This edition of THE DOVE. Is dedicated to partners, volunteers and sponsors in signature projects RC Holy Spirit over the past few months. Official e-Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit
The Dove April 16, 2019
Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines
Vol. XI
11th annual anti-rabies vaccination – a commitment of RC Holy Spirit team of ROTARIANS, ROTARACTORS and INTERACTORS and their partner organizations - protects the community from FATAL rabies infection. In partnership with the Don Antonio Heights Homeowners Association and the Quezon City Veterinarian’s Office, RC Holy Spirit organized and coordinated this year‘s anti-rabies vaccination drive on March 16, 2019 in four (4) vaccination centers.
A total of 513 dogs and cats (pure breeds, cross breeds, and natives) were given free rabies vaccination shots by five (5) veterinarians from the Veterinary Services Department of QC. The tedious task of registering the dogs and cats and controlling the flow of the pets and their owners were, as in past years, cheerfully done by 10 Rotaractors of the RO-
Rotarians Carol Vargas and Martin Marinas with Director Doris of DAHHA coordinated all activities from even before 8:00 AM through 12:00 noon when JB lunch was served to all the volunteers. PP Ric Salvador took notes of the event. IP JR Delgra joined to cheer on the volunteers as the project was concluding.
PP Marcia Salvador who brought together all the parties involved in the project could not be present during the event itself because of the concurrent 2019 District Interact DISCON which she chaired.
Click on the photo to view more pictures of the event.
513 dogs and cats were given anti-rabies shots during the 11th antirabies program of RC Holy Spirit
ROTARIANS, ROTARACTORS & INTERACTORS of Team Holy Spirit, with partner organizations led by SM Foundation, DAHHA, St Benedict Council, the AFP Medical Service and DZRH Operation Tulong, and volunteers, served 811 indigent patients during 2019 healthcare mission RC Holy Spirit D3780 with partner organizations and volunteer doctors, dentists, nurses, aides and technicians served indigent patients during the 11th annual healthcare mission last February 16, 2019 at the DAHHA covered court complex.
DAHHA 3, AFP 4, SMFI 3); 11 dentists (from DZRH 5, AFP 3, and RCHS supporters Dr Marissa & Dr Pauline, Dr Tery Amado of sister club RC San Mateo Midtown); and 4 nurses; SMFI pharmacists and X-ray & ECG technicians.
We served 811 beneficiaries (470 medical, 151 dental, 39 ecg, 53 xray, 98 blood tests).
Rotary youth service partners who had been given detailed briefing on post assignments: 10 Interactors of the INTERACT CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL led by IaC Pres Alea Mae and Faculty Adviser Ma‘am Beth Auxillo,
Volunteers There were about 80 volunteers including 10 doctors (from
10 Rotaractors of the ROTARACT CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT with senior Rtr Aileen Claire ―Aiyen‖ Mesias overseeing their presence on the floor
DAHHA officers, staff, crew and
security. With this annual project, RC Holy Spirit D3780 once again demonstrated a SIGNATURE CAPABILITY: To organize and manage a large-scale community service initiative and in the process bring together the service commitments and resources of larger organizations; and to secure the support of a large number of volunteers. RC Holy Spirit members and supporters including Cong. Winnie and QC Councillor Precious Castelo donated funds to help defray costs of the humanitarian project. A number of members and friends also donated snacks & refreshments for volunteers, tokens for volunteers, mission supplies and additional dental medicines & supplies. These have all been acknowledged in internal club updates.
Click on this photo to view more pictures of the event.
RC Holy Spirit is recognized for continuing support for and cooperation with the SPED Center of Dona Juana Elementary School
Click on this photo to view more pictures of the event. As they proudly display their Certificates of Recognition issued by the DONA JUANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, four of 17 Receiving Teachers of regular classes and former President of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit sir Ric Salvador posed for remembrance picture with the five SPED Teachers.
