The Landscape Contractor magazine Digital Edition January 2018

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Y 2, 2018

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January 2018


Excellence In Landscape Awards Project

FOCUS: ILCA Awards and Honors 2017 ILCA Person of the Year Award A tribute to Bruce Church Distinguished Service Award McGinty Bros. receives the honor

8 10 12


ILCECO Scholarship Winners 14 More scholarships, greater awards 2017 — A Banner Year for ILCA 16 Highlighting ILCA accomplishments for 2017

iLandscape Gives More Than $30,000 in Prizes More prizes, more fun, more excitement


iLandscape — Prelim Program for Your Preview See it all and plan your days


Eleve la industria del paisajismo y su negocio iLandscape 2018 Preview




Women’s Networking Group 48 WNG discusses customer retention

Committee Chair Profile Irrigation Committee Committee Chair Alex Mayfield


Member Profile 56 Mobile Lube Express

Before You Go... So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright



On the cover... Architectural Gardens received a Gold award for Residential Landscape Construction for this project entitled Garden Whimsy. The Landscape Contractor January 2018

62 3


DEPARTMENTS ILCA Calendar From Where I Stand President’s Message Classified Ads Advertisers Index


4 5 7 58 61


January 31 - February 2, 2018 iLandscape Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Schaumburg, IL


Photo Credits ILCA Awards Program 1, 8-9, Rick Reuland 5, 7, 10-16, 18-19, Alan Branhagen 62

February 1, 2018 Excellence in Landscape Awards Night Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Schaumburg, IL

The official publication of the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILCA), The Landscape Contractor is dedicated to educating, advising and informing members of this industry and furthering the goals of the Association. The Landscape Contractor carries news and features relating to landscape contracting, maintenance, design and allied interests. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited material and reserves the right to edit any article or advertisement submitted for publication. Publication reserves right to refuse advertising not in keeping with goals of Association. Volume 59, Number 1. The Landscape Contractor (ISSN # 0194-7257, USPS # 476-490) is published monthly for $75.00 per year by the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, 2625 Butterfield Road, Ste. 104S, Oak Brook, IL 60523. Periodicals postage paid at Oak Brook, IL and additional mailing offices. Printed in USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Landscape Contractor, 2625 Butterfield Road, Ste 104S, Oak Brook, IL 60523. DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES: Association Publishing Partners, Inc., Ph. (630) 637-8632 Fax (630) 637-8629 email: CLASSIFIED ADS, CIRCULATION AND SUBSCRIPTION: ILCA (630) 472-2851 Fax (630) 472-3150 PUBLISHER/EDITORIAL OFFICE: Rick Reuland,, Naperville, IL 60540 Ph. (630)637-8632 PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, its Board of Directors, the Magazine Committee, ILCA Staff, The Landscape Contractor and its staff, neither endorse any products nor attest to the validity of any statements made about products

ILCA Staff

Magazine Staff

Executive Director Scott Grams (630) 472-2851

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February 15, 2018 Young Professionals Series: Day-In/Night-Out Hursthouse, Inc. and Rock Bottom Restaurant Bolingbrook, IL

MARCH March 1 & 2, 2018 Foremanship Training Fox Run Golf Links Elk Grove Village, IL March 15-16, 2018 Field Staff Skills Training College of Lake County Grayslake, IL

January 31 — February 2, 2018

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The Landscape Contractor January 2018


From Where I Stand — I want a raise.

There is no more empowering and terrifying phrase an employer can hear. Pay raises can be a sticky subject for most employers. There is often a disconnect between employers and employees when it comes to this annual conversation on compensation. Employers are privy to more information regarding the health of the business. On the flipside, employees have a much deeper understanding and awareness of the value they bring to an organization. For these differences, most companies do what most people do when faced with a prickly and contentious issue, ignore it for as long as possible. For most employers, in non-union shops, wages and salaries seem to exist in a vacuum. They are established through a series of tiny conversations and negotiations held at millions of businesses across the country. Some employers consult salary surveys or websites such as Payscale, but, for the most part, percentage increases are usually tethered to the profitability of the business coupled with previous salary history. In order to really understand wages, one needs to take a step back. Then thousands of steps up to the tallest mountain peak to truly see the patterns and trends that exist at the 35,000 foot level. Wages are established in those small conversations, but each is like a pebble thrown into a pond. It seems like a minor gesture at the time, but its ripple effects are profound. Each industry would be that pond and the thousands of conversations about salaries that happen every year are like dump truck after dump truck filled with pea gravel. Even as Executive Director of the ILCA, my scope is limited. We do not publish an Illinois-centric salary survey of the landscape industry although one is sorely needed. We rely on an even bigger organization, the National Association for Landscape Professionals (NALP) to provide us with this data. NALP publishes a comprehensive salary survey entitled the Employee Compensation Report for the Green Industry. The newest version was just released. In this column, I will compare the salary data from the 2006 and 2016 versions. I noticed some fascinating patterns that, when viewed through the lens of macroeconomics, explain a lot about where we have been, but tell us more about where we are headed. First, the basics. The 2006 version reviewed the salary information of 340 firms, where the current version analyzes 215 companies. These firms participated in a voluntary survey and I am sure, due to NALP’s membership, they captured data from many of the same firms for each survey. The 2016 version contains a nice executive summary crafted from IBISWorld market data. IBISWorld is a market intelligence firm that analyzes industry and consumer data across thousands of industries around the world. The 2016 report shows there are 474,237 landscape and lawn care companies across the country. The industry employs

969,257 people. The industry is worth $78 billion and has an annual growth rate of 3.9%. The report also says that landscaping will benefit from steady per capita income growth in the residential market. This growth will push more consumers to outsource their landscaping services. In addition, continued economic growth will also boost commercial expansion pushing more dollars towards commercial, retail, and apartment and condominium complexes. In short, the landscape market has entered its next growth cycle. Landscaping is highly labor intensive. Although specialized equipment exists, it has often been used to augment, but not replace human jobs. The amount of physical workers needed is the reason landscape companies labor costs, including subs, was 40.2% in 2016. Given that almost half of the landscape industry’s revenue goes towards labor, fluctuations in labor costs have an enormous impact on economic prosperity. So, what does the new data indicate? From 2006 to 2016, wages, of course, went up. This is true of almost every profession across all industries. Even during a recession, wages will eventually creep up over a 10-year period. The question then becomes, how far did they go up in relation to inflation? Also, what does the future hold for wage increases? I reviewed the wage data for seven positions using the 2006 and 2016 data sets that are included in the report; Project Manager, Production Manager, Operations Manager, Foreman II, Foreman I, Crew Person II, and Crew Person I. (see table) Both reports reviewed hourly rates for “beginning” and “experienced” employees. The report also reviewed beginning and experienced annual compensation, as well. For brevity, let’s look at the experienced hourly rates. That will remove typical, but difficult to predict variables like overtime and weather delays that are found in the annual compensation numbers. The table clearly shows a mixed bag. For the most part, the news is positive for landscape employees as most positions were well above the inflationary increases for that 10-year span. Only two positions fell below the inflation adjusted levels, but not by statistically significant levels. This does match the anecdotal data that I heard for the post-recession labor market. Many companies were trying to either buy labor by raising labor rates or they were reacting to concerns they could lose employees to other firms and raised wages accordingly. A cynic could read this information and draw a different conclusion. It would’ve been much easier to explain the labor crunch if the 2016 real wages were well below the inflation adjusted wages. Then, it would be easier to pinpoint the culprit and raise wages above the inflation line to attract more workers. Quite honestly, I was hoping that would’ve been the case. It would’ve been a “Well, here’s your problem” moment that would be easier to remedy than deep, structural change. The 2006-2016 data has a huge black hole for more than half of the years profiled due to the recession. In all likelihood, that held wages in

An Honest Day’s Wage

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


From Where I Stand —



a state of suspended animation as employers could not afford to raise wages and unemployment was high. Hopefully, the next 10 years will not feature a recession as bleak or long lasting as the last one. Although wage decisions are personal and private deliberations between an employer and employee, the end results are more pebbles in the pond. The question becomes, what is the pond going to look like, barring any unforeseen economic crises, over the next 10 years? If we are to assume that the economy stays healthy and stable, wages will inevitably rise. Economists are quick to point out that “more money” is not the reason wages rise. Like all simple questions in economics, wages do not have a simple answer. Most economists see at least six factors that impact wages: 1. The previous and current profitability of the business 2. Increased labor productivity 3. Sales and employment perspectives 4. A shortage or glut of workers (unemployment rate) 5. Past and forecasted inflation trends 6. The balance of strength between employers and employees (Is it an employer- or employee-based market?) If one does a quick run through of those six criteria for the landscape industry, it would probably sound like this; Landscape businesses are becoming more profitable due to increased consumer demand. Although specialized tools and equipment exist, landscaping is still heavily reliant on human capital. Employers and consumers are confident that the market is increasing and equity has returned to homes. There is an acute shortage of workers and a historically low unemployment rate. Finally, the balance of power has shifted from an employer-based to an employee-based market. That it almost 6 for 6, at a minimum, 5 of the 6 criteria have been met. Given that, it is likely that wages will continue to rise ahead of inflationary levels, which will also remain high for the foreseeable future. Demandpull inflation is common during periods of strong economic activity where more money is available and people want to spend it. Now, everyone take a breath. Rising wages because of economic prosperity is natural and inevitable. Yes, labor costs will rise, but so should the size of the market and cost of jobs. Wages are also a strong motivator for many employees and also help with retention rates. Turnover should decrease during this period which should provide stability for many companies. If an employer is already staring at his or her P&L wondering how the business can cope with rising wages, the business still has one major tool at its disposal; efficiency. Instead of increasing its labor force, it needs to do more with the labor force it has. One question should be on these owners’ lips as they interact with vendors this offseason; how does this tool, product, or material make life easier for my employees? Money crunched businesses should run their purchasing decisions through that filter until they have the resources to expand hiring. This is the double-edged sword of economic growth. Businesses will have to spend money to make money. The economic conditions are lining up for a strong period of economic prosperity. In a way, we are all in this together even as these private conversations happen behind thick doors. The only sounds we will ever hear are the tiny plops of pebbles into the pond.

Scott Grams December 18, 2017


The Landscape Contractor January 2018

President’s Message — “Today’s patience can transform yesterday’s discouragements into tomorrow’s discoveries. Today’s purposes can turn yesterday’s defeats into tomorrow’s determination.” — Lauren Destefano


Lisa Fiore Don Fiore Company, Inc. (847) 234-0020


Tom Lupfer Lupfer Landscaping (708) 352-2765

Not quite sure


Jose Garcia Natural Creations Landscaping, Inc. (815) 724-0991

Immediate Past President

Mike Schmechtig Schmechtig Landscape Company (847) 566-1233


Mark Breier National Seed Co. (630) 963-8787 Allan Jeziorski Hartman Landscape (708) 403-8433

Kevin Manning K & D Enterprise Landscape Management, Inc. (815) 725-0758 Scott McAdam, Jr. McAdam Landscaping, Inc. (708) 771-2299 Dean MacMorris Night Light, Inc. (630) 627-1111 Ashley Voss Vermeer Midwest (630) 820-3030

Mark Utendorf Emerald Lawn Care, Inc. (847) 392-7097 Donna Vignocchi Zych ILT Vignocchi, Inc. (847) 487-5200

where the time went this season. I feel like it was just yesterday that we were starting spring cleanups and in the early stages of landscape construction, preparing for plants to be available and the season again to get under way. Now all of a sudden, the leaves are blowing, fall cleanups are almost complete and it’s time to take a short breath and then start the cycle all over again. Many people say to me “Oh, you must get a lot of time off in the winter,” which usually gives me a chuckle, because those of us in the landscape profession know there is no such thing as a lot of time off. I hope we all have the opportunity to sneak a vacation or to just catch some warmth away from the Midwest chill, maybe hit the slopes somewhere fun. But outside of that, we are at work reviewing budgets numbers from the years before, setting budgets for the years to come and wondering what adventures this next season may bring! Not many professions have the chance to essentially start a “new business” every year. We can plan for what we know, we can budget for what we want to achieve and then there’s the big push to get there. Will we have enough work force? Will clients want to build quality projects again? Will the plant varieties we want to put into our designs be available? Just a few questions on our minds as we move into the future. Being a member of ILCA gives us the bandwidth to help settle some of those questions. We have a great supplier membership that is always willing to help, we have many networking events where we can mingle amongst others with the same questions and maybe determine some type of answer or at least an idea to help us along. The Association has resources to help and is always looking to membership to make sure your needs are being met. Whether it’s an educational event, networking experience, hands-on training or a written resource packet, we try to provide an avenue for all. I look forward to seeing you all in 2018. In the next couple months, I will update you on progress from our Committee Chair summit, our strategic planning session and our goal accomplishments per our operational plan. In the meantime, I hope you are online booking your spot at iLandscape. It’s a show not to be missed. Every year it has provided us with new education, great speakers and a creative and welcoming show floor. And this year looks to give us all that, and more…see you there!

“If you want to be successful in a particular field or endeavor, I think perseverance is one of the key qualities. It’s very important that you find something that you care about, that you have a deep passion for, because you’re going to have to devote a lot of your life to it.” – George Lucas Thank you, Lisa Fiore December 12, 2017 The Landscape Contractor January 2018


We call this

Black Creek Canyon, Inc. • Odyssey Lockport

project Odyssey for two reasons. The first honors the owners’ Greek heritage, while the second speaks to our goal of incorporating elements of undulating rock and flowing water across many levels, transposing visual aspects of the Mediterranean to a ridgetop home in the suburbs of Chicago. The design is rich in variety, with many kinds of stone and vegetation, four waterfalls, fountains and ponds and firepits, and numerous seating areas that afford privacy and diversity of surrounding. We think there’s something for everyone in this neatly organized space—and one that, for all its diversity, becomes a coherent, unified whole when seen from the encompassing views of poolhouse/ guesthouse gate or the second floor of the conservatory in the main house. We faced numerous challenges in executing this design. The first and most formidable were the steep grades the property comprised as it dropped from ridgetop to a creek below, a descent of 25 feet that required us to lay in temporary roads through the property in order to bring in materials and equipment. We addressed

this series of drops with discrete areas of different levels, with the lowest, the poolhouse/guesthouse, backing onto the creek and being open to the elements in good weather, including a forest full of singing birds. Each of these areas joins with the next by means of a meandering series of paths, allowing residents and visitors a choice of approaches to get from one area to the other. We wanted to achieve two seemingly contradictory goals: to take in the whole place at a glance and to shield individual areas for a cozy kind of privacy, and we believe we were able to do exactly that by making best use of the natural layout of what was otherwise a difficult property—so difficult, in fact, that the project took 2.5 years to complete.

