n o i s a r n e i v h C d e m o d r f n n e s a t g n x n n i E with paint uan and Yu now n in Sich e r d l i by ch
One step to the border
One step to the border—when children meet children Artwork by children artists of Ruili, Dehong Dai & Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province and Mei Gu County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, People’s Republic of China. Photography by Roobén Goode, Hackney, London, UK.
Edited by Richard Peacock Translated by Suzy Xu Shuang, French translation Alexa Darmon Published by Peacock Imprint, June 2011, ISBN 978-0-9560423-2-3 Copyright © the named artist, all rights reserved This second edition is an extended version of One step to the border—Portraits of people from Ruili, southern China by Roobén Goode. Published December 2010, ISBN 978-0-9560423-1-6 Set in Bliss, Sassoon Primary and Trebuchet Kai, Adobe Fangsong and Hiragino Sans Copyright © Peacockimprint, all rights reserved British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
For further information see: www.theborderartsproject.org www.zerocapital.net
边 境 之 缘 当孩子遇见孩子 摄影 鲁本Roobén Goode 画作 中华人民共和国云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州瑞丽 和四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县的孩子们 i
One step to the border When children meet children Artwork by children artists of Ruili, Dehong Dai & Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province and Mei Gu County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, People’s Republic of China. Photography by RoobÊn Goode, Hackney, London, UK.
Contents 目录 Forward: Common Language 序:共同语言 vii
Encounters: Sidd Joag 邂逅
When children meet children 当孩子遇见孩子 1
On the border 边境上 29
The road of my dream 我的梦想之路
56 Afterword: A
brief history of drug smuggling to China 后记:毒品走私到中国的历史简述
58 List
of illustrations 图文目录
59 Acknowledgments
感谢 v
яࣩഹଃ ل ਲ਼ ၉၉ ᄌ لൌ ಷ ᄐ ହսয়
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ा ൚ฒઉሸ࠴ࣣ֬৬Ɨ Ѱᄂၰࢊඔሸ࠴֬ܪൠè
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ເਛಥݠ֬ئ۾ሷҜთ࣐দƗ õяࣩഹଃ ö֬Ծ൚ಭᆴ ၉ڷ
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߽ࠖ࿗༤ਛ Ⴙ߉ç ണႜç ؒç ࢮç ฯၣދᇃè ᄤᆊ۸
ࣣ ݝõяࣩഹଃ öᇄᄂᆇව ֬҉ؕ୴৶Ɨ կৡ֬ݠሷႼ
ഏਛ ၉սಜྔ ႽƗ ߕ༶ਛᆊཻԢ೫֬ᅽè
ᄝ࠶ދѝဍ࠶్è Юদ൏ᇁ Ⴜ ၉ҍࣀদ֬པࠖƗ ቃ൏ၟࣣ
ЮںଢদҜࡍ õяࣩഹଃ öധ౼ၣඓརƗ ࢤ֙ݠ֬׀ሷ
Юںଢႎ ݚõ ၉Ͻᇌቛ öѝဍࠖ֬ܙԾϾಭƗ ᆊ
২൮֬ࣔڿկሷৡಱൔਛ ֙ۼ׀֬ങ ඛ૽ݠሷè
لਲ਼ ၉ਲ਼ๆƗ ൌ෦֬Юদ֥ᇖދݚ૱֬בяࣩƗ ᄤ
Common Language
In the autumn of 2010, ten-year-old Roobén Goode travelled to the border of China and Myanmar and met local ethnic minority youth his own age in villages of Ruili. Roobén had come to Ruili with his parents, the UK-based performance troupe Other Half Productions, to teach circus skills and theatre techniques as part of the Border Statements community arts project. Armed with a borrowed camera Roobén left the borderlands with many new friends and this set of inspiring photographs. Through the efforts of Border Statements volunteers over the last four years, the children of these villages have had opportunities to learn painting, photography, filmmaking, break dancing, pottery and paper cutting. In doing so they have been able to use different forms of art as a means to understand and talk about difficult local issues while expressing their own experiences of the world. Taking these ideas further, Border Statements cofounder Fu Guosheng was able to work with 92 children at an orphanage in Sichuan, using painting as means to have young people start talking about their experiences and become comfortable telling their personal stories. Art is a common language for children in this big world—and this book is an attempt to show, through their work, the transformative power of simple creative interactions. Suzy Xu Shuang, Co-ordinator, Border Statements, May 23, 2011, Old Dali, Yunnan.
