RC Holy Spirit THE DOVE Vol. X No. 19 April 17, 2018

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The editors apologize for the delayed release of THE DOVE.

Official e-Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

The Dove April 17, 2018

Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines

Vol. X No. 19

10th free anti-rabies vaccination – a continuing commitment of RC Holy Spirit and partners — protects the community from fatal rabies infection In partnership with the Don Antonio Heights Homeowners Association and the Quezon City Veterinarian’s Office, RC Holy Spirit organized and coordinated this year’s anti-rabies vaccination drive on April 7, 2018 in four (4) vaccination centers within Don Antonio Heights.

bers of the Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit and the Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School who were assigned in the different vaccination centers.

A total of 530 dogs and cats (pure breeds, cross breeds, and natives) were given free rabies vaccination shots by five (5) veterinarians from the Veterinary Services Department of Quezon City. The tedious task of registering the dogs and cats and controlling the flow of the pets and their owners were, as in past years, cheerfully done by mem-

Project Coordinator PP Marcia Salvador and Rotarian Martin Marinas were on hand to oversee the conduct of the project. This is the 10th year of the club’s engagement to protect the residents of Don Antonio Heights and neighboring areas from the fatal effect of rabies.

After completing this flagship project, the 7 Interactors and 13 Rotaractors were treated to a fun raffle sponsored by PP Marcia.

530 dogs and cats given anti-rabies shots during the 10th anti-rabies program of RC Holy Spirit

Rabies is a Latin word that means, "madness, rage, fury".

Rabies causes acute inflammation of the brain. In nonvaccinated humans, rabies is almost invariably fatal after symptoms have developed, although prompt post-exposure vaccination may prevent the virus from progressing The route of infection is usually by a bite. In many cases the infected animal becomes exceptionally aggressive, may attack without provocation, and exhibits otherwise uncharacteristic behavior

Rabies can be prevented by vaccination. It

can also be prevented by avoiding to be bitten by a mad dog or an infected person.

Value contributed by anti-rabies program of Rotary

This is a safety and problem-prevention program whose value to the community is indicated by: 

Aggregate savings by owners of pets based on what private vet clinics charge, an average of P450 per shot. Potential saving of P15,000 for the treatment of a person bitten by infected, unvaccinated dog. Avoidance of fines imposed by law to owners who fail to have their dogs vaccinated. Peace of mind on the part of pet owners and their neighbours until the next annual vaccination schedule.

RA 9482 requires pet owners to have their dog regularly vaccinated, to maintain control of their dog and not allow it to roam any public place without a leash, to provide their dog with proper grooming, adequate food and clean shelter, to report within 24 hours any dog biting incident, to assist the dog bite victim immediately, and to shoulder the medical expenses of the victim.


Selected pictures featuring RC Holy Spirit from the District Conference last April 12-14, 2018 Baguio City

PP Marites Nepomuceno and PP Marcia Salvador flank Rotary International President Representative PDG William Chiu-Lien Tseng

RC HOLY SPIRIT, RC TIMOG QC, and RC PEARL OF THE ORIENT received Certificates of Recognition from Rotary International President Representative PDG William Chiu-Lien Tseng, for having successfully implemented the Human Milk Bank Program of Rotary in District 3780 over the last 5 years. TGP Ric Salvador of HOLY SPIRIT accepted the recognition in behalf of all members and leaders of the club and its service partners.


As Rotary assisted in extending recognition to 100 SPED pupils, RC Holy Spirit is given recognition during 2018 Araw ng Parangal at SPED Center for support during the school year over the years On April 2, 2018, the one-hundred (100) students with special needs at the SPED Center of Dona Juana Elementary School were feted during their Recognition Day. The students were recognized for their special tal-

ents and achievements. President Ric Salvador assisted school principal Dr Alarico Ramos and the SPED teachers during the awarding rites. The students provided entertainment numbers that showcared their talents in singing and dancing with the patient coaching of their teachers.

ing support and contribution to the Center’s activities and programs for School Year 2017-2018. A plaque of appreciation was received by President Ric. Witnessing the recognition program were PP Marcia Salvador and a group of Interactors led by President Shane Macabodbod. The Holy Spirit team was treated to a sumptuous merienda by Dr Ramos and the SPED teachers.

