2 minute read

Tesla owner takes charging issue to civil tribunal

Vikki Hui



A Richmond Tesla owner is seeking compensation from Tesla’s Vancouver service centre after the sensor for his charging port stopped working right after a repair session.

Richmond resident Chen Shen scheduled a repair with a Tesla mechanic after his taillight came loose during a car wash

But after a mechanic came by his house for a 30-minute session on May 1, he noticed a new problem

The charging port on his car had stopped responding

“The charging port worked the night before (the mechanic) came We used the charging cable to charge the vehicle. And then it worked in the morning, like the day he came,” said Shen

“And then it failed right after he left And it’s been working for five years and no problem at all.”

Shen went to the Vancouver service centre on West 4th Avenue the next day to complain but claimed he didn’t get a satisfactory response

“They said, ‘Oh no, that’s a coincidence,’” Shen told the Richmond News, adding he was told there was “no possibility” the me- chanic had damaged the charging port

Shen was told there were two different parts for the taillight and the charging sensor.

He told the News, while he can still charge the car, he has been inundated with error messages on his screen, warning of issues with his charging port sensor

He also received an estimate from Tesla for $1,276 80 to replace the charging port

The News has reached out multiple times to Tesla and the Vancouver service centre for comment but has yet to receive a response

Shen filed an application with the Civil Resolution Tribunal at the beginning of the month and is seeking compensation of $1,276 80 from Tesla

He told the News the issue has been “very annoying,” adding his warranty expired two months prior.

“I called (the) technician like four or five times for just minor issues on the vehicle because (it’s) a Tesla There (were) so many problems with the vehicle before,” said Shen.

He recalled having to replace both his taillights for water damage, as well as other issues with his Falcon door

“Many problems with the car. So, we have to call them once in a while So very, very annoying ”

Business Regulation Bylaw No. 7538 Amendment Bylaw No. 10444

At the May 23, 2023 Council meeting, three readings were given to Business Regulation Bylaw No. 7538, Amendment Bylaw No. 10444, which amends Schedule A of the bylaw to include the premises at 4411 No 3 Road Unit 111, among the sites that permits an amusement centre to operate with more than 4 amusement machines Those persons who consider themselves affected by the proposed bylaw are invited to make written submissions to Council c/o the City Clerk at 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond B.C. V6Y 2C1 or by fax at 604-278-5139 or by email to cityclerk@richmond ca; or make a verbal presentation to Council by appearing as a delegation at the June 26, 2023 Council meeting All written submissions received prior to the proposed bylaw adoption on June 26, 2023, will be forwarded to Council for consideration A complete copy of the staff report is available on the City website at www richmond ca

(City Hall>City Council Agendas & Minutes>General Purposes Committee>2023 Agenda & Minutes>May 15, 2023>Agenda and Staff Reports>.

For more information on the proposed Bylaw Amendments, please contact the Business Licence Division, Supervisor, Business Licences, Victor Duarte at 604-276-4389.

Since 1989, working diligently with a Client-First approach to Solving Legal Matters Successfully in Richmond and throughout Vancouver Metro 自1989年以來,我們 直在列治文市和 大溫地區努力地以客戶至上的精神為大 家解決法律上的問題。


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