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


ILCA Awards & Honors

ILCA’s 2017 Person of the Year Bruce Church by Patrice Peltier

Bruce Church,

graduation, he joined Church Landscape as a maintenance account rep. He also made sure the company was on the cutting edge of using a new-fangled business device—computers. “Bruce had done the handson work, mastered business and economics, and then, at 22 years of age, stepped into sales, and he was good at it,” recalls John Joestgen, Chief Operating Officer of Balanced Environments, Inc. “Bruce just kept building and expanding on his experiences, and he was a natural at all of it,” Joestgen says. Bruce soon got involved in the industry on a national level, making contacts with contractors across the country. A believer in professionalism, Bruce took the National Association of Landscape Professionals certification test the first year it was offered, becoming a Charter Certified Landscape Professional (CCLP). By 1998, Bruce had owned Church Landscape for 10 years. Realizing that he could better serve his commercial clients by operating nationally, Bruce joined with six other contractors across the country to create a national footprint from South Carolina to California and from Texas to Minnesota. “We merged and went public on the same day, creating new publicly traded company called LandCare USA (GRW on the NYSE),” Bruce recalls. “I knew that regional and national contracts were on the rise, and this was a way to capture that evergrowing market while sharing best practices and buying power.” “He saw the need to be able to operate nationally because of the needs of our commercial client base,” says Tom Kelly, now Vice President and part owner of Balanced Environments, Inc. At the time, Kelly was a maintenance rep for LandCare USA. “For me, as a rep, it was phenomenal,” he says. “The wider we could stretch our arms, the better we could meet the needs of our clients, and the better we could get in the door.” Creating an alliance of smaller, regional companies set off The Landscape Contractor January 2018

ILCA’s Person of the Year, thinks — and acts — outside the box. Early in his career, he transformed Church Landscape, the company his father built, into a national player. In the process, he gave the green industry a new business model for strategic alliances. Recently, he and his family created a $100,000 scholarship fund to foster new green industry leaders who may also think outside the box. Today, Church is president of Hard Surface Solutions Inc. and Balanced Environments Inc., companies with combined annual revenue of more than $25 million generated by more than 200 employees working out of five branch offices in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. It’s a business he learned—literally—from the ground up. Bruce’s father Denny, an active participant in ILCA from its early days and president from 1971-75, started Church Landscape in 1963. Bruce recalls Denny’s vision was “to do a common thing uncommonly well.” He succeeded in the business and in instilling that vision in his son. Juan Gomez, who joined Church Landscape in 1980, was a foreman when Bruce worked with the crews each summer. He remembers Denny telling him to treat Bruce like any other employee, and so he did. Today the roles are reversed. Gomez works for Bruce managing the fleet, facilities and security for both companies. “He turned out real good,” Gomez says with affection. He fondly remembers Bruce and Denny sharing an office as father mentored son. He also remembers Bruce attending Gomez’s daughter’s Sweet 16 party, and appreciates the way Bruce socializes with employees. “He’s a great guy besides being a great boss,” Gomez says. “He is not just my boss, he is my brother.” While working with the crews in summer, Bruce studied business and economics at University of Illinois, later also receiving an MBA from Northern Illinois University. After 10

an acquisitions race with ServiceMaster, who recognized the benefits of this structure. “It created an acquisitions war, which had never happened before in our industry,” Joestgen recalls. In the process, Joestgen says Bruce became one of the industry’s leading experts in mergers and acquisitions, one of his responsibilities as a director of a public company. “He developed a unique skill set,” Joestgen says. “He was one of four or five elite people in the landscape industry who really understood the process and knew how to be smart about it.” “It was a fascinating and exciting time,” says Church. “We were in a feeding frenzy, competing against ServiceMaster for companies to buy. We went from a $135 million annualized run rate to a $335 million annualized run rate in nine months. We had some truly brilliant people on the management team, and it was as fun and enlightening as you could ever imagine.” Within a year or so, ServiceMaster bought LandCare USA, making it part of TruGreen LandCare. Constrained by an agreement not to enter into landscape contracting for five years, Bruce established Hard Surface Solutions to meet the asphalt and concrete repair needs of his existing customers. “It was a strategic stroke of genius,” says Joestgen. “He kept up his relationships with every owner and property manager he had worked with. After five years, when he started Balanced Environments, he didn’t have to start from scratch. He had all those relationships intact.” “We’re still working with many of the same clients as Church Landscape. We’ve grown with them,” Kelly notes. One of the themes that runs through all Bruce’s companies—from Church Landscape to Balanced Environments—is a dedication to meeting the needs of customers uncommonly well. “When it comes to our clients, there’s never a ‘no’, says John Ploss, Senior Landscape Project Manager at Balanced Environments. “Bruce’s approach is always ‘How can we help you do better? How can we fit into your scenario and give you something of value?’” When people talk about Bruce, they often use the words “tenacious” and “driven”. Ploss is no exception. “He’s a real go-getter. He has the tenacity and the urge to push and push and push to get the best work done,” says Ploss, who joined Church Landscape in 1991. “It’s great to work around someone who has that kind of drive.” Bruce’s drive includes working with ILCA to make the whole green industry better. “As one of the early ILCA members, Denny laid the groundwork for the company’s involvement going forward,“ Ploss explains. The association’s emphasis on enhancing education and professionalism is “in Bruce’s wheelhouse,” Ploss adds. Kelly agrees. “ILCA helps all of us. Everything ILCA does, we all reap the benefits,” he says. “Sharing best practices has always been a part of Church Landscape. When it comes to mentoring and sharing information, Bruce is always there with a helping hand.”

To help attract and support new green industry leaders, Bruce and other members of the Church family recently contributed $100,000 to the Illinois Landscape Contractors Educational and Charitable Organization (ILCECO) to establish the Denny R. Church Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded annually for 20 years and in rotation with other ILCA scholarships thereafter, according to ILCA Executive Director Scott Grams. “ILCA is honored and privileged to be chosen by the Church family for this wonderful legacy,” says Rusty Maulding, ILCA president when the gift was made. “Denny had a great impact on our industry, and thanks to this substantial and generous contribution, his mark will endure through future generations of green industry professionals.” “Denny always believed in education and made sure me and my siblings all went to college,” Bruce recalls. “He also understood that higher education would lead to more professionalism and hopefully higher wages for an industry that needed a higher wage scale to attract good, young talent to the fields of Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, Agronomy, etc. That is why my sisters and I decided a fitting tribute to such an admired and respected man would be to create a scholarship through the ILCA. The fact that this scholarship potentially brings even one more person into our field means the world to me.” Bruce has also been involved in other associations. For instance, for more than 20 years, he has been active in the Suburban Chicago chapter of Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA). In December, 2017, the organization recognized Bruce with its Lifetime Achievement Award. Joestgen isn’t surprised. “Ninety-nine percent of landscape contractors would never be exposed to the breadth of experiences Bruce has,” he says. “His success was not by accident. His goals were achieved through his intentional, well-thought-out approach coupled with his drive and determination to master each level and then build on that acquired talent to take on the next opportunity.” It isn’t just Church Landscape that’s been transformed by Bruce, according to Joestgen. “The landscape industry has changed an incredible amount over the last 35 years, and Bruce has had the vision to see what’s coming and adapt his business model to stay out front and succeed with those changes,” Joestgen says. “For much of that time, I’ve gotten to watch Bruce create it and direct it to great success.” Being named ILCA Person of the Year is a great honor, Ploss says. In fact, it’s an honor Bruce shares with his father, who was named ILCA Man of the Year in 1976. “It’s a recognition of the legacy of Bruce and his family and an affirmation of the work he’s done.” “Being named ‘Person of the Year’ by the ILCA is an honor beyond what words can describe,” Bruce says. “I have been so fortunate to be surrounded by peers that support my vision for my companies. As the leader for our industry in Illinois, the ILCA has brought the professionalism and education that Denny had envisioned and is carried out today by dedicated staff and volunteers alike. I am very humbled by the honor, and I share this recognition with every member of the association as well as my co-workers and family. It is an honor I will truly treasure the rest of my life.”

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


ILCA Selects—

McGinty Bros. for 2017 Distinguished Service Award

by Patrice Peltier

For two

generations, McGinty Brothers, Inc. has been meeting the needs of customers, colleagues and fellow ILCA members. This year, ILCA honors the company with the Distinguished Service Award. “This recognition is truly fitting for such a distinguished organization that has been so dedicated to its employees, customers and the landscape industry,” says Brian Levins, territory manager at Rocco Fiore & Sons, Inc. Levins was in high school when he got his start in the business at McGinty Bros. more than 30 years ago. In 1955, when Charlie and John McGinty, both now deceased, started their business, it was a lawn care company that also provided complete tree care services. Back then, the company was based in Charlie’s home. His wife, Lori, ran the office. Today, their son, Brian, is president of a company that employs nearly 100 people during the peak season. The company’s range of services has expanded to include mulch blowing, hydroseeding, prairie seeding and natural area restoration. McGinty Bros. joined ILCA in 1963. Charlie served on the board during the 1970s, and was honored as ILCA Man of the Year in 2010. When he was interviewed after receiving the award, Charlie credited the association’s educational program with helping him grow professionally. ILCA membership also helped him make beneficial contacts in the industry, he said. He saw his leadership in the association as a way to extend those benefits to others. 12

Scott Byron, president of Scott Byron & Co., says he was one of the recipients of Charlie’s guidance. “When I was starting the company, Charlie was on the board. He was one of the elder statesmen who took young guys like me in and taught us about how to run a business. He also taught us about helping others and giving back,” Byron recalls. Brian McGinty shares his father’s belief in professional development and in giving back. He was recently elected president of the Illinois Landscape Contractors Bargaining Association after serving on the committee for more than five years. Employee Ozzie Acosta serves on the Latino Relations Group. Many other employees have been involved in ILCA education programs. “As long as I can remember, we were always involved in ILCA,” says Brian, who was in fourth grade when he began working “with the guys” on weekends and school holidays. “We believe in supporting the association that helps support our industry.” “Much of what I learned I owe to Charlie McGinty,” says Levins. “He was continually providing all employees the opportunity of additional educational experiences. Much of our learning came from the ILCA workshops and seminars. This legacy commitment to employees, which I know Brian continues today, really does set the foundation for a bestin-class business.” Charlie said one of his greatest accomplishments was “the McGinty Team,” a group of dedicated, hardThe Landscape Contractor January 2018

working individuals who truly love the industry. “We’ve got a lot of people who really care about what they’re doing,” Brian says. Many of them have worked for the company for years. For instance, Jim Safran, now “semi-retired,” joined the company during his sophomore year in high school. “He’s been here longer than I have,” Brian says. Many of their customers have been with them a long time, too. Kevin Harynek of Great Lakes Landscape Co., Inc., has worked with McGinty Bros. for 25 years. “They’re very knowledgeable, and they do the project in a timely fashion,” he says. “I highly recommend them to anyone. They won’t let you down.” Tom Klitzkie, co-owner of Nature’s Perspective Landscaping, started using the company’s hydroseeding services five years ago. Now they have McGinty Bros. handle all their fertilizing, broadleaf weed control and blown-in mulch. Although Klitzkie finds the blown-in mulch a cost-effective option, he says price is not really the deciding factor. He says he works with McGinty Bros. because of their responsiveness, including their willingness “to sit down in front of the customer and see what can be done to fix something if it’s not right.” Earning ILCA’s Distinguished Service Award is an outgrowth of the principles the McGinty brothers, Charlie and John, and now Brian, live by. “I’m honored to receive this award,” Brian says. “It’s a reflection on our employees and the work they do.”

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The Landscape Contractor

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ILCA Awards & Honors

Congratulations Scholarship Winners! Skyler Brazel Tiskilwa, IL

Ernesto Lopez Steger, IL

$10,000 Scholarship Iowa State University

$5,000 Scholarship Joliet Junior College

Pedersen Company Scholarship

The Theodore Brickman, Jr. Scholarship

The Pedersen Company


Amanda Graf Momence, IL

Brooke Jerie Belvidere, IL

$5,000 Scholarship Purdue University

Iowa State University $5,000 Scholarship

Leo and Kimberly Kelly Scholarship

Landscape Concepts Management, Inc. Scholarship

Kellygreen Design, Inc.

Tyler Perkins Millbrook, IL $5,000 Scholarship College of DuPage Denny R. Church Memorial Scholarship The Church Family, organized by Bruce Church of Balanced Environments

Landscape Concepts Management, Inc. The Illinois Landscape Contractors Education and Charitable Organization (ILCECO) was established to create a perpetual fund for ILCA’s annual scholarships. The ILCECO mission statement is “To promote higher education in horticulture and green industry-related courses by funding an endowment.” Each year, the ILCECO Board of directors determines the number of scholarships and amounts awarded out of the fund that was established.

2018 Scholarship Applications Available Now 14

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

Design and installation: James L. Knoll, LA, Rockford, Illinois


Lake Bluff 60 with Square Base



The Year in Review —

2017 — A Banner Year for ILCA by Meta Levin

From the mundane to

the exciting, the association has much to celebrate. If you want to know, just ask those who were most intimately involved. Lisa Fiore, ILCA President Fiore points to three major accomplishments that are high on her list: 1. Establishing a five-year calendar of events, including education, networking and training. “This allows us to look further ahead and plan some great events,” she says. It also permits committees representing the various segments of the industry on behalf of which ILCA works to build excitement about upcoming events. 2. Developing the Workman’s Compensation Insurance Empowerment Packet. In talking with ILCA members, Fiore realized that competition undercutting them by not having proper insurance or not paying their employees well, was a major source of frustration. “This (the empowerment packet) gives the membership power in their own hands,” she says. 3. Illinois Senate Bill 9 (SB 9), which would have levied an extra tax on landscape contractors, among others. “The entire association came together to fight this,” she says. “People went to their elected officials and mobilized their clients.” “We want to serve our membership in whatever way we can,” says Fiore. “We all can learn from each other.” Tom Lupfer, ILCA Vice President Lupfer is particularly pleased with three major accomplishments this year: 1. Illinois Senate Bill 9. “This was a Herculean effort,” he says. “I couldn’t be prouder of the membership. They really came together and pushed it over the line.” Lupfer particularly points to ILCA Executive Director Scott Grams and the office staff for their work on the grassroots effort. ILCA, he says, now is known in Springfield. 2. Rejuvenation of the ILCA PAC. This is directly related to work to remove landscape contractors from SB 9, says Lupfer. “ILCA has been energized. We took a leading role in addressing the issues.” That energy lead to increased contributions to the PAC, allowing for more work in Springfield. 3. Workman’s Compensation Insurance Empowerment Packet. 16

“It was a slow, long process,” he says. This year ILCA started requiring members to provide proof that they had workman’s compensation insurance. The effort that lead to the empowerment package went through three Illinois agencies, before coming up with a way to address the problem of competition that doesn’t operate with proper insurance. “We’re trying to do something for the small contractor who is trying to follow the rules, but can’t make headway, because the competition is undercutting him by not doing that.” ILCA’s research showed that 40 percent of labor is working for these companies that aren’t following the rules by not taking out workman’s compensation insurance, or unemployment insurance or paying into Social Security. Lupfer hopes that ILCA members will take advantage of the empowerment tools when and where appropriate. Scott Grams, ILCA Executive Director While the work on SB 9 also is on Grams hit list, he points to other high points for the year: 1. SB 9. “This would have levied a 6.25 percent sales tax on our members,” says Grams. He is proud of the way ILCA members rallied to put pressure on their legislators. The effort had some positive side effects. ILCA officials did 15 radio interviews, which only served to make it better known in the community. In fact, during an episode of WTTW’s “Chicago Tonight,” the SB 9 effort by ILCA was mentioned in a positive way. 2. ILCA PAC rejuvenation. The ILCA PAC raised $25,000, which Grams believes is a direct result of the work and success on SB 9. 3. Two new committees, representing irrigation contractors and those who do snow and ice removal. The Irrigation Committee will mount its first workshop during iLandscape 2018, and the Snow Committee is planning its first conference for July 2018. 4. Field Staff Skills Training in March was sold out. “It exceeded our expectations,” says Grams. Thanks to a close collaboration between the Latino Relations and Technical Skills committees, for the first time it featured Spanish and English speakers learning together in the same room. There was dual translation for the approximately 200 people who attended. “It was a strong program that combined the strengths of both committees.”

