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Your Community MARKETPLACE
April 11, 1932 - December 22, 2022
On December 22, 2022, our father Dr Lionel Tenby passed away at Richmond General Hospital. The symptoms of acute leukemia had presented quickly and he was admitted to the hospital on December 9. Our father passed away at age 90 having lived a full, happy and successful life. He was a Richmond doctor for half a century and cared for generations of patients in the community
He was predeceased by his father Dr Henry Tenby in 1956, mother Fanny Tenby in 1990, wife Judy in 1987, and is survived by his children Marla and Henry (and Idil), brother Dr Stephen Tenby in Honolulu, and extended family in England. He will be very much missed by his dear friend Josie. Throughout his life, our father maintained a strong bond with his Jewish faith in honour and memory of his father Henry’s family who remained in Lublin, Poland and were all victims of the Holocaust
Dr Lionel Tenby graduated from the University of London’s Westminster Hospital Medical School in 1955. He emigrated to Canada interning at London, Ontario’s St. Joseph’s Hospital, and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps as a Medical Officer with the rank of Captain. In 1956, he returned to London when his father took ill to tend his father’s busy South London medical practice in Elephant & Castle until 1957. After his father’s death, Lionel returned to Canada.
He interned at Royal Columbian Hospital and was licensed to practice medicine in BC in August, 1958. After a year of residency at VGH as an ENT he went into general practice initially working for a GP in Ladner In the summer of 1961, our father started his practice in the Seafair Shopping Centre in Richmond (on August 15). In the 1980s, his office moved across the street to the Francis Road location where it remained until retirement
Our father admitted the very first pediatric patient to the newly opened Richmond General Hospital on March 17, 1966, and was an active doctor until his 2014 retirement. August 11, 2011, was a big date as our father celebrated his Golden Jubilee 50th anniversary of practicing family medicine He received the Queen’s Medal in recognition for his community service in a special ceremony in November, 2012. In later years our father enjoyed regular visits to LA to visit his Uncle Jack and Auntie Trixie, cousin Maggie and partner David, and made regular visits to see all his family in London (Loretta, Devora, Brenda and others) and in Israel (Ehud, Rivka and others). Our father’s funeral service was held at the Schara Tzedek Cemetery on December 25, 2022. May his soul rest in peace. He will be remembered as a kind, loving, gentle, generous soul, who lived life to the absolute fullest.
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June 9, 1980 to January 7, 2023
It is wth deepest sadness we announce the loss of our beautiful son Ryan Ryan was very cose to his famly especialy his brother Miles and sister Vanessa One of hs greatest oys was paying and laughing with hs niece Emre, and nephews Landon and Leo Ryan was a collector of tools (new and od), comic books and sports cards He loved to go to car shows and hockey games When there was a boxng match he would be at the bar to watch with Mies, Vanessa, his Dad, and frends Ryan was passionate about BMX bkes and Mustang cars Ryan’s cousin and best frend JD talked everyday about their BMX finds Ryan was a master gazier and very artcuate about hs work
Ryan had a wonderfu sense of humour and a great contagious laugh Ryan loved to learn about everything Such a wonderfu kind gentle sou rest in peace our precous boy, in al of our hearts forever Ryan wl be greatly mssed by his mother Marene Reeves, father Robin Reeves, brother Miles (Emrie and Leo) and sister Vanessa (Landon) Auntie Mary-Anne, Unce Andy (cousns Jennfer and Stephen), Auntie Jo (cousins Michele, Tyler, JD, Kady and Kely), Uncle Brian (cousin Alex), and Uncle Kevn Auntie Randi, Uncle Bob (cousins Jennifer, Courtney and Maree), Aunte Rcki (cousin Zachary) As wel as his second cousns, too many to mention and al of his friends Ryan was predeceased by his grandparents Nana and Baba; Deare and Grandpa George Amesbury, and hs great grandmother Grandma Mom Also, his fur baby (Bela) who was hs faithfu companion for 15 years Ryan loved al animals
A memoral servce wl be held to honour Ryan on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at 1:00 pm, Richmond Funera Home, 8420 Cambe Road, Richmond, B C Reception to folow at Funera Home
In leu of flowers, please make a donaton n Ryan’s name to a charty of your choice
Online condolences may be eft at www richmond-funera ca
Funeral arrangements entrusted to Richmond Funera Home • (604) 273-3748
June 20, 1978 December 31, 2022
On December 31, 2022, Chad passed away unexpectedly of undiagnosed heart disease at his home in Edmonton, Alberta. He was 44 years old. He is survived by his daughter, Kianna; partner Tammy Howe; parents Larry and Bonnie Makutra; sister Jamie (Aaron) Hudson; niece Amelia; and nephew Nathaniel. He will be remembered and missed by many extended family and friends.
Chad grew up in Steveston, BC and enjoyed a loving childhood filled with family, friends and sports lacrosse and hockey being his favourites. He survived a serious car accident in 1995 and worked hard to recover from and adapt to his injuries He went on to pursue culinary arts at Vancouver Community College before relocating to Edmonton, where he met his former spouse and brought Kianna into the world. Through all of life’s joys and frustrations Edmonton was a comfortable place for Chad, and he was happy to live in his maternal grandparents’ home for the last several years of his life.