ᄤ ູཉ ֬ഌ љ ׀֬౭ঊ༶è པྗƗ ݝ
৬ ൕ ৺ ࢹè ႀ ՕƗ ࠥၥ Ҝთۡ ູྡྷ ເƗ Ⴔఊ
ಓ֬ يധ߽ߓ ࣩୄƗ ങ ັັ ಭ࡚ܼƗ თ Юಜ
֥Ԃ࿊҉ؕ ֬ౚè ᄤႼ ୧ऑ৶֬ߋࡕ ᆻܻთࡳ
نᅡ ֬҉ ְƗ ମ ৡ֬૽܋ധ߽ç ၣඓ ދߋ ः߽ ൺ
֬ധ౼Ⴜ ᇞսႜ འ֬ è ମ ৡႼԑ ç ڱϮ࠽ࣣ ދ
֬ഺࠊመঊၢࠪ ؚሸഭç ֬ࡌ ދ ᄤ
ܕ ֬ ขƗ ൗ ܛ ݝԾ ᄶྦ ֬ࠊ ٘႟
ར ᇽး ሩဋ ເᆊ ۸ ಜ ֬ങ ո ࢀ ၉۸ ੇ
҉ਛࢺƗ ၀ેႼ߁ è ՝ ܙཟഏদ නƗ я ࣩഹଃ ᆊ۸
ঢ়Ɨ ౖ ؾႼሩཔࣔ ֬ߋԵ Ɨ ֓ ؚлՕ֬ ൞ࢿ ຢ
ࢮב֬ങ ދЁဨկ ֬ങ ᇁ ۶ ሩ࠲ ܋ৡ֬ख
ދ૱בя ࣩ֬ຽ পދЁဨկᆴޱƗ نཊƗ ಝ૱
ਛࢺƗ ᆊ ཻ ׀ ؚ֙ങ ֬ႜ འè ಇਛ ٺ۶ ᇖݚ
২ ൺ ݡઓႀિၥ ދಭ८ٛઢഋޚݤമƗ ֓ ٫ӏ ཟ
ՄๆƗ ׂ ၉֥ ২ ᆴఴ ःᆰ֨Ɨ
邂 თ Юധ౼ୄ ֬ ಭç ҉ ׀౼ ֬ ಭƗ വᇇఊ
ਲ਼ ሮ Ю ၣ ඓ ቀ ࡚
When we first visited Ruili in Spring of 2007, we were well
Encounters Sidd Joag
aware of the area’s notoriety with regards to heroin and human trafficking but wanted to see specifically what affects these issues were having on young people. After spending time on the fence separating China and Myanmar (also known as Burma) and in a local village, we noticed that Burmese street youth and village youth, while sharing parallel experiences (and living only a few short miles apart), had no interaction with or understanding of each other’s worlds. Border Statements was from its conception a project focused on bridging these two groups of youth to produce creative reflections of their situations and the issues that had a deep impact on themselves, their families and their communities. Wherever there is conflict, corruption and uneven economic development there is a consistent erosion of civil society, art and culture. Without cohesive cultural values and practices youth are left unsupervised and disconnected from their histories. As a result, they are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviour, especially when dangerous commodities are commonplace. We believe that in sharing their experiences with their counterparts in other places, within their communities and with the larger world, these young people would be empowered to engage in preserving and rebuilding the cultural fabric laid to waste by heroin, HIV/AIDS and outward migration. Roobén’s unique experience working with his peers in Ruili exemplifies this powerful process of exchange and cross-cultural communication, one of critical importance in the development of young people’s ability to navigate the world today.