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

When is Hardwood Bark Mulch the Best Choice? From Interview with Kevin Donnelly, Horticultural Soil Scientist at Midwest Trading, Maple Park, IL

At Midwest Trading their Premium Hardwood Bark Mulch is the industry leader in mulch products. Kevin Donnelly, Midwest Trading's Horticultural Soil Scientist, stated they are very proud of the remarkably high quality standards used to provide the best product to landscape professionals. "Many local suppliers rely on wood waste that is 90% white wood, whereas Midwest Trading's Premium Hardwood Bark Mulch is composed of a minimum of 90% pure bark. That's the difference that makes our product so revered," stated Donnelly. "Additionally, our mulch has a higher quality of weed reduction, color, moisture retention, and labor savings." Midwest Trading's Premium Hardwood Bark Mulch contains no wood waste, is a clean blend of hard wood bark. The product is debarked, tub ground and textured to create the ideal product. With an even layer of spread mulch, you can reduce water loss, and keep an even soli temperature. In a recent interview, Donnelly, said, "When a landscape contractor wants to make sure plantings are well protected, Premium Hardwood Bark Mulch is going to be the best product on the market," citing the fact that Midwest Trading's mulch is made with high-quality shredded bark, which locks together, to stop soil erosion and breaks down to provide the best nutrient value for the soil itself. Additionally, this mulch holds its color longer, providing the long lasting, high quality appeal homeowners and industry professionals alike both desire and require. "The biggest reason professionals like our mulch? Reduced weed pressure, this mulch holds back weeds phenomenally," Kevin said, "and that saves labor costs. Landscapers love that part." The Landscape Contractor January 2018


The Year in Review — 5. Webinars. To better deliver content to the membership, ILCA offered three webinars during the year, covering Buckthorn, DACA, and how to handle an ICE raid. “This allows us to provide education they need quickly and conveniently, without having to drive anywhere,” says Grams. It also will be a way to deliver content during the busy season. The ILCA Staff The ILCA staff had a bird’s eye view of the year and they are pleased with how it went: • Terre Houte, ILCA Events Manager – iLandscape was successful and continues to grow. The exhibitor booths were sold out by July. “That seems to happen earlier and earlier,” she says. In fact, the exhibit area spilled into a second hall, giving them the opportunity for 66 more spaces. • AnneMarie Drufke, Education Manager – Drufke took over mid-year from Julie Nicoll, who retired. She pointed to the success of the Impact Conference, the first on the subject since MELA dissolved and became a part of ILCA. That attracted 230 attendees.

ILCA’s former Sustainability Committee absorbed new committee members, and blended two different cultures. • Marissa Stubler, Membership & Marketing Coordinator – Stubler points to the success of the Women’s Networking Group’s (WNG) fall event. With 95 people, it was the biggest WNG event in recent history. The Committee won ILCA’s Committee of the Year award at the 2017 Annual Party. WNG is on track and moving forward,” she says. • Alycia O’Connor, Office Manager – O’Connor pointed to the success of iLandscape in 2017, there were 6,000 attendees, which is a 20 percent increase since 2015 and our largest crowd ever. Here’s to 2018 and another successful year.
















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The Landscape Contractor January 2018

Preview iLandcape 2018

I t ’ s S h o w T i m e —



the illinois + wisconsin Landscape Show

Winners attend the 2018 iLandscape Show January 31st through February 2nd.

Over $30,000 in Daily Prizes by: Ashley Marrin


is just around the corner. As many of us take a breather in early winter we think to ourselves, “we survived another season!” Wow does time fly. Now we must reflect on the past season. Did we meet our goals? What processes were successful this season? Were we efficient in our work? Then we begin to plan for the next season. What will our goals be? What can we improve in our processes? How can we be more efficient? How can we provide better customer service? iLandscape is here to help. Use iLandscape as part of your planning process. Network with other industry professionals about what was successful or unsuccessful for them. Attend educational seminars to learn about the latest technology, trends, and processes. Finally, win an amazing prize to elevate your business. Prizes will be given away Wednesday through Friday at the end of each day of the show. Look for four daily prize tickets attached to your trade show pass. Yes, I know there are only three days of iLandscape, but each attendee will receive a bonus ticket. The bonus ticket can be used on any day to increase ones chance to win that extra special prize they truly desire. Prize tickets should be placed in the raffle drum at the ILCA & WGIF Membership Booth #808. Attendees must be present to win!


Here is a list of prizes you won’t want to miss: • $20,000 in cash prizes • Drones - Phantom 3 SE • Chicago Wolves Party Deck Packages • Indoor Skydiving • Televisions - LG 55” LED • Weber Spirit E-210 Gas Grill • Weber Q 3200 Gas Grill • Weber Q 1200 Chicago Cubs Gas Grill • Home Depot gift cards • Signature Room gift card • Apple Watch Series 3 • Apple iPads - 128 GB • Hot Air Balloon Ride Now I know it will be tempting to keep these wonderful prizes for yourself, but remember we are all here to elevate our industry and our businesses. So if you win the iPad, refrain from gifting it to your spouse as an easy birthday present, and use it as a sales tool for showing clients your work or keeping track of maintenance for your fleet. (continued on page 22)

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


The Landscape Contractor January 2018


Preview — iLandscape 2018—

E L E V A T E 2 0 1 8



the illinois + wisconsin Landscape Show

(continued from page 20) I know your employees will be expecting carne asada each week on that new Weber Grill at those lunchtime safety meetings as well. The Chicago Wolves Party Deck package is not meant to be the Johnson family reunion, but to bring your clients and vendors out for a fun evening. I think you get the idea! The People Behind It All

An unbelievable amount of dedication and hard work goes into planning iLandscape each year. The Experience Committee works tirelessly all 12 months of the year to produce a seamless and cutting edge landscape industry trade show. I would like to take a moment to recognize the following people for volunteering not only their time, but their creativity, industry knowledge, and so much more to make sure the iLandscape show is a success and elevates our industry. Co-Chairs Dave Warning – Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Dave Moyer – Moyer’s Landscape Service & Hometown Nurseries, Inc.

Wednesday Night Party Katrina House – Xylem, Ltd/Rocks, Etc. Brian Henning – Fiore Nursery and Landscape Supply Nikki Melin – Midwest Groundcovers Brent Gustason – Johnson’s Nursery Tina Turner – Infinity Lawn and Landscape Futures & Directional Planning Bob Hursthouse – Hursthouse, Inc. John Algozzini – K & D Landscape Tony Lobello – Mariani Landscape Communications & Show Promotion Laurie Damgaard – Kaneville Tree Farms Ashley Marrin – Bret-Mar Landscape, Inc. Ken Doty – Doty Nurseries LLC Keynote Tim Caldwell – The Savanna Group, Inc. Board Advisor Donna Vignocchi-Zych – ILT Vignocchi, Inc.

Layout Scott Lucchetti – C. B. Conlin Landscapes, Inc. Christopher Walsh – Topiarius Amanda Ooykaas – Green Glen Nursery Jake Agema – Rosborough Partners, Inc. Karen Timm – Beary Landscaping Daytime Entertainment Jennifer Fick – Wilson Nurseries, Inc. Hernan Cortez – Kaknes Landscape Supply Kyle Trippeer – Unilock Chris Carey – Night Light 22

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

AURORA, IL (630) 820.3030



iLANDSCAPESHOW.COM The Landscape Contractor


Expanded Floorplan | EntertainmentJanuary | Education | Networking | Renowned Keynote 2018


iLandscape: The Illinois and Wisconsin Landscape Show

elevate January 31–February 2, 2018

iLandscape 2017 had over 6,000 attendees! We enjoyed a record number of booths, attendees, and education participants. Don’t miss the 5th annual iLandscape show. The Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILCA) and Wisconsin Green Industry Federation (WGIF) are proud to present iLandscape 2018. The show will be hosted at The Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center and Hotel, located in Schaumburg, IL. Advance your employees, launch your creativity, upgrade your products & services, ramp up your industry connections, grow your knowledge, and elevate your business at iLandscape 2018. The show will feature over 240 exhibitors, the hottest products, amazing educational speakers, keynote speaker: host of Animal Planet’s Treehouse Masters Pete Nelson, ILCA’s Excellence in Landscape Awards Night, entertainment, prizes, a Career Fair, and much more.


Visit over 450 booths to see the latest trends in plants, green industry products, hardscapes, equipment, and more. Enjoy the Wednesday night party featuring Wedding Banned! iLandscape gathers the best minds in the green industry as part of its educational program. The event features over 30 unique education sessions. Spanish-language education sessions are available at no additional cost and students can attend the show for free and receive discounted rates on education! Join thousands of landscape professionals for three days and two nights of industry fun and excitement.

Business elevates at iLandscape 2018!

Keynote.................................................................................................... 27 Exhibitors................................................................................................ 28 Wednesday Education........................................................................ 31 Wednesday Night Party .................................................................... 33 Clases en Español................................................................................. 34 Thursday Education............................................................................. 35 Irrigation Workshop and Hardscape Walkabout....................... 37 Artists and Musicians.......................................................................... 37 Awards Night......................................................................................... 38 Friday Education................................................................................... 39 Student Activities ................................................................................ 40 Career Fair............................................................................................... 40 The Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel...... 41 About Schaumburg............................................................................. 42 Parking..................................................................................................... 42 Registration ........................................................................................... 43

SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018

Exhibit hall hours: 9:00am-4:30pm

Exhibit hall hours: 9:00am-4:30pm

Exhibit hall hours: 9:00am-2:00pm

Education Sessions 8:30am-10:00am 12:30pm-2:00pm 2:30pm-4:00pm

Education Sessions 8:30am-10:00am 12:30pm-2:00pm 2:30pm-4:00pm

Education Sessions 8:30am-10:00am 10:15am-12:00pm

Spanish-language Education 10:15am-12:00pm

Spanish-language Education 10:15am-12:00pm

Student Roundtables 9:00am-10:00am

Raffles and Giveaways: 4:15pm

Raffles and Giveaways: 4:15pm

Career Fair: 10:00am–2:00pm

Wednesday Night Party— Wedding Banned: 4:30pm-7:00pm

ILCA Excellence in Landscape Awards Night 4:30pm-9:00pm

Raffles and Giveaways 1:45pm

Keynote: 10:15am


The Landscape Contractor January 2018


Wednesday, January 31, 2018 10:15am – 11:30am Live at the Garden Stage!


PETE NELSON Star of Animal Planet’s Treehouse Masters THE TREEHOUSE LIFE Learn about Pete’s pathway to a unique, tree-centric career. Pete will discuss his most remarkable projects and the lessons he’s learned in 30 years as a professional treehouse designer/builder. He’ll also share his philosophy of managing a small, family business and strategies for bringing the magic of the treehouse life to his clients, guests, and staff.

ABOUT PETE NELSON “The Treehouse Guy” Pete Nelson is the star of Animal Planet’s Treehouse Masters. Pete runs Nelson Treehouse and Supply, the company responsible for designing and building some of the world’s most incredible treehouses. He and his wife, Judy, currently own and operate Treehouse Point in Washington State, a retreat featuring a half dozen treehouses for guests to rent. With a reputation for limitless imagination and incomparable skills, Pete is widely known as the best treehouse builder in the world. Living by the motto “if you dream it, you can build it,” he constantly pushes his clients’ treehouse expectations to the max. With an arsenal of experience Pete continues to design and build treehouses the world has never seen before. Pete also teaches people how to safely design and build their own treehouses. He has shared his breadth of knowledge in the coffee-table staple New Treehouses of the World and Treehouses: The Art and Craft of Living out on a Limb. His latest book titled Be in a Treehouse details the technical aspects of building in the trees along with showcasing treehouses from all over the world. His creations have been featured on countless TV shows and newspaper articles. He continues to challenge himself and his team to build the most luxurious lifestyles in the lofty heights of trees around the world.




The Landscape Contractor January 2018



The tradeshow has been sold out for months and will, like last year, spillover from Discovery Hall into Innovation Hall. The show is so popular that there is still a wait list. The 2018 show will feature 243 exhibitors (17 new exhibitors) showcasing the hottest products and services for the lawn and landscape industry.

EXHIBIT HOURS Wednesday, January 31, 2018 9:00am–4:30pm

1st Choice Equipment.................................. 940 A Beep (Diga-Talk)........................................... 508 ABI Attachments.............................................. 525 A. Block Marketing ......................................... 1337 A. D. R. Bulbs, Inc.............................................. 1034 Advanced Turf Solutions, Inc.................... 1410 Aesthetic Metals............................................... 846 Agrecol Native Nursery................................ 709 Alert Distributing, Inc.................................... 628 Alexander Equipment................................... 1504 Alliance Designer Products....................... 1406 All Stone Solutions .................................. 615 Alta Falls & Pond Supplies.......................... 1006 Aquascape Inc................................................... 1338 Ariens and Gravely.......................................... 1334 Arlington Power Equipment.................... 1327 Armintrout’s West Michigan Farms...... 744 Arrowhead Ornamentals............................ 610 Arthur Clesen, Inc............................................ 1412 Arthur Weiler, Inc............................................. 1135 Atlas Bobcat...................................................1035 Avant Tecno USA............................................. 640 B & B Bedding, Inc........................................... 1141 Badger Evergreen Nursery LLC................ 943 Bailey Nurseries................................................. 922 Ball Horticultural Company....................... 730 Ball Seed Company........................................ 728 Banner Sales and Consulting, Inc.......... 721 BCA Products ............................................... 219 Beaver Creek Nursery.................................... 1104 Belgard................................................................... 1132 Better Bilt Products Inc................................. 517 Blue Grass Farms of Indiana...................... 833 BP Pro...................................................................... 120 Breezy Hill Nursery, Inc ....................... 404 Butterfield Color, Inc...................................... 304 Capital Stoneworks of IL.............................. 842


Thursday, February 1, 2018 9:00am–4:30pm

Cardno Native Plant Nursery.................... 1407 Carlin Sales/ProGreen Plus......................... 712 Carlton Plants LLC........................................... 609 Casey Equipment Co., Inc........................... 910 Cassidy Tire Co................................................... 1232 CAST Lighting LLC........................................... 734 Cedar Path Nurseries..................................... 706 Central Sod Farms, Inc.................................. 616 Central Turf & Irrigation Supply............... 1509 Cherokee Manufacturing........................... 809 Chicago Gas Lines........................................... 540 Chicagoland Grows........................................ 1105 Chi Turf................................................................... 320 Christiansen Farms.................................... 221 Classic Groundcovers, Inc........................... 843 Clean Cut Tree Care................................... 403 Clesen Brothers, Inc........................................ 844 Clesen Wholesale, Inc................................... 222 Colorblends Wholesale Flowerbulbs..... 1113 Compeer Financial ........................................ 1038 Conserv FS, Inc.................................................. 1108 Contree.................................................................. 618 County Materials.............................................. 318 Curv-Rite, Inc...................................................... 1308 Dauer Manufacturing................................... 309 Dayton Bag & Burlap..................................... 928 DeVroomen Garden Products................. 704 DeWitt Company............................................. 506 Diamond Blade Warehouse...................... 410 Ditch Witch Midwest..................................... 1044 Docuprint Forms & Signs............................ 201 Doty Nurseries................................................... 607 DPM, Inc/Dutchmen Industries.............. 936 Dutchman Tree Farms.................................. 1042 Dynascape Software...................................... 1207 EasyPro Pond Products................................ 1010 Eby’s Evergreen Plantation, Inc............... 639

