Real Food Real Fas

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Real FOOD . . . Real FAST Rico Caveglia Author of A Question of Balance© The F.U.N. Program© the creator of Ageless Living Adventure™ and The Healthy Heart Challenge

Illustrations by: Colleen Wallich P.O. Box 3253 San Diego, CA 92163

Layout by: J.D. Mumma, Amx.

Copyright © 1997 by Rico Caveglia All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including or photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Published by Ageless Living Publishing Co. 5580 La Jolla Blvd., #105 La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 274-0118 toll free (888) 236-2501 Printed in the United States of America ISBN 1-890904-02-3 Second Edition


This book evolved out of necessity. I am single and a mobile personal fitness trainer with a busy and demanding schedule. To maintain a high-powered daily routine, I need plenty of nutritious high-energy food, and I need it fast. It became imperative for me to develop a system to satisfy my needs. In Real FOOD — Real FAST I address the questions so many people have asked me; What are the healthiest foods to eat? Which are best for me? Where do I get them? How can I prepare and combine them for balanced nutrition? How can I eat healthier without investing a lot of time cooking?

This book answers these questions and provides a quick and easy personalized system to discover, buy, prepare, store and eat the healthiest foods possible, at home and on the go. Eating the highest quality food for your body type is the key to entering and staying in the Zone of Peak Performance. Real FOOD — Real FAST is not meant to be a comprehensive nutrition book, nor an extensive recipe and cookbook. It is a stepby-step guide to help you develop your personal system for preparing real food... real fast. It is purposely laid out in a simple, user-friendly format so the main element, the system does not get lost in too many words.

The Fast Track Food Prep System This System offers all the information you need to create healthy meals, snacks, and drinks to suit your particular tastes and needs. Eating the highest quality food for your body type is the key to entering and staying in the Zone of

Peak Performance. Begin developing your system today. It takes commitment and perseverance, however the rewards will be great. Eating high-energy food will increase the amount of energy available to perform your daily tasks. You will experience better mental and physical health and a greater appreciation for that wondrous gift you possess, your physical body.


I dedicate this book to you who are aware of the many benefits of eating the best quality food available, but may not have the time or space for an organic garden or the money for a nutritionist and a personal chef. It is for you who desire to operate at peak performance in every aspect of your life. It is for you who care enough to make creating a healthy body and a healthy planet a top priority. This book is for all who require, desire and deserve Real FOOD. . . Real FAST.


The magnitude of producing a book requires the talents and efforts of many people. The following people deserve much credit and my highest gratitude and thanks. Robin Motzer, Judy West, Lindsay Zappala, and Dr. Stephen Kepics for their helpful input on the early manuscript. Suzanne Swirsky for her typing and support. P a t r i c i a W e l d for her cooking contribution and ideas on testing the food prep party. Moncef "The Taste Master" Jazirri, my good friend and favorite chef, for his great flavor mix recipes and cooking tips.

Special thanks to Judy Cullins for her great editing job. Her efforts and input were invaluable in creating the finished product. Special thanks to J.D. Mumma for all his efforts on the cover design, book layout, editing and ideas. Extra special thanks to my friend Colleen “ T o o t l e s � W a l l i c h , for her wonderful illustrations, and continual support and encouragement throughout the process. Thanks to all the great teachers, researchers, writers, healers, doctors and associates, who gave me my education and inspired me to develop the Fast Track System so that we all can benefit from eating Real Food. Finally thanks to YOU for reading this book. I wish you great success using your system. Enjoy a long, healthy and purposeful life.

Table of Contents Chapter 1

Your Fast Track Food Prep System ............. 1

Chapter 2

Why Good Nutrition is so Important ............ 5

Chapter 3

Eating To Be Your Best ........................ 11

Chapter 4

Real Food... Real Nutrition .................... 17

Chapter 5

Personalized Nutrition ........................... 27

Chapter 6

Real Food... Where, What and How to Buy ..... 53

Chapter 7

Setting Up Your Fast Track Kitchen ........... 71

Chapter 8

Food Preparation: The Prep Party ............. 79

Chapter 9

Eating Away From Home ....................... 95

Chapter 10

Nutritional Supplementation ..................... 99

Chapter 11

Favorite Fast Track Recipes ................... 107

Chapter 12

The Wrap Up ................................... 139

Appendix .............................................. 143

Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Your Fast Track Food Prep System



Your Fast Track Food Prep System

POWER PRINCIPLE #1: Preparing Real FOOD, Real FAST, Requires a Real System The good news is there are only three parts to your personalized Food Prep System. The even better news is it will be easy and fun to practice on a weekly basis once you complete the following steps. First read this book carefully, to understand the basic concepts and benefits of great nutrition. You will gain both the knowledge and the motivation to make educated healthy food choices. I recommend you read some of the books listed in the bibliography for more comprehensive


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

nutritional information. I also highly recommend you locate and patronize natural foods markets in your area. You can call a health food store or your local chamber of commerce for help. Next, reread chapter five. Use some or all of the suggested methods to determine what foods and amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, suit your particular needs and metabolic type. The more personalized your system becomes, the better overall results can be achieved. Keep in mind this is an ongoing lifetime process, so take your time and enjoy the journey. Setting up your Fast Track Kitchen completes your initial steps. An organized kitchen is not only efficient, it is much more enjoyable and motivating to use. Chapter seven gives you the basic information and ideas to get you started. Read this chapter carefully and have fun creating your personalized system.

Your Fast Track Food Prep System


The Weekly Fast Track Food Prep Three Step System: * Prepare a tentative menu and shopping list and schedule your shopping and Prep Party. * Pick up a variety of Real Foods best for you. * Prepare and store the foods so that quick and healthy meals, snacks and drinks are easy to make and enjoy. That’s all there is to it!

The Results: An Abundance of

Real FOOD . . . Real FAST


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Why Good Nutrition is so Important



Why Good Nutrition is so Important

POWER PRINCIPLE #2: Knowledge is the Key to Success Lack of knowledge is one of the main reasons we lose our motivation to stay on track with any new program. Fifteen years as a personal trainer has taught me that proper knowledge is the key to a client’s long term success. When you know the reasons for eating healthy and understand the benefits, it will be much easier to stick with your system. So let us investigate why good nutrition is such an important prerequisite to enjoying a successful, healthy and happy life.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Energy The most important function our body performs is producing energy. In fact, our whole life depends on energy production. Every cell, tissue, organ and system in our body depends on the food we eat for energy to perform a multitude of functions, every second of everyday. Even activities such as thinking and breathing require energy. With this understanding, I think you’ll agree that success and happiness depend on having and maintaining an abundance of energy.

Good Health Good health is much more than the absence of disease. My definition of good health is:” having a high level of physical and mental fitness, and enough energy to do whatever you want to do, all of your life.” Take a moment to think about what is really important in your life. What gives you the most joy and satisfaction? Whether it is your

Why Good Nutrition is so Important


personal relationships, your family or your career, they all require an abundance of energy and good health to fully enjoy them. Therefore, I strongly recommend you make creating and maintaining good health a high priority.

Nutritious Food Produces Maximum Energy and Good Health The energy available to your body can only be equal to the amount of energy you derive from the raw materials (oxygen, water and the food you eat) you supply it. Food is also required for repairing and building new cells. In fact, your body is made from the food that you eat. Your brain, heart, lungs, bones and muscles are all made from the nutrients available in your diet. In the simplest terms, your body can only be as healthy and energetic as the food you feed it. Just as a building made out of cement and steel will be stronger and last longer than one made of scraps and cardboard, so it is with your body. A high level


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

of energy requires eating fresh, nutrient- rich, foods.

Preventing Pain and Disease If having more energy and better physical and mental health is not motivating enough, how about avoiding disease and pain? Hypocrites, often referred to as the father of medicine (500 years BC) said, “Let Food be your Medicine and Medicine be your Food.” In 1985, the first U.S. Surgeon General’s report on the role of diet in health promotion and disease prevention underscored Hypocrites' message. The studies determined that at least five out of the ten leading causes of illness and death in the United States, coronary heart disease, certain types of cancer, strokes, diabetes and atherosclerosis, can be directly linked to diet. The report states “the overwhelming magnitude of diet-related problems is reason enough to demand dietary changes. The leading

Why Good Nutrition is so Important


chronic diseases account for nearly three quarters of all deaths annually in the United States. When the effects of obesity, high blood pressure, dental diseases and osteoporosis are considered, it becomes evident that diet-related disease affects the vast majority of Americans, causes untold personal suffering and accounts for astronomical health care costs.�

A Strong Immune System Our immune system protects us against disease or dis-ease in the body. Many health care practitioners believe that what we call disease is really a state of imbalance, producing stress or tension in a certain vulnerable area. Lack of proper nutrients create imbalances and stresses in the body and leads to a weakened immune system. Therefore, we can conclude that poor diet plays a major role in most illness and dis-eases. Because I know you want to live a long healthy, energetic and happy life, make good nutrition a top priority in your life.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Eating To Be Your Best



Eating To Be Your Best

POWER PRINCIPLE #3: Eating Real Food on a Daily Basis Creates a Healthy Body/Mind Setting Priorities How many times have you said to yourself, “I am going to start eating better.” If you are like me and many people I know, it’s too many times to remember. So why haven’t you either started or stuck with it? “I just don’t have enough time” is the excuse I hear most often. Yet we all take time to eat whether at home or at a restaurant. We buy groceries, and most of us have a kitchen. It is really a matter of habit and not using our time wisely. When you are prepared it takes the same amount of time


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

to eat nutritious food as it does to eat devitalized food. The real reason most of us have not made the effort to eat healthier is because we have not made it a priority.

Appreciate and take care of your body I believe a major reason many people have not made healthy eating a priority is because they haven’t taken time to truly appreciate their bodies. We tend to take the trillions of functions our bodies are constantly performing for granted. Our bodies are truly magical. We can think thoughts, compose music, digest food, repair cells, perform movements, and grow a baby, to name just a few, all at the same time. Some of us take better care of our cars than we do our bodies. Do you consider yourself a Ferrari or a Yugo? If you had a Ferrari would you use the cheapest gas? Probably not. If you want to run like a Ferrari, you need the highest quality fuel you can get. Taking care of your body is the best investment

Eating To Be Your Best


you will ever make. Our bodies are the temples for our spirits, and the vehicles to enable us to fulfill our lives purpose.

Make Healthy Eating a Top Priority We normally only make changes when we really feel it is absolutely necessary. I hope you now understand that healthy eating is essential for longevity, good health and living a joyful life. If you want to look, feel and be your best, a healthy personalized diet is essential.

