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Design Dissertation

E x p l orin g

Underwater Architecture Design Marine Research Center at Angria Bank, Arabian Sea by Riddhi Pinakin Madeka

Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture, Rajkot




INDUBHAI PAREKH SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE RAJKOT The following study is hereby approved as credible work on the approved subject, carried out and presented in a manner sufficiently satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a pre-requisite to the Bachelors degree in Architecture, for which it has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval, the undersigned does not necessarily endorse or approve of any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein and approves the study only for the above purpose; and satisfies the requirements laid down by the thesis committee.

Riddhi Madeka , B5010

Title: Exploring underwater architecture

Studio Co-ordinator : Prof. Devang Parekh

Guide : Dr. Mansee Bal Bhargava



Date: .12.2015

Date: .12.2015

Exploring underwater architecture


Acknowledgement The boat cannot sail to the coast on its own; similarly this thesis would not be possible without some the help of some valuable people. I would like to thank my parents for supporting at every stage; be it going to Goa or giving ideas for the project. Dr. Mansee Bal Bhargava, was the one who has always been a driving energy for this thesis. This thesis would not have been possible without her guidance. She always pushed me to explore and has always kept me informed about anything that she gets to know about the underwater structures. I am grateful to have her as my guide. The technical support was provided by the scientist of National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. Especially, Dr. Anil A.C and Dr. Ilangovan. They gave me confidence to make this thesis more practical. I am thankful to my school; Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture; and professor Devang Parekh and Riddhi Shah, for allowing me to take this challenging topic and find answers to my curiosity. I thank Hitesh changela for giving valuable inputs. I hereby thank Dharti and kartik, who being younger siblings, have covered up for me in times of emotional and conditional crisis and have stood for me in almost every situation. (No! This is no exaggeration and formality.) They have even cooked a meal for me, all by themselves just to make sure i attend the thesis workshop classes. A big Dhanyawaad! I thank Hiteshbhai, for giving me the transportation service. Exploring underwater architecture

6 As this thesis includes bit of engineering, and HUGE words like, “hydrogen fuel cell”, “buoyancy”, “incineration” and etc, which my brain could not digest at once, I was guided by a supportive friend, Mr. Niraj Koshal. The engineer, who being deficient in weight, gave me knowledge about the geeky engineering stuffs, the one who always kicked me from my lull period and has always been a spinal cord. No boat can sail without the wind…. But the rowing of the boat can help it sail even without the wind… and therefore…There are some masterminds, freaks, maniacs, partners in crime, without whom this study would not have been possible. They have not only pushed me in this dissertation but the entire 5years of architecture. This thesis gives me the opportunity to engrave their name in my “Last submission to the college”. Life would have been easier without my college friends, trust me, it would have been as easy as a bump free road, but who likes the easy life..!!! As one cellular network rightly advertises..’ har ek friend zaruri hota hai”, similarly jerks and bumps are part and parcel of the journey. The list is too long, but every soul is a maniac! The calm head! Jaydeep Rathod! Though being Savar Kundla’s Rathod; he is the one who hardly gets angry, the black sheep of the Rathod family. But, he has some good qualities…. he can crack really poor jokes and has yellow accessories! In this thesis semester, Rathod and I have almost been at the same stage in designing, and he helped me by giving his precious intellectual inputs in the design and the structure of the design. The NRI! Khyati Pankhaniya, this young lady is a machine. She can generate all the drawings in A DAY!! Including 3-Ds !!! Well, she has always Exploring underwater architecture

provided positive vibes and has always pushed me in completing the thesis. And she played a major role in downloading youtube videos for free! The free videos were the only past time we had, after the carom board. Khyati has always updated me regarding the recent news, and has the ability to cry out loud without shedding a tear!! Well its actually hilarious to see that, she has helped me in my thick and thin phases of the thesis and the life. The intelligent boy! Niraj Chhatpar, also known as Baba. Baba is that intelligent guy who learns things by observation and practice, and is a fast learner. And guess what! He learned how to crack poor jokes!! He was the only one who could understand and talk about scientific terminologies.He takes interest in almost everyone’s topic and discusses with the same interest. The 3d renders have been made by him. The koki, and the discussions has helped me in moving forward. The expressive, curious and a Batman fan, Bharadwaj Trivedi, a.k.a , BJ. He is someone whose energy levels are never down; even if hes describing a simple incident, he have all the energy that he can easily transfer it into the listener. Bj has always shared his observations from the movies, which has helped me in looking into future. Nikitha Raju, Taunt master. When ever we are near this person, one always finds verbal firing and/ or bombardment! But Nikitha has helped in making drawings and in giving life advices. Kaushal padiya, for his expert comment and intense thinking, which helped me in formulating and structuring the study. Sujeet Talati for saying.. “ riddhi! reva de, nai bhegu thaay.” Poojan Bhatt for not interupting in anything. Manasi Vikani for sending paniking texts “ Ketlu

thayu?” “ pati jase?” and for being at the same stage as mine at all times. Chitvan Trivedi, for proof reading my technical thesis, which helped in improving my work. A special thanks to Achal vadgama for claiming my study as “waste of time” yet pushing me in my depressed phases and motivating; and for being staying up night for me to complete my model. Basically, he was my model-maker! Ketanbhai, the tees maar khan and the guy who thinks himself jacksparrow, he is the one without whom the 3d would not have been made, this guy left his thesis to complete my 3d! Aastha Singh, karan siddhpura, without whom the wax model would not be of the desired form; and ananthu Jn , sagar navdiwala for finding the prawns and the fish for the model. Special thanks to Karmaraj Rana, for staying up to complete one floor of the model, without having his food! Sacrifice!! Shashank Trivedi, for writing inspirational words at the right moment. Mansi Siyani, for being positive about the thesis, and a motivational element. Arpan Patel, my guide, my notorius mentor, who has always kept the track of my thesis from asking me “ Name the fishes found in Angria Bank?” from “what did your Co-guide say? Ask her to call me”. He is ever ready to sign any document as guide. Aarsi Desai, the person with whom I started my study with, we have discussed all our highs and lows and were determined to complete thesis togather. We have also made many flop time tables, and gone togather for the discussions. Priyanka Kiri for giving the right advice in the right time. I thank you all. I thank YOU.


Abstract This study is a combination of architecture as well as engineering aspects. It focuses majorly on the architecture in the water. There are many architectural as well as technological parameters that must be kept in mind before designing a building in the water; and some of them are discussed here , either through various cases (man-made or natural). These parameters are then manifested, by designing a marine research center in Angria Bank. This study will brief the reader regarding the basics of fluid mechanics and the idea of the basic form, structure, services and materials that should be taken care while designing the underwater structure. This has been explained with certain cases found around the world or through somebody’s concept in the study. Further, the scientific concepts were studied to derive a workable form, with respect to hydro dynamics. The final design was made on the inferences generated by the study.

Exploring underwater architecture



Approval letter Acknowledgment Preface/ abstract

Chapter 2: Application

Introduction 11 -Need of the project. -Objectives -Scope and limitation

2.1: Case study

Chapter 1: Understanding 1.2 Understanding physics 15 1.3 Case study 1.3.1 House boats 1.3.2 Submarine

1.4: Case study

1.4.1 Ithaa undersea resort. 1.4.2 Poseidon undersea resort 1.4.3 Joules’ undersea lodge 1.4.4 Inferences

16 18

21 23 26 29 32

2.1.1 Marine research center, Bali 2.1.2 Trilobis65 2.1.3 Batumi aquarium 2.1.4 Inference

2.5: Final drawings 41 42 45 47 49

2.2: Site 51 2.2.1 Selection criteria 2.2.2 Site context and analysis

52 53


Chapter 3: Learning

3.1 conclusion 105 Image reference 107 Biblography


2.3: Program 57 2.3.1 Users and user activity 2.3.2 Area statement

2.4: Design development

58 61


2.4.1 Volumetric study 64 2.4.2 Form 67 2.3.3 Integration of architecture and technology 72

Exploring underwater architecture



Introduction Water!!! A transparent fluid that can take any shape of the container, in which it has been filled and is the necessary element of almost every living creature on this planet. It has also inspired many poets and philosophers to help write to inspire others in life. Water has become element in the architecture. Many historical as well buildings were made considering water as an element of landscape or ritual. So far there have people who have captured this flowing element in a bounded area in their property. And there are some who are curious to explore the underwater world by jumping in the sea. The curiosity of these people has helped them invent some structures like ships and submarines, which has help them explore the depths of the sea. Though the ships were invented purely for navigation and exploration of the lands but it helped in exploration of the sea, especially for the divers. Today we have technology to explore the underwater world but, not many of us get this opportunity as it is restricted to study and war purposes. If one looks back in time; it started with diving, where people used to dive holding their breath; and later after the introduction of oxygen cylinder, they could spend more hours exploring underwater species. But a diver cannot dive for a day, therefore people invented structures wherein the diver or Exploring underwater architecture



Evolution of technology

Fig.5 Submarine

Fig.1 Snorkling

Fig.3 First submarine

Fig.2Scuba diving

researcher was sent underwater for a day or two. These structures were called habitats. The users of these habitats started experiencing decompression sickness due to water pressure; which lead to the invention of submarines; that could maintain atmospheric pressure inside the structure and could propagate as well. Today submarines are

Exploring underwater architecture

Fig.4 Habitat

used for research and military purposes.

