RC Holy Spirit THE DOVE Vol, X No. 15 January 30, 2018

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Official e-Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

The Dove January 30, 2017

Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines

Vol. X No. 15

Rotarians & friends respond to relieve suffering of 150 poor families whose houses had been razed by fire When word reached Rtn Jerry Sy that the houses of 150 families in a poor community in Sitio Maliwanag staging area, Western Bicutan, Taguig were razed by fire on January 19, 2018, he lost no time and posted an appeal to his RC Holy Spirit family. The appeal came from Fr Rey Angeles, chaplain of the San Lorenzo Ruiz Chapel, who has been catering to the spiritual needs of the poor community for the last four (4) years. For many years now, this community has been receiving assistance from PP Chinchin Jurado, PP Beth Sy and

Chair Jerry Sy of Holy Spirit. On January 25, 2018, PP Marcia Salvador, PP Beth Sy and Chair Jerry Sy visited Fr Rey bringing boxes of relief goods from RCHS members for the affected families. The relief goods consisted of rice, groceries, assorted clothes, towels, shoes and babies’ blankets. Fr Rey related how the small, improvised chapel was miraculously spared by the fire and how the winds blew the flames away from the chapel

INTERACT Club of Holy Spirit shines as TGP Shane reported on mid-year accomplishments including service initiatives that imparted moral lessons and promoted values On January 27, 2018, President Shane Macabodbod of the Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School (IaC HSNHS) joined the presidents of eighteen (18) other Interact clubs in D3780 during the Midyear Review held at the AVR of Culiat High School.

Dr Marissa Lou Rodriguez, Principal of Culiat High School, graced the event and gave her closing remarks, expressing support to the District’s programs and activities. Dr Rodriguez received a Certificate of Appreciation from the District Interact Committee. District Youth Service Chair PP Thelma Uanang was also present during the Midyear Review that was organized by District Interact Chair PP Marcia Salvador assisted by Vice Chair Rick Bugayong. The district affair was attended by 70 Interactors and 18 advisers and Rotarians. TGP Ric Salvador was present to show support to the Holy Spirit Interactors.

All youth leaders made admirable presentations of well-prepared reports. TGP Shane of Interact Club of Holy Spirit demonstrated superb performance – confident presentation of remarkable service projects. For example, the adults in the audience among them TGPs, Rotarians and faculty advisers, were impressed by the courage shown by the Interactors when they organized the forum on Teenage Pregnancy in school which was attended by schoolmates. President Shane reported on the various projects initiated by her club and those done in support of large projects conducted by sponsor RC Holy Spirit. The projects implemented by IaC HSNHS consisted of peer tutoring (its signature project), fund-raising initiatives, clean-up drive, outreach programs including “conditional giving,” forum on teenage pregnancy, and celebration of the World Interact Week. President Shane came to the Midyear Review with Presidentelect Alea Mae Reytiran, Secretary-elect April Bamba and Faculty Adviser Ma’am Beth Auxillo.

Dr Marissa Lou Rodriguez, principal of Culiat High School, proudly displays Certificate of Appreciation she received from District 3780 Youth Service Chair PP Thelma Uanang.


Holy Spirit donates books to Culiat High School to sustain students’ love for reading During the Interact Midyear Review on January 27, 2018 at Culiat High School, RC Holy Spirit led by TGP Ric Salvador donated twenty-four (24) volumes of hard-bound best-seller novels to the Culiat High School library. During a previous visit of PP Marcia Salvador to the school, the librarian conveyed that students and teachers using the library are interested to borrow fiction books to read in their spare time, but all she can offer are very old, yellowed paperbacks. The books were turned over by Pres Ric to Principal Dr Marissa Lou N Rodriguez, who herself is a wide reader and prefers to flip pages rather than patronize e-books. The turn-over was witnessed by District Youth Service Chair PP Thelma Uanang and Ma’am Sherry Ann Jove, Faculty Adviser of who were present during the turn-over were very excited and the Interact Club of Culiat High School (CHS). The CHS students couldn’t wait to get hold of the books.

More pictures from January 27, 2018 District Interact Mid-Year Review . . .

District Interact Chair PP Marcia C. Salvador

District Youth Service Chair PP Thelma Uanang

The Interactors of Holy Spirit with their Faculty Adviser M’Beth Auxillo, District Interact Representative Novo Mitra, District Interact Chair PP Marcia Salvador, and TGP Ric.

