THE DOVE Vol. XII No. 1 July 30, 2019

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For newer members, Pages 12-23 of this edition is a compilation numerous citations & awards earned by our club in the last 10 years. Official e-Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

The Dove July 30, 2019

Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines

Vol. XII No. 1

As new Rotary year begins, Holy Spirit brings goodwill and shares joy with 113 SPED pupils, their parents and teachers simple program for the event. School principal Dr Gerry F Isip thanked RCHS for the support it has extended to the school, particularly to the SPED Center. RCHS President Abet Sevilla affirmed the club’s continuous support to the programs and activities of SPED.

For the 9th year since 2011, RC Holy Spirit commemorated the start of the new Rotary year by holding the traditional children’s party with the 113 pupils of the SPED Center of the Dona Juana Elementary School (DJES) in Barangay Holy Spirit last July 8, 2019. The SPED teachers of DJES prepared a

After dance numbers performed by the SPED pupils, RCHS turned over 48 boxes of Crayola crayons, 48 glue sticks, 10 scissors, and 10 bottles of Elmer’s all-purpose glue bought with contributions coming from RCHS members. PE Jerry and PP Beth Sy donated 113 Mongol pencils with case, while Rtn Caroline Vargas donated 3 ream of bond paper and 3 big bottles of Elmer’s all-purpose glue. Snacks of spaghetti, chicken and juice were fed by RCHS to

the SPED learners, their parents and their teachers. Present during the turn-over led by Pres Abet and Spouse Mheanne were PE Jerry Sy, PP Marites Nepomuceno, PP Marcia Salvador, PN Martin Marinas, Rtns Cong. Precious Castelo and Caroline Vargas. The program was held at the school’s covered court which was built through the sponsorship of Rtn Precious when she was a councillor. Rtn Precious was called on stage but she stressed that she was speaking, not as a congresswoman, but as a proud member of RC Holy Spirit. She was handed a letter by the SPED teachers asking for three (3) large digital screens they could use for showing presentations and lessons for SPED.

Joyous family day activities conclude celebration of 2019 National Disability Prevention & Rehabilitation Week at the Dona Juana ES SPED Center

Culminating the July 17-23, 2019 special week was the SPED Center’s Family Day supported by RC Holy Spirit officers led by CSP Abet Sevilla. Many of the kids got a free haircut by salon workers contracted by RCHS. SPED teachers set up a beauty salon where the female kids were given a make-over (finger nails, hair and face) by the teachers themselves. Everyone was in a joyful mood. It was indeed a meaningful week-long celebration for the SPED pupils, teachers and parents. President Abet Sevilla thanked the teachers for allowing RCHS to be part of the celebration.


Interact DISTAS 2019 hosted by RC Holy Spirit has been a remarkable success From level of participation and attendance and favourable feedback from attendees in terms of learning and satisfaction, the 2019 Interact DISTAS last July 20 has been clearly successful. The 2019 Interact DISTAS was participated in by 40 Interact clubs, an all-time high attendance in the history of D3780. A record 295 registered Inter-

actors and Advisers. With about 30 Rotarians present, the assembly had some 325 attendees. Congratulations to District INTERACT Committee led by Chair PP Marcia Salvador of RC Holy Spirit, to Interact DISTAS 2019 Chair PP Marites Nepomuceno of RC Holy Spirit, to District INTERACT Committee vice chair Rick R. Bugayong, and to District Youth Service

Chair Veronica B. Ho. Congratulations, too, to the Host Club RC Holy Spirit led by CSP Abet Sevilla and officers & members of RC Holy Spirit for their presence and support. Six members of the ROTARACT Club of Holy Spirit provided assistance to organizers and attendees during the DISTAS event.

