7 minute read

From Where I Stand

After seven years of planning in-person iLandscape shows, I felt like we were just starting to figure these things out. Outside of a few backbreaking weather events, the show had continued to grow each and every year. What began as a 4,000 person event had ballooned to a 6,500 person event. iLandscape routinely found itself on Trade Show Magazine’s Fastest 50 lists for attendance and exhibitor growth. We had bled over to a second hall. We had solved some of our larger issue such as a parking and concessions as best as we could. We had the perfect balance of education and networking. We never forgot our mantra of innovate, inspire, and imagine.

For iLandscape365, we had 90 days. We had 90 days to plan and execute a virtual show from the moment we realized it was our only option. And in order for us to roar back in 2022 with the greatest party the green industry has ever seen, we needed 2021 to be a success to hold the line, provide CEUs, promote product and 3...2...1... vendor awareness, and keep the industry’s chins up as it attempts to reboot after one of the most chal- Ignition lenging and draining years in the history of the landscape industry.

I can’t wait for you to discover what we’ve planned. Once again, our unbelievable committees, dedicated and fearless staff, wise Board of Directors, and loyal suppliers and sponsors came together to create iLandscape365. In-person vs. virtual is not simply a question of apples and oranges. It is apples and some strange new object that landed on earth that you need to first make sense of it before telling thousands of people that it’s pretty juicy and delicious. Whether iLandscape365 is an orange a kiwi a kumquat a starfruit or some other unnamed foodstuff, we are pretty darn proud of it.

On the education front, we have over 60 speakers sharing their knowledge. Some of these sessions are live and some are on-demand. They are not only participating across states, but across countries and continents. We leaned into the very reason ILCA has been relevant since 1959 when a computer took up an entire room: we provide some of the best landscape education in the entire country. We do this because we listen to our members and judge success when we have too many solutions to too few problems. iLandscape365 begins each day with a keynote. 2021 is the year of the woman with two incredibly talented female landscape pros. Angela Treadwell Palmer sets the tone on Wednesday. She is the Founder of Plants Nouveau, a new plant introduction and marketing company. She is speaking to her wheelhouse of “New Plants; What’s Trending and Who’s in Charge?” We then roar out of the gate again on Thursday with Jan Bills. Jan is the Owner of Two Women and a Hoe Landscape Company out of Royal Oaks, Michigan. Her session entitled “Comfort, Ease and Simplicity” are three words that every landscape professional dreams about yet are always elusive.

Our emcees, Experience Committee Chairperson Chris Walsh and ILCA President Donna Vignocchi-Zych, will guide us through two jam-packed days on the platform. Their quirky, funny banter will be what everyone needs and craves this time of year. From your morning cup of coffee to your afternoon cocktail, iLandscape365 overflows with opportunities to engage and connect. We have Master Classes with industry luminaries, free education speakers from the heaviest hitters on the national circuit, Lunch Bunch discussions, vendor showcases of new products, a gnome hunt for cash, trivia, award winners and so much more.

Scott Grams — January 18, 2021




I have been inundated with people saying “Thank God 2020 is behind us.” It is a very true sentiment, but one that should be made with caution. I don’t think any of us could imagine that in January of 2021 there would still be masks, a general worry for our own well being and that of those around us, and a lack of paper towels.

To be transparent, it irritates me when people say it. It is not behind us and I fear for those folks that think that it is. There is also a concern that people may be complacent and so ready to move on that we are not prepared for something that may actually BE worse.

Take this contemplative time during our off-season to not only plan but think about things beyond your control...what happens if this pandemic or future situations restrict delivery methods for goods beyond toilet paper. What if we cannot get fuel or salt or basic provisions for our companies?

How can we better advertise our services when we cannot network or knock-on doors? I have heard more than once that from great adversity comes great opportunities. Let’s seek those out. Create your new normal by utilizing creativity of thought. Seek those advisors that are vendors, other industries, and ILCA’s resources to inspire you to be innovative and decisive about new initiatives.

We are an industry that frequently can be slow to evolve, especially when you lack the resources of companies with deep pockets. But we all can do it in our own way. We just need to dig deep and make 2021 a great year. Not wait for success to show up at our doorstep.

With that being said, I think that those of us pining to connect with our contacts in the industry, vendors, associates, past employees and those that have become dear friends. iLandscape is alive and well. It is a brave example of making opportunity out of adversity. A testament to planning and perseverance. I personally am very much looking forward to participating in something that 5 years ago I would have never thought possible.