RC Holy Spirit was recognized for its continu-


This page of The Dove e-bulletin serves as home page of the “virtual website� of ROTARY CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT Rotary International District 3780 Officers & Chairmen


About the Club

During a short visit to Manila, Holy Spirit US-based member Rochelle Luna extended an invitation to all members to dinner at her residence at Ferndale Village on April 3, 2018. It was an enjoyable night of gathering and catching up on each other. Club con-

Service Projects


What is Rotary?

Club Bulletin

cerns like the forthcoming DISCON on April 12 -14 and the Global Grant project turn-over in Tuguegarao on April 24 were also discussed in between the fellowship kwentuhan.

RC Holy Spirit is on . .

D3780 Website

Watch THE BOYS OF 1905 History of Rotary International 5


RI President’s April 2018 Message At the 1990 Rotary International Convention in Portland, Oregon, then Presidentelect Paulo Costa told the gathered Rotarians, "The hour has come for Rotary to raise its voice, to claim its leadership, and to rouse all Rotarians to an honorable crusade to protect our natural resources." He declared a Rotary initiative to "Preserve Planet Earth," asking Rotarians to make environmental issues part of their service agenda: to plant trees, to work to keep our air and water clean, and to protect the planet for future generations. President Costa asked that one tree be planted for each of the 1.1 million members that Rotary had at the time. We Rotarians, as is our wont, did better, planting nearly 35 million trees by the end of the Rotary year. Many of those trees are likely still flourishing today, absorbing carbon from the environment, releasing oxygen, cooling the air, improving soil quality, providing habitat and food for birds, animals, and insects, and yielding a host of other benefits. Unfortunately, while those trees have kept on doing good for the environment, Rotary as a whole has not carried its environmental commitment forward. That is why, at the start of this year, I followed Paulo Costa's example and asked Rotary to plant at least one tree for every Rotary member. My goal was to achieve a good beyond the considerable benefits that those 1.2 million (or more!) trees would themselves bring. It is my hope that by planting trees, Rotarians will renew their interest in, and attention to, an issue that we must put back on the Rotary agenda: the state of our planet. Environmental issues are deeply entwined in every one of our areas of focus and cannot be dismissed as not Rotary's concern. Pollution is affecting health across the globe: More than 80 percent of people in urban areas breathe unsafe air, a number that rises to 98 percent in low- and middle-income countries. If current trends continue, by 2050 the oceans are expected to contain more plastics by weight than fish. And rising temperatures are well-documented: Global annual average temperatures increased by about 2 degrees F (1.1 degrees C) from 1880 through 2015. That this change was caused by humans is not a subject of scientific debate, nor is the likelihood of vast economic and human disruption if the trend continues unchecked. The need for action is greater than ever – and so is our ability to have a real impact. As past UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon put it, "There can be no Plan B, because there is no Planet B." Our planet belongs to all of us, and to our children, and to their children. It is for all of us to protect, and for all of us in Rotary to make a difference.

Foundation Chairman’s April 2018 Message The new grant model comes up frequently during my visits with Rotarians throughout the world. It is always disappointing to learn that a club or district lacks interest in participating in global grants. What are the reasons I hear most often? Global grants are too complicated. They take too much work, require too much money. Or the available pool of DDFs (District Designated Funds) may not be large enough to meet the demand. Yet the numbers tell a story that can be perceived as positive. During 2016-17 – The Rotary Foundation's centennial year – 1,260 global grants were awarded, an 8 percent increase over the previous year. And the figures for the first half of this Rotary year are running ahead of last year. Your ongoing feedback and suggestions have helped make a difference. Numerous upgrades have been made to the global grant online application process. The time it takes to process global grants has been significantly reduced. In 2016-17, the average was 129 business days from the time a grant application was submitted to the first payment. The average was 107 business days for 2017-18 as of 1 February. If your club has not participated in a global grant, I urge you to take another look at the resources now available. Start by looking at the newly redesigned Rotary Grant Center at grants.rotary.org. Explore the comprehensive resources linked in the right-hand column. Our Foundation's outstanding grants staff wants to help, drawing on its expertise and TRF's collective experience. Establish a relationship with the staff contact for your project district. The Rotary Support Center can provide contact information within one business day (rotarysupportcenter@rotary.org). The Rotary Foundation's Cadre of Technical Advisers is a group of volunteer Rotarians who also provide technical expertise and advice to Rotarians planning and carrying out Rotary projects. If you would like to receive guidance on project planning early in the process, contact cadre@rotary.org. A critical role of the Trustees is to listen. Rotary members have spoken. Together we are a powerful force of volunteers who identify needs and respond with generosity, creativity, and passion. Rotary grants provide us with a unique opportunity to bring ideas to reality and to make a lasting impact, whether locally or globally.

