Understanding ADHD |Symptoms and Treatment

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What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a behavioral disorder commonly found in children and can continue upto adulthood. Approximately 8 – 10% of children suffer from ADHD ADHD is more common in boys than in girls. Male to female ratios: 4:1 for predominantly hyperactive type 2:1 for predominantly inattentive type

What causes ADHD? • According to studies, individuals with ADHD do not produce certain chemicals in key areas of the brain that are in charge of organizing our thoughts and behaviour. • Some studies show that ADHD is more common in children who have close relatives suffering from this disorder. • Some researches indicate that smoking and drug abuse during the mother’s pregnancy can lead to ADHD in the child. • Likewise, exposure to pollutants and toxins such as lead could also be a possible trigger for ADHD in the child.

What does not cause ADHD?

ADHD is not caused because of: Bad parenting Family problems Too much television Excess sugar Bad school Bad companions

3 Core ADHD symptoms

Conventional Treatment and their Sideeffects 1.) Stimulants: Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, Focalin, Adderall, Dexadrine Duration of Action: Short-acting (4-6 hours) or Long-acting (6-12 hours) doses Side Effects: difficulty sleeping, lack of appetite, fatigue, headache, stomach-ache, possible occurrences of motor tics

2.) Non-stimulants: Strattera, antidepressants such as Zoloft or Celexa Area of action: Affect dopamine and nor epinephrine levels in the brain Side Effects: difficulty sleeping, lack of appetite, fatigue, headache, stomach-ache Reference: http://www.help4adhd.org/treatment/medical/WWK3

What can you do as a parent of ADHD child? Apart from medicinal ADHD treatment, home management for ADHD is more important. Following are 10 ways to deal with an ADHD child 1.) Help your child to be disciplined but in a gentle way Parents of hyperactive kids tend to give their child a relaxed household without many rules. This attitude works well for many hyperactive children. But, nevertheless the household should be clear and kept in an ordered manner as an unclear environment is a trouble for hyperactive kids. This will help them understand what is expected from them in day to day life. Keeping a routine and a schedule will help greatly. Keep the same routine every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. Include times for homework, outdoor play, and indoor activities. Keep the schedule on the refrigerator or on a bulletin board in the kitchen. Write changes on the schedule as far in advance as possible. Organize everyday items. Have a place for everything, and keep everything in its place. This includes clothing, backpacks, and toys.

2.) Hyperactive does not mean that your kid is a “Bad Kid” Hyperactive nature is a behavioural disorder which is a marked feature of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There is a defect in the inability of the brain to give an appropriate response in a given situation. You need to decide whether the issues you’re dealing with your child’s behaviour is worth fighting with the kid. Instead, focus on the issues that actually matter and help your kid to calm down. 3.) Reduce the distractions Children suffering from ADHD are easily distracted. Therefore the tasks which require good concentration should be performed in areas with minimal distractions. It should be comfortable environment. Avoid seating the child near the door or window when they have to do their homework or study. Allow them to move around in the room but make sure that they are not distracted. While conducting these activities do not make your child feel that he/she is being punished. Encourage your child to make the workspace interesting by asking their opinion for designing it. This will help the child to feel relaxed and help them concentrate on the task given.

4.) Make it easy for them to understand It is the most difficult for an ADHD child to retail long list of information / instructions. Instead make these instructions easy for them to understand. Make it sure that your child maintains eye contact whenever you attempt to explain your child or are trying to give some instructions. Make your child repeat what you told them. Make an extra effort and write the list of instructions in a step – by – step manner. This will help a hyperactive kid to focus on one small instruction at a time and indirectly will help to accelerate his memory of what has been told and move to the next step when the first is completed.

5.) Do not feel you are bribing your child Completion of a task is the biggest struggle for an ADHD child. Children with ADHD often receive and expect criticism. Look for good behavior, and praise it. Praise or reward your child when rules are followed. Reward them with their favourite food or a small prize when they complete a task. This positive reinforcement to encourage your child to do better should not be considered as bribing your child.

6.) Help your child to prepare their own to-do list A to-do list prepared by your child will help the child to become responsible and to become independent. Allow them to complete the task in the order they feel like doing it rather than starting from the first task they have mentioned. Teach your child to refer the to-do list whenever they get stuck or bored or are unable to understand what they have to do next. Do not get upset or punish your child if he/she has failed to finish the to-do list within the time frame they had set up.

7.) Make sure your child has enough time to play outside With the schools increasing the time of study and reducing the recess time for the kids has caused an increase in the rate of hyperactivity in kids. Children need time to run around and play in a setting which is unstructured. Make it sure that your child has enough time to play outside as this will help them also release the study burden and help them grow well.

8.) You are an expert of your child, so stand for him/her You need to let the people who will be handling your child at school or home knows about the disorder. Coping with hyperactive children is difficult for people who are unaware about the disorder. Help and educate their caregiver of how you deal with your child in a particular situation. This will not only help the caregiver to become comfortable with your child but will also help your child to become comfortable with their caregiver.

9.) Educate yourself enough about the disorder Do your own research about the disorder your child is suffering from but keeping in mind the reliability of the information you are seeking from the internet. Get attached to a group who treat ADHD children. Do not take all the decisions instantly. Always seek opinion of an expert. Don’t get frustrated with your child. Help yourself and your child too. Do not be hasty to medicate your child unless really required. If required try and choose safe treatment options like homeopathy. Medicine should be the last resort.

10.) Avoid coloured and preservative foods Certain food colours and preservatives may cause an increase in the hyperactivity of your child. For example, sodium benzoate found in salad dressing and carbonated drinks are known to affect a hyperactive child.

When to say your ADHD child is showing great improvement?       

When your child’s hyperactivity has improved When your child’s impulsivity has improved When your child’s inattentiveness has improved When your child’s social and academic behaviour has shown great improvement When your child has had a good night sleep When your child starts eating well Last but not the least there is no requirement of conventional medicine support

Given the amount of children with ADHD today, we are bound to encounter an ADHD student in our classroom. Information in this presentation will increase your knowledge of ADHD and also help you effectively learn and teach someone dealing with an ADHD child‌

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