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Special Needs Living Akron/Canton- August 2022

Cover Story



Building key school, workplace, and life skills through improvisation

By Melissa Klatt Photography by Julian Curet

Melissa Klatt

Julian Curet

The Improvaneers, the world’s first all-Down-syndrome improvisation troupe, were cast in 2018. Originally started through their nonprofit organization, Stand Up for Downs (SUFD), The Improvaneers worked hard over the course of a year and a half to gain recognition! Media outlets such as TheTodayShow.com, The Washington Post, Ability Magazine, Inside Edition, The List, Cleveland Plain Dealer, and AOL.com covered their growing audience and wonderful cause – helping those with developmental disabilities grow skills to apply in school, work, and life situations!

Their parent organization, Stand Up for Downs, was founded by husband and wife Rob and Ellen Snow. This dynamic duo studied improvisation in the 90s at the famed Second City Theatre in Chicago and brought it to life when they established The Improvaneers. They call Medina their home but offer so much to citizens all over the U.S. and Canada!

How Does Improvisation Build Key Skills?

Improvisation builds key skills that are fundamental and necessary for expanding an individual with special needs opportunities in social, work, and lifetime settings. The skills they help build are:

• Eye contact

• Voice projection

• Teamwork

• Problem-solving/quick thinking

• Creative thinking

• Attention to details

• Character development

• Adaptation

• Listening

• Development of self-confidence

Rob is passionate about helping each individual use their special talents to achieve their goals and dreams. He recounts one particular individual who wasn’t initially placed in a situation where she could thrive using her talents

“She was working at a fast-food employer. Initially, the manager had her prepping food and washing dishes in the back. However, one of the main reasons he hired her was because of her dynamic, outgoing, and positive personality. After two weeks in this role, he noticed that her personality had changed dramatically, and she was no longer that happy and engaging person he had hired. He wanted to see if a job change might make a difference, so he asked her to bus tables and ask if anyone wanted refills. As soon as she went into the restaurant, he heard laughter. He looked up to see her and several tables laughing together. She was hugging a customer, fist-bumping another. He knew the issue was that he had just given her a job that didn’t emphasize her skill sets. Today she is still happily employed there and has become one of his top employees and a customer favorite.”

The Improvaneer Method Is Born!

In 2021, The Improvaneer Method was born as a new company, offering over 40 online classes per week for students all over to get involved. Closer to home, The Improvaneer Method offers live classes throughout Northeast Ohio. Combined, they reach over 1,000 individuals with developmental disabilities in the U.S. and Canada, helping them on their path to achieving their goals and dreams!

It was created with the aid of special needs educators and Dr. Anna Esbensen, a renowned special needs behaviorist with the Children’s Hospital of Cincinnati. Their program is unlike anything done in similar theaters or improvisational teachings … they created two methodologies and a measurement form that helped individuals increase their skills anywhere from 50-70%!

One hundred percent of parents have seen skill-building in their loved ones with special needs. See the following testimonials: “The Improvaneers put on an amazing performance for our fundraiser! Not only did they engage the audience during the entire performance, but they were so inspirational to all who were in the room!” – Stacy Jackson, GiGi’s Playhouse Canton, Ohio

“The biggest growth through the Improvaneer program has been giving him the confidence to know he can and should have a seat at the table. He has a renewed confidence that has fueled him to take more control over his life decisions, be more purposeful in his thought process and take calculated, wellthought-out risks to pursue his life goals.” – Lisa and Tim Doyle

“This experience has benefited Adam in so many ways. He has become more socially engaged with his peers, speaks with more inflection and projection, and has enhanced his sense of humor. Improvaneers has led us to further expand our participation in the Down syndrome community and rejuvenated our beliefs in their limitless capacities.” – Kurt and Fran Schoen

“All of that, this awesome energy. It was really great to see. And as a doctor, the studies they’re doing and showing how these young adults are growing their speech skills and their ability to get out there and be confident and what changes it has made in their own lives is really great. This needs to grow!” – Dr. Kishore Vellody, Director of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh DS Clinic/ Board President National Down syndrome Congress.

Support The Improvaneer Method!

The Improvaneers book events and fundraisers all over the country, so get in touch with them today to feature them in your next shindig!

Follow The Improvaneers on social media (@theimprovaneermethod) or visit them online at www. theimprovaneermethod.com.

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