CSP Abet Sevilla, District Interact Chair PP Marcia Salvador and DISTAS 2019 Chair PP Marites Nepomuceno posed with leaders of the INTERACT CLUB OF HOLT SPIRIT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL led by Pres Justine Sembrano and Faculty Adviser M’Beth Auxillo


Rotary Club of Holy Spirit led by CSP Abet Sevilla demonstrates support for RED CROSS initiatives Rotary Club of Holy Spirit CSP Abet Bnavidez Svilla and club leaders provided support to Philippine Red Cross

Quezon City Chapter Director Gerie Clemente and Director IPP Fernando Delgra Jr. July 17, 2019 Nationwide Simulta-

neous Hands-Only CPR Campaign. ALI MALL, Araneta Center. From PE Jerry Sy



Led by then President-Elect Abet Sevilla, RC Holy Spirit joined tree-planting activity in Aurora Province to help preserve the environment The DENR - Aurora invited PE Abet Sevilla, who maintains a farmhouse in nearby Nueva Ecija, to join their Tree Planting Activity on June 14, 2019 Friday 8am.

Holy Spirit agreed to join and to invite others as well to join this advocacy.

Where: Kamatis Bridge, Barangay Villa, Aurora, Aurora

Officers of RCHS who volunteered to join: 1. Pres JR Delgra, 2. PE Abet, 3. PN Jerry and 4. Rtn Percy.

PE Abet considered the invitation as an opportunity to serve especially for the sake of our environment. RC

Seven members of the Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit also joined as volunteers.


With courtesy and protocol built into the program, DGE Bernadette Herrera-Dy held official Governor’s Visit with Rotary Club of Holy Spirit D3780 on June 29, 2019 in time with the club’s 14th Charter Anniversary. After the official GOVERNOR’S VISIT, club officers posed with District Governor Bernadette HerreraDy and District Officers with the visiting team. (Picture furnished by LG Dr Benjie Tan Alonzo. Thanks.)

RC Holy Spirit officers and members led by IP JR Delgra and CSP Abet Sevilla posed for souvenir picture after the celebration of the Club’s 14th Charter Anniversary that featured club recognition & awards, turnover of leadership, induction of new members and of incoming officers, and message of DG Bernadette Herrera-Dy. (Picture furnished by Rtr Rose Marie Caňonaso. Thanks.)

Rotaract leaders led by IP Resha Avelino.and Jayson Monte de Ramos who joined the GV-Charter Anniversary events of RC Holy Spirit posed for souvenir photo. (Photo provided by President Resha. Thanks.) 6

This page of The Dove e-bulletin serves as home page of the “virtual website” of ROTARY CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT Rotary International District 3780 Officers & Chairmen


About the Club

Service Projects


What is Rotary?

Club Bulletin

RC Holy Spirit members and officers led by CSP Abet Sevilla shown in session last July 16 discussing current concerns and forthcoming District Interact DISTAS hosted by the club

RC Holy Spirit is on . .

D3780 Website

Watch THE BOYS OF 1905 History of Rotary International 7

LeWhy the Rotary year begins 1 July By Rotary International SERVICE ABOVE SELF

The Four-Way Test OF THE THINGS we think, say or do

1) Is it the TRUTH? 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?

Ever wonder why 1 July is the beginning of the Rotary year? Initially, our conventions played a key role in determining the start date of our fiscal and administrative year. Rotary’s first fiscal year began the day after the first convention ended, on 18 August 1910. The 1911-12 fiscal year also related to the convention, beginning with the first day of the 1911 convention on 21 August. Attendees at Rotary’s first convention in Chicago in 1910. Rotary’s first fiscal year

4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotarian’s Pledge I am a Rotarian I will always uphold the TRUTH. I am a Rotarian I will always strive to be FAIR in all of my dealings with my fellowmen. I am a Rotarian I will always endeavor to build GOODWILL and UNDERSTANDING in my community, among my countrymen and people of all nations. I am a Rotarian I will always seek to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE. I am a Rotarian I will always uphold the Rotary International Motto, SERVICE ABOVE SELF.

began the day after the convention ended. The next August, the Board of Directors ordered an audit of the International Association of Rotary Clubs’ finances. The auditors recommended that the organization end its fiscal year on 30 June to give the secretary and treasurer time to prepare a financial statement for the convention and board, and to determine the proper number of club delegates to the convention. The executive committee agreed and, in April 1913, designated 30 June as the end of the fiscal year. This also allowed for changes to the schedule for reporting club membership and payments. Even The Rotarian changed its volume numbering system to correspond to the fiscal year (beginning with Volume 5, No. 1, in July 1914). Rotary continued to hold its annual conventions in July or August until 1917. Delegates to the 1916 event in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, approved a resolution to hold future conventions in June, mainly because of the heat in cities where most of them occurred. The term ―Rotary year‖ has been used to signify Rotary's annual administrative period since at least 1913. An article in The Rotarian that July noted, ―The Rotary year that is rapidly drawing to a close has been signalized by several highly successful joint meetings of Clubs that are so situated as to assemble together easily and conveniently.‖ ROTARY WORLD AT A GLANCE Data as of 15 March 2019

