Ricky Lau's Portfolio

Page 1

Building Age

Less than 10 Years 10 to 40 Years More than 40 Years

Pedestrian flow Scale 1:2000

Pedestrian flow (major) Pedestrian flow (minor)

Traffic Movement Traffic flow

Proposed Pedestrian Flow

Car Park Area

Scale 1:2000

Scale 1:2000

Scale 1:2000


40 Safeway


Coles Carpark





Legend Vehicular Movement Tram & Bus Movement Zebra Cross Tram Stop

9-4:30pm Carpark area, 4:30-6:30 not allowed

Train Station

9-6:30pm Carpark area, 6:30-8:30 not allowed

Bus Stop

Free Carking

Roundabout 40

Main flow


Car Speed

Pedestrian flow between carparks and supermarkets Liminal Site Commercial Area Pedestrian Flow Proposed Pedestrian Flow 1

Large Carking Space

Proposed Pedestrian Flow 2



Scale 1:500 Proposed Traffic Flow Hawker’s Market Pedestrian Flow Aboriginal Gallery Pedestrian Flow Loading Flow


Previous Empty Space




To Train Station

The Sun Cone is running from the Hawker’s Market roof down through into the Administration Area. Sunlight is thus provided into this area. Reflective copper panels are welded surrounding the column system, reflecting sunlight into different directions. These copper panels intentionally create different shadow in the interior.

At night, lighting in the column system luminates, creating totally different atomsphere from daytime.

Plan 2 - Administration and Sales Area Scale 1:100

Hawker’s Market Trainline

Manager Rm

Sales Area

South Entrance




ministration and Sales Area

N Aboriginal Gallery

Manager Rm

Open Workshop

Meeting & Acquisition Rm

Sales Area

Male Washroom

Activity Rm + Private Workshop

Female Washroom


Plan 1 - Gallery Area Scale 1:100 N

Connection Bridge

Gallery Area

Main Entrance


Program Image

Introduction Animation

Flip Book

Bubble Room

Fast Link Projection

Width Against Speed

Ride-through Gallery

centre for the moving drop


Introduction Animation Panel

Flip Book

Bubble Room

Bubble Room

Fast Link Projection

Width Against Speed

Another End of City Spline

Multiple Access

Public Circulation

Busy Node CUB Site

Urban Strategies

City Axis

RMIT Design Hub

Public Circulation

Pedestrian Flow Shrine of Remembrance

Uni Plaza

Proposed Pedestrian Flow

Future Flow

Public Access

Conceptual Lines into Form Street Axis

Form Strategies

In Plan

City Spine Axis

In Section


Basement Level 2

Basement Level 1

Level 1

Level 2

Lower Level 3

Upper Level 3

Facade & Interior Strategies

Initial Idea - The Matrix

Looks Like a Flat Matrix Facade in Elevation




Matrix Facade Incorporates with the Interior

Scale 1:400

Scale 1:400

Adjacency Diagram

Site Plan

Industry Collaborative Office Industry Collaborative Office More pirvate industry collaborative office located at the top

Industry Collaborative Office

Industry Collaborative Office Industry Collaborative Office

Industry Engagement Open Studio

Research Ctr at the mid of the building Postgraduate Lab ie AHURU

Postgraduate Studio above the undergraduate studio


Center for Design

Most student studio located at 1st level


Aministration & Decision Support Ctr

Ramp directly down to the lecture theatre

Arrangement of studios represent academic hierachy in university study


Administration located at the back of foyer

Foyer & Exhibition Space Easy access to foyer Collaborative Learning Ctr Entrace

Lecture Theatre



Prototyping Facilities


Sound Studio

Under-ground facilities Daylight is not perferred

Ramp Studio & Network Accessibility

Main Ramp

Group Slot Individual Slot Administration Cafe Studio + Workstation Postgraduate Centre Industrial Engagement Lecture Theatre & Learning Centre

