Certified HTML Designer Brochure

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Certified HTML Designer VS-1027

Certified HTML Designer

Certified HTML Designer Certification Code VS-1027 HTML Designer Certification allows organizations to easily develop website and other web based applications which are required by them these days. For growth and development, all organizations need well-maintained and efficient web sites to function effectively. Nearly every sector requires HTML professionals; to perform web site support tasks such as keeping web site updated and troubleshooting if any problem arises which help to keep the web site running smoothly and efficiently. Vskills provide certification course for those who are seeking career in HTML that help people with web design jobs to perform their tasks better.

Why should one take this certification? This Course is intended for professionals and technical graduates seeking career in Software industry and wanting to excel in chosen areas. It is also well suited for those who are already working and would like to take certification for further career progression. Indian IT industry is moving up the value curve, and today’s scenario demands more specialization and that is where a certification of this type will add value. The course is developed with a motive to enhance your skills and helps in building confidence, thus making your job more challenging and rewarding. The certification helps extend web site related skills and ultimately achieve proficiency at work.

Who will benefit from taking this certification? This course benefits students who wish to make a career in web development industry. This course is also beneficial for professionals already working and wants to acquire knowledge in this segment of industry. Students will be ready for jobs from day 1 since this is a high demand skill in software companies. Professionals already in the web development sector looking for job switch will also benefit from the certification. The certification is designed to focus on development of employability skills essential for today's It support that inculcate organization and time management, stress management, selfanalysis, self-promotion and professional development skills. It provides an opportunity for those who wish to work in an organization as an web development professional.

Test Details: • • •

Duration: 60 minutes No. of questions: questions: 50 Maximum marks: 50, Passing marks: 25 (50%); There is no negative marking in this module.


Certified HTML Designer Fee Structure: Rs. 2,000/- (Includes all taxes)

Companies that hire Vskills Certified HTML Professional HTML professionals are in great demand and major IT companies in India hire them. There are a lot of boutique niche companies, specializing in Integration Services, who are constantly hiring knowledgeable professionals. International job consultants also are constantly looking for HTML Specialists for overseas jobs. The skill is also greatly in demand in government projects on contract basis.


Certified HTML Designer

Table of Content 1. HTML and XHTML 1.1 Introduction 1.2 History 1.3 HTML Versions 1.4 Elements, Tags and Attributes 1.5 Head and body tags 1.6 HTML Editor 1.7 Create a web page 1.8 Viewing the Source 1.9 White Space and Flow 1.10 HTML Comments 1.11 HTML Meta Tags 1.12 HTML Attributes 1.13 XHTML First Line 1.14 DTD (Document Type Declaration) 1.15 Special Characters 1.16 Capitalization 1.17 Quotations 1.18 Nesting 1.19 Spacing and Breaks

2. Core Tags and Attributes 2.1 <html> element 2.2 <head> element 2.3 <title> element 2.4 <body> element

3. Attribute Groups 3.1 Attribute Groups 3.2 Core Attributes 3.3 Internationalization 3.4 UI Events

4. Text Formatting 4.1 <hn> Tag for Headings 4.2 <p> Tags for Paragraphs 4.3 <br /> Tag for Line Breaks 4.4 <pre> tags to Maintain Formatting

5. Font Styling 5.1 Font Styling Tags 5.2 <b> Tag for Bold 5.3 <i> Tag for Italicize 5.4 <u> Tag for Underline www.vskills.in

Certified HTML Designer 5.5 <s> or <strike> Tag for Strikethrough 5.6 <tt> tag for Monospace 5.7 <sup> Tag for Superscript 5.8 <sub> Tag for Subscript 5.9 <big> Tag 5.10 <small> Tag 5.11 <hr /> Tag for Horizontal Lines 5.12 <font> Tag for more Font style