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018 9:00am–2:00pm

ECHO Power Equipment............................. 206 Eco-Roofs.............................................................. 1513 Ecoturf Midwest Inc........................................ 646 Ecoverse................................................................. 307 Eden & Valders Stone..................................... 604 Emergent Safety Supply...............................1541 Encore Landscape Lighting....................... 521 Ero-Tex Hanes......................................................1212 Evergreen Nursery Co., Inc.......................... 220 Fabriscape, Inc.................................................... 512 Feece Oil Co.........................................................1005 Fiore Nursery & Landscape Supply........1036 Fleetmatics, a Verizon Company ............ 421 Fond du Lac Stone & Natural Stone Veneers International ............................. 740 Forrest Keeling Nursery.................................1239 Fox Ridge Nursery............................................ 918 Garden Prairie Nursery & Organics........ 939 Goodmark Nurseries.......................................1004 Grasshopper Company.................................1505 Green Climber N. A. ........................................1546 Green Glen Nursery Inc.................................1017 Greenius by LS Training System............... 216 GRO Horticultural Enterprises, Inc..........1237 Halloran Mowerworks................................... 522 Halquist Stone.................................................... 932 Harrell’s LLC.......................................................... 211 Hayward Distributing Co.............................1444 Herman Losely & son, Inc............................ 215 High PSI Ltd...................................................... 207 Hinsdale Nurseries...........................................1236 Home Nursery, Inc........................................... 723 Homer Industries LLC.....................................1235 Hometowne Insurance Services, Inc.... 321 Hortech...................................................................1304 Hulton Tool Company LLC.................... 422 Hunter/FX..............................................................1209

McKay Nursery Company........................... 611 Midwest Arborist Supplies......................... 537 Midwest Compost LLC................................. 1309 Midwest Groundcovers............................... 1114 Midwest Trading.............................................. 1214 Modeco Systems, LLC................................... 520 Monroe Truck Equipment.......................... 1037 Montale Wholesale Nursery...................... 217 MTI............................................................................ 528 MWRDGC ............................................................. 305 National Seed..................................................... 612 Natural Repellents, LLC................................ 118 New England Ladder Co. LLC............ 322 Northern Family Farms LLC....................... 519 Northland Farms LLC..................................... 606 Northshore Landscape Products........... 402 Nursery Supplies.............................................. 906 NYP Corp............................................................... 112 Oldcastle Lawn & Garden........................... 1136 Oly-Ola Edgings, Inc....................................... 835 Ornamental Growers Assoc...................... 1107 Pace, Inc................................................................. 630 Pace, Inc................................................................. 532 Pave Tool Innovators...................................... 202 Peerless Fence............................................... 317 Perfect Turf LLC................................................. 1040 Permaloc Corporation.................................. 705 Phoenix Irrigation Supply........................... 746 Pine Hall Brick Company............................. 306 Pizzo Native Plant Nursery....................... 839 Plant Right........................................................ 319 Porous Pave Inc................................................. 1008 Power Equipment Distributors............... 1438 Premium Travertine........................................ 535 ProLine Equipment ....................................... 539 Proven Winners ................................................ 617 R. A. Adams Enterprises, Inc...................... 920 Rainbow Treecare Scientific Advancements......................................... 635 Red Flint Rock & Stone................................. 624 Reinders, Inc........................................................ 641 RentalMax LLC................................................... 1133 Riverside Plastics, Inc.............................. 405 Rochester Concrete Products.................. 1508 RockSteps (Norse BP).................................... 203 Rosebay Nursery.............................................. 1405 Rosetta................................................................... 1144

RR Landscape Supply.................................... 732 Russo Power Equipment............................. 716 RWC Insurance Group.................................. 1238 Sable Marco, Inc............................................... 536 SavATree................................................................ 1139 Sek-Surebond................................................ 418 Sester Farms........................................................ 409 Sheridan Nurseries.......................................... 622 SiteOne ................................................................. 914 Spring Grove Nursery, Inc........................... 1111 Star Roses & Plants.......................................... 829 St. Aubin Nursery............................................. 504 Stihl........................................................................... 1342 Stockyards Brick Co........................................ 743 StoneWall Retaining Walls/ Trench’edge Trencher............................... 845 Studebaker Nurseries.................................... 1031 SureFoot Hardscape Products................. 518 Sure-Loc Aluminum Edging..................... 212 Techo-Bloc Midwest Corp.......................... 1244 The Davey Tree Expert Company.......... 941 The Mulch Center............................................ 1109 The Rock Stone & Landscape Supply.... 400 The Tree Connection, Inc............................ 904 TransChicago Truck Group.................. 209 Tri-County Stockdale Company............. 1437 Triple Crown Products.................................. 840 TurfMaker Corporation................................. 1210 Twixwood Nursery.......................................... 1514 Unilock................................................................... 1322 United Greenhouse Systems, Inc........... 1106 United Label....................................................... 516 U.S. Arbor Products, Inc................................ 608 Vermeer Midwest............................................ 1536 Walnut Creek Nursery............................. 420 Wandells Nursery Inc..................................... 707 Weber MT, Inc................................................. 122 Wholesale Tree, Inc......................................... 605 WI Dept. of Agriculture................................ 310 Willoway Nurseries......................................... 1240 Wilson Nurseries, Inc...................................... 1204 Wisconsin Green Industry Federation....................................................... 808 Woody Warehouse Nursery, Inc..... 419 Xylem Ltd/Rocks Etc...................................... 1028


Husqvarna Group.............................................1344 Illinois Arborist Association........................ 407 Illinois Brick Company...................................1442 Illinois Green Industry Association........1137 Illinois Landscape Contractors Association..................................................... 808 IL-IN Sea Grant................................................... 108 Intrinsic Perennial Gardens........................ 510 Italpollina USA/Grotab.......................... 205 Ivanhoe Nursery............................................... 1311 J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.......................... 1112 Jireh Stone Sales LLC..................................... 204 John Deere.......................................................... 1016 John Holmlund Nursery.............................. 1335 Johnson’s Nursery, Inc.................................. 1014 JULIE, Inc............................................................... 308 JWest LLC.............................................................. 110 Kaknes Landscape Supply, Inc................ 841 Kaneville Tree Farms...................................... 831 Kankakee Nursery Co.................................... 1027 Kasota Stone Fabricators............................. 1241 Kenney Outdoor Solutions........................ 805 Keystone Hatcheries LLC............................ 1012 Klyn Nurseries Inc............................................ 401 Knapheide Manufacturing Company.......................................................... 832 KO Supply Company, Inc............................ 1404 Kramer Tree Specialists................................. 1414 Krukowski Stone Co., Inc............................. 116 Kuenzi Turf & Nursery.................................... 1205 Lafarge Fox River Stone............................... 1140 Landscape Material & Firewood Sales, Inc........................................................... 717 Leaves Inspired Tree Nursery.................... 302 Lemke Stone....................................................... 736 L F George Inc.................................................... 644 Liberty Propane/Hicksgas.......................... 102 Lincoln Nurseries, Inc.................................... 710 LMN Software.................................................... 406 Loma Vista Nursery................................... 218 Longshadow....................................................... 511 Lurvey Landscape Supply.......................... 816 Mariani Plants..................................................... 711 Market Financial Group................................ 106 Martin Implement Sales, Inc..................... 1310 Master Mark ................................................... 303 McGinty Bros., Inc............................................ 807

KEY Bold New exhibitors Discovery Hall exhibitors Innovation Hall exhibitors

The Landscape Contractor January 2018







519 Northern Family Farms


Better517 Bilt Products, Inc


Modeco Systems, LLC

Surefoot Hardscape Products 516

United Label


624 Red

723 Home Nursery, Inc.


Banner 721 Sales and Consulting, Inc.

Flint Rock & Stone

Halloran Mowerworks


Encore Landscape Lighting

Sheridan Nurseries




All 615 Stone Solutions

Gathering Garden

Russo Power Equipment


Intrinsic Perennial Gardens


611 McKay Nursery Company

Carlton Plants LLC


607 A Doty Beep (Diga-Talk) Nurseries



DeWitt Company




U.S. Arbor Products,Inc




807 McGinty Bros., Inc.

Agrecol Native Nursery


Wandell's Nursery, Inc.


Wholesale Tree, Inc.


Northland Permaloc Farms Corporation LLC


St.Aubin Nursery

Eden&Valders Stone

Lincoln Cherokee Nurseries, Manufacturing Inc.

Cedar Path Nurseries





Kenney Outdoor Solutions

Entry Garden

DeVroomen Garden Products




booth space 0 no 400


J.Frank 1112



The Mulch Center



1107 Ornamental Growers Assoc.

Porous Pave

1006 AltaFalls & Pond Supplies

The Tree Connection



F.S. F.E.C.

F.E.C. F.S.


Goodmark Nurseries







Curv-Rite, Inc.

Cardno 1407 Native Plant Nursery

Beaver Creek Nursery

Central Turf & Advanced Irrigation Turf Supply






Alliance Designer Products

Grasshopper Company

KO Supply Company,Inc.





Rochester Concrete Products



Alexander Equipment

F.E.C. Copier










108 IL-IN

Sea Grant

Italpollina Docuprint High Forms USA/ RockSteps PSI & GroTab 201Signs 203 205 207Ltd.









Herman Losely & 215 Son,Inc



BP Weber Pro MT

Pave Tool Innovators




218 220 222 Loma Evergreen Clesen Greenius Nursery Wholesale, Vista by Inc. Co.,Inc. Nursery LS Training Peerless Plant Hometowne Insurance System Fence Right Services

Sure-Loc Aluminum Edging

Master Mark

Metropolitan Dauer Water Ecoverse Reclamation Manufacturing District 305 307 309







8' Butterfield Color

Hall Brick Company

Aisle 300 308


310 Wisconsin Department of Agriculture

Clean Cut Klyn Tree Nurseries 401 403Care

Riverside Illinois Sester Arborist Plastics, Association Farms 405Inc. 407 409



County Materials


Innovation Stage

Chi Turf

8' Rock Stone& Landscape Supply

Northshore Landscape Products


Breezy Hill Nursery

New England Ladder

Aisle 400

LMN Software

410 Diamond Blade Warehouse


0 no 1380 booth space




Walnut Creek Nursery



400 The


Woody Fleetmatics, a Warehouse Verizon Nursery, Company 419 Inc. 421




302 Leaves Inspired Tree Nursery








Aisle 200

ECHO Power Equipment

Stone Sales LLC



Montale BCA Christiansen Wholesale Farms Nursery Products 217 219 221




Stone Repellents Company, LLC Inc.


2/29/2016 CM



5' 10' 15' 20'

Krukowski 118 116






JWest NYP LLC Corp TransChicago Truck Group

Hulton Tool Company

















The Landscape Contractor January 2018



Market Financial Group








Liberty Propane/ Hicksgas











Clesen, Inc.






1412 Arthur

Wilson 1304 1405 Rosebay Nurseries, Nursery 1404 Inc. (Ceiling height approx. 15' below dotted line)

Kuenzi 1205 Turf & Nursery


Twixwood Nursery

1414 1513 Kramer Tree Eco-Roofs Specialists


Midwest Turfmaker Compost Corp LLC


1207 DynaScape Software

1106 United Greenhouse Systems, Inc.



Ero-Tex Ivanhoe Hanes Nursery

Hunter/ FX

Conserv FS, Inc.






Aisle 1500

Aisle 1400

Aisle 1300

Aisle 1200

Aisle 1600



Martin Implement Sales, Inc.





Midwest Trading


Schmidt & Son,Co

1105 Chicagoland Grows



Aisle 1100


EasyPro Pond Products



Garden Stage


Keystone Spring Grove Hatcheries Nursery,Inc LLC

Feece Oil Co.

Nursery Supplies, Inc.


1113 Colorblends Johnson's Wholesale Nursery Flowerbulbs



Arlington Power Equipment



Casey Equipment Co.



Midwest Groundcovers






Carlin Sales/ProGreen Plus



Fox Ridge Nursery


Tri-County Stockdale Company

Vermeer Midwest

Ariens and Gravely

Cassidy Tire Co.

Cross Roads Garden

Power Equipment Distributors


John Deere

Green Glen Nursery, Inc.










John Hinsdale Holmlund Nurseries Nursery


booth space 0 no 1500

SiteOne Landscape Supply


National Mariani Seed Plants

610 Arrowhead Ornamentals





Xylem Ltd/ Rocks Etc


Adams Enterprises, Inc.


RWC Insurance Group





Emergent Safety Supply


512 Fabriscape, Inc.



920 R.A.

Lurvey Landscape Supply



Homer Industries, LLC




1237 GRO Horticultural Enterprises, Inc.


Bailey Nurseries

10' 10'

1133 Rental Max LLC

A.D.R. Bulbs,Inc



Central Sod Farms,Inc.


Dayton Kankakee Bag Nursery & Company Burlap


Landscape Material & Firewood Sales, Inc.

Aisle 1000

Aisle 900



0 no 600 booth space




Halquist Stone

Star829 Roses & Plants

Ball Seed Company




Proven Winners


Studebaker Nurseries, Inc.

Old Castle Lawn & Garden

Illinois Brick Company



Alert Distributing,Inc


1135 Arthur Weiler, Inc.

Nursery & Landscape Supply





Kaneville Tree Farms

730 Ball Horticultural Company 728


Atlas Bobcat

Knapheide Manufacturing Company (The)


1137 Illinois Green Industry Association

Compeer Financial

Fiore 1036




RR Landscape Supply



Hayward Distributing Co.

Green Climber NA


Blue 833 Grass Farms of Indiana


Monroe Truck

Husqvarna Group



ABI Attachments






1139 Perfect Turf SavATree LLC

DPM,Inc. Equipment Dutchmen 1035 Industries




Stone Lafarge Fabricators Fox 1239 River Forrest Stone Keeling Nursery





Garden 939 Prairie Nursery & Organics


835 Oly-Ola Edgings, Inc.



Dutchman B&B Tree Bedding, Farms Inc.

Techo-Bloc Midwest Corp.



Triple Crown Products






1st Choice Equipment


Davey Tree ExpertCo

Ditch Witch Midwest




839 Pizzo Group/Pizzo Nursery

of IL

Badger Evergreen NurseryLLC


A.Block Marketing,Inc.

842 Capital Stoneworks

CAST Lighting, LLC

PACE, Inc.

PACE, Inc.



Kaknes Landscape Supply


Lemke Stone



Marco Inc.


Rainbow 635 Tree Care Scientific Advancements



Clesen Brothers Inc



Premium Travertine





10' 536 Sable




Aesthetic Metals



Midwest Arborist Supplies



744 843 Armintrout's West Classic Michigan Groundcovers Farms 740Fond du Lac Stone & Natural Stone Veneers Int'l

Avant Tecno USA

StoneWall 845 Retaining Walls/ TrenchNedge Trenc


Eby's639 Evergreen Plantation, Inc.


ProLine Equipment

Phoenix Irrigation Supply

Aisle 800

LF George


Stockyards Brick Co.

