Jordan Vallone/Herald
Second graders in Danielle Brocco’s class at Saw Mill Road Elementary School sported gold and yellow shirts on Sept. 27 in observance of ‘Go Gold for Pediatric Cancer Day.’
Jordan Vallone/Herald
Second graders in Danielle Brocco’s class at Saw Mill Road Elementary School sported gold and yellow shirts on Sept. 27 in observance of ‘Go Gold for Pediatric Cancer Day.’
by JorDAN VAlloNe jvallone@liherald.com
A sea of gold and yellow adorned the elementary schools in the North Bellmore School District last week, as each marked another “Go Gold for Pediatric Cancer Day” — a campaign to support children battling cancer and to raise awareness about pediatric cancer.
Normally celebrated the last Friday in September, Go Gold Day empowers students to show compassion and empathy for their peers undergoing cancer treatments. North Bellmore’s initiative encourages students, teachers and district administrators to wear gold and yellow, or decorate the schools with gold-themed items, because gold is the offi-
cial ribbon color representing childhood cancer awareness.
The Herald visited Saw Mill Road Elementary School in North Bellmore on Sept. 27, meeting with staff and students to learn more about why the school district encourages awareness on Go Gold Day. The district’s five elementary schools — the other three of which are also in North Bellmore, and one in North Merrick — were all taking part in similar activities.
Marie Testa, district superintendent, explained that this marked the 11th year the district has recognized Go Gold Day, and the awareness campaign started with the family of a young student at John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School, who was diagnosed with
by cHArleS SHAW cshaw@liherald.com
As Election Day approaches, the League of Women Voters of East Nassau hosted a presentation on Sept. 18 to educate voters about the Electoral College and its role in selecting presidents.
The league is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization that works to protect and expand voting rights throughout the country. The East Nassau chapter encompasses Merrick, Bellmore and East Meadow.
t’s important for people to understand what the Electoral College means, and how it impacts how people vote.
According to East Nassau member Barbara Epstein, its goal is to educate communities and encourage people to register to vote.
cussed the history of the Electoral College and how it has impacted presidential elections. Codrington is a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice at the NYU School of Law and a professor of constitutional law at the Benjamin N. Cardoza School of Law. His research, teaching and advocacy focuses on voting, elections and the laws of democracy.
bArbAr A epSteIN League of Women Voters of East Nassau
“It’s important for people to understand what the Electoral College means and how it impacts how people vote,” Epstein said.
At last week’s meeting, legal scholar Wilfred Codrington dis-
He noted that most voters may not fully understand how the Electoral College works. “It is that system that we know and love, or at least we think we know it,” Codrington said.
“And I’m guessing, to be frank, it’s not really clear that we do love it.”
The Electoral College, he explained, which selects the president, was established in the Constitution, with electors from each state fulfilling their duties six weeks after Election Day. ContinuED
“Neither the 330 million people living in the United States, nor the 240 million folks of voting age, get to choose the president,” Codrington said. “Rather, it is this extremely important task falling on 538 people” — the sum total of the members of Congress, plus three for the capital, Washington, D.C. To win the Electoral College, a president needs to win at least half of those votes plus one, or 270.
The electors, he said, hold that title for one day every four years, and are chosen by the political parties, based on the outcome of the popular vote in each state.
“When we go to vote for the president on Election Day,” he said, “we’re actually voting for people to occupy the roles as presidential electors.”
In 48 states, including the capital, a winner-take-all system is used, in which the candidate who wins the popular vote gets all of that state’s electoral votes. Two states that do not use this system are Maine and Nebraska, which split their electoral votes proportionally based on the statewide popular vote and the results in each congressional district.
“It does not matter if you win by seven votes or 7 million votes,” Codrington said. “If you win more than the next candidate, you will win the state’s slates of electors.”
Charles Shaw/Herald at a League of Women Voters meeting on Sept. 18, american legal scholar Wilfred Codrington discussed the history of the electoral College and its impact on presidential elections.
Most states’ voting outcomes can be predicted, but several swing states, in which both the Democratic and Republican parties have similar levels of support, determine who wins the presidency. New York, for example, has not given its electoral votes to a Republican presidential candidate since 1984.
“These swing states have the greatest power,” Codrington said. “They are where the presidential race is most competitive, because Democrats and
Republicans in those states are nearly equal, or at least their preferences are.”
As a result, reliably “blue” or “red” states receive less attention from presidential candidates than swing states. According to Codrington, 96 percent of campaign events during the 2020 election took place in swing states accounting for 20 to 25 percent of the U.S. population. This obviously creates incentives for presidential campaigns to focus on policies of most interest in swing state voters, at the expense of the broader American public.
As the nation continues to evolve, questions about the future of the Electoral College have become more pressing.
“I think, like anything else, times change, and we need to change,” Carol Bergman, treasurer of the East Nassau LWV, said.
One of the main reasons why the Electoral College is unpopular, Codrington said, is because it’s prone to failing. Throughout its history, he says, the Electoral College produced what political scholars called “the wrong winner,” where it awarded the presidency to the popular vote loser. It happened in five presidential elections, most recently in 2016, when Donald Trump won despite the fact that his opponent, Hillary Clinton, received around 48 percent of the popular vote, to Trump’s 46 percent.
“So now we can say we know the
■ The Electoral College is the system that selects the president, with electors fulfilling their duties six weeks after Election Day. It requires 270 electoral votes to win.
■ Legal scholar Wilfred Codrington explained that many voters don’t fully understand the Electoral College, a system rooted in the U.S. Constitution.
■ There have been attempts to abolish the Electoral College, but these efforts have failed, most notably in 1969 when a proposal was filibustered in the Senate.
■ The Electoral College has, at times, resulted in ‘the wrong winner,’ such as in the 2016 election, when Donald Trump won the presidency despite losing the popular vote.
Electoral College — I’ll leave you to decide whether we love the Electoral College,” Codrington told the attendees, “but for much of the country’s existence, Americans have not.”
The annual Bellmore Family Street Festival went off successfully this past weekend, with hundreds flocking to one of the biggest fall fairs on the South Shore of Nassau County. Hosted by the Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores, Bedford and Pettit Avenues were packed with booths of vendors from near and far. Whether it was a local business selling goods and food, or outside booths setting up shop, there was something for everyone to enjoy.
Despite the rain on Saturday and Sunday, spirits remained high as attendees continued to enjoy the festival. From live entertainment to delicious food, families embraced the weather, making the most of the day’s activities. Many participants noted that the rain added a refreshing twist to the experience, and it didn’t stop them from having a good time.
The fair opened with a carnival on Thursday evening and continued through Sunday. The Chamber offered “pay-one-price” bracelets leading up to the fair, so children could enjoy all the rides for one convenient price.
Money raised from the festival allows the Chamber to continue hosting fun events throughout the year, including its annual holiday extravaganza in early December, among others.
For more on what’s in store, visit BellmoreChamber.com.
— Jordan Vallone
“They had asked us if we would be interested in supporting or just bringing awareness,” Testa said. “And we decided to go with that, and we started our first going gold day.”
Since then, Testa and Jeff Rosof, the principal of Saw Mill Road, each shared that they had met several families in the district that have been touched by childhood cancer, and unfortunately also have had some students die from the disease.
“Really, in our souls and hearts — we think of those children,” Testa said. “It really is to support and to show our care and love.”
Rosof said he’s known children who have undergone cancer treatments while in North Bellmore schools, or after they graduate.
“For some of the schools, it’s very poignant,” he said. “Certainly, Saw Mill is one of them. I know Dinkelmeyer had a student last year. Unfortunately, it’s a disease that is horrible. And it does take some lives of young students, children.”
In classrooms, teachers engaged in healthy, relevant and age-appropriate discussions with students about what the day means, Rosof said.
“Cancer is a disease — pediatric means it could affect children,” he said. “We don’t really go much deeper than that. We’ll leave it to the families if they want to really explain it.”
Jordan Vallone/Herald photos
the day serves as an awareness campaign to support children battling cancer. Sixth graders showed off their outfits in support of the campaign.
Gina Aglio’s son, Vincent, was diagnosed with leukemia when he was in first-grade last year, and said the school district has been extremely supportive of their family. He’s now in secondgrade at John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School, and undergoing maintenance treatment for the disease.
“Everyone was just so amazing,”
One of the most common and devastating misconceptions about elder law estate planning is that it is too late to save money from nursing home costs. On the contrary, there are crisis planning tools that may save substantial assets from being spent on nursing home costs, even after the client has already entered the nursing home. Almost always, if there are assets left, much can be saved. There are only three ways to pay for nursing home costs – your own assets, long-term care insurance (owned by less than five percent of the population), or Medicaid provided by the government.
Many people know about the “five-year look-back period” and assume nothing can be done without advance planning. The fiveyear look-back rule means that if you gave any gifts away within the last five years, when asking for Medicaid to pay for nursing home costs, the gift amount creates a penalty period, which results in a period of ineligibility for Medicaid coverage.