Success The success of your FastTrack Food Prep System depends on how well you prepare yourself in the following six areas: awareness, knowledge, setting priorities, time management, commitment and taking consistent action.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Awareness is about realizing what a gift your physical body really is, and how important good nutrition is to good health. Awareness leads to the desire for proper knowledge. Real FOOD . . . Real FAST provides the necessary information to help you develop your personalized system. To continue increasing your knowledge, read the books on the recommended reading list. Once you acquire the proper knowledge and develop your system, make it a top priority. A time management system will enable you to schedule good health as your top priority. Long term success depends on making a strong commitment. The best way to stay committed is to take consistent action on a daily basis. If you have a challenge in any of these areas, consult the numerous books and seminars available to help you develop these skills. See the appendix and bibliography and check the bookstore at your favorite natural foods market.

Eating To Be Your Best



Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Real Food . . . Real Nutrition



Real Food . . . Real Nutrition

POWER PRINCIPLE #4: Only Real Food, has Real Nutrition Nutrition is a word we hear so often these days, but I suspect that many people do not have a clear idea of what it means. Webster’s dictionary defines nutrition as; “the act or process by which organisms, plant or animal, absorb into their systems their proper food... the process of assimilating and converting food into tissue... that which nourishes.” Notice it said proper food... not anything in sight! It gives us a clue that perhaps it might be wise to investigate what just might be our proper food... what I call real food.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Real Food How do you know what is real food? It’s very simple, just trust your mother‌ Mother Nature. Whole, live, fresh foods provided in great abundance in nature such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, are health building energy producing foods. These are the real foods. There are no rivers of cola, or gardens growing hot dogs or trees bearing donuts. A limited amount of natural, chemical free animal products such as poultry, seafood and some dairy products can be included in an optimal diet. Any food that has been manufactured or processed and comes in a container with a contents label is a giant step down the nutritional ladder, and is not what I call real food.

Real Food . . . Real Nutrition


Life Force Foods are not simply good or bad, it’s just that some have a much higher vibrational and nutritional quality or life force and thus have more available energy. Foods have different amounts of bio-available (easily absorbed) nutrients. Which food do you think has more nutrients or energy available, an apple just picked from a tree or a can of applesauce? It’s not that you should never eat minimally processed foods. They do have their place. They are convenient and in certain cases can be life- saving. I do strongly recommend you strictly avoid heavily processed foods containing trans-fatty acids (fully and partially hydrogenated oils) and multiple additives, particularly nitrates and nitrites. Avoid foods that have been sprayed with pesticides, insecticides and fungicides. Look for the organic produce section of your market or health food store.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Benefits of Healthy Food vs. Junk Food The benefits of eating natural and organic real food are so great, not only for our personal health, but also to the health of our environment. Heavily processed and packaged, devitalized junk foods do not offer good nutrition. They also use a lot of chemicals, water and paper, creating pollution and waste. It is our responsibility to take care of our body and our home, Mother Earth. We can support organic farmers and those who produce foods without additives and with minimum packaging. We all need to do our share to help create a healthy, peaceful and happy planet. Please join with me in not supporting those who produce products for profit without concern for our health and for our planet’s health. Learning to eat healthy is big step in the right direction. Our actions will fulfill our desires.

Real Food . . . Real Nutrition


Raw Foods vs. Cooked Foods Which are better for you, raw or cooked foods? This controversial issue usually starts an intense debate. The ancient Chinese and Indian Medical systems are advocates of eating primarily cooked food. Because digestion occurs in our body at about 100 degrees, they believe cool raw food depletes energy and dampens the body, while warm food is more compatible to the stomach. Many Western natural food advocates believe raw food is more nutritious because cooking destroys enzymes and nutrients. They believe eating cooked food depletes the body’s store of enzymes and accelerates aging. We do know that cooking heats the foods and breaks it down, making it more digestible. Raw, cool food, has more nutrients going in the stomach, however they may be less absorbable and require more energy to digest. A very healthy person may receive more benefit from eating raw food, whereas a person with a compromised digestive system will do better with cooked foods.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Digestive disorders are the leading reason people go to the doctor in America. The leading prescription and over-the-counter medications are for treating some form of digestive disorder. This leads one to think that most people in America would probably do best on a combination diet of mostly lightly cooked food with some raw foods. You always have to see what works best for you. I recommend eating as much raw food as you can, both from a standpoint of taste, digestion and comfort.

Real Food . . . Real Nutrition


Food Categories Food is generally divided into three basic categories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The following examples are generally best suited for most people. If a certain food does not agree with you, simply eliminate that food and substitute something else. Proteins Proteins are the building blocks of the body. They are involved in the repair and growth of all body tissues. Protein may be used as a source of energy providing 4 calories per gram. Examples of healthy choices: Organic Eggs — Deep Sea Fish — Chemical Free Poultry — Dairy (raw if possible) such as; Cottage Cheese, Low Fat Yogurt, Natural Low Fat Cheeses (with no additives) — Soy Bean Products — Nuts and Seeds — Beans and Legumes — Whole Grains — Spirulina (a highly digestible type of green algae) — Pro Max 100 a vegetable protein powder, and many of the new designer whey protein powders.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Fats Fats or lipids are the most concentrated source of energy providing 9 calories per gram. They are also essential for many metabolic functions of the body. Examples of Healthy choices: Virgin Olive Oil — Flax Seed Oil — Udo’s Special blend (mixture of healthy oils) — Nuts and Seeds — Raw Butter — Avocados (approximately 85% healthy fat) — Lecithin Granules. Carbohydrates (Carbs) Carbs provide the body with immediate available energy - 4 calories per gram - and help regulate protein and fat metabolism. Examples of complex carbohydrates healthy choices: Vegetables — Fruits — Whole Grains, Whole Grain Pastas — Beans and Legumes. Examples of simple carbohydrates (avoid or use sparingly) All refined and processed sugars, grains and flours .

Real Food . . . Real Nutrition



Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Personalized Nutrition



Personalized Nutrition

POWER PRINCIPLE #5: For Maximum Energy and Optimal Health, Determine and Eat the Foods and Amounts that are Best for You and Your Lifestyle Healthy eating begins by deciding what are the best foods to eat. The many different opinions on this subject make it a difficult decision. There seems to be a new book every month, with a new theory and new solution to the problems of obesity, lack of energy, and many other health problems. “Eat to Win” – ”Fit or Fat” – “Fit for Life” – “The Atkins Diet” – “The Pritikin Diet” – “Protein Power” – “The Zone,” all offer studies and testimonials to prove that their program is best for almost


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

everyone. The question I ask is, how can one method be right for everyone, when we now know that everyone is mentally, physically and biochemically unique? No wonder so much confusion reigns. There are many good books available on nutrition with healthy recipes and individual diets. However until now, none that have put it all together in a workable system that everyone can use.

Personalized Program As we learn more about the role nutrition plays in creating good health, new theories may contradict the previous ones. You can safely conclude that the latest theory or fad diet is just that, a theory. Only you can test and decide if it is beneficial for you. Any successful diet program or system has to be customized to suit the individual. So obtain as much up -to - date information as you can, and enjoy learning about the person that’s uniquely you.

Personalized Nutrition


Experiencing “The Real Food Zone!” To obtain the maximum benefits from eating Real Food, you must learn which foods are best suited for you and your body type. It is also helpful to determine the optimal amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates to eat, in percentage of your total calorie intake. In his best selling book, “Enter the Zone” Dr. Barry Sears states that it is the hormonal response to the food that you eat not the calories that count. He believes it is the high carbohydrate-low fat mania (that everyone from medical doctors to the food industry have been promoting,) that has actually kept people over-fat and under nourished. It seems that when you eat too many carbohydrates, the heavy insulin response required to burn the glucose (blood sugar) blocks the availability of fat to also be burned as energy. Therefore ,on a high carbohydrate diet your body basically is only using blood sugar and never gets around to burning stored body fat for energy. To varying degrees, many people are also carbohydrate sensitive. This


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

means they either have trouble with fermentation of the sugars which causes many problems, or their pancreas produces either too much or too little insulin. This results in either high or low blood sugar. It is also important to realize that eating to many carbohydrates will produce an excess of blood sugar which can be converted to and stored as fat.

Balance Balanced nutrition and proper food choices are the keys to getting and staying in the Zone of Peak Performance and excellent health. This fits in with one of the great natural laws of the universe: the Principle of Balance. In order to function optimally, every aspect of our world including our body/mind thrives on balance. A short-term fast or special diet may be beneficial if we are ill, but if long term good health is to be maintained, we must get back to a balanced diet, The concept of being

Personalized Nutrition


in the Zone of peak performance is really all about being in balance mentally and physically and spiritually. I have found that most people will have the most energy and function optimally when eating meals that are balanced in approximately the ratio, by percent of total calories, of 2040% protein, 10-30% fat, 40-70% carbohydrates.

Calories How many calories per day should you eat? According to The Nutrition Almanac, by Lavon J. Dunne, active women can consume up to 22 calories per pound of body weight, or of desired body weight. Active men can consume up to 26 calories per pound of body weight. Unless you are on a special diet designed by a healthy healthcare practitioner, you should be eating no less than approximately 1200 calories per day. A healthy healthcare practitioner is one that practices what he or she preaches. Notice I only gave a guideline for active women and men, this is because I want to encourage


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

you to be physically active. If you want to enjoy eating an abundance of Real Food, with good digestion and elimination, you must also exercise on a daily basis.

Exercise I believe everyone wants to be optimally healthy, fit and experience life to the fullest. This implies being active, moving, playing and exercising daily. If you are not currently leading an active lifestyle, I strongly recommend that you begin to incorporate appropriate movement and exercise, such as walking and yoga, into your daily routine.

Individuality I again want to stress that everyone is biochemically unique. You have to be aware of what works or doesn’t work for you and make the necessary adjustments. You will need to adjust the amount of calories as well as the

Personalized Nutrition


percentages of foods you eat, depending on how you feel. Use knowledge but learn to trust your inner-self and stay open and flexible. What may seem to be the right answer today may be disproved or inappropriate tomorrow. Always strive for balance and you won't be far off.

Determining What's Best for You A magic formula doesn’t exist, however the following are some proven methods for zeroing in on what may work best for you .

Method # 1: Metabolic Profiling Why is it that one can do all the "right things"; eat healthy organic foods, take all of the latest recommended nutritional supplements, follow the current guidelines for exercise and healthful living and still not achieve the desired level of health. It is because of our genetic biochemical


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

individuality. Each individual is born with a genetic need for certain types and amounts of nutrients. Therefore, an effective eating and supplement plan must be formulated to suit each individual. This is why one food or supplement may give great results for one and be actually detrimental to another. History Metabolic profiling probably first began in India’s ancient holistic health care system, called Ayurveda Medicine. They identified three main body types, Vata, Pita and Kapha, and discovered ways of balancing each type with certain foods and herbs. Similar information emerged in the 1950’s. Western medicine developed the concept of endocrine types, such as thyroid, adrenal and pituitary and linked those types to certain foods. Also about this time, researchers noted the different influences of oxidation in individuals. Individuals were then classified as either fast or slow oxidizers.