Need Why underwater architecture? No one dwells underwater, humans need air to breathe and their bodies are designed such that it cannot survive in

the medium of water‌ then WHY UNDERWATER? 1. Submergence of land due to global warming The increasing temperature of earth is melting the glaciers at the poles which in turn increase the seawater level globally. In about 50years, many coastal cities would be submerged underwater. Therefore there is a need to think about future evolution of human habitation. The earth itself has 71% of water on its surface on which humans can dwell, if designed sensibly by keeping marine ecology and human necessity in mind. 2. Curiosity to explore and live with the underwater world for longer period of time providing necessary favorable conditions. Humans have tried many ways to explore this world, and have invented technologies that help them stay underwater for long. It started with diving, where people used to dive holding their breath; and later after the introduction of oxygen cylinder, they could spend more hours exploring underwater species. So far, these technological developments are temporary in nature, one cannot spend a month in a submarine for studying a particular marine species in its natural habitat, as it has resource storage limitations. The Ithaa

13 undersea restaurant in Maldives (pg no.23) and Joules laboratory in Fiji lagoon (pg no. 29) are live examples of usable, permanent underwater buildings. Many futuristic underwater concepts of cities, hotels, research centers, residential colonies and etc. are being made by the designers and engineers for leisure, habitation and study. This study basically includes the architecture keeping water as surrounding medium in mind.

center were listed and appropriate site was selected. Programmatic case studies were studied to generate the program for the marine research center. Later, a marine research center was designed by integrating design parameters and technology.

Aim: To explore the finesse of underwater architecture by deriving and manifesting the design parameters in the design of the marine research center at Angria bank.

This topic being amalgamation of architecture and engineering, and hence there are many aspects which limitize this study. The design parameters that would be derived will be explained such that it forms the basics of the any underwater building design. This study will incorporate the basic understanding of the structure and materials without actual structural calculations and joinery details. All the cases are from secondary sources and hence it limits certain understanding of services and technical aspects of machine room and its functionality.

Objectives: 1. Understanding the design parameters of underwater architecture. 2. Demonstrating the design parameters of underwater architecture through marine research center. Methods: In the initial stage of study, the examples of engineering standpoint were studied to constitute the background of the study. Subsequently, the architectural parameters were identified according to the conditions and limitations of the environment (water) in which the building would be made. Cases were selected and studied with respect to the identified design parameters and inferences were generated. These inferences helped in developing the design of the underwater building. Certain marine organisms were studied which helped in developing the form. Meanwhile the site selection criteria for marine research

Scope and limitation:

Exploring underwater architecture


Types of building with water The figure 6 shows the types of building found in/ out/ with water found across the world; beside every type the list of architectural and construction challenges have been listed below.

Fig.6 Typology of structures with water Exploring underwater architecture




Chapter 1.2

Understanding physics

Of working of boats and submarines.

The basic structures that one has known so far that are in the water are submarines and the boats. These two structures follow the same, Archimedes principle to float and sink. Before one reads this chapter, one should know the basic understanding of the buoyancy, drag force, lift force and the Archimedes principle. Buoyancy: an upward force exerted on an oject when immersed in a fluid. Positive buoyancy: When a less dense body is submerged in a medium(water), it floats, and its buoyancy is called positive buoyancy. Negative Buoyancy: When a dense body is submerged in a medium(water), it sinks, and its buoyancy is called negative buoyancy. Drag force: The force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to surrounding fluid is called drag force. Lift force: Lift force is the sum of all the forces on a body that force it to move perpendicular to the direction of flow. Archimedes principle: It states that the upward force on an oject in a fluid ia equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced. Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 1.2.1

House boat

Fl oati ng on water A house boat is a floating structure which has all the requirements that suffices 2-3 day stay of its crew members. The boat design is based on archimedes principle.

How boat works? Archimedes’ pricipal : An object in fluid experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.


Fig.8Basic understanding of working of forces



Fig.9When a boat experiences low tide

Fig.7 Diagram of a boat Exploring underwater architecture



minimise this area, and often consider rounded hull cross section.


Rounded vee



Fig.11 Hull section

The principle that keeps the houseboat floating is bouyancy, the water pushes the boat up, just as the boat exerts force downwards.

The narrow front edge, helps in easy movement, thereby resisting the water force. The low pressure is created at the blunt rear end when the boat is moving . This low pressure pushes the boat to move forward.

Material of hull

Fig.10 Boat experiencing high tide

When pressure of a body of water is equal to the weight of the object, that object will remain bouyant and float on the water. If the object is too heavy or denser than the water, it will sink below the water line.

Fig.14 Hull section in plan

Multi chine

Flat bottom Fig.12 Hull sections

Single chine


The weight, area in contact and the density of the boat play the major role in floating of the boat. Wood, aluminium, plastic, acryli are some materials which are used in making the superstrcuture of boat; whereas the hull is made up of coated carbon steel and titanium.

HULL DESIGN When the boat moves through water, the friction between the boat hull surface and the water flowing past it, cases a drag force on the boat. This drag is dominant resistance, when a boat moves at low speed. Since the drag force is proportional to the area of wet surface, therefore the designers

Fig.13 Hull design in plan

Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 1.2.3


The figure shows how the forces will act when the submarine is submerged in the water.

Sum ber ged in water A submarine is vehicle, that moves underwater, that has been either used for research or military purposes. This strucutre has ability to submerge and surface depending on the need of the user. The shape of the submarine is either tear drop or aerofoil, these shapes are aerodynamically most appropiate shapes as these allow submarine to smoothly propagate in the water. This shape nullifies the water resistance generated by the water.

Fig.16 Basic section of a submarine Diving plane

Sail Control center Sonar Rudder


Components of submarine Inner Hull: It is the place where crew live.` It is pressure sensitive and must withstand the hydrostatic pressure to the submarine’s maximum depth. Outer hull: Inner hull is surrounded by outer hull and is simply a smooth fairing that covers the non pressure sensitive equipement of submarine.

Crew quaters Nuclear reactor Engine compartment Stern plane Fig.15Diagram of a submarine Exploring underwater architecture


Ballast tank: This tank has ability to alter the displacement of the submarine from being positive buoyant (surface) when empty to neutrally buoyant (submerged) when full.



The submarine works on the Archimedes principle. Archimedes’ principle : An object in fluid experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. Submarines can manipulate its buoyancy , depending on its need of surfacing and sinking.

Fig.18 Working of submarine

Fig.17Components of submarine

To sink the submarine, it has to achieve negative buoyancy. The negative buoyancy is achieved when the valves of the ballast tanks are opened, filling the ballast tanks with water. This increases weight of the submarine therefore it starts to lower as shown in figure A. The submarine obtains neutral buoyancy, as shown in figure B, when the weight of the submarine equals the amount of water displaced. The submarine will neither rise nor sink in this state. And this is the state when submarines propagate the most.

In figure C, the submarine has positive buoyancy, when it is less denser than the seawater; hence it floats. This state is achieved by removing the water in the ballast tank of the submarine. Hence, the depth of the submarines are decided by this water to air ratio. The shape and technology of the submarine has been inspired from the marine organism, molluscs.

Material The outer skin of the submarines experiences water pressure, and therefore materials that can resist water pressure and corossion are used as fabrication. Hence materials like aluminum, coated high strength carbon steel, and etc have been used. The inner hull which is also as pressure hull which experiences atmospheric pressure inside and water pressure outside. The materials like titanium, carbon steel and etc have being used. Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 1.3

Case studies

The case studies inform how much people have explored practically or so far in a particular topic. The cases have been studied on the following topics: 1. Foundation and construction type: How it has been attached to the ground? Foundation helps in stabalizing the structure. In marine structures, foundation is often required for: i. Low soil bearing pressure. ii. Overturning of the building iii. To avoid sliding and slipping of the built. iv. To avoid short and long term deflection. v. To protect the building from other sesmic effects. 2. Form: How are they resisting water? The form plays an important role in a underwater, moving building as the body, has to move in a dense medium it requires certain specific form to cut through that medium resisting the forces. 3. Material: What are the materials used to overcome the underwater environment? The material used for the building should have the property of anti corrossivness, high tensile strength, should take the water as well as air pressure at the same time. Exploring underwater architecture


4. Services: How these structures use services to provide livable environment to users? The services include basic services required for human sustainance. The basic layout of services people have been using with respect to the technology. 5. Accessibility: How the building can be accessed? The access to the building from the mainland 6. Maintenance: After the building is made, how will it be maintained? The maintenance of the building after it has been constructed. 7. Structure: This topic will talk about the structural load transfer with respect to the form. List of case studies: 1. Ithaa undersea restaurant. 2. Poseidon undersea resort 3. Joule’s undersea logde

Exploring underwater architecture




Chapter 1.3.1


Ithaa undersea restaurant

The building has 4-5m deep, pile foundation. Rangalifinolhu

The pile foundation for maritime strucutres is used when the region either has weak or inadequate strata.