Despite the five-year look-back, New
York law allows people to protect assets from nursing home costs, even without pre-planning. For single applicants, you may be able to save about half of the assets through the “gift and loan” strategy. For married couples, where one spouse needs a nursing home, “spousal refusal” may protect substantial amounts of assets for the spouse at home. These techniques are discussed in detail at trustlaw.com, under “Practice Areas”, then “Medicaid Strategies”.
The five-year look-back rule does not affect eligibility of Medicaid home care, also known as “community” Medicaid. Currently, an applicant may transfer their assets out of their name and still qualify for home care in the next month.
Many assets, such as retirement accounts, rental properties and even the family home in certain cases, are exempt from Medicaid. The bottom line is that if someone you love is in failing health, the sooner you consult an elder law attorney the more you will likely be able to save assets.
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Aglio said. “Friends from Dinkelmeyer set up a meal train for us, and that fed us for months and months. The district, teachers, everyone just came to our aid, no questions asked.”
And even now that he’s back at school, Aglio said Vincent is still feeling the love and support from his peers. Rosof said that at Saw Mill Road,
teachers and staff also contribute to a faculty fund, which gets donated to organizations that support families and research for pediatric cancer. Those who donated sported gold shoelaces on Sept. 27.
The school’s PTA got involved this year as well, handing out yellow bracelets to students, so everyone in the school could sport the color gold in some fashion.
Testa said the PTA’s Coordinating Council, which encompasses representatives from every school, also contributed to this year’s Go Gold Day across the district.
“The PTAs have always supported us — each individual PTA — but I’m so happy and proud to say that this year the PTA Coordinating Council met with me earlier this summer and they agree to sponsor it,” Testa said. “They gave a pin to every child and every faculty member. This really brings, unites us all together.”
Testa added that Go Gold Day truly encompasses the core values of the North Bellmore School District.
“We’ve been working over the years, with our mission and core values, to really bring light to caring for everyone in our community and our global community — human light is precious,” she said. “We want to look to our own community on what their needs are in terms of support. Prayers and love and action is how we see it.”
all dressed in yellow, first grade students lined up on Saw mill road’s staircase, in a pediatric cancer awareness campaign that was celebrated in north Bellmore’s five elementary schools.
A RETURNING ALL-COUNTY selection, Grimaldi helped get the Rocks into the win column for the first time in 2024 on Sept. 21. He got East Rockaway’s 52-14 victory over Lawrence started with an 85-yard kickoff return for a touchddown and went on to make four more trips into the end zone. He had touchdown runs covering 45, 18, 75 and 1 yards and racked up 190 yards on the ground on 11 carries. He also leads the defense at linebacker.
Friday, Oct. 4
Football: Seaford at Malverne 7 p.m.
Football: V.S. South at Island Trees 7 p.m.
Football: Wantagh at East Rockaway 7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 5
Boys Soccer: Academy Charter at Uniondale 10 a.m.
Boys Soccer: Seaford at Lawrence 10 a.m.
Girls Soccer: Clarke at V.S. South 10 a.m.
Girls Soccer: Uniondale at Malv/East Rockaway 10 a.m.
Girls Soccer: Elmont at Freeport 10 a.m.
Boys Soccer: Bellport at Kennedy 10 a.m.
Football: Mepham at Carey 11 a.m.
Football: New Hyde Park at Baldwin 11 a.m.
Girls Volleyball: Plainedge at Elmont 11:45 a.m.
Girls Soccer: Lawrence at V.S. North 12:30 p.m.
Boys Soccer: V.S. Central at Mepham 2 p.m.
Football: MacArthur at Calhoun 2 p.m.
Football: Plainedge at North Shore 2 p.m.
Football: Oyster Bay at West Hempstead 2:30 p.m.
Football: Floral Park at Lynbrook 3 p.m.
Football: Oceanside at Freeport 3 p.m.
Football: Hempstead at Uniondale 3 p.m.
Football: Massapequa at East Meadow 3 p.m.
Football: Long Beach at Glen Cove 6:30 p.m.
High School athletes to be featured on the Herald sports page must compete in a fall sport and have earned an AllConference award or higher last season. Please send the following information: Name, School, Grade, Sport and accomplishments to Sports@liherald.com.
By TONY BELLISSIMO tbellissimo@liherald.com
September was all about donuts and turnovers for Mepham’s football team.
The Pirates, who closed last season on a six-game skid including three scoreless performances, posted their third consecutive shutout victory of 2024 with a rain-soaked 31-0 home win last Saturday over Calhoun in a Nassau Conference II matchup of neighboring rivals.
Junior Lenny Achan had three rushing touchdowns — all in the first half — and five different Mepham defenders recorded takeaways as it surpassed last year’s win total in longtime assistant Tom Mazeika’s opening month as head coach.
“The best thing about how we’re playing is we’re getting contributions from everyone who steps on the field,” Mazeika said. “The defense has played lights-out and even though it took us a little while to get going today, the offense is doing its job.”
The Colts (1-2) foiled Mepham’s first three red-zone opportunities but were held to fewer than 100 yards on offense with three interceptions and a pair of lost fumbles.
“We’re not going to beat anyone if we commit five turnovers,” Calhoun head coach Nick Rawls said. “The defense kept us in it with some fantastic effort early. We’re not where we want to be, but last week and in the second half today we showed we’re capable.”
Each of Mepham’s first four possessions began in enemy territory, including two inside the 15. One was set up by
senior Matthew Biscardi’s fumble recovery and another by senior Jayden Perez’s blocked punt. The first of those short fields ended with a missed field goal and the other with two pass breakups in the end zone by Colts sophomore Joe Smith.
The Pirates finally cashed in late in the first quarter on a one-play drive. Achan’s 25-yard touchdown run gave them all the points they’d need. He also found paydirt in the second quarter from 7 and 3 yards out, racing behind an offensive line consisting of center Christopher Mann, Declan McArdle, Stamatis Kayantas, Mario Corrao and Tyler Kearney.
“Those are my guys,” Achan said of the O-line. “They work hard in the weight room and come to play every week.”
Senior Stephen Soel’s fumble recovery set up Achan’s second touchdown and senior Tyler Rannacher’s interception set up his third score. The lead was 24-0 at halftime after senior Ryan Bayer’s 27-yard field goal.
Senior Paul Sansano had a fumble recovery for Calhoun’s defense early in the second half, setting up the offense at the Mepham 33. But two snaps later, the Pirates had the ball back thanks to Shakhi Davidov’s interception.
“We treated this as just another game,” Davidov said. “To put up another shutout feels great.”
Rannacher caught a 32-yard touchdown pass early in the fourth quarter from senior quarterback Owen Heller, who rushed for 63 yards. Achan had 80 yards on the ground and Biscardi added 72.
Timothy Igneri wrapped up Calhoun’s
DiRico last Saturday during the Pirates’ third straight shutout win, 31-0.
“We’re having physical practices and carrying that into games,” Mazeika said.
“Last year we lost four onescore games. They guys came into the season focused and are doing a good job of taking one practice and one week at a time.”
A showdown for first place is on tap as Mepham travels to Carey for an 11 a.m. kickoff this Saturday. Calhoun hosts MacArthur at the same time.
Page by page, students at Winthrop Avenue School are fostering a love of reading as they pursue high literary aspirations as part of this year’s Wildly Important Goals.
Each year, Winthrop’s Winning Star Leaders set an educational goal for themselves to independently progress toward. Through the Wildly Important Goal of reading, students will dive into literary tales as they embark on fun and engaging activities. Starting in September, for example, students will “Drop Everything and Read” for 10 minutes each day. Soon after, Winning Star Leaders will see pairs of teachers exchange gift wrapped books, showing students that reading is a gift. Additionally, third graders will partner with fourth graders to read together at least twice a week and swap books with friends. Throughout the event, students will keep track of their overall reading progress.
With more events to come, this year’s Wildly Important Goals will foster an environment where children feel excited and happy to read.
— Jordan Vallone
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OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 17 at 1 PM
By Anjolique Powell Correspondent
With Election Day, Nov. 5, as well as early voting, Oct. 26 to Nov. 3, rapidly approaching, this guide offers essential information about voting in Nassau and Suffolk counties as well as details on voter eligibility, registration, voting procedures, and absentee voting. Information for this guide was collected through the League of Women Voters of Nassau County and the Nassau and Suffolk County boards of elections.
Am I eligible to vote?
In order to be eligible to vote, you must:
■ Be a United States citizen.
■ Be at least 18 years old (you can pre-register at 16 or 17).
■ Live in the county, city, or village for at least 30 days before an election.
■ Not be incarcerated for a felony conviction
■ Not claim the right to vote elsewhere.
How do you vote in the general election?
In order to vote in a general election in the U.S., you must be registered before Election Day. To find your polling place in Nassau, go to NassauCountyNy. gov/566/Board-of-Elections. In Suffolk, SuffolkCountyNy.gov/Departments/BOE.
Where/how do I register?
You can register to vote by:
■ Filling out a voter registration form found on either county’s Board of Elections website or the New York State Board of Elections website (at least 25 days before the election)
■ Registering in person at some public agencies.