Personalized Nutrition


Next, scientist Dr. Roger William’s extensive research brought forth his genetotrophic theory. It suggests that every human being has distinct nutritional requirements. He believes that each individual is born with a genetic need for certain types and combinations of foods and initiated the term “genetic biochemical individuality”. Then in the 1980’s, Dr. William Kelley developed a computerized system of metabolic profiling. The system was based on the genetic interrelationships between the autonomic nervous system, the oxidative system and the endocrine system and their influence in the creation, maintenance and control of energy. An individual’s physiological, psychological and diet related characteristics can be categorized according to their relationship to these three main energy systems.

Metabolic Profiling Survey A recent self-scoring metabolic profiling survey has been developed to aid us in


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

determining which one of the three basic classifications best fits our individual characteristics. Specific dietary recommendations based on years of clinical trials can then be offered. See appendix to order survey. We have taken some basic characteristics from this survey and from the Ayurvedic system, to give you an idea of which body type classification is suited to you. After identifying your body type (one, two or three), you can check to see what percentages of protein, fat, and carbohydrate as well as what particular foods might be best for you.

General Characteristics of Type One: * * * * * * *

thin light frame rarely gain weight mentally quick very active, move quickly sleep lightly enthusiastic, imaginative impatient, moody

Personalized Nutrition


* * * * * *

outgoing tire easily tendency to worry irregular hunger and digestion changeable emotional If you have many of these characteristics ,try the following general eating plan. Percentages of foods : Proteins (2540%), Fats (20-30%), Carbs. (30-45%) The idea here is to basically balance your proteins and carbohydrates with a good portion of healthy fats. Sweet, sour and salty tastes should be emphasized. You will do well eating warm, heavy, satisfying foods, such as hot cereals, hearty soups, stews and warm baked bread and butter. Sweet fruits are best, oils are beneficial, nuts and seeds in moderation. Lightly cooked vegetables are best, go easy on raw vegetables and salads.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST General Characteristics of Type Two:

* * * * * * * * *

medium build, strength and endurance warm blooded sharp intellect good concentration articulate, opinionated argumentative, outspoken enterprising and ambitious intense, irritable cannot skip meals good digestion

If you have most of these characteristics, try the following eating plan. Percentages of foods: Proteins (20-30%), Fats (20-25%), Carbs. (40-60%) Emphasize bitter, sweet and astringent tastes. You can eat a balanced variety of foods, particularly those in season, such as cool raw salads and juicy fruits in summer. Avoid excessive animal fats, oils, salt, and overeating.

Personalized Nutrition


General Characteristics of Type Three: * * * * * * * * * * *

heavy solid frame physical strength and endurance tendency to gain weight relaxed move slowly warm friendly personality slow to act steady energy heavy sleep slow digestion tolerant forgiving happy tendency to be possessive, complacent and resist change

If you have most of these characteristics, try the following eating plan. Percentages of foods: Protein (20-30%), Fats (10-20%), Carbs. (50-70%) Type threes should favor light, dry, warm, stimulating foods, with an emphasis on astringent, pungent and bitter tastes. Examples are: most all vegetables, apples, pears, cranberries and most dried fruits, corn, millet, beans, chicken, turkey and seeds.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Minimize fats and oils, red meat, dairy products, sugar and salt. Several light meals per day are best. Visualizing the percentages on your plate The amounts of each type of food can be estimated visually on your plate. In most cases the amount of carbohydrates should be a third larger than the protein, and the fat one third the size of the protein. Many foods contain hidden fat so you may not need a visual of fat on your plate. Some good examples are: meat, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, avocados and the raw butter on your vegetables. A vegetarian meal should have a variety of grains, beans, nuts and seeds, and vegetables for a balanced mixture of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Personalized Nutrition


Method #2: Ancestry Studies have shown that we are genetically best suited to the diet that our ancestors ate for thousands of years. It would be worth while to investigate your heritage and discover the basic diet of your ancestors. As an example; European and Scandinavian people have commonly consumed lots of dairy products, while Asian and Africans have not. Therefore if you are from European decent, dairy products might be beneficial for you. If you are of Asian or African descent you probably will not do well eating dairy products. Evidence of ill health caused by improper diet can be seen in immigrants all around the world, when they begin to adopt the local eating habits.

Method #3: Lifestyle If you are an athlete exercising vigorously, if you are pregnant, or if you have special health challenges, you need to adjust


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

your caloric intake and your intake of certain nutrients. Rather than give general suggestions here, I highly recommend that you consult with a healthy healthcare professional for a personalized monitored program.

Method #4: Geography and Season Where you live geographically is important when considering what to eat. The foods that grow locally are naturally suited to that climate and will give you the nutrition that is needed for thriving in that particular environment. We need more warm, heavy foods in cold weather, and light, high-water content foods in warm weather. For instance, high-water content foods, such as juicy fruits and vegetables, are needed in the tropics and in warm summer weather, but not so much in winter or in a cold climate. Eskimos certainly would not do well on a fruit and vegetable diet, just as South Sea

Personalized Nutrition


Islanders would not be healthy eating a high fat - high protein diet of raw fish. Today’s modern food processing and shipping procedures have made mangoes available to Norwegians in the winter and frozen yogurt to Tahitians in the summer. Avoiding out- of- season, non-local, processeddevitalized foods will greatly contribute to your vitality.

Method #5: Testing Procedures The Pulse Test Foods that do not agree with you can cause mild allergic type reactions, such as fatigue, headaches, joint pain, improper digestion, and excess bodyfat. They will normally cause an elevated heart rate shortly after ingesting them. Take your pulse rate before eating and then again 20 to 30 minutes after eating a suspected food. If your heart rate is at least 10 beats per minute higher than before you ate, that food may cause you to


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

experience fatigue, headaches, joint pain, improper digestion and may contribute to excess bodyfat. Eliminate that food for awhile to see if it will make a difference.

Muscle Testing Muscle testing was originally developed as a diagnostic tool by chiropractors to gather information about structural misalignments in the body. This technique was later expanded upon to observe the body’s response to various substances. Various techniques have been developed that can give us information as to what foods may be useful or harmful to a particular person. Your Body Knows Muscle testing is based on the straight forward fact that your body responds to whatever substance you put on your tongue This response is immediate, definite, and easily determined. A strong muscle will become weak

Personalized Nutrition


when a substance the body rejects is placed on the tongue. A simple extended arm test shows this response quite well. Before we look into it, let’s step back in time for a moment. Imagine you are a caveman or cavewoman. How do you know what is good to eat? Very simple, you taste it. If it tastes bad, you reject it; if it tastes good, you eat it. In today’s world of processed foods, we have complicated this natural reaction almost beyond the point of usefulness. All those foods on the supermarket shelves are designed to taste good despite what might be in them. Your taste buds may be outflanked, but your body is not fooled. The nerve endings on your tongue transmit information to your brain, causing your body to react in a certain way when a food touches your tongue, regardless of how it seems to taste. Our body has an innate intelligence as to whether something may affect us in a positive or negative manner. How our muscles respond to a certain food is another way our body gives us messages. Learning to interpret these reactions and


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

responding to them can have a very beneficial effect on our health. Remember, your body knows what’s good for it. The Test Sitting or standing, simply hold one arm straight out to your side with your palm facing down. Have a friend place his or her hand on top of your extended arm near the wrist and press down firmly yet gently toward the floor. With nothing in your mouth, your arm will usually be able to resist the downward pressure. This resistance will be felt by the person who is testing you as a kind of “locking” of the arm in place when the pressure is first applied. When this feeling of “locking” is absent the arm feels weak, and can be pushed down. Remember, this is a test of your body’s reaction and not a contest to see who is stronger. After establishing a strong test with nothing in the mouth, then place the food in question on the tongue and repeat the test. If the arm “locks”, the food is probably OK

Personalized Nutrition


for you. If the arm is weak your body is rejecting the food and telling you to avoid it. While our minds may fool us, our body always tells the truth.

Method Six: Attention Our bodies are continuously sending us signals to let us know if something is good or bad for us at a particular time. A signal of discomfort lets us know an imbalance exists somewhere in our body. When we learn to tune into these signals, we can begin to understand the reasons for our pain. As a society we give away our personal power by not taking personal responsibility for our health. We allow someone else to tell us what is wrong and what we should do about it. We look for the quick fix; just take a pill and everything will be OK. This same mind set has gotten us to accept fast devitalized food. Hungry and in a hurry we go for the quick fix, without regards for quality, taste, or nutrition. Your body knows what is best for it; pay attention to its signals.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Slow Down A direct correlation occurs between the amount of urgency we feel in our life and the state of our health. If you always rush and go for the quick fix for everything, your health will be compromised in the process. It is difficult to listen to your body and give it the attention it deserves when you are in a hurry. If you want better health, slow down and pay attention to what your body is telling you.

Begin to Trust your Inner Knowing Before you eat a certain food, ask yourself, does my body really want this? Is this food going to energize me or slow me down? Pay attention to the first thoughts and feelings that come up. They are usually the right ones to follow. For example, if you are considering a cup of coffee the first cup might seem inviting and you will get a positive response from your body. However, when you go for the second cup you may notice a slightly

Personalized Nutrition


different response, your body may seem indifferent. If you go for the third cup you might very well get a recoil response from your stomach. Think of the reasons you may drink excess coffee. Taste, warmth, stimulation and habit can be satisfied by healthier drinks such as herbal teas and coffee substitutes. Of course, pure filtered water is the ideal drink.

Tune in Tune in to the messages your body gives you after eating a certain food or meal. If you feel bloated, fatigued or hyperactive, investigate what food may be presently causing a particular condition. Becoming aware of what your body is telling you takes practice, but it will pay great dividends. This is a good reason to eat slowly and experience your meal without distractions. This method of eating with awareness is also helpful in resisting overeating, drinking and smoking. Remembering that direction is more important than speed,


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

will help you to slow down and be in the present moment. Being in the present body moment and trusting your inner knowing (awareness) empowers all aspects of your life.

An Eating Meditation A moment of silence and gratitude before you begin eating is a good way to learn to eat with respectful attention to your food and your body. Reflect on the source of the food and recite any simple prayer of gratitude or blessing that comes naturally. Be still for a few moments and carefully look at your food. Be aware of your feelings of hunger and how you feel about putting this particular food in your body at this time. When you feel fully present and connected with yourself, begin to eat slowly. Be aware of lifting the food to your mouth, of slowly chewing, of tasting, of swallowing. Notice if you feel hurried. Take your time and taste each bite, noting the flavors, the

Personalized Nutrition


textures, the feelings that arise. Pause and enjoy before the next bite. Notice when you start to feel full. You may think you want to eat more even though your stomach says it is full. Stop eating before you feel completely full. Remember you are eating for energy, not to feel stuffed and tired. Continue this same mindful attention throughout your meal. If you have a challenge with overeating, this will help you to eat less. Practice this eating meditation regularly. Let yourself be guided by this attention. It is a wonderful way to tune in to your inner wisdom.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Where, What and How to Buy



Real Food... Where, What and How to Buy

POWER PRINCIPLE #6: In Order to Consistently Eat the Right, Power Foods they must be in your kitchen. Before you rush out to go shopping, the following tips will help maximize your effectiveness.

