Extreme 3

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(000) Tapa Extreme 3 Student's


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EXTREME is a four-level course for teenagers who start learning English at school. It takes students from beginner to low-intermediate level through this progressive and carefully designed series. EXTREME develops students' linguistic, communicative and critical thinking competences, as it considers teenagers' interests and motivates them to go into a broader socio-cultural reality.

Student’s Book features: • Varied contexts to present and practise grammar and vocabulary • Integrated skills lessons to develop productive and receptive skills • Task-based projects to promote collaborative learning • Content-based sections to facilitate language retention • Specially written songs to improve pronunciation skills and recycle key language points • Learning skills sections to encourage student's autonomy • Pairwork activities to stimulate interaction and interpersonal skills

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A Language



3 tegra


Rock and Roll Never Dies

tio Jim remembers the good old days as a boy...

1 In pairs, take turns to answer. a Where do you live? b Do you like your neighbourhood? Why/Why not? c Have you got any unusual or mysterious neighbours? Do you get on well with them?

2 Read Jim’s diary. Then, write T (true), F (false) or DK (don’t know).

How I Met Eric Close in When I was ten, I lived at 17 Dorset about the London. There was nothing unusual who had street. We had friendly neighbours with them. children my age and I often played ays empty, But the house at number 19 was alw day, an old so I didn’t have friends there. One got about man arrived to number 19. I soon for . Some weeks him and my life continued as normal street later, I was playing football in the ll into the old when I kicked my ball over the wa one. I decided man’s garden. I looked and saw no l. I was to climb over the wall to get the bal a noise picking it up when suddenly I heard the old man behind me. I turned round and saw gently at me. with his long wild white hair smiling Later that I dropped the ball and ran away. it. I still evening, I told my mother all about ... remember the conversation we had 38

Unit 3

a The writer is ten. b He lived in a nice town when he was ten. c There were no other children in his street. d His best friend lived in number 19. e He climbed over the wall into the garden of number 19. f The old man had short black hair. g The old man shouted at the boy. h The boy stayed to talk to the old man.


3 Answer. Then, listen and check. a How do you think Jim's mother reacts?

b What do you think his mother tells him to do?

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4 What happened next? Look at the pictures and tell a partner. Then, complete.

5 Complete. Then, listen and check.

The Guitar (go) to his house and rang (wait) and (wait). Impatient, I rang (open). The old again. The door (sit) in man with long hair a wheelchair. He smiled. Hello, I’m Eric’ he (say). He wasn’t angry with me (tell) me to get the ball and he

I the bell. I just

from the garden. (walk) through As I the house, I saw an old Spanish guitar in the (stop) for a moment hall. I to look at it. I loved music and I always (dream) of one day having my own guitar. There are more in the front

(go) in. The room was big I (be) full of records and and it old guitars. Hanging on a wall, there was a very special one... A red and black Fender Stratocaster! The house was like Aladdin’s cave, full of musical treasures! Now, the old man wasn’t a monster but a (want) to find out magician! I more about him. 7 Look at the picture. What did Eric give Jim? Complete.

room!’ he said. 6 Pairwork STUDENT A: Turn to Pairwork A5, page 81. STUDENT B: Turn to Pairwork B5, page 85.



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Music and Art

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Rock and Roll Never Dies ation 1 Answer. a Who is the boy in the picture? b What happened to him when he met Eric? c How do you think this event changed his life? At the music shop, Jim wants something...

My Ambition the book he I left Eric’s house with my ball and avidly. There gave me. I went home and read it comments on were many anecdotes about Eric and ld famous his profession... He was in fact a wor guitars, bands, guitarist! That night I dreamt of woke up, I records, fame and fortune. When I d to buy a knew what I wanted to do: I wante r. guitar and become a famous rock sta in a hurry. I I got up early and had breakfast it opened... was waiting outside the shop when

2 Read and answer. a What did Eric give Jim? b What did Jim realise from reading the book? c What did he dream of? d What did he want to do?

3 Read about different guitars. a Which one do you prefer? Why?

b Which information is new for you? Underline it in the text.

E l e c t r i c g u i t a r s were invented in the USA in the 1930’s. The strings of electric guitars are made of steel and they are played with a small piece of plastic called ‘plectrum’ or also ‘pick’. One of the most popular designs of electric guitar is the Fender Stratocaster. The Stratocaster was first produced in 1954. It is played by many famous guitarists, including Eric Clapton, Keith Richard (Rolling Stones) and The Edge (U2).