Level 4

Level 5

Scale 1:750

USB Port

Ipod Port

Firewire Port

Wireless / LAN Server

Digital Projector


USB Port

Internal Data Base

Construction Process





Inside the Vampire Court - with resident visual surveillance

Fences inside the park - without resident surveillance

Key Accesses to the park

Pathways in the park N

Scale 1:2000


Key Least Active Zone

Less Active

Active Zone

Most Active Zone


Entrance of the house / Resident’s main vision N

Pedestrian Vision from the street to the park


Scale 1:2000

Scale 1:2000


Scale 1:200


Site Plan Key Proposed Park Residential Block Residential Block Proposed Internal Steet Rejuventation Strip Proposed Site



Accesses to the park Least Active Zone (& Green Landscape)

Entrance of the house / Resident Surveillance Less Active Active Zone

Most Active Zone

Scale 1:000


A. Analysis of Needs & De 1. Activity

‘I wish more community

2. Shed/Storage

3. Seats

‘They (the teens) don’t c chairs and table are ins now are burnt.’

Reed Bed System

4. Toilets

‘There is no toilet in the 5-10 min back to their h

The principle of the treatment of sewage by Reed Beds is relatively simple. The Common Reed ( Phragmites Australis.) has the ability to transfer oxygen from its leaves, down through its stem, porous speta and rhizomes, and out via its root system into the rhizosphere ( root system.)As a result of this action, a very high population of micro-organisms occurs in the rhizosphere, with zones of aerobic, anoxic, and anaerobic conditions.

5. Water Supply

Sewage In

Clear Water Out

Therefore with the waste water moving very slowly and carefully through the mass of Reed roots, this liquid can be successfully treated, in a manner somewhat similar to conventional biological filter bed systems of sewage treatment. Earlier Reed Bed Sewage Treatment systems, used the horizontal flow type of reed bed, where the liquid flows horizontally through the bed.

Septic Tank

Horizontal Reed Bed

Humus Tank

Vertical Reed Bed

Vege Storage One factor hesitating people to participate in park activity is storage. Imagine someone lives 10 min away from the park. For each time planting, he needs to carry tools and materials from home to park, which is exhausting. 005



In order to persuade people planting their own fruitages in the park, a storage area is set up. These storages are lent to participants to store their gardening tools, fertilizers, cultivated soil etc. Remaining storages are free to lend to residents living in that area.

Scale 1:25

Planting Slot

Empty Slot - free for everyone to plant their own fruits and vegetables in that slot. Fruits grown are belonged to the participants

Landscape for Playing - a space for people to play around and rest

Vege Storage

Si m





An na

Ka re n

- these storages are lent to participants to store their gardening tools, fertilizers, cultivated soil etc.

Landscape Level

Name Tag

- 600mm above pedestrian level - provide setback to the park

- once the slot is occupied. A name tag is attached next to the slot so that everyone knows who occupies the slot.

Planting slots are installed in the rejuvenation strip. They are free to lend to any interested residents living in that district. Those who are interested to plant their own fruits/vegetables in the park are welcome to go to the hub to register a slot.

Park Level - 300mm below the pedestrian level at the other end

Once a resident register, he is given a package of cultivated soil to plant any kinds of fruits/vegetables within the slot. A name tag is attached in the slot to notify people the slot is occupied. Fruits/vegetables grown are belonged to the participants.

Sitting Landscape - a space for people to rest : people having sports, passing by, planting, barbecue etc.


Rick kyy


Rick kyy


Choosing an empty slot

As the seed grows..... Jane

Put soil, seeds and nutrients into the planting slot

Planting Process

A tomato plant is grown Fruits are ready to serve. Other participants occupy adjacent spaces gradually

6. Covered Communal

‘If the weather is not lik people will come......’

7. Lighting

Flow Control Chamber

‘The lamp post is out of night’ Scale 1:40


Tap Water

Washing Machine

Rain Water Tank


B. Identify Facilities Required

C. More Detail on Kit of Parts

a. Cultivated Landscape

y activities like this.’