2.Form: Ithaa undersea restautant Fig.19 Outside view of Ithaa

Architect: M.J.Murphy Location: Rangalifinolhu, Maldives Building function: Restaurant Type: Completely submerged, grounded Dining Area: 45sqm. Depth below water: 5m

Fig.20 Location of Ithaa, in the maps of Rangalifinolhu

The undersea restautant is located at the bottom of the island, Rangalifinolhu, as island in Maldives.

The submerged restaurant has capsule form, but has a flat horizontal surface as base. This form can help in resisting wave forces from all the three sides and as the bottom is connected to the ground with piles, it will not experience such forces.

Fig.21Approach and exterior of Ithaa undersea restaurant Exploring underwater architecture



Case Study 1

Name of the case study

Fig.22Cross section of the Ithaa undersea restaurant

3.Material: Plexi glass (Acrylic) : The vault of the restaurant is made up of 4inch thick plexi glass, one that is used in public aquarium tanks , which is a transparent material. The two acrylic arches were joined by the Exploring underwater architecture

The divers attracted the marine species, especially ray fish, by feeding them near the restaurant. This act gives beautiful views from the acrylic screen.

waterproof sealant. Wood: The internal flooring, and the skirting have been made out of wood. coated carbon steel: The entire structural frame of the superstruccture was made up of coated carbon steel, which can resist seawater corrosion. The huge steel pipe piles were used for foundation at Rangali Island. The structural materials used here, carbon steel, have high compression strength, are corrosion free and can resist water percolation. Thr skin is made up of plexi glass which can take up compression.

This acts as the transparent screen for its users to look outside. Concrete: The ballast tank was made up of concrete, as concrete can hold water and resist corrosion. The part of the restaurant above water, has thatch roof which keeps the interiors cool and the skin is made up of bamboo and mud.

4.Services: This structure being only 5m below clear water, recieves natural sunlight during the day. The



electricity is provided through cables which have been brought in to the building through the bridge.The ventilation has been controlled by the staircase and lift shaft, naturally and also the air conditioners are installed to control the room temperature. As the building is close to the land, it gets all its life sustaining resources from the land.


foundation piles were inserted. The part of the building submerged due to its weight. The building had empty tanks which were filled by the seawater to increase the weight of the Ithaa undersea restaurant.


5.Process of construction: The exterior skin and the structural elements of the Ithaa had been made outside water, and had been tested for any leaks before submerging it into the water.


Fig.25 Fig.23

The structure that had been made outside water in Singapore and was imported to the site of installation.

To further submerge the building, additional weigth of 85000 kilos of sand ballast were added. The building was carefully placed on the piles and anchored.





With the help of ships and cranes, and other machines the building is placed in water where it had to be installed, the site where the

The internal furniture, service cables and the flooring was done after the attaching the building to its foundation piles.

The Ithaa restaurant is situated at the extreme south of Rangalifinolhu island. And the 7m bridge connects the building to the land. The staircase then vertically connects to the submerged restaurant. Here, the horizontal distance is covered first by the bridge so that diners the experience the feeling of walking on the water. Later they descend downwards through stairs.

Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 1.3.2

Poseidon undersea resort

1. Foundation: The structure being completely submerged, and grounded, needs foundation piles, which holds the structure and does not allow it to move with the water currents.

2. Form: The form of the Poseidon undersea resort is very well designed. The structure underwater has two discs, which are attached by the tubular spine. The spine has twelve capsules attached to it. The disc shape structure is such that it can easily allow water to pass over it without any water resistance. The capsules have flat surface at its bottom which acts as a surface of contact with the ground.

Fig.27 iso metric view of poseidon undersea resort from above

Architect: Ar. Bruce Jones Location: Fijian lagoon, fiji Building function: Hotel Type: Completely submerged, grounded Depth below water: 12m

Exploring underwater architecture

The Poseidon undersea resort is a concept which will sit on the continental shelf of Fijian lagoon in near future. This resort has a deck, which is outside the water and it is exactly on top of the resort. This deck allows the users to locate the Poseidon resort, from the flight.

The building being 12m underwater, does not experience the wave motion. There is no question of drag or lift forces in the building as the building is grounded and not moving. Therefore it is not necessary for building to have hydro-dynamically sound form. As it only experiences the water pressure around it, the form and joineries in this building are such that it can resist water pressure.

3. Material: The certain materials have been decided for this futuristic resort. Acrylic: The 4 inch thick huge acrylic sheets will



4.Service :

Fig.28 Bedroom unit

be used in guest rooms and restaurant area which make the screen walls that shall connect the visitors with the underwater world.

The building will be fetching electricity from the floating deck, which receives electricity from the land. The air conditioning and ventilation ducts, communication cables, water supply pipes and drainage lines will be exchanged through the shaft provided above the disk shaped reception area. The service shaft connects the completely submerged hotel with the outside environment. It helps exchange air, and other life sustaining elements. Fig.30 Process of installation

Fig.29 Elevation of Poseidon undersea resort Exploring underwater architecture



submarines and boats; and the vertical distance connecting to the underwater hotel is accessed by the elevators.

7. Maintenance:

Fig.31 Bird eye view

5. Process of construction:

ballasted until it sinks into place on the seabed.

Designer Bruce Jones has planned to negate the hazards of the underwater construction by assembling the entire structure in a Portland, Oregon shipyard, then transporting it by a heavy lift ship to the Fiji. To install the hotel 12m below sea level, the structure will be floated off the ship in one massive piece. Divers will thread small metal rings, which have been bolted to the structure’s exterior, onto guidance pilings, which have been driven into the seafloor. The pilings will keep Poseidon properly aligned while divers pin the building’s steel legs to the reef. Finally, the entire structure will be

6. Accessibility:

Exploring underwater architecture

The hotel being 12m below water level, and compact, that makes it difficult to dive for visitors visiting the undersea resort. Therefore, the hotel will provide the facility of submarines and boats that will help the visitors to reach the deck that will be located above the water. The deck has shaft which will be connected to the administration block located underwater, will take the visitors to the underwater hotel through an elevator. Here the horizontal distance will be covered by the

Poseidon’s windows are arguably the hotel’s greatest attraction and the most difficult thing to maintain, as the sea water produce foul around the structure within a day. And this hotel’s main purpose of building is to attract its visitors to get the view of the underwater world, it has to have clear views all the time. The provision of automatic cleaning system will prevent barnacles, algae, and other sea life from blocking the view. Much like an automated car wash, high-powered, water jets will travel along tracks mounted to the sides of the building and spray the windows with high-pressure seawater. The Poseidon undersea resort has designed each room as a separate module that can be detached from the main body of the resort and brought to the surface for repair work. Workers will be able to loosen the joint connecting a guest module to the resort’s “spine” by sealing the watertight doors between these pumping sections and pumping seawater into the joint. The increased hydrostatic pressure, inside the coupling will force the module from its and an overhead crane will then be able to lift it from the water. The structure needs to be cleaned on daily basis as its surroundings will foul it. As the entire structure cannot be taken to the shore, for minor technical problems in some parts, hence the idea of making detachable modules keeps the rest of the building functioning in water.



Chapter 1.3.3

Joule’s undersea lodge

Joules’ Undersea lodge commander center

Fig.33 Emerald Lagoon, Coast of Puerto Rico

1.Foundation: Joule’s undersea lodge does not have any foundation or footing, rather it has four legs each 1.5m high on which it rests. The building, here acts as a gravity structure. Gravity structures sit on the ground due to its weight. The building is so heavy that it is stable in any water movement.


Fig.32Diagram of Joule’s undersea lodge

Developer: Ian Koblick Renovated by: Dr. Neil Monney Location: Key Largo, Florida Building function: Temporary stay, Lodge Type: Completely submerged, grounded Depth below water: 7m

The Joule’s undersea lodge was called La Capula Research laboratory, which was constructed to study the continental shelf of the coast of Puerto Rico. Later it was altered and renovated as lodge where visitors stayed to explore and experience underwater world.

The Joule’s lodge does not have any curves, rather it has flat, angular and sharp surfaces. The intention of this structure was to have a stable, grounded lodge, at a depth of 7m. At this depth water hardly has any motion, therefore, Joule’s lodge shall hardly experience drag and lift Exploring underwater architecture


forces generated by the water. Here the building will experience the only force that is exerted by its surrounding water. The size and the make of building is such that it cannot topple or sway the wave forces.

3.Material: Carbon steel: The outer skin was fabricated with coated carbon steel. Acrylic: The windows were made up of acrylic. The carbon steel has high tensile strength to resist water pressure.