Rotarian Code of Conduct As a Rotarian, I will 1) Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life 2) Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect 3) Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world 4) Avoid behaviour that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians





















Another Holy Spirit ROTARACTOR completes action workshop in problem solving, decision making and risk management Credentials build up for deserving youth leader Specialists and Team Leads who have been serving their clients in North America, Europe and Australia participated in the 3-day action workshop in problem-solving, decision making and risk management. M’Kimie Ann Ballesteros, a member of the Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit who is taking up BS Entrepreneurship, served as Intern-staff support for the training workshop. July 8-10, 2019. As she assisted the course director and the attendees, Kimie herself learned systematic managerial analysis techniques during the workshops. This is part of the unique Credentials Build Up of ROTARY for youth leaders. Officers of ABC. the sponsoring organization, and surely the faculty in entrepreneurship of the UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS, must be proud of Kimie Ann for the self confidence, sharp intellect and ability to work with client professionals she has demonstrated during the workshops. Priority of participation in the unique Credentials Build-up is given to deserving high-potential youth. Opportunity is limited to ONE LEADER AT A TIME because of immersion with proprietary, confidential information of client in business. Banking & Finance major M’Rose Marie Caňonaso has been coordinating the participation of youth leaders in ROTARY’s Credentials Build-up initiatives. By Ric Salvador


SELECTED ONLINE PUBLICATIONS FOR WELL-CONNECTED ROTARIANS For readers of digital version of THE DOVE who are online, click ―links‖ to view contents.

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June 2019

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Entertainment News ShowBiz THE DOVE RC Holy Spirit D3780 June 12, 2019

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Holy Spirit D3780

About THE DOVE THE DOVE is the official newsletter of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit, Rotary International District 3780. The digital publication features ―hyperlinks or web-links‖ which make it a true electronic newsletter/e-bulletin. Distribution:  THE DOVE is published in 3 versions: printed, digital PDF, and online.  PDF version sent by email to nearly 1,000 addressees, Rotarians and non-Rotarians in the club, in the district, in Philippine Rotary and outside.  Posted on social media networks and groups  Printed copies for reports First issue of THE DOVE: 4 June 2009 (Vol I, No. 1) Editorial team:  Marcia Salvador - Editor  Ric Salvador - Asst Editor  Contributors Address: Don Antonio Clubhouse, Holy Spirit Drive, Quezon City PH

“Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinion drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

DO SOMETHING TODAY THAT YOUR FUTURE SELF WILL THANK YOU FOR. Cited by Ms Rebecca Lee in her talk with youth leaders during the INTERACT LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY, December 2, 2017


Yearly Recognition & Awards from ROTARY Year

District Governor

Club President

Inspiring Year of Service


Pastor Mar Reyes

Fernando JR Delgra

The Great Rotary Year


Chito Borromeo

Ric Salvador

All Stars Rotary Year


Dwight Ramos

Peth Rivera

World Class Rotary Year


Rey David

Angel Castrp

Best Class Rotary Year


Samuel Pagdilao

Marites Nepomuceno

First Class Rotary Year


Francis Rivera

Eui Bong Jung



Penny Policarpio

Marcia Salvador

Silver Year of Service


Jess Cifra

Ped Condeno



Ambo Gancayco

Dodgie Osabel

Hands On Service


Dulce Coyukiat

Linda Palattao


Holy Spirit is recognized as one of 7 Platinum Level Inspiring Clubs in District 3780 IP JR Delgra Jr RY 2018-19 May 26, 2019 MAJOR CLUB AWARDS Platinum Level Inspiring Clubs


RC Cubao West, RC Midtown Cubao, RC Midtown QC, RC North EDSA,, RC SFDM, and RC Timog RC Loyola Heights is THE MOST INSPIRING CLUB RY 2018-19