From left to right, Ma‘m Mary Jane Furigay, Solly Bulan, Mary Ann Ducta, Elsiemar D. Arnaiz, Gloria C. Tatad, sir Ric Salvador, Thelma Maribao, Ma Lydia Tia, Mary Dorothy A. Tolete and Rhoda B. Padya-os
On April 1, 2019, ninety seven (97) students with special needs at the SPED Center of Dona Juana Elementary School were feted during the 2019 Araw ng Parangal (Recognition Day.) The students with their proud parents were each recognized for special talents and remarkable character traits during the school year. Araw ng Parangal is one of 4 programmed events celebrated by Rotary with the SPED children, beginning with July 1 new Rotary year. Representing RC Holy Spirit, past president Ric Salvador assisted the school principal, Dr Gerry F. Isip, Ed. D. and the SPED teachers during the program. RCHS was recognized for its untiring support and contribution to the Center‘s activities and program for School Year 2018-2019. In a brief message, S‘Ric congratulated the children, their parents and the SPED teachers, and wished them well as they continue improving students‘ performance. He also cited the teachers for their remarkable dedication. 4
RC Holy Spirit arranged for segment on HIV-AIDS Prevention Education by RED CROSS during ROTARACT Discon
Rotaractors of Holy Spirit posed for souvenir picture with DG Mar Reyes, PDG Dulce Coyukiat and IP JR Delgra. 5
On March 27, 2019 IP JR Delgra of RC Holy Spirit, a local co-host club, participated in the turnover of Global Grant funded HUMAN MILK BANK Project to Baguio Medical Center
GLOBAL GRANT funded projects of RC Holy Spirit D3780 RC Holy Spirit is SECOND CLUB in District 3780 with approved Global Grant Fund projects.
Human Milk Bank in Philippines GG#1529934 approved by TRF May 28, 2015 US$57,110. RC Holy Spirit served as local host club with D3710 Korea as primary international sponsor.
Human Milk Bank GG#1746885 in Pampanga, Philippines. D3680 Korea served as primary international sponsor. RC Holy Spirit D3780 served as local co-host club. Turned-over April 24, 2017.
Human Milk Bank GG#1863808 in Tuguegarao, Philippines. D3680 Korea as primary international sponsor. RC Holy Spirit D3780 served as local cohost club. Turned-over April 24, 2018. 6
This page of The Dove e-bulletin serves as home page of the “virtual website” of ROTARY CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT Rotary International District 3780 Officers & Chairmen
About the Club
Service Projects
What is Rotary?
Club Bulletin
RC Holy Spirit Rotarians treat Korea based officer PP Dr Bong to a send off lunch on April 2nd at PEPETON’S after the DISCON.
With Dr Bong at the DISCON on March 30th in Baguio City RC Holy Spirit is on . .
D3780 Website
Watch THE BOYS OF 1905 History of Rotary International 7
Follow the Council on Legislation live By Rotary International
12 April 2019
The Four-Way Test OF THE THINGS we think, say or do
1) Is it the TRUTH? 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Rotarian’s Pledge I am a Rotarian I will always uphold the TRUTH. I am a Rotarian I will always strive to be FAIR in all of my dealings with my fellowmen. I am a Rotarian I will always endeavor to build GOODWILL and UNDERSTANDING in my community, among my countrymen and people of all nations. I am a Rotarian I will always seek to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE. I am a Rotarian I will always uphold the Rotary International Motto, SERVICE ABOVE SELF.
Rotarian Code of Conduct As a Rotarian, I will 1) Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life 2) Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect 3) Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people‘s quality of life in my community and in the world 4) Avoid behaviour that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians
Representatives from around the world are gathering in Chicago 14-18 April for the 2019 Council on Legislation. The Council is Rotary‘s process for considering changes to the rules that guide Rotary clubs with the goal of keeping the organization modern and relevant. Some proposals this year build upon flexibility measures adopted by the last council three years ago. Follow all of the action as it happens on our live blog. Memorable moments The 1980 Council was notable for its support of Rotary‘s efforts to immunize children against polio. A year earlier, the RI Board had approved the first Health, Hunger and Humanity grant funding a five-year effort to immunize six million children in the Philippines against polio. The effort eventually led to the PolioPlus program launched in 1985. The 1986 Council adopted a resolution that further endorsed Rotary‘s commitment to immunizing the world‘s children against polio. The 1950 Council is remembered for adopting ―Service Above Self‖ and ―He Profits Most Who Serves Best‖ (later reworded ―One Profits Most Who Serves Best‖) as Rotary mottoes. The 2001 Council is often noted for the amount of legislation received -- more than 1,000 proposals -- with over 600 being published and considered by council representatives. By comparison, this year's Council's a breeze, with just over 100 proposals. Council history As we wait for the opening bell to launch the 2019 Council, here are a few historical facts about Rotary‘s legislative process. The Council was created by the 1933 Convention to serve as an ―advisory
body‖ to assist with the review of enactments and resolutions proposed at the annual convention. It first convened as part of the 1934 convention. The 1970 convention further modified the process when it decided that the Council should no longer serve in an advisory capacity, but instead become RI‘s official legislative body, considering proposals to amend the RI Constitution and Bylaws and the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. Four years later, delegates decided that the Council would meet triennially, still in conjunction with the convention. Finally, in 1977, the Council adopted an enactment to meet independently of the convention. Council Countdown Rotary members from all over the world will begin arriving in Chicago Saturday to discuss changes to the policies guiding Rotary clubs. The Council is Rotary's version of a congress. Every three years, representatives selected by their districts gather to consider proposals designed to move Rotary forward and adapt to the changing times. Council members will have an orientation on Sunday, and then get down to business Monday morning working their way through more than 100 proposals. We will have all the action here. 8
Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School and its leaders receive distinctive recognition during DISCON March 16, 2019. Congratulations.
