Why Should You Opt For ERP Hosting? If you are running a business, you must always strive for achieving success and taking your business to the next level. One of the common objectives of almost all business is to cut costs and maximize profit, without affecting the user experience or compromising the quality of services. This is why companies keep on looking for techniques following which they can turn their business into success. Using the in-house resources for more than one purposes is one of the best possible methods following which businesses can successfully grow. If you are catering to a market in which the products have very short and rapid life cycle, you must have realized how important it is to provide fast service. If you are lagging behind, you are simply going to lose your customers. Well, you may wonder that you can manage all these needs with on premise solutions. But then, opting for a cloud based hosting solution will help you customize the services easily and implement those quickly. This will also help you display your potential which will help increase the adoption rates across the resellers. If you want to get an edge over your competitors, it’s advisable to opt for ERP cloud hosting. Here are some of the top reasons why you should opt for ERP hosting – Quicker ROI on IT expenses – When you opt for an ERP cloud hosting service, you can get it integrated with the core functionalities of your business within a short period of time. In this way, you will be able to get a fast turnaround on whatever IT expenses you are going to make. In fact, it takes only a few weeks to complete the process of implementation, contrary to the on premise process that usually takes months or even years. The fast pace of cloud hosted ERP solution also ensures decreased TCO or total cost of ownership that you have to bear throughout the entire span of the investment. Reduced investment costs – Quite contrary to the conventional onsite solutions, an ERP cloud hosting service doesn’t need a huge upfront investment. With these types of solutions, all you need to pay is a substantial cost for purchasing and maintaining the servers. You should also take care of certain other aspects like deployment, secure housing, maintenance of the software and configuration. Compared to this type of solution, on-site solutions cost a lot more. More importantly, these also demand a lot of effort and time. You might even need to recruit a full time IT professional who will be responsible for maintaining the entire system. If you opt for an ERP solution, you don’t need to integrate or install a specific hardware in order to support the software. You also don’t need to hire a full time IT staff. These are the major reasons why businesses of all sizes, across different industries, are opting for cloud based ERP solutions. If you are a small business, and running on a shoestring budget, opting for a cloud based ERP solutions might turn out be extremely beneficial for you. (Article Source: http://digitalshare.pen.io/ )