4. Services The joule’s undersea lodge is connected to the commander center which is located outside the water; on ground, by a cable. This is a service cable which transmits electricity, communication cables, water and regulates air pressure. The building is devoid of communication with outer world, this cable helps it to connect to the control room in case of emergency. The provision of cord becomes dangerous at times, as there would be uncontrolled flow of marine organisms in the water which might break or damage the cord. It is more advisabe to have provision of generators and other technologies itself in the building.


5.Process of construction: The La Capula laboratory was made in 1970, and was installed in the water. The same structure was then renovated to transform it into the Joules’ undersea lodge.




The Joules’ undersea resort, has flat, edgy surface as its outer skin but has two cylinders in its interiors which constitutes the bed. The entire structure was Fig.36 made outside, on the land, including the interior spaces. Then the structure was tested to check its The structure was then lowered in the water, workability and safety. keeping the building horizontal until it landed. The valves of the ballast tanks were open to increase the weight of the entire structure, and it sank as much it could, later, the dead weight of 20000kilos 2. were added to the building for it to sink and stabalize. The building was made so heavy that no water forces could move it.


The entire building that had been constructed, and Exploring underwater architecture

fabricated on land, and was then sent to the coast of Key Largo lagoon, in Florida. It is then floated, in the water, with the help of the ships, experts and the divers. And is then brought to the place where it had to be installed, that is, closest to the commander center, which is located on the edge of the coast.





After the building was installed, it soon connected itself to the control room with cord. This cord plays similar roles as an umbilical cable, that is, it acts as life line for its visitors.

6. Accessibility The building being 7m below water, and completely submerged underwater; one has to scuba dive to enter the building. The lodge has swimming pool, which is also known as the “moon pool”, is the arrival point in the building. The lodge is filled with compressed air which prevents the water from rising and flooding the rooms.

7. Maintenance The Joules’ lodge is a small, compact building which is placed 7m underwater, on the ground by adding weight. In case of any maintenance or emergency; the building can be brought outside the land by removing the sand ballast tank that was attached for it to submerge.

Fig.38 Floor plan of Joule’s undersea lodge

The joules’ lodge is located in the mangroove lagoon, which is the home for many reef fishes like anemons, sponges, parrotfish, anemones and etc. The Joules’ undersea lodge has very simple layout. The structure has two cylinders which are connected with a cuboid. The cylinders consists of private spaces like bedrooms whereas the the cuboid has common spaces, like wet area, swimming pool and seating. There are four round windows and each of diameter 42inch.

Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 1.3.4

Inferences Foundation and construction type: Foundation is the basic requirment for building to not allow any motion. But not all marine structures require foundation, and it completely depends on the function of the structure, the type of soil and its load bearing capacity.

Air inside

There are two types of grounded and floating structures in the water: 1. Gravity structure: The structure which are made outside water, and are placed in water either by adding artificial weight or by self weight, are termed as gravity structure. The Joules’ undersea lodge is an example for this structure. These structures do not require foundation, as it sits on the ground with its own weight. But sometimes they are anchored to the ground with the help of foundation piles. 2. Reactive structure: The structures which are made completely inside water, are termed as reactive structures. For structures like these, the water must be pumped out from the construction site. This can be achieved by making closed cassians and then removing the water from that site (equivalent to placing an inverted glass in the water in the upright position, the volume in the glass will always have air in it.)

Exploring underwater architecture

The piles are made using the vibrators and drillers; and are filled with wiremesh and concrete. If the building is to be built in the water, cassians are made at the site, and water is pumped out from that site with the help of the machines.

The concrete cassians are made and the water in it is removed with the help of the pump.




The form of the structure which is in/above the water can be well understood by taking the examples from the nature: marine living organisms and birds ( floating on the water). As studied in Chapter 1, if the semi submerged or completely submerged organism or structure is moving in the flowing water, its structure should be such that it should resist the lift force(the upward force experienced by the body moving against the flow of water) and the drag force (the resistance experienced by the body due to water flow). The form of the marine organisms vary majorly on the depth of water in which they survive and their survival tactics. There would be some that would be travelling through varied depths, some would only swim in the shallow water and some would be static all their life.



Turtles, dolphines, jellyfish, whales and etc are the species which dive deep and surface in water. When these animals locomote in the water, their form is near to aerofoil or tear drop shape. These animals’ forms are such that it can balance its lift and drag forces acting on it due to surrounding water; this form helps in resisting the deep water pressures, as well as helps it in moving forward. The form is narrow in the front and at the end which reduces the surface area and cuts the water with an ease. The curved surface has a benefit, as it allows tangential force at a particular point.




Nautilus Exploring underwater architecture



The aerodynamic studies state that aerofoil shape is the best shape that resist the drag and lift forces and are more efficient. The locomotive marine animals are generally have this shape. The submarine also has aerofoil shape. The form of the case studies that have been studied so far also follow similar principle.

Cuboidal Form

When the object is floating in the water, it experiences resistance; when the surface is flat, it experiences more wave force due to its surface area.

Joules’ undersea lodge

If the Joules’ undersea lodge would not have been 7m below water, its form could not resist water.

Poseidon Undersea Resort

Ithaa undersea restaurant

The Poseidon undersea resort, has similar case as that of ithaa and joules’. Fig.39 Types of earofoil shapes

Exploring underwater architecture

Because the ithaa undersea is 5m below water; it experiences force only water pressure and not wave force.

Basically the form varies, if the body is completely inside water, partially in the water, floating on the water, moving in the water or static.





Here, the accessibility is refered as the access to the building from the land.

Carbon steel: Carbon steel is used widely in submarines and boats especially as fabrication of outer hull.

1. The horizontal access. Users can have a horizontal bridge or tunnel which leads them to the building. This is only possible if the building is closer to land, as building long bridges for kilometers for a particular building is expensive.t

2. The vertical and horizontal access. This access is possible only if building is close to the coast.

3. The vehicular access. Regardless of the closeness of the building to the coast or away from it, the vehicles can help in accessibility. This does not require the building of bridges or tunnels.

Properties -Ductile -Can be welded -Compromise -Are corrosive in nature, it requires an external coat to avoid corrosion. Application: -Fabrication of submarine hull of combat submarines, U.S. navy. -Today, hy80 is the basic fabrication for submarine hull structures; having high tensile strength of 80000 psi.

Aluminum and its alloys (5xxx and 7xxx series): aluminum alloys have been dominantly used in the marine structures) Properties: -Light in weight (weighs half the times than carbon steel) -Corrosion free -Tensile strength more than carbon steel. -Easy to fabricate. -Performs without protective coating -Can be made into sheets and can be extruded into plates. -Can be welded

Application: Superstructure of U.S. Navy, torpedo boats : Hull of Murray Mhore, motor yatch : Aircraft Titanium: The titanium is a material which is now used widely in pressure hulls. Properties: -High tensile strength -Non- magnetic properties -Corrosion free -Resistance to high velocity sea water -Thermally insulated Application: -Pressure hulls of deep sea submersible and structural members of high speed surface ships hydrofoil. -The propeller blades and mast structure of high speed boat as has high corrosion-fatigue strength.

Plastic: The filament wound plastic has high strength and weight characteristics. Properties: - Non-corrosive -Non magnetic. - Thermal insulative - Easy to fabricate - Non conventional - Cannot be fabricated using conventional metalExploring underwater architecture


working techniques (welding, bending and forming) Application: Fiber reinforced plastic can be successfully applied in a cylinder shape for pressure hull of deep submergence vehicles. The cylindrical shape is applicable for filament wound materials since it can be wound easilly to almost any desired lengthdiameter ratio. The sea water - compressed air surfacing ballast tank and outer hull enclosing pressure tanks and aluminum frame of Alvin, a deep diving submersible. The divar, an unmanned acoustical research vehicle employs a reinforced plastic cylinder, nine ribs and wall.

Glass: Various glass are available commercially, but the one used for mariine structure include : E glass, D glass, M glass and S glass. Properties: high surface resistivity good fiber forming characteristics. water resistant Depth hardening effect: Ordinary glass, in a hollow structure, becomes increasingly resistant to damage by mechanical impacts or underwater Exploring underwater architecture


shockwaves at greater depths. Thermocemical strengthening: Tension and bending properties are low in abraded glass because of the high concerntration of stress arising at the tips of cracks when the part is under load. Cracks do not seem to originate from the bod of a glass part but from the surface and interfaces. This is due perhaps to the fact that the random networks of the glass are as strog in tesion as in compression. Application: - Advances in the design of non metal external pressure hulls. - used in floatation units. The hollow spheres made by welding pressed hemisphere togatheris used in deep ocean application.

Concrete: Concrete is used for ocean engineering structure, especially stationary structures on the ocean bottom. Properties: - Strength, particularly compressive strength, of the concrete. - Permeability - Resistance to attack by seawater. - Structural design - Construction procedures and processes. -Reinforcement: Fibrous reinforcement of ferrocement tends to enhance compressive strength whereas mesh reinforcements have little or no effect. Design compressive strengths in either

case depends mostly on the unreinforced mortar compressive strength. Application: - Foundation of off shore structures.