TGP Ric Salvador of RC Holy Spirit with M’Sherry Ann Jove, faculty adviser of Interact Club of Culiat High School


Getting Equipped and Refreshed: RACHS hosts School of RAC Session 4 By: Romeo Latoza, International Service Director, Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit

District 3780’s Rotaractors and participants from external organizations got the chance to upgrade and enhance their communication and presentation skills in School of Rotaract Session 4 held last January 28, 2018 at Silver Hall, District 3780 Center, Quezon City. The event was hosted by Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit and was chaired by Dir. Romeo B. Latoza Jr., RACHS’ International Service Director. It was attended by 50 participants, both from the district’s rotaract clubs and from non-rotaract clubs. It was hosted by Dir. James Lanquino, RACHS Community Service Director and was done in partnership with Rotaract District 3780’s Officers. The event was formally opened with the call to order by DRR Louie Boy De Real, with the recital of the Four Way Test by Ms. Janelle Larbio of RACHS, and with the welcoming remarks by RCHS’s President, TGP Ric Salvador, which helped the participants set what to expect in the lecture by providing emphasis on the observable standards in communication. The session focused on two key topics; oral communication and written communication. Both discussions were led and facilitated by two faculty members from two top universities. The oral communication session was facilitated by Prof. Rolando P. Quiñones, a faculty member and extension unit coordinator of the Department of English, Foreign Languages, and Linguistics of Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Mr. Quiñones earned his Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Education degree (Cum Laude) from the Philippine Normal University. He completed the academic requirements for the Master of Arts in Reading Education degree at University of the Philippines Diliman and attained his Master of Arts in Education major in English Language Education degree from the Philippine College of Health Sciences. On the other hand, the written communication session was facilitated by Prof. Ramsey S. Ferrer, an Asst. Professorial Lecturer of the Department of English & Applied Linguistics of De La Salle University and also a faculty member of the Institute of Humanities of the Philippine State College of Aeronautics. Just like Mr. Quiñones, he earned his Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English degree (Cum Laude) from the Philippine Normal University, received his Master of

Arts in English Language Education degree from De La Salle University and is presently taking up his Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics degree in the same university. Mr. Quiñones’ discussion focused on public speaking and presentation skills both in the academic and in the professional setting. It was composed of exercises which refreshed the participants’ skill in describing the things they see and also included asking questions inbetween the lecture which tested the participants’ capacity to explain their thoughts well in front of a huge crowd. Mr. Quiñones also gave emphasis on simple things which we usually take for granted whenever we present and speak in front of the public. It includes but is not limited to the non-verbal gestures and the possible meanings they imply (which vary depending on the background of the audience to which a speaker speaks to) and the importance of poise and gesture in making their speech more effective. It also included exercises which allowed the audience to critique speakers’ speeches and figure out what seems to be wrong and on their part, what should be avoided in order for it to improve better. His lecture ended with him providing the participants a rubric which participants can use in making sure that their speeches are indeed aligned with the international standards being observed in determining a speech’s effectiveness. Meanwhile, Mr. Ferrer’s discussion gave emphasis on what to remember in writing, regardless if it’s through the traditional form of writing or through online business correspondence. He introduced the 7Cs (Concreteness, Clarity, Correctness, Conciseness, Completeness, Courtesy, & Consideration) which should always be observed in writing and gave out exercises which allowed the participants to apply it for themselves. He also discussed the conventions in writing an e-mail, the clear distinction between a resume and a curriculum vitae and when to use either of the two, and a brief yet informative talk on what to remember in writing minutes of a meeting. The event was concluded with closing remarks by DRR Louie Boy De Real where he expressed his gratitude to the host club, to the participants, and to the speakers for sharing their knowledge and expertise. His speech ended with an invitation for everyone to attend the last School of RAC Session which shall be held this March and 4 shall focus on personality development.