■ Visiting the Nassau County Board of Elections from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. You’ll receive a confirmation card within two to six weeks. If you don’t receive it, call (516) 571-2411 to check on your application.
There are three ways for voters to cast a ballot in this year’s elections:
■ In person, during early voting, at any one of the 28 early voting locations or on Election Day at your designated polling place.
■ By mail – By early mail ballot or by absentee ballot. To request a ballot, go to Eections.Ny.Gov/request-ballot.
■ For military and oversees voting, go to Elections. Ny.Gov/military-and-overseas-federal-voting.
Do I need to register every year?
No, you’re permanently registered once you’ve registered. However, you need to submit a new application if your name, address, or party changes. If you move, notify the County Board of Elections and re-register.
Should I register with one political party?
You are not obligated to join a political party, however, according to the League of Women’s Voters, “Declaring a party allows you to vote in that party’s primary election, which in New York State is open only to party members.” Enrolled party members can also sign nomination petitions. It’s also important to mention that registering with a party doesn’t mean you have to vote for that party’s candidates. You’re always free to vote for any candidate in general elections.
What is early voting?
Early voting allows people to cast their ballots before Election Day. Early voting also allows voters to go to locations that are closer, like public libraries, public buildings, or community centers. However,
these locations will be different from your assigned Election Day polling place.
When and where does early voting take place?
Hours are:
■ Most days: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
■ Oct. 28: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
■ Oct. 29 and 30: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Check each county’s Board of Elections website for specific locations or location changes.
How do I know where to vote on Election Day?
In order to know where to vote you must look up your polling place, which can be found by entering your county, first and last name, date of birth, and zip code on the New York State Poll Site Search website. This site also tracks voter registration and absentee ballots.
Linda Devin-Sheehan, a board member of the Suffolk League of Women Voters, at the voter registration drive on the Stony Brook University campus on Sept. 11.
Can I still vote if I won’t be able to go to a polling place?
Yes, you can vote by absentee ballot if you’re unable to vote in person due to:
■ Not being in the county or New York City on Election Day
■ Temporary or permanent illness or physical disability
■ Primary care duties for ill or physically disabled individuals
■ Being a patient or inmate in a Veterans’ Administration Hospital
■ Detention in jail/prison (awaiting trial, grand jury action, or serving time for a non-felony conviction).
What is an absentee ballot?
An absentee ballot allows you to cast your vote if you can’t make it to your polling place on Election Day. It’s the same ballot you would receive if you voted in person. However, you can fill it out at home and mail it back or drop it off at the County Board of Elections or at an early polling place.
How do I request an absentee ballot?
To request an absentee ballot you can:
■ Download and fill out the Absentee Ballot Application from the New York State Board of Elections website.
■ Send a letter by mail to: Nassau County Board of Elections at P.O. Box 9002, Mineola, NY 11501 or Suffolk County Board of Elections PO Box 700, Yaphank, NY 11980.
■ In the letter, you must include:
■ Your name and date of birth.
■ The address where you are registered.
■ The reason for the request.
Remember, the Nassau County Board of Elections will take absentee ballots up to 10 days before the election. Under normal circumstances, the Suffolk County Board of Elections will send out ballots between one and three days after receiving an application.
Anjolique Powell is a reporter with The SBU Media Group, part of Stony Brook University’s School of Communication and Journalism Working Newsroom program for students and local media.
Although their age is in the low double digits, sixth graders at Saw Mill Road Elementary School in the North Bellmore School District are the elders of the student body. With that age and experience comes great responsibility.
This year, Principal Jeffrey Rosof and Assistant Principal Daniel Madden started the year off by meeting with each sixth grade class. They engaged students in dialogue on how they can serve as role models for the rest of the school.
Each session began with an ice breaker activity. Students were split into two groups and formed two circles. The two students across from each other then spoke, answering a prompt from either Rosof or Madden. After each question, one circle would rotate so the students got to talk to different classmates. The purpose was to foster communication and emphasize the importance of listening to one another.
Gathering back in one large
circle, it was time to talk about their role as the student leaders of the school. Mr. Rosof reminded them what it was like to be younger and looking up to the sixth graders then as role models. He emphasized the importance of setting a good example wherever they are, such as in class, in the hallways or on the playground. Students were also reminded that they have a responsibility to make others feel welcome in school, and that their words can have great impact.
The goal of the sessions were to “set the stage for a great sixth grade year,” Rosof said, noting some of the special events coming up exclusively for them.
“This was a chance to let the sixth graders have some time with us, set expectations and recognize what it means to be a leader in school,” Rosof said. “I hope they hear that they’re special as our sixth graders. That comes with privilege and responsibility, and we want them to reflect on that.”
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By JORDAN VALLONE jvallone@liherald.com
Community members in Nassau County laced up their walking shoes last weekend to join the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America for its annual Alzheimer’s Walk in the Park, held on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 9 a.m. to noon in Eisenhower Park. The event, filled with community spirit, saw New York baseball icon Dwight Gooden participating in the opening ceremonies, signing autographs, and taking photos with walkers.
The walk, held at Field 6 of Eisenhower Park, was a free event open to all, with participants encouraged to raise funds either individually or as part of a team. Funds raised through the walk will support AFA’s programs and services for families affected by Alzheimer’s disease and contribute to research for better treatments and a cure.
Gooden, a former Cy Young Award winner and World Series champion with the Mets and Yankees, served as the event’s honorary Alzheimer’s Ambassador.
“When I was invited to be an ambassador for this walk, I immediately said yes because I know about the impact that Alzheimer’s disease has on many families,” he said. “I’m grateful to have helped raise awareness and support families impacted by this disease.”
Participants who raised at least $100 had the opportunity to meet Gooden and receive an autographed baseball. Those who raised $250 or more enjoyed a professional photo opportunity with the baseball legend.
Sponsorship opportunities were also available for businesses and individuals who wanted to support the cause, contributing to the overall success of the event.
Alzheimer’s disease continues to be a pressing public health issue, with over 6.9 million Americans currently living with the disease — a number expected
Walkers who raised a certain amount of money not only had a chance to meet Dwight Gooden, but they also received a signed baseball. Gooden met with Noah Capobiano, and his dad, Michael, from Mineola.
to more than double by 2060. In New York alone, approximately 410,000 residents, including an estimated 60,000 Long Islanders, are affected.
The funds raised from the walk will make a tremendous difference for families affected by Alzheimer’s and related dementias.
“The funds and awareness raised will make a tremendous difference for families affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia-related illnesses in their time of need,” Chuck Fuschillo, the foundation’s president and chief executive, said. “We are grateful to Dwight Gooden for serving as our honorary Alzheimer’s Ambassador for the event and invite everyone to help us strikeout Alzheimer’s.”
Sanford H. Calhoun High School celebrated its homecoming weekend with a 39-13 victory over Jericho High School during the Sept. 21 football game.
Annual traditions of hallway decorating, a pep rally and Colt Fest were all part of the weeklong celebration.
Jack Messinger sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” and the Calhoun Rock Band, led by Ed Tumminelli, offered musical interludes and a halftime performance.
The kickline and cheerleading squad performed at halftime as well, pepping up the crowd.
Seniors Sammy Chaiken and Carter Tenenbaum were crowned homecoming queen and king, respectively.
— Jordan Vallone
‘The Princess Bride’
Spectacular pumpkins light up the night for the Great Jack
By Danielle Schwab
As Halloween approaches, jack-o’-lanterns are making their appearance throughout our neighborhoods with their unique carvings once again. While we think of it as fall fun, in fact pumpkin carving dates back centuries as a way to ward off evil spirits with their spooky faces.
The beloved tradition gets a unique twist at the Great Jack O’ Lantern Blaze, opening tomorrow at Old Bethpage Village Restoration. See pumpkins transformed into magnificent jack-o’lantern creations, illuminating a trail through the historic restored village for all to admire.
It all began in the Hudson Valley — at Van Cortlandt Manor in Croton-on-Hudson 19 years ago — conceived by the Westchester County cultural organization Historic Hudson Valley.
“About 20 years ago, we hit upon this idea of a display of jack-o’-lanterns, and we weren’t sure how people would respond to it. It was hugely popular. And so it has just expanded in a big way since then,” says Rob Schweitzer, Historic Hudson Valley’s vice president of communications and commerce.
• Friday through Sunday, Oct. 4-Nov. 3.
• Adult tickets start at $32; $10 children (ages 3-17)
• With limited capacity, entry is available only through advance online purchase of timed tickets or FLEX anytime tickets; no tickets are sold at the venue
• Purchase tickets at pumpkinblaze.org
Certainly a must-see during the season, the pumpkin trail is now in its fifth year on Long Island, with over 30 different installations. Over 7,000 jack-o’-lanterns carved by local artisans resulting in a larger-than-life themed pumpkin showcase — a mix of real and carvable foam — spanning a half-mile loop, enhanced with synchronized lighting and an original soundtrack for a fully immersive experience.
• Old Bethpage Village Restoration, 1303 Round Swamp Road, Old Bethpage
“We have a team, 10 to 12 of us, that work together to make sure that we’re keeping the same consistency, the same quality, throughout the carvings,” Carol Hough, lead pumpkin carver, says.
Her team carves each week, swapping out old pumpkins with fresh ones. Carvers are creative with their tools to accommodate the high volume of pumpkins, using sheetrock knives and ice cream spades to get the job done, according to Hough.
Long Island history and culture are incorporated into the Blaze experience. Guests are welcomed by a 12-foot tall retro-style “Greetings from a Long Island” postcard made up of individually carved jack-o’-lanterns.
“What we like to do is really focus on the heritage of the location,” Schweitzer says.
Ever wonder what your favorite Long Island celebrity looked like as a pumpkin? The Blaze is the place to check out some pumpkin-face renderings of local personalities. Icons such as Billy Joel, Joan Jett, Jerry Seinfeld and Natalie Portman are on display.
“We have a Long Island Hall of Fame. These are large portraits, rendered in jack-o’-lanterns , of folks from Long Island that have done great things,” Schweitzer explains.
Among the locally themed installations, a functioning lighthouse replica of the Montauk Point Lighthouse, complete with a flashing beacon to light the way, is sure to attract attention. With history as a focus, it comes to no surprise that the Blaze would find its way to the historic village.
“We’ve looked at a lot of sites over the years and a lot of them have some good characteristics, but don’t have everything. Old Bethpage Village Restoration really had
everything,” Schweitzer says.
Of course, there are plenty of what one would consider Halloween staples that celebrate the spirit of the season, such as a 25-foot giant spider web and the Day of the Dead installation.
Hough is particularly fond of the Day of the Dead jack-o’-lantern tribute, among the new displays along this year’s trail.
“There are some skeletons and some sugar skulls. It’s really beautiful. I absolutely love it,” Hough says.
Other showstoppers include a thrilling pumpkin circus, a glowing Statue of Liberty, a pumpkin-filled Ferris wheel, and a planetarium. Plus, see a tribute to First Responders. This display involves carved jack-o’-lanterns depicting a firefighter heroically putting out a flame, honoring the bravery and dedication of our local heroes.
“The concept for that really came out of the early period of the pandemic, there was a lot of focus on First Responders and our healthcare workers and those on the front lines of dealing with the pandemic. It’s something that we’ve continued to celebrate,” says Schweitzer.
There’s so more to the trail than just carvings. Lighting and sound are integral to the Blaze experience. Each installation is depicted with an original score to create the perfect ambience.
Volunteers from local scout troops and high school honor societies are also involved, assisting in lighting the lanterns that line the path.
Also new this year, the Blaze is offering custom-made pumpkins to order. Surprise a special someone with a custom-carved pumpkin, displayed at the new Celebration Arch. Reservations are limited and must be made seven days in advance.
So carve out some time, there’s a pumpkin creation for everyone at the Blaze.
As Schweitzer says: “It’s really an event you can just go and relax and smile at. It genuinely is something that appeals to all ages.”
For an extra fall treat, stop by the Café Blaze for some yummy cider donuts and pumpkin beer. And check out the nightly pumpkin carving. It may inspire you to do create you own special seasonal décor at home.
One of Mandy Patinkin’s memorable roles — certainly one that lives on as beloved piece of pop culture — is his turn in the 1987 fantasy “The Princess Bride.” He played a man bent on revenge (“Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!”). It performed only so-so at the box office back then, but it’s come to be one of the most beloved movies of the 1980s. Relive all the fun — and Patinkin’s masterful portrayal of the Spanish swordsman — when the actor pops by Tilles Center for a special film screening, followed by a 45-minute conversation. His son Gideon Grody-Patinkin — who has contributed to the family legacy since he began filming his father and mother, actress-writer Kathryn Grody, during the pandemic and posting their interactions on TikTok — moderates.
Saturday, Oct. 5, 7 p.m. Tickets start at $35. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts, 720 Northern Blvd. Brookville. Tickets available at tillescenter.org.
Everclear, one of the leading alternative rock bands to emerge from the ‘90s, led by vocalist-guitarist-founder Art Alexakis, is back on the road. The band is joined by special guests Marcy Playground and Jimmie’s Chicken Shack. The setlist for this tour includes all the hits from their extraordinary three decades-long catalog, spotlighting tracks off their album “Songs From An American Movie Vol. One,” to be released on vinyl later this year for the first time via Intervention Records. Since forming in 1992, Everclear has enjoyed a lengthy career by any measure, beginning with their major-label debut, 1995’s platinumselling album “Sparkle and Fade,” and its massive chart-topping hit “Santa Monica,” Everclear was soon a household name and catapulted into the masses.
Sunday, Oct. 6, 7 p.m. $70.50, $50.50, $30.50, $25.50. The Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington. Tickets available at ticketmaster.com or paramountny. com.
Get an unprecedented look insights into the life of America’s top chef when Tom Colicchio brings his “Why I Cook” book tour to the Paramount stage, Saturday, oct. 12, 2 p.m. Part memoir-part cookbook, Colicchio’s newest book shares an exclusive look inside the mind and kitchen of the beloved restaurateur multipleJames Beard and Emmy Award-winning chef, restaurateur, and television personality. Colicchio cooked his first recipe at 13-years-old — a stuffed eggplant from an issue of Cuisine magazine that he picked up out of boredom — and it changed his life. Through 10 memoir chapters and 60 recipes, “Why I Cook” shares Tom’s personal reflections of more than 40 years behind the stove. From pre-dawn fishing excursions with his grandfather to running the flat-top at the snack shack of the local swim club, to finding his way as a young chef in New York City, Tom chronicles the dishes and memories that have shaped him as a person and chef.
Through these meaningful dishes, gorgeous recipe shots, and images from Tom’s childhood, “Why I Cook” is the most personal look into Tom’s life yet. He recounts the extraordinary personal journey that brought him from his working-class Italian background in Elizabeth, N.J., to the award-winning kitchens of New York City’s best restaurants, to the set of “Top Chef” and the stage of the Emmy Awards, among his many endeavors. $95, $65, $54, $35. The Paramount, 370 New York Ave., Huntington. Tickets available at ticketmaster.com or paramountny.com.
Touch a Truck
Experience what it is like to be a firefighter at Bellmore Memorial Library, Saturday, oct. 5, at 11 a.m., during a Touch A Truck presentation. Children will learn about fire safety and explore vehicles up close. Registration required. 2288 Bedford Ave. Visit BellmoreLibrary.org for more information.
United in Solidarity
Long Islanders gather to commemorate the first anniversary of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel in Eisenhower Park, Monday, oct. 7, at 6 p.m. Hear from several speakers, as everyone unites in solidarity. Harry Chapin Lakeside Theater, Park Blvd, East Meadow.
Hempstead House
Sands Point Preserve is the backdrop to explore the elegant Gold Coast home that’s the centerpiece of the estate, Wednesday, oct. 9, noon-1 p.m. Visit the grand rooms inside the massive 50,000-square-foot Tudor-style mansion, the former summer residence of Gilded Age financier Howard Gould and later Daniel and Florence Guggenheim. Tours are limited in size and tend to sell out. Arrive early to purchase tickets. $10. Sands Point Preserve, 127 Middle Neck Road. For information, visit SandsPointPreserveConservancy.org or call (516) 571-7901.
Bring the kids to Old Westbury Gardens for another storybook adventure, Saturday, oct. 5, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Stroll the gardens and listen to Beth Ferry’s “The Scarecrow.” Later create a unique take home craft. The stroll starts at the Beech Tree (next to Westbury House), ending at the Thatched Cottage. For ages 3-5. Old Westbury Gardens, 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. For information visit OldWestburyGardens.org or contact (516) 333-0048.
The Chamber of Commerce of the Bellmores holds its Friday Night Car Show, through oct. 4, at the Bellmore LIRR parking lot. Show opens at 6 p.m., closes at 10 p.m. Free for all spectators; admission for cars is $5. For more, visit BellmoreChamber.com.
Bird walk
A Halloween experience not to be missed, Spooky Fest is an outdoor adventure perfect for families, whether you want to be scared — or prefer seasonal fun of the non-scary kind. Join in the fun at the Center for Science, Teaching and Learning, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday throughout October. Along the way in the updated and beautifully lit up, Enchanted Walk you will see dinosaurs, aliens and friendly witches, costumed characters and more, including the Mystical Garden. Get your fortune told, make a craft and dance with the Halloween DJ, along with face painting and the Amazing Glow tent.
For those who want a scare, venture into the Haunted Woods, where zombies and dinosaurs hang out.. Admission starts at $22. 1450 Tanglewood Road, Rockville Centre. Visit CSTL.org for call (516) 7640045 for more information.
See some birds with the South Shore Audubon Society. All are welcome to join members for the next in its series of bird walks, at Point Lookout Town Park, Sunday, Oct. 6, starting at 9 a.m. Meet in the southeast corner of the large parking lot on the south side of Point Lookout Town Park and will walk east along the beach toward Jones Inlet. After the beach walk, everyone will return to the parking lot, and drive west on Lido Boulevard to Lido Beach Passive Nature Preserve to walk through the bay marsh. Walk leaders, other birders and nature enthusiasts are happy to share their knowledge and experience with you. Bring binoculars. To register, text your name and contact information to (516) 467-9498. No walk if rain. Text regarding questionable weather. For more information, visit SSAudubon. org.
Converse, collaborate and create at Family Saturdays at Nassau County Museum of Art. The drop-in program returns for a new season, Saturday, Oct. 5, 9, noon-3 p.m. Get inspired by the art and objects in the galleries and then join educators at the Manes Center to explore and discover different materials to create your own original artwork.
Kids and their adult partners connect while talking about and making art together. A new project is featured every week. $20 adult, $10 child. Registration required. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. Visit NassauMuseum.org for more information and to register or call (516) 484-9337.
Having an event?
Items on The Scene page are listed free of charge. The Herald welcomes listings of upcoming events, community meetings and items of public interest. All submissions should include date, time and location of the event, cost, and a contact name and phone number. Submissions can be emailed to thescene@liherald.com.
On exhibit
Nassau County Museum of Art ‘s latest exhibition
“Seeing Red: Renoir to Warhol,” reveals the many meanings, connotations, and associations of this powerful color in art. Evoking strong emotion, red can represent the human condition. Its myriad variations have come to signify authority as well as love, energy and beauty. Red warns us of peril and commands us to stop, but it can also indicate purity and good fortune. Red boldly represents political movements and religious identities. From the advent of our appreciation for this color in antiquity to its continued prominence in artistic and popular culture, this exhibition spans various world cultures through a range of media.
It features more than 70 artists, both established and emerging, ranging from the classical to the contemporary. American portraitists such as Gilbert Stuart imbued red in their stately paintings of prominent individuals to conjure authority. Robert Motherwell, Ad Reinhardt, and other major abstract painters displayed a deep fascination with red in their commanding compositions that evoke a sense of chromatic power. And, of course, Andy Warhol is known for his bold and imposing silkscreened portrait of Vladimir Lenin saturated in bright red to his signature Campbell’s Soup Cans. On view through Jan. 5. Nassau County Museum of Art, 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. (516) 484-9337 or NassauMuseum.org.
Washington, D.C.’s premier political satire group Capitol Fools bring their musical parody show to the Adelphi University stage, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7 p.m. The Capitol Fools hold up a mirror to today’s crazy political culture, providing hilarious song parodies and reflections that continue to inspire laughter amid the contentious presidential election season. Forrmer members of the Capitol Steps perform all their beloved bits, along with backward-talking spoonerisms, breakneck costume changes, over-the-top impressions and all-new song parodies reflecting today’s news headlines. $20. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center, 1 South Ave., Garden City. (516) 877-4000 or Adelphi.edu/ pac.
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly entered 10/09/2018, I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction, on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 on 10/22/2024 at 2:00PM, premises known as 1855 Madison Avenue, Bellmore, New York 11710, And Described As Follows:
ALL that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Bellmore, Town Of Hempstead, County Of Nassau And State Of New York. Section 56 Block L Lot 21
The approximate amount of the current Judgment lien is $992,729.74 plus interest and costs. The Premises will be sold subject to provisions of the aforesaid Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale; Index # 5261/09 Original sale date: 09/26/2024, 2:00 PM at the same location. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the then Court Appointed Referee will cancel the Foreclosure Auction. This Auction will be held rain or shine.
Louis B. Imbroto, Esq., Referee.
MCCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, LLC, 10 Midland Avenue, Suite 205, Port Chester, NY 10573
Dated: 9/25/2024 File Number: 17-300073
DAL 149297
Pursuant to New York State Town Law Article 16, New York State Public Officers Law Article 7, and the Town of Hempstead Building Zone Ordinance, NOTICE is hereby given that the BOARD OF APPEALS of the Town of Hempstead will hold a public hearing in the Old Town Hall, 350 Front Street, Room 230, Second Floor, Hempstead, New York on 10/09/2024 at 9:30 A.M. to consider the following applications and appeals:
THE FOLLOWING CASES WILL BE CALLED STARTING AT 9:30 A.M. 630/24. BELLMOREJanice Manzolillo, Maintain pool & pool equipment not permitted in the side yard; Maintain 6’ high fence forward of the dwelling on Howell St., E/s Howell St., 220’ S/o Grand Ave., a/k/a 103 Howell St. 637/24. BELLMORELawrence Ubinas & Claudia Ortiz, Variance, side yards aggregate, maintain roof over entry way & cellar entrance attached to dwelling., E/s Newbridge Rd., 65’ N/o Belmond Ave., a/k/a 749 Newbridge Rd. 638/24. N. BELLMOREJose Caballero & Yamilath Valasquez Caballero, Variance, lot area occupied, construct 2-car detached garage., S/s Court St., 160’ E/o King St., a/k/a 2758 Court St. ALL PAPERS PERTAINING TO THE ABOVE HEARING ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT THE BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN HALL, 1 WASHINGTON STREET, HEMPSTEAD, NY 11550. This notice is only for new cases in Bellmore within Town of Hempstead jurisdiction. There are additional cases in different hamlets, towns and villages on the Board of Appeals calendar. The full calendar is available at https://hempsteadny.gov/ 509/Board-of-Appeals
The internet address of the website streaming for this meeting is https://hempsteadny.gov/ 576/Live-Streaming-Video
Interested parties may appear at the above time and place. At the call of the Chairman, the Board will consider decisions on the foregoing and those on the Reserve Decision calendar and such other matters as may properly come before it. 149253
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Proposed Budget of the Bellmore Fire District of the Town of Hempstead, State of New York, will be presented to the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Bellmore Fire District, for its consideration.
A Public Hearing will be held at 8:00 p.m. at the Bellmore Fire District Office, 2450 Newbridge Road Bellmore, NY 11710, in the Town of Hempstead, State of New York on the 15th day of October 2024.
Pursuant to Town Law 181{3} {a}, the Board of Fire Commissioners must hold a public hearing on the budget, make the proposed budget available to the public prior to the public hearing, and allow the public to comment on the budget at the public
hearing. This hearing must be held to allow maximum public participation in the hearing.
The purpose of the public hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or against the proposed budget as it is submitted, or for or against any item or items contained in the proposed budget, and hearing all persons interested in the subject concerning same.
That a copy of the proposed budget is available at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hempstead at 1 Washington Street Hempstead New York 11550 and the Fire District Secretary at the Bellmore Fire District Office 2450 Newbridge Road Bellmore, NY 11710 where it may be inspected by any interested person during office hours (10: 00 a.m-3:00 p.m.). The budget is also posted on the district website.
A special budget meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Bellmore Fire District will be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 8:30 p.m. for any changes that may be needed to the 2025 budget. The meeting will be held at the Bellmore Fire District Office 2450 Newbridge Road Bellmore, NY 11710.
By order of the Board of Fire Commissioners John Fabian, Secretary Bellmore Fire District 149288
NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR HARBORVIEW MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST MORTGAGE LOAN PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-7, Plaintiff, vs. WENDI OFFSEY, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHEN L. SINGER A/K/A STEPHEN SINGER; JOSHUA SINGER, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHEN L. SINGER A/K/A STEPHEN SINGER; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DISTRIBUTEES OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHEN L. SINGER A/K/A STEPHEN SINGER, any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees,
lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO NATIONAL CITY BANK; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; HECTOR CHAVEZ, “JOHN DOE #2” through “JOHN DOE #12,” the last eleven names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint, Defendants. Plaintiff designates NASSAU as the place of trial situs of the real property SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS
Mortgaged Premises: 25-33 PARK PLACE, BELLMORE, NY 11710
Section: 63, Block: 203, Lot: 155
To the above named Defendants YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action and to serve a copy of your Answer on the plaintiff’s attorney within twenty (20) days of the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after service of the same is complete where service is made in any manner other than by personal delivery within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service. Your failure to appear or to answer will result in a judgment against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. In the event that a deficiency balance remains from the sale proceeds, a judgment may be entered against you.
NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above caption action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure the sum of $520,000.00 and interest, recorded on March 09, 2007, in Liber M31644 at Page 1, of the Public Records of NASSAU County, New York., covering premises known as 25-33 PARK PLACE,
The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above.
NASSAU County is designated as the place of trial because the real property affected by this action is located in said county.
If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home.
Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property.
Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action.
