Office Automation System | RicohDocs Office Automation Software Solution

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Of fice Automation System Sof tware

By: Bhavna Singh

Office Automation Office automation is basically the use of varied computer machinery and software to digitally create, collect, store, manipulate, and relay office information needed for accomplishing basic tasks.

Advantages • Office automation can get many tasks accomplished faster. • It eliminates the need for a large staff. • Less storage is required to store data. • Multiple people can update data simultaneously in the event of changes in schedule.

Office Automation System Office automation system is a computer based information system software that collects, store, process and execute a variety of office operations.

RicohDocs RicohDocs is a complete and comprehensive office automation system which enables you to automate all your business process. RicohDocs is a customizable document management system and is developed with modular approach.

Contact Ricoh Corporate Office : RICOH INDIA LTD 2nd Floor, Salcon Aurum building Plot No. 4, District Centre, Jasola New Delhi-110025 Toll Free: 1800-3010-3363 Fax: 011-49103099, 011-49103199 Email: , Visit Us:

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