6. Phrase Tags 6.1 Phrase Tags 6.2 <em> Tag for Emphasis 6.3 <strong> Tag for Strong Emphasis 6.4 <address> Tag for Address 6.5 <abbr> Tag for Abbreviations 6.6 <acronym> Tag for Acronym 6.7 <dfn> Tag for Special Terms 6.8 <blockquote> Tag for Quoting 6.9 <q> Tag for Short Quotations 6.10 <cite> Tag for Citations 6.11 <code> Tag for Code 6.12 <kbd> Tag 6.13 <var> Tag for Variables 6.14 <samp> Tag for Output 6.15 <ins> and <del> tags for Editing text

7. Grouping Tags 7.1 Grouping Basics 7.2 Block and Inline Elements 7.3 < div > and < span > tags

8. Lists 8.1 List Basics 8.2 <ol> Tag for Ordered Lists 8.3 Unordered Lists 8.4 Definition Lists 8.5 Nesting Lists

9. SIte structure 9.1 Site Structure 9.2 URLs 9.3 Absolute URL 9.4 Relative URL 9.5 <base> Tag


Certified HTML Designer 10. Hyper Linking 10.1 Hyperlink 10.2 Source anchor 10.3 Destination anchor 10.4 Using < a > Tag for Creating Links 10.5 Using href Attribute 10.6 MIME types 10.7 Other Attributes 10.8 Linking to a Specific Part of a Page 10.9 Linking in same web site 10.10 Linking to Other Web Sites 10.11 Linking to E-mail Addresses 10.12 Advanced E - mail Links 10.13 Spam-Proofing E-Mail Links 10.14 Image Links 10.15 Customizing Links

11. Images 11.1 < img > Tag for images 11.2 < img > Tag Attributes 11.3 Using Images as Links 11.4 Image Maps 11.5 Applying Image Maps 11.6 Image Formats

12. Audio and Video Linking 12.1 Multimedia Basics 12.2 Plug-ins and Web Browsers 12.3 Audio File Formats 12.4 Video Formats 12.5 <embed> Tag and attributes 12.6 <object> tag: and attributes 12.7 IE-specific <bgsound> Tag 12.8 HTML 5 Multimedia tag 12.9 Adding Audio 12.10 Flash for Audio 12.11 Adding Videos 12.12 Flash for Video

13. Tables 13.1 Table Basics 13.2 Table Structure 13.3 Using <table> tag 13.4 <tr> Tag for Rows 13.5 <td> tag for Table Cells 13.6 <th> Tag for Table Heading www.vskills.in

Certified HTML Designer 13.7 Table Cellpadding and Cellspacing 13.8 Colspan and Rowspan Attributes 13.9 Table Backgrounds 13.10 Table Height and Width 13.11 Table Caption 13.12 Using Header, Body, and Footer 13.13 Nested Tables 13.14 Inserting Content

14. Forms 14.1 Forms Basics 14.2 Create a Basic Form 14.3 Input control or “control� 14.4 Text Input Control 14.5 Radio Button Control 14.6 Check Box Control 14.7 Select Menu Control 14.8 Button Control 14.9 Label Control 14.10 File Upload Control 14.11 Hidden Field Control 14.12 Form Processing 14.13 Formatting Forms

15. Frames 15.1 Frame Basics 15.2 <frameset> Tag 15.3 <frameset> Attributes 15.4 <frame> Tag 15.5 <frame> Attributes 15.6 Frame based Content Menu 15.7 Nesting Framesets 15.8 Inline Frames 15.9 <noframes> Tag

16. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 16.1 HTML Colors 16.2 Styles in HTML 16.3. Scripts in HTML


Certified HTML Designer

Course Outline 1. HTML and XHTML Introduction about HTML History of HTML HTML Versions Explaining Elements, Tags and Attributes Head and body tags Editor used for HTML How to create a web page Viewing the Source of a HTML page White Space and Flow in a HTML page Comments in HTML Meta Tags in HTML Attributes of HTML First Line of XHTML What is DTD (Document Type Declaration) Special Characters in HTML Capitalization in HTML Quotations in HTML What is Nesting Spacing and Breaks in HTML

2. Core Tags and Attributes <html> element details Explaining <head> element <title> element detail What is <body> element