Aisle 700

Aisle 600





Midwest Inc.

Aquascape, Inc.



646 Ecoturf

Willoway Nurseries

Chicago Gas Lines

Reinders, Inc.

Aisle 500









F.H.V. F.E.C.

F.H.V. F.E.C.

F.S. F.E.C.





F.E.C. F.S.





















One fee, three days. Below are the educational sessions for Wednesday, January 31, 2018 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM UTOPIA CD

Perennials From Spring to Fall


Outdoor Living Trends Joe Rabione, Belgard Joe will discuss current design trends in the ever expanding category of outdoor living. He will discuss its universal appeal and reasons for why this is, as well as how millennials are driving the movement toward clean modern lines and textures. Attendees will learn how outdoor living has become an expectation for consumers, and how the features such as fire pits, fire places, outdoor kitchens, showers, and even hanging beds, are reshaping how consumers integrate their indoor spaces with their outdoor environments.

Stephanie Cohen, Author & Speaker With thousands of perennials to choose from, the task can be overwhelming for landscape professionals. Join Stephanie, the “Perennial Diva”, as she shares perennial garden basics, sequential color through the year, perennial bed maintenance, incorporating color with more than just flowers and her top ten tried and true perennials. You’ll walk away with tips to give your client the color they want, within their budget. NIRVANA

Talking Trends and the Plants that Go With Them! Jeff Gibson, Ball Horticultural Company; Seth Reed, GrowIt!; Mason Day, GrowIt! Mason Day and Seth Reed of GrowIt! team up with Jeff Gibson of Ball Horticultural Company to fill you in on what’s happening in the consumer landscape. Listen to the GrowIt! guys serve up insightful data on the latest trends, while Jeff talks about the specific plants that fill those trendy needs. The one-two punch you need this spring.

12:30 PM – 2:00 PM UTOPIA AB

Employee Triage: An Integrated View of Recruitment, Retention, and Removal Steven Cesare, Speaker All too often, managers view these three key employee functions independently rather than as a rhythmic composite. This presentation shares value-added procedures for adopting a cohesive people plan that takes into consideration: encouraging bad employees to leave a company, constantly soliciting the influx of new employees, and developing valid mechanisms to keep their highly-talented employees engaged, fulfilled, and retained. UTOPIA CD

Sustainable Landscapes: Specifications and Custom Growing Grace Koehler, Andy Stahr, Pizzo Nursery This session will focus on aligning the specification process with the production schedules of native plants. Most aren’t aware that some native species can take years for them to be ready, while others are often readily available. Attendees will learn how to write specs that match up with native plant availability, size of plants and overall timing for successful native projects.


Influencing Company Culture Anne Mino, RedBud, LLC; Vanessa Mueller, Johnson’s Nursery, Inc. Recent surveys have found that 68% of workers are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work. Disengagement is impacting your bottom line and customer service negatively. In this workshop, attendees will define the nature of that impact and suggest affordable ways to make positive changes in the culture of your organization thus creating a better company culture from within. Applied for 1.5 CEUs for Landscape Architects

wednesday education



Hardscape Restoration—What Is It and How to be Profitable Performing It Jay Krech, SEK Surebond Hardscape Restoration is a relatively new service that contractors can offer their customers. This revenue stream is highly profitable and easy to implement, that

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


wednesday education

any contractor can capitalize on. There’s a business in hardscape restoration, and we’ll discuss all aspects of it including sales & marketing, bidding, lead generation, and proper equipment selection. We’ll also demonstrate cleaning, sanding and sealing of hardscapes. NIRVANA

Plants with Style: A Plantsman’s Choice for a 21st Century Garden Kelly Norris, Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Gardeners need chic, sustainable, thriving plants for modern lifestyles. Plants after all are the very essence of fashionable gardening. In this spirited, provocative lecture, 20-something plantsman Kelly Norris calls for a garden revolution: out with boring plants and in with stylish alternatives that captivate and enthrall. A passionate horticulturist and lifelong gardener, Kelly is the ideal guide to the botanical riches available to today’s gardeners. Let Plants with Style guide you to the plants that will provide a richer, more fulfilling connection between humans and landscapes.

2:30 PM – 4:00 PM UTOPIA CD

New and Emerging Insect and Disease Problems Stephanie Adams, The Morton Arboretum This presentation will introduce and give updates on different insect and disease problems seen in the landscape, as well as some “on the horizon” pests and diseases. Field diagnostic techniques and management suggestions will also be covered. Some of the topics will include: white pine blister rust, viburnum leaf beetle, fireblight, thousand cankers of black walnut, emerald ash borer, spruce needle casts, oak galls, bacterial leaf scorch, bur oak blight, brown marmorated stink bug, and more.


Three Key Principles to Create More Profit, More Free Time, and Organically Grow a Great Company Domenic Chiarella, 7 of 7 BEST Business and Life Strategies, LLC Creating a documentation process is imperative within any growing organization. Few of us remember everything we fail to write down… and having staff amplifies that by a number too difficult (and scary) to contemplate. Creating an easy to understand, easy to implement, streamlined documentation process that everyone in your organization can follow, will give companies more profits and more free time. NIRVANA

Sixteen Together Roy Diblik, Northwind Perennial Farm Sixteen plants have changed Roy Diblik’s life forever. Actually, the life changing moment was not just these sixteen plants, but how these plants work as members of the garden community. Let Roy introduce you to his sixteen friends and hear about how these friends work together to make the garden more than the sum of its individual parts. EUPHORIA

Permeable Pavement—Have No Fear! Jennifer Schaff, County Materials Corporation Permeable pavement is porour urban surface which catches precipitation and surface runoff, storing it in the stone reservoir and providing an opportunity to infiltrate into the soil below. This presentation will address how to properly install PICP, the current research on maintenance, what works and how frequently it’s needed. Attendees will also learn how PICP performs in the northern winter climates, highlighting project installations in Wisconsin and Illinois. Applied for 1.5 CEUs for Landscape Architects

YOU CAN WIN! $20,000 in cash prizes and more! All attendees at iLandscape can enter to win prizes on the day(s) they attend. Wednesday-Thursday-Friday prize giveaways will include: cash prizes, drones, Chicago Wolves party deck, indoor skydiving, hot air balloon ride, 55” LED TV’s, Weber Spirit E-210 gas grills, Apple iPad and watch, the Signature Room gift card, Home Depot gift cards, and more! 32

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

Wednesday, January 31st • 4:30pm – 7:00pm

Come rock with us at iLandscape 2018!

wednesday night party


Get ready for a fun party featuring Wedding Banned! Gather with your friends, colleagues or customers for hors d’oeuvres and drinks, along with some great music. Wedding Banned plays 80’s and 90’s music along with other guilty pleasures that take you back to great times in your life. Hailing from Chicago, via Gas City Indiana, Wedding Banned has a unique show that combines music, audience interaction and comedy. If you want to have one of those, “you should have been there” nights, come and see Wedding Banned at iLandscape!

Roaming Gnomes

WANTED! Find a roamin’ gnome and collect your reward Gnomes will be hiding among the booths at iLandscape. Find one and collect your $200 reward. Gnomes will be hidden each day. In addition, one Golden Gnome will be hiding with a bounty of $500. *Exhibitors, committee members, staff, and other gnomes are not eligible to collect the reward The Landscape Contractor January 2018


clases en español

CLASES EN ESPAÑOL Spanish language classes are free! La Asociación de Contratistas de Paisaje de Illinois (ILCA) se complace en invitarlo al espectáculo iLandscape del 31 de enero al 2 de febrero de 2018. El espectáculo se llevará a cabo en el fabuloso Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center & Hotel, ubicado en Schaumburg, Illinois. El estacionamiento es GRATUITO y solo cuesta $ 25 de admisión por los tres días !!!!! ($25 cuando compre el boleto antes del 8 de enero de 2018, $35 después del 8 de enero).



10:15 AM – 11:15 AM

10:15 AM – 11:15 AM



Earn Your Customer’s Confidence Before You Try to Sell Your Products & Services

Jobsite Productivity Juan Calderon, Auggie Rodriguez, Unilock

Ed Gomez, Red Oaks Landscape Contractors

This class will discuss jobsite logistics and best practices used to achieve a productive working jobsite. The use of new tools and processes to both display and execute your workmanship will be the main focus. We will cover everything from jobsite planning to installation completion and everything in between. Get ready to see your jobsite in a

Get to know your customer’s needs & wants so that you don’t try to sell them the wrong products. Don’t let projects sell by itself by offering a low price—we will show you strategies you can use to win customers for a lifetime. Overcome the fear of providing services to potential customers due to broken or limited English language. whole new way!

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM



Maximizing Profits Through Sales and Marketing

Hidden Gems: Top 10 Plants for Landscaping & Plant Care

Juan Calderon, Auggie Rodriguez, Unilock This class will focus on the following three components of your business; Sales, Marketing, and Profits, and is designed to elevate and develop your exiting techniques. We will examine each component and relate them to your bottom line while providing innovative ideas and best practices for each. We will discuss a range of sub-topics including: sales preparation & presentation, upselling, social media presence, website best practices, and many others.


Lisa Smith, RYCO Landscaping, Moshe Pinargote, Chicago Botanic Garden Little changes can make a big impact. These eye catching gems grow very well in our climate and are easy to maintain. Take a walk through our virtual garden with horticulturalist Lisa Smith of RYCO Landscaping to learn how these ten simple beauties can be integrated into gardens, creating vibrant elegance that will draw and inspire visitors to linger.

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

One fee, three days. Below are the educational sessions for Thursday, February 1, 2018.

of order, unity, and rhythm, garden art, maintenance of the mixed garden, as well as mixed garden designs, vignettes, and combinations will be highlighted. Learn from an artist and keen plants woman about creating gorgeous and environmentally sound mixed gardens. NIRVANA

Lifting the Shroud of Secrecy on Japanese Gardens

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Karen Szyjka, Chicago Park District, John Powell, North American Japanese Garden Association, Tim Gruner, Anderson Japanese Gardens


50 Shades of Green: Proven Ways to Make More Money with Less Guys, No Guys or the Wrong Guys!

What do you know about the philosophy, design, and management of real Japanese gardens? A panel of experts will discuss the history, symbolism, intention, and vision used to develop the layout and design of Japanese gardens. The horticultural skills, artistic approaches, and American interpretation of this gardening style will also be discussed. Highlights of local and national Japanese gardens will be used as examples.

Bill Arman, Ed LaFlamme, Harvestor Consulting Group It’s time to get off your hamster wheel, step back and figure out what’s making you money and what’s not! This fast paced, hard-hitting session will be peppered with real world examples and practical advice that works. Attendees will learn dozens of ways to save time, reduce costs and optimize profits. You’ll also gain powerful estimating and pricing strategies, practical solutions to work smarter and eliminate time waster and other ideas to reduce your overhead. UTOPIA AB

The Plant-Soil-Water Continuum is “ONE Picture not THREE” Larry Cammarata, Certified Consultants Ltd.

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM NIRVANA

Professional Secrets to Container Gardening Jennifer Brennan, Chalet Landscape, Nursery & Garden Center

Develop and gain a full understanding of how water in the landscape influences soils and plants in a powerfully positive or negative way. We must understand and then build a landscape design and management strategy that truly grasps how all three elements combine to provide healthier landscapes. A misunderstanding of water can put the landscape professional knee-deep in problems. Grab this life preserver and thrive.

Learn what the professionals use to create containers and planters that last throughout the growing season looking great without a lot of extra maintenance. Products for consistent nutrients, water retention, and disease and insect control will be divulged. This presentation will be loaded with trade secrets from trained professionals. Shhh, keep them a secret!



The Well-Designed Mixed Garden: Building Borders with Trees, Shrubs, Perennials, Annuals & Bulbs Tracy Disabato-Aust, Author & Speaker This interesting and informative lecture discusses the design fundamentals of border building using a wide palette of plant material. How do we effectively combine the plethora of woody and herbaceous plants available today? Design steps, color, texture, form, design principles

thursday education


Garden Design Philosophy Piet Oudolf, Author & Speaker Piet Oudolf’s garden designs are symbols of how nature can be interpreted and amplified in our gardens. Piet has designed some of this country’s most iconic gardens—including, Lurie Garden in Millennium Park and The High Line in New York. His work has established a new perspective on garden design that encompasses combinations of native and ornamental plants in unique and surprising ways.

Applied for 1.5 CEUs for Landscape Architects The Landscape Contractor January 2018


thursday education


Understanding the Environmental Impact of Landscape Maintenance Doug Soldat, University of Wisconsin This presentation will cover the science, perception, and reality of the environmental impact of landscape maintenance. Will phosphorus fertilizers bans improve water quality? Is phosphorus needed at all? We will discuss how to minimize nitrogen losses and discuss the importance of soil quality for healthy landscapes and environmental protection.

principles that differentiate Senior Assisted Living and Memory Care garden design from traditional landscape design. Karl will discuss details of hardscapes, plant material, amenity selection and ADA requirements. These design principles can be applied to residential, hospital, rehabilitation, residential care facilities and any other place that serves our growing senior population. Karl shares over 20 years of experience in designing more than 30 Assisted Living/Memory Care facilities. SCHAUMBURG AD

Elevated Craftsmanship: The Art And Science Of Building In The Trees Pete Nelson, Treehouse Masters


More Shades of Green: How to Increase Sales and Make More $$$ with Less People Bill Arman, Ed LaFlamme, Harvestor Consulting Group Frustrated working 24/7 with low or no profits? This fast paced, hard-hitting session will provide you with examples and practical advice on ways to analyze your present customers and how to get more good ones. Attendees will share ideas on how to increase your cash flow, how to get more high margin work to optimize profits and how to close more sales. You’ll also make sure you’re making money on every job in every department.

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM NIRVANA

50 High Impact, Low Care Garden Plants Tracy DiSabato-Aust, Author & Speaker Are you searching for plants that will be high impact but low care? Plants that will fit our sustainable landscape goals? Who isn’t? Finally, a look at dynamic, artistic, outstanding plants that may also be long-lived, tolerant of heat and humidity, cold hardy, non-invasive, as well as drought, disease and deer resistant. Ones that don’t require frequent pruning, deadheading or division and don’t require heavy feeding or staking to perform their best. Plants that will soon become your favorites because they are fantastic and yet they give you time for your busy life…plants that your clients can actually have success with. Learn from a 42 year veteran gardening expert about what will look amazing without hours of work! EUPHORIA

Garden Design for an Aging Population Karl Krogstad, Krogstad Land Design Limited

Join Pete as he dives into techniques and best practices for building safely and sustainably in the trees. Pete will cover design/build basics for the treehouse “DIY-er”: from selecting the perfect trees, to the prefabrication process, to essential hardware for maintaining a healthy and lasting connection between treehouse and tree. Learn about Pete’s perception of steel posts as treehouse supports, and the role of engineering and permitting as clients’ wishes for treehouses grow in scale and scope. UTOPIA AB

Bulbs as Companion Plants Jill Selinger, Chicago Botanic Garden Bulbs in the garden are a delight, in springtime and beyond. Learn what bulbs will add interest and color to your landscapes throughout the growing season. This engaging session will provide tips and techniques for successful combinations, good selections for shade, and successful return year after year. Watch the light bulb go on as you begin to appreciate this underrated garden element. UTOPIA CD

Real Talk: Tell Stories that Attract Customers Lynne Franklin, Lynne Franklin Wordsmith Sponsored By: ILCA’s Women’s Networking Group Persuasion isn’t a mystery. It’s a skill anyone can learn. And the more tools you can draw upon, the more chances you have to connect with customers and coworkers. Learn to build rapport with a potential customer before even saying a word. A master of persuasion understands that reading body language is as good as reading someone’s mind. Understand how stories can connect with customers on a subconscious level and get those clients to an enthusiastic and lucrative “yes!”