Recognition received—
IP Alea Mae Reytiran IaC of Holy Spirit National HS
By INTERACT CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL One of three (3) Most Inspiring Interact Clubs One of three (3) Most Active Interact Clubs By Ma’am Beth Auxillo The Most Inspiring Faculty Adviser By IP Alea Mae Reytiran and all other Interact Club Presidents Leadership Award
"LEAD, SERVE, INSPIRE" three words that remind us of the order to influence others which may serve as their inspiration to steps we must follow in order to achieve our goals. Interactors do the same. Gwyneth Tragura President Elect, Interact are young partners in service who can create lasting change in Club of Culiat High School our community and in ourselves. We should lead and serve in
From IP JR Delgra: Thank you, Gov Francis, Rtns Angel, Abet, Peth, and Marcia for the services you extended during a One-Day Tour of the acclaimed Urban Gardening Program of Barangay Holy Spirit for Mr. Josh Moylan, GROUP CULTURAL EXCHANGE Delegate, from Australia. Thanks, too, to officers and members of the Interact Club of HSNHS and faculty adviser M’Beth Auxillo.
Rotaractors of Holy Spirit led by Inspiring President Resha Avelino participated in the Rotaract Discon March 30 & 31, 2019
Crossing the border from Rotaract to Rotary By Rotary International | July 2, 2018
By I.J. Carido, a member of the Rotary Club of Smpaguita Grace Park, and the Rotaract Club of University of the East Caloocan, Philippines
During the summer when the weather is ever shifting, I joined members of the Rotary Club of Sampaguita Grace Park and the Rotaract clubs of University of the East Caloocan and University of Caloocan City to visit a majestic sight. The journey took us to Wawa Dam, a natural gem located two hours from the bustling streets and towering buildings of Makati and Manila. It was my first time to see a dam up-close and personal and as an aspiring engineer, the structure was a wonderful sight to me. However, what we were seeking lies far beyond the water reservoir. . Not far from the dam, nature takes over. The zigzagging river, shifting plains, and lush green forest envelop everything in breathtaking fashion. An hour and a half later, we finally arrived at our destination. Nestled in the deep part of the trail is something one would not expect to find – a community of people, thriving on farm lands where the basic mode of transportation is walking or through a raft. The nights are only illuminated by the night sky because there is no electricity. This was the reason for our journey. Through a partnership with Liter of Light, BYKA group and 8990 Holdings, Inc. we managed to provide 100 solar lights and two street lights to the people of Sitio Inigan, Rizal, while training them in the assembly of the solar light. We also distributed 100 pairs of reading glasses to the elderly. It was then that we found the real gem that we were looking for
— the smile on the faces of the people of Sitio Inigan. We gave them a means to light their dark nights, but it is within their eyes where we see a glimmer of hope for a better tomorrow that made our jobs as Rotarians fulfilling.
The long walk under blazing sun that abruptly turned to pouring rain suddenly didn‘t matter. We had crossed the border from paved road to craggy dirt trail to extend our hands to those who needed it most. It was this experience that made me realize that I have crossed a border as well – a transition from Rotaractor to Rotarian. Through the dual-membership program of Rotary International, I became a Rotaractor and Rotarian at the same time. I can see the two worlds simultaneously, admiring the works of both. While they may be different from each other, I realize they can co-exist and bring out the best things out of the good in this world. 12
How these women in Payatas went from earning 20 cents a day to sending their children to college By Karen Gilchrist, CNBC . Like CNBC Make It on Facebook! the cause straight out of college in the Philippines in 2008. In the 10 years since launch, the company has taken on more than 1,000 artisans, providing them with the materials and training to ensure consistency across the brand. "Initially, we had a 97 percent product rejection rate," explained Fernandez-Ruiz.
Reese Fernandez-Ruiz's social impact fashion line Rags2Riches has helped lift hundreds of artisans out of poverty and toward their long-term goals.