PAUL A. NETZEL Trustee Chair 2017-18

IAN H. S. RISELEY President 2017-18 6

2018-19 RI President Barry Rassin wants Rotary members to Be the Inspiration By Hank Sartin Rotary International President-elect Barry Rassin laid out his vision for the future of the organization on Sunday, calling on leaders to work for a sustainable future and to inspire Rotarians and the community at large. Rassin, a member of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, unveiled the 2018-19 presidential theme, Be the Inspiration, to incoming district governors at Rotary’s International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA. ―I want you to inspire in your clubs, your Rotarians, that desire for something greater. The drive to do more, to be more, to create something that will live beyond each of us.‖ View Slideshow 2018-19 RI President Barry Rassin announces his presidential theme, Be the Inspiration, at Rotary's International Assembly To achieve this vision, the president-elect said, Rotarians must take care of the organization: ―We are a membership organization first. And if we want to be

able to serve, if we want to succeed in our goals — we

have to take care of our members first.‖ Rassin asked the incoming district governors to ―inspire the club presidents, and the Rotarians in your districts, to want to change. To want to do more. To want to reach their own potential. It’s your job to motivate them — and help them find their own way forward.‖

Actress Jodi Sta. Maria shares academic recognition to inspire more people to keep going and never stop learning 15 January 2018 The career actress who is taking up Psychology program, has become part of the Dean’s List at Southville International School & Colleges

Sta. Maria's new drama, "Sana Dalawa Ang Puso," co-starring Richard Yap and Robin Padilla, is set to premiere at the end of the month. 7


Rotaract clubs around the world earn awards for excellent service By Arnold R. Grahl

Rotary International

The Four-Way Test OF THE THINGS we think, say or do

1) Is it the TRUTH? 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotarian’s Pledge I am a Rotarian I will always uphold the TRUTH. I am a Rotarian I will always strive to be FAIR in all of my dealings with my fellowmen.

Students celebrate after receiving their bicycles from the Rotaract Club of Hippocrate, Morocco. Before, the students had to walk 10 kilometers a day to school.

I am a Rotarian I will always endeavor to build GOODWILL and UNDERSTANDING in my community, among my countrymen and people of all nations. I am a Rotarian I will always seek to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE. I am a Rotarian I will always uphold

In their own community service, the Rotaract and Interact Clubs of Holy Spirit D3780 assisted healthcare professionals serve 800 indigent patients during annual diagnostic, medical and dental mission last Feb 2018. (Not yet submitted for awards.)

the Rotary International Motto, SERVICE ABOVE SELF.

Rotarian Code of Conduct

ROTARY WORLD AT A GLANCE Data as of 30 November 2017





















As a Rotarian, I will 1) Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life 2) Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect 3) Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world 4) Avoid behaviour that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians

Source: THE ROTARIAN February 2018 published by Rotary International


“What are your reasons for joining, and for staying in Rotary? Most joined for the opportunity to serve and stay for the friendships. The Rotarian magazine recently asked members around the world to share their reasons for joining, and for staying in, Rotary. THE DOVE newsletter also asked the same questions to a number of Philippine Rotarians and added their responses to those reported by The Rotarian August issue in the summary below. 

I joined Rotary to be a part of our collective humanitarian projects, and I have stayed because of the joy on the faces of beneficiaries each time we solve a need.

