Annual fund 2014/15

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Ridley Future equips the college with modern technology and facilities. Since funding the new website and enabling Wi-Fi to be available throughout the college the impact is used daily by all our students. Our next improvement programme is to enhance the audio-visual capabilities in the chapel and seminar rooms. “Ridley has given me the opportunity to go deeper in my relationship with God and has challenged me in a number of different ways. I have learnt a lot about myself and been able to do this in a safe environment with support from other students and the staff. I am excited to see what the next year will bring.” Tim Madeley, 2nd year ordinand

A Gift to the Ridley Hall Annual Fund We are passionate about equipping leaders for our ever-changing world and it is your support that will enable us to sustain Ridley’s future contribution to the Church. Making a gift to Ridley’s Annual Fund is one of the easiest and quickest ways to support Ridley and its students. There are many ways you can make a donation.

Regular Giving

Annual Fund 2014/15


One of the most cost effective ways to donate is with a regular giving standing order. You choose how much and how often you would like to donate and your donation comes straight from your bank account into ours.

Making a Gift Single gifts can be made online or by cheque.

“The thing I treasure most at Ridley is its life-giving community, to which we all commit as family, and in which we invest as co-workers for Christ. Living, working, praying and playing in community shapes us and toughens us up as disciples for the mission of God.” Adrian Chatfield, Tutor in Christian Life and Thought

Simply visit our website to make a gift online or send your cheque, payable to ‘Ridley Hall’ to The Development Office, Ridley Hall, Ridley Hall Road, Cambridge, CB3 9HG.


Please Gift Aid – if you are a UK tax-payer, your donation can be gift aided, meaning it will be worth 25% more without costing you a penny!

Leaving a Legacy Legacies enable supporters to make gifts to the College through their will. If you would like to discuss how to leave a legacy to the Annual Fund or the impact such a gift might make, please contact the Development Office on 01223 741079. Thank you so much for your prayers and generous support. Ridley Hall Road, Cambridge CB3 9HG UK T 01223 746580 F 01223 746581 W

Ridley Hall, Cambridge is registered in England and Wales under Company Reg No: 9011968 and Charity Reg No: 1157004. Registered office: Ridley Hall Road, Cambridge, CB3 9HG, UK.


From the Principal

The Annual Fund

The Revd Canon Andrew Norman We are always reaching to do more than our income permits at Ridley. It has therefore been wonderfully encouraging to see how well our Annual Fund has been supported. We can now give thanks for improved lighting in chapel and wireless internet access throughout college. When our lead Inspector returned for his follow-up visit last year, he was delighted to see that all the recommendations of the 2011 Inspection had been addressed, including better seats and lighting for our seminar rooms. These kinds of improvements enable Ridley to be fit for purpose as a training environment. But supporting the Annual Fund achieves more than that. Our students can be supported more fully in their spiritual growth and practical training too. My warmest thanks go to all those who have made this possible.

Since its foundation, Ridley Hall has flourished and enjoyed ongoing support from its alumni and friends. This remains essential, as today, Church of England funding does not cover the full costs of training, and Ridley has no historical endowment to supplement fees.

“Besides offering the potential of more contact time with tutors and students, residential study includes the experience of the disciplines of daily corporate worship, living in community and learning to serve and to thrive alongside others who are different.” Michael B. Thompson, Vice-Principal

Ridley is totally committed to providing an environment in which our ordinands can gain the maximum benefit from their time at the College. The Annual Fund was launched in 2011 to enable us to meet this objective, and provides income that can be used immediately to meet the College’s current priorities. Ridley’s Annual Fund supports a wide range of projects that have a real and immediate impact on our current community. Whilst this fund helps to directly support the education and training of our students, there are some clearly defined projects that the Annual Fund contributes towards, such as the Prayer Weekend, Rural Ministry, Student Hardship Grants and our important student, family and community activities and support.