Services Building that is self sufficient.

The building that depends for survival services on land needs cables and pipelines to connect itself to the land.

The services include basic services required for human survival. There are certain structures, which are close to land and are completely depend on land for electrical or drainage service whereas there are certain buildings which are independent of those. The Joules’ lodge depends on land for the services. An umbilical chord runs in the water, which is risky, One observes that aeroplanes, ships and submarines have vacuum toilets which can carry solid waste against gravity, and can be pumped to any part of the structure to incinerate it into ashes; which can be further used in cleaning dishes. All an incineration tank needs is supply of air for it

to conduct incineration. Even the desalination plant need fresh air supply. For electricity, certain buildings have desiel generators, solar panels or batteries. But, with theadvance in technology, one can one use hydrogen fuel cell which is 99% efficient and eco friendly, as its by product is water vapour. But hydrogen being

combustible gas, needs special care. The devices like oscillating water column,geenrate electricity from wave energy. This device consists of a partially submerged chmber that contains both a water column formed by the ingression of ocean waves and air column formed by the trapped air. Turbine located at the top of the chamber experiences the expansion and contraction of the air cloumn as ocean waves continuously change thewater levels within the chamber.

Exploring underwater architecture




Skeleton of sperm whale

For the body to survive in the water, the structure should resist the water pressure. The body must resist the compression as well as tension force. If one gets inspired from the Marine animals that swim in varied depths of the ocean, one finds that majority of the skeletons are shell structure, that is, either arches(ribs) form the skeleton or the vaults form the skeleton. Their body is such that they will only recieve tangential force from all sides, which will be transfered to the bottom and then to the water. A major spine connects the small ribs which hold the delicate organs like heart, lungs, stomach and etc.

Skeleton of dolphin

The spiral shell structure.

Mollusc Exploring underwater architecture





The section of the ship’s deck shows the arrangment of vertical and horizontal members. The red lines are the major floor plate. The green vertical columns support the above floor, the yellow line makes up the form of the hull. The yellow rings, on which the skin is attached; are connected by the blue member.

Fig.40 Details of Iron hull Exploring underwater architecture



Case Study 1

Name of the case study

The image alongside shows the basic structuring of the boat. There one member which runs on the periphery, which supports the structure above.

Fig.41 Types of ship hull Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 2.1

Programmatic case study

This chapter includes the case studies that shall help derive the program for the project. Cases have been selected if they are similar to the proposed building, or are similar in nature in terms of public nature of building containing water or in water. Cases include: 1. Marine research center, Bali 2. Trilobis 3. Batumi aquarium

Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 2.1.1

This is project is the winning entry for the Marine Research Center, Bali; the competition was held across the world. And team Solus4’s effort of deriving the form from the wave study and incorporating it with functional spaces helped them in winning this competition. This was designed in 2010.

Marine research center

Intention of this project

1. The proposed marine research center should be capable of resisting tsunami waves, earthquake and powerful high tides as it is based in Indonesia which is a tsunami prone region. 2. The project had to entail the development of a submarine laboratory, parallel to shore, incorporating a view of the sea horizon; so that scientists and other visitors get to experience the marine life underwater. 3. The project being part of this era need to have sustainable design and energy usage, and hence it is intended to be wholly energy efficient. The large glass based panels that will be used as the skin shall have both transparent and opaque as well as Fig.42 External view of the marine research center.

Architectural team: Solus4 Location: Kuta beach, Bali, Indonesia Building function: Marine research center Type: Semi-submerged, grounded Depth below water: 10m Height above water: 15m Area: 2500 sqm

Fig.43 Form generation through sttudy of waves Exploring underwater architecture



embedded PV cells. 4. The building design must be iconic so that it must also serve as a landmark and the design must consider the landscape with respect to its location, that is, Kuta Beach.

Sustainable design and technological decision

The initial elliptical pattern and cross section diagram of the tsunami wave have been integrated into the shapes of the building.

Fig.44 Massing of spaces

Close in shore location allows for tidal/current generators to serve power requirements. Rainwater and seawater conversion system take care of the domes-

The deeper source seawater is circulated through the skin for radiate cooling and temperature

tic water requirement.

control of the overall anthropomorphic shape.

Fig.45 Section of marine research center Exploring underwater architecture



The building is 150m off the shore, and this distance allows for tidal/ current generators to serve the power requirements, rainwater and seawater conversion system take care of the domestic water requirement. The structure is designed in such a way, that it seems like an imposing fluid that seemlessly adapts to its natural aquatic environment and allows visitors and scientist to have a direct visual connection to the exterior as well as housing and leisure facilities. The marine research center has facilities like 1. Research lab.............................255sqm 2. Bedrooms for scientists.........300sqm 3. Seawater pool 4. Aquatic garden........................50sqm 5. Library......................................122sqm 6. Auditorium...............................234sqm 7. Game room..............................45sqm 8. Cafeteria 9. Terrace swimming pool........85sqm 10. Bar...........................................50sqm 11. Gym........................................55sqm 12. Kitchen....................................20sqm 13. Living dining room............. 60sqm 14. Internet room.......................50sqm 15. Rest rooms.............................43sqm 16. Admin.....................................50sqm


Rendered images of the marine research center, Bali

Fig.46 Exterior of the research center, showing the geodesic seawater pool which has scuba diving dock

Fig.47 Artificial contour to be generated enhancing the landscape

Fig.48 Interior of laboratory Exploring underwater architecture

Fig.49 View from the auditorium

Fig.50 Top view



Chapter 2.1.2

Trilobis 65

degrees on its own axle. The level at 1.4m above sea level is for the daytime area with all services and possibility to go outside. The one at 0.8m below sea level, semisubmerged, is for the night time area. This floor has engine room. At 3m below sea level, completely submerged, is the underwater observation globe. Designed in high resistant acrylic, it houses six seating places, connected with computers and special software which allow the inhabitants to personalize the outside lighting and in real time to get information on the sea-bed. The hull of the Trilobis is made of steel and the superstructure is in aluminum. The glass windows are electrochemical, that is, they change their opacity, due to sophisticated electrochemical system. This can also be achieved manually or automatically by exterior light. The installation of photo-voltaic panels on the top catch, generate and store electricity for the instruments inside. The electric engines are driven by hydrogen fuel cells that only produce drinking water as waste material, through an electrochemical process. Fig.51 Elevation of the Triobis

Architect: Ar. Giancarlo Zema Design Group Location: Canada Building Type: Semi Submerged Depth below water: 3m The Trilobis is a 20m long semi submerged dwelling unit for six people, ideal for bays, atolls and sea parks. This project consists of four levels connected by a spiral staircase. The top level has the controls, and is 3.5m above sea level. From here, the Trilobis can be piloted by a joystick that allows it to rotate 360 Fig.52 Section from staircase Exploring underwater architecture


Due to the shape of the Trilobis 65, it is possible to assemble more modular units in a ring thus creating floating colonies.

Fig.53 The internal seating for observation

Fig.54 Section Exploring underwater architecture




Chapter 2.1.3

Batumi aquarium

Fig.56 Organization of the aquarium

The building will be made of four pebble shaped structures, each housing an exhibition space representing a unique marine biotypethe Aegean and Mediterranean seas, Indian ocean, the Black sea and the Red sea and an interactive exhibition.

Fig.55 External view

Architect: Henning Larsen Location: Georgia Building Type: building holding water; aquarium Floor area: 2000sqm The Batumi aquarium was a competition project won by Henning Larson architects and will be soon constructed. Batumi Aquarium is inspired by the characteristic pebbles of the Batumi beach.

Fig.57 Section

Exploring underwater architecture



The central space is made such that it visually connects the visitors with all the spaces. The outer layer of the building is curvy in plan; though the aquarium tanks are rectangular. But the walking space of the exhibition is curvy.

The four areas will be connected by a central multipurpose space, which will include a cafe, auditorium and retail areas. Visitors gather in the central space to convene, play, eat, shop and relax before continuing their adventures through the exhibitions. Fig.58 Diagram showing the view from the entrance

Fig.60 Vew from central court to entry

Fig.61 Auditorium

Fig.59 Plan showing the spaces achived in a pebble Exploring underwater architecture

Fig.62 Night view




Exploring underwater architecture


Exploring underwater architecture




Chapter 2.2

Site The proposed marine research center needs a site which increases the value of the building. The program demands certain site selection criterias like: 1. Water depth 2.Availibility of marine life 3.Clear visible water 4.Away from fault lines 5. Away from fishing zone. Based on these criteria, a site shall be selected.

Exploring underwater architecture


Site selection criteria The semi submerged marine research center demands water as its site. But it cannot be placed in any water, it needs a potential water site. The semi submerged research center, shall be used for exploration of underwater marine life. The other purpose of this building will be to connect its dwellers to the marine life surrounding it through a transparent wall. Therefore this building requires a specific site to support its building functions.

