1 minute read

Ground Covers: A Solution for Every Site

By Carrington Misener

Groundcovers play a multifaceted role in enhancing the landscape. They not only prevent weed growth and add seasonal blooming beauty but also contribute to soil erosion control, slope stabilization, and can even serve as alternatives to lawns. They are perfect for planting along borders or filling in empty spaces within an established garden bed.

Groundcovers have been a fundamental part of landscapes for centuries, offering versatility with options suitable for various growing conditions. Whether it’s sun or shade, pathways or arid areas, there’s a groundcover solution for every situation. Here are some proven varieties based on landscape scenarios you may encounter:

Best Walkable Ground Cover

(keep in mind, most plants can’t endure a lot of walking, so light foot traffic is best):

Isotoma fluviatilis – Blue Star Creeper –

This short groundcover grows well in full to part shade with average soil conditions. It is well suited to plant among pavers and gets coated in beautiful blue flowers late spring into summer.

Sagina subulata – Scotch Moss – another perfect plant to interplant among stone pavers. It has the same light and soil requirements of Isotoma.

Drought Tolerant Ground Cover that Beats the Heat:

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides –Plumbago – can withstand very hot and dry conditions. Its deep blue flowers in late summer and deep red fall color make it one of the most attractive groundcovers.

Thymus praecox – Creeping Thyme – not only is this groundcover walkable, it is also perfect for dry locations. There are many varieties to choose from, based on flower and foliage color preferences. ‘Purple Carpet’ and ‘Doone Valley’ are landscaper favorites.

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