Those who knew Chad will remember him for his goofy sense of humour, gregarious laughter, and love of food he always took pride in cooking up something delicious. If you regularly received pictures of his meals via text or messenger, consider this a sign of how much he valued your friendship.
Cremation has taken place, and an interment and family reflection will be held in Edmonton at a later date. In lieu of flowers, we invite you to raise a glass wherever you are and tell a good joke (maybe twice) in honour of Chad.
Celebration Of Life Announcement
Kathleen Jean Kehoe
August 21, 1928 - March 11, 2020
February 12 2023
Remembrance of Kay at 1460 W 49th Avenue, Vancouver Refreshments to Follow Donations may be made to Joyfelowship - A church of Peope of al Abilties joyfelowshp bc ca
Sunday Service
HUDD, Audrey Yvonne
September 1, 1931 January 12, 2023
With great sadness, we announce the passing of our brave mother/grandmother/aunt. Audrey is survived by husband Harold, daughter Penny (Roy), son Michael, two grandchildren Declan and Kyle and many other family members. Born in Bombay, India, she married there and then moved to England, Scotland and finally, Canada. She worked at Little Flower Academy for many years, retiring in 1994. In 1999, Audrey beat the odds and survived a brain aneurysm, enjoying many more years with her family. Prayers on February 3rd, 5:30 pm and Funeral Mass on February 4th, 11:30 am at St. Paul’s Parish, 8251 St Albans, Richmond
COMMUNITY announcementS
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Wlfred George Edmonds passed away on January 2, 2023, at 95 years of age He leaves behnd Marg Edmonds, his wfe and partner of 69 years; his three daughters and ther partners Lynda and Heye, Jayne and Mtch, and Eve and Andrew; ther chidren Kelsey Mark Brendon Collin Lachlan and Georga; and great grandchildren Ela and Brooke Together wth Marg, nothng was more important to George than his famly He identified wth the symbol of the wolf: family, loyalty, curiosity, and playfuness
Marg and George shared a partnershp based on common vaues, deep companonship and ove that stood the test of time
George was born in Edmundston, New Brunswck to Emma and Charles Edmonds He was a successfu Forestry Engineer but folowing the family’s move from Winnipeg to Cagary n 1963, he became regiona director of the Canadian Counci of Chrstans and Jews and eventually a manager at the Unversity of Cagary Book Store He eft the workforce n hs fifties to folow hs dream to become a writer
George pursued an authentic life He was a seeker who was always curious: he practiced Zen meditaton, vegetaransm and running before they were a thing in the 1970’s George was an ntrovert who read lterature, phiosophy and hstory and often commented that realty dd not hold a match to the wonderful world of lterature Yet, George was aso the life of the party with both adults and chidren His grandchidren woud laugh unti ther cheeks hurt
George loved the outdoors and introduced hs chidren to hking and cross-country sking in the Rocky Mountans when they were young Later he oned an outdoors club that went every week nto the Kananaskis George went on club cycing trips around the word into his 80’s Whle he oved to be part of the group, he woud often be found off to the side wrting or drawing in his notebook He also had a specal reationship with hs Westphala van, whch he took camping wth the famly or would park by the ocean to drink tea and read
When Marg and George were 80 years old, they moved from Calgary to Steveston to be close to their daughters and grandchildren He spent the past fifteen years of his ife walkng at Gary Point Park, dscussing poetry over coffee wth hs dear friend Ron and eventualy movng to The Maple Residences
Even though he was an od man when he died, hs passing was stl a shock as he was stil so young at heart
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Career Opportunities
Sales and Services Assistant
Job description
We are a successful, fam ly owned boutique trave agency w th an extensive portfo io of luxury v llas in Los Cabos, Mex co Compl ment ng our rental properties is our abi ity to del ver some of the most exciting itinerar es in the travel industry from relax ng with our pr vate chefs and but ers to cru s ng on yachts; golfing at some of the best courses in the Wor d, or trying to and the big one n the marlin sportfishing cap tal W th over 20 years of experience in th s el te market, we are wide y known and recognized as offering “the best of the best” Our reputation is ste lar and our attention to deta l and fierce protection of our client’s pr vacy has made us the go-to agency for celebrities and high net worth guests al ke
As a Sales and Serv ces Assistant you wi l be respons ble for the fol ow ng; The role
• Assisting sales staff with bookings
• Preparing and Executing Trave Itinerar es
• Managing incom ng cal s and text messages
• Schedu ing staff
• Other duties as requ red
Candidate profile
• Excellent Written and Verba Communication Sk lls in Eng ish
• Super or Multitasker
• Except onal Attention to Detai
• Proficiency with Gmai and the Google Su te (Docs, Sheets etc)
• Enthusiast c and Keen to Learn
• Works well Under Pressure
• Excellent Interpersona Ski ls
• Abi ity to Travel to Mexico
• Spanish
• Accounting Experience
• Related Tourism Experience
• Related Degree (Sales and Market ng)
Salary Range $42 000 - $46 000 depending on qual fications and experience Email resumes to Kate Harris: Kate@suncabo com
P ease Note: Our offices are located n South Richmond in the Ironwood area Due to high volumes of applications for this ob, only successful applicants wi l be contacted