Site selection criteria: 1.Depth not more than 30m The semi submerged, floating building will be the only building in the sea. This might experience storm or natural calamities, and at these harsh times, the building needs to be anchored to the ground to avoid damages. Therefore around the

Fig.63 Behaviour of waves with depth Exploring underwater architecture


depth of 30m of water is appropiate height as the building itself would certain height and it shall need clear depth to move in water.

4.Away from fault lines

A wave study suggests that; the passage of a wave only affecs the water down to the wave base, which is half the wavelength. Below that depth are negligible water movement. This is the part of the water column that submarines use for clear sailing.

The Tsunami in the year 2006 devasted many places, with its huge waves. It would be better if the site is away from fault lines, to avoid such calamities.

2.Availability of the of marine life The purpose of building is to connect its visitors with the underwater marine world. The marine life in their natural habitat will act as an attraction for its visitors. As one has always seen marine organisms in the tanks of an aquarium, and there are hardly any big scale aquariums in India.

3.Clear visible water The water should have minimum impurities so that its visibility is not hindered. It is difficult to find the clear water in the coast of India. One cannot make expact clear water in estuaries and deltas, as river deposits its sediments into the sea; though these waters have mixed water life. The study says that the water sites having corals reefs have clear water, like Andaman islands, Angria Bank, Grand Island and similar places.

5. Away from fishing zone The fishery should not be promoted as this act shall disturb the existing marine ecosystem.



Selection of based on the criterias discussed above: Probable sites

Water depth as discussed above

Clear water

Avaibility of marine life

Fault zone

Fishing zone

Calm water

Andaman Lakshadweep islands Angria Bank Grandeur Island Miramar beach

Angria Bank, Arabian sea Latitude:16°N Longitude: 72°E Angria Bank is a submerged plateau that exists around 120km west of Vijaydurg, Malva in konkan region, Maharashtra. It is submerged reef with rich coral diversity and associated biota. It is 39km in length and 17km wide, with an average water depth of 20m.The reefs were reported to be 1-12m high and 0.1-2.6km wide. Angria Bank is used as a scuba diving site. The rich marine coral ecosystem has clear water, of visibility upto 10-12m, which also allows the sunlight penetrate on the continental shelf of the bank.

Distance from land Miramar beach Grand island


Angria Bank is 120km from the main land, and it takes approximately 4 hours to reach from the cities like Mumbai (highly populated) and Goa (state where tourist visits are highest), in a high speed boat.


Fig.64 Map showing the shortlisted spaces in Indian subcontinent Fig.65 Diagram showing the distance from mainland and Angria Exploring underwater architecture


Calm water


of Sea(UNCLS), UN Fish Stocks Agreement, Convention of Biological Diversity, UN General Assembly and FAO International Guidelines for the Mangement of deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas, it would be declared Marine Protected Area, which means that no fishing ships would allowed in this area. The marine biodiversity will flourish in this region.

Fig.71 Corals

Fig.66 Faultzone of indian subcontinent

The indian ocean is calm in the west coast. The highest high tide is 2m high, according to meteriological department. The western coast does not have any earthquake fault lines. Therefore there would be no threats like natural calamities like earthquake and tsunami.

Fishing zone

Fig.72 Corals

Fig.68 Images of Angria bank depicting water clarity

Fig.69 Starfish Fig.67 Fishery zone

Fishing was reported from the souther part of the bank, and in the north eastern part of the bank. Under international conventions and agreements such as United Nations Convention on the Law Exploring underwater architecture

Fig.70 Corals

Clear water

The visibilty helps in seeing the marine life from the distance.It is said that clearer the water, more the marine life found, and less impurities. Therefore there would less impurities to foul the structure, which results in maintainance every two days.



Angria Bank being a plateau, its surrounding depths varies largely from 1058m to 254m (from the sea level), this gives variation in the marine organism around it. Angria Bank is the home for corals and coral fishes. And having depth of 20m to 24m, sunlight can easily penetrate and glow the surrounding area. Its soil type varies from rocky to sandy to carolline to calcerious.

Exploring underwater architecture



The Angria bank comprises of many corals and coral fishes. The images show the type of corals and marine life below 20m. This is eco sensitive site where any human interfernce could be harmful.

Fig.73 Marine animals found at Angria Bank

Wind and wave direction

The Angria Bank being located on the west of India, it experiences south west winds that flow from south west to north east; during summers and north eastern wind in winters. The waves are in the directionof the prevailing winds. Though the Angria bank has flowing wind at all times due to waves.

Fig.74 Sketch of the section of the Angria Bank, having water depth of 20m

Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 2.3

Program The proposed marine research center, at Angria Bank, would be a semi submerged, floating building which will be sufficing the need of the scientists and the visitors. This chapter includes the details of the spaces that would be part of the design.

Exploring underwater architecture



Intention The intention behind this thesis, is to explore the finess of doing the underwater architecture, thereby building architecture through designing a futuristic marine research center at Angria Bank. Concerns

Facility in water: Marine research centers, in India, have been found above the ground, generally near the water bodies, so that it’s easy for the researchers to get the samples for their research. But what if one could provide this facility in the research area, where the research has to be carried out, and scientists would not have to run the vessels for days to get the samples. They could keep an eye on the marine species all day, and understand the behavior of the same. Far from main land and underwater: Electricity: The distance from Angria Bank to the mainland, India, makes it difficult for electricity supply, fresh water supply and organic – inorganic waste disposal. One cannot plant electricity lines through the water, as it shall require very long cables, which might disturb the underwater life. Though this structure will need electrical energy to run itself, and the scientific machineries. It will help ventilate the structure, and also, certain other ventilating techniques will be used or evolved like in Poseidon undersea hotel, the service shafts that has elevator; also carries cables of the airExploring underwater architecture

conditioners. Like trilobis65 which generated its electricity from hydrogen cell, this structure will also have to generate its necessary resources (like drinking water, electricity) for itself and its users’ sustenance. And it will also have to take care of its own waste, like cargo ships have incinerators that turn the solid waste into ash. The building will be made in modules as it’s done in Poseidon undersea resort, and every module must have smoke and water detectors. This shall alarm the users in case of water leakage or fire; and in such emergency cases, that module can be closed or detached without affecting rest of the building. Thereby checking the safety of the inhabitants. This modular system shall also help in assembling and cleaning (maintenance) of the building.



Chapter 2.3.2

End users

This institute will have two kinds of users: Resident user: researchers, hospitality staff , scuba divers, physicians, scuba divers, lab cleaning staff, lab maintaining (equipment) engineers, librarians, cleaning staff on every floor, equipment keeper, admin staff, pilot, electrical engineers, incinerator handling staff, hydrogen tank handler, boat drivers, chefs, kitchen cleaning staff, security guard and curators Visiting user: visitors visiting like school children, families, visiting researchers. The staff on this structure will be working in two shifts.

Resident Population Activity schedule: 7:00am – 10:00am:-The visitors will board the speed boats from the land and will start their 4 hour journey for the marine research lab. The boats will bring some resources like food and

other staff for the general store along with it. The staff will start cleaning the lab, the night shift staff will sleep. The pilot will run the building if asked by the researchers. The breakfast will be made by the morning shift chefs. Some of the artificial lights will be switched off. The visitors who would be leaving the place at 11am will get ready and vacate the rooms. The rooms will be cleaned by the cleaning staff. The library will be cleaned and books will be returned from the visitors who issued it. The distillation plant will run 24x7. 10:00am-1:00pm:- The new visitors will enter the building and the previous day’s visitors will leave the place. They will be welcomed by the admin staff, and will rest in the cafeteria. The visitors will have brunch. Some of them will start exploring the space that is accessible by visitors like library, exhibition and some might also sit near the transparent wall. 1:00pm-4:00pm:- The visitors staying the night will be allotted their rooms and lockers would be alloted to the rest of the visitors. The visitors will be divided into groups, and would be taken to the lab where scientists and visitors will interact. The scientists will share their work experience. The visitors will see the specimens and the exhibition that will be displayed and will educate themselves.

4:00pm-7:00pm:- The visitors will be shown a documentary of around 45minutes. There will be digital screens near the transparent wall which will educate the people about the species they would be seeing at that particular time. The researchers will continue with their research. The artificial lights will be adjusted accordingly. Some visitors will enjoy the views from their bedroom, and would identify the species that they would be seeing from the digital screen provided in their room. The visitors who would have come for 8hours would leave the building. 7:00-11:00pm:- The shift of the staff will change. The lights would be adjusted accordingly. The external lights will be switched on. The dinner would be served. The people will be gathered at place where they will be entertained. The bar will be open, the pool side shall have little music. 11:00pm- 2:00am:- The visitors will be on their own, they will be doing whatever they like, they can also sleep if they feel like. The building will be cleaned. The process of incineration will be initiated. 2:00am – 7am: The incinerated ash will be packed. The activities will cease at this time. And visitors will be doing the things they would want to do. The cafeterias, library,exhibition will be open, like its open in airport. Exploring underwater architecture


Chapter 2.3.3

Design Brief: Location: Angria Bank Depth: 20m underwater Expected number of people at a time in the building: 100 people The internal spaces play major role in deriving form are:

1. Laboratories: 100sqm The laboratories will carry out scientific marine research, it will have provisions for all the machineries that are required to carry out the experiments and storage for their records, samples and certain materials. The part of the laboratory would be completely private in nature, where only the scientists and researchers will have access, while the other part will be open for visitors to see how these marine researchers work. 2. Bedroom: 252sqm The bedrooms will be divided into 3 types: For scientists/ researchers and visitors: Personal room For staff: 6 persons sharing a room For engineers, doctors and physicians: 2 persons sharing a room. 3. Common gathering space: 400 sqm The common gathering for 150 users, this space will be made to carry out activities that entertain the visitors. It will have sitting space for some people to sit. 4. Administration: 50sqm Administration is a space for authorities, where Exploring underwater architecture


they will answer the queries of the new occupants and will serve them in best possible way. The authorities will regulate the functioning of the building. It will have personal cubicles for the officers.