Discover specific attributes and considerations for designing landscapes for older adult communities. Learn key 36

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

Applied for 1.5 CEUs for Landscape Architects

Rolling Stones: A Hardscape Walkabout of iLandscape


Join Tony LoBello of Mariani Landscape for an unprecedented tour of iLandscape


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2018 10:30AM–11:30AM Directly on the convention center floor


This course is approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health for 4 hours of continuing education that is legally required for all registered irrigation contractors in the State of Illinois. Course Approval #: 750-221 This four part class covers the essentials for professional irrigation contractors. It will review backflow preventers, irrigation design, pumps and hydraulics, and irrigation scheduling. In between, we will take a humorous look at the “not to do” installations we have all seen and cringed about. About the Instructor: Alex Mayfield, JM Irrigation, has been in the green industry for over 20 years. He first served as a landscape maintenance account manager and for the last 18 years he’s been an irrigation designer and installation contractor.

Join Mariani Landscape Design Director Tony LoBello for a unique trade show opportunity. Tony will walk the show floor with whomever wishes to join him as he visits hardscape and stone suppliers and distributors. See, touch, and experience a side of stone you never knew or expected. Learn the latest trends in hardscape design and installation. Wear comfortable walking shoes and gear up for this amazing trip around iLandscape.

Ambiente Spanish Guitarists

iLandscape is more than a tradeshow. The show informs, innovates, and inspires. To set the tone, it gathers artists and musicians from across disciplines. These artists and musicians will infuse each day of the show with energy and creativity. Digital Caricature Artist– Ellen Lustig

Ring of Fire

Steve Haberichter and Pat Otto

Nicole Auriemma

David Bazaar

irrigation workshop, hardscape walkabout & entertainment

Irrigation Contractor Essentials: 4 Hour Refresher Course

Ken Rothacker

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


awards night


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2018 • Reception begins at 4:30 pm • Program starts at 7:00 pm

Don’t miss the ILCA’s annual showcase featuring the best landscapes in Illinois. Awards Night will be the crown jewel of iLandscape networking opportunities, as well as a great venue to see the industry’s best projects. Come join the celebration of these coveted awards. please note: Awards will have a limited amount of tickets available.

It is vital you register early if you plan to attend Awards Night. iLandscape cannot guarantee a ticket without pre-registration. Awards Night includes a reception with heavy appetizers, cash bar, dinner, and the program.

Join friends for an evening of mingling, honoring & celebrating: • Excellence in Landscape Award Winners • NEW BEST IN CATEGORY AWARDS • Person of the Year • Distinguished Service Award Winner • 2017-18 Scholarship Winners • Student Design Competition Winners

In addition, the winners of two prestigious industry awards will be announced that night: • JUDGES’ AWARD — The best project among all entries as chosen by the judges. • PROFESSIONALS’ CHOICE — The best project among all entries as chosen by other contractors and green industry professionals.

The Excellence in Landscape Awards Night is a separate ticketed event. Awards tickets do not include a tradeshow pass. If you wish to attend the tradeshow or educational sessions, please select the appropriate pass in addition to the Excellence in Landscape Awards ticket during registration.


The Landscape Contractor January 2018

10:15 AM – 11:45 AM

8:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Customer Service vs Customer Experience


Parke Kallenberg, Advance Training & Development


Foodscape Revolution Brie Arthur, Author & Speaker Designer and Author Brie Arthur has fine-tuned her signature design technique of Foodscaping, a sustainable landscape practice that embraces beauty and utility. Working with public school systems and suburban developments, Brie is changing the way green spaces are designed and utilized. She encourages everyone to “think outside of the box,” and learn how pairing edibles in a traditional ornamental landscape can increase bio-diversity and add purpose to existing spaces. Organic growing insights are shared to encourage professionals and homeowners to embrace sustainable practices and the best edible and ornamental plant combinations are featured to inspire attendees to create purposeful landscapes that engage people of all ages. UTOPIA CD

Separate Yourself From the Competition: Charge More While Getting More Work Larry Heuvelman, The Owner Consultant Selling: Lots of us do it, some of us well. Yet only a few of us are doing it at the highest profits levels with outstandingly happy clients. Do you want that? Learn how to build a more profitable company with clients who will sing your praises regardless of your market, level of clientele, location, and what you believe now.

Providing what you think is great customer service will not always create a great customer experience. This session explores the differences a consumer has in customer service and experience, then relates that directly back to green industry tactics to improve your customer retention, gain contract increases, and drive your profits. Come explore creating great customer experiences and loyal customers based on what you already know to be true as a customer yourself.

friday education



Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy People James “Sandy” Syburg, Purple Cow Organics This presentation will discuss the cyclical nature of the impacts soil, plants, and people have on each other. Improving soil health can have a significant impact of the health and quality of life for a gardener or a landscaper. Sandy will discuss soil structure, soil microbiology, and soil nutrition, as well as environmental factors of water retention, nutrient leaching, among others.


New and Underused Perennials and Ornamental Grasses—From A to V (From Allium to Ver-no-nia) Brent Horvath, Intrinsic Perennial Gardens This talk will cover a range of new and underused perennials and grasses. The focus will be on durable, reliable plants regardless of being new or underused, including some of the best new plants that were bred right here in the Midwest.

YOU CAN WIN! $20,000 in cash prizes and more! All attendees at iLandscape can enter to win prizes on the day(s) they attend. Wednesday-Thursday-Friday prize giveaways will include: cash prizes, drones, Chicago Wolves party deck, indoor skydiving, hot air balloon ride, 55” LED TV’s, Weber Spirit E-210 gas grills, Apple iPad and watch, the Signature Room gift card, Home Depot gift cards, and more! Applied for 1.5 CEUs for Landscape Architects The Landscape Contractor January 2018


career day & fair


High ol Scho


Friday, February 2, 2018 iLandscape welcomes all studious students, prepared pupils, unbelievable undergrads, and serious scholars. Students may attend any day of iLandscape at no cost but Student Career Day will be Friday, February 2, 2018. The complete educational program is available to students at a reduced fee. Any student looking to make the jump to becoming a green industry professional cannot miss this incredible day at iLandscape. The cost to attend the tradeshow at iLandscape for college and university students is FREE as long as the student is registered through their college or university. The educational program is deeply discounted for green industry students ($25 early/$35 late). Student activities include educational sessions, student roundtables with mentors, Career Fair, a career board featuring jobs from the landscape industry’s top firms, prizes and giveaways, as well as access to the show floor. 9:00 AM — STUDENT ROUNDTABLES IN EUPHORIA The highlight of student career day is an incredible student session. Landscape industry professionals will lead table discussions about their area of expertise in the green industry. Professionals will be on hand representing: landscape designers, account reps, garden centers, young business owners, and more. They will explain how to get a job in the green industry, how to be successful, and how to climb the ladder.

Friday, February 2, 2018 10:00 AM–2:00 PM Are you looking for work? The career fair Participating companies will be announced will feature top Illinois landscape companies looking to add you to their team. Bring your resume and a hearty handshake. Entrance into the career fair is FREE!


in December. Check the website for more information.

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

The venue will also overstaff GATHER bar, Sam & Harry’s steakhouse, concession stands, and coffee shop to ensure lines are short. The Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel is committed to putting guests first and will make sure nothing stands in the way of a morning cup of joe or happy hour beer.

Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel 1551 N. Thoreau Dr. Schaumburg, IL 60173

tel: 1 (847) 303-4100 fax: 1 (847) 303-4199

A limited hotel block is available. It is VITAL that you book your rooms early.

Discounted hotel rates at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel are available through January 8, 2018.

Booking your room is easy, below are options for your convenience: • Link directly to the Renaissance Schaumburg Center Hotel reservation page Direct Link: • Call 1-877-303-0104 and reference: iLandscape: The Illinois + Wisconsin Landscape Show

Book your stay at Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel and receive the following benefits:

the renaissance

The Schaumburg Convention Center is attached to the Renaissance Hotel. Simply walk downstairs, across the lobby, and into the show. No shuttle busses or brisk walks outdoors.

• Free parking • Complimentary Access to Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel Fitness Center (featuring the first salt water hotel pool in Illinois) • Experience refined style at the Renaissance Hotel in Schaumburg, IL where stunning design and architecture blend seamlessly with impeccable service for ultimate in refined sophistication. PLEASE NOTE: Hotel rates are available exclusively for iLandscape exhibitors and attendees. This is the only hotel affiliated with the iLandscape Show. iLandscape and ILCA cannot guarantee room rates or availability by any other company, representative, or hotel. Hotel reservations made in any way other than through the online reservation or with direct contact with the hotel are at the risk of the individual.

There are a limited number of hotel rooms available at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel. Spillover hotels and rates will be available if necessary. Check the website for more information.

The Landscape Contractor January 2018



PARKING IS FREE! at the onsite and spillover lots! Get there early - it is best to park closest to the convention center as opposed to the hotel. Guests of the hotel are guaranteed onsite parking spaces.

PARKING iLandscape recognizes that parking at the facility has its challenges. To rectify the situation we have added a spillover lot at Woodfield Mall that will be running five concurrent shuttles on each morning of the show. There will be no waiting or lines for shuttles in 2018. iLandscape and the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center are committed to making your iLandscape experience pleasant from the moment you park your car. Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel 1551 N. Thoreau Dr. Schaumburg, IL 60173 Valet parking is available for $17/day with in/out privileges


directional assistance be required. Shuttles will be available to transport attendees to and from the convention center.

AIRPORT INFORMATION CHICAGO O’HARE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT–ORD Airport Phone: 1-800-832-6352 Hotel direction: 13 miles NW The Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel does not provide shuttle service. Courtesy phone available Alternate transportation: • American Taxi —1-847-255-9614 or • Go Airport Express—1-888-284-3826, fee: $35 (one way) Estimated taxi fare: $65 (one way) MIDWAY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT–CHICAGO–MDW

Spillover parking may be in effect as early as 10am on each day of the show. Should it be required, offsite parking for this event will be located at Woodfield Mall. Signage from the convention center to this parking area will be in place should

Airport Phone: 1-800-832-6352 Hotel direction: 32 miles NW The Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel does not provide shuttle service. Courtesy phone available Alternate transportation: • American Taxi - Call 1-847-255-9614; fee: $60 (one way) on request Estimated taxi fare: $75 (one way)

ABOUT SCHAUMBURG, IL – ENTERTAINING AND DINING Schaumburg is known nationally as an outstanding attraction and shopping destination – synonymous with an almost unlimited choice of the finest retailers in America. Schaumburg’s 200 restaurants welcome you in style and with something for everyone’s taste. Ranging from highend steaks to Chicago-style pizza, the list of well-known eateries includes: Chicago Prime, Morton’s Steakhouse,


Bonefish Grill, Wildfire, P.F. Chang’s and Lou Malnati’s Pizza, to name a few. Entertainment options abound from some of the best in international performances at IMPROV or Prairie Center for the Arts to Rivers Casino a short drive away. Shopping is extreme at Woodfield Mall—one of the top 10 largest indoor shopping malls in the U.S. The largest Ikea store in North America is in Schaumburg!

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

Join the conversation! #iLandscape2018 BE PART OF THE ILANDSCAPE EXPERIENCE! iLandscape is about providing more benefits to attendees for less money. iLandscape was designed smarter and placed in a lower cost, more convenient venue. Savings are passed along to the attendees and exhibitors.



PRICING Early rate: On or before 1/8/2018 Late rate: After 1/8/2018 Tradeshow-only:

Early: $25

Education (Includes Tradeshow): Early: $89 ILCA/WGIF Member Late: $109 ILCA/WGIF Member

Late: $35

$119 Non-Member $149 Non-Member

Awards Night: $89 Students: Students must be registered through a college or university. Tradeshow: Early: $0 Late: $0 Education: Early: $25 Late: $35

Register online at! By registering online, you will have the ability to manage your registration. You will be able to upgrade and change names if one of the previously registered attendees is no longer able to attend. The system also has the ability to match attendees to certain exhibitors. During the registration process, you will be asked if you are interested in matching. If you are, a list will open up for you to choose from. Based on those answers, you will be matched to the appropriate exhibitors and given the opportunity to schedule an appointment with them. Exhibitors will also be able to manage appointment requests on their end.

CANCELLATION POLICY Education Sessions/Awards/Irrigation Workshop: Please send cancellation notice in writing to iLandscape ( Cancellations received by 1/8/2018 will be subject to a $25 processing fee per person. There will be no refunds after 1/8/2018. Trade Show: Registrations for Trade Show-Only are non-refundable.

By participating in the 2018 iLandscape Show you acknowledge that you might be photographed in connection with activities. You agree that iLandscape is the sole owner of all rights to the resulting photographs for all purposes relating to iLandscape business. Your likeness may be used by iLandscape in advertising and promotional materials. Participants shall receive no compensation for appearance in any materials.

Can’t register online? Print the paper based registration form on the iLandscape website and fax or mail it to ILCA: 630-472-3150 or 2625 Butterfield Rd, Ste 104S, Oak Brook, IL 60523. Questions? Call 630-472-2851 The Landscape Contractor January 2018


Preview — iLandscape 2018

Ha llegado la Feria —



the illinois + wisconsin Landscape Show

Advance your employees, launch your creativity, upgrade your products & services, ramp up your industry connections, grow your knowledge, and Elevate your business at the 2018 iLandscape Show January 31st through February 2nd. por Ashley Marin Eleve la industria del paisajismo y su negocio Todos dependemos unos de otros para crecer y prosperar. El Árbol de la Vida es un excelente símbolo de esto, no solamente en cada uno de nuestros negocios, sino en nuestra industria considerada en su totalidad. Los dueños de negocios y profesionales experimentados influyentes son las raíces del árbol. Tienen la responsabilidad de fortalecer sus respectivos negocios y mantener la industria estable y sólida. Gerentes, diseñadores, y asociados de ventas son el tronco del árbol. Su responsabilidad es transferir información a los clientes y a la fuerza laboral. La fuerza laboral es la corona del árbol que toma la información de todos los otros componentes y es responsable de su implementación y de la interacción con la clientela. Independientemente de que usted sea dueño de negocio, gerente o parte de la fuerza laboral, todos somos esenciales y nos necesitamos mutuamente para elevar nuestros negocios y nuestra


industria. Por eso la Feria iLandscape no es solo para dueños de negocios o compradores, sino también para gerentes, diseñadores, arquitectos paisajistas, asociados de ventas, técnicos en jardinería (cuidado de céspedes), cultivadores, instaladores de elementos sólidos en jardines, estudiantes y mucho más.

Educación elevada

El Comité de Educación continúa ofreciendo sesiones educativas superiores que atraen a cada uno de los asistentes independientemente del rol que desempeñen. Algunas de las sesiones educativas disponibles incluyen temas como operaciones eficientes, fijación de metas, secretos de la jardinería en macetas y contenedores, salud del suelo, servicio y comunicaciones con los clientes, técnicas de instalación y material vegetal. También estarán disponibles sesiones educativas en español.