3. Attribute Groups Various Attribute Groups Core Attributes Details Explaining Internationalization UI Events in HTML

4. Text Formatting <hn> Tag for Headings <p> Tags for Paragraphs <br /> Tag for Line Breaks <pre> tags to Maintain Formatting www.vskills.in

Certified HTML Designer 5. Font Styling Font Styling Tags <b> Tag for Bold <i> Tag for Italicize <u> Tag for Underline <s> or <strike> Tag for Strikethrough <tt> tag for Monospace <sup> Tag for Superscript <sub> Tag for Subscript <big> Tag usage Explaining <small> Tag <hr /> Tag for Horizontal Lines <font> Tag for more Font style

6. Phrase Tags What is Phrase Tags <em> Tag for Emphasis <strong> Tag for Strong Emphasis <address> Tag for Address <abbr> Tag for Abbreviations <acronym> Tag for Acronym <dfn> Tag for Special Terms <blockquote> Tag for Quoting <q> Tag for Short Quotations <cite> Tag for Citations <code> Tag for Code Explaining <kbd> Tag <var> Tag for Variables <samp> Tag for Output <ins> and <del> tags for Editing text

7. Grouping Tags Basics of Tag Grouping What is Block and Inline Elements < div > and < span > tags in HTML

8. Lists Basics of a List <ol> Tag for Ordered Lists Create Unordered Lists What is Definition Lists www.vskills.in

Certified HTML Designer Nesting Lists

9. Si Site structure What is Site Structure Details on URLs Explain Absolute URL Illustrate Relative URL Usage of <base> Tag

10. Hyper Linking What is Hyperlink Explain Source anchor What is Destination anchor Using < a > Tag for Creating Links Using href Attribute What are MIME types Other Attributes Linking to a Specific Part of a Page Linking in same web site Linking to Other Web Sites Linking to E-mail Addresses What is Advanced E - mail Links Steps to Spam-Proofing E-Mail Links Using Image Links Customizing Links

11. Images Using < img > Tag for images What are < img > Tag Attributes Using Images as Links Using Image Maps Applying Image Maps What are Different Image Formats

12. 12. Audio and Video Linking Basics of Multimedia Plug-ins and Web Browsers Explaining Audio File Formats What are Video Formats <embed> Tag and attributes <object> tag and attributes www.vskills.in

Certified HTML Designer IE-specific <bgsound> Tag Multimedia tag of HTML 5 Adding Audio to a web page Flash for Audio in a web page Steps for Adding Videos Using Flash for Video

13. Tables Basics of Table Table Structure Using <table> tag <tr> Tag for Rows <td> tag for Table Cells <th> Tag for Table Heading Cellpadding and Cellspacing in Table Colspan and Rowspan Attributes Backgrounds in Table Table Height and Width Giving Table Caption Using Header, Body, and Footer Nested Tables Inserting Content

14. Forms Basics of a Form Steps to create a Basic Form What are Input control or “control� Details on Text Input Control Explaining Radio Button Control Details on Check Box Control Using Select Menu Control Details on Button Control Label Control in HTML File Upload Control usage Details on Hidden Field Control What is Form Processing Steps for Formatting Forms

15. Frames Basics of a Frame <frameset> Tag <frameset> Attributes <frame> Tag www.vskills.in

Certified HTML Designer <frame> Attributes Creating a Frame based Content Menu Steps for Nesting Framesets What are Inline Frames Using <noframes> Tag

16. Miscellaneous Colors in HTML Styles in HTML Scripts in HTML


Certified HTML Designer

Sample Questions 1. XHTML standard came before HTML 4.0 A. True B. False C. Can not say D. None

2. XHTML standard came before HTML 5.0 A. True B. False C. Can not say D. None

3. All elements should have a closing tag A. True B. False C. Can not say D. None

4. meta attribute is used in body element A. True B. False C. Can not say D. None

5. <title> tag is used to give headings of body elements A. True B. False C. Can not say D. None


1 (B), 2 (A), 3 (B), 4 (B), 5 (B)


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