10 ways to improve your call to actions

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10 Ways to Improve Your Call to Actions Subscribe Now! Click Here! Sign Up Now! - sounds familiar? These are CTAs. Consumers are often heard referring to them as ‘Consumer Trapping ABCs’ or akin , but digital marketers like you and me know what these phrases mean and what significance do they hold. In the internet marketing world, these action provoking phrases are well-known as ‘Call to Actions’. CTAs or Call to Actions are pivotal conversion tools of the online marketing strategy. Imagine a scenario where thousands of visitors are coming to your site every day, but you aren’t able to convert even one of them. What’s the point of having such rush on your site? Conversion rate of a website defines its galore. There are ample of ways of improving your sites conversion rate, but optimizing your CTAs is most facile of them all. Here are 10 ways quick and easy ways you can enhance your Call to Actions. 1. Colors Carry Weight: Did you know- there was a time when Google experimented

with 50 shades of blue for its Call to Action, finally settling with the one which boosted its sign ups. No, I am not telling you to test 50 different shades, but you can of course try your hand on a few of them. Be selective about the color you choose for your CTA button and ensure it is in contrast with the color of your website.

2. Be Innovative With Button Copy: Buy Now, Click Here, Purchase Now, Add to

Cart- what’s your choice for a button copy? Sound more like run-of-the-mill? They are! General verbosity like the ones mentioned above fails to have any positive impact on your conversion rates. And copying someone else’s copy just because it has worked for them will also not help you. Use CTAs text which is related to the product and services you are promoting. They convert better than the generic ones.

3. Design is Substantial: Simplicity pays, but not always. Just because others are using

simple square-shaped or rounded CTA buttons, it doesn’t mean you will also follow the suit. Be creative and witness a whopping increase in your conversion rates. Experiment everything from round corners to different sizes to including product images in your Call to Actions. It will definitely work!

4. Be Location-Specific: Try placing your CTAs below the fold, above the fold, center

of the fold and anywhere you think it will make sense. But don’t be in the impression that the higher you will place your CTA, the more conversions you will get. Make sure your consumers have thorough knowledge about the product they are going to buy, before you present them with a Call to Action.

5. Demiurgic Deeds: Think beyond simple buttons and be creative as you design CTAs

buttons. It isn’t a hard and fast rule that standard CTAs convert the most. For instance, placing Call to Actions within a video can yield more results than the one

sticking at some corner of your site.

6. Time is the Dictator: Popping up a CTA as soon as consumer hits your landing page

is a good way of improving the conversion rate. Right? Wrong! Force people to gain some knowledge about the product they are willing to buy and the associated benefits, and you are paving way to boost your site’s conversion rate. Make your customer read about what you are offering before showing them the CTAs. This way, potential customers will stick around, and you will be successfully able to excite them about your product.

7. Pose an Antagonistic View: Change your CTAs copy from ‘Click Here’ to ‘Don’t

Click Here’ and it may work wonders for you! Using words or phrases which ask people to act opposite to what they are usually tempted to do, you have fair chances of improving your conversion rates.

8. Whitespace Wonder: Whitespace can prove wondrous when it comes to CTAs, as it

can make your button stand out. Place absolutely nothing around your Call to Actions. Jumbling up too many elements around your Call to Actions can prove fatal for your conversion rates. Whitespace lures more eyes to your CTAs.

9. Smashing Effects: Adding special effects to the Call to Actions can bring them a lot

more attention and ultimately get them clicked more often. This may not get your conversion rates soaring, but it will definitely get you more clicks. The CTAs used on TimothySkyes.com is one such example.

10. Get Rid of CTAs: Are you daring enough to remove CTAs from your site? Try it

right away! Flooding your site with CTAs will make people feel that your sole purpose is to sell something or the other to them. And removing CTAs will have an exactly reverse effect. You can lure them into buying something which they feel is not available anymore. CTAs don’t work on the concept of one-size-fits-all. What worked for others may not work for you and what doomed in their case might yield results for you. In the end, you will have to experiment with your CTAs to know what can work wonders for you. Author Bio: Rick Brown is associated with an android development company and advise people to hire android developers of high standards.

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