10 Important Conversions You Need On Your Shopify Store For Ecommerce Success

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10 Important Conversions You Need On Your Shopify Store For Ecommerce Success

When you hear the word conversion, your mind probably rushes to a sale. While that is very important, it’s not always possible. Sometimes customers want to think a little more before they buy. There’s still a lot of things you can get shoppers to do, bringing them closer to a purchase. Think of these nearer goals as your new conversions. A lot of this depends on how much your store can get people to engage. With the right theme, you can offer a Shopify store with features that keep shoppers around, pushing them to act. Download Debutify – the highest converting Shopify theme- completely free! Here are some of the different types of ecommerce conversions to perfect for your store: 1. Suggest The Newsletter

It’s important to set up a mode of communication between you and shoppers. This can be via email or text message. Study how shoppers are interacting with the site. How many clicks they make. How long they stay on a page. This information helps you know how to position your request for a signup. If you shove it in their face while a page is still loading, it may be a turn-off. Try displaying it when they are leaving a page. Another option is after at least one or two clicks. This may indicate that the shopper is finding some things to be of interest. “Add to Cart” and checkout stages also work well. Put a lot of thought into the request itself. Give them a reason to sign up. It could be to “get 15% off their next purchase” or “receive the latest updates on new listings and restocking”. 2. Offer Accounts To limit inactive users, many stores tend to reserve account creation for shoppers at the checkout stage. An account can still be used in other ways. Give potential customers the chance to open one. Use this process to collect some basic information. This can be email addresses, preferred payment options, location etc. These can help you get a better understanding of the traffic received. Adjust offerings based on this data. You can also use an account to give shoppers teasers of your available features. Things like saving carts, and custom designs. Put some functions behind the condition of making a purchase. The other option is to limit availability according to how complete a shopper’s profile is. These measures may lure them into completing registration steps and purchasing. To structure this properly, you need a theme that presents registration neatly. Accessible account functions get you closer to sales. Download the free Debutify theme today for powerful design features that are easy to customize. 3. Make Them Share On Social Media There’s only so much attention you can pay for. Give shoppers the option to share your products on social media. Set up your product pages to have beautiful share buttons. You can also give something in return. This may be a one-off free product to convince them to share. Another option is to attach bonus points to every share. This could help you get more products shared. The points may get them a prize in a raffle. They may also be used when making an order. Use language like “share your style with your followers” or “express yourself…”. Make them feel like they get something out of it. 4. Push Your Own App Many shoppers want to be able to buy using their mobile phones. An effective way is to have the iOS (App Store) or Android (Play Store) buttons well displayed. You can also have a special section with screenshots of your app. Enlarge it into a full page. Use zoomed in pictures next to the main one to highlight certain app features. Attach text summaries talking about these functions.

You can also use this section to show other platforms on which you are featured. This gets you closer to cornering on-the-go purchases. 5. Make Shoppers Compete You can ask shoppers to join a contest. Here, the shoppers can get prizes as you generate leads and spread awareness. Some examples include picture hashtag contests like the Jean Paul USA one. Remember, a contest doesn’t have to start on the store itself. It just has to be designed to somehow lead participants back to the store’s website. Here’s more on how to use good ideas and create fair contests. 6. Guide Them To Other Products People are not going to buy what they haven’t seen. But with a lot of listings on your store, it can be hard to get enough eyes on each of them. Start by learning what shoppers usually look at or search for. Organize that data to create extra product groups. These may not be as simple as “shoes”. It’s usually products that go well together. Or those that can substitute each other. Modify your product pages to have these displayed as accessories or alternatives. Use small pop-ups or buttons asking shoppers to “view related products”. Download the free Debutify theme today for powerful add-ons that you can use to create effective pop-ups to guide shoppers to other products on your Shopify store. 7. Request For A Rating

Reviews and ratings are quick ways for shoppers to find out what others have to say about you. Don’t think of them broadly. Break them down to the various parts of your store. Some shoppers want to know about your overall service. Others are there for a particular function. If it works well, they don’t mind much about other things.

Make this process as simple as possible. Provide the option to check a few stars out of 5 (a common one). Provide a small box where they can type a note, maybe with a character limit. Place these at different stages. You can take this further by asking shoppers to vote. This may be on new listings or services you’re thinking of offering. 8. Point Them To A Survey Some of the most valuable concerns can’t be delivered through standard scores. These are usually the things customers feel would make buying easier. Ask shoppers to take a survey. Display a link with an estimate of how long it takes. Use words which show that you care. Take a look at these; “Thanks for checking us out, please let us know how we can be better…”. Or, “your feedback helps us improve, please spare a moment to answer these questions”, Throw in a few freebies if the budget allows. This is valuable research that you get straight from potential customers with little costs. 9. Remind Them To Reach Out If your store heavily relies on phone support, you may want to get people to contact you. First, identify which products are better sold over the phone. It’s usually the more expensive ones. People want to trust first. Find out what issues customers usually face when shopping from the store. Also, list any saleproducing information that can’t be easily communicated on the site. Set up a “Contact Us” page. Here you can refine the process. Direct certain complaints to be handled through page links. Put a phone number option for those calling to place orders. This can also stretch to other submissions. With tools like IdeaScale and other plug-ins, shoppers can suggest listings and other services. This works well for people who don’t want to go through a whole survey. An additional feature is the live chat. Here, everything happens in real-time. Not send and wait. You can quickly get down to the customer’s specific desires and work on them. 10. Ask Them To Buy This is the most important one. And it’s not just about having a “Buy Now” button next to your products. You need to give more context. Mention anything good surrounding the purchase. Here are examples “buy the triple-pack and save 10%”. “Buy before September for free shipping”. “Use Apple Pay to get this item”. Each of the above phrases doesn’t just ask the shopper to buy. It shows them a benefit related to buying. To keep your prompts up-to-date with good information, use a friendly theme. Conclusion

To use these conversions for ecommerce success you need to look at three things. The first is their singular impact. Whenever you go for one of them, know exactly how you want it to serve you. A survey is good for feedback, but may not be the best tool for two-way communication. Phone numbers or live chat may work better. The second is the relationship between these different conversions. Find out how many of them require a customer’s email address. Pick out the more demanding ones and attach a benefit. Create links between them. An example is the submission of an email to claim a prize from a contest. Thirdly, you need to focus on your store. The way conversions are presented. More so, the timing. Structure all this properly to ensure that shoppers bite. To get all your messages, visuals and forms right, get yourself a great theme. Debutify is the highest converting Shopify theme. Download Debutify today – it’s completely free, to get more conversions for your Shopify store.

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