Shopping Tips: * 1. Always make a shopping list. Your list will keep you on track to buy the foods that you need for a week of healthy eating. Ideally, you should shop every three or four days.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

* 2. Avoid shopping when you are hungry, you may overbuy or bring home over- processed food. * 3. Fill up your basket first with the fresh foods on your list. Fresh foods are most always located on the perimeter of the store. * 4. When buying food in a container, read the label. Make sure the ingredients are things you want to put in your body — anything you can’t pronounce you probably don’t want to eat. * 5. Plan enough time so you do not rush. Food shopping can be an interesting adventure. Check out the large variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds and new healthy food products available today. * 6. Shop when the store is not crowded. Right after work at five o’clock everyone is in a rush to get home, creating an atmosphere of anxiety. This is not conducive to enjoying a productive shopping experience.

Where, What and How to Buy


* 7. Shop the day before you plan to have your Prep Party (cooking). This will allow you to do a good job on both tasks without taking up too much time in one day.

Real Foods to Buy for One Week of Healthy Eating (for 1 or 2 people) It’s time to put your new knowledge to work. So get up off your couch and turn off the TV or stop whatever else you are doing. Nothing else is as important as getting these healthy foods into your kitchen. Get into your car, on your bike, skateboard or walk to your nearest healthy food store or farmer’s market and be ready for an exciting shopping experience! We will start with the food that will take up the most space in your basket. Vegetables.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST Vegetables

Vegetables are complex carbohydrates and provide vitamins, minerals, enzymes and insoluble fiber. They should make up the largest percentage of your carbohydrate diet. First pick out enough greens, (most stores now have bags of mixed salads greens) plus romaine lettuce, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, and whatever you like, so that everyone in your family can have a large raw salad everyday. Next pick out the ingredients to make green drinks - such as spinach, sprouts, parsley, celery, chard, kale, collard greens or any you don’t normally eat raw in a salad. Pick up some vegetables to cook (preferably steamed or baked) such as corn, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, squash, beets, carrots, peas and green beans. Buy enough for at least two servings for everyone, everyday. With a little experience you’ll soon know how much to buy. Storage: Vegetables should be kept dry in the refrigerator except for tomatoes and

Where, What and How to Buy


avocados, which are actually fruits. Scrub and wash your veggies before preparing.

Fruits Next pick out a variety of fresh fruit (organic if possible). Fruits are good sources of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber and are best eaten raw. Buy enough fruit so each person in your family can have two or three pieces per day. Include berries to make drinks. Remember to try different varieties. When fresh fruit is not available frozen is next best. Storage: Fruits should be kept out on the counter, to ripen naturally for optimum taste and nutrient content. If they ripen too quickly they can be frozen and used in drinks and desserts.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST Whole Grains

Whole grains are the richest source of complex carbohydrates. They contain starch, fiber, vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fats and some incomplete protein. When mixed with other grains or with beans, legumes and vegetables, they offer complete protein for a vegetarian meal. Whole wheat breads, crackers, baked goods, cereals, pastas and raw grains such as rice, corn, oats and couscous are good examples. When choosing baked goods, make sure it says whole wheat on the label, with no hydrogenated oils or artificial ingredients. Choose the following for your week’s meals: * loaf of whole grain bread * box of AK MAK or any variety of similar whole grain crackers * whole grain bagels * package of whole grain pasta * whole grain cereal, hot and cold—steel cut oats-oat meal, brown rice, and granola. Commercial brands like Grapenuts, Shredded Wheat and the Nutra-Grain line are acceptable.

Where, What and How to Buy


* two or more cups of several different types of whole grains such as brown basmati rice, millet, bulgar wheat, kamut, amaranth, quinoa, veggie burger or falafel mix. Choose from the list in the appendix. Storage: Whole grains and whole grain flours (if you bake) should be stored in airtight containers and refrigerated. Breads and baked goods are best stored at room temperature to retain flavor. They do best inside a breadbox or standard bread bag with a few holes to allow the bread to breathe. Bread actually becomes stale quicker in the refrigerator. Refrigerate tortillas, chapatis and flat breads.

Beans These complex carbohydrates are the best plant source of incomplete proteins and soluble fiber. They also contain B-vitamins and many essential minerals. Start with one cup each of lentils, peas, pinto beans, lima beans, garbanzo beans and soybeans.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Storage: Beans and legumes do well in airtight containers in a cool dry place.

Dairy Products Dairy products are a good source of complete proteins and some minerals. Whole, raw (unpasteurized) products are the most nutritious and digestible. It is best to buy products made from animals, which are free of hormones, chemicals and are grazed on unsprayed fields. Alta Dena Dairy now has organic pasteurized low- fat and skim milk in cartons. Choose from the following: * unsalted raw butter * raw whole milk or goat’s milk * raw cottage cheese * natural yogurt or raw kefir if available. * good milk substitutes are soy milk and rice milk. Packaged in a paper box they have a long shelf life both before and after opening. Give them a try, they are both nutritious and tasty.

Where, What and How to Buy


Natural Eggs Eggs are an excellent source of complete protein, lecithin and unsaturated-fatty acids. They also contain some vitamins and minerals. Avoid commercially produced eggs. Buy eggs from healthy chemically free chickens, raised cage- free and grain fed. This information will be stated on the carton. Fertile eggs contain the highest amount of protein. Buy a dozen eggs and store in refrigerator.

Meats Meat refers to animal flesh, a good source of complete protein, B-vitamins and minerals. Meat should be from hormone and chemical free animals fed on pesticide-free grains and feeds. Check with your store manager to find out exactly what type of meat they offer. Refrigerate all meats.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST Fish

Fish offers high-grade protein, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids and minerals. Choose fresh cold water fish such as trout and salmon, deep-sea fish such as tuna, bass, cod, halibut, swordfish and bay shrimp for soups and salads. Buy enough for two to three servings per person, per week. Be sure to refrigerate.

Healthy Fats * Bottle (dark glass) or can of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil-the best oil for salads and for light cooking. Avocado, walnut, sesame and almond oils are also good for cooking and salad dressings. Avoid lesser quality vegetable oils as they oxidize rapidly. * 1 lb. of butter, raw and unsalted (if possible) * A variety of nuts (unsalted and unroasted), start with 2 ounces of four

Where, What and How to Buy


different kinds (choose from the recommended foods list in the appendix). Try a variety, to find the ones you really like. * Choose a variety of (unsalted and unroasted) seeds * Can of lecithin granules, or a 1 lb. bag. Lecithin is a fat emulsifier, solvent/ moisturizer, lubricant, important in many cellular activities. It is soy based. Use it on salads, soups, vegetables and in drinks. * Flax seed oil (dark container), use in salads, by the spoonful, or in capsules as a supplement. Storage: Oils should always be kept tightly covered and refrigerated to prevent oxidation and rancidity. Unhulled nuts can be kept in airtight containers in a dry dark area. Hulled nuts, which are much more convenient to use, should be kept in airtight containers and refrigerated or frozen.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST Herbs, Spices and Condiments

These flavor enhancers are derived from extracts of food. .They also stimulate the appetite, and in many cases they help increase metabolism. Certain ones such as mayonnaise and salad dressings also add nutrients and calories. Choose a variety of herbs and spices from the recommended list. Salt should be either sea salt or one of the corrected varieties with balanced minerals free of harmful chemicals. Herbs should be stored in airtight containers in a cool dry place. Choose prepared condiments from brands using organic ingredients, sea salt, olive, soy or sesame oils, with no additives or preservatives. Better yet make some of your own from our recipes.

Sweeteners Refined sugars are a major source of calories with no nutritional value. An excess of sugar in your body is converted and stored as

Where, What and How to Buy


fat. Artificial sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame and nutrasweet have been shown to have undesirable side effects. Avoid them both. Fruits are a natural source of sugar (fructose) and can furnish the bulk of sugar in a healthy diet. Natural honey, molasses, maple sugar, dehydrated cane juice granules, barley malt syrup, brown rice syrup, and the herb Stevia are acceptable. Buy local organic varieties and use in small amounts.

Beverages Purified or distilled water is your most important beverage (drink approximately 8 glasses per day). Whole vegetable and fruit juices, and herbal teas are also beneficial. Fruit juice is best diluted with water to reduce the concentration of sugar. All other beverages such as alcohol, coffee, tea, colas and carbonated drinks should be avoided or consumed in moderation, because they tend to disrupt digestion and stress the liver, kidneys and hormonal system.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST Acceptable Packaged Foods

Packaged foods are obviously not as nutritious as fresh foods; they are a blessing however, when you are too tired, too lazy or do not have enough time to cook from scratch. Fortunately an abundance of good quality packaged foods are available. The key to buying healthy packaged food is to read the labels. A healthy product will contain just food, without sugar, partially hydrogenated oils, unhealthy additives and preservatives. The following is a list of some recommended packaged foods. These foods are primarily organic whole foods with minimal if any, additives. * Cereals (hot and cold) Brands: Arrowhead Mills, Erehon, Health Valley, Barbara’s, Nature’s Path * Package of whole grains mixes such as couscous, rice and beans, polenta, pastas, potatoes, tabouli, humus, tofu. Brands: Fantastic Foods, Casbah

Where, What and How to Buy


Barbara’s, Near East, De Boles, Vita Spelt, Natural Touch, WestBrae Natural Organics * Crackers Brands: Ak Mak, Hain, and Health Valley * Soups Brands: Health Valley, Fantastic Foods, Nice & Spice * Frozen Vegetables and Fruits Brands: Cascadian Farms, Trader Joe’s * Veggie; Burgers, Hot Dogs and Loafs Brands: Cascadian Farms, Sheltons, Amy’s, Health & Wealth, Fantastic Foods, Natural Touch, Garden Burgers * Milk Substitutes; Rice, Almond, Soy, and Oat Brands: Rice Dream, Westsoy, Hain, WestBrae, Pacific, Vita Soy, and Health Valley


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

* Dairy (raw butter, raw cottage cheese, low processed, low fat cheese, kefir, yogurt) Brands: Alta Dena Dairy, Horizons, and Organic Valley * Tofu (cheese alternate) Brand: Rella * Organic Corn Chips Brands: Little Bean, Terra, WestBrae, Garden of Eatin, and Hain * Baked Corn Chips Brand: Guiltless Gourmet’s line * Whole Grain Cookies Brand: Barbara’s, Arrowhead Mills The previously listed packaged foods are just some of the many acceptable choices now available. I encourage you to expand your world and try these new foods. If you have any doubts as how to store a certain food item, check how it is stored or displayed in the store.

