, Submission: Send material via e-mail to plagiarism, and copyright and trademark infringement. Prohibited: Ads promoting the sale of alcohol or drugs, sexuallyAll advertisements must be clearly identifiable as such with a trade- related businesses or illegal activities are not permitted. All ads are mark or signature of the advertiser, or the word “Advertisement” shall subject to final approval of the Richland Chronicle editor-in-chief. be placed with copy on any advertisement, which, in the publisher’s Frequency Discounts: All advertisers earn frequency discounts opinion, resembles editorial copy. based on the number of ads placed within a ony-year period from Failure to make insertion orders correspond in price or otherwise with the date of the first insertion. the rate schedule is regarded only as a clerical error and publication is made and charged upon the terms of the schedule in force without Issues stay on newsstands for one week, but issue pass-along takes place for a longer period. further notice. Advertising agencies agree to pay the charges for advertising published We do not guarantee specific page placement. at its discretion. Upon agency’s written request, publisher may bill advertiser direct, provided agency guarantees payment. We do not pay commission
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The Chronicle is a three-time winner of the Pacemaker, the college equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize, given annually by Associated College Press (ACP) and the Newspaper Association of America Foundation (NAAF). The Chronicle was named a Pacemaker finalist in 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006 and 2007, and won the Pacemaker in 2000, 2001 and 2007. ACP and the NAAF have co-sponsored the Newspaper Pacemaker competition since 1971. ACP began the awards in 1927. Newspaper Pacemakers are judged in three categories: four-year dailies, four-year non-dailies and twoyear papers. Pacemakers are selected by the staff of a professional newspaper in the host city of the ACP National College Media Convention. In 2007, Washington Post editors chose the winners. Judges select Pacemakers based on the following: coverage and content, quality of writing and reporting, leadership on the opinion page, evidence of in-depth reporting, design, photography, art and graphics.
Recent awards include: CMA Two-Year Radio Station of the Year 2015 ACP Best of Show Award 2015 ACP Photo Excellence Award 2015 CMA Newspaper of the Year Finalist, 2014 1st Place – TCCJA Overall General Excellence, 2014 2nd Place - Pinnacle College Media Award, 2014 1st Place - TIPA Sweepstakes, 2005 3rd Place - TIPA Online, 2005 & 2006 ACP Pacemaker Winner, 2000, 2001, 2007 ACP Pacemaker Finalist, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007 ACP Online Pacemaker Finalist, 2007, 2008 * TIPA is Texas Intercollegiate Press Association Over 170 Texas college journalism awards since 2000
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Computer Corner
Academic Tutors
DreamWorks Pictures
Cutting Edge Haunted House
Ashford University
Durango Mountain Resort
Cypress Pointe Apartments
Baylor University
Eddie Bauer
Dallas Darkroom
Bellevue University
Farmers Auto Insurance
Dallas Police Department
Dallas Baptist University
Dave & Buster’s
DeVry University
Dick’s Sporting Goods
LaRoche College
Hospitality Careers Online
Dimensions Cellular World
LeTourneau University
H&R Block
Dungeon of Doom
Oklahoma City University
Hyatt Hotels
Eddie P’s Mexican Kitchen
Richland College
Flemings Steakhouse
Parker College of Chiropractic
Forest Club Apartments
Stephen F. Austin State University
Kelly Services
Forest Springs Apartments
Texas A&M – College Station
MDS Pharma Services
Fox Hollow Apartments
Texas A&M – Commerce
Mrs. Renfro’s Gourmet Salsa
Get There First Realty
Texas Army National Guard
Gladney Center
Texas Air National Guard
Intradermal Designs Tattoo Studio
Texas Wesleyan University
On The Border Restaurants
Lefty’s Restaurant
Texas Woman’s University
Paramount Pictures
Liberty Tax
U.S. Army
Race Trac
Max Tan
U.S. Army ROTC
Research Across America
Merce Apartments
U.S Botder Patrol
Richland College Bookstore (Follett)
Metrocall Wireless
U.S. Marines
Saltgrass Steakhouse
Montecito Apartments
U.S. Marines OCS
North Texas Rent Homes
U.S. Navy
Pappa’s Restaurants
Student Travel America
Parks at Walnut
Texas Campaign for Environment
Pavilion Apartments
Texas Land and Cattle Restaurants
Pinyon Point
University of North Texas
Prestonwood Trails Apartments
University of Maryland University College
T-Mobile Wireless
Real Estate Investing Workshop
Western Governors University
Tom Thumb
Torrid Plus Sizes
Richards Computer
National Advertisers
Scarborough Faire
Verizon Wireless
Screams Haunted House
Snow Mountain Restaurant
Apple Computer
Snug Harbor Apartment
AT&T Wireless
Washington Mutual
Southfork Ranch Haunted House
Bank of America
St. Croix Apartments
Bank One
World Market
Sterling’s Bar & Grill
XS Energy Drink
Stoneleigh Place Apartments Strategic Learning System
Budget Suites California Pizza Kitchen
Local Businesses
The Dunes Apartments
Catholic Charities
AikiThai Martial Arts
The Falls at Highpoint
Alpha Couriers
Thomas Reprographics
Cheesecake Factory
BD’s Mongolian Barbeque
UT Southwestern Medical Studies
Cancun Tan
Uncle Julio’s Restaurant
Cingular Wireless
Centre for Neuro Skills
Wingate Condos
Dell Computers
City Lite / High Fashion
Wyndham on the Creek Apartments
Coach’s Burgers