Effective Business Communications Written, verbal and online

Observable Standards Courtesy 

Immediately acknowledge receiving message Assure response or action by ______ Respectful

Quality of content    

Accuracy, correctness (verify, reflect) Grammar is important No spelling, typo errors Online post should inform, entertain or do both

Quantity 

Brief, to the point Notes collated from Presentation by Ms Rebecca Lee last December 2, 2017 at INTERACT Leader-

ship Training Academy. REBECCA LEE BS Broadcast Communication 2017 Magna Cum Laude University of the Philippines, Diliman What M’Rebecca is now engaged in:   

Online Content Producer Resource Person/Speaker for Seminars & Workshops in schools and business Editor in Chief of online publication

https://www.facebook.com/leerebeccacom/ www.leerebecca.com 5

This page of The Dove e-bulletin serves as home page of the “virtual website” of ROTARY CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT Rotary International District 3780 Officers & Chairmen


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Club Bulletin

Mid-Year Review Sessions of Region 5 clubs with PDG Jess Cifra and DDS Marites Nepomuceno, including RC Holy Spirit and 4 other clubs under AG Jun Zipagan, January 20, 2018 at the Rotary Center

RC Holy Spirit is on . .

D3780 Website

Watch THE BOYS OF 1905 History of Rotary International 6

Year-end Message of the President of RC Holy Spirit By TG President Ricardo P. Salvador, Rotary Club of Holy Spirit D3780

Wishing all a happy and prosperous 2018. Let me review with you some of our achievements in the past 6 months. Five of the seven flagship programs of Holy Spirit have been rolled out:

6th year with SPED Center, 7th year of 100 days nutrition program to save lives of 50 severely malnourished Grade 1 pupils, 7th forum on HIV/AIDS and Drug-abuse Prevention, 3rd year of vocational & career briefings for youth, and Monitoring of 2 Global Grant funded projects that we’ve co-hosted

These flagships have been successfully launched with cooperation and support of our members, our benevolent donors, partner organizations and Rotary youth partners, the Interact Club and Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit. The other two flagships shall be launched within the next 3 months as scheduled. At the beginning, I recommended that we discontinue one of the flagships, the 100-day nutrition program, the highest cost item on the menu. Happy that I was over-ruled by our members; now halfway through the voyage, the 50 severely malnourished kids whose lives we’d like to save have gained average weight of 6 lbs and are now all smiling at us.

Salute to Program Champion PP Beth Sy and all project team members including PP Marcia Salvador for the relentless fund -raising drive and our partners, the QCREB. And to the feeding teachers and volunteer parents. We shall also co-host a 3rd Global Grant project for a beneficiary medical center in Cagayan Valley. Our value added in this project transaction is helping provide access to foreign district counterpart courtesy of ASP Peth Rivera.

From advice of RI President Ian Riseley and target set by DG Chito Borromeo for the district, the Holy Spirit team of Rotarians, Interactors and Rotaractors have planted 188 trees since August 5, beyond the target for Holy Spirit which is one for every member of Rotary, Interact and Rotaract clubs. We are elated to report the very significant development in the advocacy project of PP Linda Palattao and Holy Spirit, the weekly learning, literacy and feeding program for 40 to 50 children in the Payatas garbage handling area. The mothers of the kids have now assumed responsibility for teaching & guiding the kids, tasks performed before by visiting students and Rotaractors. Indeed, Rotary has made a difference! We are also very proud that the Interactors of Holy Spirit National High School have started to re-define gift-giving, a favourite of many clubs because giving is very easy to do. Our creative Interactors have made giftgiving “conditional,” inexpensive yet will have profound impact on the beneficiaries. Please read the story in last month’s issue of THE DOVE. This project approximates the value contributed by the trademark Peer-Tutoring program also of our Interactors. Our club has again been given another opportunity to provide large scale humanitarian service. Like the GG project that we sponsored for the Philippine Children’s Medical Center, the third project with Holy Spirit imprint shall likewise save the lives of hundreds of new born infants in Cagayan Valley from Tuguegarao City. Let us help The Rotary Foundation continue doing good to the world by fulfilling our respective pledges. As we do so, we help our club attain EREY recognition. Thank you ! Holy Spirit D3780


Holy Spirit D3780

RC Holy Spirit Jan 20, 2018 Update on Targets & Plans for 2017-18 and Beyond CLUB ADMINISTRATION Make membership in Rotary more family-friendly, more satisfying, easier, less expensive Reduced Rotary activities on Sundays reserved for family and church Flexibility options already implemented 4 weekly meetings to 2 meetings Attendance measures – physical presence, online, service equivalence More types of membership to implement next three years Rotaractors as associate members of RC Holy Spirit, then Rotarians Corporate membership Learning organization Guest speakers Sharing by members (meetings, exchange by digital means) 90% of members subscribed to and use My Rotary Account Support district -- At least 4 members with district assignments Holy Spirit a “functioning club” when measured against 13-point RI standards

MEMBERSHIP From 30 July 1, 2017 to 50 end of 2021-22 (5 years) 33 by end 2017-18, 36 by end 2018-19, 40 by 2019-20, 44 by 2020-21 Growth driver: Improving the “attractiveness” and relevance of membership

THE ROTARY FOUNDATION Goals in Giving: $3,500 total contribution, 10 sustaining members, EREY club Actual Jan 20, 2018 Giving: $2,000 total Grants: Holy Spirit is local co-host in newly approved $80,000 GG#1862756 project in Cagayan Valley

D3770. Holy Spirit helped secure support by Korea D3680 for the life-saving project. This is 3rd GG project with Holy Spirit signature

COMMUNITY SERVICE 8 Club Flagship Programs (6 already rolled out, 2 within 4 months 2018) 5 member advocacy programs ongoing Other continuing community service projects (environment protection in NEcija)

District-initiated DDF programs (End TB started), (WASH in Elem School proposal stage) VOCATIONAL SERVICE Vocational briefings and career talks ongoing for batches Livelihood skills workshop for SPED pupils (transition skill)

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION & UNDERSTANDING With RCs in Korea Continuing scholarships for Holy Spirit youth Monitoring of Global Grant project with D3710 (Phil Children’s Medical Center) Secure support of D3680 for new Global Grant funding for Cagayan Valley Medical Oriental medical mission, Dr Bong cooperation with Korean benefactors in Payatas ON TO TORONTO 2018 .

YOUTH SERVICE Service programs and support for youth development being implemented as planned. Sponsored youth service partners, the Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School and the Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit have been vibrant in leadership training, in supporting large service projects of RC Holy Spirit, and in implementing their own projects.

PUBLIC IMAGE Good news and reports on people in action stories from service projects of Holy Spirit are being written up and shared through widely distributed newsletter THE DOVE, online posts, digital emails, and radio-TV coverage by UNTV, DZRH, and ABS-CBN. TGP Ric Salvador Jan 20, 2018 8


A-List actress Jodi Sta. Maria shares academic recognition to inspire more people to keep going and never stop learning. 15 January 2018

The career actress who is taking up Psychology program, has become part of the Dean’s List at Southville International School & Colleges

Sta. Maria's new drama, "Sana Dalawa Ang Puso," co-starring Richard Yap and Robin Padilla, is set to premiere at the end of the month.



ROTARY LEADER January 2018 THE DOVE of RC Holy Spirit D3780 Issue 14 of Year 10

January 9,, 2018

Traffic Conditions in Metro Manila

Rotary Club of Chicago ROTARY/One

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Too smart to lead. Very high IQs correlate with less effective leadership Asking staff about the qualities of a good leader is a surefire way to get them talking. Most would agree that having vision, people skills and integrity are important. And you would also expect intelligence to feature well up the list of desired attributes. But new research suggests that having a very high IQ is not necessarily such a good thing when it comes to leadership – the brightest people are actually less effective leaders, according to new research.

Researchers found that highly intelligent leaders struggled to adopt the best leadership practices. 21 November 2017

The revelations come in a study by Switzerland’s University of Lausanne which is published in the Journal of Applied Psycsthology.

towards better leadership styles overall. But the bulk of the variance was accounted for by personality and intelligence.

The researchers recruited 379 mid-level leaders at private companies in 30 mainly European countries, working in areas ranging from banking and telecoms to hospitality and retail.

Intelligence showed a positive linear relationship with leadership effectiveness up to a certain point. But the association flattened out and then started to reverse at an IQ of about 120.

The average IQ of the leaders was 111, compared to an average of 100 for the general population.

When the leaders’ IQ scores rose to 128 or above, the association with less effective leadership methods was clear and statistically significant, the British Psychological Society notes.

Each participant also completed a respected personality questionnaire known as the Wonderlic Personnel Test which measures ability to solve problems, understand instructions, learn efficiently and adapt to change.

And these leaders demonstrated less transformational and instrumental leadership than leaders with a lower IQ. The reasons behind the trend are harder to pinpoint. The highly intelligent leaders were not using harmful leadership styles, such as adopting a laissez-faire approach. But they did struggle to adopt the best leadership practices.

Harvard graduates are highly intelligent, but will they make good leaders? Image: Reuters/Brian Snyder

In addition, the researchers were given access to thirdparty assessments made by eight colleagues, who rated them by using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. This revealed how the leader demonstrated various leadership styles such as transformational, instrumental or passive. There were some variances caused by differences in age and sex – with women and older leaders tending

One of the reasons may be that very clever people sometimes fail to communicate clearly enough or explain complex tasks. They may also struggle to see what others find challenging. And if a manager comes across as too intellectual, it may make the leader appear aloof or unapproachable. 12


RI President’s January 2018 Message In Rotary, our diversity is our strength. This idea dates back to the earliest years of our organization, when the classification system was first proposed. The idea behind it was simple: that a club with members who had a wide variety of backgrounds and abilities would be capable of better service than one without. In the years since, the idea of diversity in Rotary has come to be defined more broadly. We have discovered that a club that truly represents its community is far better able to serve that community effectively. Looking ahead, it is clear how essential diversity will remain in Rotary: not only to strong service today, but to a strong organization in the future.

One of the most pressing aspects of diversity to address in our membership is the age of our members. When you look around at almost any Rotary event, it becomes immediately obvious that the age range in the room does not promise a sustainable future for our organization. Our membership is near a record high, and we are bringing in new members all the time – yet only a small minority of those members are young enough to have decades of Rotary service ahead of them. To ensure a strong and capable Rotary leadership tomorrow, we need to bring in young and capable members today. We also cannot discuss diversity in Rotary without addressing the issue of gender. It is difficult to imagine that just three decades ago, women could not join Rotary. Although we have come a long way since then, the legacy of that misguided policy is still with us. Far too many people continue to think of Rotary as an organization only for men, and that idea has had a detrimental effect on both our public image and our membership growth. Today, women make up just over 21 percent of Rotary's membership. While this is certainly a great improvement, we have a long way to go to meet what should be the goal of every club: a gender balance that matches the balance of our world, with as many women in Rotary as men. Whatever brought each of us to Rotary, we stay because we find value in Rotary membership and believe that our service has value to the world. By building clubs that reflect that world in all its diversity, we will build even more enduring value in Rotary: Making a Difference.

IAN H. S. RISELEY President 2017-18

Foundation Chairman’s January 2018 Message We are at the halfway point of this Rotary year. There is plenty to look forward to in 2018 as we complete the first year of The Rotary Foundation's second century of service. By working in partnership with our Foundation, Rotarians are making a difference in ways we could never have imagined when we began. First, our signature polio eradication initiative continues to bring us closer to the historic day of a poliofree world. Following our tremendous World Polio Day event in Seattle, and the thousands of local events hosted by Rotary members around the world, we are keeping up the momentum to reach this year's polio fundraising goal of $50 million (including District Designated Fund contributions). We are already closing in on that target thanks, in part, to the efforts of Rotarians and friends who participated in the recent Miles to End Polio bike ride to raise funds for the cause. Second, our Foundation's comprehensive fundraising target of $360 million this year will empower you and other Rotarians to continue helping people all over the world. In addition, the Building TRF Endowment: 2025 by 2025 initiative is progressing well. Our goal is to build an endowment of $2.025 billion by 2025 to ensure the long-term financial stability of the Foundation and provide essential resources well into the future. Another emphasis relates to our work in peace-building and the Rotary Peace Centers program. Applications for Rotary Peace Fellowships become available this month. Be on the lookout for great candidates and support our Peace Fellow alumni in the field by inviting them to work with you as advisers on your projects. Between February and June, RI President Ian H.S. Riseley is convening six Presidential Peace-building Conferences, which will showcase the connections between our work in each area of focus and sustainable peace. You are invited to attend! Of course, the biggest event of the Rotary year will be the 2018 Rotary International Convention in Toronto from 23 to 27 June. We will celebrate not only the highlights of this Rotary year, but also the 50th anniversary of Rotaract. In the new year, let us continue to show that we are People of Action! And let the world take notice: We Rotarians are Making a Difference.