Where, What and How to Buy


Chances are that’s the best way for you to store it at home. * You may want to check out LIFETIME FITNESS’ Video on how to fill up your shopping cart with the most nutritious foods available. For more information see appendix.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Setting Up Your Fast Track Kitchen



Setting Up Your Fast Track Kitchen

POWER PRINCIPLE #7: Fast Food Preparation Requires an Organized Kitchen To effectively implement your F.T.F.P. System, first you need to establish and maintain an organized kitchen. Having the right equipment and using the proper cooking techniques will greatly enhance the success of your system.

Organization It is both convenient and timesaving to label all your containers as to the contents and date


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

of preparation. Organize your refrigerator shelves by foods types, such as proteins, carbs. and fats, or by salads, grains ,nuts, fruit and vegetables. Organize your entire kitchen and recycle useless clutter.

Equipment Quality equipment and cookware will produce better, quicker results and make your cooking and clean up a lot easier. I recommend using high quality stainless steel cookware (low heat and waterless.) Avoid aluminum or any worn out Teflon pots and pans. You will need a good set of knives, a vegetable scrub brush, a steamer, a colander, a toaster oven and a timer. Another important part of your system is a good set of air tight plastic or glass containers and freezer bags, to store and/or take your creations with you. A whole food juicer or high quality food processor is the mainstay of a fast track kitchen. I strongly recommend the Vita Mix® whole food juicer as the best all around tool

Setting Up Your Fast Track Kitchen


for your kitchen. Whole food means you blend the entire fruit or vegetable. This gives you the benefit of all the nutrients in the skin and all of the fiber. It also saves money as less volume of food is needed to produce a certain meal or drink. This unique high speed blender can create many quick and healthy items. It easily makes whole fruit smoothies, whole vegetable juices, soups, sauces, desserts, nut butters, salsas, breads and cereals. It also cuts, grates mixes, chops and cleans up in seconds. This machine is my favorite piece of equipment. However, an ordinary blender or processor can be useful. Now that your kitchen is organized, you’re ready to begin putting together healthy meals, snacks, desserts and drinks.

Power Cooking I think most people would enjoy cooking more if it were not for the time it takes to shop and clean up. Your Fast Track System will definitely help make the overall process a


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

lot easier and time efficient. If you really don’t like shopping, perhaps your partner or roommate could do the shopping and you the cooking. Divide up different tasks. Cooking and food preparation is an important daily task. We all need at least some basic skills. Cooking and preparing your own food not only allows you to control the quality and taste, it gives you the opportunity to express your creativity. Creative cooking can be very therapeutic and satisfying particularly when it is done with gratitude and love. I believe creative, happy cooking will greatly improve your digestion and your overall eating experience. The benefits from such a positive harmonious eating experience are many, including more energy and a sense of well being. The following are methods and tips for healthy and happy cooking. Cooking Recommendations * Bake animal foods such as beef, chicken, turkey and fish.

Setting Up Your Fast Track Kitchen


* Vegetables are best lightly steamed. You can also sauté in water with a small amount of olive oil or butter. * Boil and simmer whole grains or bake in an oven. * Soak beans over night and thoroughly rinse. Then cook by the boil and simmer method. * Boil (soft or hard) and poach eggs. * Nuts and Seeds should be purchased raw and lightly roasted at low temperature (under 112) in a toaster oven. Soaking overnight in water also improves the digestibility and nutrient absorption. * Raw butter or olive oil are best for light cooking or sautéing.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Cooking Tips * There is no real right or wrong way. It’s the love and joy of cooking that really makes it so nourishing .That’s why mom’s cooking always tastes so good. * Be flexible with recipes. Try different things. Measurements only have to be exact for baking. * Shop and cook on different days to have plenty of energy for each one. * Dress comfortably. Wear your favorite supportive athletic shoes, or slippers. * Put on your answering machine so you won’t be interrupted. * Put on some energizing music. You can burn some calories while you cook. If you are in a mellow mood put on some quiet music and relax while you cook.

Setting Up Your Fast Track Kitchen


* Start with a clean kitchen * Have separate cutting boards and knives for vegetables and meats. Plastic boards are safest for cutting meat. Salmonella poisoning from animal products can be transferred to your vegetables from knives and cutting boards. Vegetables are not cooked long enough to kill the bacteria and parasites as in cooking meat. Always wash your knives, boards and hands thoroughly after each use. * Wash each cooking utensil after using. Not allowing dirty dishes to pile up, makes clean up a lot easier. * Take breaks... breathe and stretch. Power cooking is an athletic event.

78 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Food Preparation: The Prep Party



Food Preparation: The Prep Party

POWER PRINCIPLE #8: The key to the Fast Track Food Prep System is the Preparation Party The main reason most busy people do not prepare balanced, nutritious meals, is lack of time. The secret to creating quick healthy meals is not only to have the raw ingredients in your kitchen (Power Principle # 6); you also need to have the basic ingredients prepared ahead of mealtime. The weekly food prep party is the solution. Here’s how it works. You simply schedule a period of 2­4 hours once per week for your prep party. I recommend scheduling the day after you shop for your party, then you cleverly


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

persuade your wife, husband, lover, roommate, friend, or your pet to join you. Let them know that if they want to continue eating it will be in their best interest to help you. If you live alone, invite a friend over and share the results. It’s the same concept as exercising with a friend, you can both support each other and have fun all at the same time. So put on some music and enjoy your time preparing your meals for the next week. If you are fortunate and do not have to rush out of the house in the morning, another option is to start the preparation of your day’s food when you first get up. Let it cook while you are doing your morning routine such as meditating, stretching, or exercising. If you do not want to cook every morning, you can have a quiet peaceful morning prep party once per week.

Food Preparation: The Prep Party


Time Management In just 2­4 hours, one person (two or more can cut the time down significantly) can prepare and cook flavor mixes, chopped vegetables, soups, grains, beans, pastas, chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, desserts and store them in the refrigerator and/or freezer. A good collection of sealed containers is essential for proper storage. Be sure to put together a great lunch or dinner from the food you have just prepared to reward yourself for your efforts.

Great Feeling of Accomplishment You have just spent quality time with a good friend, and are now prepared to easily make a variety of quick energetic meals and snacks for the next week


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Eating Habits Recommendations




Drinks The number one drink is of course pure water. You can live for weeks, even months without food, but you can only survive a few days without water. Many people are chronically dehydrated by not getting adequate daily water. Dehydration can initiate and aggravate many health problems. Most everyone can benefit by drinking the recommended minimum 8 glasses per day. You will require more if you are exercising vigorously on a regular basis, especially in warm weather. One of the best habits you can develop is to begin your day by drinking 2 cups or glasses of purified water. It is doubtful any city water supply is totally safe, so always drink filtered or bottled water. Distilled water is most likely to be the purist. Drinking tea, coffee or juice doesn’t have the same benefits as drinking plain water. When any other substance is added to water the body treats the liquid like a food and it has to go

Food Preparation: The Prep Party


through the digestive process. Plain water can go directly where it is needed, to hydrate and flush out your body at the cellular level. Avoid drinking ice water. Remember your internal body temperature is 98.6, if you drink ice water it shocks your system and requires energy to warm it up. If you have trouble remembering to drink enough water, try keeping a bottle or thermos of fresh water in your car, by your bed, on your desk, at your workspace or wherever you will see it. If you feel you don’t like the taste of water, drink it out of a wineglass. We all know the difference in taste between drinking wine in a coffee cup or out of a wineglass. Pleasing sight and touch works for water as well. Add a peel or drop of lime, lemon, orange or fresh mint for slight flavoring. Some people also enjoy drinking water through a straw. I like to have a cup of warm water and lemon juice in the morning. It cleanses your system and if you add a little honey it’s very tasty. Adding a few thin slices of ginger is also tasty, improves circulation and helps cleanse the kidneys and bowels. I also add a drop of


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Cell Food, (see appendix) a wonderful energetic trace mineral product, to every glass of water I drink. This gives me the added benefit of easily obtaining trace minerals on a regular basis.

Vegetable and Fruit Juices The next most important drink is juice of fresh vegetables. Fresh whole vegetable juices are loaded with phytochemicals (plant chemicals), vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber. You can try any juicy, high water content vegetables, however my suggestion is to eat the ones you like in raw salads and juice the other less tasty ones. Remember fruit juice is generally very high in sugar, so it’s best to dilute them with water. See some of my favorite drink recipes listed in chapter 11.

Food Preparation: The Prep Party


Preparing Flavor Mixes The star of your eating system is what I call the flavor mixes. These are a combination of chopped onions, garlic, veggies, nuts, seeds and your favorite spices. Prepare enough for at least a week and store half in your refrigerator, and freeze the other half. To allow for quick thawing, spread the ingredients approximately one inch thick, in double plastic bags. Take out the frozen mix the day you use the last of your fresh mix. Now you have ready made flavor to add to grains, pasta, beans, soup, salads, sandwiches, burritos, wraps, main dishes, snacks and more. You may want to create more than one flavor for different items and of course use ingredients you like. You can be very creative in your ideas for flavor mixes, as they are the key to preparing fast, easy and tasty meals and snacks.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Fast Track Meals in 12 Minutes or Less You can create delicious and nutritious meals in 12 minutes or less. The first step is to choose some basic recipes you like. Prepare the ingredients needed for these recipes in advance at your prep party and store as previously described. You can put together balanced complete meals in a short time, using the prepared foods in your refrigerator. The detailed sample recipes in chapter 11 are some examples of how to do it.

Meal Planning I recommend you have your heavier meals for breakfast or lunch, and lighter meals in the evening. If you are physically active during the day, eat a heavier protein (dinner type meal) for breakfast or lunch. If you have a sedentary job or you are a slow starter and do not feel hungry in the morning, a vegetable or fruit drink will get you going. High carbohydrate meals tend to make you relaxed and sleepy and

Food Preparation: The Prep Party


therefore are more suitable at night rather than during the day. My green drink recipes are excellent in the morning. They are loaded with enzymes, vitamins and minerals and quick energy. Give them a try to replace coffee. Soups, salads, baked and steamed vegetables and whole grain pastas are good choices in the evening. You might also try eating breakfast meals, such as cereals for a late dinner. You can eat all of the suggested meals anytime of the day. Let go of the habit of eating just certain things for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Get in the habit of varying what you eat everyday.

Fast Track Snacks I define a snack as something around 200 calories or less, and eaten between meals. Snacks are beneficial in that they give energy and help keep your blood sugar from falling too low. They also can help satisfy your hunger so you won’t overeat at a main meal. If reducing excess body fat is a priority, eating several


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

snack meals throughout the day instead of one or two large meals can be helpful. This eating style is called grazing. It can be health building for many people. Everyone can improve their digestion and absorption by never overeating at any one meal. As long as it agrees with you, any whole fruit or vegetable is a good snack. For proper digestion eat fruit alone and wait 20­30 minutes before eating any other food. See appendix for recommended food combinations. All of your prepared soups, salads, grains, beans, pastas, nuts and seeds, whole grain baked goods, muffins, bagels, cookies, yogurt, boiled eggs and sandwiches, can be a good on­the­go snack.