Most Inspiring Club in YOUTH SERVICE RC HOLY SPIRIT Most Inspiring Club in COMMUNITY SERVICE Silver Level RC HOLY SPIRIT and RC Timog

MAJOR INDIVIDUAL AWARDS The Inspiring Rotarians of the Year (TIRY) PP Marcia Salvador RC HOLY SPIRIT and 14 other Rotarians Inspiring Club President IP Fernando JR Delgra Jr with 6 other Inspiring Presidents Most Inspiring Assistant Governor PP Angel Castro of RC Holy Spirit and PP Ricardo Doria of Broadway The 50 Most Inspiring District Officers include: PP Emelinda Palattao of RC Holy Spirit PP Ma. Perpetual Rivera of RC Holy Spirit MINOR CLUB AWARDS Best Rotary Club in Rotaract Crossover RC HOLY SPIRIT, RC Loyola Heights, and RC Midtown QC Best Rotary Club in Partnership with External Organizations RC HOLY SPIRIT, RC Bagong Silan gan, and RC Midtown QC Best Rotary Club in Grants Bronze Level RC HOLY SPIRIT and RC Araneta YOUTH SERVICE Best ROTARACT CLUBS ROTARACT CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT, Rotaract Club of QC Central, Rotaract Club of SFDM Malaya Achievers Best Rotary Clubs in Rotaract Program RC HOLY SPIRIT, RC QC Central, and RC San Francisco Del Monte Best INTERACT CLUBS INTERACT CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL and Inter act Club of Culiat High School Best Rotary Club in Interact Program RC HOLY SPIRIT COMMUNITY SERVICE Best Rotary Club in Saving Mothers & Children RC HOLY SPIRIT with RC Cubao, RC Quezon City Pearl of the Orient, RC Sta Mesa and RC Timog Best Rotary Club in Protecting the Environment RC HOLY SPIRIT with RC Diliman Silangan, RC New Manila QC, and RC Quezon City Circle Best Rotary Club in Blood Letting RC HOLY SPIRIT with RC Midtown Cubao and RC San Roque 13

Among 101 clubs, Holy Spirit is recognized as being in the top 6 Rotary Clubs in District 3780 TGP Ric Salvador RY 2017-18 DISTRICT AWARDS Recognition & Awards Received by RC Holy Spirit Club Awards Received

Best Rotary Club in Club Bulletin Best Rotary Club in Maternal & Child Health Best Rotary Community Corps Best Rotaract Club Best Rotary Club in Interact Program Major Club Awards Received

District 3780 Great Clubs Top 6 Great Clubs Most Outstanding Club in Youth Service Major Individual Awards Received

D3780 Great Presidents - Ric Salvador

The District 3780 Great Clubs


Loyola Heights Cubao QC Midtown QC Diliman QC Crame

RC Holy Spirit RC New Manila East RC Timog RC St Ignatius RC Kamuning Central RC RC RC RC RC

Murphy Acropolis Neopolitan Fairview SFDM Sto. Domingo

DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S CITATIONS & AWARDS District Governor’s Citation for RC Holy Spirit District Governor’s Recognition for Signature Projects I Milk Feeding & Nutrition Program

Large-scale Diagnostic, Med Mission Tree Planting Activity

Support for Dona Juana SPED

Payatas Medical Mission

Christmas Gift Giving

Anti-Rabies Campaign

Blood Letting Activity

Dental Mission at Sacred Heart

District Governor’s Recognition for Signature Projects II Forum on Drug-abuse & HIV-AIDS

Practice Dental Medicine

Support for Interact

Christmas Program with SPED

Match Club Relation

Support for Rotaract

Practice of Oriental Medicine

Scholarship Program

Individual Awards Governor’s Exemplary Leadership Award

Marites Nepomuceno - Regional Coordinator Marites Nepomuceno - Rotaract Chair Marcia Salvador - Interact Chair

Governor’s Distinguished Leadership Award Assistant Governor Marcia Salvador Assistant Governor Angel Castro Leadership Excellence Award - TGP Ricardo Salvador 14

Holy Spirit is recognized as one of 5 First Team All-Star (Top 5) clubs in District 3780 ASP Peth Rivera RY 2016-17 May 20, 2017 DISTRICT AWARDS