Raewyn Kirkman Rotary Club of Waikato SunriseHamilton, New Zealand

Chibuzo Hilary Asogwa Rotary Club of Ekulu, Enugu State, Nigeria 

I had a desire to give back to my community and the world. My father was a Rotarian, so I knew a lot about it. That was about nine years ago. I think what keeps me there is the friendships, not only with people in my local club but with Rotarians I’ve met from around the world.

Elizabeth Cohoe Rotary Club of Cataraqui-Kingston, Ontario, Canada

As a disabled couple who are both Rotarians, we knew that our fellow Rotarians would see us as people, not disabled people, and would welcome our input into the community. And so it has proved for the last 10-plus years!

In the Philippines:

David Shaw Rotary Club of Thornton-Cleveleys, Lancashire, England

I joined to make a difference in my community. I’ve stayed because I am.

I joined Rotary in 1995 unexpectedly for business reason. I offered to do the club bulletin because liked the work, and finally found myself doing more and more. From that time on, I tried to do my part in making Rotary look better and attractive to others.

Heather R. Klein Rotary Club of Alleghany County, North Carolina, USA

Glo Nethercutt Rotary Club of Mabalacat, D3790 Philippines

I joined Rotary after having been involved in a post-tsunami project in Sri Lanka in 2005. This was the first contact I had had with a Rotary club, and I was so impressed by the dedication of its members in their efforts to help others that I immediately applied to join my club in Stockholm when I arrived back in Sweden.

Making friends, travel, and self-development attracted me to Rotaract. After a successful decade in Rotaract, I graduated to be a Rotarian. The bonding with Rotary family and the way projects are executed to benefit society at large helped me ascend to be a Rotarian.

Honestly? I joined for business. But I stayed for the fellowship and causes.

Craig Howie Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise, Ontario, Canada From THE DOVE Vol. 8 No. 8 August 25, 2015

I’ve been speaker in Rotary and other civic clubs. I readily said yes when I was invited after a talk. As a total quality practitioner, I found that Rotary had good systems I could apply in my work. Club visioning and tourism master planning for Paranaque were my first Rotary projects. I stay because my time and competencies are fully utilized in club projects. And most Importantly our "God-inspired enabling friendships" is lived by the club.

Marge Lamberte RC Paranaque Metro, D3830 Philippines 

I sat down and figured out how much time I was donating, and how much more effective it would be as part of a club instead of doing it all myself. I joined for the service and stay for all the friends I’ve made. It’s nice to travel and instantly have friends wherever I go.

Aur Beck Rotary Club of Carbondale Breakfast, Illinois, USA 

Rotary inspires me to contribute to good humanitarian causes. My club is a great platform for service and fellowship.

Sayeed Chaudhury Rotary Club of Sonargaon Dhaka, Bangladesh

Saket Gadkari Rotary Club of Thane Hills, Maharashtra, India 

I joined Rotary to render service to the downtrodden; I stayed because I found fun and friendship.

Nze Anizor Rotary Club of Trans Amadi, Rivers State, Nigeria

Nicholas Thompson Rotary Club of Stockholm International, Sweden 

The more I give back, the more I continue to get. Rotary moments, personal development, great friends, the joy of service — Rotary is the gift that keeps on giving!

I joined Rotary for the opportunity to inspire and give hope. To the down-trodden, to make them aware that all is not lost; to other members of Rotary, to make them aware that there is more value to life than material things and that their support gives life to others; and to the Rotary movement, to express that all things must change, evolve and improve.

Eric C. Santos Rotary Club of Commonwealth, D3780 Philippines 

I joined Rotary because I wanted to expand my network of friends and open myself to more opportunities of service. I have stayed in Rotary because of friends that I acquired, the joy and happiness I have experienced in doing service and the blessings I have continuously received.