ར ᇽး ሩဋ ເᆊ ۸ ಜ ֬ങ ո ࢀ ၉۸ ੇ ܕ ֬ ขƗ ൗ ܛ ݝԾ ᄶྦ ֬ࠊ ٘႟ ֬ഺࠊመঊ ၢࠪ ؚሸഭç ֬ࡌ ދ ᄤ ֬ധ౼Ⴜ ᇞսႜ འ֬ è ମ ৡႼԑ ç ڱϮ࠽ࣣ ދ
ྦ֬ç ࠙ࠥç ৈܻ֬ၣඓԾቛࣣမè
თƗ ༗ ຳ ൞ࢿ ֬ങ ߁ པ ٺཡ ڽԾ ᄶ
ቛ ٘ ႟Ԣ֬ ڽڅ൱࢟è ఀև୍ ֬ᆭԂދҜ
୍ཥ ၉ဩ ༦ ߒᆊ ཻԢ೫֬ ၣඓቛ Ɨ ၢࠪ ᆊ ཻ
Ⴜྤ ܛ ഭҜთ ݠሷ ၣඓԾቛ ֬ݝӸƗ ༗ ຳ
क Ш ֬ృ ս৶ਏè ᆥᆊᇜ ੇთ ٺཡؚങ Ⴚಲ
༤ Ѱ߁ པ ٺཡ ֬؆า ࣣ৬ ᆪଃਛ ॻߋܕთ ੇ
ሰѯ ދಭ८ບ ੇè Юᄤ২ თ ཱི֬ࠋϻ ၉ఖ࿗
क Ш Г߀ ދᇞࢀԵ ߋ ֬৶Ɨ Ѱᄀঢ় ݡઓႀç ξ
֬ ࡌ ݚ ಭ ٺཡ ֬ ࣣမƗ ২ ֬ങ ःढ़ ၢ
თ Юധ౼ୄ ֬ ಭç ҉ ׀౼ ֬ ಭƗ വᇇఊ
ᄤ ູཉ ֬ഌ љ ׀֬౭ঊ༶è པྗƗ ݝ
৬ ൕ ৺ ࢹè ႀ ՕƗ ࠥၥ Ҝთۡ ູྡྷ ເƗ Ⴔఊ
ಓ֬ يധ߽ߓ ࣩୄƗ ങ ັັ ಭ࡚ܼƗ თ Юಜ
֥Ԃ࿊҉ؕ ֬ౚè ᄤႼ ୧ऑ৶֬ߋࡕ ᆻܻთࡳ
نᅡ ֬҉ ְƗ ମ ৡ֬૽܋ധ߽ç ၣඓ ދߋ ः߽ ൺ
ਲ਼ ሮ Ю ၣ ඓ ቀ ࡚
Munaozongge, the biggest Jingpo singing and dancing festival. Longchuan, Dehong, February, 2011.
We hope you enjoy these brilliant images and the rich perspectives they offer as much as we all enjoyed being a part of the process. We welcome your support and involvement in bringing young people together from around the world to share creative, life-affirming experiences. Sidd Joag, Director, Zero Capital Arts, New York City, May 3, 2011.
Lu Weng and RoobĂŠn Goode
当 孩 子 遇 见 孩 子 When children meet children
Hi Roo! How are you? I’m very glad to know you. I was very happy when we took pictures together. You are my first foreign friend and we are a similar age. Yesterday was my 10th birthday. I got many gifts. I like your photography. I like the pictures that you took of me. I also like photography. I would like to share pictures with you. When will you come back to do photography together? How are you doing in England? How is your school over there? I wish I could see you soon. I hope that you are happy.
Lu Weng
你好,鲁翁! 我很愿意跟你分享照片。 五月九号是我的11岁生日,很多朋友过来玩, 还在我家过夜了。 英国很热,太阳很大,不过可能没有中国那么热! 学校还不错,我们在考叫做 S.A.T.S的考试。 下面是我随手画的画。 希望你一切都好! Roo
Photography 摄影 by Roobén Goode
边 境 上 On the border
Artwork by the children of Dehong Prefecture
画 作 德 宏 州 的 孩 子
我 的 梦 想 之 路 The road of my dream
Artwork by the children of Mei Gu County
画 作 美 姑 县 的 孩 子
The road of my dream Children become more and more uneasy doing things without rules, including painting. For this activity we gave the children a rule, that is, to put away the usual rules they were taught. The children were asked not to paint any specific images or representations. On the first day, each child was given a piece of fabric and some colors to paint the background of their works. On the second day, each child got a brush, and was asked to paint a single line to complete their works. The were asked to focus only on themselves and the colors. Then it happened. On that weekend, 92 children, from 2nd to 4th grade made their first ever paintings with fabric and brushes. We titled this series of paintings “The Road of My Dream�. Our little painters were very proud of themselves, something they hadn’t experienced in a very long time.
