Trick Tip: How To Carve On A Snowboard On this weeks' trick tip we are going to explain how to carve on a snowboard!
Despite the incredibly warm temperatures outside lately, we decided to cool off a little bit for a moment and introduce a new weekly snowboarding tricks tip series to you. Winter is just around the corner, and there is no better way to get mentally prepared for the new season than watching spellbinding trick tips and getting hyped to expand your snowboarding game to impress your future significant other. To get the winter feeling going, grab your snowboard jackets and snowboard pants from the basement, get cozy on the couch, and enjoy the read. The first topic of our five weeks series is all about Carving on a snowboard. You may ask yourself why we are doing a trick tip on Carving. Well, there is mainly one reason for it: Because Carving is AWESOME! Carving does not only help you to improve your all-mountain riding, but it also sets the base for kicker jumping and pipe riding. Carving has been pretty much forgotten about since the hype of freestyle snowboarding started, but it is experiencing a major comeback. Yes – Carving is cool again! To convince yourself about what I just said, take an extra minute of your time and watch this 4-minute masterpiece of the creative minds of Korua Shapes:
Carving explained Step-By-Step Now that you saw, how amazingly beautiful Carving can look, let’s dig a bit deeper into the technical aspects of Carving. The following video of our friends over at is a great help when learning how to carve or when trying to improve your carving. We broke down the tutorial into a Step by Step Guide on How to Carve on a Snowboard:
Step 1: Edge Stacking If you miss feeling your snowboard under your feet, you can try this one at home. Jump into your boardshorts, strap on your board and get comfy on the living room carpet. Carving is all about edge control. Edge Stacking will therefore help you to develop a better feeling for the edges of your board and how to control them when trying this out on the slope. To do a (indoor) frontside carve, try pushing your shins towards your boots and shifting your hip forward while bending your knees. Hold on to the wall or a chair to not fall over. To do a (indoor) backside carve, try sinking your hips down towards the highbacks of your bindings and lifting your toes
while getting low on your knees. Try to hold onto something to not fall over. If you feel comfortable doing this, try balancing the board on the toe-edge or the heel-edge without holding onto something. This will do wonders when trying it out on the slope!
Step 2: Engage Edge Change of season: This step is for the wintertime. If you are able to remember all the exercises you did in the summer, you will have an easy time transfering your knowledge onto the slopes! Start trying to engage your edge on a flat run with no crowds. You will need some space to practice your first carving turns trying to traverse the slope. The movement is exactly the same as the one you practiced inside – just without holding onto the wall. Try to fully engage your toe-edge when frontside turning and fully engage your heel-edge when backside turning. When the base of your board is not touching the slope, you know that you are doing a good job!
Step 3: Edge Roles Once you feel secure to traverse the slope on both your toe edge and your heel edge, you can start trying to roll from edge to edge while riding tighter turns. Your upper body is staying relatively still. The movement for edge rolling is coming mainly from your legs and toes. To control your progress, you can
check if the lines in the snow are thin drawn out lines with a clear conture.
Step 4: Mellow Run Start practicing your carving game on a mellow long run with small crowds. When carving, you should get a much steeper angle on your turns than on a regular turn. When riding out your turns, you should almost be able to reach an 90 degree angle towards the hill on both edges. Your arms and shoulders will help you change from one edge to the other by leading in the direction of where you want to go.
Step 5: Steeper Run As soon as you feel comfortable to carve on mellow runs, try to adapt the carving to a steeper run. By really pushing into the turns when engaging the edges, your edges will react faster to your movements and you will be able to draw big and fast lines into the slope. Now keep practicing – you will love it!
Angelica Sykes' Pro Tip On Carving:
“Commitment is key. If you are going to engage in a turn or a really cool euro carve, go all in. If you only give half your energy the carve will not only look bad but you aren’t pushing yourself. Just go for it and enjoy the ride” Here you will find the original article: