Ridt newsletter issue 4

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April 2015: Issue 4

Without change there is no innovation creativity, or iUPPORTER ncentive for improvement.


A news bulletin for the supporters of the University’s Research Trust

Dental outreach for a happy smile

In 2013, the Research Trust and the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the University of Malta announced an ambitious project which was to mark a landmark in the way the Faculty of Dental Surgery interacts with society.

The Mobile Dental Clinic, a converted truck with a fully-fledged dental clinic in its cabin is set to witness a direct positive impact on the quality of life of the Maltese population, whilst providing vital information with regard to the current oral health status of the nation.

Research, Innovation & Development Trust


The Mobile Clinic has the intention of visiting various areas around Malta and Gozo, and while screening and giving advice to different sectors of society, it would be collecting epidemiological data relating to the Maltese population. The findings of such a project will

identify local risk factors for disease and shall serve as a resource for policy decisions in the areas of dentistry. The data shall also be shared with other organisations such as the National Health Services. Continues on page 4.


Staff Contribution Scheme kicks off The Staff Contribution Scheme which came into effect in January 2015 is attracting a growing number of university staff from across the board. This scheme has triggered the interest of academic and non-academic members of staff.

Message from

the CEO

In 2014 the Research Trust (RIDT) raised over €400,000 from the community. By no means can anyone argue that this is enough for the requirements of a modern university that wants to seriously contribute to our country’s socioeconomic wellbeing.

On the other hand, this performance shows that the community is responding to our call for support. The RIDT, set up a mere four years ago has been aggressively promoting the notion that university research should find its place in the community’s list of valid causes that require support. It is very clear that our appeal is being heard and acted upon. Around 60% of the funds raised in 2014 came from foundations, NGOs and the general public. The rest came from corporates. Probably this can be interpreted to mean that the culture change is happening faster in the ‘not for profit’ organisations than in the corporate sector, and that we need to put more effort in our approach to this important sector of society. That will be one of our major tasks for this year. Above any other entity or organisation, research funding should primarily be the duty of the state, given that such an investment will eventually benefit society in the medium-to-long-term. It will also in the long term help reduce government spending on health and on other major expenses, while creating tomorrow’s jobs, with direct positive impact on the country’s economy. Community funding should in no way substitute government funding of research, but should supplement it. A community that believes in the capabilities of its human capital and invests in them is a healthy community. A state that invests and that encourages research is a state with a long-term vision. Wilfred Kenely Chief Executive Officer


In its fund raising drive, the RIDT has managed to secure funds mainly for specific projects. The staff contribution scheme will go towards financing valid projects that so far, however, have not managed to attract a donor. RIDT believes that research funding is a responsibility to be shouldered by all stake holders, and that such a scheme is not intended to replace funding from government, but will help to supplement it. We have approached three members of staff who have enrolled in the scheme, and asked them to share their views on the matter. Albert Gatt is senior lecturer at the Institute of Linguistics. “I view research as an academic’s primary activity. Of course, this isn’t the only thing we do: teaching and administrative duties are an integral part of the job, but research is the fundamental property that distinguishes a University from, say, a training college or a school. In any case, I am convinced that the quality of what we impart to our students depends on the extent to which we actively engage with our chosen subject(s). “Our University is going through an interesting and exciting phase. It seems to me that research endeavours are being given greater priority than they used to be. But such endeavours cost money. While I certainly believe the state has a duty to invest in such activities, the current level of investment is clearly insufficient. Perhaps this is simply a question of time: policy will eventually “catch up” with the culture change that has gradually been taking root in academia. Be that as it may, we cannot afford to wait. The RIDT plays a crucial enabling role in this respect. Its fund-raising activities are premised on the notion that research funding is a long-term investment by different stakeholders, be they social or industrial partners. In my view, the Staff Contribution Scheme is a further step in this direction: where our research is concerned, we are all stakeholders and the Scheme is ultimately about “owning” what we do. This is why I support it.” Stefania Fabri is Director at the International & EU Office. She believes that although the staff contribution scheme is a relatively new practice for Malta, internal fund raising for research is an activity that established universities have been carrying out in a structured manner with increasing success. “The idea that we are not only recipients but also direct contributors towards our research trust fund should be looked upon as an opportunity for us to show endorsement of the research we are carrying out and a show of appreciation towards other fund-raisers who are also contributing for our growth in this area.” Edward Duca is Publications Developer and Editor of Think Magazine. “I’ve already signed up to the Staff Contribution Scheme because it’s important for everyone at university to show how serious we are about the need for research. Without a significant investment in research by government, industry and society, Malta will always lag behind other countries in its economic, political, or cultural weight in the World. The Staff Contribution Scheme is a clear signal that we are ready to put our money were our mouth is. Let’s invest in research today to build a better tomorrow.” We are pleased to announce that following discussions with the IT services, this scheme is now accessible to join on line. We would like to thank all the members of staff who have joined this scheme and look forward to welcoming others. Link to online contribution scheme: https://www.um.edu.mt/ridt/contributionscheme/ Research, Innovation & Development Trust


ALIVE 2015 GOES FOR THE GOLD RIBBON For the past two years ALIVE Charity Foundation have donated funds through RIDT towards PhD scholarships in breast cancer research. Shawn Baldacchino, the recipient of the first scholarship, is conducting research under the supervision of Prof. Christian Scerri (Department of Physiology and Biochemistry) and Dr Godfrey Grech (Department of Pathology).The call for the second PhD has just been issued.