Awards Received by RC Holy Spirit and members Club Awards Received Best Rotary Club in Club Bulletin (Digital) Best Rotary Club in Promotion of World Understanding Best Rotary Club in Career Development Program Best Rotary Club in Vocation at Work Best Interact Club – Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School Best Rotary Club in RYLA Program (Tie-winner) Major Club Awards Received

First Team 5 All Star (Top 5) Clubs of D3780 Most Outstanding Club in Service to New Generation Most Outstanding Club in Vocational Service Major Individual Awards Received

First Team All-Star Presidents - Peth Rivera Most Outstanding Club Secretary – Marcia Salvador Special Award for Service to RID 3780 – Ric Salvador

The Outstanding Rotarian of the Year (TORY) – Marites Nepomuceno


Page 2 RY 2016-17 CITATIONS AND GOVERNOR’S AWARDS RECEIVED BY RCHS AND MEMBERS FOR 2016-17 DURING THE AWARDS RITES RY 2016-17 RI Citation and GOVERNOR’S AWARDS RI Presidential Citation All-Star Governor’s Citation Service Excellence Award (Silver) Milk Feeding & Nutrition Program Anti-Rabies Dog Vaccination

Service Excellence Award (Bronze) Large scale Diagnostic-Medical-Dental Mission Christmas Gift Giving Dental Mission at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Chapel Youth Forum on Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention Christmas Program and Gift Giving to SPED Children and Teachers Rotary New Year Celebration with SPED Children at Dona Juana Elem School Continuing Implementation of End TB Campaign/Program

Governor’s Exemplary Leadership Award Marcia Salvador – Assistant Governor Angel Castro – Assistant Governor’s Representative Marcia Salvador – Club Administration Emelinda Palattao – International Service Marites Nepomuceno –

Vocational Service Club Administration The Rotary Foundation International Service Community Service Youth Service

Governor’s Excellent Leadership Award for ASPs – Peth Rivera


Recognition & Awards Received by RC Holy Spirit & its Officers WCP Angelina E. Castro

Rotary Year 2015-2016

GOVERNOR’S AWARDS AND RI PRESIDENTIAL CITATIONS Excellence of Service Award (New Projects and Projects Less Than 5 Years) Tree Planting and Shoreline Clean-up at Las Pinas-Paranaque Critical Habitat Ecosystem Area Care Seekers Program Human Milk Bank supported by Global Grant Rehabilitation of SPED Resource Center at Dona Juana Elementary School Search for Heritage Trees Program 100-day Milk Feeding & Nutrition Program at Dona Juana Elementary School Checkmate Annual Chess Cup Bronze Excellence of Service Award (5-7 Years) Annual Youth Forum on Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention Annual Dental Mission at Our Lady of Sacred Heart Chapel Regular Oriental Medical Relief Missions Gamot Para sa Kapwa Medical/Dental/Diagnostic Mission Annual Milk Feeding & Nutrition Program for Grade I Pupils Silver Excellence of Service Award (8-12 Years) Annual Anti-Rabies Dog Vaccination Campaign Special Recognition Award Ngiti Mo, Sagot Ko D3780 project End Dengue D3780 project Club Leadership Award for WCP Angel Castro Governor Excellent Achievement Awards: PP Linda Palattao – Exemplary Service Award PE Peth Rivera – Governor’s Recognition Award for Spouses PP Marites Nepomuceno – Outstanding Assistant Governor’s Representative -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————————————————

DISTRICT 3780 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION (Group B) CLUB ADMINISTRATION Best Club in Club Bulletin VOCATIONAL SERVICE Best Rotary Club in Vocation at Work Project

Most Outstanding Club in Vocational Service COMMUNITY SERVICE Best Rotary Club in Water and Sanitation Project Best Rotary Club in Maternal and Child Health Project Outstanding Club in Community Service INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Best Rotary Club in Promotion of World Understanding and Fellowship Outstanding Club in International Service YOUTH SERVICE Best Rotary Club in Interact Program Outstanding Club in Youth Service THE ROTARY FOUNDATION Best Rotary Club in Grants