5. Cafeteria/ restaurant: 300sqm The place where users will dine and pass their time. It will be a double height space, whose longest wall will be facing the ocean, and that will act as a screen. The tables will be placed such that every user gets the opportunity to enjoy the largest wall. Optimum light will be provided, such that it does not hinder the large wall view. 6. Auditorium: 230sqm The auditorium will be designed for 150seats. This will a space where all the occupants are gathered to watch a movie, or performance. It will have steps which will help every occupant to fulfil their purpose of seeing the things that are shown. 7. Exhibition/ museum: 200 sqm The researches need to be exhibited so that the people visiting the marine research center acknowledge the efforts put in by them. The exhibition space can be made interesting by adding live 1:1 models or by involving the viewer into some exhibited model. The exhibition space will have enough light for clear vision of the exhibited things.

Semi -public:

1. Medical room: 20sqm The room that will have medical equipment that will be required by the occupants in case of any accidents or medical emergencies.

2. Selling shop: 9sqm There will be a general

store shop which will be selling the souvenirs, and other products that are used on daily basis, other than food items.


1. Library: 200sqm The space where knowledge is gained by reading books or listening to audio tracks. The library will have the books related to marine life and other comics. The library will have multiple levels to separate the spaces. It will have book racks, juke box and space to sit leisurely in the library. Enough light will be provided for users to read comfortably. 2. Common Toilets: 180 sqm The common gathering space will have gender based different restroom. It will be sufficient for the users. These toilets will have vacuum toilets and the organic waste would be directly transferred to the incinerating tank.




1. Kitchen: 80 sqm Closer to the restaurant, will be kitchen, which will require storage space to store and preserve the food. It will be the most hygienic space and it will be producing food for every user. 2. Control room: The structure will produce its own energy, will incinerate its waste, move in the water, float and submerge; this will require a control room that will control all the systems that function the whole building. The control room will have controlled entry, only the supervisors can access to control the structure. 3. Water Storage tanks: Considering 160 people in the building at a time, and 1 person using 120L of water, water tank size is decided.

with oxygen which will generate electricity. Laboratories : 100sqm Bedroom: 252 sqm Common gathering space: 400 sqm Administration: 50sqm Cafe: 300sqm Auditorium: 230sqm Exhibition: 200sqm Medical room: 20sqm Shop: 10sqm Library: 200sqm Public toilet: 180sqm Kitchen: 80sqm Captain’s cabin: 150sqm

4. Pilot’s cabin: 150sqm The cabin is the place where pilots will control the directions and balance the structure. 5. Solid waste storage tank: The solid waste storage will store the solid wastes like: human excreta, cardboard, wood, plastic, rubber, cloth, oily rags, food waste, hospital waste, female hygiene binds and contaminated water. The solid waste generated will be incinerated into ash in the incineration tank and will be exported to land. 6. Incineration tank: The incineration tank will burn the solid waste. 7. Hydrogen tank: The hydrogen tank will store the hydrogen gas which will be used to generate electricity. 8. Hydrogen fuel cell: This is the equipment that helps hydrogen to fuse

Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 2.4

Design developement Approach: 1. volumetric analysis of the spaces. 2. Studying the marine animals that swim both in shallow as well as deep waters. 3. Deriving a form from the animal study. 4. Deriving the structure for the same. 5. Integrating spaces and structure. 6. Final drawings.

Exploring underwater architecture


Volumeteric study Option 1

This option was made such that, rooms and laboratory were placed inside water and the auditorium on the surface.

Exploring underwater architecture




Option 2 Here, the bedrooms are stacked on each other and are pushed twoards the end, while auditorium is still on the surface. The laboratories are below, such that they get the view of the water.

Exploring underwater architecture

66 Option 3

This option has hollow center space. The idea of inviting the marine life was thought of while making this model. Having bedrooms in the corner.

Exploring underwater architecture




Form developement 2.


The basic form, derived from the understanding of fluid mechanics as discussed in the previous chapters.


Shell of nautilus, as the internal form, having horizontal partition for human accessibility.

The scoop out pattern had issues with stability when in motion.


Puncturing the above portion to bring in the marine life, but this puncture and shape allowed specific directional movement and may not resist waves on all sides.

Switching to the nautilus, which had a shell structure.


Bulging the sides to resist the water movement on the sides.

Exploring underwater architecture






Removing the internal spiral and extending the tail. Integration from the turtle.

10. 9.

Bulging of the surface and extending the tail.


Combination of sting ray and the turtle.

Exploring underwater architecture



Form : Option 1

Lift force

This form was an inspiration from the marine animal: turtle, the form is basically has two bulge; one in the front and the other in the rear. When this body will be submerged in the water and will be set in motion, then there are chances that this body will experience from below in the rear part; resulting the body to lose its balance.

Exploring underwater architecture



Form : Option 2 The previous form was improvised to this one. This form resists the lift as well as drag force. The cross section is near to aerofoil shape. This shape can easily move in water with little resistance.

Exploring underwater architecture



Intergration of architecture and technology To make the form usable for humans, horizontal floor plates were inserted at the interval of 3m. The longest floor placed first, such that more of curvature is used as usable space. Image below shows the division of the horizontal floor plates, and vertical planes help in showing the overall form of the building.

Exploring underwater architecture


Exploring underwater architecture




This layout had huge auditorium in the front and had library above it. The library had many levels and it was secluded from the rest of the building through these levels. Exploring underwater architecture

74 The architectural spaces were made in the form, that has been derived. Dining space having height of 3 floors, is placed such that the people can see the sea water level as well as maarine life.


The central circulation space for light and ventilation. The scuba diving dock for visitors and researchers to scuba dive, this space can be easily separated from the rest of the building. connectivity glass skin natural light private space public semi public

Exploring underwater architecture



The bedrooms of the visitors were detachable units, they were made detachable so that in case of any maintenance of the bedrooms, the whole superstructure is not moved to the shore.

This design had auditorium in the front, so that most of the people can have the view at a time. The detachable unit below, made the section such that it supported the auditorium above. But the captain’s room did not get the clear space. And the time period of using auditorium was not more that an hour or so, hence it needed a change.

Exploring underwater architecture



The openable uper surface will slide down for light to enter.

Exploring underwater architecture

Plantation was introduced to regulate oxygen

This labpratory was reduced in size, and the interactive lab was not a part of this detachable unit, yet its huge enough and also it cannot be removed from that space. The idea of having small portable detachable units in the end is more appropiate as one can easily control the water entry.



Structural system The derivation of the basic structure system, that shall transfers the load of the structure to the water, without breaking itself. As one can see in the image below, there are vertical rings that connect every floor and there are internal columns which does not allow the ring to deform vertically and the floor plate supported by the beam, does not allow horizontal force to deform the strucutre. The figure alongside shows that the staircase shaft has circular beam on which the staircase rests.


Exploring underwater architecture


Structural system

Exploring underwater architecture




The carbon steel frame holding glass pannels

The double glazing of 100mm thick fiber glass. The grid changes at this junction and there were detachable units in this area, hence the pattern changed.

The middle largest floor, top and the bottom was thought to have diamonds, as diamond shape give more stability at the junctions.

Exploring underwater architecture



Design developement process

Taking the idea of central shaft for light and ventilation, deriving the architectural plan based on the grid that was derived for the structure.

Exploring underwater architecture



Here, the term private refers to the spaces that does not have visitors access , which includes laboratories and storages.

Detachable rooms for visitors. The curves formed due do dettachable units weakens the form. Exploring underwater architecture

82 Level -03m


Level -12m

Level -06m

Level -15m

Level -09m

The idea of having detachable vehicles in the end and the level of checks to be provided near them.

Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 2.2.5

Final drawings

Exploring underwater architecture



Exploded view

Central atrium

Level 00 Level -03 Vertical columns Level -06

Private research lab

Small detachable vehicular unit, for exploration.

Level -09

Titanium rings

Level -12

Level -15 Level -18 External skin Exhibition space Auditorium

Exploring underwater architecture



Plan Level: 00

The upper surface is an openable roof, and would be open all the time, accept for monsoons. Visitors will enter from this area.

