behind the scenes M AY / J U N 2 0 2 0
RANA FAURE is a photographer with a wide variety of clients and a regular contributor to TownVibe Media. She is a co-founder of Mother Image, a boutique photo agency specializing in authentic women’s lifestyle images, as well as a contracted photographer for Madison Square Garden. Of shooting the images for our house feature, Rana says: “Seeing the family move from inside to outside enjoying the many areas of the home and property inspires the way I photographed it.” AMANDA DUFF is a Ridgefield-based writer, publicist, and toddler mom. Of her Young Families article, “A Good Pairing,” which appears in The Vibe section, Amanda tells us: “Experiencing Ridgefield through the Milligans’ eyes was such a joy. It was fun learning about their favorite spots, as hearing what people love about Ridgefield always brings a new perspective to the town I’m proud to call home.” We plan to re-continue this series which we started two years back. JULIA BRUCE is a longtime resident and has been contributing to TownVibe publications, including Ridgefield Magazine and Wilton Magazine, since 2015. In this issue, Julia reports on the efforts at St. Mary School and Parish to help those in need in Guatamala. “A small but impressive group of parishioners from St. Mary Parish in Ridgefield are volunteering to help make change there,” says Julia.
PAMELA HOVLAND is a regular contributor to TownVibe publications and runs a small graphic design studio. For more than 20 years, she has also taught design as a senior critic in design at Yale University. Hovland was passionate about writing “A More Perfect Union,” in honor of the passage of the 19th amendment 100 years ago, and interviewed women of all ages, backgrounds, and political persuasions from Wilton, Norwalk, and Ridgefield.
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