Most Outstanding Club in The Rotary Foundation INDIVIDUAL AND MAJOR CLUB AWARDS

Outstanding Club Secretary – Marcia Salvador

Outstanding Club President – Angelita Castro Outstanding Rotary Club 17

RC Holy Spirit is adjudged Outstanding Club (Mediun Size Clubs) and BCP Marites Nepomuceno Outstanding Club President RY 2014-15 The 2015 District Awards Night was held at the AFP Theater in Camp Aguinaldo last May 17, 2015. It was preceded by the Governor’s Awards Program where President Marites Nepomuceno received a Club Leadership Award and Club Admin Chair Ric Salvador was awarded an Exemplary Service Award as Governor’s Representative to PRM. The District Awards came under three (3) categories based on the Rotary club’s size: small, medium and big. RCHS fell under the medium club category. It was awarded Best Club in Club Bulletin, together with RC QC Central. Together with RC Metro Sta Mesa, RCHS was awarded Most Out-

standing Club in Club Administration. RCHS was awarded Best Club in Rotaract Program, and was also given the Most Outstanding Club in Youth Service Award. Under Community Service, RCHS was adjudged Best Club in Medical Service Project. BCP Marites and RCHS were recognized as out-

standing club president and outstanding

club, respectively. The District Awards Night was successfully carried out by 35 BCP’s who left almost no stone unturned to make sure that the culminating event for the ―best year ever‖ would proceed as planned. Holy Spirit Rotaractors joined other Rotaractors of the district in providing assistance at the reception area and during the program, highlighted by a lively production number performed by them. The awards night was also made exciting with the giving of raffle prizes, and climaxed by the raffle of the Ford EcoSport. Present during the Awards Night, aside from President Marites and Chair Ric, were PE Angel Castro, IPP Dr Eui Bong Jung, PP Marcia Salvador, PP Ped Condeno, PP Beth Sy, PP Chin Jurado, Rtn Marlene Martinez and Rtn David Kim. Nine Rotaractors of Holy Spirit led by President Harold Maggay were there, too. In all, RC Holy Spirit received 9 individual and club awards plus a certificate of appreciation for having served as one of the host clubs for the 2015 Awards Night event.


Recognition & Awards Received by RC Holy Spirit FCP Eui Bong Jung 2013-14 GOVERNOR’S AWARDS AND RI PRESIDENTIAL CITATIONS 2013-14 RI Presidential Citation with Distinction 2013-14 RI Presidential Citation (RC Holy Spirit) 2013-14 RI Presidential Citation (Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit) Excellence in Membership Net Increase (RC Holy Spirit) Most Outstanding Club in Disease Prevention & Treatment (Continuing Oriental Medical Mission) Governor Excellent Achievement Award – LG Emelinda C. Palattao Governor Excellent Achievement Award – PP Virginia Beth Sy, Deputy District Secretary Governor Excellent Achievement Award – IPP Marcia C. Salvador, District Co-Chair, Youth Service Governor Excellent Leadership Award – FC President Eui Bong Jung ROTARY CARES AWARD - Recognition as Major Donor ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 3780 RECOGNITION & AWARDS


Best Rotary Club in Club Bulletin Best Rotary Club in Program Best Rotary Club in Club Sport Development

The Most Outstanding Club in Club Administration YOUTH SERVICE

Best Rotary Club in Rotaract Program

The Most Outstanding Club in Service to the New Generation INTERNATIONAL SERVICE

Best Rotary Club in Match Club Relations PUBLIC IMAGE

Best Rotary Club in Print

The Most Outstanding Club in Public Image INDIVIDUAL AWARDS

The Most Outstanding Club Secretary – Fernando Delgra, Jr.