Pastor “Mar” Reyes Rotary Club of San Francisco del Monte, D3780 Philippines


A history of the Rotary motto SERVICE ABOVE SELF Rotary News 9 December 2013 Rotary’s official mottoes, Service Above Self and One Profits Most Who Serves Best, trace back to the early days of the organization. In 1911, He Profits Most Who Serves Best was approved as the Rotary motto at the second convention of the National Association of Rotary Clubs of America, in Portland, Oregon. It was adapted from a speech made by Rotarian Arthur Frederick Sheldon to the first convention, held in Chicago the previous year. Sheldon declared that "only the science of right conduct toward others pays. Business is the science of human services. He profits most who serves his fellows best." The Portland convention also inspired the motto Service Above Self. During a convention outing on the Columbia River, Ben Collins, president of the Rotary Club of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, talked with Seattle Rotarian J.E. Pinkham about the proper

way to organize a Rotary club, offering the principle his club had adopted: Service, Not Self. Pinkham invited Paul P. Harris, who also was on the boat trip, to join their conversation. Harris asked Collins to address the convention, and the phrase Service, Not Self was met with great enthusiasm. At the 1950 RI Convention in Detroit, slightly modified versions of the two slogans were formally approved as the official mottoes of Rotary: He Profits Most Who Serves Best, and Service Above Self. The 1989 Council on Legislation established Service Above Self as the principal motto of Rotary, because it best conveys the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service. He Profits Most Who Serves Best was modified by the 2004 Council to They Profit Most Who Serve Best and by the 2010 Council to its current wording, One Profits Most Who Serves Best.

Interactors and Rotaractors of Holy Spirit internalize the mindset of SERVICE ABOVE SELF as they join Rotarians in serving less fortunate members of the community.

ROTARY FAMILY IN ACTION. Interactor Ace Villocero (serving as head restraint for patient), Rotaractor Rowell Delacruz (shown lighting up the workplace), and Rotarian Dr. Marlene Martinez of RC Holy Spirit D3780 are inextricably bound by passion for service.

History of Rotary 101



ROTARY LEADER March 2018 THE DOVE of RC Holy Spirit D3780 Issue 18 of Year 10

March 27, 2018

Traffic Conditions in Metro Manila

The Rotarian April 2018

Entertainment News


About THE DOVE THE DOVE is the official newsletter of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit, Rotary International District 3780. The digital publication features ―hyperlinks or web-links‖ which make it a true electronic newsletter/e-bulletin. Distribution:  THE DOVE is published in 3 versions: printed, digital PDF, and online.  PDF version sent by email to nearly 1,000 addressees, Rotarians and non-Rotarians in the club, in the district, in Philippine Rotary and outside.  Posted on social media networks and groups  Printed copies for reports First issue of THE DOVE: 4 June 2009 (Vol I, No. 1) Editorial team:  Marcia Salvador - Editor and Club Information & Communication Officer (CICO)  Ric Salvador - Asst Editor  Contributors Address: Don Antonio Clubhouse, Holy Spirit Drive, Quezon City PH

Holy Spirit D3780

DO SOMETHING TODAY THAT YOUR FUTURE SELF WILL THANK YOU FOR. Cited by Ms Rebecca Lee in her talk with youth leaders during the INTERACT LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY, December 2, 2017

In response to the appeal of RI District 3780 Gov Chito Borromeo for support to the GREAT WALK to End Polio public image drive, a priority initiative of Rotary, 50 Rotaractors and Interactors of Holy Spirit joined governors, TGPs, Rotarians and other volunteers in the event last May 6, 2018. 12

ROTARY CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT Rotary International District 3780 Agenda of Club Meeting

Date: June 5, 2018 Tuesday

Time: 7:00 PM

Venue: Main Hall, DAHHA Clubhouse

Dinner and Fellowship: Opening rites and Call to Order Update on Transition Projects/Activities May 16 - Turn-over of 5 Lenovo tablet computers from D3780 to Dona Juana Elementary School  May 28 - June 1 BRIGADA ESKWELA Dona Juana Elementary School and Holy Spirit National High School  Cleaning, repairing painting  SPED Center  Anti-dengue spraying  June 2 - District Story Telling  June 6 - Fund-raiser of RC Metro Aurora  June 14 - District Blood Letting  July 2 or 6 - Yearly celebration of Rotary new year with SPED Center 

Turnover of Meeting to Inspiring President JR Delgra June 29 major event  Governor’s Visit  13th Charter Anniversary celebration  Recognition and club awards  Induction  Turnover Rites  Fellowship 

Announcements from IP JR Delgra TG President’s Time Adjournment


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