Energy Bars You can eat the popular energy bars as a snack, however they are usually very high in sugar, chocolate and roasted nuts. They aren’t much better than a regular candy bar. Even if the bar is balanced in percentages of protein, fat and carbohydrates, it is still a processed

Food Preparation: The Prep Party


food with too much sugar. I do eat them occasionally while engaging in endurance workouts. In this situation they are convenient and useful, because the sugar is a quick source of energy.

Desserts Good quality desserts are fine as long as you don’t over indulge, and do not have a serious sensitivity to sugars. They are best eaten as a snack between meals, not after a high protein meal. The acid in your stomach for protein digestion can ferment the sugar and cause you discomfort and incomplete digestion. A few fast track desserts that my friends and I enjoy are: rice pudding, fruit pie, and fruit dream. (see recipes in chapter #11 )


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Sample Prep Party The following is a typical prep party menu at my house for a week’s worth of food for two hungry people: Flavor Mixes #1 and #2 8 to 12 hard­boiled eggs. A great source of quality protein, use in salads, soups, sandwiches or alone as a snack. 80 calories, 6 grams of protein per egg. 4 to 6 potatoes baked 75 %. Can be sliced and sautéed with a flavor mix and chopped veggies. Can also be completely baked in about 10 minutes. Potatoes do not refrigerate well, one to two days maximum Sliced zucchini, carrots, broccoli, onion, Steamed with rice and tofu or with any grains and protein meal 3 cups brown rice . Very versatile, warm up with veggies in soup; or as a cereal, add rice milk, nuts and a sweetener.

Food Preparation: The Prep Party


2 cups pinto beans Use in soups, salads or as a protein combination with corn and rice. 26 oz. tuna salad For both salads and wraps. (see recipes) 6 baked chicken breasts. 1 package tofu sliced and marinated in liquid amino acids for flavor. 1 large pot of vegetable soup. 2 cups cooked steel cut oats. Keeps well for a couple of days. 2 cups cold slaw 2 cups chopped veggies (bell peppers, garlic, and onions) 4 cups copped fruit (melons, papaya, apple, or pear sprinkled with lemon juice)


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Recipes The sample recipes in chapter eleven offers you some ideas of the endless possibilities using your Fast Track System. You’ll also see ways to prepare them with a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for staying in the zone of balanced nutrition. I hope you enjoy the recipes offered, but keep in mind the main concept of the system is not about specific recipes. It is about the ease and speed in which you can create a tasty, healthy meal, when you have the ingredients at hand.

Food Preparation: The Prep Party


94 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Eating Away From Home



Eating Away From Home

Power Principle # 9: You Get What You Ask For ! Restaurants and cafes are there to serve you. Let them know exactly what you want and how to prepare it. Eating in restaurants will be easy, now that you have read this book. You have studied the eating awareness techniques and have determined what are the best real foods for you to eat. You have the knowledge you need to eat healthy whether you are at a restaurant or at home. The problem with eating out is that you do not have control over quality, freshness, cleanliness, and additives used. How many restaurants, do you think, are really concerned


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

about serving you nutritious food? How many use the very best organic meats, produce and grains? To truly eat as healthy as possible, you must follow your fast track personalized power eating system the majority of the time. When eating in a restaurant, remember you are the customer. The restaurant is there to serve you. Tell the waiter what you want and how to prepare it, what to bring and what not to bring to your table. Order a basket of whole grain bread instead of white bread and ask to have your vegetables lightly steamed, are two examples. I recommend looking for natural food restaurants in your area and giving them the support they deserve. Keep in mind however, that eating out occasionally with friends should really be a treat, so don’t worry too much about what you eat. Just use a little common sense and have a good time.

Eating Away From Home


Traveling Your challenge is greater if you frequently travel on business. First it is essential to organize your nutritional supplement program and stick to it while traveling. Be sure and follow the previous guidelines for eating in restaurants. If time permits you can locate and patronize healthy natural food markets and restaurants in the area. Pick up healthy drinks, packaged foods, organic produce, and carry them with you. You might also try eating less. A few days of fruits, vegetables and fresh juices will give you increased clarity and energy to focus on your business ,and you might even use up or eliminate some excess bodyfat. And of course, use your system consistently while at home.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Nutritional Supplementation



Nutritional Supplementation

Power Principle #10:

For Optimal Performance the Body Needs Approximately 100 Essential Nutrients Everyday Unless you have considerable nutritional knowledge, an organic garden and prepare all of your own meals, it is highly unlikely that you are receiving all the nutrients you need for optimal health. Many doctors will tell you that eating a balanced diet will give you all the nutrients that you need. Be aware, however, most doctors have little if any nutritional training. Their opinions are based primarily on the RDA’s, which are the recommended daily allowances for vitamins and minerals, set by the Food and


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences. These RDA’s are meant to be obtained solely from food and were developed for the purpose of avoiding deficiencies for the average person, not for ensuring optimal health. But who is the average person, and for that matter who wants to be? I personally desire to experience optimum vitality and longevity, not merely survive.

Nutritional Deficiencies Most nutritionist and healthcare professionals agree that not only are the RDA's too low, but it is virtually impossible to obtain even those low levels of nutrients from today’s foods. There are several reasons for this. Mineral depleted soils, chemical fertilizers, food being picked before it’s ripe, processing, transportation, storing and cooking all adversely affect the nutritional value of the food. Environmental pollutants and stressful, hectic lifestyles further deplete our already

Nutritional Supplementation


compromised intake of nutrients. Studies have shown that nearly 99% of Americans are deficient in at least one vital nutrient, with up to 90% of the deficiencies in certain vital nutrients, such as chromium. If we consistently eat unbalanced low nutrient meals for our unique requirements we are setting ourselves up for ill health.

Unique Requirements We are all genetically unique with certain strengths and weaknesses that specific nutritional support can benefit. At different periods in our life we have different nutritional requirements. Our nutrient requirements vary, especially if we are pregnant, working hard, physically, training for an athletic event or under an unusual amount of stress.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Real Health Insurance By now you may have gathered that I recommend taking nutritional supplements. You could call it responsible preventative medicine. I think of it as, “real health insurance.” What is commonly called “health insurance,” is really disease insurance. It helps pay for your treatment when you are sick; it doesn’t help keep you well. I think we would all be better off putting our attention on real health insurance instead of disease insurance. Avoiding ill health is definitely more desirable and is definitely more cost effective.

Scientific Research Benefits It strikes me as odd that we live in a society that has such a high regard for science and technology, yet we are skeptical about scientific studies showing that a certain nutrient may prevent or even reverse a particular health problem. Many people do not hesitate to use the latest potentially toxic

Nutritional Supplementation


chemical for killing bugs and such, but are hesitant to try a natural substance. Scientific research has validated the therapeutic value of many nutritional supplements. I feel we should take advantage of the latest research and at least give supplements a try. It normally takes up to 90 days to evaluate the effectiveness of a specific supplement.

Which Supplements are needed? Most of us can benefit by taking a good whole food multivitamin and mineral supplement. I recommend taking an additional antioxidant formula, a trace mineral formula and a product containing both essential fatty acids.( Omega 3 & 6 ) Many people can also greatly improve their health by taking a good digestive enzyme formula with meals and a colon cleanser with bio-cultures.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Best Products What products are best to take? Are they all the same? The majority of drug or health food store varieties are made from U.S.P. (United States Pharmaceutical) synthetic products. These have been shown to have only about a 10-20% absorption and utilization rate. I recommend natural whole food formulas, as they have the highest absorption and utilization rate. Whole food means it is made primarily or entirely from real foods, not synthesized in the laboratory. Whole food supplements contain elements we haven’t yet discovered. This improves the bioavailability and greatly lessens any potential toxic side effects that are possible with taking high potency synthetic supplements. I highly recommend consulting a nutritionist to assist you in developing your own personal program.

Nutritional Supplementation



Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Favorite Fast Track Recipes



Favorite Fast Track Recipes

The following recipes are ones that my friends and I have found to be delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare. Be sure to have fun and create your own recipes. The approximate nutritional analyses given for some of the following recipes, are listed to give you a basic idea of the composition of sample meals, snacks and drinks. Each analysis is by percentage of total calories. I hope you see how easily they can be adjusted to suit your particular needs.

108 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Prep Party Recipes Chef Moncef’s Basic Flavor Mixes (Seasoning) Flavor Mix Base #1 Mediterranean



6 3 2 2 2 1

/ 4


/4 1 1 /2

green onions chopped fine cloves garlic chopped tsp. olive oil tomatoes chopped fine Tbsp. parsley tsp. sea salt tsp. coriander tsp. dried basil tsp. lemon juice

compatible with these veggie’s: zucchini ­ onions ­ tomatoes ­ green red or yellow peppers ­ garbanzo beans compatible with these grains: bugler wheat ­ couscous ­ whole grain pastas

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 109

Flavor Mix Base #2 Mexican

1 3 2 1 /2 1 /2 1 /4 1 /2 1 /2 1 1 /2 1­2

onion, finely chopped cloves garlic tomatoes, finely chopped tsp. sea salt tsp. jalepeno peppers tsp. oregano tsp. cumin tsp. lime juice Tbsp. olives chopped tsp. sweet chile powder oz. filtered water

mix to taste compatible with these veggie’s: onions ­ bell peppers compatible with these grains brown rice ­ beans ­ corn

(1 serving)


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Flavor Mix Base #3 Oriental (1 serving) 2 3 6 1 /2 1 1 /2 1

tsp. sesame oil cloves garlic green onions tsp. ginger powder Tbsp. Chinese parsley tsp. pepper tsp. soy sauce or tamari or Liquid Amino Acids 1­2 oz. water

compatible Veggies: carrots ­ broccoli ­ bok choy ­ baby corn ­ onions ­ cabbage compatible Grains: brown rice ­ whole grain noodles

Pasta Sauce

(serves four)

Eliminate lemon juice from Flavor Base #1, add 1 Tbsp. olive oil, 6 oz. tomato paste and cook for 5 minutes. Add 1 cup water, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Favorite Fast Track Recipes


Flavor Mix Uses Flavor mixes can be used to spice up soups, hot and cold grain and pasta salads, casseroles, sandwiches, wraps, most anything needing some quick flavor. Think of flavor mixes as concentrated flavors to be mixed with other foods. Recipes are based on one serving per person. For example, if you are cooking for four people ,multiply the ingredients by four. If you want to use a particular mix two times during the week, multiply again by two. If you want to freeze a mix or sauce for future use, multiply by number of servings desired. Store mixes in covered containers in the refrigerator for up to one week. To freeze, 1 spread the mix /4 inch thick in a freezer bag, and fold in approximately two inch sections (a two person serving). Break off the required number of sections when you are ready to cook. In time you will know what amounts work for you. Experiment and create your own special mixes.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Soups Soups are low in calories, high in nutrients and very satisfying. Most any grain or vegetable can be added to the soup and it will most likely taste good. If you want to make your soup a balanced meal, and increase the protein content, add chicken, tofu, shrimp, or sprinkle in some protein powder. For added fat and flavor, a little hot spicy vegetable oil and a slice of avocado will do the job. There are no analyses given for soups and salads because the ingredients do not need to be measured exactly.