- provide cultivated slots for residents to plant in the public space - residents to vegetate their own plants


b. Sports - safe and comfortable space for cycling, footy, soccer, jogging

Public Storage

Since there is a water storage in Australia, the vegetation project maybe constrained by the water supply. In order to provide sufficient water to the plant, a rain water storage system is developed at the barbecue area. The Roof of the barbecue area is made of polycarbonate sheeting. Rain water will flow along the roof to the water tank embedded in the landscape. Water is stored for plant irrigation. 1

- for vegetation storage, barbecue - lend to residents to store belongings in the park

Landscape Bench

cherish the facilities. Those talled last week but they

- travel : people using the path as a fast track - a space for rest after : planting, sports etc.

Biolytis Toilets

park. People have to walk home if they need.’

- people complaining about no toilets in the park - excrement decomposed by organisms to become liquid fertilizer

a. Rain Water Tank


- collect water from the communal shelter roof

b. Reed Bed System - recycle grey water by the new housings


e this, I’m sure more


Shelter - area : encourage public engagement in the park


Solar Panels order. The park is dark at

1. Rain water running along the roof profile 2. Water runs through the gutter to the tan 3. Water Tank 4. Vege Irrigation

Solar energy is used for park lighting

Scale 1:50

Communal Shelter A communal shelter is built in the rejuvenation strip. There are 3 main purposes of the shelter : 1) provide seats and shading for those people who use the park as a fast track to the other side of the district. 2) encourage usage of the park by providing electric barbecue appliance for residents to come and gather at the park. 3) Provide a communal space for public event to take place

Shading Roof

Permanent Seats

Barbecue Facility

Barbecue Table

Water Tap

Additional chairs in case of event

Scale 1:100

Biolytis Toilet ‘No toilets in the park. People have to walk 5-10 min back to their home if they need.’ said one park user. There is a demand of public toilet in the park. It is one of the barriers for park occupants to utilize the park. In the rejuvenation strip, 3 biolytis toilets are installed. The toilets are trying to solve the public issues as well as using the organic waste as liquid fertilizer for the vegetation

Solar Sun Panel System Solar energy is turned into electrical energy for the landscape an nd ground light in the park at night.

The process of converting human excrement into safe and usable compost material can take 3 months to a few years depending on climate, temperature, and the composting system. In 4 to 6 years there will be highly mineralized soil. Some composting-toilet models concomitantly turn urine into an odor-free, pathogen-free organic liquid fertilizer. Some countries, for example Sweden, allow this liquid to be used in agriculture after it is stored for 6 months. In full-size composting toilets, urine goes through a process called nitrification, resulting in an odor-free and practically bacteria-free liquid fertilizer.

+ Biolytis Filter Solar Sun Panel System

Landscape Light

Ground Light

Liquid Fertilizer

Scale 1:100

Hong Kong Arial View

The Site - Upper & Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate Private Housing Public Estate Parks Industrial & Commerical Commerical

Existing Circulation Proposed Circulation Path to roof garden

Section A - lane between 2 proposed blocks

Section B - landscape between existing blocks and proposed blocks

Business Activities Institutional Activities Residential

Eating Legend a shop selling snacks, mainly from mainland and south-east Asia

Kam Lee Loi Restaurant a close restaurant in the food street

Silver Garden Restaurant a chinese restaurant. food price is very cheap: HK$16 for 3 dishes, additional HK$4 for further dish

Wing Cheong Milk Bar selling snacks, drinks, beers, cigarettes, biscuits, instant noddles, bottles of water, wines, gums, cans food, batteries etc.

Fastable Spot a fast food restaurant such as fish fin soup and fish & vegetables

Tsui Yuen Dumpling a dumpling shop modified as a miscellaneous store

Mei Chun Ch Restaurant

HK$20-25 p meal

Chung Hing Chinese Medicine Store (closed) Yuen Sing Water and Electricity Works purposed to be a water and electricity works store but it is a milk bar in reality.