Outstanding Club President – Eui Bong Jung

The Most Outstanding Rotary Club Most Outstanding District Officer 

LG Emelinda C. Palattao (RC Holy Spirit)

Award category shared with -

LG Angel Gahol (RC Neopolitan Fairview

LG Jose Pepito Murao (RC Cubao Central)

PP Edgardo Ayento (RC New Manila East)

The Outstanding Rotarian of the Year (TORY) 

Ricardo P. Salvador (RC Holy Spirit) – District Editor-in-Chief and DGR-PRM

Award category shared with -

Ma. Elisa Allado (RC New Manila Heights) – District Community Service Chair

Rebecca Dela Cruz (RC Batasan Hills) – District TRF Annual Giving Chair

Dwight M. Ramos (RC Quezon City) – District Membership Development Chair 19

RC Holy Spirit is adjudged Most Outstanding Club (Group B 30 members) and Peace Pres Marcia Salvador is Most Outstanding Rotary Club President RY 2012-13 District Awards & Recognition Major Club Awards (for Group B- clubs with 30 or less members):

Most Outstanding Club in Club Administration Best Club in Club Bulletin Best Club in Rotary Information Program

Most Outstanding Club in Membership Development Best Club in Attendance Best Club in Program Best Club in the Promotion of the Four Way Test

Most Outstanding Rotary Club Major Individual Awards:

Marcia Salvador – Most Outstanding Club President Emelinda Palattao – Most Outstanding Assistant Governor Award Special Awards Citation & Recognition for each of the following new service projects:  Donation of Encyclopedia Sets and Dictionaries,  Sponsorship of Training Program on Creativity in Teaching for 120 teachers at HSNHS,  Mentoring Sessions During Saturdays,  Oriental Medical/Dental Mission,  Youth Forum on Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention, and  Food sharing, Book-giving and Story Telling for 147 children in Sagip GK Payatas 3

Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit - Best Rotaract Club Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School – Best Interact Club ----------------------------------------------------------—————————————————————————

Governor’s Awards & Recognition Excellence in Leadership & Service Award to Assistant Governor Linda Palattao Excellence in Leadership & Service Award to Peace President Marcia Salvador Exemplary Leadership Award to Peace President Marcia Salvador 20

RC Holy Spirit is adjudged Most Outstanding Club (Small Clubs Group) and SP Ped Condeno Most Outstanding Rotary Club President RY 2011-12 District Governor’s Awards President Ped Condeno – Leadership Award District Editor Ric Salvador – Award of Distinction AG/PP Linda Palattao – Outstanding Achievement Award AGR/IPP Dodgie Osabel – Outstanding Achievement Award

District Awards for RC Holy Spirit (Small Clubs Group) Major Club Awards

Most Outstanding Rotary Club Most Outstanding Club in International Service Most Outstanding Club in Service to the New Generation Major Individual Award

Ped Condeno – Most Outstanding Rotary Club President Minor Club Awards Outstanding Club in Administration Outstanding Club in Club Bulletin Outstanding Club in Community Development Outstanding Club in Human Development 21

After successful O f f i c i a l N turn-around, e w s B u l l e t i n o f RC t h e Holy R o t a r Spirit y C l u b earns o f H o l y Outstanding Spirit Club (Bronze) placing it among the top 15 clubs in District 3780 and Pres Linda Palattao as Outstanding Rotary Club President RY 2009-10

The Dove

June 29, 2010

Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines

Officers and Members RY 2009-2010 EMELINDA C PALATTAO President LYDIA L PEDERNAL, PhD Vice President, Internal Affairs & President-Elect Chair – Service Projects PP ROGELIO B BELLEZA, MD Vice President, External Affairs Chair – The Rotary Foundation JOCELYN M FLORES Secretary MARCIA C SALVADOR Treasurer WINNIE MAE U LEONOR Auditor LOWELL B CUSTODIO Sergeant-at-Arms PEDRITO M CONDENO Chair – Club Administration President-Nominee RICARDO P SALVADOR Chair – Membership Development AIDA E LORENZO Chair – New Generation CP LEONIDES S RESPICIO Chair – Public Relations IPP DIOGENES S OSABEL Chair – Networking & Resource Mobilization JOSE B DEL ROSARIO JR EUI BONG JUNG TWINKIE P KIM FR STEVE TYNAN, MGL FERDINAND VALBUENA ANTONIO KENT M VALDERRAMA ESTRELLA C VALMOCINA

Vol. II No. 35

RC Holy Spirit celebrates 5th Charter Anniversary as it is adjudged among top 15 clubs in RI District 3780 The President’s Corner on the Front Page (President Linda Palattao is now on her way back from the just ended RI Convention in Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

