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He Said, He Said: Culture


Political Correctness

"We have witnessed similar developments in our schools and universities—increasing monitoring of viewpoints, disrespecting of those with whom one disagrees, and foreclosing of the common ground upon which we can listen and learn. The major culprit here is not ‘political correctness,’ a term coined by those who tend to trivialize the scars of others and minimize the suffering of victims while highlighting their own wounds. Rather the challenge is mustering the courage to scrutinize all forms of dogmatic policing of dialogue and to shatter all authoritarian strategies of silencing voices. We must respect the scars and wounds of each one of us—even if we are sometimes wrong (or right!)."

Dr. Cornel West

"I have tons of people who tell me they wouldn’t write certain things, that they wouldn’t say certain things, that they’re not comfortable even entering into a conversation on Black Lives Matter, on Israel, or any of these things, because they didn’t feel that they could even get into a conversation without enormous repercussions that would be detrimental, because they don’t possess the identity that gives them what I would say is the epistemological authority to even weigh in, and so it’s just a land mine. You must possess a particular identity to be able to participate in certain conversations or you face a backlash that comes at you so fast that you can’t even defend yourself against it. It penetrates your workplace."

Thomas Chatterton Williams

Hip-Hop Music

“It’s the greatest tradition in the modern world, which is the Black musical tradition that came in a number of different forms, all the way to gospel and blues and jazz and rhythm and blues. Hip-hop for me is a moment within the very rich and very profound tradition of artistic creativity and spiritual fortitude.”

Dr. Cornel West

“In terms of their ethics, interests, values, and the lyrical content of their work, these rappers have very little that is enriching and lots that is actually very damaging to offer their listeners. They engage us in a catchy way so we admire them for it, and hunger after what they produce, but it’s empty calories at best.”

Thomas Chatterton Williams


“Philosophy is about trying to see differently, feel more deeply, act more courageously. The most terrifying, unsettling, unnerving question that sits at the center of what philosophy is, which is, ‘What does it mean to be human?’ That cuts deeper than skin pigmentation. It cuts deeper than sexual orientation. It cuts deeper than gender. It cuts deeper than national identity.”

Dr. Cornel West

“I’m kind of reconciled to being an autodidact kind of philosopher, the way my father was and the way that people were for many centuries before credentialism. I try to take seriously the idea that a philosopher is somebody who’s asking certain questions looking for meaning. And so I’m not an academic philosopher, but I’m still drawn to being a person who works with ideas in a very serious way.”

Thomas Chatterton Williams

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