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Ricky Rahmadyansah Architect & Interior Designer

I’m an experienced architect with a highly developed skill in 3D design, CAD drawing and graphic design.

Defined as an adaptable, down-to-earth and confident individual combined with imaginationand creative drive. Expertise includes managing Architectural and Interior Design projects from appraisal until hand over.

Ed u c at i o n 2016 - 2018

M A S T E R OF B US I NE S S A DM I NI S T R AT I ON Institut Teknologi Bandung ( Bandung ) Master Degree in Creative Cultural Entrepreneurship

2010 - 2014

B A C HE L OR OF A R C HI T E C T UR E BINUS Universit y ( Jak ar ta ) Bachelor Degree in Architecture with Real Estate Field Study

2007 - 2010

S E NI OR HI G HS C HOOL Pribadi Billingual Boarding School ( Depok )

E x p e r i e nc e

Profile Address

2018 - Present

Depok , Jawa Barat

F R E E L A NC E A R C HI T E C T Imite Studio ( Architect & Interior Design Consultant )


Consulting with clients, 3D conceptual design, Shopdrawing, BOQ, Project supervision, Retail and Residential Project 2015 - 2016

rickyrahmadyansah@gmail.com Instagram



PT. Gunamandiri Teknikon ( Contractor ) Design and Project Supervision of Residential Project

Behance behance.net/rickyrahmadyansah

2013 - 2014

I NT E R NS HI P PT. Bangun Investa Graha ( Real Estate Developer ) On Site supervision for Construction of Casa Goya Residence

Skill Software Mastery Office AutoCAD Sketchup

Ac hi e v e me nt

Vray Enscape



R E G I ONA L WI NNE R o f P r o g r a m K r e a t i v i t a s Ma h a s i s w a


Penelitian Sosial Humaniora, DIK TI, Jak ar ta


3r d WI NNE R o f F i n a l P r o j e c t Aw a r d s


Held by BINUS Universit y, Jak ar ta 2014

C ONT R I B UT OR o f 4 0 De s a i n R u m a h d i L a h a n K h u s u s Architecture Book Compilation by Griya Kreasi

Language Indonesia





J House

Yasmin, Bogor 2018

House renovation for newly weds family While the house is on going construction, they need to adjust some minor changes and improvement to make sure their house is look modern and simple.

Diskusi Kopi Bangka Mampang, Jakarta 2019

Coffee shop with Industrial concept in which utilize the existing building structure and showcase raw material and make a rustic look from it.

Lodging House Klimbungan, Surabaya 2019

A Minimalist lodging house of 14 room with the concept of maximazing air flow and direct sunlight to the window of each room.

Yamato Barbershop

Pondok Cabe, Jakarta 2019

This design implements a “zen” japanese vintage concept into a modern barbershop. The entrance is an indoor zen garden made with wooden birch half-wall, low light ambient complete with stone garden decoration and bonsai tree. This makes guests warmly welcome before entering the barbershop. The inside of barbershop concept is a relaxed and cozy japanese living room. A place where people feels homy and comfortable. The barbershop flooring is made from wood laminate with black lining which make it like a tatami, all the wall decorated with wood frame and japanese iconic lattice work and in the middle we give a kanji sign “自 業 自 得 (what goes around comes around) ” as the motto of yamato barbershop.

Metro Tennis Terminal Panglima Polim, Jakarta 2019

Revamp of a tennis store that open since 1977, We make sure the new branding merges within the store display and make a new ambient.

Wo Ai Mie Noodle Bar Bintaro, Jakarta 2019

A noodle bar with vintage chinese concept. The usage of customized tiles and mosaic create a certain vintage ambient. Also, It makes the store’s own character and branding more visible and iconic. The white ceiling and wall make small room more spacious and create a larger room effect on the second floor.

Caspia Cafe

Simpang Lima, Tasikmalaya 2020

This project is started from an on going renovation we redesign the spaces to make sure it meets the desired value and concept of the brand. Because this cafe is a combination of Family Restaurant and Coffee Shop, we try to implement a minimalist and modern look in order to reach the comfort level of various ages of customer.

RiaMiranda Store Bintaro, Jakarta 2020

The concept of the store is based on RiaMiranda’s own branding. Visualization of feminine and minimalist look into design shape and comes up with curve and clean white color, along with peach coral color to make sure the brand value is added.

Byurger Coffee Menteng Menteng, Jakarta 2021

Burger and coffee joint with spacious outdoor space. The concept of “open kitchen” is embodied within the interior design of this project. The goal is to make the design minimalist and clean in order to showcase the kitchen more.

Skyhouse Apartment

BSD, Tangerang Selatan 2022

A compact living space for newly wed family in which can accomodate daily needs and still have enough space to feel spacious. Incorporate scandinavian concept into the existing room which already a semi furnished apartment.

Bura-Bura Sport Bar Cipete, Jakarta 2022

A Shinjuku style traditional japanese bar concept which designed to make sure people can feel the warmth and comfort of japanese vibe. The usage of life cut of kayu jati as bar table and overall decoration makes strong japanese feels. The combination of wood with stainless steel door in order to insert a modern twist in between. Taking the concept from “Tokyo Golden Gai”, A large signage and flexible neon sign for branding. Also, no japanese concept is complete without the use of noren as a welcome sign on the main door.

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