Mei Yi Kai Fruit Store

fruits & jjuices

cloth-hanging area Residents prefers to hang clothings in public area like parks and gardens on the ground level. The government did not expect residents to do so. They initially forbid them to hang clothes in public space. But due to fact that too many occupants did it, the government set up a hanging area for them.

children playing area Some small facilities will be installed to lure child come out to the terrace garden

public corridor p connecting to the rest of the apartments

public dining area A public dinning area provides electrical cooking facilties to encourage people to eat outside their private area. This is to encourage social communication to take place and hence to solidate resident connection.

table tennis Table tennis is one of the famous sports in the district.

storage locker for communal planting participants

dining g room situated next to recreation space, convenient to access to the public space

bedroom situated next to recreation space easily access to public area

communal planting space

chinese chess area chinese chess table available mainly for tennagers and elders

issues found recreation space at the ground floor - sucessfuly gather residents to sit, chat and where social communication occurs - could it revive the decling social relationships

existing situation ex

possible solution p

residents would plant their own fruits and vege at the communal planting space. ideally it would create a sense of unity through cultivating the public space together



Hoi Sing Taiwanese Restaurant Taiwanese restaurant in cheap price. traditional Taiwanese rice and milk te Ar Cheung Beauty Shop i was shocked that a beauty shop is located here

99 Model Shop a model shop with cheap prices. many children come to buy

Wai Wai Children Clothings children clothes, adult socks, clothes and underwear

Kai Heng Hong a milk bar selling wines, magazine, drinks and snacks

Lam Tai Hing Congee Restaurant a traditional Canton-style congee Moon Kei Dessert Restaurant Chinese dessert restaurant. restaurant open till late at night Wing Sang Bookshop

governm - propos located - can the into the

closed restaurant Lam Tai Hing Vietnamese Restaurant a Vietnamese restaurant which Vietnamese rice and noddle etc


Sun Wah Chinese Medicine Store selling traditional chinese medicine and natural tonic

Yat Bun Hung Gallery a Chinese gallery mainly selling paintings,

Yat Sun Curtain Store selling curtain mainly to residents in the estate

Chun Yip Miscellaneous Store selling toys, towels, red-white-blue bag, daily necessities, stationary etc closed restaurant

Kam Yuen Noddle Canton-style noddle shop mainly selling won-ton, dumpling noddles closed restaurant

external kiosk interpreting the streetscape at the ground floor of block 9 exhibition gallery an exhibition gallery would be created for public use. this gallery is highly accessible

selling products interpreting the streetscape at the ground floor of block 9 pedestrian lane

sliding screen retractable to divide space

retractable screen for division and closure

community business a shop selling daily essentials mobile kitchen where food is prepared and cooked conference room would be leased to different cultural organization

2 persons apartment

restaurant located opposite to the famous food street retracted screen 3 units are combined to become a conference room of the town hall

3-4 persons apartment

town hall storage mobile and would be extended towards the street

external kiosk interpreting the streetscape at the ground floor of block 9 selling products moved into the store when the shop is closed

sliding screen close for music class

retractable screen when the shop is close, retractable screen will be moved as shown music room an erhu fiddle class is held in this street unit

community business most of them close at night.

extended mobile kitchen where food is prepared and cooked

retracted screen 2 units are combined to become music room of the town hall

restaurant expension is made possible moving these retractable screen

1 pe


- is l - no

Kai Tai Bookshop is it a bookshop? it sells stationary, toys, models, swimming costume

Wai to Design and Refurbishment Company providing services from design, refurbishing and detailings

Fuk Wan Chinese BBQ Take Away a take-away BBQ pork and chicken store. there is no eat-in seats available. located at the corner of block 9

Wing Hing Daily Necessity Store selling kitechen-ware, toys, cleaning tools and nearly everything you can find in your house

Anna Fashion Traditional clothings and underwear

Tai Ho Restaurant only take away shop, with Chinese BBQ pork and children etc

6 persons apartment

rsons apartment

terrace garden

issues found

blic corridor ocated in between 2 rows of appartment windows or skylights can reach this area.

existing situation

possible solution p

Legend light zone dark zone day light

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