Unit 3

M o d e r n c l a s s i c a l guitars, having six strings and a larger body, were first made in Spain by Antonio de Torres in the nineteenth century. Classical guitars are still very popular nowadays. The strings are made of nylon and they are played with your fingers. The top surface of guitars can be solid or laminated. Laminated-top guitars are quite adequate for students, but solid-tops are the only choice for more skilled players.



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4 Put in order. Then, listen and check.

1 Can I help you? Well, there are electric guitars and acoustic guitars. Sure. Come this way.

That one is beautiful. How much is it? Can I see the electric guitars? Yes, please. I’m looking for a guitar.

What type of guitar do you want?

Do you like any particular make?

STUDENT A: Turn to Pairwork A6, page 81. STUDENT B: Turn to Pairwork B6, page 85.

6 Read the letter Jim wrote to Eric. What did he suggest?

Dear Eric, Thank you for the book! It was really interesting. Have you got any other about rock? Yesterday, I was so excited that I went to a music shop to buy a guitar, but they were very expensive! I haven’t got enough money to buy one yet, but I’m going to do a few jobs at home and mum is going to give me extra pocket money. Do you need any work done around your house? If I can have some guitar lessons from you, I could cut the grass or clean your windows. My mum thinks it’s a good idea and you can help me quite a lot! Please tell me if anything comes up. See you later, Jim

7 Write Eric’s reply to Jim’s questions.

sweet fender, cruel reality! too expensive for jim...

500 euros.

5 Pairwork

Dear Jim, Thanks for your letter...

Wow! That’s very expensive!

Yes, have you got any Fender...?

What types are there? 41

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Social Studies

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Rock and Roll Never Dies ation 1 Read and answer.

How are you?

a Why is Jim happy? b What problem does Jim have? c Where do you think Eric is?

Not bad.

I went to his house twice a week for guitar lessons.

I made quick progress in my classes!

Hold the guitar with this hand. I’m sure you’ll learn very quickly.

He was a very patient and helpful teacher. He gave me many tips for playing the guitar.

I haven’t got enough money to buy my own guitar yet! 24

2 Listen to a conversation between Jim and his mother. Then, answer. a Why did Eric go away? b Where did he go? c What did he leave? 3 Read Eric's note and answer. a Who will Eric be with? b How often should Jim practise? c What will happen if Jim doesn't stop playing?

A year passed. Then one day, I went to his house but nobody answered.

Dear Jim, I’m going away. I’m not feeling very well and my doctors say I sho uld take some holidays. They’re worrie d about my health, so I’ll be with my fam ily. I want you to have my precio us guitar. Remember to practise every day! If you try hard enough, you’ll be a rock and roll star one day! You’re so talented! Your neighbour and friend,

Eric 42

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4 Does Jim forget Eric? years later...

And this song is called ‘Rock and Roll Never Dies’. It is for a very special person!


5 Complete the newspaper report with the words below. spent famous moved hard band restaurant taught neighbour garden cleaning played singer talking gave


here was a moving reunion last night between Jim Carnes, lead ........................... and guitarist

Rock star meets legendary guitarist. 6 Pairwork STUDENT A: Turn to Pairwork A7, page 82. STUDENT B: Turn to Pairwork B7, page 86. 7 Read Eric’s questions and invent Jim’s answers.

for local ........................... Paradise Now, and the

........................... American guitarist Eric Bolster.

ERIC: When did you play with Eric Clapton?

Apparently, Eric was once Jim’s ........................... and


........................... him to play the guitar. Although it is ........................... to believe now, Jim repaid

ERIC: Do you have a number-one hit with Clapton?

Eric by ........................... the windows of his house and looking after his ........................... ! When Eric ...........................

I played with him last summer at a rock festival.

a JIM:

away for health reasons, he ........................... Jim the red and black Fender which he always ........................... at his concerts.

ERIC: Do you sign many autographs? b JIM:

Jim and Eric went to a ...........................after last night’s concert and ......................the rest of the night ......................... like old

ERIC: Do you want to buy a new guitar? c JIM:



Unit 3

(000) Tapa Extreme 3 Student's


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EXTREME is a four-level course for teenagers who start learning English at school. It takes students from beginner to low-intermediate level through this progressive and carefully designed series. EXTREME develops students' linguistic, communicative and critical thinking competences, as it considers teenagers' interests and motivates them to go into a broader socio-cultural reality.

Student’s Book features: • Varied contexts to present and practise grammar and vocabulary • Integrated skills lessons to develop productive and receptive skills • Task-based projects to promote collaborative learning • Content-based sections to facilitate language retention • Specially written songs to improve pronunciation skills and recycle key language points • Learning skills sections to encourage student's autonomy • Pairwork activities to stimulate interaction and interpersonal skills

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