The many committees that work in concert that continue to challenge the process should get a hearty thank you. You deserve it. I look forward to an exciting new virtual experience. Subsequentially, I look forward to a time when we can all be together and share a hearty handshake.


Donna Vignocchi Zych

President, Illinois Landscape Contractors Association

Me han inundado las personas que dicen “gracias a Dios, el 2020 ha quedado atrás”. Es un sentimiento muy verdadero, pero uno que debe tomarse con precaución. No creo que ninguno de nosotros pudiera imaginar que en enero de 2021 todavía habría máscaras, una preocupación general por nuestro propio bienestar y el de los que nos rodean, y la falta de toallas de papel.

Para ser transparente, me irrita cuando la gente lo dice. No está detrás de nosotros y temo por esa gente que piensa que sí. También existe la preocupación de que la gente pueda ser complaciente y estar tan dispuesta a seguir adelante que no estemos preparados para algo que en realidad puede SER peor.

Tómese este tiempo contemplativo durante nuestra temporada baja no solo para planificar, sino también para pensar en cosas que escapan a su control ... qué sucede si esta pandemia o situaciones futuras restringen los métodos de entrega de productos más allá del papel higiénico. ¿Y si no podemos conseguir combustible, sal o provisiones básicas para nuestras empresas? ¿Cómo podemos anunciar mejor nuestros servicios cuando no podemos establecer contactos o tocar puertas? He escuchado más de una vez que de una gran adversidad surgen grandes oportunidades. Busquemos esos. Crea tu nueva normalidad utilizando la creatividad del pensamiento. Busque los asesores que son proveedores, otras industrias y los recursos de ILCA para inspirarlo a ser innovador y decisivo sobre nuevas iniciativas.

Somos una industria que con frecuencia puede tardar en evolucionar, especialmente cuando carecen de los recursos de empresas con mucho dinero. Pero todos podemos hacerlo a nuestra manera. Solo tenemos que profundizar y hacer de 2021 un gran año. No espere a que el éxito llegue a nuestra puerta.

Dicho esto, creo que aquellos de nosotros anhelamos conectarnos con nuestros contactos en la industria, proveedores, asociados, empleados anteriores y aquellos que se han convertido en amigos queridos. Ilandscape está vivo y coleando. Es un ejemplo valiente de cómo aprovechar la adversidad. Un testimonio de planificación y perseverancia. Personalmente, tengo muchas ganas de participar en algo que hace 5 años nunca hubiera creído posible.

Los numerosos comités que trabajan en conjunto y que continúan desafiando el proceso deberían recibir un sincero agradecimiento. Te lo mereces. Espero una nueva y emocionante experiencia virtual. Posteriormente, espero con ansias el momento en que todos podamos estar juntos y compartir un cordial apretón de manos.

Donna Vignocchi Zych

President Donna Vignocchi Zych ILT Vignocchi, Inc. (847) 487-5200 dvignocchi@iltvignocchi.com

Vice-President Scott McAdam, Jr. McAdam Landscaping, Inc. (708) 771-2299 Scottjr@mcadamlandscape.com

Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Kramer Kramer Tree Specialists, Inc, (630) 293-5444 jwkramer@kramertree.com

Immediate Past President Jose Garcia Natural Creations Landscaping, Inc. (815) 724-0991 info@naturalcreationslandscaping.com

Directors Eric Adams Russo Power Equipment (847) 233-7811 eadams@russopower.com

Jim Cirrincione Hinsdale Nurseries, Inc. (630) 323-1411 jcirrincione@hinsdalenurseries .com

Jennifer Fick Wilson Nurseries and Landscape Supply (847) 683-3700 jennf@wilsonnurseries.com

Tom Klitzkie Nature’s Perspective Landscaping (847) 475-7917 tklitzkie@naturesperspective.com

Dean MacMorris Night Light, Inc. (630) 627-1111 dean@nightlightinc.net

Kevin Manning K & D Enterprise Landscape Management, Inc. (815) 725-0758 kmanning@kdlandscapeinc.com

Ashley Marrin Bret-Mar Landscape Management Group, Inc. (708) 301-8160 ashley@bretmarlandscape.com

Mark Utendorf Emerald Lawn Care, Inc. (847) 392-7097 marku@emeraldlawncare.com

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