"But we knew we were in this for the long haul. It's difficult enough to find a stable market for even the biggest brands, let alone for small ones, so we knew we had to get the product right."
For Cynthia Cabrera, life was tough.
Now Rags2Riches' products are sold at international stores like Anthropologie in the U.S. and the U.K. and Cambio & Co. in Canada .
Work, for her, meant long days spent weaving hand-crafted rugs for a daily wage equivalent to 20 cents — barely enough for a bag of rice.
They're also available online and from the company's two physical stores in Quezon City, one of which is also home to the head office and an on-site factory.
Hers was a story like tens of thousands of other artisans, mostly women, living in Payatas, a district in metropolitan Manila — one of the most impoverished regions in the Philippines .
At present, the company employs around 200 artisans, 30 percent of whom work at the main site while the rest work from their homes in Payatas.
To make ends meet, district residents created a textiles enterprise by up-cycling fabrics from a neighboring landfill. Their profits, however, were regularly siphoned off by the merchants who would take them to market. So when a priest brought their plight to the attention of a group of 10 entrepreneurs, they decided to do something about it. What resulted was Rags2Riches, a fashion house designed to cut out the middlemen and provide artisans with fairer wages by improving their designs and capturing a more affluent market. At the same time, the founders made it their mission to provide financial education for their members. That includes helping them set up bank accounts and creating automatic savings plans — a novel concept in a country where around 80 percent of adults are without bank accounts. "When you're poor, opportunities can be a limited resource and long-term planning is a luxury," Rags2Riches cofounder Reese Fernandez-Ruiz told CNBC Make It . As the daughter of a missionary mother, Fernandez-Ruiz grew up close to that situation and said she was "always looking for ways to address that." At 21, Fernandez-Ruiz was the youngest among the co-founders when she joined
Cabrera was one of the artisans to join Rags2Riches early on. She now works as a community enterprise manager, looking after the other weavers as well as handling the purchase of materials. "I know how to save money and I'm now more confident," Cabrera told CNBC Make It in the Philippines. Now in her 40s, the role has enabled Cabrera to open a bank account for herself and her young niece for the first time. She has also been able to set money aside for renovations on her parents' home while others have saved enough money to send their children to college. "There's been a lot of change in the way we can now live and plan for the future," said Enrique Tango, a coordinator at Rags2Riches and a member of the Homeweavers Upward Looking Microenterprise Association. "My behavior totally changed," he said. "Before, I had no interest in saving, but now I've been able to send my daughter to college." "Some of my peers have also gone on to set up their own businesses," he added. Fernandez-Ruiz said she hopes to expand the business over the coming year to help close to 4,000 more artisans across the region. 13
Family of Rotary helps after wildfire Posted April 10, 2019 ROTARY VOICES
Pam Gray and her husband, Brian, (third and fourth from right) at the District 5160 conference in 2018.
By Pam Gray, Rotary Club of Paradise, California, USA I grew up in a small family. My parents were both only children – that means I have no aunts, uncles or first cousins. As a child, my entire immediate family could sit around a dining table set for eight. My four grandparents, my parents, my sister and I filled the table. There was no additional ‗kids‘ table ! Fortunately, my dad was a member of the Rotary Club of Paradise. Our Rotary family consisted of five families, all of similar age, so we had plenty of celebrations with this extended family growing up. While my biological family grew as I became an adult, so did my Rotary family. Our club had more than 100 members when I joined and there was always something going on.
Helping hands Club members took action when our home was evacuated in 2008 due to a wildfire. Members went to our home, secured our vehicles and motorcycle, took our animals to their
homes and saved our computer with countless family photos stored in memory; all of this while we were at the Rotary International Convention in Los Angeles some 500 miles from Paradise. After serving as club president, I began working at district jobs which added to my Rotary family tree. Serving several district governors provided tools, and many relationships, that were key to serving as District 5160 Governor in 20142015. Brian and I were involved in a motorcycle accident shortly before the end of our governor year, following a ride for polio eradication. Rotarian friends cared for us and took over Rotary jobs that we were unable to fulfill. My Rotary path continued on serving our club, district and zone. Again, my Rotary family tree expanded exponentially. The result benefited not only me, but my Rotary club and other clubs in the area.