They found that to express something other than the “normal� in their paintings can also be beautiful and let them be recognised. We believe sincerely that softness is the most powerful element of these children. Softness lies deep in these children and keeps them from withering even though their lives are tough. Softness shines through the lines and colors of their paintings. As long as the children can keep expressing themselves with their pure softness, they will stay brave and strong, and they will express themselves with their own voices. This is an important lesson for us, adults, to learn from
Fu Guosheng, Song Zha Art Project, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, May 2011.
我的梦想之路 这组画是由生活在中国西南凉山彝族自治州的 92名彝族孩子于2010年10完成的。我和朋友Eric Rolland在凉山的一所孤儿学校认识了这些孩子。 这所学校由凉山彝族妇女儿童发展中心创办,名 为“索玛花爱心学校”,生活着几百名因毒品和 艾滋病失去父母的彝族儿童。 十月份我们去凉山看孩子们的时候,天已经冷 了。我们让孩子们用自己的塑料脸盆打一些水到 教室,用来画画时洗笔。他们的小脸和小手都被 冻得发红,可还是笑得那么开心。每一只眼睛都 闪着温暖的光。
在过去和孩子们画画的时候,我常常看到他们 画树、房子、花朵、小草和太阳。有时候他们 会在画里添上一道彩虹。女孩子喜欢在自己的作 品里画上桃心或者穿漂亮裙子的公主;男孩子喜 欢在自己的画里加上汽车或者飞机。孩子们之所 以在画里重复地画这些内容,是因为从前的经验 告诉他们,只有包含这些内容的画才会被认为是 “一幅画得好的孩子的画”。这种经验在他们的 记忆里重复着。因此,他们在画画的时候不断地 重复使用这些能被成人认可的内容和形象。
傅果生 松扎艺术项目 50
When children meet children: A circus pyramid at the end of the circus and pe
erformance workshops, Ruili, Dehong Autonomous Prefecture, November 2010.
Acknowledgements 感谢 The Publisher would like to thank all of the children artists for allowing us to publish their artworks, for their hard work, commitment (which was witnessed personally) and boundless creativity.
作为出版人,我想感谢所有的少年艺术家。谢谢他们允许 我们出版他们的艺术作品,谢谢他们的勤奋、投入(这些 都是我亲眼所见)和无尽的创造力。
The pictures were produced at two art and education projects founded and variously run by Fu Guosheng, Elena Shih, Sidd Joag, Suzy Xu Shuang and Eric Rolland. We thank them for allowing us to join the projects and for us giving permission to reproduce a small portion of the children’s work that they have facilitated.
孩子们的作品是两个艺术教育项目的成果。这两个项目 由傅果生、石林林、Sidd Joag, Eric Rolland和徐爽分别创 办并运作。谢谢他们让我们参与进来,并允许我们选择一 小部分孩子的作品出版。
Roobén Goode travelled many thousands of miles to Ruili with his parents Jo Galbraith and Jake Goode (Other Half Productions) to perform a street circus show and teach performance skills to the village children (see the photos on pages 54-58). We thank them for the incredibly long and arduous journeys which they made from London & Shanghai and for the excellent performances by them and the children at the end of the workshops.
鲁本 随 父母Jo Galbraith和Jake Goode (“另一半制 作”),千里迢迢来村里表演街头喜剧,还教孩子们杂技技 巧(请看前一页的“金字塔”)。感谢他们不远万里从伦 敦到上海,再到村子里来,谢谢他们精彩的表演和工作坊, 孩子们获益良多。
Teacher Yang and the staff at the school in Dehong and orphanage in Mei Gu make the workshops welcome. We appreciate their hard work (and the excellent cooking at lunchtimes). The children are a testament to their work. We would also like to thank the following people who have given help and advice regarding the book: Erin, Lily Findlay, Alexa Darmon, Maxwell Ye, George Mynatt, Luisa Covaria, Toby deSilva, Anil Saluja, Farhan Ahmed and Youn-Sook Hong—impossible to do without you. Any mistakes however are the full responsibility of the Publisher. For further information on “Border Statements” and “The road of my dream” plus photos and videos including the street circus show please see the website: www.TheBorderArtsProject.org.