Exploring underwater architecture



Plan Level -03

Exploring underwater architecture



Plan Level -06




1 3


1. Reception 2. Locker room 3.Medical room 4. Arrival lounge 5. Male and female Toilet 6.Desalination plant

Exploring underwater architecture



3 dimensional view Lift shaft


Common Toilets

Arrival lounge

Exploring underwater architecture



Plan Level: -09

2 7



4 6 5

2 1. Sitting lounge 2. Guest room 3. Administration 4. Interactive laboratory 5. Pantry for scientists 6. Dining space for scientists 7. Storage of scientific equipements

Exploring underwater architecture



3 dimensional view

Guest room

Interactive lab

partition for safety

Sitting lounge

Exploring underwater architecture



Plan Level: -12








3 lvl -18



lvl -15


7 13 12 8

Exploring underwater architecture


1. Captain’s cabin below 2. Dining space 3. Kitchen 4. Toilets 5. Library 6. Information center 7. Information center 8. Exhibition space


9. Private laboratory 10. Detachable vehicles for researchers and emergency evacuation 11. Arrival and buffer space for vehicles 12. Space for ballast tank 13. Auditorium below



3 dimensional view

Common toilets


Service shaft

Entrance to Auditorium

Private lab

Dining space Captain’s room below

Detachable unit


Exploring underwater architecture



Plan Level -15

4 3 2



1 8

Exploring underwater architecture


1. Administration 2. Captain cabin 3. Bedrooms for permenant users 4. Bathroom 5. Auditorium 6. Storage space 7. Pantry 8. Dining



Storage space Pantry Bedrooms

Captain’s room

Dining space information center Exploring underwater architecture



Plan Level -18


4 4


4. 4 4




4 4

4 4




4 1. Hydrogen tank 2. Compressed air tanks 3. Machine room 4. Ballast tank

Exploring underwater architecture



3 dimensional view Compressed air tank

Machine room

Hydrogen fuel tank

Exploring underwater architecture


Section AA’

The entrance of the building will be from the top, through ships, which would pull out the bridge connecting the building.

Exploring underwater architecture




Lift shaft

Interactive laboratory



Public dining space

Captains’ cabin

Exploring underwater architecture




Toilet blocks

The service shaft carrying the services.


Exploring underwater architecture



Interior of dining space

Interior of library

Outside of library

Dining space Exploring underwater architecture


External 3D views

Exploring underwater architecture





Site model Exploring underwater architecture



Chapter 3


Exploring underwater architecture


Chapter 3.1

Conclusion This study was taken up as a curiosity, to explore how underwater structures are made; as uptil now we have been always taught to design on land. v In this semester I have expanded my horizons and ventured into the vast unknown fields of engineering and technology which are out of my comfort zone as an architecture student. What we learn normally in architecture is to create spaces and experiences but over here i learned how to create humane spaces and experiences in predetermined form. The challenges and the unknown variables help me grow as a designer which improved my perspective. Designing such a project is always a team work and the amalgamation of the skills of the various people such as architects engineers and scientists. This thesis will help architects to derive a basic form, material and functions in such a facility. This study shows that every building in the water behaves differenly depending on the depth of water its been placed in and whether its floating or grounded on the surface. The form of the structure is derived according to the above conditions as the forces acting on the built form varies with its location and function. With the advancement in the nano technology people have invented many portable and small scale machines. The invention of vacuum toilets; Exploring underwater architecture

gives flexibility in channelizing the organic solid waste with minimum use of water. The small scale desalination machines and incineration tanks which can be accomodated in the small space. The hydrogen fuel cell, which provides energy to produce electricity, which is 99% efficient and ecofriendly fuel and much better than desiel, which power generators. Though hydrogen as an element is dangerous to handle and constant supervision. Therefore with the advancement of the technology one can survive easily with minimal resources. The technology is also seen in the materials, today the glass, being brittle in nature, can take up so much pressure and can be used wherever the transparent material is required, just my manipulating its chemical components. There have been different carbon, aluminum and titanium alloys which can be used in different places according to the requirement. To design a structure underwater, one must keep safety in mind, the structure should be well worked out and there should be checks at every place to avoid the total breakdown of the building. Designing in modules can be one approach; sealing the damaged space is another, or deriving an escape route, which lets the people evacuate the building at the soonest. This study has derived parameters that will help in initiating the idea of designing unerwater.


list of illustrations

Fig.1 Snorkling  12 - by author Fig.2Scuba diving  12 - by author Fig.3 First submarine  12 - by author Fig.4 Habitat  12 - by author Fig.5 Submarine  12 - by author Fig.6 Typology of structures with water  14 - by author Fig.7 Diagram of a boat  16 - by author Fig.8Basic understanding of working of forces  16 - by author Fig.9When a boat experiences low tide  16 - www.howstuffwork.com Fig.10 Boat experiencing high tide  17 - www.howstuffwork.com Fig.11 Hull section  17 - by author Fig.12 Hull sections  17 - by author Fig.13 Hull design in plan  17 - by author Fig.14 Hull section in plan  17 - by author Fig.15Diagram of a submarine  18 - by author Fig.16 Basic section of a submarine  18 - by author Fig.17Components of submarine  19 - by author Fig.18 Working of submarine  19

- by author Fig.19 Outside view of Ithaa   23 www.conradhotel3.hilton.com Fig.21Approach and exterior of Ithaa undersea restaurant 23 - by author Fig.20 Location of Ithaa, in the maps of Rangalifinolhu  23 - google maps Fig.22Cross section of the Ithaa undersea restaurant 24 - by author Fig.23   25 - www.mjmurphy.co.nz Fig.24   25 - www.mjmurphy.co.nz Fig.25   25 - www.mjmurphy.co.nz Fig.26   25 - www.mjmurphy.co.nz Fig.27 iso metric view of poseidon undersea resort from above  26 - by author Fig.28 Bedroom unit   27 - www.poseidonundersearesort.com Fig.29 Elevation of Poseidon undersea resort  27 - by author Fig.30 Process of installation  27 - www.poseidonundersearesort.com Fig.31 Bird eye view  28 - www.poseidonundersearesort.com Fig.32Diagram of Joule’s undersea lodge  29 - by author Fig.33 Emerald Lagoon, Coast of Puerto Rico  29 - by author Fig.34   30 - by author

Fig.35   30 - by author Fig.36   30 - by author Fig.37   31 - by author Fig.38 Floor plan of Joule’s undersea lodge  31 - by author Fig.39 Types of aerofoil shapes  34 -www.allstar.fiu.edu Fig.40 Details of Iron hull  39 - www.boatsaf.com Fig.41 Types of ship hull  40 - www.boatsaf.com Fig.42 External view of the marine research center. 42 -www.solus4.com Fig.43 Form generation through sttudy of waves 42 -www.solus4.com Fig.45 Section of marine research center  43 www.solus4.com Fig.44 Massing of spaces  43 -www.solus4.com Fig.46 Exterior of the research center, showing the geodesic seawater pool which has scuba diving dock 44 -www.solus4.com Fig.47 Artificial contour to be generated enhancing the landscape  44 -www.solus4.com Fig.48 Interior of laboratory  44 www.solus4.com Fig.49 View from the auditorium  44 -www.solus4.com Fig.50 Top view   44 Exploring underwater architecture

108 -www.solus4.com Fig.51 Elevation of the Triobis  45 -www.and.com Fig.52 Section from staircase  45 -www.and.com Fig.53 The internal seating for observation  46 -www.and.com Fig.54 Section  46 -www.and.com Fig.55 External view  47 -www.and.com Fig.57 Section  47 -www.and.com Fig.56 Organization of the aquarium  47 - by author Fig.59 Plan showing the spaces achived in a pebble 48 - by author Fig.58 Diagram showing the view from the entrance 48 - by author Fig.60 Vew from central court to entry  48 -www.archdaily.com Fig.61 Auditorium   48 -www.archdaily.com Fig.62 Night view  48 -www.archdaily.com Fig.63 Behaviour of waves with depth  52 - by author Fig.64 Map showing the shortlisted spaces in Indian subcontinent 53 - googlemaps Fig.65 Diagram showing the distance from mainland and Angria  53 - by author Fig.66 Faultzone of indian subcontinent  54 Exploring underwater architecture

- author Fig.67 Fishery zone  54 - by author Fig.68 Images of Angria bank depicting water clarity 54 - angriabank.nio.pdf Fig.69 Starfish  54 - angriabank.nio.pdf Fig.70 Corals  54 - angriabank.nio.pdf Fig.71 Corals  54 - angriabank.nio.pdf Fig.72 Corals  54 - angriabank.nio.pdf Fig.73 Animals found in Angria Bank  56 - angriabank.nio.pdf Fig.74 Marine animals found at Angria Bank  56 - angriabank.nio.pdf Fig.75 Sketch of the section of the Angria Bank, having water depth of 20m  56 - angriabank.nio.pdf



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Exploring underwater architecture

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