Value the Planet Campaign Update

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Value the Planet Campaign update

Overview In a rapidly changing world, RICS has a responsibility to ensure our profession is leading from the front. As the only profession involved at every stage of the life cycle of a project, programme or development, surveyors are uniquely placed to provide real leadership within the built and natural environment. To ensure that we maintain trust and influence and are seen to champion change, our strategy in the UK is focused on RICS taking a leadership position on positive social impact and sustainability.

This is critical in today’s society, that places ever increasing demands on businesses to do more to preserve the planet. It’s especially important if we are to inspire the next generation of young people into a career in surveying. Generation Z is passionate about conserving the environment for the future and if we want to attract the best talent into our industry, we need to show that this is a profession that embraces sustainability and a responsible approach to business. In October 2019, we launched our Value the Planet campaign to do exactly that.

Matthew Howell

Managing Director, UK and Ireland

Value the Planet Through this campaign, RICS is promoting and providing tools to the profession to support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals which encourage our profession’s commitment to delivering social benefit through responsible and sustainable business practices. The campaign also offers a great opportunity to highlight the public interest responsibility of RICS and demonstrate the benefits that our profession provides in offering solutions to society's most challenging issues. The Value the Planet campaign launched in October 2019 with an online resource to support the profession.

Value the Planet launch live streamed to 926 watchers with a total reach in the first 2 weeks of



Value the Planet Campaign update

3,590 page views of Value the Planet,

with 30% of users continuing on to further sustainability content

The resource includes:

• Webinar series hosted by sustainability experts • Industry case studies on sustainable practice • SDG checklist

Chair, UK and Ireland Board

Social Impact Awards We launched the RICS Social Impact Awards to recognise the built environment's positive and transformational contribution to society. It is the only awards programme that celebrates the benefit that the built environment has on people's lives. They highlight excellence at a regional and national level, identifying the projects and individuals from the surveying profession who make a difference.

• Guide to Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals • Responsible Business in Real Estate – Industry Leaders Insight Report

Simon Prichard MRICS


of Guide to Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Business in Real Estate – the global challenge Industry leaders forum report

Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Over 25 press articles including Estates Gazette and Property Week

My Future Planet To ensure that we attract the brightest and the best from all walks of life into a career where they can genuinely make a difference, our My Future Planet campaign will target young people with a powerful and inspirational message demonstrating chartered surveying as a force for positive social impact.

• Checklist of RICS standards and research supporting climate action • RICS sustainability training and resources.

Value the Planet Campaign update


Value the Planet Our Value the Planet campaign is raising awareness among the profession and their clients of the business benefits of adopting a longer-term responsible and sustainable approach to decision-making.

Taking a leadership position Our campaign engagement with governments, industry stakeholders and media is building our influence as a leader on sustainable and responsible practices that deliver social value. • The UK Construction Industry Council invited RICS onto its sector working group • RICS Election Manifesto policy on modern methods of construction and the removal of S21 eviction notices in PRS tenancies has been taken up by government

Our #RICSresolutions social media campaign, resulted in

over 1,000 new visitors to our Value the Planet campaign website

• RICS led on a collaborative response to the West Midlands Combined Authority’s green paper which considers the actions the region needs to establish a zero-carbon economy and is being launched at MIPIM 2020 • An RICS Residential survey question on air quality achieved an exclusive feature in the Sunday Times home supplement using our survey data linked to house prices

• RICS is a key player in the Coalition of Energy Efficient Buildings. Media coverage of the coalition was published in Architects Journal, Construction News, finance trade publications and the Times


Value the Planet Campaign update

• Our #RICSresolutions social media campaign, supported by a YouGov survey, to show where we can improve as a sector, resulted in over 1,000 new visitors to our Value the Planet campaign website, and encouraged our members to showcase their credentials and best practice

We call on professionals in the built environment to align their business operations to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which provide a model for addressing the most important economic, social and environmental challenges of our time. The campaign supports businesses to embrace the SDGs and provides a vehicle to highlight exemplars of best practice in sustainable and responsible business to shine a light on the positive impact of our profession.