As we look ahead, may I invite you to help us reach that bit further in fulfilling our calling this coming year too. In Christ,

Andrew Norman Principal of Ridley Hall Ridley currently has: • • • •

65 ordinands 3 independent students 35 youth work students 36 staff

Ridley Fellowship supports the ongoing life of the community. It contributes towards the annual Prayer Weekend, support for our students and activities for the Ridley community, including the children and spouses of our students.

Ridley Fabric supports our historic buildings and the grounds. It supports projects around the college and gardens including the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the lighting and additional professional help for our volunteer gardeners.

This year, Ridley hopes to pilot a training course in managing conflict and reconciliation through a short course that will supplement topics already covered in the assessed curriculum. This will only be made possible through generous gifts to the Annual Fund.

Current projects include our ongoing programme of window maintenance and restoration as well as improvements to accessibility for disabled students and visitors.

“For me, Ridley Hall has become more than a theological college – it is a home away from home and a Christian community for friendship and support. It is a place where prayer and worship, study and fellowship go hand in hand.”

“We have been given so much support and have been so blessed by our experience here in Ridley Hall and Cambridge that we wanted to give something back. We especially wanted to contribute to the future of the college and invest in the planned building works.”

Olga Fabrikantova, 2nd year ordinand

Rosheen & Nik Browning, 2nd year ordinand family

From the Principal

The Annual Fund

The Revd Canon Andrew Norman We are always reaching to do more than our income permits at Ridley. It has therefore been wonderfully encouraging to see how well our Annual Fund has been supported. We can now give thanks for improved lighting in chapel and wireless internet access throughout college. When our lead Inspector returned for his follow-up visit last year, he was delighted to see that all the recommendations of the 2011 Inspection had been addressed, including better seats and lighting for our seminar rooms. These kinds of improvements enable Ridley to be fit for purpose as a training environment. But supporting the Annual Fund achieves more than that. Our students can be supported more fully in their spiritual growth and practical training too. My warmest thanks go to all those who have made this possible.

Since its foundation, Ridley Hall has flourished and enjoyed ongoing support from its alumni and friends. This remains essential, as today, Church of England funding does not cover the full costs of training, and Ridley has no historical endowment to supplement fees.

“Besides offering the potential of more contact time with tutors and students, residential study includes the experience of the disciplines of daily corporate worship, living in community and learning to serve and to thrive alongside others who are different.” Michael B. Thompson, Vice-Principal

Ridley is totally committed to providing an environment in which our ordinands can gain the maximum benefit from their time at the College. The Annual Fund was launched in 2011 to enable us to meet this objective, and provides income that can be used immediately to meet the College’s current priorities. Ridley’s Annual Fund supports a wide range of projects that have a real and immediate impact on our current community. Whilst this fund helps to directly support the education and training of our students, there are some clearly defined projects that the Annual Fund contributes towards, such as the Prayer Weekend, Rural Ministry, Student Hardship Grants and our important student, family and community activities and support.

As we look ahead, may I invite you to help us reach that bit further in fulfilling our calling this coming year too. In Christ,

Andrew Norman Principal of Ridley Hall Ridley currently has: • • • •

65 ordinands 3 independent students 35 youth work students 36 staff

Ridley Fellowship supports the ongoing life of the community. It contributes towards the annual Prayer Weekend, support for our students and activities for the Ridley community, including the children and spouses of our students.

Ridley Fabric supports our historic buildings and the grounds. It supports projects around the college and gardens including the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the lighting and additional professional help for our volunteer gardeners.

This year, Ridley hopes to pilot a training course in managing conflict and reconciliation through a short course that will supplement topics already covered in the assessed curriculum. This will only be made possible through generous gifts to the Annual Fund.

Current projects include our ongoing programme of window maintenance and restoration as well as improvements to accessibility for disabled students and visitors.

