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October 2022 Special Needs Living Akron/Canton

Professional Perspective: Jared Chevraux

Which Stairlift Is RIGHT For You & Your Home? A Three-Step Guide to Choosing the Best Stairlift to Meet Your Needs


By Jared Chevraux

Jared Chevraux

Step 1: Identify the staircase and measure for suitability. Will a stairlift fit? Most staircases are suitable for a stairlift installation, but not all. Of the six brands I have experience with, most of them require at least 30 inches of clearance between the stairs. Any narrower, and there’s a good chance the user’s knees will come into contact with the wall. Simply use a tape measure or yardstick to determine if you have the minimum space needed for installation.

What type of stairs do you have? A straight staircase is common in many homes in Northeast Ohio, but it’s not uncommon for a staircase to have a landing and a turn or feature a curve partially or continually in the stair run. Stairlifts for straight staircases are the most economical. Many dealers can install them within days of your first call. Curved staircases are custom made for each individual staircase. For most curved or turning stairs, the dealer will conduct a detailed measurement of the staircase with a camera survey system and software that will map out a guide for the engineers to design and build a one-of-a-kind stairlift rail. Because of these factors, you can expect a longer lead time and a higher price for a curved stairlift.

Is an electrical outlet nearby at the top or bottom of the staircase? All stairlifts run on batteries and park on battery chargers at the top and bottom of the stairs. The unit will require a standard electrical outlet, usually within ten feet of the top or bottom of the stairs.

Step 2: Determine the features that matter to the user. Can the user sit or transfer onto the seat of the stairlift? Can the user sit comfortably in an upright position? If not, can the user lean on a “perch seat” in a standing position while the lift is in motion? Does the user have the ability to operate the hand control, or will that person need assistance from a caregiver using the remote control?

All stairlift seats swivel toward the landing at the top for safety. Can the user manually swivel the seat, or will a powered swivel feature be necessary? Will the standard seatbelt provide enough safety and stability, or will a body harness be a better fit for the user? What is the weight and height of the individual using the lift? Stairlifts have varying weight capacities and height limits that need to be considered.

Is the stairlift user living alone? Motion sensors are now available to fit any stairlift that will notify family or caregivers if the stairlift is not used when it should be, or if the stairlift starts a trip but doesn’t get to the top or bottom.

Answering the above questions before the next step will make it easier to find the best possible fit for your situation.

Step 3: Find the right company to install your new stairlift. As we saw in steps 1 and 2, there are many factors to consider when selecting the right stairlift for your home.

Unfortunately, not all stairlift manufacturers offer all of the features mentioned above.

Because of this, I believe it is vital that you find the right installation company for your individual needs. A company that offers more than one brand is more likely to meet your needs than a company dedicated to selling one brand of stairlift. Call on several installation companies and ask if they offer the features you need before scheduling a visit to your home. If possible, visit showrooms and have the user actually ride several stairlift models. Take a test drive! And do not fall for a “one size fits all” sales approach.

Finally, consider the budget. If a Medicaid Waiver is available to the user, make sure your installer is a qualified Waiver Provider. Exercise your right to Free Choice of Provider to make sure you are getting the stairlift and installation company that is best suited for the recipient.

I hope this article helped you to become a bit more knowledgeable and comfortable with the process of adding a stairlift to your home with the goal of increasing safety and independence. If you have any questions, concerns, or you feel you have a need I did not touch base on, ask your local stairlift companies for answers. You can also email me at jared@jtekgroup.com, and I will do my best to find a solution.

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