Liquid Waste Disposal

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Liquid waste disposal

Liquid waste disposal of all types of liquid waste for converting it back into reusable quality

Depending upon its origination, liquid waste can be classified into below categories:

Sanitary sewage

Industria l waste

Strom sewage Mixed sewage

Sanitary sewage

This liquid waste type typically comes from home or the community.

It large contains waste from kitchens, toilets, and laundry.

It typically contains more than 99% water, and less than 1% organic and inorganic impurities.

Industrial waste

It is also known as wastewater and is typically generated by industrial facilities involved in manufacturing.

Pharmaceutical companies, textile and paper manufacturing units, oil and gas refineries, and chemical processing facilities are major contributors to industrial waste.

This type of liquid waste has a high chemical concentration and requires the use of specialised liquid waste disposal methods.


It consists of surface runoff that flows into council sewers during heavy rainstorms.

The sewage contains dirt, twigs, and other debris, such as organic matter and dissolved solids.


As the name suggests, mixed sewage is generated with the combination of two or more streams of waste, such as sanitary sewage and industrial wastewater.

WhyRichmondWastefor liquidwastedisposal?

Richmond Waste stands apart when it comes to liquid waste disposal. Here are the key differentiators that make Richmond Waste stand apart:

 70 years of experience in liquid waste disposal

 Largest fleet of specialist liquid waste collection and disposal

 Fully trained and experienced staff

 Database service scheduling

 Environment-friendly approach

 Documented record of all liquid waste disposal procedures for compliance

 Authority reporting

 Liquid waste consultancy and advice

 Quality assurance

 Fully license liquid waste disposal service by NSW Environmental Protection Authority


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