Lunchtime presentation for new riders

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The top 10 most frequently asked questions about riding to work

10 most frequently asked questions about riding to work • • • • • • • • • •

Will I feel good? Will it take long? Do I need any special equipment? What should I wear? How do I carry my stuff? How do I plan my trip? What if I live a long way from work? What if it rains? What about riding in traffic? What if I get a puncture?

Will I feel good? 9 Time-efficient way to fit regular exercise into a busy lifestyle 9 Long-term health benefits: 15-year Danish study shows that cycling for an average of 3 hrs p/wk decreases mortality by 39% 9 Reduces likelihood of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer 9 Gets endorphins flowing – great way to beat stress!

Will it take long? 9 Peak-hour city trips up to 15km are often faster by bike 9 No need to spend time at the gym 9 If you live in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane you may live in a No Excuse Zone where you can ride into the CBD within 30 minutes

Do I need any special equipment? 9 Helmet (check fit) 9 Good lock 9 Front and rear lights if riding in the dark 9 Check brakes, tyres and chain 9 Check bike set up for your body size 9 Ask local bike shop for advice

What should I wear? 9 Unrestrictive, light, warm and quick-drying clothes 9 Bright vest if clothes are not highly visible 9 If you change at work, carry clothes with you or bring them in once a week 9 Get advice from regular riders in your workplace

How do I carry my stuff? 9 Backpack, courier-style bag or basket 9 Panniers for larger loads 9 Bike trailers for large/heavy work materials

How do I plan my trip? 9 Speak to regular riders in your workplace 9 Ask your local cycling organisation or local council for maps 9 Ride with a regular rider who lives nearby 9 Do a trial ride one Sunday

What if I live a long way from work? 9 Use public transport part way 9 Ride to work one day and back the next 9 Ride once or twice a week and treat it as a “training ride�

What if it rains? 9 Wear a rain jacket 9 Take a change of clothes for your legs or wear over pants 9 Slow down – just like in a car in the rain 9 Avoid metal surfaces like tram tracks and drains 9 Take a break from riding if you prefer!

What about riding in traffic? 9 Find a riding route that is comfortable for you 9 Road rules are the same for all vehicles with only a few exceptions check local road rule exceptions with your state/territory cycling organisation 9 Ride predictably (straight line and steady pace) and leave room to manoeuvre 9 Eye contact and signals will help other road users 9 Watch for opening car doors - ride out from door zone if possible or slow down

What if I get a puncture? 9 Minimise chances with tyres in good condition and

inflated to

recommended pressure 9 Ask your bike shop about tyres and tyre linings that offer extra protection 9 Carry tool kit and spare tube so you can either repair or replace the tube 9 Attend a basic bike maintenance workshop or ask a friend to show you how! 9 Alternative action plan: taxi? public transport? RACV Bike Assist (Vic. only)

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