PAUL A. NETZEL Trustee Chair 2017-18

RC Holy Spirit D3780 in polio immunization drive. Click photo to view the campaign. 13

The Age Demographics of ROTARY help us understand why membership must increase by 20% and with younger new members


Data presented during the RI Webinar Aug 13, 2014 MEMBERSHIP: IT’S NOW OR NEVER

The Four-Way Test OF THE THINGS we think, say or do

1) Is it the TRUTH? 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?

Rotary membership has remained steady at 1.2 million 18%, or 216,000 Rotarians worldwide, are 70 years old & above

3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotarian’s Pledge I am a Rotarian I will always uphold the TRUTH. I am a Rotarian I will always strive to be FAIR in all of my dealings with my fellowmen. I am a Rotarian I will always endeavor to build GOODWILL and UNDERSTANDING in my community, among my countrymen and people of all nations. I am a Rotarian I will always seek to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE. I am a Rotarian I will always uphold

Watch the webinar MEMBERSHIP: IT’S NOW OR NEVER by clicking here or on the image


The so-called “millennials” - those born between 1982 and 2000 - are America’s biggest generation ever (more than 80 million).

The increasing age gap in the population has posed challenges to traditional service organizations like Rotary which struggle to recruit a generation of young adults for whom civic engagement and networking happen more easily on a smartphone than at a weekly meeting.

the Rotary International Motto, SERVICE ABOVE SELF.

Rotarian Code of Conduct

The Pew Research Center has found that American millennials do tend to share certain traits.

A 2014 report characterized them as “unattached to organized politics and religion, linked by social media, burdened by debt, distrustful of people, in no rush to marry – and optimistic about the future.”

They also feel compelled to make a difference in their communities. The Case Foundation’s 2015 Millennial Impact Research Report found that 84 percent of the millennials surveyed had made a charitable donation the previous year and that 70 percent had spent at least an hour volunteering.

ROTARY WORLD AT A GLANCE Data as of 31 May 2017





















As a Rotarian, I will 1) Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life 2) Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect 3) Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world 4) Avoid behaviour that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians

Source: THE ROTARIAN October 2017 published by Rotary International


ROTARY CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT Rotary International District 3780 Announcement from TGP Ric Salvador

Feb 13, 2018

At the club meeting last Tuesday February 6, the members present agreed to participate and assist in the large-scale medical & healthcare mission of RC Holy Spirit and SM Foundation and partners on Saturday, February 17, from 8 AM -12 noon, in lieu of the regular meeting on Tuesday, February 20.

On Saturday, February 17, 2018 Rotary and partners shall make a difference in the lives of over 1,000 members of the community and their dependents, one patient at a time. 10th Large-scale medical, dental, x-ray, ECG and diagnostic mission of RC Holy Spirit and SM Foundation Inc. Partnership community service with the Don Antonio Heights Homeowners Association, St Benedict Pastorial Council, and a number of Rotary clubs and volunteer organizations Co-hosts with RC Holy Spirit in this flagship project:  ROTARACT CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT and  INTERACT CLUB of Holy Spirit National High School.

Ang tunay na kaligayahan.

Coverage by UNTV.


About THE DOVE THE DOVE is the official newsletter of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit, Rotary International District 3780. The digital publication features “hyperlinks or web-links” which make it a true electronic newsletter/e-bulletin. Distribution:  THE DOVE is published in 3 versions: printed, digital PDF, and online.  PDF version sent by email to nearly 1,000 addressees, Rotarians and non-Rotarians in the club, in the district, in Philippine Rotary and outside including RI.  Posted on social media networks and groups  Printed copies for reports First issue of THE DOVE: 4 June 2009 (Vol I, No. 1) Editorial team:  Marcia Salvador - Editor and Club Information & Communication Officer (CICO)  Ric Salvador - Asst Editor  Contributors Address: Don Antonio Clubhouse, Holy Spirit Drive, Quezon City PH

Holy Spirit D3780

DO SOMETHING TODAY THAT YOUR FUTURE SELF WILL THANK YOU FOR. Cited by Ms Rebecca Lee in her talk with youth leaders during the INTERACT LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY, December 2, 2017


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