CONTENTS Site Site Layer Analysis Topography Analysis Function & Access Analysis Vegetation Analysis Changes Over Time Bushfire Point Cloud Model
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Penneshaw, Kangroo Island
Kangroo Island is Australia’s third-largest island, has a rich diversity of the ecosystem, the island and its marine waters are home to 18 species of terrestrial mammals, 18 reptile species, 6 frog species, 231 recorded fish species and 5 kinds of seagrass.
Kangroo Island
Penneshaw Penneshaw is a township in the Australian state of South Australia located on the northeast coast of the Dudley Peninsula on Kangaroo Island about 107 kilometres south of the state capital of Adelaide. It is the Kangroo Island’s main ferry port with regular services from Cape Jervis.
Topographic Analysis
The site is coastal, through the section cuts it’s easily to see the changes in topography.
Site Layer Analysis Vegetation By using the Cloudcompare software, separated the point cloud to different layers, we can clearly see constitution of the site area.
Ground The land has some flat areas, and the hight difference between hills and low-lying areas is about 20 meters.
Xanthorrhoea semiplana Traffic line
Function & Access Analysis
Shop Residential
Penneshaw is the Kangroo Island’s main ferry port with regular services from Cape Jervis. There are various shop and residential buildings on this town.
Angophora costata Bush & low trees Gums trees
Vegetation Analysis The vegetation of kangroo Island is a typical tropical zone system, with many specise of arbuscles and “drought-tolerant” plants.
Kangroo Island
2020 Kangaroo Island, like most of Australia, is regularly impacted by bush fires during summer. While most bush fires are much more localised, the summer of 2019-20
Change Over Time
Compare the site in 2015 and 2020, there are no significant
saw an unprecedented bush fire event that seriously impacted Kangaroo Island,
changes between them, but the sand area has increased and a
as well as other parts of Australia. The 2019-20 summer bushfires on Kangaroo
few new building constructed . The population growth slowly
Island were the largest in the island’s. On 21st January the fire was declared con-
each years.
tained, and on the 6th February declared safe. Of the 440,500 hectare island, approximately 211,000 hectares has been affected by this fire.
Point Cloud Model
URL Link: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/ penneshaw-model-63e148d5bd21423786208252219fc988