Dated: September 19th, 2024
ROBERTSON, ANSCHUTZ, SCHNEID, CRANE & PARTNERS, PLLC Attorney for Plaintiff Orit Avraham, Esq. 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310 Westbury, NY 11590 516-280-7675 149295
served. SSNY shall mail a copy of the process to: Dana Schimmenti 784 Cypress Drive Franklin Square, NY 11010 Purpose: To engage in any lawful act or activity. 148604
LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURTCOUNTY OF NASSAU Cascade Funding RMI Acquisitions Grantor Trust, Plaintiff v. Richard W. Ross a/k/a Richard Warren Ross as Executor of the Estate of Evelyn Ross, deceased, et al., Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale (the “Judgment”) entered on January 19, 2023. I, the undersigned Referee will sell in one parcel at public auction to be held at the North Side steps of the Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, New York on October 17, 2024 at 2:00p.m., the premises described by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being at Bellmore, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, known and designated as Lots No. 58 in Block 284 on a certain map entitled, “Map of Ocean Village Section No. 8, situated at Bellmore, Nassau County, New York, surveyed August, 1959 Baldwin & Cornelius Co., Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Freeport, N.Y.”, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau May 9, 1962 as Map No. 7580. Said Premises known as 3142 Shore Road, Bellmore, New York 11710. (Section 63 Block 284 Lot 58)
NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: Bare Hair Removal, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York, (SSNY) on 06/04/24. NY Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be
Approximate amount of lien $2,301,533.06, plus interest and Plaintiff’s advances, costs and expenses, all due as per the Judgment. The Premises will be sold subject to provisions of the Judgment and terms of sale. Index No.: 000119/2014; Tony L. D’Anzica, Esq., Referee Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP Robert J. Malatak, Esq.
Attorney(s) for Plaintiff Cascade Funding RMI Acquisitions Grantor Trust 156 West 56th Street
New York, New York
Tel: (212) 237-1000 149060
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RMAC TRUST, SERIES 2016-CTT, Plaintiff AGAINST SHAWN WHALEN, JANET WHALEN, ET AL., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered March 7, 2024, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 22, 2024 at 2:30PM, premises known as 402 Marle Place, Bellmore, NY 11710. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being at Bellmore, Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 56, Block 351, Lot 87-89. Approximate amount of judgment $417,139.32 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #600417/2020. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Ronald J. Ferraro, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 19-007424 82376 148980
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES I LLC, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-AQ2, Plaintiff AGAINST NEIL ASTROW, ANDREW J. WEILAND, MD, ET AL., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered March 9, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on October 29, 2024 at 2:00PM, premises known as 915 Iris Drive, North Bellmore, NY 11710. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being at North Bellmore, in the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 50, Block 529, Lot 6. Approximate amount of judgment $834,093.39 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #007647/2016. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine”. Mark Ricciardi, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 16-003740 82323 149116
The DisT ric T is seeking various posiT ions for T he 2024-2025 school year
Teacher a ides ............. $17.95/hr. Teaching a ssistants .... $19.95/hr. s ecurity personnel $20-$25/hr.
Bus Drivers..... $25.14-$26.87/hr.
We have openings for teacher aides for the 2022/23 school year. 10-month positions available immediately, starting at $15.00/hr.
School Nurse, Part-Time
We have an opening for a P/T school nurse, 2 days/wk mostly Wed & Thurs. Pro-rated salary, approx. $240.00/day. RN cert. required.
Bus Monitors .............. $19.32/hr. food s ervice personnel and c afeteria Monitor $16.00/hr. nurses sub .................. $175/day cleaners ................. $40,454/year
Please apply for positions via OLAS at www.OLASjobs.org
After School Child Care opportunities are also available. Please apply through scope www. scope online.us
Full Time/Part Time Richner Communications, publisher of Herald community newspapers has an excellent opportunity for a FT/PT Customer Service Clerk in our busy Circulation Department. Basic customer service and administrative responsibilities include: heavy computer work, answering phones, making phone calls, entering orders, faxing, filing, etc. STRONG knowledge of EXCEL a must! Knowledge of DATABASE maintenance or postal regulations a big plus. Qualified Candidates must be computer literate, able to multitask, dependable, reliable, organized, energetic, detail oriented and able to work well under deadlines. Salary Range is $16 per hour to $23 per hour. For consideration, please send resume & salary requirements to: careers@liherald.com
Full Time and Part Time Positions Available!
Busy Print Shop in Garden City
is Hiring Immediately for Full Time and Part Time Drivers. Must Have a Clean License and BoxTruck Driving Experience. Hours Vary, Salary Ranges from $17 per hour to $21 per hour Night Availability is a Must. Please Email Resume to careers@liherald.com or Call (516)569-4000 x239
Company Car/ Bonuses. Clean Driving Record Required, Will Train. Retirees Welcome!
$20 - $25/ Hour
Bell Auto School
Email: info@bellautoschool.com
Part Time & Full Time. The award-winning Herald Community Newspapers group, covering Nassau County's North and South Shores with hard-hitting news stories and gracefully written features, seeks a motivated, energetic and creative editor/reporter to join our dynamic (and awesome) team! This education and general assignment reporting position offers a unique experience to learn from some of the best in the business. Historically, reporters who have launched their careers with us have gone on to The New York Times, Newsweek, Newsday, the New York Daily News, New York Post, CNN, BBC, NBC News and The Daily Mail, among many others. We look for excellent writers who are eager to learn, enhance their skills, and become well-established and respected journalists in our industry. Salary range is from $20K to $45K To apply: Send a brief summary in the form of a cover letter describing your career goals and what strengths you can bring to our newsroom, along with a resume and three writing samples to mhinman@liherald.com
Herald Community Newspapers is seeking a motivated and knowledgeable Email Marketing Expert to join our team. If you have a passion for crafting effective email campaigns and a knack for data-driven decision-making, this role is for you!
Set up and manage email campaigns from start to finish. Analyze data to identify target audiences and optimize email strategies. Craft compelling email content, including writing effective subject lines. Monitor and report on campaign performance.
Degree in Marketing, Business, or related field. Strong understanding of data analysis and marketing principles. Experience with email marketing is preferred but not required.
Flexible: Part-time or Full-time. Salary range: $16,640 to $70,000, depending on experience and role.
Join our dynamic team and help us connect with our audience in meaningful ways! Apply today by sending your resume and a brief cover letter to lberger@liherald.com
To Deliver Papers To Businesses in Massapequa, Amityville and Babylon 2 Days Per Week
Must Have Own Vehicle/Van
This is an independent contractor role for Richner Communications Compensation based on stops starting at $275/week If Interested contact Jim at jrotche@liherald.com or 516-569-4000 x211
Long Island Herald has IMMEDIATE openings for a FULL-TIME & PART-TIME mailroom/warehouse helper in Garden City. We are a busy print shop looking for motivated and reliable individuals to assist in various duties in the shop. Forklift experience is a plus and heavy lifting is required. Hours vary, so flexibility is key. Salary Ranges fromo $16 per hour to $20 per hour. Email resumes or contact info to careers@liherald.com
• Facilitate connections between families, students, and various community agencies and government offices to ensure families receive the support they need.
Looking for an aggressive self starter who is great at making and maintaining relationships and loves to help businesses grow by marketing them on many different advertising platforms. You will source new sales opportunities through inbound lead follow-up and outbound cold calls. Must have the ability to understand customer needs and requirements and turn them in to positive advertising solutions. We are looking for a talented and competitive Inside Sales Representative that thrives in a quick sales cycle environment. Compensation ranges from $33,280 + commissions and bonuses to over $100,000 including commission and bonuses. We also offer health benefits, 401K and paid time off. Please send cover letter and resume with salary requirements to ereynolds@liherald.com Call 516-569-4000 X286
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‘We want our deck back’
Q. We have a large deck that finally needs to be repaired, and some parts replaced. It is wood with some steel beams, and we wanted to do the boards that look like wood but are made from plastics and supposedly last longer. We looked at several brands and aren’t sure what is best, but it probably doesn’t matter now. The prices came in very high for the work, and each contractor we have spoken to said we were only going to save money if we use all wood, including the beams. The beams are steel, as we understand, since they extend farther without as many columns. The funny thing is that we were replacing the wood because it started rotting and twisting after 15 years, bad enough that we don’t feel comfortable using the deck — it’s on our second floor, which is why we want fewer columns, so we can continue to use the ground level as an outdoor dining space. What can you recommend that we do? The costs make it impossible to move forward, and we really want our deck back.
A. I like to quote the oil filter commercial we used to hear all the time: “You can pay me now or pay me later.” In this case, you can spend the money on the less-costly wood, and then spend more money on re-treating the wood and repairs. As for the steel beams being replaced, it should be understood that steel is more compact for its strength, and the equivalent ability to span longer distances with wood requires much more wood, and it will more than likely be taller, meaning the beams will extend lower.
The synthetic decking materials are a much better choice, and the ones that are recycled resinbased, without the wood component parts in their composition, are at the top of the list of low maintenance, deterioration and replacement that you have with wood mixtures and wood deck materials. I have seen the difference many times over the years, including the landing deck in my own yard.
I originally built it out of cedar, which was supposed to be resistant to insects and, if stained properly, would last a long time, or so I thought. After just four years, the wood posts and the properly stained decking had become distorted with warping, twisting and some end rotting. I replaced the materials with synthetic decking and rails, and after 24 years, it’s still in great condition.
This problem of not factoring in the cost of maintenance, accessibility and the increase in material costs over time has often led to much greater expense in the life of buildings. You have to question yourself as to which is more affordable, the continued maintenance or initial costs. Remember that the people you are speaking to will do either system, wood or synthetic, because for them it’s a current job that they will leave behind and that you have to live with. Good luck!
