Break Out Pioneer Gathering 2013

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Break out pioneer gathering

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High Leigh Conference Centre Hoddesdon EN11 8SG

Weds 11 – Fri 13 September 2013


Break out

pioneer gathering

Weds 11– Fri 13 Sept 2013 High Leigh Conference Centre Hoddeston EN11 8SG

At this year’s gathering we will be looking at the theme of discipleship, with a particular focus on moving from a community gathering to discipling. The gathering will open with input from our speaker Stuart Murray. All of Thursday will be given over to discovering what we are learning in our own contexts about discipleship through discussion, interviews and learning groups.

REGISTRATION Bookings need to be made through our online page, where you can pay by credit card or obtain the information to pay by cheque. To book your place go to: Gathering fees:

•Residential (ensuite room) £145 •Non-residential £55 per day (does not include breakfast)

(all prices include meals and conference materials)

Final date for receipt of applications and full payment: 1st Sept 2013 Bookings after this date cannot be accepted

For further information about the event, please contact Dave Male on or 07878 099890 or visit:

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