Rico’s Basic Vegetable Soup 8 2

cups of water vegetable or chicken bouillon cubes or 2 Tbsp. powdered soup mix (from bulk bins at health food store)

Chopped vegetables: 8 medium carrots 4 cups of green beans

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 113 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 1

large ripe tomatoes onion handful parsley clove garlic, minced cups brown rice cooked separately Tbsp. hot chili sesame oil Tbsp. Tabasco sauce Tbsp. or more of Bragg Liquid Aminos (a soy sauce like liquid) pepper, sea salt, spices, herbs to taste

Heat water to boiling; add chopped vegetables and seasonings. Lower temperature and simmer for an hour or more. Add rice. Adjust seasonings to taste.

Patricia’s Potato Kale Soup (serves 4)

4 1

cups water Tbsp. vegetable powdered soup mix, bulk kind or 2 cubes bullion 1 onion, chopped 1­2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 handful parsley chopped 1 bunch kale, chopped

114 8

Real FOOD. . . Real FAST potatoes, peeled and chopped Salt, pepper, herbs, spices to taste

Heat seasoning and water in large pot. Add onion, garlic, parsley, kale, potatoes and seasonings. Cook until potatoes are tender.

Salads Salads, cooked and raw are great anytime, and are easy to prepare ahead of time.

Red Potato & Egg Salad 11/2 2 1­2 2­3 1 1 2

lbs. small red potatoes hard boiled eggs, chopped celery stalks, chopped (include tops) green onions, chopped handful parsley, chopped tsp. Dijon mustard Tbsp. real mayonnaise to taste garlic powder to taste salt and pepper to taste

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 115 Scrub potatoes and quarter. (leave skins on) Boil potatoes until tender but not mushy. Place in a bowl and add other ingredients. Add seasonings to taste. Chill and serve.

Chef Moncef’s

Mediterranean Bean Salad 1

2 2 1 4 8 1 2 1 /4 1 /4 1 /2

cup northern white beans (presoaked and cooked, boil and rinse method till soft) oz. parsley, Italian flat leaf finely chopped oz. scallions, finely chopped red pepper, chopped tomatoes, chopped cloves garlic, finely chopped oz. lemon juice oz. olive oil tsp. cumin tsp. coriander tsp. salt & pepper

Mix ingredients and combine with beans. Tabouli, bulgar wheat or couscous can be substituted for beans.


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Colleen’s Cole Slaw 1

4 1 5 2 1 1 /4 1 /2

head of cabbage, shredded ( red or green ) carrots, shredded lemon, squeezed cloves garlic, finely chopped Tbsp. olive oil tsp. sea salt tsp. cayenne pepper tsp. tyme

Mix olive oil, lemon juice and garlic with spices. Sunflower seeds can be added.

Salad Dressings Yogurt Salad Dressing 1 1 /2 1 /4 1 2 11/2

cup of plain yogurt cup lemon juice cup fresh Parmesan cheese Tbsp. Hain’s garlic flavored oil Tbsp. safflower oil tsp. fresh dill chopped

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 117

Mix ingredients and use as salad dressing and/or sauce for fish or poultry.

Tasty Oil and Vinegar Dressing 1 2 1 /2 1 2 1 1 1 /2 1

tsp. balsamic vinegar Tbsp. lemon juice cup olive oil cup apple juice Tbsp. Braggs Liquid Amino Acids Tbsp. Dijon Mustard tsp. fresh basil tsp. oregano Tbsp. parsley, chopped pinch of salt & pepper to taste

Snacks JD's Date Energy Balls 3 1 1­2 1

cups of dried dates pieces cup nuts, chopped or crushed Tbsp. raw or toasted sesame seeds Tbsp. honey


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Combine ingredients and form into 1" to 11/2 “ balls and roll in carob powder. Refrigerate. Nutritional Analysis by percentage of total calories: One ball = approximately Cal. 200; Pro. 35%, Fat 36%, Carb. 29%

Prunes with Lemon

Soak a cup of pitted organic prunes in purified 1 water, add juice of /2 lemon, place in the refrigerator. Prunes will become plump and juicy with a sweet/sour flavor. Delicious and nutritious any time. Analysis: One prune = Cal. 20; Carb. 99%

Desserts Pumpkin Muffins 12 1 1

cup whole wheat pastry flour cup quick rolled oats, ground into flour (use blender)

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 119 1

/2 11/4 1 /2 1 /2 1 /4 2 4 1

tsp. salt tsp. aluminum free baking powder tsp. each of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg cup honey cup butter eggs Tbsp. protein powder (86 grams) cup pumpkin, canned

Combine honey, butter, eggs and pumpkin in a large bowl. In a separate bowl combine dry ingredients and mix well. Add dry ingredients to pumpkin mixture and blend together. Be careful not to over mix. Pour into muffin pans, which have been sprayed with a nonstick spray. Bake 375º F for approximately 30 minutes. Analysis One muffin = Cal. 300; Pro. 21%, Fat 28%, Carb. 51%

Rice Pudding 2 1 /3

cups brown rice, cooked cup rice or soy milk or sweet juice (apple, pear or peach)

120 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST 1

cup honey or 1/3 cup maple syrup large eggs, well­beaten tsp. vanilla 1­11/2 tsp. cinnamon 1 /8 tsp. sea salt 1 /2 cup raisins or currants

/2 2 2

Mix all ingredients and pour into lightly greased 9 x 9 pan. Bake 35­45 minutes at 350º F. Analysis One cup = Cal. 385; Pro. 9%, Fat 18%, Carb. 73%

Fruit Pie

1 frozen whole wheat pie crust 4­6 cups sliced fresh fruit (apples, peaches, berries, etc.) 1 cup sliced almonds and unsweetened coconut 1 /2 cup apple juice (to moisten) 1 /2 cup honey lightly spread on top Place ingredients in pie crust, sprinkle cinnamon or nutmeg or other spices for topping. Bake at 425° F, approximately 45 minutes.

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 121 Lower fat content by reducing the amount of nuts. Remember however, that nuts contain healthy essential fatty acids and protein. Analysis One slice = Cal. 400; Pro. 1%, Fat 39%, Carb. 60%

Fruit Dream 2 1 1

ripe bananas cup fresh or frozen strawberries Tbsp. honey to taste

Add ice cubes and blend in your Vita Mix. This is a quick, very tasty dessert. You can blend any combination of fresh or frozen fruits with ice and a sweetener if desired. Analysis: One cup = Cal. 150; Carb. 90%

122 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Nutritious Fast Track Meals & Drinks in 12 Minutes or Less The following recipes can be prepared this quickly because you are using a combination of fresh and frozen items already prepared at your last Prep Party. Experiment and be creative! The main concept is; once you have all the good raw ingredients available, your kitchen is your canvas. So go ahead and have some fun, and create a masterpiece.

Real Meals Hot Cereal

Use any precooked whole grains, such as oats, rice, or wheat berries. Heat with 1/2 cup of rice or soymilk, then add 1/ 1 4 cup nuts, /4 cup raisins or copped dates, and 1 Tbsp. of maple syrup or preferred sweetener. Analysis: (2 cups) Cal. 480; Pro. 9%, Fat 37%, Carb. 54%

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 123

Rico’s Quick Soup

Quick soup is easy to make, and is nutritious and satisfying anytime. It can be a mainstay of your Fast Track System. 2 1 1 1 1 2

cups water cup of previously cooked/prepared grain or beans from refrigerator Tbsp. vegetable or chicken flavored soup mix ( powder/cubes) cup raw vegetables, grated (cabbage, carrots or beets) Tbsp. olive or sesame seed oil Tbsp. Flavor Mix Base #3 (great for most soups)

Combine grated vegetables, soup mix and water. Bring to a boil. Add grain and seasoning. Simmer a few minutes and it is ready. For more protein add poultry, fish or protein powder.

124 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST My favorite quick soup is: cabbage, beet, brown rice, frozen bay shrimp, vegetable flavor mix, hot sesame oil, garlic powder, onion powder and a dash of Spike (a powdered herbal seasoning mixture). Very tasty and balanced.

Rico’s Pasta for Two 2 6­8 1 1 /2 1 /2 1 /2 1 /2 1 /4

servings Flavor Mix Base #1 Pasta Sauce oz. whole grain angel hair pasta cup bay shrimp cup peas cup sun dried tomatoes onion cup pinenuts cup grated Romano or Parmesan cheese

Add a 1/2 cup of water to skillet and sauté all ingredients except pinenuts and cheese. Boil pasta according to package instructions. Combine sauce and pasta, add pinenuts and cheese. Any type pasta can be used for this recipe.

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 125 Analysis: (2 cups) Cal. 475; Pro. 28%, Fat 22%, Carb. 50%

Oriental Stir Fry for Two 2 2 1 1 1

servings Flavor Mix base # 3 cups grain (rice or noodles) previously cooked cup chicken shredded cup Bok Choy chopped cup broccoli chopped or 1/2 cup baby corn

Heat 1 Tbsp. olive or sesame oil in a skillet or Wok. 1 Add flavor mix, /2 cup of water and other ingredients. Stir until crisp and tender, without veggies losing their color. Approximately. 10 minutes Analysis: (2 cups) Cal. 400; Pro. 25%, Fat 25%, Carb. 50%

126 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

New Mexico Enchiladas for Two

2 2 4­6 1 1

/2 1 /2 1 /2 2 1

servings of Flavor Mix Base # 2 cups pinto beans corn tortillas cup low fat natural cheddar cheese grated cup yellow onions chopped cup red or green bell peppers chopped cup jalepeno chili peppers chopped (optional) eggs lightly poached cup tomato paste or sauce

Combine beans, onions, peppers, with a little water in a skillet and heat. Add flavor mix and tomato sauce, and bring to a boil. Poach eggs for approximately 6 minutes, yolks should be runny when cut. Sprinkle water on tortillas and warm in a toaster oven 2­3 minutes. Place a warm tortilla flat on a plate and sprinkle on 1/4 cup of cheese . Add a large spoonful of heated beans and sauce. Cover with another tortilla. Add remaining cheese, pour on spoonful of

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 127 beans and sauce. Place egg on top. Cut with knife and fork. It’s delicious! Analysis: (2 tortillas) Cal. 540; Pro. 21%, Fat 27%, Carb. 52%

Tuna Egg Salad

Sandwich or Wrap 4 eggs hard­boiled, chopped 12 oz. tuna canned( white or light in water) 1 /2 red pepper, diced 4 green onions chopped 1 dill pickle diced 2­3 Tbsp. real mayonnaise 1 tsp. mustard 2 Tbsp. salsa or 2 dashes of Tabasco sauce (optional) Mix ingredients together and sprinkle in; sea salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Spread on your favorite whole grain bread, or whole grain tortilla. Add alfalfa sprouts. Another option is to stuff all of the ingredients inside sliced Pita bread.