Supporting and engaging the profession Throughout 2020 we will introduce a number of initiatives to support and engage the profession on sustainable development and social impact matters including: • A promotional pack that supports RICS members to sell in their sustainable credentials to clients • A partnership with the Prince's Trust to bring our profession to life through the Trust’s exciting campaigns engaging young people • Practical advice on being more sustainable as a business will be part of our regional roadshows • Video case studies sharing tactics to support small businesses to adopt sustainable development.

Promoting the profession The RICS Awards relaunched as the RICS Social Impact Awards to recognise the built environment's positive and transformational contribution to society. The Awards celebrate the value of surveyors in delivering social impact and the positive difference made to people’s lives. • RICS Social Impact Awards 2020 shortlists will showcase over 100 case studies demonstrating social value excellence across the UK in 9 different project classes • The #RICSresolutions new year ask for our profession to publicise their resolution to combat climate change resulted in pledges to reduce carbon, and switching to electric vehicles • Insight gained from RICS firms will feed into our Social Impact Report and highlight examples of how RICS and the profession contributes to advancing sustainability • A consumer toolkit to help achieve Net Zero by 2030 that promotes expertise of surveyors is being developed.

• BEIS approached us to run a joint climate change strategy planning roundtable to develop an influential narrative for COP26 taking place in Glasgow in November 2020.

Value the Planet Campaign update


My Future Planet The #myfutureplanet campaign will inspire the next generation, championing the social impact they could make through a career in surveying.

Our message will highlight how chartered surveyors play a key role in tackling the environmental crisis, creating sustainable communities, delivering essential infrastructure and ensuring the economic and social well-being of the next generation, positioning surveying as a career that enables a positive impact on the future for our planet.


Inspire Schools Workshops

Our viral video How Buildings will Save the World in partnership with B1M, (the world's most subscribed-to video channel for construction receiving 9 million views each month) showcases: • the scale of the climate emergency

Now in their third year, these interactive 2-hour sessions for year 9/10 students engage over 6,000 pupils annually – showcasing surveying as an exciting career. Surveyed pre-workshop 3% students would consider a career in surveying and post-workshop 24% said they would and 43% said maybe.

• the role surveyors play to save our future

This year the tour:

• amazing projects from vertical farms to smog-eating buildings and bringing nature back into some of the planet’s most notorious concrete jungles.

• visits 40 schools across the UK

Vlogs RICS and a series of popular teenage vloggers will inspire students (13+) on the central role of surveyors in solving the environmental crisis. Our message shows: • how surveying improves people’s lives • projects safeguarding our planet’s wildlife • initiatives to reduce carbon emissions • buildings that use sustainable materials • the brightest young stars in the industry.

Connectr Our new online platform for students and Inspire Ambassadors introduces the world of surveying through interactive modules and tracks engagement with RICS. Opening a world of possibilities, students can: • interact with dynamic content on creating smart and sustainable cities, restoring historic monuments, building sports stadiums and music venues, developing farming techniques to aid food production and protect the environment, surveying on the Antarctic ice shelf and much more • experience the latest technology used by surveyors to shape the world around them • enter an online challenge to address future climate change challenges to win a work placement.


Value the Planet Campaign update

• promotes surveying’s hugely positive social impact • inspires students to act on their interest in the environment • shows how maths, geography, and enterprise skills lead to exciting jobs in property • challenges students to plan a brand-new building.

of young people


rate sustainability and ethics as important or extremely important in their career decision

Inspire workshops engage

over 6,000

students annually Campus campaign RICS is piloting a scheme with 5 UK universities to grow engagement with university students through a campaign to: • promote the social impact of surveyors on biodiversity, our high streets, housing and infrastructure • inspire the built environment leaders of the future • demonstrate benefits of RICS credentials • support and inform students in their choices.

Value the Planet Campaign update


Delivering confidence We are RICS. Everything we do is designed to effect positive change in the built and natural environments. Through our respected global standards, leading professional progression and our trusted data and insight, we promote and enforce the highest professional standards in the development and management of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. Our work with others provides a foundation for confident markets, pioneers better places to live and work and is a force for positive social impact.

Americas Latin America

North America

Asia Pacific Australasia

Greater China (Hong Kong)

Greater China (Shanghai)


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EMEA Africa



Middle East

United Kingdom RICS HQ JANUARY2020/DML/0085/GLOBAL

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