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


¡El conferencista inaugural de la feria este año sin duda crea altas expectativas! Hablando de elevación, Pete Nelson, estrella del programa de televisión Animal Planet y maestro-constructor de casas en árboles, compartirá su historia con nosotros. Pete Nelson es un orador con mucha energía y ayudará a motivarnos e inspirarnos para la temporada de 2018.

Oportunidades elevadas de establecimiento de contactos

La revista Tradeshow Executive Magazine incluyó la Feria iLandscape entre las 50 ferias industriales de más rápido crecimiento en el país. La feria continúa creciendo y ofrece cada año un grupo diverso de expositores. Nos esforzamos por conectar a profesionales de la industria con los productos y servicios más novedosos disponibles. El piso de exhibiciones de la feria permite la reconexión y creación de nuevas relaciones comerciales. Esté atento al nuevo sitio web de iLandscape que The Landscape Contractor January 2018


Preview — iLandscape 2018

E L É V E S E —



the illinois + wisconsin Landscape Show

tendrá un nuevo plano interactivo mejorado del piso de exhibiciones. Entre los nuevos expositores que se nos unirán en esta feria se encuentran Walnut Creek Nursery, New England Ladder Company LLC, Hulton Tool Company LLC y Clean Cut Tree Care, por nombrar solo algunos. Las opciones de entretenimiento durante el día y la noche son siempre una estupenda oportunidad de establecer redes de contactos con colegas profesionales. Una animada variedad de músicos, comidas y bebidas, sorteos y exposiciones interactivas permiten el desarrollo de una atmósfera más informal para establecer contactos. ¡Estamos muy entusiasmados con el entretenimiento de la fiesta del miércoles por la noche! Un favorito local elevará la fiesta a un nuevo nivel. ¡Prepárese para reír, bailar, energizarse y elevarse! El Comité de Profesionales del Futuro de la Industria del Paisajismo (FLIP, por sus siglas en inglés) ha estado


trabajando arduamente para conectar a estudiantes con profesionales de la industria del paisajismo. Se invita a los estudiantes a asistir a la Feria iLandscape cualquier día sin costo alguno con la condición de que su colegio universitario o universidad se inscriba. El viernes, 2 de febrero es el día oficial de carreras para estudiantes. Estarán disponibles varias oportunidades nuevas para los estudiantes, como un recorrido con un mentor por la feria de carreras para presentarles a destacados profesionales de la industria y una mesa redonda para que los estudiantes hablen con un equipo diverso de profesionales que representan varias áreas de la industria paisajista.

Decoraciones y muestras elevadas

Uno de los tres principales factores impulsores de la asistencia a la feria se relaciona con los jardines y las decoraciones. Este año, las decoraciones utilizarán gran parte del espacio vertical con jardines íntimos y amplios jardines abiertos. Cada jardín será interactivo con sus

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

propias experiencias. Habrá libertad para deambular por cada espacio mirando los detalles y descubriendo el jardín desde diferentes perspectivas. También habrá un componente educativo en cada jardín para que los visitantes aprendan algo sobre el diseño, los materiales usados para construir el jardín y el mensaje detrás de su construcción. La Feria iLandscape tiene el compromiso de continuar evolucionando y abarcar todos los niveles y áreas de experiencia y profesionalismo de la industria del paisajismo. Debemos trabajar conjuntamente para elevar nuestra industria y nuestros negocios.

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For sale updates and availabilities sign up for our email newsletter! The Landscape Contractor January 2018


Women’s Networking Group —

Work Life Balance — by Patrice Peltier

Is there such a thing

as work/life balance? And, if so, does anyone actually ever achieve it? Participants in the Women’s Networking Group Roundtables pondered this issue during a recent event. Some of their responses may surprise you. Donna Vignocchi Zych, president of ILT Vignocchi, (pictured on left) is passionate about the importance of finding work/life balance. Now running the business her father built, she says, “My dad worked a lot.” Even though she is steeped in her family’s emphasis on work ethic, Zych wanted to find a different work/life balance.

“At ILT, family is first,” she says. “I think our employees appreciate this.” As co-owner of Topiarius, Sara Jenkins-Sutton (pictured on the right) makes no apologies for putting work first. Although she tries not to work on weekends, she’s not always successful. “I work whenever I need to because my husband and I are the owners. My life is work, and then I pick up other things when I have time. Work and life will never be equal. You can’t own a business and have them be equal,” she asserts. Zych agreed that running a business is demanding. “It’s 48

like world peace. You’re never going to accomplish it,” Zych said. “Tomorrow there’s a whole new set of problems.” During the discussion, Zych said several participants embraced going full speed ahead in both life and work. “Their balance was having themselves overloaded,” she explains. “One woman said, ‘I know I’m a workaholic. End of story. I schedule my family life like I schedule my work life. I’m going to run my own business and be president of the PTO and run between three soccer camps. That’s my stride.’” Some participants suggested being realistic about the unique demands of the industry. “Balance in May is very different than balance in November,” noted Melissa Conroy, co-owner of Elite Growers.

Barb Kindinger, landscape designer at Countryside Flower Shop & Nursery, agreed. “Sometimes, too much focus is put on balance. When we get to work, we never know what we’re going to face. Sometimes, you have to let go. Tomorrow’s another day.” To help cope with the stress, Kindinger says she incorporates activities such as pilates and strength training into her busy week. (continued on page 50)

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


Women’s Networking Group —

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(continued from page 48) Jenkins-Sutton challenged the group to consider striving for wholeness rather than balance. “What freedom can you gain if you look at yourself as striving for wholeness versus striving for balance in your work and life,” she asked. “What does your wholeness look like?” Jenkins-Sutton says she tries to frame the issue this way: “It’s about deliberately choosing to act on or participate in both work and non-work things in time-frames that make me feel whole,” she explains. “If I look at wholeness as a pie chart, for me work may take up more of the pie chart and other pieces may be smaller, but for others it may be different. Perhaps others want the pie chart to be 50/50-- a true balance. It’s this freedom to decide that allows for wholeness. It’s about not feeling guilty or pressured into adopting traditional expectations of what balance looks like. Nor is it about being unrealistic about the social or economic realities of where one is in one’s journey. It may not be financially possible to not work long hours or not feasible to be working and gone from one’s family because day-care costs more than one can earn,” she continues. “My goal to re-frame the conversation was to help women shed perceived prescribed notions of balance, that are truly hard to live out, and give ourselves a bit of grace to create our own definitions,” Jenkins-Sutton said following the roundtable. Other people’s expectations can limit one’s sense of wholeness, Kindinger agreed. “That’s where you can find your freedom: stop listening to the other voices,” she added.

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The Landscape Contractor January 2018

Managing the expectations of others drew a number of comments. Jackie Ellison and her husband own Uncle Duff and Dave’s Lawn Service. “For those not in the landscaping industry, it may look as if we neglect our families if we take calls outside of normal business hours. However, we are trying to balance it all, and our balance needs to shift and evolve with the changing seasons,” she notes. One participant in Zych’s group reported that a coworker felt compelled to advise her. “You need to stop working seven days a week. Don’t do designs at home. Don’t respond immediately when your clients call you at home. You need to train customers to respect your time and have realistic expectations,” Zych recalls. Mike Schmechtig, president of Schmechtig Landscape Company, encourages keeping the lines of communication open and being honest with customers. “I tell employees, ‘The truth will set you free.’ If we’re backed up a week, instead of avoiding the customer, be honest and let them know what’s going on,’” Schmechtig explains. Jenkins-Sutton said she changed her own expectations. “I’ve given myself the freedom to not feel shameful because all I do is work,” she explained. “I’m all about adult choice. I choose to put this much time into work.” Several participants shared their own tips for creating balance or wholeness in their lives. “I’m a doer. I like to do it all,” said Lindsey Taramelli of Enterprise Fleet Management. Still, cellphones can make it difficult to get away from the constant demands of work and life, she says. “I’ve learned to say ‘no’ and be okay with saying ‘no.’ It’s freeing.” (continued on page 52)

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The Landscape Contractor January 2018


Women’s Networking Group — (continued from page 51) Vicky Brice, controller at Fiore Nursery & Landscape Supply, says she puts priority events on the calendar, sometimes months in advance. School programs, sporting events and family occasions are blocked out ahead of time to help Brice schedule work demands accordingly, she explains. Jenkins-Sutton uses a similar strategy. She gives the demands on her time priorities. Attending her niece’s christening is a priority. Going to the movies is not. “If it’s not a priority, it gets steamrolled by work,” she says. Priorities, however, are put on the calendar. “Then, everyone knows this is going to happen and to plan around it,” she explains. Zych shared these techniques discussed by participants at her table: • Allot a specific amount of time on the weekend to tackle housecleaning, grocery shopping and other chores. Then spend the rest of the weekend doing things you

enjoy. Set a timer for 15 minutes and then tackle a chore. “If you’re really focused, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in 15 minutes,” Zych recalls the participant explaining. Use the Wunderlist app to create shared grocery and to-do lists. Partners and family members can do chores or pick up the groceries as time allows.

Don’t forget to make time for yourself, Zych advised participants. “You tend not to feel very special or taken care of when you’re busy taking care of everyone else,” she says. A 20-minute manicure can be just the pick-me-up Zych needs. “That can be my magic bullet,” she says. “That might keep me going for another two weeks.” When she’s working a lot and not having a sense of accomplishment, Zych finds “it’s satisfying to do something

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The Landscape Contractor January 2018

I can accomplish in a short period of time.” For Zych that often means cooking. “Cooking is my passion,” she says. “I can organize and create, which I love doing, and get appreciation for what I’ve done.” Although Zych shares her father’s value on work, she says she’s passionate about creating better work/life balance for herself and the company’s employees. “During the roundtable discussion, I learned that other people—women and men--have made it important as well,” she says. “It gave me such a sense of pride that the needle has moved.”

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Committee Chair Profile —

ILCA Irrigation Committee Alex Mayfield — Chair by Meta Levin

As he looks

at the goals for the new ILCA Irrigation Committee, Alex Mayfield, the chair, sees plenty of challenges, but also lots of opportunities. “We’ll bite off a little the first year, then more the second and so on,” he says. The seven-member Irrigation Committee started last September, just a few months after the irrigation contractors voted to join ILCA, moving from IGIA. “It seemed to be a better fit,” says Mayfield. Last spring the ILCA board voted to fold them into the organization. Their first order of business was to set a series of objectives. These include: 1. Continue an already established good working relationship with the Illinois Department of Public Health (which has oversight of the irrigation industry) 2. Work on convincing state lawmakers to extend the irrigation registration law that is scheduled to expire in 2024 3. Work to influence state and local policies and decisions that affect the industry 4. Provide education for Illinois landscape contractors and irrigation contractors 5. Attract more irrigation contractors to be a part of ILCA In addition, the committee has sent surveys to other irrigation contractors, asking them for feedback on issues they feel are important. They have had help in organizing and setting their priorities. “I give credit to Scott (Grams, ILCA executive director) for advising us on how to get up and running, as well as learning how ILCA 54

Alex Mayfield

operates,” says Mayfield. Other members of the committee include: Ray Eiessens, Evergreen Landscape Associates; Lynn Carter, SiteOne Landscape Supply Company; Mike Martin, Muellermist Irrigation Company; Luke Thomas, Acres Group; Laury Feldman, American National Sprinkler & Lighting and Brett Gold, American National Sprinkler & Lighting and Veronica Krenzel, Hubbell Power Systems. “We’re looking for more good people to help lead us in the right direction,” says Mayfield. A veteran of 20 years in the irrigation industry, 18 of those doing irrigation design and installation, Mayfield knows how important it is to be active in professional organizations. He has been a part of ILCA for the last 10 years, serving for a while on the Sustainability Committee. He also served as the irrigation representative on the IGIA board. He holds a Bachelor of General Studies degree from Northern Illinois University and earned a certificate in landscape design from Harper College, where he also studied horticulture. While working in the irrigation industry, The Landscape Contractor January 2018

Mayfield returned to school and earned a Juris Doctor with a certificate in intellectual property law from The John Marshall Law School. Since then he has become a Certified Irrigation Contractor through The Irrigation Association and is an EPA Watersense partner. Needless to say, when the Illinois Irrigation Registration Law was up for renewal in 2012, he became interested in having it renewed. He worked with IGIA in this effort. Mayfield was born in Evanston, IL and grew up in Buffalo Grove, but now lives in Hainesville, IL. He has been married for 22 years to Julie, an elementary school teacher. They have two daughters, Georgia, 13, and Anneliese, 11.

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Available from these suppliers Alsip Home & Nursery St. John • 219-365-0882 Cedar Path Nurseries Lockport | Barrington CJ Fiore Prairie View IL • 847-913-1417 Hinsdale Nurseries Willowbrook IL • 630-323-1414 Kaknes Landscaping Supply Naperville IL • 630-416-1002 Lurvey Des Plaines | Park City | Volo Midwest Groundcovers St. Charles IL • 847-742-1793 SiteOne Addison | Naperville

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


New Member Profile Snapshot

Mobile Lube Express PO Box 46 Wauconda, IL 60084 (773) 447-4000

by Meta Levin

A little more than

15 years ago, while working as a mechanic, Earle Johnson realized that his customers were busy. “They had other things to do,” he says. Mobile Lube Express was born, initially as a concierge service oil change. Johnson would take his tools to people’s homes and later to office buildings and parks. At first, he worked on the weekends, augmenting his mechanic job. As business grew, he gradually left his day job and expanded offerings until now Mobile Lube Express is “almost a mechanical temp agency,” he says. With seven full-time and two part-time employees, Johnson offers a variety of services, including the original on-site oil change, power washing, DOT inspections, pre-trip inspections and other services for heavy duty trucks and trailers, light and medium trucks and vans, passenger car fleet services, special equipment services for both business and residential customers. Their business customers range from landscape contractors to municipalities, fleets and office buildings. In addition, Johnson has a repair facility in Island Lake. If he and his people cannot fix it onsite, then they will transport it to Island Lake. All his employees are ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified and some, including Johnson, also hold EVT (Emergency Vehicle Technician) certifications. “This is a sign of service excellence,” says Johnson. “My employees all are phenomenal.” Spencer Williams has worked for Mobile Lube Express for the last eight years. Johnson refers to him as a “seasoned technician,” who handles his job well. Andrew Nowak has been with the company since October 2017, but already he has made a mark for himself. “He’s the cream of the crop,” says Johnson. A journeyman mechanic, he holds an ASE L1 certification, which, “is an accomplishment in itself. But he also is a master certified technician.” 56

Dion Williams has been a part of Mobile Lube Express for two years. “When we have an unusual job, he is able to come up with creative solutions to get the vehicles back on the road.” In an effort to reach out to the community, Johnson and his people have attended transportation type fairs, provided education and disseminated information at various venues and become involved in networking groups. A native of Lake County, IL, Johnson started working on cars in his parents’ driveway when he was still in school. “I developed a passion for all things mechanical,” he says. He went through auto-mechanic school at the Lake County Technical Campus, then went on to take classes at the College of Lake County. He has never stopped, constantly taking courses to increase his skills and knowledge. Johnson’s wife, Susan, works in the Mobile Lube Express office. His two sons, ages six and eight, love to come to work with their Dad where they can “turn the wrenches.” He also has two daughters. To expand his business, as well as form more relationships, Johnson joined ILCA last year. He has attended iLandscape and is hoping to become a part of the educational offerings at a future event.