17 days of wildfire Then the Camp Fire began on 8 November 2018 and raged for 17 days leaving much of our beloved Paradise as piles of rubble and ash. In less than 24 hours, Rotarians from Santa Rosa, California, were on task to help Paradise. They established a GoFundMe page for our club‘s foundation and came to see us sharing their knowledge of rebuilding after a major fire. Rotarians, not only from neighboring districts, but neighboring states delivered supplies and provided cash aide and gift cards in the tens of thousands of dollars within the first week. While serving as district governor and visiting 71 Rotary clubs, my Rotarian friends came to know me as ―Pam from Paradise‖ and I chose to share my love for the family of Rotary. Considering all Rotarians as my family, they are returning the sentiment by helping Paradise where they can and providing encouraging words during our darkest days. 14
SELECTED ONLINE PUBLICATIONS FOR WELL-CONNECTED ROTARIANS For readers of digital version of THE DOVE who are online, click ―links‖ to view contents.
Traffic Conditions in Metro Manila
Entertainment News ShowBiz
The Rotarian April 2019
THE DOVE RC Holy Spirit D3780 Issue 1 of Year 11 July 11, 2018
How to stay fit like Kathryn Bernardo Shaira Diaz: Nag-panic lang ng konti during kissing scene with Gabby
Interact is BEST CLUB and its officers recognized for remarkable scholastic achievements during 2019 Recognition program of HOLY SPIRIT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ALEA MAE REYTIRAN - President of Interact Club With High Honors Special recognition for: Leadership Bronze Award
FRANZY GAYONA - Vice President of Interact Club With High Honors Special Recognition for: 3rd place, Calculator Quiz Bee (District Level)
APRIL JOY BAMBA - Secretary of Interact Club With High Honors TOP 1 of Batch 2019 of HOLY SPIRIT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Best in Science Best in English
2nd place Math Student Project 5th place Science and Health Writing
3rd place Best Group for Radiobroadcasting
Speech of April Joy Bamba Junior High School Completion Rites
With mother M’Amalia
With sister Abigail
Listen to the remarkably articulate delivery and it’s “rhythm & balance” with audience participation. 16
FRENCH KYLE ABUDANZA Treasurer of Interact HONOR ROLL LEVELS With High Honors WITH HONORS - Ave at least 90% WITH HIGH HONORS - Ave 95 - 97% WITH HIGHEST HONORS - Ave 98% and above
Definitions shared by M’April Joy Bamba. Thanks.
PRECIOUS JELYN POLITICO Club Admin of Interact With Honors
With mother M’Edelwina
CLARK JERALD PARCO International Understanding of Interact With Honors
With mother M’Janine
HANS DOMINIC ZAMORA Peace Officer of Interact With Honors
With mother M’Catherine 17
ANGELINE MARIE REALINGO - Auditor of Interact With Honors Best in English Best in AP Special Recognition for Best Club Awardee for English Club (Republic Campus)
AISHAH PLAZA – Business Manager of Interact With Honors
MARYDELLE BERTE – Finance Committee of Interact Club With Honors
MIKAELA AGBAYANI P. I. O. of Interact With Honors
CLARISSE LARBIO President-Nominee
BIANCA MAE MUSA Secretary-Elect With Honors
ZIAN LUCY TERNOLA Grade 10 Representative With Honors
RECIA NAVALES Grade 9 Rep With Honors
WITH HONORS - Ave at least 90% WITH HIGH HONORS - Ave 95 - 97% WITH HIGHEST HONORS - Ave 98% and above
Definitions shared by M’April Joy Bamba. Thanks.
Thanks to Inspiring President Alea Mae Reytiran for compiling and sharing with THE DOVE Rotary newsletter information about and photos of officers of the INTERACT CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. 19
Holy Spirit D3780
About THE DOVE THE DOVE is the official newsletter of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit, Rotary International District 3780. The digital publication features ―hyperlinks or web-links‖ which make it a true electronic newsletter/e-bulletin. Distribution: THE DOVE is published in 3 versions: printed, digital PDF, and online. PDF version sent by email to nearly 1,000 addressees, Rotarians and non-Rotarians in the club, in the district, in Philippine Rotary and outside. Posted on social media networks and groups Printed copies for reports First issue of THE DOVE: 4 June 2009 (Vol I, No. 1) Editorial team: Marcia Salvador - Editor and Club Information & Communication Officer (CICO) Ric Salvador - Asst Editor Contributors Address: Don Antonio Clubhouse, Holy Spirit Drive, Quezon City PH
“Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinion drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”
DO SOMETHING TODAY THAT YOUR FUTURE SELF WILL THANK YOU FOR. Cited by Ms Rebecca Lee in her talk with youth leaders during the INTERACT LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY, December 2, 2017