Congratulations to all the officers and members of Rotary Club of Holy Spirit on our 5th Charter Anniversary. I wish to thank everybody for helping our club earn the Outstanding Club-Bronze award for Rotary Year 2009-2010, thus placing RC Holy Spirit among the top 15 clubs in the District where there are 97 clubs. We’ve also been cited for turning the situation around from an almost dying club to one very much active and a winner in District 3780. Of course we appreciate that the groundwork toward this milestone had been laid by IPP Dodgie Osabel and CP Nides Respicio. I am very confident that the club will do even better this coming RY 20102011, under the stewardship of President Lydia Pedernal. Attending the Rotary Convention has been a unique experience. This year’s convention in Montreal was a smashing success. More than 18,000 Rotarians from all over the world came to get a chance to learn strategies that would help them become more effective in their Rotary service. The plenary sessions were inspiring and very informative. An international meeting like this offers unparalleled networking and fellowship opportunities. We met many Filipinos, Americans, Canadians, British, Koreans, and Bangladeshis. We enjoyed our sightseeing trips around the old and new Montreal. Their Churches, buildings and houses have unique and beautiful architectural designs. Indeed our trip has been a very memorable one.

RCHS prepares for 5th Anniversary


With VP Lyds Pedernal presiding last June 24, club members finalized the program of activities and role assignments for the Anniversary celebration today, June 29, 2010.

Service Above Self Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 22

More than 18,000 Rotarians, including RCHS President Linda Palattao, attended the 2010 RI Convention in Montreal.

News feed from Rotary International

Incoming RI President asks Rotary clubs to adopt “cowboy logic” and be bigger, better and bolder As the 2010 RI Convention in drew to a close on 23 June, RI President-elect Ray Klinginsmith outlined his plans for his term, which begins 1 July. Klinginsmith will ask Rotarians to apply "cowboy logic" and make Rotary clubs "bigger, better, and bolder." The fundamental principles of cowboy logic are taking pride in your work, talking less and saying more, doing what has to be done, and remembering that some things just aren’t for sale, he explained during the closing plenary session. "I believe the way for Rotary to remain viable and vibrant in the next century is to help our clubs to be bigger, better, and bolder," Klinginsmith said. "The clubs are the life and breath of Rotary. Therefore, it is clear to me that my job is to help the district governors to help the clubs. We can do it, and we will do it, if all of us follow the simple solution of cowboy logic." Klinginsmith also listed improvements that he and the RI Board have already authorized, including revisions to the RI Strategic Plan to make it easier to implement and evaluate, a realignment of RI committees to fit the revised plan, the recruitment of 41 Rotary coor-

Reminder of Up-coming Events 

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July 1 - Blood-letting at QC Hall to commemorate the birthday of RY 2010-2011 District 3780 Governor Pablo ―Ambo‖ Gancayco. This is a District event. July 3— District induction rites July 15— Medical Mission sponsored by SM Foundation and RC Marikina North (sister club of RC Holy Spirit). This mission has been arranged with the assistance of our Dr. Roger Belleza.

RCHS wins major District Awards RCHS President Linda Palattao received trophies and citations from District Governor Dulce dB. Coyukiat during the District Awards & Governor’s Recognition Night 2010 held last May 31, 2010 at the Marriott Hotel. RC Holy Spirit has been declared an Outstanding Rotary Club “Bronze”, one of fifteen clubs cited as ―outstanding‖ during RI 2009-2010. There are 97 clubs in District 3780. President Linda has likewise been declared Outstanding Club President “Bronze”, a major individual award. She also received the District Governor’s Leadership Award. Our AG Chito Borromeo has been declared one of two Most Outstanding Assistant Governors in the District. Both AG Chito and AG Edmund Chiu received Excellent Achievement Awards while PDS Badong Viari was given Exemplary Achievement Award. PDG Danny Fausto received Certificate of Recognition for heading the Rotary Leadership Institute. PDG Danny, AG Edmund and PDS Badong are honorary members of RCHS.

The Dove, Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit, is published by the Administration Committee of the club. Printed copies are distributed to club members during meetings while digital versions are emailed to members & friends, to selected District 3780 officers, to most of the 97 district club presidents, and to selected RI offices. Current editors are Rtns Ric and Marcia Salvador Contributions in the form of suggestions, news items, articles and photos with caption should be sent by email to


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