The Landscape Contractor January 2018



Goodmark Nurseries, LLC 8920 Howe Road Wonder Lake, IL 60097 Phone: (815) 653-9293 Fax: (815) 728-0977

The trees you plant today will be growing long after you depart. Leave a Goodmark! The Landscape Contractor January 2018


Classified Ads HELP WANTED LANDSCAPE DESIGNER/ESTIMATOR FULL-TIME POSITION Grant & Power Landscaping, a premier contractor in the western suburbs, is looking for an experienced, creative, and efficient landscape designer to add to our talented team. Grant & Power Landscaping has been providing outstanding service to our clients for nearly 40 years. We pride ourselves in providing a high quality, full service landscaping experience. The ideal candidate has a strong knowledge of planting and hardscape design, experience using Dynascape Design and Management, Google Sketchup and Adobe Photoshop. Prior estimating experience a plus. Prefer someone with a degree in landscape design, horticulture or equivalent industry experience. Candidate will work closely with sales staff to create a custom design for their clients; render 2D and 3D, and produce accurate estimates for proposed work from working drawings. Competitive salary and benefits offered. Please visit our website at www.grantandpower. com to get to know us and see some of our award winning jobs. Contact Sarah Grabowski at 630-231-0069, or email at:

HELP WANTED  CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING also available on ILCA’s WEB SITE Call for information (630) 472-2851 



Landscape Designer/Salesperson

Open positions available, apply today!

Bruss Landscaping of Wheaton is looking to add another talented Architect/Designer to our team. 2017 marks our 65th year of providing high quality residential landscape design and installation services to DuPage and eastern Kane counties. If you have a passion for residential design and sales, are self-motivated and focused on superior customer service we would like to meet you. Candidates must have earned a degree in Landscape Design/ Architecture/Horticulture. At least 3 years professional experience is preferred however we are open to recent graduates as well. Bruss is a relaxed work environment, although seasonally hectic, with a strong benefit package. Eric Bruss,, (630) 665-1600.

We are in a growth mode for 2018 and adding new teammates for next spring.. At K&D Landscape when we talk about advancing your career and professional development we actually mean it! Do you have a resume that matches one of the positions listed below? Send it along and we›ll sit down and chat about how your commitment to excellence can work with ours.

Landscape Design/ Sales Award winning landscape firm for over 45 years in the Bloomington/ Normal area is seeking an experienced professional to join our team. We are looking for an outgoing, aggressive sales person with project management experience, landscape design knowledge and outstanding customer service skills. Must have a degree in Landscape Architecture/ Horticulture or similar and a minimum of 3 years experience in a landscape design/ sales environment. Salary plus commission and benefits. Send resume and salary requirements to All applicants will remain confidential.

Licensed Spray Technician Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Foreman Construction Foreman Landscape Designer Registered Landscape Architect Have a different set of skills? We’ll entertain all possibilities for the right candidates. Send resumes in confidence to Careers@ The Acres Group has several current fulltime career opportunities: Bilingual/Conversational Spanish Landscape Maintenance Production Manager. Duties include managing field supervisors and crews to attain service, quality & profit goals. Landscape Maintenance Account Manager will service a portfolio of commercial landscape and snow accounts. Educate & provide horticultural recommendations to clients resulting in property enhancement sales. Network to sell new contracted work. This dynamic position has on outstanding compensation package. Maintenance Customer Service Specialist is a developmental position that partners with Account Managers to meet or exceed customer expectations. Use your marketing and sales skills-learn the ropes & support the team while positioning yourself for a career in Account Management. Please email resumes to for consideration.

James Martin Associates, Inc. is a leader in the Landscape and Snow Management industry and has been providing services to our customers for over 40 years We are always looking for exceptional individuals in Vernon Hills, Illinois and Boulder, Colorado. ld an d b ui n a es team ociat g s n s i A n artin d win awar n at M n o a s a h wit ry se rdina o a r t ex

Come see us at the ILandscape Show & Career Fair, we look forward to meeting you!

You can also email Beth McElroy at or call 847-876-8052. Landscape Architecture • Construction • Maintenance • Snow Management


The Landscape Contractor January 2018





Grant & Power Landscaping, a premier contractor in the western suburbs, is looking for an experienced, organized and personable residential design/ build outside sales representative to add to our talented team. Grant & Power Landscaping has been providing outstanding service to our clients for nearly 40 years. We pride ourselves in providing a high quality, full service landscaping experience. Candidates should possess a strong landscape/ horticulture background, excellent communication/ listening skills and proficiency with computers and Microsoft Office. A strong understanding of construction best practices a plus. Job duties include meeting with clients for initial site analysis and final presentations to sell projects. These meetings typically occur during regular business hours, as well as some nights and Saturdays. On site project management during the construction process and walk-through meetings upon completion. Salesperson will work closely with design department to transform client wishes into drawings and estimates, and work with production department to ensure efficient project completion. Competitive salary and benefits offered. Please visit our website at www.grantandpower. com to get to know us and see some of our award winning jobs. Email resume/inquiries to Raquel Martinez at: ESTATE MAINTENANCE MANAGER FULL-TIME POSITION Grant & Power Landscaping, a premier contractor in the western suburbs, is looking for enthusiastic, organized, and experienced Estate Maintenance Manager to add to our talented team. Grant & Power Landscaping has been providing outstanding service to our clients for nearly 40 years. We pride ourselves in providing a high quality, full service landscaping experience. The ideal candidate possesses excellent communication, problem solving and organizational skills. As well as a proficiency with computers including Microsoft Office. A background in horticulture, including best practices and procedures for plants, material and equipment needed to properly maintain a property a must. The Estate Maintenance manager will work closely with sales and production departments to exceed customer’s expectations. Responsibilities include supervising and scheduling of crews, tracking job sheets and meeting with customers. Competitive salary and benefits offered. Please visit our website at www.grantandpower. com to get to know us and see some of our award winning jobs. Email resume/inquiries to Raquel Martinez at:

Highly motivated, energetic candidates that are ready to learn for our summer internship program. The 12 week internship will provide an opportunity to participate in all departments of our design build firm. By spending time with the design department, sales staff, production and in the office, the intern will experience all aspects of a landscape contractor operation. Please visit our website at www.grantandpower. com to get to know us and see some of our award winning jobs. Email resume/inquiries to Raquel Martinez at:

HELP WANTED For a confidential consideration please send your inquiry and resume today to or call Ed Reier at 847-833-3594. Commercial Assistant Estimator We are seeking a commercial assistant estimator to join our growing company. Classic Landscape LTD has been a standard in the landscape industry since 1964 and continues to grow each and every year. This is an entry level position with an opportunity to grow in the company, looking for an individual that is willing to learn in a fast paced environment.

Responsibilities: Client Relationships, Portfolio Growth / Enhancements, Design, Sales Qualifications: 2 to 4 year landscape degree or general degree with coursework in the landscape field. Minimum 2 years supervisory experience in horticultural or related industry. Please send resumes to:

Responsibilities: Assist in Estimate/Takeoff a Commercial Landscape Project Process Bid Invites Aid with Project Documents and Submittals ​ Qualifications: General Landscape Knowledge is Beneficial, but is Not Required Organized and Detail-Oriented Basic Computer Skills Needed (Quickbooks, Excel, and Outlook) Strong Communication Skills Able to Flourish in a High Paced Work Environment Send resumes to:

Field Operations Manger

Career Position: Landscape Architect / Landscape Designer

Account Executive Moore Landscapes, LLC is looking for a talented and self-motivated Account Executive to join our team. We are growing and want you to grow with us! Competitive Salary / Benefits / Bonus Plan

We are looking for a talented and self-motivated Field Operations Manager to join the Moore Landscapes, LLC team. Competitive Salary and Benefits Responsibilities: Fill out reports, as specifications require, Oversee horticultural related concerns on maintenance, Identify issues with Irrigation System, Assist in planning, organizing, directing and coordinating the services of maintenance and installation; Assist in equipment organization and communicate with mechanics for repairs/maintenance, Assist Account Executives and VP’s with daily needs, Assist in the hiring and training of new field employees, Perform snow removal and ice control during the snow season. Please send resumes to:

Thornapple Landscapes, Inc. is a full service residential and commercial landscape company with over 70 years serving the Fox Valley and Chicagoland areas. We are currently seeking a highly motivated experienced landscape professional to design, estimate & sell landscape installations. Design and sales experience, computer skills & strong plant/hardscape knowledge is a must. Full-time with benefits. Bi-lingual+ Thornapple Landscapes is a well-regarded, high quality oriented firm which will give the right person a challenging and exciting career opportunity in the field of landscape design-build. If interested please send your resume with qualifications and work history to All inquiries will be completely confidential.

Account Manager Grow with us! Balanced Environments is looking for a full-time addition to our sales team. As an Account Manager you will manage a portfolio of commercial landscape and snow accounts, prepare and present site recommendations, maintain client relationships and develop new clients through sales of new services. Our organization offers a compensation plan that includes a competitive salary/commission structure, health/dental/disability insurance and 401k plan.

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


HELP WANTED Career Position: Entry Level Design Associate / Internship


711 S Material Road, Romeoville, IL 800-762-5738 * 815-836-0086

Thornapple Landscapes, Inc. is a full service residential and commercial landscape company with over 70 years serving the Fox Valley and Chicagoland areas. We are currently seeking a highly motivated individual with entry level landscape architectural design experience interested in joining our professional landscape design team. Working with our team of landscape professionals the qualified applicants will provide daily support in many areas of planning, design and construction, preparing design sales packages while gaining sales and construction experience in the field of landscape design-build. Previous experience in the landscape industry is beneficial with knowledge of plant materials, landscape design and construction skills, and general computer skills necessary to perform the required tasks. Thornapple Landscapes, Inc. is a well-regarded, high quality oriented firm which will give the right person a challenging and exciting career opportunity in the field of landscape design-build. If interested please send your resume with qualifications and work history to All inquiries will be completely confidential. LANDSCAPE DESIGN & SALES



Green Grass Landscape Architecture & Construction, an always growing and expanding design/build firm serving the western suburbs since 1997, seeks to fill one position. Green Grass, Inc. focuses on providing a full spectrum of landscape services while specializing in high-end residential design and construction. Applicant is to have extensive knowledge of site analysis, plant and hardscape design, construction methods, grading, estimating, sales, client/project management and preparation of permit documents with construction details. Must possess the ability to work and perform in a fast-paced, detail oriented environment. Proficiency in Dynascape Design, Dynascape Manage and SketchUp is required. Applicant is to have a BLA or related degree with 3 years minimum experience. We offer a competitive salary based on experience, a strong benefit package and room for growth. Please email resume, portfolio and salary requirements to All inquiries are kept confidential. Landscape Designer Kemora Landscapes is a dynamic residential design and build landscaping company located on the north side of Chicago. We have a positive, hard-working company culture and are seeking a Landscape Designer with experience and interest in urban design, often in smaller spaces to join our team.

18715 Route 84 N * Cordova, IL 800-736-1356 * 309-654-2261

Key Competencies • Minimum of 3 years of landscape design and/or sales experience • Exceptional customer service and clear communication skills • Motivated self-starter who enjoys working both alone and with a team • Outstanding organizational and time management skills to balance multiple projects and deadlines in a fast-paced environment • Comfortable meeting with residential clients to present plans, answer questions and sell projects • Ability to draft plans by hand or electronically via AutoCAD or SketchUp • Advanced knowledge of local plants and hardscape materials • Ability to estimate projects accurately Overview of Position • Meeting with residential clients, listening to their needs and providing an accurate assessment of the scope of customer project • Confidently providing innovative design solutions, plans and recommendations to clients • Project coordination from initial design and sales process to successful follow through and installation

High quality delivered in a timely manner at a reasonable price. 60

Kemora offers competitive salary based on experience, retirement account and health insurance contributions, as well as transportation allowance. Candidates must have a reliable vehicle and valid driver’s license. Candidates interested in applying should send resume and portfolio to

The Landscape Contractor January 2018

Advertisers Bartlett Tree Experts .............................................52 Beaver Creek Nursery ..........................................53 Carlin Sales............................................................50 Cassidy Tire ............................................................19 Chicagoland Gardening .........................................61 Contree Sprayers ....................................................18

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Darling Ingredients ................................................51 Doty Nurseries LLC ................................................4 Goodmark Nurseries ...............................................57 Green Glen Nursery ...............................................63 GRO Hort ...............................................................49 B. Haney & Sons, Inc. ...............................................47 Hinsdale Nurseries, Inc. ......................................47 Homer Industries ...................................................24

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James Martin Associates .........................................58 Kramer Tree Specialists .........................................50 Longshadow Planters ........................................15 Mariani Plants ..........................................................6 McGinty Bros. .......................................................52 Midwest Groundcovers ............................................2 Midwest Trading ....................................................17 ProGreen Plus .......................................................50 Rocks Etc. ..............................................................60 Spring Meadow Nursery ........................................55 Stockyards Brick Co. ..............................................13 The Care of Trees ...................................................50 The Mulch Center ..................................................53 Unilock, Inc. ...........................................................64 Vermeer Midwest ...................................................23 Xylem Ltd. ...........................................................60

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


Before You Go...

“So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright” By Scott Mehaffey

If you’re a music buff

(and of a certain age), you might remember a song with this title, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel back in 1969. The lyrics are open to interpretation (as many songs are), but there’s no denying the sense of regret over losing a muse and an ideal. Paul Simon writes, “I can’t believe your song is gone, I barely learned the tune.” And later, “Never change your point of view; when I run dry, I stop awhile and think of you.” By 1969, Wright had already been dead a decade, but his legacy was being revived with newfound interest in organic architecture, the recent birth of the historic preservation movement (and renewed interest in the Prairie School), and perhaps due to a growing admiration for someone who had lived life on his own terms and weathered the passing storms of controversy – not only surviving, but thriving in the face of adversity. Years later, Paul Simon wrote that the song was also meant to foreshadow the end of Simon and Garfunkel, as their careers were beginning to diverge and each wanted to follow a different path. In retrospect, neither ever found success individually to the level they did as partners. (History is always seen in the rearview mirror so it’s wise to pause before you back up – if only to look at what you’ve run over.) Looking back, it seems much of Wright’s success resulted from his fear of becoming irrelevant: he changed with the times and the always-evolving definition of what was modern – but somehow remained committed to his own personal values and


guiding principles. (I’m reminded of a famous quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson: “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”) Today, that current is moving faster than ever before, and we sometimes lose sight of our own commitment to what is right and good – and worth fighting for. In a time when everyone thinks they’re a designer, design is often little more than decorating – and decorations tend only to last as long as the party. Wright himself often referred to decorators as “desecrators” and we seem to have an abundance of those today. At the start of this new year, let’s renew our commitment to good, high-quality design that will stand the test of time – and fight to save and celebrate the beacons that continue to guide our journey. Let’s take more time to reflect and research and rediscover. Let’s think about our lives and our work as part of the intersecting circles of time, the overlap of generations and the embodiment of ideals that outlast a human life. If we don’t, those coming up behind us won’t even bother to look in their rearview mirror. Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of columns by Chicago-area landscape architect Scott Mehaffey. Scott has enjoyed a long and varied career in the landscape world. He has spent time in the employ of contractors, public gardens, and the City of Chicago. He now operates his own design firm. His musings are intended to be reflective, inspirational, and occasionally motivational.

The Landscape Contractor January 2018


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