128 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST Analysis: (1 sandwich) Cal. 460; Pro. 32%, Fat 38%, Carb. 30%

Basic Wrap or Pita Pocket

Wraps and Pita pockets make great, quick, nutritious and tasty meals. Use any; grains, veggies, pastas, cheese, yogurt, meat, or whatever you have available. Good with any flavor mix Mix your favorite rice, beans, sliced avocado, grated or sliced cheese, shredded chicken or fish, chopped cabbage, lettuce, and Flavor mix # 2 or salsa. (for vegetarians, leave out cheese and chicken.) Make different ones every week. Analysis: (1 vegetarian wrap with 1/4 avocado) Cal. 340; Pro. 12%, Fat 28%, Carb. 60%

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 129

Example of a Favorite Quick Meal

8 oz. salmon, fresh or thawed, sliced thin, bake at 375° F, in a toaster oven for 12 minutes. corn on the cob steamed 12 minutes beet greens steamed 12 minutes fresh garden salad, made from pre­mixed greens and any pre­cut veggies garlic toast ­ lightly butter whole grain bread, sprinkle garlic powder and a dash of sea salt and toast in toaster oven. Salad and toast are prepared while fish and vegetables are steaming. Any fish and veggies (fresh or frozen) can be used 12 minutes Analysis: Cal. 450; Pro. 30%, Fat 25%, Carb. 45%

130 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST


Green drinks are my favorites. They are energizing, refreshing and great any time. They can replace coffee as a true healthy energizing beverage.

Green Drink #1 1



/2 1 1 1 2 2

cup apple juice chilled organic (or use any juice you like) or two fresh sweet apples cup purified water chilled stock celery handful spinach leaves handful parsley drops cell food (optional) ice cubes just enough to slightly cool the drink, not to ice it (optional)

Blend ingredients and enjoy a beautifully green live energy drink. You may substitute or add any green leafy vegetable such as chard, kale or collard greens. Analysis: 8 oz. (with apple juice) Cal. 132, Pro. 15%, Fat 0%, Carb. 85%

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 131

Green Drink #2: 1 2 2 1 2

whole cantaloupe apples or 1 cup apple juice handfuls parsley cup water ice cubes

Blend all ingredients. If your cantaloupe or apples are not sweet enough you can add a little sweetener. This is a very delicious drink. Analysis: (8 oz.) Cal. 400; Pro. 0.7%, Fat 0%, Carbs. 99.3%

Basic Fruit Smoothie 1

/2 1 /2 1 1 /4

cup organic apple juice cup water banana cup fresh or frozen blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. ice cubes (optional) sweetener to taste

Blend and enjoy!

132 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST Analysis: (8 oz.) Cal. 252; Pro. 0.03%, Fat 0%, Carbs. 99.97% Variation One: Add 1/2 cup vanilla (low or non fat) yogurt or liquid kefir (any flavor) Variation Two: Add 2 Tbsp. protein powder Variation Three: Add 2 Tbsp. lecithin powder To create a balanced drink, add all the variations above to the basic fruit smoothie. You can use any fruit, fresh or frozen. If you use bottled juice add water to dilute the concentration of natural sugar. Good in the morning as a quick breakfast with the addition of the variations, or any time as a meal or snack. Analysis: all three variations (8 oz.) Cal. 530; Pro. 28%, Fat 19%, Carbs. 53%

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 133

Real Meal Smoothie 11/2 1 /8 1 1 /4 1 /4 1 1

cups rice or soymilk cup wheat germ banana (frozen or fresh) cup chopped dates cup almonds (or any nut) Tbsp. honey or maple syrup (optional)

/2 cup blueberries, peaches or other fruit (in place of dates)

Analysis: (8 oz.) Cal. 604; Pro. 11%, Fat 36%, Carbs. 53% Add 2 heaping Tbsp. of protein powder for a complete meal. Analysis: (8 oz.) Cal. 734, Pro. 26%, Fat 30%, Carbs. 44%

134 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Sun Tea

To create this tasty and energizing drink, you will need a one­gallon or large glass container, preferably with a spigot, so you can easily pour a glass from your refrigerator. The ingredients are any combination of approximately 8 herbal tea bags Add stevia or preferred sweetener to taste, plus lemon and/or orange slices. Set out in the sun for 3 or 4 hours, then drink at room temperature or refrigerate.

Eastern Tea 1 1

/2 1

cup Celestial Seasonings Almond Sunset Herb Tea (hot or cold) cup rice or soy milk tsp. honey pinch cinnamon pinch fresh ginger pinch cardamom

You can experiment with any herb tea and spices.

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 135

Rico’s Get Well Health Drink

( Good for clearing your sinuses, and curing what ails you. ) 2 carrots 1 1 /2 cup water 1 /4 medium size beet 1 stalk celery 1 handful parsley 1 clove garlic 1 /8 tsp. cayenne pepper Blend together, close your eyes, take a big breath, and drink it down.

136 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Vita-Mix Total Juice Recipes

(permission granted)

Orbappi Juice 1

/4 1 /2 1 /4 1 /3 1­2 1

cup fresh pineapple orange, peeled apple banana Tbsp. honey cup ice cubes

Blend and enjoy Analysis: 1 cup = Cal. 148; Pro. 3%, Fat. 3%, Carbs. 94%

Citrus Carrot Cocktail 1 /2 1 /8 1 1

cup pineapple with juice, chilled cup carrots inch slice lemon, with peel cup ice cubes

Blend until smooth and enjoy. Analysis: 1 cup = Cal. 99; Pro. 4%, Fat 2%, Carbs. 94%

Favorite Fast Track Recipes 137

Snappy Tomato Juice 2 1 /3 1 /4 1 1 /2

cups ripe tomatoes, quartered cup sweet green bell pepper cup onion clove garlic fresh hot chili pepper, seeded salt to taste (optional)

Blend until smooth and enjoy. Analysis: 1 cup = Cal. 45; Pro. 13%, Fat 10%, Carbs. 77%

Make any of these drinks at home and take with you to the office (keep refrigerated).

138 Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

The Wrap Up



The Wrap Up

You now know that healthy eating is easier than you thought. The Fast Track Food Preparation System is time efficient and easy to implement. Once you determine the foods best suited for your body type and lifestyle, and set up your fast track kitchen, you are ready to begin your weekly three- step system.

Feeling Good Once you begin using your personal system you’ll never feel guilty about not eating healthy again. Consistent use of your system will not only produce more energy and superior health, it will help you look and feel your best. Your newly developed skills will also help create higher self-esteem, and serve as a model for


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

other areas of your life. Most of all, you will enjoy knowing that you are giving your body the nourishment it deserves.

Take Responsibility for Your Health Even though the system is easy to learn and anyone can do it, in order to reap the benefits you must use your system on a consistent basis. It’s like the lottery slogan “ you can’t win if you don’t play. We have to take time to eat, so why not do it right and receive all the great benefits? Keep these thoughts in mind and you’ll stay on track. I strongly recommend you make an unconditional commitment to develop and use your personal system on a daily basis. Take responsibility for your health and your life. The benefits are unlimited.

The Wrap Up


Stay in Touch I want this system to work for you, so please if you’re having any challenges write, fax, or call and I’ll do my best to help. You can also visit our web site "Ageless Living" at Also if you have any good ideas or good fast healthy recipes please let me know. I can pass them on to others in the future. By sharing our talents and ideas we can help create a healthier, happier more peaceful world for us all to enjoy. (858) 274-0118


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Real FOOD. . . Real FAST





What to Eat

Examples of healthy food choices by color:









red peppers



red cabbage




pumpkin seeds


corn lemons millet














brown rice






tomatoes beets



blue corn boysenberries




AGELESS LIVING PUBLICATIONS WISHES YOU . . . . . . a healthy, meaningful, joyful life's adventure Other Books by Ageless Living Publications Ageless Living & The F.U.N. Program Fax orders: 1 (858) 274-3503 Telephone orders: VISA - MASTERCARD in San Diego (858) 824-6730 Call Toll Free: 1 (888) 236-2501 Postal orders: LIFETIME FITNESS 5580 La Jolla Blvd., Suite 105 La Jolla, CA 92037 Web orders:



Bibliography * Recommended "REAL Reading"

Colbin, Annemarie, Food and Healing, Ballantine Books, 1986 *Bragg, Paul & Patricia N.D., Ph.D., Gourmet Health Recipes, Health Science, 1990 Wittenberg, Margaret M., Good Food, The Crossing Press, 1995 Whole Food Magazine, Whole Food Natural Food Guide, AND/OR Press, 1979 Dunne, Lavon J., Nutrition Almanac, McGraw Hill, 1990 Hatfield, Fredrick C. Ph.D., Ultimate Sports Nutrition, Contemporary Books, 1987 *Chopra, Deepak, M.D., Perfect Health, Harmony Books, Crown books, 1991 Hausman & Hurley, Patricia & Judith Benn, The Healing Foods, Rodale Press, 1989 Haas, Elson M. M.D., The Detox Diet, Celestial Arts, 1996 Colgan, Michael, M.D., Optimum Sports Nutrition, Advanced Research Press, 1993


Real FOOD. . . Real FAST

Bond, Dr. Harry C., Natural Food Cookbook, Whishire Book Co., 1977 *Gittleman, Ann Louise MS, Beyond Pritikin, Bantam Books, 1996 *Weil, Andrew, M.D., A Comprehensive Manual for Wellness & Self-Care, Houghton Mifflin Igram, Dr. Cass, Eat Right to Live Long, Knowledge House, 1989 Rector-Page, Linda G., N.D., Ph.D., Healthy Healing, Healthy Healing Publications, 1992 Jensen Ph.D., Bernard, Vibrant Health from your Kitchen, Bernard Jensen, 1986 *Crayhon MS, Robert, Nutrition Made Simple, M. Evans & Co., 1996 *Jensen, Bernard, Ph.D., Creating a Magic Kitchen, Bernard Jensen, 1981 Matsen, Jonn, N.D., Eating Alive, Compton Books, 1991 Dienstbier & Hendricks, Sharon B. & Sybil D., Natural Foods Storage Bible, Horizon Publishers, 1980 Davis, Adelle, Let’s Cook IT Right, Harcourt & Brace

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