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Last Oct. 7, Israel was plunged into a crisis that has demanded both our attention and our action. As a rabbi and a proud Zionist, I’ve traveled to Israel twice since that tragic day — once to volunteer, and once to witness the devastation firsthand.
The scale of loss is staggering.
Israel’s top priority must be the rescue and safe return of the hostages, who have endured unimaginable trauma, and Israel must do everything in its power to secure their release. This aligns with pikuach nefesh, the Jewish principle that preserving life overrides almost all other considerations. Still, the mission of rescuing the hostages cannot justify widespread destruction. Ensuring the safety of innocent people on all sides of this conflict is essential for Israel, not just strategically but morally.
America’s support for Israel, especially in this moment, must be resolute but also thoughtful. Historically, the U.S. has
Abeen Israel’s strongest ally, providing military, financial and diplomatic backing. That partnership has helped Israel withstand threats, grow as a nation and secure its future. But in this current conflict, American support should also reflect the shared values of democracy and human rights. While Israel defends itself, it must do so in a way that seeks to minimize harm to civilians. The U.S. can play a role in pushing for that balance.
The American Jewish community is wrestling with this tension. For decades, many American Jews have offered unconditional support for Israel, rooted in a deep connection to the land and the need for Jewish survival. But in recent years, there’s been a shift. Many, especially younger generations, are questioning Israel’s policies, particularly in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This doesn’t mean turning away from Israel, but rather engaging in more critical conversations about its actions, while still standing firmly against terrorism. We cannot ignore the growing divide within the American Jewish community, where progressive voices are demanding
I ts fight for survival must not lead it down a path that betrays its core values.
that Israel adhere to the same human rights values they champion in other contexts. These concerns are real and important. Yet it’s possible to support Israel’s right to defend itself while also holding it accountable to ethical standards. This dual approach — support coupled with honest critique — strengthens, rather than weakens, the bond between Israel and American Jews.
America’s involvement is more than just providing military aid and diplomatic cover. It’s about ensuring that Israel’s fight for survival doesn’t lead it down a path that betrays its core values. The principle of tohar haneshek, the purity of arms, demands that Israel’s military actions avoid unnecessary harm. It’s a concept deeply rooted in Jewish tradition, calling for restraint even in the heat of conflict. American influence, if used wisely, can help Israel stay true to this principle.
In a broader sense, America’s continued support for Israel must remain strong, but it also needs to reflect the complexities of the situation. This isn’t a black-and-white conflict, and American leadership should encourage Israel to
s women ascend, does misogyny spike?
Let’s start with a quiz: Exactly what part of their bodies are men willing to enlarge or remove or bleach or burn or exfoliate or liposuction or disfigure with waxes and curling irons and injections and dyes? How many guys spend their time and money putting fat in and taking fat out in a never-ending pursuit of physical perfection? Do they obsess about injecting fat into their thinning lips or sucking fat out of their expanding behinds?
The answer is, not that many, especially when compared with the number of girls and women who willingly undergo painful medical procedures to meet standards of beauty promulgated by social media and a hard-to-change culture in which men often decide how women should look. Some women say they were miserable growing up because boys called them flat-chested. Others say all the guys did was stare at their big breasts. Some wanted enhancements. Some wanted reductions. But the frame of reference often was the approval of
boys and men.
This is not a new story, but there are new threads.
Now, apparently, small breasts are “in.” According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2023, more than 76,000 American women had elective breast-reduction surgery, a 64 percent increase from 2019. Who sets the standard? Often the values come from men rather than the women themselves. Influencers who have enormous power over our teenagers send messages subliminal and overt, saying: You are not OK as you are. Something needs fixing.
Tseek not just victory but a path to lasting peace. The rescue of hostages is crucial, but so is preventing a cycle of violence that further destabilizes the region.
At the same time, America must recognize that support for Israel isn’t just about defense. It’s about protecting a democratic ally that shares common values of human rights and justice. While military might is necessary, it must be tempered by the moral responsibility to minimize harm to civilians — Israeli and Palestinian alike.
In the end, America’s support for Israel is essential not just for Israel’s survival, but for upholding the values we hold dear. This is a moment of reckoning, when the stakes are high and the consequences of every decision are profound. The U.S. must stand by Israel, but also guide it in a way that ensures the preservation of life and the pursuit of peace. The hostages must come home, and this conflict must end with the preservation of the values that have always been at the heart of both nations’ aspirations.
Rabbi Michael Cohen is the clergical leader of Central Synagogue-Beth Emeth in Rockville Centre. He served in the U.S. Army for over a decade, and is a member of the Long Island Board of Rabbis, the New York Board of Rabbis and the Central Conference of American Rabbis.
I hope the increasing numbers of patients are seeking the surgery for sound reasons, not as a fashion statement.
hey are empowered like never before, and being attacked like never before.
The New York Times ran a story last week, “The Power (and Relief) of a Smaller Bosom,” reporting that the number of women seeking breast-reduction surgery has increased, especially among those under 30.
Why are more and more young girls choosing surgery?
To be clear: Breast reduction is often necessary. Ultimately, it is a decision between a woman and her doctor. It’s a big deal; the procedure can cause scarring and loss of sensation, and it requires anesthesia. For many teenagers and women, it greatly changes their life for the better, but results are not guaranteed.
Looking out at the political and cultural panorama at this time and date, I see women empowered in unprecedented ways. And perhaps because of that new power, they are being attacked, also in unprecedented ways. As women ascend, as we elect women to Congress and perhaps the White House, there is a companion piece: a significant movement to keep women down, to deny them their rights, especially reproductive freedom. Much of the misogynistic rhetoric begins at the top, with a presidential candidate and his acolytes who demand laws that control women’s bodies and choices.
When I was 24, married three years, I became pregnant, had a miscarriage and a D and C — dilation and curettage — at a local hospital. Emotionally, it was wrenching. But from a medical point of view, it went smoothly. The doctor met us at the hospital. He did the procedure and I went home. I was healthy enough to have two healthy children in the following years.
Today, because of draconian abortion bans passed by mostly male politicians
in a number of states, and the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed the right to abortion, women who miscarry risk bleeding to death or suffering for hours before they can access basic life-saving treatment. Doctors are afraid to treat them. These measures are antiwoman, archaic and cruel.
By an accident of the time in which I lived my reproductive years, I had a safe post-miscarriage D and C. Now, 50 years later, we have fallen back to restrictive practices controlled by politicians, led by Donald Trump.
These threads connect in a tapestry of what it feels like to be a girl or woman today.
We need to be strong within ourselves to reject any messaging that tells us our bodies need fixes and surgeries. We have to be fiercely committed to women’s freedom to choose if and when to have children.
Pay attention to the messaging targeting women. Don’t sign up for surgery that alters your body without thoughtful screening and counseling. Don’t go for shortcuts, or any other kind of cuts, to achieve someone else’s standard of beauty.
Support individuals, and vote for individuals who see the ascendancy of women as fulfilling the promise of democracy.
Copyright 2024 Randi Kreiss. Randi can be reached at randik3@aol.com.
s the Nov. 5 election approaches, we urge every eligible Long Islander to exercise his or her fundamental right, and fulfill a crucial civic duty, by voting. The importance of registering to vote and casting your ballot cannot be overstated, especially in an election year when so much is at stake — from immigration policy to a woman’s right to choose.
While it’s easy to assume that New York state’s presidential electoral votes are a foregone conclusion for Vice President Kamala Harris — the state has not voted in the majority for a Republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan in 1984 — this election is about far more than just the race for the White House. Our state and local races have profound implications not only for our daily lives and communities, but also for the future of the country.
Take for instance the race in the 4th Congressional District, right here on the South Shore of Nassau County, where incumbent U.S. Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, a Republican, faces former Town of Hempstead Supervisor Laura Gillen, a Democrat. Experts consider this race to be one of the — if not the — most competitive in the entire country. The outcome of this single race could determine which party controls the House of Representatives. Yes, you read that correctly: Your vote in this local race could have national ramifications,
To the Editor:
Re Peter King’s column last week, “After all the drama, it’s a dead heat”: After a list of “totally unexpected” events, Mr. King, seemingly surprised, declares the presidential campaign to be a “horse race.” It is not, however, despite these events but because of them that the race is too close to call. The issues that are on the ballot have been submerged by the media’s excessive focus on those that are not.
Mr. King’s call for voters to focus is correct, though his recitation of the issues omits many and misplaces others. Missing, for example, are abortion, gun legislation, disinformation, voter suppression/ballot diversion, Project 2025 and DeSantis-Blakeman-style personal militias. Crime is real, Mr. King says, an indisputable statement, but as the evidence shows, ought not to head the list.
I share Mr. King’s sentiment about living up to “the responsibilities and challenges of living in a democracy” which should begin
helping determine the makeup of the legislative body that decides both national and international policies.
And your influence doesn’t stop there. State Senate and Assembly races, as well as local elections, will shape policies that affect our schools, taxes, infrastructure, and quality of life. These are the decisions that impact us most directly, yet they often receive the least attention from voters.