This year ALIVE, in collaboration with Puttinu Cares, have opted for the gold ribbon, that is funds raised will go towards children cancer’s research. The Alive 2015 – Cycling Challenge for Cancer will be held from July 9 to 18 across seven countries. Forty-five cyclists are training and preparing for the ride.

The group will cycle around 150km every day from the Alps and finish off at the Puttinu Cares residence in Sutton, UK. Senior lecturer within the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Dr Pierre Schembri Wismayer will be conducting the research together with a team of researchers, in collaboration with Mater Dei Hospital.

“Much of the research already funded by Alive is aimed at better understanding the cancer’s genetic background in Malta and how to best tackle it. This time round, Alive 2015 will be funding research into actually treating the cancers. And for this we are very thankful,” Wismayer said. For more information please visit: www.alivecharity.com

Why we are proud to be DONORS Once again this year The Alfred Mizzi Foundation has derived much satisfaction from its sponsorship of the chair in Digital Marketing within the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy of the University of Malta.

It is very gratifying to know that a growing number of young graduates are leaving University with the knowledge and experience passed on by visiting lecturer Dr Ana Canhoto, and that through this they will be in a stronger position to raise the standards of marketing in Malta. The fact that our financial contribution is helping to make this happen, encourages us to persist in our mission. I cannot but mention that without the establishment of RIDT and the hard work put into sourcing funds for various projects with the University, Foundations like ours would not be harnessed into contributing. Research, Innovation & Development Trust


This year Alf. Mizzi and Sons Ltd. celebrates its Centenary. One hundred years of entrepreneurship, of commercial activity and growth based on hard work and sound business ethics.Yet we are still, in many ways, a leader in various areas of commerce and industry. This happens through continuous renewal, through believing in one’s potential and in that of the many hundred employees who work within the AMS group. Therefore, we feel that it is no less than our duty, to assist as best we can in the development of tomorrow’s business managers by giving them a strong start in their careers for their good and the good of the Maltese business community as a whole.

Keep up the good work, we hope that our involvement with the University of Malta, through RIDT will continue for many years to come. Julian Sammut Trustee The Alfred Mizzi Foundation


Dental outreach for a happy smile

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This project is being totally funded by the community through the RIDT, and will have a final price tag of around €120,000. Not exactly a piece of cake but, from the outset, we were convinced that we could make it. It took longer than we thought but we are now in a position to announce that the project is in its final stages and should be on the road in a matter of weeks.

Upcoming EVENTS THE SUNDAY LUNCHTIME CONCERTS AT TAL-PILAR CHURCH – WEST STREET, VALLETTA 17 May at 11:30hrs Intimacy in Music Performers Lumia Flute Quartet

SAVE THE DATE Science in the City 2015 Friday, 25 September 2015

RESEARCH ON THE WAVES Weekly radio slot on local research, every Tuesday at 18:30hrs on radio Malta 1 (93.7FM). Hosted by Susan Mulvaney.

Latest NEWS SUNDAY LUNCHTIME CONCERT SERIES LAUNCHED The first concert at tal-Pilar church featured the Cordia String Quartet in Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Christ.


The conversion work has been entrusted to the very capable hands of Mr Albert Bonnici, an engineer by training and a miracle worker by passion. Albert took a basic truck (he actually went round looking for the most suitable vehicle), designed the alterations and services and set to build the project, bit by painstaking bit, from fitting the air-conditioning system to the installation of the X-Ray machine and the dental chair. There are not enough words to thank Albert for this fantastic piece of work and for his attention to detail and above all, for the uncompromisingly high standards that he set for this project. The Mobile Dental Clinic is being financed by a number of companies, organisations and individuals who will be given due credit once the project is finalised. We are extremely grateful to the astounding generosity shown by these donors who made it possible for such an important national project to materialise.

THINK MAGAZINE Issue 12 of Think, the research magazine of the University of Malta is out. Read it on line – www.um.edu.mt/think

HER WAY – Helen’s Inspiration to life

For more information on the Research, Innovation and Development Trust, please contact us Tel: +356 2340 8201 Email: info@ridt.org.mt

A new book by Ingrid Zerafa on Helen Muscat, one of the founders of the Malta Hospice Movement and the chairperson and co-founder of Action for Breast Cancer Foundation. A women who was a true inspiration and a generous supporter of RIDT. The book is for sale from all leading book sellers.


For more information visit www.ridt.org.mt

The project has been spearheaded by Prof. Nikolai Attard, Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery and coordinated by Dr Gabriella Gatt, also from the Faculty of Dental Surgery.


As part of the Careers Guidance programme, a Careers Fair was held at St Martin’s College on 24th March. RIDT featured along with the other 30 institutions from various Faculties from the University of Malta, MCAST Institutes, Financial Services firms as well as Business and I.T. related course providers.

Research, Innovation & Development Trust


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