“For me, Ridley Hall has become more than a theological college – it is a home away from home and a Christian community for friendship and support. It is a place where prayer and worship, study and fellowship go hand in hand.”

“We have been given so much support and have been so blessed by our experience here in Ridley Hall and Cambridge that we wanted to give something back. We especially wanted to contribute to the future of the college and invest in the planned building works.”

Olga Fabrikantova, 2nd year ordinand

Rosheen & Nik Browning, 2nd year ordinand family

From the Principal

The Annual Fund

The Revd Canon Andrew Norman We are always reaching to do more than our income permits at Ridley. It has therefore been wonderfully encouraging to see how well our Annual Fund has been supported. We can now give thanks for improved lighting in chapel and wireless internet access throughout college. When our lead Inspector returned for his follow-up visit last year, he was delighted to see that all the recommendations of the 2011 Inspection had been addressed, including better seats and lighting for our seminar rooms. These kinds of improvements enable Ridley to be fit for purpose as a training environment. But supporting the Annual Fund achieves more than that. Our students can be supported more fully in their spiritual growth and practical training too. My warmest thanks go to all those who have made this possible.

Since its foundation, Ridley Hall has flourished and enjoyed ongoing support from its alumni and friends. This remains essential, as today, Church of England funding does not cover the full costs of training, and Ridley has no historical endowment to supplement fees.

“Besides offering the potential of more contact time with tutors and students, residential study includes the experience of the disciplines of daily corporate worship, living in community and learning to serve and to thrive alongside others who are different.” Michael B. Thompson, Vice-Principal

Ridley is totally committed to providing an environment in which our ordinands can gain the maximum benefit from their time at the College. The Annual Fund was launched in 2011 to enable us to meet this objective, and provides income that can be used immediately to meet the College’s current priorities. Ridley’s Annual Fund supports a wide range of projects that have a real and immediate impact on our current community. Whilst this fund helps to directly support the education and training of our students, there are some clearly defined projects that the Annual Fund contributes towards, such as the Prayer Weekend, Rural Ministry, Student Hardship Grants and our important student, family and community activities and support.

As we look ahead, may I invite you to help us reach that bit further in fulfilling our calling this coming year too. In Christ,

Andrew Norman Principal of Ridley Hall Ridley currently has: • • • •

65 ordinands 3 independent students 35 youth work students 36 staff

Ridley Fellowship supports the ongoing life of the community. It contributes towards the annual Prayer Weekend, support for our students and activities for the Ridley community, including the children and spouses of our students.

Ridley Fabric supports our historic buildings and the grounds. It supports projects around the college and gardens including the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the lighting and additional professional help for our volunteer gardeners.

This year, Ridley hopes to pilot a training course in managing conflict and reconciliation through a short course that will supplement topics already covered in the assessed curriculum. This will only be made possible through generous gifts to the Annual Fund.

Current projects include our ongoing programme of window maintenance and restoration as well as improvements to accessibility for disabled students and visitors.

“For me, Ridley Hall has become more than a theological college – it is a home away from home and a Christian community for friendship and support. It is a place where prayer and worship, study and fellowship go hand in hand.”

“We have been given so much support and have been so blessed by our experience here in Ridley Hall and Cambridge that we wanted to give something back. We especially wanted to contribute to the future of the college and invest in the planned building works.”

Olga Fabrikantova, 2nd year ordinand

Rosheen & Nik Browning, 2nd year ordinand family

Ridley Future equips the college with modern technology and facilities. Since funding the new website and enabling Wi-Fi to be available throughout the college the impact is used daily by all our students. Our next improvement programme is to enhance the audio-visual capabilities in the chapel and seminar rooms. “Ridley has given me the opportunity to go deeper in my relationship with God and has challenged me in a number of different ways. I have learnt a lot about myself and been able to do this in a safe environment with support from other students and the staff. I am excited to see what the next year will bring.” Tim Madeley, 2nd year ordinand

A Gift to the Ridley Hall Annual Fund We are passionate about equipping leaders for our ever-changing world and it is your support that will enable us to sustain Ridley’s future contribution to the Church. Making a gift to Ridley’s Annual Fund is one of the easiest and quickest ways to support Ridley and its students. There are many ways you can make a donation.