The power to influence these outcomes is in your hands, but only if you’re registered and ready to vote. If you haven’t registered yet, or if you need to update your registration, visit vote.gov by the registration deadline, Oct. 26. Not sure if you’re registered? Vote.gov can tell you that, too. The userfriendly website simplifies the process, ensuring that you’re prepared to make your voice heard on Election Day. You can also register at the county Board of Elections, at 240 Old Country Road in Mineola.
For those who can’t make it to the polls on Nov. 5, New York offers several alternatives. Early voting runs from Oct. 26 to Nov. 3, providing ample opportunity to cast your ballot at your convenience. Early voting locations can be found at voterlookup.elections.ny.gov.
If you’re unable to vote in person, absentee voting is an option. You can request an absentee ballot by Oct. 26, at elections.ny.gov/request-ballot, or in
person, at the county Board of Elections, and return it by mail (postmarked by Nov. 5), or in person, at a polling location, by 9 p.m. on Election Day.
Democracy thrives on participation. When voter turnout is low, a small minority ends up making decisions for the entire community. By registering and voting, you ensure that your interests and values are represented at all levels of our government. Moreover, voting is a hard-won right that generations before us fought to secure and expand. Participating in elections honors their sacrifices and continues the work of strengthening our democracy.
In these politically charged times, it’s easy to believe that our individual votes don’t matter. Nothing could be further from the truth. Close races are sometimes decided by handfuls of votes, and every ballot cast sends a message about the issues that matter to our community.
You can educate yourself on the local issues and the candidates by reading the Herald. In the coming weeks, we will publish interviews with all of the candidates that are seeking your vote, so that you can cast an informed one.
Make your voice heard. Register to vote, encourage your friends and family to do the same, and show up to cast your ballot. Whether you choose to vote early, by mail or on Election Day, what matters most is that you participate.
immigration has been a contentious topic for the past few years, as the migrant crisis at the southern border has continuously grabbed headlines, prompted intense debate and served as a major policy point for candidates in elections across the nation.
While Americans have always, and likely will always, disagree on how to handle this issue, there’s no denying the increasingly vitriolic, outlandish and in many cases outright racist language used to describe these immigrants.
Every American is a descendant of immigrants, whether your ancestors came here on the Mayflower, through Ellis Island or, in recent decades, on a plane. My ancestors came from Italy, Scotland, England, France and germany, some as early as the 1600s and some as late as the early 1900s.
So it’s disappointing, as someone who was raised to take pride in my family’s history, who learned about the struggles that my Italian and Jewish relatives faced when they arrived, to see how willing many Americans are to assume the worst about all immigrants.
There are some who will say, “I don’t hate all immigrants — just the illegals who come to our country to steal our jobs and murder us.” While I can appreciate the very real worries about gang members or criminals arriving in our neighborhoods, I’d like to ask a simple question.
How do you think your immigrant ancestors would feel if someone accused them of eating dogs?
iI can promise you, most of our ancestors did face discrimination when they came to this country. In the mid-1800s, when waves of germans and Irish arrived, and decades later, when Italian, greek, Russian, Jewish and more people came here in droves, they faced the racist backlash that many immigrants are still facing today.
their journey over. They drew caricatures, published cartoons calling Irishmen “wild beasts,” and ran political campaigns on a platform that the Irish were not fit to be members of civilized society.
t’s frustrating to see many Americans assume the worst about immigrants.
According to Kevin Kenny, a professor of history at Boston College, “Native-born Americans criticized Irish immigrants for their poverty and manners, their supposed laziness and lack of discipline, their public drinking style, their Catholic religion, and their capacity for criminality and collective violence. In both words and pictures, critics of the Irish measured character by perceived physical appearance.”
Sound familiar?
The Know Nothing Party of the 1850s was a nativist political movement that opposed Catholic immigration into the country. They ran on a platform of keeping America Protestant and “pure,” rejecting the notion that Catholics and non-Anglo-Saxon peoples had anything to offer our young nation.
The Know Nothings used slurs to insult the many Irish immigrants who had fled the great Famine, many of whom endured hellish conditions on
To the Editor:
Soon after Anthony D’Esposito was sworn into Congress, I wrote to him, suggesting that he take a leadership role by introducing legislation to require universal background checks to purchase guns, and ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. I assumed that as a former police officer with direct knowledge of the frequency of gun violence and the understanding that the majority of his constituents favor gun control, he would consider my proposal.
I was wrong. In his response, D’Esposito circumvented the issue entirely. Obviously, he is more beholden to the NRA than to his constituents. That has not stopped him from asking for donations from me every day.
Now I read that, contrary to House of Representatives ethics rules, he hired his mistress and his fiancée’s daughter to positions in his local congressional office. That’s the last straw. I doubt he will resign, but certainly he should not be re-elected to Congress.
DOuglAS MElzER Merrick
To the Editor:
It appears that the Herald may owe u.S. Rep Anthony D’Esposito and your readers a correction and an apology. last week’s issue had a story with the headline “D’Esposito faces ethics probe over hiring.” It cited the House of Representatives’ code of conduct’s list of relatives who cannot be hired by anyone serving in the House. Neither a former fiancée (no longer a fiancée at time of hiring) nor an alleged mistress is on the list.
Why did the Herald have an incendiary headline that was contradicted in the sixth paragraph of the story?
Because D’Esposito’s holier-than-thou opponent, l aura g illen, needed an opportunity to pontificate?
g illen identifies as a Catholic who worked with Mother Theresa for about five minutes long ago. g illen is proabortion because of her “own experience.” As she wrote in a Daily News op-ed piece in 2022, she had a medically necessary dilation and evacuation. Her experience was most unfortunate. But apparently she doesn’t know the difference between the termination of a human life through abortion and the removal of an already dead child.
I’m not saying people don’t have a right to be concerned about illegal immigration. It’s a serious issue that has remained unresolved through far too many administrations of both parties. But we must remember that our words have meaning, and that when we make blanket judgments about people or groups, we are, as the adage goes, cutting off our nose to spite our face.
Because immigrants have always been the backbone of this country, from the day of the signing of the Declaration
of Independence — which features the signatures of eight immigrants — to today. From early arrivers like Tadeusz Kosciuszko, who built Fort West Point and helped the Americans win the Battle of Saratoga, to later ones like Andrew Carnegie, the tycoon who dominated the steel industry in the 19th century — neither of whom had ‘legal’ documentation when they arrived — immigrants have always had an outsized impact as workers, innovators and leaders.
Arguably the most famous immigrant in our history, Alexander Hamilton, came to New York as a boy with nothing, and ended up one of our most influential Founding Fathers. I wonder what people these days would call the immigrant orphan child of a prostitute from the Caribbean with no formal schooling.
Immigration is difficult. It is a quagmire that provides immeasurable benefits while, conversely, creating serious social, economic and political pressures. But we should never resort to reductive and hateful stereotypes.
Every immigrant, no matter how he or she came here, is a human being, and should be treated as such. Don’t make the same mistake the people who called my relatives “wops” and “dagos” did, and assume they have less to offer.
Will Sheeline is a senior reporter covering Glen Cove, Glen Head, Oyster Bay and Sea Cliff. Comments? WSheeline@ liherald.com.
As with her quick condemnation of D’Esposito for supposed violation of House ethics rules that do not apply, gillen is ignorant of science and the law with regard to abortion. We do not need another addition to the idiocracy in D.C.
gillen must not be elected.
And the Herald apparently owes some apologies.
Additional information about the mobile unit and its schedule are posted on the hospital’s Facebook page @MountSinaiSouthNassau
Green Acres Senior Center – Thursday, October 3
10am-2pm, 400 Flower Road, Valley Stream, NY 11581
Baldwin Senior Center – Friday, October 11
10am-2pm, 810 N. Grand Avenue, Baldwin, NY 11510
Levittown Senior Center – Tuesday, October, 15
10am-2pm, 555 N Newbridge Road, Levittown, NY 11756
Lido Senior Center – Thursday, October 17
10am-2pm, The Sands at Lido Beach, Lido Beach Town Park, 630 Lido Blvd Ste 2, Lido Beach, NY 11561
Merrick Senior Center – Monday, October 21
10am-2pm, 2550 Clubhouse Road, Merrick, NY 11566
Uniondale-Hempstead Senior Center – Tuesday, October 22
10am-2pm, 840 Uniondale Avenue, Uniondale, NY 11553
Franklin Square Senior Center – Monday, October 28
10am-2pm, 1178 Martha Place Franklin Square, NY 11010
Bellmore Senior Center – Tuesday, October 29
10am-2pm, 2000 Bellmore Avenue #A, Bellmore, NY 11710
Lido Senior Center – Thursday, October 31
10am-2pm, The Sands at Lido Beach, Lido Beach Town Park, 630 Lido Blvd Ste 2, Lido Beach, NY 11561
Elmont Senior Center – Monday, November 4
10am-2pm, 138 Elmont Road, Elmont, NY 11003
Merrick Senior Center – Thursday, November 7
10am-2pm, 2550 Clubhouse Road, Merrick, NY 11566
For more information, call Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Department of Community Education at 516-377-5333
*Vaccines are being o ered at no out of pocket cost. Your insurance may be billed.