在德宏州村小学的杨刘英老师等教职员工和美姑孤儿班 的老师们的大力协助下,工作坊才得以顺利开展。非常感 谢他们的辛苦工作(每一顿午餐都非常美味)。孩子们的 出色表现有目共睹。 我们还要感谢以下人士给本书提供的大力支持及宝贵 意见:Erin, Lily Findlay, Alexa Darmon, 叶顾明(Maxwell Ye), George Mynatt, Luisa Covaria, Toby deSilva, Anil Saluja, Farhan Ahmed, Youn-Sook Hong——你们 的帮助不可或缺。出版人为书中的任何错误负全责。 请访问www.theBorderArtsProject.org,进一步了解“边境 声明”,“我的梦想之路”和街头喜剧表演的照片及视频等 相关信息 The
ZERO CAPITAL ARTS Z e r o C a p i t a l A r t s . n e t
Border Arts Project T h e B o r d e r A r t s Pro j e c t . o r g
List of illustrations 封面和扉页: 鲁本 Front cover & frontispiece: Roobén Goode iv: 插图 尔岚 Illustration by Alexa Darmon v,xi: 徐爽 Suzy Xu Shuang xii: 李琦 Richard Peacock When children meet children
3: 鲁本 Roobén Goode 4: 鲁翁 Lu Weng 6: Toby deSilva 8-27: 鲁本 Roobén Goode On the border 边境上 28: 石林林 Elena Shih 30-39: 画作 2010年8月,暑假艺术营,德宏自治州, 景颇族、傣族、傈僳族和阿昌族的孩子们 Artwork by Jing Po, Dai, Lisu and Achang children of Dehong Autonomous Prefecture, summer camp, August, 2010 The road of my dream
画作 松扎艺术项目 2010年10月 Paintings from Song Zha Art Project, October, 2010 40: Eric Roland (Photo) 40: 石子 Shi Zi (Paintings) 52: 沙玛伍子 Sha Ma Wu Zi 44: 井子妈麻 Jing Zi Ma Ma 45: 古次曲布 Gu Ci Qu Bu 46: 石以达石 Shi Yi Da Shi 47: 马吉金哈 Ma Ji Jin Ha 48: 吉克阿拉 Ji Ke A La 49: 阿牛妹妹 A Niu Mei Mei 50: 阿古拉火 A Gu La Huo 51: 吉达阿洛 Ji Da A Luo 52: 吾尔比美 Wu Er Bi Mei 55: 沙玛伍子 Sha Ma Wu Zi
The road of my dream “The reason why we decided to work with and collect the art works of the children who are living in insecurity are clear: we approach our relationship with children to give them a way to express their own individuality through art. Sadly this is all too often ignored or hidden by the disaster of their lives. These children whose education, affection and life are often terrible can demonstrate that if we give them the possibility great insight and a surprising lucidity can follow. Our goal is to give them back a hope erased by the consequences of their lives. Speech doesn’t come from us, we’re only the means through which they are able to see and think. It is not about locking them in a miserable way of thinking but to show them that they have the ability to produce quality art. They give us the ability to see the world they are living in, a world they can be proud of. This is our duty, as adults, to open our eyes to what they try to show.”
Eric Rolland, Song Zha Art Project, Mei Gu County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province. There are 20,856 HIV/AIDS cases in Liangshan with over 80% caused by heroin use leading to the severe loss of traditional education and culture. Liangshan is one of the poorest and most primitive places in China as sixty years ago Yi people were transformed from a slave society into social society. See more paintings
54-58: Toby deSilva
by the children and also photographs of the Yi people taken by photographer
封底: 岩坎 Back cover: Aikam
Suzy Xu Shuang on the website: www.TheBorderArtsProject.org
摄影 鲁本 Roobén Goode 画作 中华人民共和国云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州瑞丽 和四川省凉山彝族自治州美姑县的孩子们 ISBN 978-0-9560423-2-3 编辑 李琦 英文翻译 徐爽 法文翻译Alexa Darmon 版权©所有注明艺术家,保留所有权利 鲁本的摄影集 《边境之缘——来自中国南部瑞丽的人像》 出版于2010年12月, ISBN 978-0-9560423-1-6 本书是此版的扩展阅读版。
请访问出版人的网站 www.peacockimprint.co.uk 了解更多信息。
One step to the border Children’s photography and art from China