Regular Giving

Annual Fund 2014/15


One of the most cost effective ways to donate is with a regular giving standing order. You choose how much and how often you would like to donate and your donation comes straight from your bank account into ours.

Making a Gift Single gifts can be made online or by cheque.

“The thing I treasure most at Ridley is its life-giving community, to which we all commit as family, and in which we invest as co-workers for Christ. Living, working, praying and playing in community shapes us and toughens us up as disciples for the mission of God.” Adrian Chatfield, Tutor in Christian Life and Thought

Simply visit our website to make a gift online or send your cheque, payable to ‘Ridley Hall’ to The Development Office, Ridley Hall, Ridley Hall Road, Cambridge, CB3 9HG.


Please Gift Aid – if you are a UK tax-payer, your donation can be gift aided, meaning it will be worth 25% more without costing you a penny!

Leaving a Legacy Legacies enable supporters to make gifts to the College through their will. If you would like to discuss how to leave a legacy to the Annual Fund or the impact such a gift might make, please contact the Development Office on 01223 741079. Thank you so much for your prayers and generous support. Ridley Hall Road, Cambridge CB3 9HG UK T 01223 746580 F 01223 746581 W

Ridley Hall, Cambridge is registered in England and Wales under Company Reg No: 9011968 and Charity Reg No: 1157004. Registered office: Ridley Hall Road, Cambridge, CB3 9HG, UK.


Ridley Future equips the college with modern technology and facilities. Since funding the new website and enabling Wi-Fi to be available throughout the college the impact is used daily by all our students. Our next improvement programme is to enhance the audio-visual capabilities in the chapel and seminar rooms. “Ridley has given me the opportunity to go deeper in my relationship with God and has challenged me in a number of different ways. I have learnt a lot about myself and been able to do this in a safe environment with support from other students and the staff. I am excited to see what the next year will bring.” Tim Madeley, 2nd year ordinand

A Gift to the Ridley Hall Annual Fund We are passionate about equipping leaders for our ever-changing world and it is your support that will enable us to sustain Ridley’s future contribution to the Church. Making a gift to Ridley’s Annual Fund is one of the easiest and quickest ways to support Ridley and its students. There are many ways you can make a donation.

Regular Giving

Annual Fund 2014/15


One of the most cost effective ways to donate is with a regular giving standing order. You choose how much and how often you would like to donate and your donation comes straight from your bank account into ours.

Making a Gift Single gifts can be made online or by cheque.

“The thing I treasure most at Ridley is its life-giving community, to which we all commit as family, and in which we invest as co-workers for Christ. Living, working, praying and playing in community shapes us and toughens us up as disciples for the mission of God.” Adrian Chatfield, Tutor in Christian Life and Thought

Simply visit our website to make a gift online or send your cheque, payable to ‘Ridley Hall’ to The Development Office, Ridley Hall, Ridley Hall Road, Cambridge, CB3 9HG.


Please Gift Aid – if you are a UK tax-payer, your donation can be gift aided, meaning it will be worth 25% more without costing you a penny!

Leaving a Legacy Legacies enable supporters to make gifts to the College through their will. If you would like to discuss how to leave a legacy to the Annual Fund or the impact such a gift might make, please contact the Development Office on 01223 741079. Thank you so much for your prayers and generous support. Ridley Hall Road, Cambridge CB3 9HG UK T 01223 746580 F 01223 746581 W

Ridley Hall, Cambridge is registered in England and Wales under Company Reg No: 9011968 and Charity Reg No: 1157004. Registered office: Ridley Hall Road, Cambridge, CB3 9HG, UK.


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